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Siddhant Maheshwari

126,2950 S University Dr
Fort Worth, TX 76129
Contact: (832)-6000-441
Email- [email protected]

Texas Christian University
Neeley School of Business – Bachelor of Business Administration. Class of 2025
Ahmedabad International School, India
High school diploma- Interntional baccalaureate diploma program (IB) , Class of 2021
GPA- 3.8, Academics - Honors level coursework in Business management, Economics, Mathematics, English language,
Environmental science, and Hindi.
 Head boy / President of the student council- Elected by 1000+ student body to represent the students. Head of
organizing, planning, and hosting of school events. Mentored Junior students to foster leadership and
communication. Executed changes in School sports facilities. Appreciated by Principal for commitment.
 Founder -TEENOCRACY Platform (Instagram) - Solely Created a platform for teens to Exchange Diverse
Experiences, via Videos, fostering a community of young leaders. Curate & Post Videos of Teen's Experience on
a topic - Directed their content & Developed a Resource Blog. Awarded by the city mayor.
 President, India - Young investors society (YIS)- First Indian member of YIS. Initiated Club in India with 50+
members, to create an Investing Community. CYIA honor. Student Advisory board- Heading their expansion to
India for Financial literacy. Learnt Investing lessons & taught it on YIS Intenational.
 Frog Aides- Chosen in freshmen year on the basis of leadership potential, Personality and communication skills
to be a part of the leadership cohort. Team leader for small group project on global awareness. One of two
international students in the cohort of 50.
 External affairs chair: South Asian Intercultural association- Head of external communication and maintaining
relations with other organizations and vendors. Assisted the president in event planning and budgeting.
• TCU Faculty Scholar
• Young investors society (YIS)- Certified young investment analyst (CYIA) honor
• International Finance Olympiad- Country topper (top 5 in the amongst 200 participants)
• Global economics Olympiad – State topper (amongst the top students in the region)
• Student representative of Hinduism for Religious and spiritual life (RSL) office.
Parker Securities Ahmedabad, India
Equity Research & Trading Intern April 2020 – June 2021
▪ Evaluate publicly and privately held corporations by analyzing financial statements, macroeconomic trends, and
industry characteristics across multiple sectors to assist in the investment of the firm’s
▪ Assist and job shadow the CEO in meetings, presentations, and conference calls with management teams.
▪ Handled the development of PowerPoint presentations and excel sheets for the financial data and stock reports.
▪ Learned valuable lessons on time management, stock evolution, and financial acumen.
➢ CAS project- Head of Teaching. Organized Service Activities at Government school and Widow Island in
Cambodia on a school trip. Led A team of 6 volunteers for teaching the Underprivileged kids Math & English,
using Collaborative learning activities. Volunteered in painting the school and revamping its plantatio
➢ Volunteer in Tree plantation & Food-Distribution drives of Lions club. Guided new Volunteers for activities.
Administer Data entries for organization event.
➢ Student representative of Hinduism in Religious and Spiritual life board.
➢ Volunteer for DASH program
Technical Skills : Microsoft Office (Excel, PowerPoint)
Soft skills: Communication, Leadership, Organization management, and Networking.
Interests: Weightlifting, reading, soccer, cold brew coffee, healthy eating, and mindfulness mediation.

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