Vital Role of Human Mind For Prosperous Life: V.Vijaya Prabha, D. Sanjeev Kumar

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International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics

Volume 117 No. 8 2017, 113-116

ISSN: 1311-8080 (printed version); ISSN: 1314-3395 (on-line version)
doi: 10.12732/ijpam.v117i8.23
Special Issue

Vital Role of Human Mind for Prosperous Life

V.Vijaya Prabha1, D. Sanjeev Kumar2

Department of Human Excellence, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore.
Department of Aeronautic Engineering, Kumaraguru College of Technology, Coimbatore. [email protected]
Abstract: these constitute the eightfold division of My Nature. (Gita,
The human mind perceives and relishes everything VII-4). Mind is nothing but life force energy (Atma-Sakti).
in the Universe. Living without understanding the qualities Brain is one that wants rest (sleep), but not the mind. A
and the greatness of the mind is a meaningless existence. Yogi who has controlled the mind never sleeps. It gets pure
The Mind +Humanity = Human. Humanity – Mind = Not rest from by meditation only.
Human (Like Animal), so man without mind can't be able to
live. This knowledge gives essential prosperity and The mind being very subtle is in close apposition or
happiness to life. To understand the mind fully, the Divine contact with other minds, though the human skull intervenes
State from which it has been originated has to be realised, between them. As mind evolves, you come into conscious
followed by a knowledge of the origin and existence of the relation with the mental currents with the minds of others -
living and non-living things in the Universe. This paper near and distant living and dead. The individual mind
discusses about the Mind is the field which gives birth to all although separated from the mind-substance used by other
actions. individuals. It is really in touch with the other apparently
Key Words: Mind, Perceive, Prosperity, Divine State, separated minds and with the universal mind of which it
Realise. forms a part.
What is Mind?
Some people think that the mind is the brain or
some other part or function of the body, but it is incorrect.
The brain is a physical object that can be seen with the eyes
and that can be photographed or operated in surgery. The
mind, on the other hand, is not a physical object. It cannot
be seen with the eyes, nor can it be photographed or curial
by surgery. The brain therefore is not the mind but simply
part of the body.
There is nothing within the body that can be identified as
being our mind because our body and mind are different Mind is no other than Ahankara, the idea of „I‟. It is
entities. For example, sometimes when our body is relaxed indeed difficult to eschew this idea of „I‟. Mind always
and immobile our mind can be very busy, darting from one attaches itself to something objective (Sthula). It cannot
object to another. This indicates that our body and mind are stand by itself. It is only this mind that asserts itself as in
not the same entity. this body. The idea of is the seed it for tree that like for
According to Vethathiri Maharishi Said, “Life force mind. The sprout which first springs up from this seed of
particles in their self rotator whirling movement produce bio Ahankara is Buddhi. From this sprout, the ramifying
magnetic waves and these waves function as Mind. When branches called Auto Suggestion (Sankalpas) have their
bio magnetic waves are passing through the brain, it origin.
functions as mind”(2). Origin of Mind:

Every man has a mental world of his own. Every

man entirely differs from another man in mode of thinking,
temperament, taste, mentality, physical characteristics, etc.
Physically also a man differs from another man, although
there might be slight resemblance. Observe carefully the
part of human body, five sense objective, way of talking,
Philosophy of mind: etc., of different men to men. You will find vast differences
Mind is one of the space energy (Ashta-Prakriti). between any two persons. Even the lines of the palm will
“Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, reason and egoism -

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

differ. No two leaves are alike. Variety is the beauty of


Mind is nothing but a collection of action

(Samskaras). It is nothing but a bundle of habits. It is
nothing but a collection of desires arising from contact with
different objects. It is also a collection of feelings aroused
by worldly botheration. It is a collection of ideas gathered
from different objects (4).

Manas, Buddhi, Chitta and Ahankara are only

Vritti-bhedas or functional aspects of the mind. The Manas
has all things for its objects and extends through the past, Kosha refers to a kind of „cover‟. Mind centres among these
present and future; it is one only, but has various functions. five Kosha and functions. When the mind acts to fulfil the
You are a Judge when you exercise your judicial powers in body needs it acts as the cover of the body.
the court. You are a cook when you work in the kitchen.
You are a president of an association when you sit in the Science based on Mind:
chair in that capacity. You are the same man, but you
function differently and you are called by different names The mind is the collection of bio magnetic wave
according to those different functions. Similarly, when the which has the self transforming capability and which has a
mind does (Sankalpa-Vikalpa) will-thought and doubt, it is whirling speed. The speed or the mental frequency can be
called Mind; when it discriminates and decides, it is Buddhi; measured as cycles per second. Encephalograph is an
when it self-arrogates, it is Ahankara; when it is the apparatus that records in the form of drawing the electrical
storehouse of Samskaras and seat of activity of the brain, which is called encephalogram (EEG).
memory, it is Chitta; also when it does focus and follow EEG is an apparatus that records in the form of
(Dharana and Anusandhana). drawing the electrical activity of the brain. As well as know
Function of the Mind: that the bio magnetic waves whirl around all over. Even the
When these bio magnetic waves function through brain cells are controlled by these waves which are
five sense organs we feel all the five senses. As this happens otherwise called the mind. It we consider brains EEG as
the bio magnetic wave continuously go out of the body mind‟s EEG it may mean the same.
through skin, tongue, eyes, nose and ears. When it passes
out through eyes we „feel‟ the light. Through ears we feel
the sound. Through nose we feel the smell and through skin
we feel the body contact with another object. Mind is works
based on two aspects (1). There are,
 Compresses and stores everything in a miniature
form as imprints.
 Explain them in full forms as thoughts.

The power of the bio magnetic wave stores the light waves
of an object, seen through the eyes, in the form of imprints
in the genetic centre. These imprints bring back the „objects‟ The scientists using EEG have discovered that
to our memory when required. mental frequency level is from 1 to 40 cycles for second
(CPS). When the mind function as five senses the mental
Thinking, planning, feeling, knowing are the frequency at four level. There are
various activities that are going on in the mind. Sometimes  Beta (14 to 40 CPS) -
you plan. Sometimes you feel. Sometimes you try to know. Awake, Normal alert,
Sometimes you think seriously. Sometimes you will Consciousness.
(volition). Volition brings all the mental faculties into play.  Alpha (9 to 13 CPS) -
You must be able to know by introspection what exactly is Relaxed, Calm, Lucid, Not
going on at different times in the mind. thinking.
 Theta (4 to 8 CPS) - Deep
Philosophically Mind‟s functional stages are five. relaxation, Meditation, Mental imagery.
They are,  Delta (1 to 3 CPS) - Deep
and Dreamless sleep.
1. Annamaya Kosha
2. Manomaya Kosha But a normal man remains in Beta stage. In sleep and in
3. Pranamaya Kosha deep thinking he reaches Alpha stage. Only a few with
4. Vignanamaya Kosha meditations and introspection try to reach the other two
5. Anandamaya Kosha stages. But everyone can reach the Delta stage with regular
meditation and leading a spiritual life (5).
The psychologists describe the frequency at four levels and
three types of Consciousness. When, mind function as an
extended activity of life force particles its functions can be

International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue

seen in three divisions. 1. Conscious Mind, 2. Sub - 2. Thathuvagnani Vethathiri‟s Maharishi‟s,

conscious Mind and 3. Super - Conscious Mind. The sub “Mind” The World Community Service
conscious mind connects the other two. Among these three, Centre, Vethathiri Publications,2005.
sub- conscious mind is important. The knowledge acquired 3. Vethathiri Maharishi‟s, “Five Steps for
on doing the action gets imprinted in subconscious state. Realization of Truth”, The World
Other View of Mind: Community Service Centre, Vethathiri
Mind in our body is compared to a guest house and publications, 1996.
our mind to a guest dwelling within it. When we die, our 4. Sri Swami Sivananda, “Mind – Its
mind leaves our body and goes to the next life, just like a Mysteries and Control”, 12th Edition, The
guest leaving a guest house and going somewhere else. If Divine Life Society Publication, 1994.
the mind is not the brain, nor any other part of the body, 5.
what is it? It is a formless continuum that functions to
perceive and understand objects. Because the mind is
formless, or non-physical, by nature, it is not obstructed by
physical objects.
It is very important to be able to distinguish
disturbed states of mind from peaceful states. As explained
in the previous, states of mind that disturb our inner peace,
such as anger, jealousy, and desirous attachment, are called
„delusions‟; and these are the principal causes of all our
suffering. We may think that our suffering is caused by
other people, by poor material conditions, or by society, but
in reality it all comes from our own deluded states of mind.
The essence of spiritual practice is to reduce and eventually
to eradicate altogether our delusions, and to replace them
with permanent inner peace. This is the real meaning of our
human life.
The essential point of understanding the mind is
that liberation from suffering cannot be found outside the
mind. Permanent liberation can be found only by purifying
the mind. Therefore, if we want to become free from
problems and attain lasting peace and happiness we need to
increase our knowledge and understanding of the mind.
Rejuvenate the Mind:
The blood circulation, heat circulation, air
circulation and life force energy circulation give effect to
function of mind. The healthy body is create the positive
thinking and also gives sound mind.
Meditation is a great training for rejuvenation
of mind. It brings the mental frequency from Beta level to
Alpha, Theta and Delta leading to self realization and
consciousness of the mind to traverse through the universe
and Absolute Space gaining eternal wisdom (3).
Needs and habits and „individually felt pleasure
and worries‟, become the limits of consciousness. When
one limits his sixth sense only for these emotional aspects
the mind always stays emotionally. At this stage the sixth
sense gets blunt and becomes functionless.
Benefits of Meditation: The physical, emotional,
psychological and spiritual benefits of meditation might
 Higher levels of energy, Creativity and spontaneity.
 Lower blood pressure.
 Increased exercise tolerance and angry
 Better concentration.
 Decreased Stress, Depression and Anxiety.
 Fewer cravings for alcohol and cigarettes.
 Increased job satisfaction.
 Better relationships with others.
1. Vethathiri‟s Maharishi‟s, “Yoga for Modern
Age”, The World Community Service
Centre, Vethathiri Publications,2009.


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