KRA Master List

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KRA Master List

Marketing Materials / Stores Manufacturing

Sales Volumes RM Inventories Production
Realization/Profitability Cost of Inventories Yield
Customer Compliance Unusable stocks Machine Utilization
FGs Inventories Material Mix and cost WIP Levels
Reliability of sales forecast RM Reliability Dispatches
Receivables Conformance with Requirements Productivity/Man
New Products, New Markets % incoming rejections Plan Compliance
Order load situation Sub-contract Supply Quality Cost of Manufacture
Contribution/MT Sub-contract Supply reliability Cycle Time
Product Mix

R&D and Quality PPC/IE Projects

TQM Implementation
KRAs ISO 9000 Sustenance IE projects Benefits -Achieved/Planned Project Progress by
Quality levels WIP Management Budget/Targets
Customer Complaints Capacity Utilization Time
New Products/Processes Delivery Compliance Cost
Quality Improvement Projects Plan Compliance/Deviation Corrective actions
Cost of quality Waiting for materials +/- impact of variances
Rejection Levels Mfg. delays
Product Costs Excess/Short Production

HRM Finance & Accounts MIS

Absenteeism Interest Cost
KRAs Employee strength - Approved/Actual Performance Feedback to Operations
Overtime Cost of Capital
Employee Cost/MT Budgetary Control
Industrial Relations
Training Programs
Work Culture/Discipline

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