Psychology of Color

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Psychology of Color

The brain receives signals from three different color channels: red, blue, and green. When the brain
receives a mix of these signals, we perceive colors that are mixtures of these three primary colors
through a process called color addition (Think Quest “Color Psychology”). All colored visible light can
be expressed as either mixtures or consistencies of red, blue, or green, which by perception between
the eyes and the brain, produces the vast spectrum of color that exists to humans and other
organisms alike. With the ability to alter our moods and bodily functions, color has more of an impact
on us than we may realize. Each color produces different effects on humans, bringing about
numerous physiological and psychological changes as unique as the color itself. Its presence
everywhere in our daily lives makes these effects inevitable, no matter how unaware we are of them.
Colors not only alter the state of our mind and body but can also reveal a lot about ourselves,
including our personality, experiences, and ability to evoke memories. Colors can be categorized into
two groups, warm colors and cool colors. Warm colors consist of any shade of red, orange, yellow,
and pink. They can evoke emotions ranging from feelings of warmth and comfort to feelings of anger
and hostility. Cool colors consist of greens, blues, and purples. Although they generally create a
calming, soothing effect, they can also bring feelings of sadness or indifference (Kendra Cherry “Color
Psychology: How Colors Impact Moods, Feelings, and Behaviors”). Although each of the colors within
these two groups produces altercations somewhat similar to those of its group members, they create
their own objective, one-of-a-kind effects on the human body and mind. Red is one of the three
primary colors, as well as one of three different color channels the brain receives signals from. It
represents blood, heat, passion, love, intensity, danger, and is often associated with Christmas and
Valentine’s Day (Nicholson, Mary, Dr. “Colors and Moods”). Being a very stimulating color, whenever
the sight of it is picked up and signaled to the brain, red activates the adrenal glands. Physiologically,
red can increase heart rate, respiration, appetite, and blood pressure. It can also raise stamina and
improve the functioning of the central nervous system (Kate Smith, “Color: Meaning, Symbolism, and
Psychology”). The psychological effects of red include feelings of anger, vitality, and a sense of
protection from fears and anxieties. Red can also increase enthusiasm, irritability, and sensuality.
With its ability to dispel negative thoughts, it encourages confidence, action, and ambition (Think
Quest). In a study by professor of psychology Andrew Elliot and researcher Daniela Niesta, it has
been demonstrated that the color red makes men “feel more amorous towards women” (Science
Daily “Red Enhances Men’s Attraction to Women, Psychological Study Reveals”). Even before the
experiment, research provided both empirical and biological support to Elliot and Niesta’s claim.
Empirically, red has been associated with romantic love and passions across cultures and the
millennia. Biologically, they found faith in humans’ deep evolutionary roots to primates. Research has
shown that “nonhuman male primates are particularly attracted to females displaying red. Female
baboons and chimpanzees, for example, redden conspicuously when nearing ovulation, sending a
clear sexual signal designed to attract males” (Science Daily). The study looked at men’s responses
to photographs of women under various color presentations. In one experiment, subjects were shown
a photograph of a woman framed by a border of red and either white, gray, green or blue. The men
were then asked questions about how attractive they found the women to be. Another experiment
consisted of two photos of the same woman in which the woman’s shirt was digitally colored either
red or blue. Along with questions concerning attraction, they were also asked about their intentions
about dating, such as “Imagine that you are going on a date with this person and have $100 in your
wallet. How much money would you be willing to spend on your date? " (Science Daily). The results of
the experiment showed that under all conditions, the women wearing or framed by red were rated
significantly higher in attractiveness and sexual desirability than the exact same woman shown with
any other color. Those whose favorite color is red are typically outgoing, impulsive, aggressive, and
restless in personality. Red is a color chosen by those who carry an open nature and a zest for life
(Annie B. Bond, “Your Favorite Color: What it Says About You”). Orange is a color that commands
much attention. It represents warmth, enthusiasm, exuberance, liveliness and is also associated with
Thanksgiving and Halloween (Nicholson). Physiologically, orange can stimulate the sexual organs,
benefit the digestive system, and strengthen the immune system. It incites activity, socialization, and
due to its hate-it-or-love-it quality, it also sparks controversy (Smith). Psychologically, orange relieves
feelings of self-pity, lack of self worth, and unwillingness to forgive. It can also open emotions,
increase energy, and even serve as a perceptual antidepressant (Think Quest). Due to its association
with arrogance, danger, and over-emotion, a survey proves that orange has been labeled as
“America’s Least Favorite Color” (Laurie Pawlik-Kienlen “The Subconscious Psychology of Color”).
People who prefer the color orange are often flamboyant, fun-loving, and enjoy living a social life.
They can be somewhat histrionic and fickle, but are generally good-natured, agreeable, and popular
(Bond). Yellow is an uplifting color that is most associated with optimism, intellectuality,
enlightenment, happiness, and signs of a bright future. Yellow can increase alertness and
decisiveness, encourage communication, and stimulate the muscles and lymph system. Yellow can
also activate the brain, spark clear, creative and intelligent thoughts, encourage memory, and
stimulate mental processes (Smith). In a psychological sense, yellow brings feelings of happiness and
increases perceptiveness, self-confidence, and optimism. It aids in discernment, good judgment,
organization, and understanding (Think Quest). However, a dull yellow can bring feelings of fear.
Those who favor yellow generally tend to be adventurous, shrewd, and carry a strong sense of
humor. They can often shun responsibility due to their freedom-loving personalities, but are usually
clear and precise thinkers who have a good outlook on life (Bond). As one of the three color channels,
green occupies more space in the spectrum visible to the human eye than most colors. Green
represents nature, health, abundance, wealth, good luck, growth, peace, and clarity. Green can help
acquire physical equilibrium and relaxation, and has been shown to be beneficial to the heart. It also
relaxes muscles and induces slower, deeper breathing (Smith). Psychologically, green has a
tranquilizing and balancing effect. It brings about comfort, laziness, relaxation, and harmony. It can
also alleviate nervousness and anxiety, and offer a sense of renewal and self-control (Think Quest).
Surveys show that Green is America’s second favorite color (Pawlik-Kienlen). It usually a color liked
by those who are gentle, sincere, and reputable. However, their tendency to be too modest and
patient can lead to their exploitation. They are generally community-minded people who prefer peace
at any price (Bond). Blue is the last of the three color channels. It is closely associated with
spirituality, melancholy, cleanliness, wisdom, sadness, trustworthiness, and commitment (Nicholson).
Being at far ends of the color spectrum, the color blue has almost entirely opposite effects of the color
red. Blue decreases appetite, breathing, heart rate and blood pressure. It also regulates sleep
patterns, keeps bone marrow healthy, and stimulates the pituitary and thyroid glands and causes the
production of calming chemicals. Blue brings feelings of calmness and relaxation. It can also
eliminate insomnia, aid intuition, and increase mental clarity and control (Smith). However, an
excessive amount of blue can be depressing and saddening (ThinkQuest). Surveys prove that the
color blue, being the least gender specific, is labeled as “America’s Favorite Color” (Pawlik-Kienlen).
People whose favorite color is blue are typically preserving, sensitive, and self-controlled. Even
though they can be worriers who are often cautious, they are faithful and have steady character
(Bond). Purple is the majestic color of mystery, creativity, unrest, and royalty (Nicholson). Being the
mixture of red and blue, the effects of the color purple contain elements from those of both red and
blue. Physiologically, purple can alleviate skin conditions; suppress hunger, balance metabolism, and
calm the mind and nerves. It can also be perceived as an antiseptic and a narcotic (Smith).
Psychologically, purple increases creativity, intuition, imagination, and sensitivity to beauty, high
ideals, spirituality, and compassion. It can balance the mind, cleanse emotional disturbances, and
combat states of shock and fear (Think Quest). Purple is the favorite color of adolescent girls. Those
who prefer purple over all the other colors tend to be artistic, individualistic, fastidious, and witty. They
can become aloof and sarcastic when misunderstood, but are generally unconventional, tolerant, and
dignified (Bond). Pink is associated with youth, romance, free spirit, lightheartedness, love
(Nicholson). Being a lighter tint of red, many aspects of red are evident in the color pink. Pink can
stimulate energy and help muscles relax. Like red, it also increases blood pressure, respiration,
heartbeat, and pulse rate. Pink offers feelings of calmness, protection, and a sense of nurture. It
encourages action, reduces erratic behavior, and sparks a desire to be carefree (Smith). Embodying
the gentler qualities of red, pink represents unaggressive sensuality and unselfish love. People whose
favorite color is pink are often charming, maternal, and gentle. However, they tend to desire a
sheltered life and require affection, “perhaps wanting to appear delicate and fragile” (Bond). Brown is
an organic color that represents reliability, approachability, the natural world, and connections with the
Earth (Nicholson). It provides a sense of orderliness, security, stability, and wholesomeness. It also
conveys withholding emotion and feelings of retreating from the world (Smith). Those who like the
color brown are generally steady, conservative, conscientious, and dependable. They may be tactless
and inflexible, but they are responsible and kind (Bond). Black, white, and gray are not considered
colors, but are shades. Although they elicit no physiological effects, they still bring about
psychological changes. Black represents authority, power, emptiness, sophistication, silence, and
death (Nicholson). It evokes strong emotions and sense of potential and possibility. Black produces
feelings of passiveness, emptiness, and being inconspicuous (Smith). Those who like black want to
give a mysterious appearance, which indicates a suggestion of hidden depths and inner longings
(Bond). White represents purity, neutrality, and safety (Nicholson). It aids mental clarity, encourages
the elimination of clutter, purifies thoughts and actions, enables fresh beginnings, and offers a feeling
of freedom and openness (Smith). However, an overabundance of white can bring feelings of
separation, coldness, and isolation. People who like white indicate a desire for perfection, simplicity,
and a recapture of lost youth and freshness (Bond). Gray is the shade in-between black and white. It
is associated with dignity, conservativeness, control, independence, and authority (Nicholson). Gray
increases independence, self-reliance, evasion, non-commitment, and lack of involvement (Smith). It
is unsettling and creates a sense of high expectations, separation, and loneliness. Those who like
gray are hard-working and often search for composure and a steady life with few ups and downs
(Bond). The effects and associations of a color vary from person to person subjectively. Changes in
the general effect of a color depend on some one’s personality, experiences, culture, and memories.
Through a subjective perspective of color, a negative association with a color could cause
undesirable effects and stir distaste towards that color. For example, if you receive a heartbreaking
letter sealed in a green envelope, green may now be your least favorite color due to a new
subconscious association with heartbreak and sorrow. In Elliot and Niesta’s study on the relationship
between attraction and the color red, they also concluded that “Although red enhances positive
feelings in this study, earlier research suggests the meaning of a color depends on its context. For
example, Elliot and others have shown that seeing red in competition situations, such as written
examinations or sporting events, leads to worse performance” (Science Daily). In a study conducted
by UC Berkley, researchers found that people’s color preferences were linked to their experiences.
“To conduct their studies, the researchers had four different groups perform four different tasks -
rating their color preferences, recording the objects they associated with each color, rating how they
felt about each object or matching an object to a color” (Rachel Banning-Lover “Study Links Color
Preference to Experiences”). They found that color preference was highly shaped by experience. For
example, one subject stated that their favorite color was pink, and then later admitted to having fond
memories in her sister’s pink bedroom, which would produce a positive association with the color
pink. The researchers also discovered a link between school spirit and color preferences. Those who
attended Berkley generally preferred their own school colors, blue and gold, over red, Stanford’s
school color. There has also been cross-cultural evidence that creates varying effects of color. “Cross-
cultural differences can occur in two ways - different cultures may have different objects that influence
individuals' perceptions of certain colors, or two cultures may have the same object but may associate
different feelings with that object” (Banning-Lover). For example, somebody from France may feel
energized around navy blue—although blues are typically calming—due to the widespread use of the
color in their country. Personality is a big, if not the biggest, impact on somebody’s preference and
perception of a color. In general, extroverts or those with energetic personalities are drawn to richer,
warmer colors, while introverts or those with relaxed personalities prefer cooler, more subtle colors
(Bond). Colors that are found in certain areas of our everyday lives have a reason for being there.
Understanding the objective effects of colors, many places have used certain colors to
subconsciously manipulate the public into feeling or acting a desirable way, most of the time without
them even realizing it. Red is commonly used in restaurants, both fast food and sit-downs, due to its
ability to increase the appetites of its customers and therefore increasing their likelihood of buying
more food. Orange is the color of most traffic cones and construction signs. Used to grab drivers’
attention, orange increases their awareness to prevent accidents. Green lights are often used in
forensics due to its ability to incite a confession from criminals more than any other color of light. With
its strong connection with the Earth, green is also used to promote environmentalism. Blue is
commonly used in hospitals to calm patients. Research also shows that people are more productive
in blue rooms, for example, weightlifters are able to lift heavier weights in blue gyms (David Johnson
“Color Psychology”). Pink is proven to reduce erratic behavior, and is therefore used in many prison
holding cells (Think Quest). Due to its ability to tranquilize, sports teams sometimes paint the locker
room of the opposing team pinks so their opponents will lose energy. White symbolizes neutrality and
is used for truce flags. It is also worn by doctors and nurses to imply sterility (Johnson). The roots of
studying the effects of color can be traced back to ancient cultures, such as the Chinese and
Egyptians. They practiced “chromotherapy, or using colors to heal. ” For example, “blue was believed
to soothe illness and treat pain,” while “yellow was thought to stimulate the body” (Cherry). Just like
color psychology received much skepticism in ancient times; it still receives much skepticism today.
No matter how unaware we are of the physiological and psychological effects of color, there is no
doubt that color has a huge impact on our lives, playing a role in moods, decisions, sensations, and
much more.

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