Mie 1628H - Big Data Final Project Report Apple Stock Price Prediction

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Apple Stock Price Prediction

Naga Raja Paidimarri

April 13th, 2019
[email protected]
MEng in Mechanical and Industrial Engineering
1. Introduction & Literature Review
Time series is simply a time-ordered sequence of observations (Wei, 2013), examples include data sets
such as daily closing prices, monthly unemployment figures, annual birth-rates, daily rainfall amounts,
and goods shipped from a factory. Timeseries has examples in many diverse fields ranging from
economics, business, engineering and sciences. By relying on time series analysis, the business and
organizations can forecast future demand to plan operations, manage resources to save cost and
improve profits. In this project our team performed time series analysis on Apple stock price. By
predicting the stock price, a trader can leverage this information by going long or short position.

The most fundamentally distinguishing feature in time series analysis is that the observations are
dependent or correlated. Time series analysis requires different methods and commonly used
statistical methods based on random samples may not be applicable. For instance, we cannot used
cross validation with random split. Traditionally the statistical methods used for time series are:
• Random Walks
• Simple and Damped Exponential Smoothing.
• Holt’s linear trend
• Autoregressive Integration Moving Average (ARIMA)
• Simple Moving Average

But over the time, machine learning methods are increasingly seen as an alternative to this traditional
methods and have more accuracy (Spyros Makridakis, 2018) but, they are computationally more
expensive in comparison to statistical methods. It is always advantageous to apply both methods
because statistical methods could be a simple benchmark for our machine learning models to check If
whether the extra effort for constructing the model and the computational requirement is giving us
any better predictions. Our group have used Simple moving average as a bench mark model. There are
many machine learning models used for timeseries (Nesreen K. Ahmed, 2010) such as Bayesian and
generalized regression neural networks, K-nearest neighbour regression, regression trees and SVR.

In general, every time series can be decomposed broadly in to three components

• Trend - Consistent upwards or downwards slope of a time series (Figure below)
• Seasonality - Clear Periodic pattern such as a sine function
• Noise – Erratic or random or unpredictable

Figure 1: Adjusted closing price of Apple on left and Trend part of the decomposition on the right

2. Business Problem
The aim of our project is to construct and compare machine learning models for stock price prediction
of Apple for different time horizons. By precisely predicting the stock prices we can anticipate the
expected movement and take a position in the market. The continuing aim is to develop a trading
strategy to see the profitability of the classification model.

3. Target Variable
This is a supervised machine learning approach and the target variable or independent variable is
adjusted closing price of Apple stock (please assume unless mentioned I am referring to adjusted
prices). The features are selected such that the correlation, time dependent nature of the series will
be taken in to account. The models considered are Moving Average, Linear regression, Random
Forests, Gradient Boosted trees and logistic regression (classification for trading). The reason for
limiting only to this simple regression models is due to the easy implementation of them in the Spark
ML Lib library.

4. Data set
We used data set derived from Quandl website and the main reason is to get the data of adjusted
prices. The following plot illustrate the difference in prices from both data sources. The yahoo data
only provides the Adjusted Close prices where as Quandl provides Adjusted prices of open, high, low,
close and volume. The difference in adjusted and actual close price is due to the nature of the market.
It happens when a company announces a dividend, or the stock of the company is split. The apple
stock is split four times with the most recent and biggest split happened on June 9 th, 2014 with 7:1
basis (apple).

Adj Open Open

Adj High

Adj Low

Adj Close
Adj Volume

Figure 2 Comparison of Quandl data (left) with Yahoo finance (right)

During the recent split, closing price decreased from 645$ on June 6th, 2014 to 93$ on June 9th, 2014. If
we were to train a machine learning model it would be biased and try to account this decrease in price
to some attributes unnecessarily. We can always calculate back the Actual close price from adjusted
price (investopedia)

5. Moving Average: Benchmark Model

The statistical model we used for benchmarking is simple moving average. Simple moving average is
nothing but an arithmetic mean of recent closing prices in a window. If we assume a window of ‘1’ we
are saying that tomorrow’s price is same as today and if the window size is ‘3’ we are saying that
tomorrow’s price is average of today and the two days before closing prices. The biggest drawback of
SMA is it cannot capture the acute changes in previous day prices.

Figure 3 Moving Average model for different window periods. RMSE on left and SMAPE on right

We can see that as period of window is increasing from 1 day to 6 days the RMSE and SMAPE values
are increasing for all the three different time horizons. We can say that the moving average is not a
good model for longer window periods. Tomorrows price is explained more by today’s price rather
than average of last six days. This also makes sense intuitively and better version of Moving average is
exponential smoothing where the weightage given to past prices decreases exponentially. Also, to note
is that the moving average is performing worse for longer time horizons.

6. Feature Engineering
The following table represents the features for predicting the closing price. We selected features to
account for different parts in a time series as explained earlier trend, seasonality and volatility.

Figure 4 Features created

I will explain all features by taking a date as example. If we assume, we want to predict the adjusted
close price for November 28th, 2018 then the first column “Actual” features correspond to adjusted
prices on November 27th, 2018. In “trend” column “Avg_Close_5” corresponds to average of closing
prices of 5 previous trading days to Nov 28th which are Nov 21 – 23, 26 -27 and “Avg_Close_0_1_3_5”
corresponds to average of prices of 27th, 26th, 22nd and 20th (the large gap is because Saturday and
Sunday no market). The seasonality column captures the seasonal variations because every Monday
there would be more trading because of market opening. The standard deviation of different window
periods such as last 21 and 84 trading days capture the volatility of the stock.

7. Feature Importance
We used linear regression and random forests to identify important features for all time horizons.
Our team observed that the importance of features has come out to be same in both models.

Figure 5 Important Features 1 Day Figure 6 Important Features 1 Week

Figure 7 Important Features 2 weeks Figure 8 Important Features 1 month

Figure 9 Important Features 4 months

1-day prediction means predicting the price for next trading day and 4 months means predicting the
price after 4 months (here we used exact dates for making the data so 4 months corresponds to 84
trading days). We can clearly see a pattern, as time horizon is increasing the most predictive features
are moving towards volatility. This is expected because for instance when predicting tomorrow’s price
recent prices are more important than the previous 84 days volatility.

8. Evaluation Metrics
Through out the project we used two evaluation metrics:

1. SMAPE (Symmetric mean absolute percentage error) : Based on relative errors.

2. RMSE (root-mean-square error): It is simply the square root the second sample moment of the
differences between predicted and actual values or simply, quadratic mean of these

Both are good because we are dealing with regression problem and they measure how close our
prediction is to the actual value. Since we are interested in correctly predicting the price these are right
metrics to choose. The main advantage of SMAPE is, it is a normalized error metric so we can
compare across time horizons because this is normalized for the price and share prices usually follow
an increasing trend. Due to this reason we choose SMAPE for the Final results table. Both metrics do
not distinguish with the direction of prediction (either predicting more or less that the actual).

9. Model improvement
There are many ways of improving the model performance and our group approached it in two
perspectives first, finding the right amount of training data and second, hyper parameter tuning.

Train – Test Split:

First, we started with linear regression. We increased the training data for a fixed test data (2 months,
4 months and 36 months) and calculated both SMAPE and RMSE. We can see in the plot below that as
we increase the training data linear regression is performing better and this nature is same for all the
test sizes. Providing more training data will improve the performance of linear regression. Another
point to note is increasing the test size, evaluation metrics are improving.

Figure 10: 1-day Prediction Linear Regression

Figure 11: 1-day Prediction – Random Forests Results Figure 12:1-day Prediction -Gradient Booosting Results

For random forests there is a trade-off and we can determine the optimum amount of train data
which gives best results. For Gradient boosting there is no clear pattern, but we can say that increasing
the training data is not improving the performance. I will explain the reasons for this behaviour in the
results and conclusion section.

Model Optimization
We developed our own user defined functions for performing fixed window rolling forecast cross
validation with 10 folds and grid search hyperparameter tuning. The function “crossval” takes any
spark data frame as input and splits it to 10 equal parts using the rank function on the data column.
Now, I merge using union function 1st,2nd,3rd splits as train and 4th split as test and send them as
arguments to “tuning_lr” function which would perform grid search on the list of parameters (another
argument) and stores the results. Next, I merge 2nd,3rd,4th as training and 5th split as test and repeat
this until the 10th split becomes the test by each time moving forward the window by 1 split. I take all
results and find out the average of results on test data.

These are the tuned hyperparameters for each of

the model for 1-day predictions. We only tuned for
1-day predictions due to limitations and 1-day
predictions models were the best performing in
comparison to other time horizons. In case of
random forests and Gradient boosting regressors
there are many more hyperparameters (spark) such
as “mininstancespernode” and “subsamplingrate” but we only choose to work on two most important
ones and it is assumed others would not have much effect due to less number of features (around 15).

10.Results and Conclusions

Our project compared three different machine learning models with a bench mark model for time
series prediction of Apple Stock. The final SMAPE values for all models at different time horizons after
identifying the best features, train test split and performing hyperparameter tuning (1-day
prediction) are given in the table below.

The simpler model Linear regression performed better in comparison to Random forests, Gradient
boost regressor and moving average. As expected, the machine learning has capability to explain the
behaviour of time series.

Figure 13: Final SMAPE values for all models

One of the reasons for poor performance of random forests which are based on decision trees is
random forests do not work well with time series data which has increasing trend. This is also
illustrated in this blog (medium) very neatly. After training the random forests on a training data
when it is tested on validation data which it has never seen before the random forests can never
predict values which are bigger than the training samples. But stock prices generally have increasing
trend and the test data would have on average higher value than the train. The random forests
simply put calculates good average of the new data from training data. Another point to note is that
all models are performing better in smaller time horizons and this is expected because as stock price
after 4 months can be influenced more by external factors

When we take the whole 38 years

dataset and train on 80% and test on
20% these are the results obtained. We
can the RMSE values for Random
forests and GBT is very high
comparison and this can be explained
by the above reason. Providing to less
data the model cannot generalized
well and providing more training data
the random forests can never predict
upward trend, so this is the possible
reason for random forests there is a trade off in train test split for obtaining good results (figure 11).

We have only developed the classification model but not implemented the trading strategy. I believe
for trading strategies classification methods give better returns because if we predict the stock price
tomorrow to decrease to 9.8$ from 10$ and sold the stock today but if the actual stock price
increases to 10.1$ we have lost money though, the SMAPE is good. constructing a model for
predicting if tomorrow’s price will go up or down should be a better strategy.

1. Do the hyper parameter tuning for more range of values and also for more parameters to
improve the accuracy if random forests
2. Try to remove the trend in the series by some statistical transformations such as differencing
and then apply random forests and gradient boosted trees
3. Our group has not explored advanced algorithms such as neural networks and this could
potentially perform better than linear regression
4. Do multivariate analysis by adding external factors such as currency rate and sentiment

12.Mentors Recommendations
Our mentor Reza Farahani was very helpful and approachable. His recommendations were mainly in
the side of feature engineering. Especially the features such as average of adjusted close of alternate
days and average of prices with a window of week (Avg_Close_0_1_5_15), maximum price in last 5, 10
and 84 training days were his recommendations. It is evident that these features were proved to be
important in longer time horizons. He also suggested us to not to focus much effort on classical models
like ARIMA as machine learning models would give better performance. He answered a lot of our
questions and guided us to good time series kernels in Kaggle. We referred to some of them but due to
limited functionality in spark we didn’t apply all of them.

We faced multiple limitations during the project and some of them are
1. Lack of native libraries for performing tasks such as rolling window cross validation
2. Lack of native libraries for statistical models such as ARIMA. There was a link provided to spark-
ts library which had all the stats models that leverage spark are developed by a developer
named Sandy Ryza (github) but the documentation was hard to infer and with our limited
knowledge in Java and Scala we decided not to move a head.
3. The community account with data bricks has limited computational capacity and due to this the
cross validation for model like random forests took hours to execute and many a times it has
stopped running in between throwing a memory error (“Connect Exception error: This is often
caused by an OOM error”)

My main contribution was in developing the code for performing train test splits, cross validation,
hyper parameter tuning and running them for different scenarios. Group discussion, contributing to
the analysis and presentation. Segregating all the teams work in the end.

Although the community edition of data bricks has limited computational capacity it had many good
features. I could see the power of spark and its parallel processing. For running a cross validation of
random forests, it made more than 10,000 spark jobs and I could also see the job numbers its details
and DAG graph (I didn’t understand it completely).

(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.quandl.com/
(n.d.). Retrieved from https://investor.apple.com/investor-relations/faq/default.aspx
(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.investopedia.com/ask/answers/06/adjustedclosingprice.asp
(n.d.). Retrieved from https://github.com/sryza/spark-timeseries
(n.d.). Retrieved from
(n.d.). Retrieved from https://medium.com/datadriveninvestor/why-wont-time-series-data-and-
Nesreen K. Ahmed, A. F.-S. (2010). An Empirical Comparison of Machine Learning Models for Time
Series Forecasting. Econometric Reviews.
Spyros Makridakis, E. S. (2018). Statistical and Machine Learning forecasting methods: Concerns and
ways forward.
Wei, W. W. (2013). Time Series Analysis. Retrieved from


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