Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Inggris
Bahasa Inggris
GDP can describe the average income of each person in the economy of a country in a
certain period. In terms of GDP is the best tool in measuring how much goods and
services can be enjoyed by residents of a country. Logically, the higher a person's
income, the higher his life, which means the more prosperous.
In addition there are several other reasons why GDP is a perfect measure of well-being:
GDP does not include goods and services produced and consumed within
households. For example, child care in care centers is part of GDP, while child care
itself is not part of GDP. Volunteering also contributes to the welfare of society, but GDP
does not take this contribution into account. GDP does not include environmental
quality. If the environment is removed, companies will produce goods and services
arbitrarily without considering the pollution they cause. GDP will increase rapidly but
welfare may decline. The decline in air and air quality will be much greater and in the
profits derived from large production.
One of the salient characteristics of Indonesia is that the western part of the
country has a significantly larger contribution to GDP growth. Java (particularly the
Greater Jakarta area) and Sumatra, together, contributed to increasing Indonesia's total
GDP. The main reason for this situation is that the western part of Indonesia is located
close to Singapore and Malaysia. The third country in the course of history has worked
as a center of economic activity in Southeast Asia.