Memory Based Paper - SBI PO Prelims 2020-21 (English Language) Questions

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Memory Based Paper – SBI PO Prelims 2020-21 (English Language) Questions

Direction (1-5): In each of the questions given below, VI. The edifice that held the party together from

a set of sentences is given, which when properly 2004 to 2014 when it was in power at the Centre has
sequenced, form a coherent paragraph. Arrange the crumbled.
sentences in the correct sequence and answer the 1. Which from the following is the first sentence

questions that follow. after rearrangement?

I. The Congress has set the ball rolling for A. I.
organisational elections in a period of great B. II

uncertainty in the party. C. III

II. The post of the president has been vacant D. IV

after Rahul Gandhi resigned in the aftermath of the E. None of the above

Lok Sabha election debacle in 2019, Sonia Gandhi 2. Which from the following is the third sentence
filled in as interim president but the leadership after rearrangement?
vacuum has aggravated the morbidities of the party A. I

since then. B. II
III. Its performance in the recent Bihar election C. III

was abysmal, made stark by the fact that Mr. Gandhi D. IV

chose to go on a vacation in the midst of the E. V

IV. The Central Election Authority of the party 3. Which from the following is the second

hopes to have a session of the All India Congress sentence after rearrangement?
Committee by February 2021 that will elect the A. II
Congress Working Committee and possibly a new B. IV

president. C. V
V. In an extremely difficult political environment, D. VI
the party has been drifting, aimless and rudderless. E. None of the above

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Memory Based Paper – SBI PO Prelims 2020-21 (English Language) Questions

4. Which from the following is the fifth sentence 7) Its chief feature(A) is that the reader(B)is given
after rearrangement? the process(C)to play along and engage in
A. I the opportunity(D)of deduction.
B. III a) A-D

C. IV b) C-D
D. V c) A-C, B-D

E. None of the above d) A-B, C-D

5. Which from the following is the sixth sentence e) B-D

after rearrangement? 8) Urgent(A) that all these measures(B) are true, the

A. II fact remains that there is an Assuming(C)need to

B. III check the accelerated costs and initiate
C. IV suitable reasons.(D)
D. V a) A-D
E. VI b) C-D
c) A-C, B-D

Directions (6–8): In each of the following questions a d) A-B, C-D

grammatically correct and meaningful sentence is e) B-D
given with four words given in bold in each. Which of
the following words should replace each other to form Direction (9-12): In each of the questions given below

a meaningful and grammatically correct sentence. a part of the sentence is given in bold. It is then
The meaning can be different from the one in followed by three options. Find the alternative that

question. can replace the given bold part to make the sentence
6) Also, important (A) down notes (B)for your seniors grammatically and contextually correct. If none of the
on ward rounds (C) is probably not the alternatives is correct and the sentence is correct as

most jotting(D) thing. it is then select option (E) as your choice.

a) A-D 9. Most often, reports prepared for the RBI’s internal

b) C-D working groups barely draw much attention

c) A-C, B-D beyond the relevant circles in the banking and

d) A-B, C-D financial services industries and rarely ever evoke
e) B-D protest.

I. reports prepared by the

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Memory Based Paper – SBI PO Prelims 2020-21 (English Language) Questions

II. reports prepared in the III. Most arguing at that

III. reports prepared of the A. Both I and II
A. Both I and II B. Both II and III
B. Both II and III C. Only I

C. Only I D. Only II
D. Only III E. No correction required

E. No correction required 12. For all its regulatory powers and supervision

10. The panel, which was tasked within reviews capabilities, the RBI failed to spot the build-up of
ownership norms and corporate structure for private troubled exposures at Yes Bank in time.

sector banks, has made worthwhile suggestions I. powers and supervisory capabilities
including ways to harmonise licensing norms for all II. authorities and supervisory capabilities
banks including older legacy lenders and newer III. powers with supervisory capabilities
entrants. A. Both I and II
I. with reviewing ownership norms B. Both II and III
II. with reviews ownership norms C. Both I and III

III. at reviewing ownership norms D. Only II

A. Both I and II E. No correction required
B. Both II and III
C. Both I and III Direction (13-16): The following question carries a

D. Only I statement with two blanks. From the given options,

E. No correction required choose the word that would fit in both the blanks to

11. Most arguing is that the panel, which make the sentence grammatically correct and
consulted with experts ranging from former RBI meaningful.
officials to legal and finance professionals, clearly 13) She had to ___________ her neck out of the

acknowledges that all but one of these outside window outside to see the __________ sitting in a

experts were unequivocal in their opinion that given herd near the pond.
the prevailing far-from-ideal corporate governance A) Turn

culture, corporates ought to be barred from promoting B) Crane

banks. C) Run
I. Most intriguing is that D) Take

II. Most intriguing for that E) Strain

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Memory Based Paper – SBI PO Prelims 2020-21 (English Language) Questions

14) The boy took the girl out for a _________ and It is illegal to hoard, for black marketing, essential
treated her to her favourite dessert of ice-cream and goods in drought-affected areas. Overcharging of
___________ commodities and services during any natural disaster
A) Date is always a ………………(A). It is a crime against

B) Apple humanity to make a profit during any human tragedy.

C) Associate On the contrary, there is (and should be) empathy

D) Keep and concern about human suffering. (B) Such

E) Grow solidarity(1) is a belongings(2) of the need to: prevent

15) The pencil has a sharp ___________ but it is further damage and destruction, rescue and

dangerous to _________ a sharp object at anyone. evacuate(3) affected people to safer zones, and
A) Weapon salvage recognition(4) and meet their minimal
B) Edge survival needs. For this nobody is charged. Instead, it
C) Point is considered as relief work which comes out
D) Journalist profusely as charity; a humane gesture.
E) News The COVID-19 pandemic is also a human tragedy

16) You were absolutely _______________ in making and needs global solidarity. It is definitely not a time
a quick ______________ turn at the next crossroad in to be doing business and making a fast buck. Making
order to avoid the forest area. enormous profit out of a human tragedy is shameful.
A) Cargo Unfortunately, such a sense of shame is missing in

B) Mantle the international trade market. (C) When economies

C) Onus crumbled in much countries, e-commerce and

D) Right gadget-based gaming business boomed/ and in the

E) Liability novel coronavirus pandemic,/ there are numerous
examples of companies having made enormous

Direction (17-23): Read the passage carefully and profits/ in the supply of personal protective equipment

answer the questions given below it. There are some and kits and ventilators./
blanks given in the passage based on which some In a liberalised economy, there is a shocking silence

questions are framed, and some words are in the global market trying to do business out of
highlighted as well to help you answer some of the human suffering. Business lies in selling technologies
questions. around COVID-19, the diagnostics, drugs and

vaccine candidates. This is where organisations of

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Memory Based Paper – SBI PO Prelims 2020-21 (English Language) Questions

the United Nations and global networks for people 17. Which of the following word given in the options
should come together in one voice. The World Health should come at the place marked as (A) in the above
Assembly, in May 2020, in ………………(D) of the passage to make it grammatically correct and
obstacles to equitable access to COVID-19 meaningful? Also, the word should fill in the two

technologies such as vaccines, diagnostics, sentences given below to make them contextually
medicines, PPE kits and machines, set up correct and meaningful?

mechanisms to counter it. (E) When the entire(a) (I) : Government officials were caught in an

global population, estemated(b) to be nearly eight embezzlement ……………….

billion people, is in need(c) of a vaccine (still being (II) : Her behavior caused a ……………… at school.

tested and yet to be approved(d)) then production at A) condemn

full capacity and supply to every country will take B) scandal
time. C) gratify
We cannot allow the rich and the strong to grab D) parleys
everything first. (F) The advance purchase E) None of these
agreements that some countries have negotiated with 18. The sentence given in (B) has four words given in

____________________________. Such vaccine bold. amongst the given bold words which of the
nationalism undermines equitable access to following must replace each other to make the
vaccines. (G) There has to be prioritisation(1) for sentence contextually correct and meaningful?
high-risk groups in all countries, especially in the A) Both 2-1 and 3-4

least developed, low- and middle-income nations, B) Both 1-3 and 2-4
that framework(2) has to be dispute(3) by the global C) Both 2-3 and 1-4

community without accepted(4). In this, the COVAX D) 1-3

partnership is a mechanism for ensuring that. E) 2-4
GAVI, or the Global Alliance for Vaccine Initiative, 19. In the above passage, sentence (C) may or may

was in existence during the pre-COVID-19 period to not have an error in one part of the sentence, select

ensure the pooled procurement and equitable supply the part having error in it as your answer.
of life-saving vaccines to low- and middle-income A) When economies crumbled in much countries, e-

countries. It has been roped in for the COVID-19 commerce and gadget-based gaming business
vaccine too. boomed
B) and in the novel coronavirus pandemic,

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Memory Based Paper – SBI PO Prelims 2020-21 (English Language) Questions

C) there are numerous examples of companies D) exert pressure on TRIPS. This is a pragmatic step
having made enormous profits for the time being
D) in the supply of personal protective equipment and E) None of these
kits and ventilators. 23. The sentence given in (G) has four words given in

E) No error bold. among the given bold words, which of the

20. Which of the following should fill the blank given following must replace each other to make the

in (D) to make it contextually correct and meaningful? sentence grammatically correct and meaningful?

A) reprimand A) 1-3
B) debate B) 1-4

C) smacks C) 2-3
D) cognisance D) 2-4
E) None of these E) 3-4
21. A sentence with four bold words is given marked
as (E). These are numbered (a), (b), (c) and (d). One
these words printed in bold might either be wrongly Directions (24-28): In the following sentence, one

spelt or inappropriate in the context of the sentence. part of the sentence has an error. Find out that
Find out the word that is inappropriate or wrongly particular part and select the appropriate option. If
spelt, if any. there is no error in the sentence, choose E as your
A) Only a answer:

B) Only a & c 24) Doctors on Lagos State embarked on a (A)/

C) Only a & d three-day strike from July 13 to 15,(B)/to protest the

D) Only b absence of adequate safety and welfare(C)/

E) All correct measures for doctors working with COVID-19
22. Which of the following phrase should fill the blank patients.(D)/ NO Error (E)

(F) to make it contextually and grammatically correct

A. Doctors on Lagos State embarked on a
and meaningful?
B. three-day strike from July 13 to 15
A) having nothing less than vaccines
C. to protest the absence of adequate safety and
B) public good must definitely be the long-term goal
C) pharmaceutical companies exemplify such
D. measures for doctors working with COVID-19
adverse trends
E. no error
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Memory Based Paper – SBI PO Prelims 2020-21 (English Language) Questions

25) Liberian fishing communities are threatened (A)/ such sick tree. (C)/ The department will then send
by Chinese super trawlers capable of catching (B)/ experts for the treatment of the tree.(D)/ No error (E)
about twice the nation’s sustainable catch-(D)/
A. Dalai also stated that the Department will be
potentially decimating vital fish stocks in just a few
B. issuing a dedicated phone number were
years. (D)/ No error. (E)
A. Liberian fishing communities are threatened C. can inform the department if they come

B. by Chinese super trawlers capable of catching across any such sick tree
C. about twice the nation’s sustainable catch – D. The department will then send experts for the

D. potentially decimating vital fish stocks in just a treatment of the tree.

few years. E. No error

E. No error 28) The contract is a part of the MoU signed (A)/
26) With the decline in the Thai and worldwide among India and the Maldives in 2019 to set up three

economy, (A)/ businesses and factories have closed neighbourhood (B)/ fish processing plants costing
and migrant workers have been (B)/ among the first around USD 1.5 million (C)/ in Maradhoo, Hithadhoo
people lay off.As Thailand has enteredthe worst and Hulhudhoo. (D)/ No errors (E)

economic recession (C)/ at its history, migrants

A. The contract is a part of the MoU signed
whonormally work for daily wages are facing tough
B. among India and the Maldives in 2019 to set up
times. (D)/ No Error. (E)
three neighbourhood
A. With the decline in the Thai and worldwide C. fish processing plants costing around USD 1.5

economy million

B. businesses and factories have closed and D. in Maradhoo, Hithadhoo and Hulhudhoo.
migrant workers have been E. No error

C. among the first people lay off. As Thailand has

entered the worst economic recession Directions (29-30): In each of the questions given
D. at its history, migrants who normally work for below, a word is given followed by 3 sentences, each

daily wages are facing tough times. with a blank. Find out which of the sentences the

E. no error given word or any form of it would fit the blank and
27) Dalai also stated that the Department will be (A)/ mark your answer.
issuing a dedicated phone number were people (B)/ 29) Ubiquitous
can inform the department if they come across any

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Memory Based Paper – SBI PO Prelims 2020-21 (English Language) Questions

A) When I was a child, I thought my parents were A) More than anything my dad wants my mom to
___________________because it seemed as if they _________________ him by singing her favorite song
knew every mischief I did. at their anniversary dinner.
B) Since my best friend loves the color white, she B) Before Sheldon decides to _______________his

made sure the hue was __________________ during date, he should know she is deaf and may not
her wedding. appreciate his gesture.

C) As evidenced by the increased number of C) As a ___________________, the department store

shootings, violence has become a offered free chocolates and drinks to all its patrons.
__________________ epidemic in America. A) only A

A) C and A B) only B
B) Only B C) B and C
C) B and C D) A and B
D) A and B E) A, B and C
E) A, B and C
30) Serenade

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