Rabi 1938
Rabi 1938
Rabi 1938
A New Method of Measuring Nuclear Magnetic Moment* field for some given value of the frequency of the oscillating
field until the resonance is observed by a drop in intensity
It is the purpose of this note to describe an experiment at the detector and a subsequent recovery when the
in which nuclear magnetic moment . is measured very resonance value is passed.
directly. The method is capable of very high precision and The re-orientation process is niore accurately described
extension to a large number and variety of nuclei. as one in which transitions occur between the various
Consider a beam of molecules, such as LiCl, traversing magnetic levels given by the quantum number nz; of the
a magnetic field which is sufficiently strong to decouple particular angular momentum vector in question. An exact
completely the nuclear spins from one another and from solution for the transition probability was given by Rabi' '
the molecular rotation. If a small oscillating magnetic for the case where the variable. field rotates rather than
field is applied at right angles to a much larger constant oscillates. However, it is more convenient
field, a 're-orientation of the nuclear spin and magnetic to use an oscillating case the transition
field, in which
moment with respect to the constant field will occur when probability is approximately the same for veeuk oscillating
the frequency of the oscillating field is close to the Larmor fields near the resonance frequency, except that 8 is
frequency of precession of the particular angular mo- replaced by 8/2 in Eq. (13). With this replacement and
mentum vector in question. This yrecession frequency is with passage to the limit of weak oscillating fields, the
given by formula becomes for the case of i =-',
v = pH/hi = g(i) pe&/h.
&(5, —k)= sin& I~tr (1 —g)2+gv2j& I, (2)
(1 —g)2+ga2
To apply these ideas a beam of molecules in a 'Z state
(no electronic moment) is spread by an inhomogeneous
magnetic field and refocused onto a detector by a subse- where 8 is -', the ratio of the oscillating field to the steady
quent field, somewhat as in the experiment of Kellogg, field, g is the ratio of the Larmor frequency of Eq. (1) to
Rabi and Zacharias. ' As in that experiment the re-orienting the frequency r of the oscillating field. The denominator
field is placed in the region between the two magnets. of the expression is the familiar resonance denominator.
The homogeneous field is produced by an electromagnet The formula is generalized to any spin i by formula (17).'
capable of supplying uniform fields up to 6000 gauss in a In the theory of this experiment, t, in Eq. (2), is replaced
gap 6 mm wide and 5 cm long. In the gap is placed a loop by L/v, where L is the length of the oscillating region of
of wire in the form of a hairpin (with its axis parallel to the field, and v is the molecular velocity. P(-'„— -',
) must
the direction of the beam) which is connected to a source then be averaged over the Maxwellian distribution of
of current at radiofrequency to produce the oscillating velocities. How ver, the first term is not affected by the
field at right angles to the steady field. If a re-orientation velocity distribution if t is long enough for many oscillations
of a spin occurs in this field, the subsequent conditions to take place. The average value of the sin' term over the
in the second deflecting field are no longer correct for velocity distribution is approximately —,.
refocusing, and the intensity at the detector goes down. To produce deflections of the weakly magnetic molecules
The experimental procedure is to vary the homogeneous sufficient to make the apparatus sensitive to this effect,
the beam is made 245 cm long; the first deflecting field is
52 cm in length and the second 100 cm.
100 0 We have tried this experiment with LiC1 and observed
O 0 0 O 0 O
0 the resonance peaks of Li and Cl. The effects are very
striking and the resonances sharp (Fig. 1). A full account
of this experiment, together with the values of the nuclear
moments, will be published when the homogeneous field
zLJ is recalibrated.
LJ I. I. RAsl
P. KvsCH
Z o a
I- Hunter College (J. R. Z.),
z Columbia University
New York, N. Y.
January 31, 1938.