Freemasonry and Islam With A Special Reference To Pakistan
Freemasonry and Islam With A Special Reference To Pakistan
Freemasonry and Islam With A Special Reference To Pakistan
Islam is the religion of peace and harmony for all mankind. It was
Islam that brought light in darkness. But the
disbelievers have always tried to destroy Muslims and Islam. In
Quran Allah says:
"O Ye who believe! take not for friends unbelievers rather than
believers do ye wish to offer Allah an open proof against yourselves?"
Today there are more than six million Masons worldwide. The public generally
thinks of this organization in terms of a social fraternity like the Rotary Club,
which is only partly correct. Freemasonry is a self-improvement organization, one
of enrichment and of ideas where the member is ruled by intellectual capacity. A
Mason dedicates and devotes his life to the Divine and eternal truth rather than to
his own desires or any other worldly allegiance.
The origins of Freemasonry are shrouded in mystery, largely because the organization is very
secretive and members have kept its secrets well. Some legends suggest that the society dates back to
the time of Moses, but it is more probable that the beginning of Freemasonry dates to the construction
of King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.
The black and white checkered floor representing the floor of King Solomon’s Temple leads to one,
two, or three steps representing various degree levels. Set upon the mosaic pavement are the two
architectural pillars of Jachin and Boaz surmounted by a blazing star with an open Bible below
You would have heard much about DAJJAL-THE ANTICHRIST
from the Christian and Jewish authorities. But what did the
Prophet(PBUH) said about Dajjal,(the greatest fitnah,evil,test) that
will ever bifall on mankind. When Shall Dajjal appear? most of the
signs prevalent before the coming of Dajjal can now be observed. One
thing though is for certain ,if you're fortunate enough not to witness
the Anti-Christ, then your children certainly shall. before the Anti-
Christ shall appear, we have been told there shall be a SYSTEM, a
dajjal-system, that is up and running, that awaits his arrival. this
dajjal-system, will be the most evil and most corrupt satanic, kaffir
force in history.
The Jews, the Christians, the Atheists and Secularists, (people who
believe Islam should not be brought in education & politics), the
Munafiqin, the whole Kuffaar shall fall under the banner of the Anti-
Christ against Islam. It may also surprise you to know that all
Christian organisations are Masonic institutions. About 60% of the
Archbishops are freemasons and secretly practice Devil-worship(see
above mentioned books) . The first World member of the Free Masons
was Fredrick, Prince of Wales. The latest members include Prince
Philip the Duke of Edinborough and consort to the current Queen of
England Elizabeth II who herself is a grand patron to the Masons.
However behind closed doors the Free Masons were free to indulge in
the secret rights and rituals handed down to them by their ancestors
and these became the basis of their levels of membership
called Degree. The Free Masons were not content with power in
Britain alone their ambitions were far greater. In the years to come the
World and America being pledged by wars and revolutions each more
devastating than the other. However these were not the as commonly
believed the spontaneous effects of the downtrodden people but in
fact schemes created by the exclusive few driven by hunger for
absolute power. All this would take place from the very country from
which they had fled centuries earlier and will come to the base for the
Global domination.
Dajjal will emerge from a place between Syria and Iraq, and his
emergence will become known when he is in Isfahaan at a place called
Judea (Yahudea). He will have caused his Jewish parents much
distress and pain. The Jews will accept him as " THE MESSIAH" and
become his main followers. He will also have a great number of
women followers as well. The entire secular world ( Jews /
freemasons, Atheists, Christians,Hindus etc), shall unite under the
banner of the Anti-christ against Islam . Islam will be the only force
standing between him and the total world domination.
Huzaifah(RA) says "" Dajjal will be blind with one eye, this blind eye
will be swollen like a grape. There will be a thick finger like object in
his eye. The letters .........
Ubaidah Bin Saamit(RA) says, Prophet (PBUH) said, "I have explained
Dajjal to you, but i fear that you might not have understood. Dajjal
will be short , and his legs will be crooked. The hair on his head will
be extremely twisted. If you have any doubt regarding Dajjal,
remember that your sustainer (ALLAH) is not one eyed (because
Dajjal will eventually claim to be God himself, and his followers will
accept him as such). He will be able to split a person into two and
bring him back to life again.
Huzaifah(RA) also says, "He will have with him WATER (Heaven)
and FIRE (Hell). In reality his hell shall be heaven and his heaven
shall be hell " (Muslim). In another Hadith Prophet(PBUH) has said,"
The Dajjal shall not know the difference himself between the two, if
you are forced to choose between the two, then choose his fire (hell),
for in reality , it will be cool water, and his water (heaven) shall be
Imran Bin Hussain(RA) says the Prophet (PBUH) said, " Those who
hear about Dajjal should stay far from him. By Allah! a person will
approach him thinking him to be a believer, but on seeing his
amazing feats(miracles) will become his follower." (Abu Dawood).
Dajjal will have the power to cause famine, earthquakes and
destruction on a mass scale.
Many Muslims will join the ranks of Dajjal on being afraid of his
power. Only those with very strong faith will be able to resist.
Remember that once you joined the Anti-Christ, your soul will be
doomed forever in the fire of hell. Allah guide and protect us from the
people who are making way for the Dajjal, and the Dajjal himself.
& the weapons they are using against you are in your very homes,
entertaining you and your children & gradually indoctrinating you
without you even realizing. In today's society people are spending
more & more time engaged with the modern media, television,
cinema, computer games, the internet. Popular fiction & popular
music are integral part of our lives. yet these provide a vast expanse on
information which you are taking either consciously or
subconsciously into your mind information on socity ranging from
ideals & morals & difference between right & wrong to the way
economies & the societies should be structured, pass before you every
single day. This media play a significant role in providing a basis
determining individual's view of the world and everything that exists.
Thus any one group in complete control of information placed in
these media will in effect the power to indoctrinate the entire
population of this world to their way of thinking & it is this fact the
Freemasons are exploiting.
Islam is the religion of peace and harmony for all mankind. It was
Islam that brought light in darkness. But the disbelievers have always
tried to destroy Muslims and Islam. In Quran Allah says:
"O Ye who believe! Take not for friends unbelievers rather than
believers do ye wish to offer Allah an open proof
"I know you are a busy man but I do hope you won't mind my writing
to you often, as you are the only Muslim in India today to whom the
community has right to look up for safe guidance through the storm
which is coming to North-West India and, perhaps, to the whole of
The Quaid's repeated links with the Zoroastrians of India is also
interesting. His wife Rattanbai was a Parsi who had converted to
Islam before marriage. The man who the Quaid had helped for a long
time was a Parsi intellect (Dadabhoy). And it was the Quaid's own
daughter Dina who had married Dinshaw Vadia, the son of a
renowned Parsi industrialist of India.
And it was the Quaid himself who said that Israel was "the illegitimate
child of the West". Such was the Quaid's passion. Similarly on Liaquat
Ali Khan, this is what Wikipedia has to say: