Vital Role of Human Mind For Prosperous Life: V.Vijaya Prabha, D. Sanjeev Kumar
Vital Role of Human Mind For Prosperous Life: V.Vijaya Prabha, D. Sanjeev Kumar
Vital Role of Human Mind For Prosperous Life: V.Vijaya Prabha, D. Sanjeev Kumar
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue
The power of the bio magnetic wave stores the light waves
of an object, seen through the eyes, in the form of imprints
in the genetic centre. These imprints bring back the „objects‟ The scientists using EEG have discovered that
to our memory when required. mental frequency level is from 1 to 40 cycles for second
(CPS). When the mind function as five senses the mental
Thinking, planning, feeling, knowing are the frequency at four level. There are
various activities that are going on in the mind. Sometimes Beta (14 to 40 CPS) -
you plan. Sometimes you feel. Sometimes you try to know. Awake, Normal alert,
Sometimes you think seriously. Sometimes you will Consciousness.
(volition). Volition brings all the mental faculties into play. Alpha (9 to 13 CPS) -
You must be able to know by introspection what exactly is Relaxed, Calm, Lucid, Not
going on at different times in the mind. thinking.
Theta (4 to 8 CPS) - Deep
Philosophically Mind‟s functional stages are five. relaxation, Meditation, Mental imagery.
They are, Delta (1 to 3 CPS) - Deep
and Dreamless sleep.
1. Annamaya Kosha
2. Manomaya Kosha But a normal man remains in Beta stage. In sleep and in
3. Pranamaya Kosha deep thinking he reaches Alpha stage. Only a few with
4. Vignanamaya Kosha meditations and introspection try to reach the other two
5. Anandamaya Kosha stages. But everyone can reach the Delta stage with regular
meditation and leading a spiritual life (5).
The psychologists describe the frequency at four levels and
three types of Consciousness. When, mind function as an
extended activity of life force particles its functions can be
International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Special Issue