Freemasonry and Islam With A Special Reference To Pakistan

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Islam is the religion of peace and harmony for all mankind. It was
Islam that brought light in darkness. But the
disbelievers have always tried to destroy Muslims and Islam. In
Quran Allah says:

"O Ye who believe! take not for friends unbelievers rather than
believers do ye wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves?"
Today there are more than six million Masons worldwide. The public generally
thinks of this organization in terms of a social fraternity like the Rotary Club,
which is only partly correct. Freemasonry is a self-improvement organization, one
of enrichment and of ideas where the member is ruled by intellectual capacity. A
Mason dedicates and devotes his life to the Divine and eternal truth rather than to
his own desires or any other worldly allegiance.

The origins of Freemasonry are shrouded in mystery, largely because the organization is very
secretive and members have kept its secrets well. Some legends suggest that the society dates back to
the time of Moses, but it is more probable that the beginning of Freemasonry dates to the construction
of King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.
The black and white checkered floor representing the floor of King Solomon’s Temple leads to one,
two, or three steps representing various degree levels. Set upon the mosaic pavement are the two
architectural pillars of Jachin and Boaz surmounted by a blazing star with an open Bible below
You would have heard much about DAJJAL-THE ANTICHRIST
from the Christian and Jewish authorities. But what did the
Prophet(PBUH) said about Dajjal,(the greatest fitnah,evil,test) that
will ever bifall on mankind. When Shall Dajjal appear? most of the
signs prevalent before the coming of Dajjal can now be observed. One
thing though is for certain ,if you're fortunate enough not to witness
the Anti-Christ, then your children certainly shall. before the Anti-
Christ shall appear, we have been told there shall be a SYSTEM, a
dajjal-system, that is up and running, that awaits his arrival. this
dajjal-system, will be the most evil and most corrupt satanic, kaffir
force in history.

This system shall promote mass immorality(Homosexuality, adultery,

fornication), Atheism(a belief that there is no god), Devil-worship, use
of USURY ( lending money at high interest rates), Intoxication(
Alcohol, Drug abuse), Crime, Injustice, Oppression (cruel and unfair
treatment of a group of people), Fitnah of the pen (Pornography ,
magazines ), Wars, Famine, massacres, Rape and suffering on an
immeasurable scale.

The Dajjal-system is of course as we know is FREEMASONRY .

Every single position in the United Nations, the EEC and every
position in the British parliament is held by people who are
freemasons. Freemasonry has something in the region of 700,000
members in England and Wales, yet the British public hardly know
anything about them. Freemasons secretly worship a Devil God,
known as JAHBULON, if you do not believe me (see pages 230-240 of
the International best selling book on freemasonry "The
Brotherhood”, by Stephen Knight & "Satanic Voices", by David. M.

The Jews, the Christians, the Atheists and Secularists, (people who
believe Islam should not be brought in education & politics), the
Munafiqin, the whole Kuffaar shall fall under the banner of the Anti-
Christ against Islam. It may also surprise you to know that all
Christian organisations are Masonic institutions. About 60% of the
Archbishops are freemasons and secretly practice Devil-worship(see
above mentioned books) . The first World member of the Free Masons
was Fredrick, Prince of Wales. The latest members include Prince
Philip the Duke of Edinborough and consort to the current Queen of
England Elizabeth II who herself is a grand patron to the Masons.
However behind closed doors the Free Masons were free to indulge in
the secret rights and rituals handed down to them by their ancestors
and these became the basis of their levels of membership
called Degree. The Free Masons were not content with power in
Britain alone their ambitions were far greater. In the years to come the
World and America being pledged by wars and revolutions each more
devastating than the other. However these were not the as commonly
believed the spontaneous effects of the downtrodden people but in
fact schemes created by the exclusive few driven by hunger for
absolute power. All this would take place from the very country from
which they had fled centuries earlier and will come to the base for the
Global domination.

If you want to know if a church is being used as a Masonic-Temple,

then look on the stained glass windows for a Masonic symbol such as
a snake and a dagger or a 'star of David'. If the church is in the shape
of a Greek Temple, then it is definitely used for Masonic purposes. In
Liverpool, the Roman catholic cathedral has many Pyramids which is
a Masonic symbol. There may be much fear about Dajjal, but the final
victory has been promised to the Muslims. Whereby every single Jew /
freemason shall be put to death. Imran Bin Hussain(RA) relates that I
heard Prophet(PBUH) saying "That since the birth of Adam(AS) till
the advent of Qiyamath (judgement day), there is no fitnah (evil,test)
much greater than that of Dajjal.

Dajjal will emerge from a place between Syria and Iraq, and his
emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan at a place called
Judea (Yahudea). He will have caused his Jewish parents much
distress and pain. The Jews will accept him as " THE MESSIAH" and
become his main followers. He will also have a great number of
women followers as well. The entire secular world ( Jews /
freemasons, Atheists, Christians,Hindus etc), shall unite under the
banner of the Anti-christ against Islam . Islam will be the only force
standing between him and the total world domination.
Huzaifah(RA) says "" Dajjal will be blind with one eye, this blind eye
will be swollen like a grape. There will be a thick finger like object in
his eye. The letters .........

"K, F, R" will be written on his forehead (meaning-unbeliever). Every

Muslim will be able to read these letters whether he is literate or
illiterate. He will travel at great speeds by means of a gigantic animal
like a mule."" (Muslim & Ahmad)

Note on a US Dollar$ bill ,there is a Masonic sign implicating Dajjal, a

pyramid with one eye-check it out if you don't believe it . Underneath
which is written ......... "Novus Ordo Seclorum"- translated as NEW

Ubaidah Bin Saamit(RA) says, Prophet (PBUH) said, "I have explained
Dajjal to you, but i fear that you might not have understood. Dajjal
will be short , and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will
be extremely twisted. If you have any doubt regarding Dajjal,
remember that your sustainer (ALLAH) is not one eyed (because
Dajjal will eventually claim to be God himself, and his followers will
accept him as such). He will be able to split a person into two and
bring him back to life again.

Huzaifah(RA) also says, "He will have with him WATER (Heaven)
and FIRE (Hell). In reality his hell shall be heaven and his heaven
shall be hell " (Muslim). In another Hadith Prophet(PBUH) has said,"
The Dajjal shall not know the difference himself between the two, if
you are forced to choose between the two, then choose his fire (hell),
for in reality , it will be cool water, and his water (heaven) shall be

Imran Bin Hussain(RA) says the Prophet (PBUH) said, " Those who
hear about Dajjal should stay far from him. By Allah! a person will
approach him thinking him to be a believer, but on seeing his
amazing feats(miracles) will become his follower." (Abu Dawood).
Dajjal will have the power to cause famine, earthquakes and
destruction on a mass scale.

Many Muslims will join the ranks of Dajjal on being afraid of his
power. Only those with very strong faith will be able to resist.
Remember that once you joined the Anti-Christ, your soul will be
doomed forever in the fire of hell. Allah guide and protect us from the
people who are making way for the Dajjal, and the Dajjal himself.

Historically the control & manipulation of the political opinion was

the Freemasons main weapon in gaining control of countries & states.
Once in control of the rulers & politicians of the country, laws &
political structures could be changed in accordance with their agenda.
However restricting the body not necessarily mean restricting the
mind, the freemason recognizes that their plan for Global government
hinges completely on subduing the masses to their agenda & thus
eliminating opposition to their cause & the greatest threat to their plan
posing more danger than any army or law is a threat of a free thinking
mind. In order to eliminate this threat & to achieve their objectives,
the Masons have got a plan, to control every aspect of the human life,
your Life

& the weapons they are using against you are in your very homes,
entertaining you and your children & gradually indoctrinating you
without you even realizing. In today's society people are spending
more & more time engaged with the modern media, television,
cinema, computer games, the internet. Popular fiction & popular
music are integral part of our lives. yet these provide a vast expanse on
information which you are taking either consciously or
subconsciously into your mind information on socity ranging from
ideals & morals & difference between right & wrong to the way
economies & the societies should be structured, pass before you every
single day. This media play a significant role in providing a basis
determining individual's view of the world and everything that exists.
Thus any one group in complete control of information placed in
these media will in effect the power to indoctrinate the entire
population of this world to their way of thinking & it is this fact the
Freemasons are exploiting.

The Masons are using the entertainment industry in particular to

condition people to their way of thinking. The methods they use are
many but their goal is same to impose their ideology, beliefs onto you
in such away that you begin to think as if its your own. Evidence of
their presence within popular entertainment is wide spread. Masonic
involvement in the industry is not a new thing. Mozart, a Freemason
himself created a symphony which was an open display of
Freemasonry. The symphony is based on an ancient story taken from
the Egyptian mythology. "Isas & ACyrus". The pagan rights of
Egyptian mythology formed through the Kabala, one of the
fundamental aspects of Freemasonry. It is from these same pagan
origins of Egypt that the symbol of the one eye stems.

Islam is the religion of peace and harmony for all mankind. It was
Islam that brought light in darkness. But the disbelievers have always
tried to destroy Muslims and Islam. In Quran Allah says:

"O Ye who believe! Take not for friends unbelievers rather than
believers do ye wish to offer Allah an open proof

Islamic world and Freemasons:

After Clement XII excommunicated Freemasonry in 1738,

under the pressure of his Christian subjects and with the
approval of the “ulema” (Islamic theologians) who were
thinking that “If the Pope declares that Freemasons arte
atheists, there must be some truth in his words” , Sultan
Mahmut I outlawed Freemasonry. Since that date
“Freemason” became synonym to “atheist” in the Ottoman
After the declaration of the second constitutional monarchy
in the Empire (1908), the Islamic reaction organized a revolt
in Istanbul. This revolt has been crashed by the “Action
Army” and Sultan Abdulhamid II has been dethroned. The
Action Army had been organized and commanded by
Freemasons. The committee of five deputies that came to
announce to Abdulhamit that he had been dethroned, were
Freemasons, all five of them. These facts have reinforced the
existing reaction to Freemasonry by the radical Islamic
community. The Sultan was also the Caliph of all Islam and
the guardian of the sacred grounds in Mecca and Medina.
Anything that happened in the Ottoman Empire influenced
the Arab and Islamic world at larg e.

In the years preceding the Second World War and also

during the War, the Nazi propaganda of a Judeo – Masonic
plot to govern the world, the actions of Sheriff Hussein in
Jerusalem and finally the creation of the State of Israel have
all strengthened this anti-Masonic feeling, this time with a
touch of anti-Semitism going with it. The Arabs regard
Freemasonry as a force against Islam, which even makes fun
of Islam, and which was the cause of the success of European
imperialism in Arabia. The atheist and anti – clerical stance
of the Grand Orient of France is reinforcing this current.

Freemasonry is outlawed, in general, in Arab countries.

There was a flourishing Freemasonry in Algeria, before it
gained independence. Freemasonry is prohibited in all Ara b
countries except Lebanon and Morocco. The lodges laboring
in the American bases in these countries are an exception.


The Grand Lodge of Morocco has been consecrated by the

GLNF in1999. M.W. Bro. Claude Charboniaud, Grand Master
of the GLNF, wishing to accomplish this ceremony with the
participation of the Grand Master of a Grand Lodge existing
in an Islamic country, has gracefully invited the Grand
Master of the Grand Lodge of Turkey, Bro. Sahir Talat Akev,
for a joint consecration ceremony. Our Grand Master could
not come because of his ill health and he passed away to the
Eternal East, on the 14 t h June 2000, the day of the
consecration of the Grand Lodge of Morocco. The Grand
Lodge of Turkey had been represented by another Grand

Earlier, on the 23 r d March 1973, the High Court of

Casablanca, after a long court procedure, had given the
verdict that Freemasonry was compatible with Islam. This
verdict has been published in Tesviye No. 51 [1], both in
Turkish and in its official French translation.

The Egyptian Freemasonry had been hand in hand with

Ottoman Freemasonry. When the Grand Lodge of Turkey,
after being recognized and later recons ecrated by the Grand
Lodge of Scotland, to obtain its recognition by the UGLE and
the G.L. of Ireland, proved that its origin was regular
showing that the Lodge Resne, one of its founding lodges,
had its charter from the Grand Lodge of Egypt, a regular
obedience at the time.

The Grand Lodge of Egypt had regular and irregular periods

in its history. Halim Pasha, the son od Mehmet Ali Pasha
from Kavala who was the first Khedive (viceroy) of Egypt,
founded the Scottish Rite in Turkey in 1861 and in Egypt in
1866, and has been supreme Grand Commander in both
countries. As the Grand Lodge of Egypt started to accept
some irregular rites, as the Rite of Memphis – Misraïm, the
UGLE declared it irregular and founded its own District
Grand Lodge in 1867, with Halim Pasha as its first Master.
The nephew of Halim Pasha, the Khedive Ismail who had the
Suez Channel opened, was probably a Freemason, but there
is no written record to prove it. On the other hand, his son
has been initiated without any doubt.

In 1952, after the King Farouk had been dethroned,

Freemasonry was disgraced and was closed after the 1956
Suez crisis, by Gamal Abdelnasser.

Today, in spite that the Rotarian wife of Husnu Mubarek,

President of Egypt, organizes the foreign relations of the
Egyptian Rotary, this organization is regarded as a
camouflaged Freemasonry by the radical Islamic community.

Mustafa El-Amin, in his book, “Freemasonry, Ancient Egypt

and the Islamic Destiny” compares the symbolism of the
Ancient Egyptian mysteries and Islamic scriptures with
those of the craft. According to El -Amin, although the
Masonic rites and symbols are derived from Egypt, they have
reached us through the Jews. Thus, the Jews had been
operational in the ridiculization of the wisdom of Egypt in
Masonic lodges. The writer says that the Shriners, with their
fez and crescents are mocking the Islamic religion. The
“problem” of “Masonry mocking the Moslem Faith” is also
treated by Dr. Paul Rich[2]; he states that: “The prohibition
of Masonry in the Muslim Countries of the Middle East is
paltry because there are aspects of Masonry which religious
people feel verge on mocking their faith. An example of
Masonic ritual which offends some, and that shows the gulf
between believers and Masons, is the resemblance between the
assassination and exhumation of the candidate in the third or
Master Mason degree and religious accounts of resurrection.
Almost nothing can be said to correct the ir common
interpretation of the third degree that the Mason is saved by
Freemasonry and not by religion”.

El – Azhar University in Cairo and the Islamic Jurisdictional


One of the most influential body in promulgating and

interpreting Islamic Law is the Islamic Jurisdictional College
(IJC)[4]. At its meeting on 15 July 19 78, it issued an opinion
concerning “The Freemasons’ Organization”.

The IJC declared: “After complete research concerning this

organization, based on written accounts from many sources,
we have determined that”[5]:

1. Freemasonry is a clandestine organization, which

conceals or reveals its system, depending on the
circumstances. Its actual principles are hidden from
members, except for chosen members of its higher
2. The members of the organization, worldwide, are drawn
from men without preference for their religion, faith or
3. The organization attracts members on the basis of
providing personal benefits. It traps men into being
politically active, and its aims a re unjust.
4. New members participate in ceremonies of different
names and symbols, and are frightened from disobeying
its regulations and orders.
5. Members are free to practice their religion, but only
members who are atheists are promoted to its higher
degrees, based on how much they are willing to serve
its dangerous principles and plans.
6. It is a political organization. It has served all
revolutions, military and political transformations. In
all dangerous changes a relation to this organization
appears either exposed or veiled.
7. It is a Jewish Organization in its roots. Its secret higher
international administrative board are Jews and it
promotes Zionist activities.
8. Its primary objectives are the distraction of all religions
and it distracts Muslims from Islam .
9. It tries to recruit influential financial, political, social,
or scientific people to utilize them. It does not consider
applicants it cannot utilize. It recruits kings, prime
ministers, high government officials and similar
10.It has branches under different names as a camouflage,
so people cannot trace its activities, especially if the
name of “Freemasonry” has opposition. These hidden
branches are known as Lions, Rotary and others. They
have wicked principles that completely contradict the
rules of Islam. There is a clear relationship between
Freemasonry, Judaism and International Zionism. It has
controlled the activities of high Arab officials in the
Palestinian problem. It has limited their duties,
obligations and activities for the benefit of Judaism and
International Zionism.

Given that Freemasonry involves itself in dangerous

activities, it is a great hazard, with wicked objectives, the
Jurisdictional Synod determines that Freemasonry is a
dangerous, destructive organization. Any Muslim, who
affiliates with it, knowing the truth of its objectives, is an
infidel to Islam”.
[1] Turkish Masonic magazine
[2] Masonic Musings, The Victorian Lodge of Research No.218, The
Craft in Islamic Countries
[3] Idem
[4] In the El – Azhar University, Cairo (C.L.)
[5] This is an edited summery


There are ongoing speculations nowadays on the Internet, regarding

the issue whether the Quaid (Muhammad Ali Jinnah) was a
Freemason. And believe me, I myself have been doing extensive
thorough research on this topic for quite some time now.
It is a fact that during his teenage youth the Quaid had gone to the
U.K. for higher studies. And he graduated with distiction from
Lincoln's Inn, later to be called to the bar at 11 Kings Bench Walk
during his stay at Hampstead. The Quaid, while still in the U.K., had
also eagerly joined the notorious "Fabian Society", a reformist-
Socialist party whose members included Freemasons George Bernard
Shaw and Annie Besant, to name a few. In fact, the official
Theosophical Order of Service in Pakistan records that the Quaid was
so deeply inspired and influenced by Besant that he called her as
"Amma" (mother) [Source: The Theosophical Order of Service,
Karachi, Pakistan. Managed by Jamshed Mirza]
Annie Besant was world-renowned Theosophist and the founder of
Co-Freemasonry, an irregular branch of Masonry which included
participation of women equally with men in all the rituals and rites
that the Order possessed. Annie Besant was herself influenced by
Helena Petrovna Blavatsky, the "Black Woman" (black in the sense of
character) who wrote the esoteric voluminous works such as "Isis
Unveiled" and "The Secret Doctrine".
I believe that the Quaid, being a man of great knowledge and repute
as we do consider him to be, must have known about the gathering in
which he was. But it is notable to mention here that he soon parted
ways with Besant, some years after she had formed the Home Rule
League in India, an exact subcontinental replica of the Irish Home
League which she also very repeatedly supported.
Did the Quaid not know what sort of woman Annie Besant was?
Probably he realised this later and hence, as mentioned earlier, parted
ways with her.
We'll go a little bit more back in history from here to the time when
the Quaid was struggling to get Dadabhoy Naoroji elected as an MP at
Central Finsbury. Naoroji was not only an orthodox Parsi priest
("Athurman") but also had written various volumes of work on
Zoroastrian history and wisdom [Source: Wikipedia]. He was also a
Freemason, member of both Lodge Southern Brotherhood No. 3311
E.C. and the Lodge South Cannanore No. 234.
There's little chance of the Quaid having known of Naoroji's Masonic
connections because even in those days, such identities were
extremely hidden and secret, away from public knowledge, only to be
rarely discovered in the same years or in the coming future.
The Quaid included among his friends Mr. Ebrahim Currimbhoy,
another Freemason and member of the Lodge Cannanore No. 234.
It is a little known fact that the Quaid was a Khoja Ismaili by birth,
which means his spiritual leader i.e. Imam was the Agha Khan. In
those days, it was Sir Sultan Muhammad Shah Agha Khan. And again
interestingly enough, the Agha Khan of that time was a member of the
Grand Lodge of India A.F. & A.M. (Bombay). Though accounts of the
Quaid's driver Abdul Hayy do state that he was not a very religious
Muslim, there is a good reason to believe that somehow or the other
the Quaid must have been influenced by his "Imam". There was a case
upon which I stumbled a few months ago, wherein it was stated that
upon the Quaid's death, Fatima Jinnah had gone to the Court to get the
Quaid's wealth divided according to Ismaili Law. She was assisted by
Liaquat Ali Khan. But like the present Iqbal Waljee, some other
Waljee (probably the present's ancestor) at the time had rejected such
an act because according to him "Jinnah had converted to Sunni Islam
in 1901" and hence his Will could not have been announced according
to Jafari jurisprudence. Allah Knows Best!
This case alone is interesting because we all know that the Agha Khan
was the only Muslim leader who was given the Guard of Honor and
the Royal Salute by the British Army because of his countless services
to the British Raj. So then why would a faithful Britisher want to, on
the other hand, help in the formation of Pakistan which was totally
against the British interests? What benefits did he foresee which led to
his being elected as the first President of the Muslim League and as
the Chairman of the team that went to meet Lord Minto? Allah Knows
When the Ali Brothers (Maulana Johar Ali & Maulana Shaukat Ali)
started the Khilafat Movement in 1919, with the 'helpful assistance' of
Mohandas Gandhi, the Quaid was personally opposed to the
"religious fanaticism" that followed and though he still admired the
British progress, he in part remained neutral because at the end it was
a matter of the Muslim Ummah as a collective whole, not just a nation-
state (Turkey) that was at stake, with the "Hijaz-e-Muqaddas"
(Sacred/Holy Sites) in danger of being controlled or demolished
(Allah forbid) by the Imperialist regime of Britain and her Allies.
It was Allama Sir Dr. Muhammad Iqbal who had written quite many
letters of persuasion to the Quaid to come to India:

"I know you are a busy man but I do hope you won't mind my writing
to you often, as you are the only Muslim in India today to whom the
community has right to look up for safe guidance through the storm
which is coming to North-West India and, perhaps, to the whole of
The Quaid's repeated links with the Zoroastrians of India is also
interesting. His wife Rattanbai was a Parsi who had converted to
Islam before marriage. The man who the Quaid had helped for a long
time was a Parsi intellect (Dadabhoy). And it was the Quaid's own
daughter Dina who had married Dinshaw Vadia, the son of a
renowned Parsi industrialist of India.
And it was the Quaid himself who said that Israel was "the illegitimate
child of the West". Such was the Quaid's passion. Similarly on Liaquat
Ali Khan, this is what Wikipedia has to say:

According to a document declassified in 2006, USA was involved in

the killing of Liaqat Ali Khan, then prime minister of Pakistan. Liaqat
Ali Khan had refused to dance on US tunes. The type of bullet used to
kill the Pakistani prime minister were in "use by high-ranking
American officers", and were "not usually available in the market"
[Reference: "Declassified Papers Shed Light on US Role in Liaquat's
Murder" by Syed Rashid]
Furthermore, when Liaquat Ali Khan had gone to the States and had
been given a lavish reception by the Jewish leaders and also great
offers and invitations, he straight-forwardly refused and rejected all of
And as far as I'm concerned, to be very honest, I have not come across
a single source which has definite provocative proof that the Quaid
was a Freemason. He had truly felt motivated to furthermore
spearhead the Muslim Community's aims to establish a nation state in
the name of Islam. All the Masonic hierarchies are bound to the Grand
Masonic Arch in Israel i.e. Zionists.
The first Masonic Temple of the Lodge of Hope and Perseverance was
built in 1859 at Anarkullee, Lahore.[3] Its site on Lodge Road is now
occupied by Lady Maclagan Government High School.[4]
The current Masonic Temple was built in 1914, using the foundation
stone from its predecessor,[1] on land that had once been a
garden.[5]The new temple was designed by Basil M. Sullivan,
Consulting Architect to the government of Punjab, mirroring the Shah
Din Building, both of which flanked Queens Road. For many years,
up to the early 1970s, it remained vacant and desolate, with locals
calling it the "Jadoo Ghar", or "magic house". It was later renovated for
use by the Punjab Chief Minister's Secretariat. Due to recent additions
to the Shah Din building, the two buildings are no longer replicas.[6]
In 1972 Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto, then Prime Minister of Pakistan, placed a
ban on Freemasonry and many other foreign organizations present in
the country.[2] The lodge was then disbanded and for a time the
building was unused. It has been used as a multi-
purpose Punjab government building.[12][13]
In the late 1980s the Heritage Foundation Pakistan and concerned
citizens of Lahore started a project to renovate the heritage buildings
on the Mall road, including this building.[14]
Aga Khan III Sultan Muhammed Shah was one of the founders and
the first president of All India Muslim league.
It is a little known fact that Aga Khan was a Freemason and a member
of the Grand Lodge of India A.F. & A.M. (Bombay).

Official website of Grand Lodge of India confirms that indeed Aga

Khan was a Freemason

Some of the Eminent Indian Masons

 Sir Phirozeshah Mehta  S.V. Sista
 Dadabhoy Nowroji Tata  Ayaz Peerbhoy
 Swami Vivekananda  Rasesh Mafatlal
 W.C. Bannerjee  Justice D.P. Madon
 Pandit Motilal Nehru  Justice Prakash Narain.
 President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed  J.B. Kanga
 Sir Dorabji Jamshedji Tata  D.D. Davar
 Goculdas Narottam Morarjee  M.P. Kapadia
 Ebrahim Currimbhoy  D.R. Pradhan
 Dr. B.G. Kher  R.K. Saiyad
 Bhulabhai Desai  Parikshit Sahni
 Dr. C. Rajagopalachari  Ashok Kumar Ganguly.
 Sir C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer  Dr. Phiroze Sethna.
 Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy  Nanik Rupani.
 D.L. Vaidya  G. L. Raheja.
 Dr. D.R. Bhandarkar  Narayan Varma.
 Sir N.G. Chandavarkar  Sir Reginald Spence.
 M.R. Jayakar  Jamshed N Guzder
 Dwarkadas Narainji  Dr. Shantilal J Mehta
 Sir Purshottamdas Thakurdas  Dr. Framroz Sethna
 Sir Chimanlal Setalvad  Dr. Homiyar Dastoor
 T.G. Khaitan  Dr. Mohanlal Modi
 Dharamsey Morarjee  Dr. Jamnadas Merchant
 Narsingir Pratapgir  Rustomji A Wadia
 Sir Bhalchandra K. Pradhan  David Shellim
 Dr. Sir Tehmuiji Nariman  Nariman S Patel
 P.M. Kanga  Damodar D. Meht
 Sir Sultan Mohammad Shah, Aga  Maharaja Jaya Chamaraja Wadeyar
Khan  Justice P.N.Khanna
 Dr. Badruddin Tyabji  Justice G Ramanujam
 Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan Dahlavi  Justice S.S.Ali
 Mohammadbhoy Currimbhoy  Justice R Bhattacharya
 Justice V Ramaswamy
 Ebrahim Rahimtulla Currimbhoy
 Justice S Natarajan
 Dr. R.N. Cooper
 Justice A.B.Saharya
 Dr. P.V. Cherian
 Dr Gaur Hari Singhania
 Maharaja Ganga Singh
 Maharaja Duleep Singh  Justice S Padmanabhan
 Maharaja Randheer Singh  Justice V Ratnam
 Maharaja Digvijay Smghji  Justice B.S.Sinha
 Maharaja Mahinder Bhupinder  Justice Devinder Gupta
Singh  H.H.Marthanda Varma
 Maharaja Yadvinder Singh  Justice U Sinha
 Maharaja Sir Bhawani Singh  Justice A.R.Lakshmanan
 Maharaja N.N. Bhup  Justice S Jagadeesan
 Maharaja J.N. Bhup  C.A.Ramakrishnan I.C.S.
 Maharaja R.J. Bhup  Prof M.S.Thacker
 Maharaja Viziaram Raj  Justice K Veeraswami
 Maharaja Chhatarsinghji  Justice T Ramprasad Rao
 Maharaja Mayurdhwaj Jaladhip  Cav.Dr.G.K Devarajulu
 Thakursaheb Daulatsinhji  Justice N.S.Ramaswamy
 Sir Gangadharrrao Patwardhan  Sitaram Jaipuria
 Shrimant Shankarrao Patwardhan  G Ramaswamy
 Balasaheb Pant  V.P.Raman
 Pantbahadur Raghunathrao  Srikanta Datta Narasimharaja Wadiyar
 Sir Jamshedjee Jeejeebhoy
 Sir Syed Reza Ali Khan
 His Holiness Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah,
 Sir Syed Ahmed Ali Khan Aga Khan
 Sahebzada Abu Samad Khan  Dr. Badruddin Tyabji
 Ibrahim Khan  The Nawab Of Pataudi Mansur Ali Khan
 Mirza Husain Yawar Khan  Lt.Gen.H.H.Maharaja Jivaji Rao Scindia
 Maharajkumar Mohammad Amir ,Maharaja of Scindia
Hyder Kha  Mr Madhav Rao Scindia
 Nawabzada Khan Mohammed  Maharaja of Bobbili
 Ardaseer Cursetji Wadia
 Nawabzada Syed Hussam
 Deshabandu Chittaran Das
 Nawab Jung Nawab Hyder
 Gaganendranath Tagore

 Nawab Sir Amin Jung Jung

 W.C.Banwejee
Bahadur  Sir Rash Bihari Ghose
 Chintamanrao Patwardhan  Kishab Chandra Sen
 Sampatrao Gaikwad  Romesh Chanra Dutt
 Shrimant Bhau Ramrao  Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Venkatrao  Sir Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar - Vice-
 Diwan Suryashankar Mehta Chancellor, Madras University
 Sheikh Abdul Khaliq  Dr. Malcolm Adiseshiah - Vice-
Chancellor, Under Secretary General
 Sorab M. Bharucha
 Sir. Samuel Runganadhan (first
 Mr. Zal Irani
India's High Commissioner in
London)  Dr. M.G.K. Menon - Scientist
 Sir David Devadoss, Judge,  Mr. K.P.S. Menon, I.C.S.
Madras High Court  Nawab Salar Jung
 Sardar Sir R.J. Vakil
 David Abraham

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