Activity On Persuasive Text
Activity On Persuasive Text
Activity On Persuasive Text
Activity 1. The text below is taken from . Read the excerpt from a
persuasive text and answer the questions that follow.
The purpose of the message is to persuade or convince the audience to work together
against climate change. They are also encouraging all countries like the first world countries to
cope up with climate change by donating to the Green Climate Fund and assisting the affected
countries of climate change that is also incapable to cope up with the effects. They are
persuading us to help each other, and work together against the climate change.
Activity 2.
By this time, you have already written an informative essay, and you have familiarized the
features of a persuasive essay. What do you think are the similarities and differences of these
essays? Complete the table below.
Informative Persuasive
What is it? Informative essay is a type A persuasive essay is a type
of essay that educates your of essay in which the writer
reader on a topic. They can attempt to get the reader to
have one of several agree with his or her point
functions: to define a term, of view. In this essay the
compare and contrast writer are trying to present
something, analyze data, or arguments, research, and
provide a how-to. They do ideas in order to sway the
not, however, present an reader one way or the
opinion or try to persuade other.
your reader.
What is the purpose of The purpose of The purpose
writing the essay? an informative essay is to of persuasion in writing is
educate others on a certain to convince, motivate, or
topic. Typically, these move readers toward a
essays will answer one of certain point of view, or
the five W’s: who, what, opinion. The act of trying to
where, when, and why. Of persuade automatically
course, they can also implies more than one
answer "how," indicating opinion on the subject can
how to do something. This be argued (University of
essay also aims to share, to Minnesota, 2011)
increase understanding, to
change the perceptions of
the reader and to assist the
reader in gaining a skill.
What are the features of The features of this essay From what I had learned,
this essay? which makes it easier to the features of the
identify is the way it persuasive essay are, it’s
presented, informative clear, concise, and this
essays may be presented in essay defines an issue,
graphics, and in position statements,
illustrations. Another arguments, and
features of this essay are counterarguments. This
written cues, such as italic essay also use stronger,
labels and bold fonts. Also, more powerful action, and
organizational features like modal verbs, adjectives,
bullets, headings, labels, and adverbs. Lastly, it is a
and subheadings is an combination of certain
another important feature types of claims, such as a
of informative essay. All Of fact or definition, cause-
these features are crucial in and-effect, value, solution,
enhancing the quality of or policy (BEST, 2015).
this essay.
Work with Might
Covid-19 has disrupted the lives of many and caused tremendous trauma. After almost a year,
vaccines have been developed. Many people hope that they would bring our normal life back,
but many are also hesitant about taking the vaccine and fear that they might bring death rather
than save lives. Thus, there is a need to educate the mass. Write a five-paragraph essay that
exhibits both information (facts about the COVID-19 vaccines) and persuasion (opinion why
people should get vaccinated). Use the template for a structured essay given below
(Note: Cite sources properly. Do not simply copy-paste information from the Internet or
newspapers. Understand what you are reading and state the ideas in your own words.)
Infection agents or diseases is one of the greatest enemy of human race. These diseases
had taken a lot of lives from centuries until now. COVID-19 is one of the example of these
diseases, affecting a lot of people worldwide and killing approximately five hundred thousands
of Asians, “just Asians and excluding China” from January 22, 2020 to June 23, 2021 (Our World
Data, 2021). Scientist are challenged to do their might in making a vaccine as soon as possible.
If you are thinking, “Why is the vaccine important, that as soon as this disease caused
pandemic, scientist and nations like America, did their best to come up with a vaccine for this
disease?” Vaccines are one of the great discoveries in medicine that has improved life
expectancy dramatically ( Merchant, 2021). Vaccines saved a lot of lives and prevented a large
amount of people from accumulating diseases that took a lot of lives from past years or
centuries. COVID-19 vaccines, like other vaccines, contain weakened or inactive parts of a
particular antigen that triggers an immune system response within the body (World Health
Organization, 2020). These vaccines ( COVID-19 Vaccines), are helpful and beneficial for the
human race.
One of the benefits of the vaccines (COVID-19 Vaccines) is that, it escalate your
immunity against COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines develop an immune response to the SARS-
Cov-2 virus. An improved immunity through vaccination, reduces the risk getting the virus
(World Health Organization, 2020). Global vaccine development efforts reduced incidents,
hospitalizations, and deaths in the United States (Moghodas, et al., 2020). This proves, that
the immunity of the Americans from COVID-19 was strengthened after being vaccinated. If
COVID-19 vaccines, will also lessen the effects or symptoms of COVID-19, if ever
you’ll attain it. COVID-19 is still a threat to people who are unvaccinated. Some people who
get COVID-19 can become severely ill, which could result in hospitalization, and some
people have ongoing health problems several weeks or even longer after getting infected.
Even people who did not have symptoms when they were infected, can have these ongoing
health problems (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020). Vaccines shift
Lastly, these vaccines will prevent the spread of the virus. Hence, being vaccinated will
protect your loved ones and the people around you. Rumors are spreading on the internet and
on social media platforms that COVID-19 vaccines are not safe and this will put the lives of the
people at risk. This only shows that health education is needed, for some people are ignorant
about this. Vaccines will protect us all, and this is the main purpose why scientist build this. A
candidate vaccine need to undergo several stages before it can be given to people. They need
to pass to the the exploratory science, pre-clinical testing (often on animals), then clinical
development (which includes three phases of human trials), and finally regulatory review and
approval, manufacturing and quality control (Joi, 2021). So how does it reduce transfussion?
Through testing animals, researchers studied the transmission of COVID-19, and they concludes
that immunisation with COVID-19 vaccines could stop animals from passing on the virus. Then,
transmission, which involved more than 365,000 households with a mix of vaccinated and
unvaccinated members.They found out that immunisation with either the Pfizer or AstraZeneca
vaccine decreased by 40-60% the chance of onward virus transmission (Juno & Wheatley, 2021)
. This is a great help, 40-60% will assist us in stopping the virus and protecting our fellowmen.
COVID-19 vaccines play an important role in preventing and protecting us from COVID-
19. This virus (COVID-19) had taken a lot of lives, this tells us that it is not a joke. We need to
get vaccinated, to stop this virus. Vaccination have a lot of benefits that could bring us, it will
increase our immunity, allays the symptoms of COVID-19, and will inhibit the spread of the
Merchant, H.A. CoViD vaccines and thrombotic events: EMA issued warning to patients
and healthcare professionals. J of Pharm Policy and Pract 14, 32 (2021).
Juno, J., Wheatley, A. (2021). Mounting evidence suggests COVID vaccines do reduce
transmission. How does this work?
Swan, D., Bracis, C., Janes, H., et al. (2020). COVID-19 vaccines that reduce symptoms but do
not block infection need higher coverage and faster rollout to achieve population impact.