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LITURGY  It is from Scripture that the readings Example: Birthdays, anniversaries, graduations,
 It comes from the Greek word for a public are given and explained in the homily etc.
duty, a service, a public organization. and that psalms are sung; the prayers,  Time has an important place in our
 lts original meaning was some public collects, and liturgical songs are spiritual life: It helps us reconnect with
action performed by a citizen to benefit scriptural in their inspirations; it is God.
other citizens. from the Scriptures that actions and  There are two types of time: Chronos and
 In Christian liturgy we are not talking signs derive their meaning. (SC 24) Kairos
about what we do, rather we are talking  In consequence the celebration of the  Chronos is the time we measure. Ex:
about what God does. liturgy, whether of the Mass, hours, days, weeks, minutes
sacraments, sacramentals, or the  Kairos is the Lord's time. It is God's
MEDIATOR DEI NO. 25 liturgy of the hours, always includes special time. Kairos reveals his will for
 Liturgy is the public worship which our the proclamation of God's word. our lives.
Redeemer as head of the Church renders to  Ultimate aim of the liturgy:  The Liturgical year or Church calendar
the Father, as well as the worship which - perfect glorification of God and the helps us celebrate the life, death and
the community of the faithful renders to its sanctification of those who celebrate resurrection of Jesus. This is called the
Founder, and through him to the heavenly it (SC paschal mystery.
Father.  These are signified and brought about
 Liturgy is the worship rendered by the "by means of signs perceptible to the 1. Christ's saving work is celebrated in sacred
Mystical Body of Christ in the entirety of its senses." memory by the Church on fixed days
head and members.  The center of the Church's liturgy: throughout the year.
WHAT IS WORSHIP?  EUCHARIST Each week on SUNDAY the day callled the
 Worship is the interior reverence and  highest form of prayer aside from it has the Lord`s Day, the church commemorates the
homage offered to the Divine Majesty complete components of prayer because it Lord`s ressurrection.
through words and actions in public ritual. is the action of Christ Once a year at EASTER the church honors this
 Authentic worship is never empty resurrection and passion with the utmost
ritualism, but includes rendering justice to ESSENTIAL QUALITIES OF LITURGY: solemnity.
the poor, the widow and the orphan.  Trinitarian and Paschal In fact through the yearly cycle the Church
 It takes place in the individual Christian's - prayer is directed to the Father, unfolds the entire mystery of Christ and keeps
personal prayer, in group prayer, and through Jesus, in the Holy Spirit the anniversaries of the saints.
especially in Church's liturgical prayer.  Ecclesial
3 Types of Worship - liturgy is the prayer of the Church THE LITURGICAL DAY
1. Latria - an act of adoration or worship due gathered in assembly Each day is made holy through the liturgical
to God (Holy Trinity) alone (This is what  Sacramental celebrations of the people of God, especially
Catholics do during the Holy Mass). - liturgy celebrates through a pattern of through the eucharistic sacrifice and the divine
2. Hyperdulia - respect and honor towards ritual movements office. The liturgical day runs from midnight to
the BlessedVirgin Mary  Ethically Oriented midnight, but the observance of Sunday and
3. Dulia - respect towards the saints - liturgy relates directly to moral life solemnities begins with the evening of the
WHAT IS RITUAL?  Eschatological preceding day (the “vigil”). Vigils Lauds Terce
 Ritual, whether secular or religious, is a - liturgy celebrates the Good News of Sext None Vespers Compline The Liturgy of
social, programmed symbolic activity that our actual salvation theHours Sisters of Santa Rita Abbeysinging the
can create, communicate, criticize, or Liturgy of the Hours
transform the basic meaning of community ELEMENTS FOR LITURGY: • Divine office, also called canonical hours,
life.  A Common Activity liturgy of the hours, or liturgical hours, in
 Four constant traits: symbolic, - public act, assembly various Christian churches, the public
consecratory, repetitive, and involving  A rhythm of gestures, movements service of praise and worship consisting of
remembrance. - Using signs and symbols psalms, hymns, prayers, readings from the
SACROSANCTUM CONCILIUM NO. 7  Presided by a minister Fathers of the early church, and other
Liturgy is "an exercise of the priestly office of writings. Recurring at various times during
Jesus Christ," as "the whole public worship the day and night, it is intended to sanctify
performed by the Mystical Body of Jesus Christ, the life of the Christian community.
that is, by the Head and his members," and as • The Liturgy of the Hours
"an action of Christ the Priest and of his Body - Vigil – evening of the preceding day (ex.
which is the Church." Anticipated mass)
ELEMENTS FOUND IN THE DEFINITION: - Lauds – morning prayer
 Presence of Christ in the celebrations of the - Terce – mid morning prayer
Mass the sacraments, the word of God, and - Sext – noon time prayer
the divine office. - Non – mid-afternoon prayer; 3pm
 Role of the Church which Christ associates - Vespers – evening prayer
with himself in a capacity of minister. - Compline – night prayer; 8pm (before
 Phrases that indicates the Church's going to bed)
ministerial role in the liturgy:
1) Through the hands of the priests
2) When a person baptizes
3) When the Holy Scriptures are read
4) When the Church prays and sings
 Being an action of Christ and the Church,
the liturgy is a sacred action surpassing all The Liturgical year SUNDAY
others.  The notion of time helps us celebrate life "The Church celebrates the paschal mystery on
 Essential component of the liturgy: by marking and recalling the important the first day of the week, known as the Lord’s
- Sacred Scripture dates and events in our lives. Day or Sunday. This follows a tradition handed
down from the apostles and having its origin
from the day of Christ’s resurrection. Thus The Advent Wreath represents a custom that reading addresses the call of all people to
Sunday must be ranked as the first holy day of Christians have followed for centuries. salvation.
all." - COMPONENTS AND THEIR MEANING:  The Sunday following January 6 is the feast
 THE YEARLY CYCLE  a. Circular Shape - reminds us that God is of the Baptism of the Lord and ends the
"By means of the yearly cycle the Church eternal season of Christmas.
celebrates the whole mystery of Christ, from b. Evergreen Color - represents life and The Liturgical Color
HisIncarnation until the day of Pentecost and growth, gifts given us by God The color of the vestments for this season is
the expectation of His coming again." c. Four Candles - represent the long period of white or gold to show our joy.
waiting for the coming of the Promised A Symbol for Christmas
 Colors change with each liturgical
Saviour; symbolize the 4 Sundays of The manger, a trough used to feed animals,
Advent before Christmas served as the first crib for the baby Jesus. The
Sundays are along the outer circle1st Sunday of
1. First Candle - Candle of the Prophets; star proclaimed the coming of the king to the
Advent Each “spoke” represents one week
represents waiting/yearning for His wise men who followed it so they could pay
- Great feasts of the Church are in capital
coming homage to Jesus.
- Memorials of saints are in upper and 2. Second Candle - Candle of Bethlehem;
represents hope for His coming LENT
lowercaseColors change with each
3. Third Candle - Candle of the Shepherds; Is a preparation for the celebration of Easter.
liturgical season
represents joy for His coming Lent disposes catechumens and the faithful to
4. Fourth Candle - Candle of the Angels; celebrate the paschal mystery
represents grace/comfort that God gives us - Through stages of Christian initiation
d. Color of the candles/ribbons of the candles (catechumens)
Twofold character:
1. 3 violets/purples (1st, 2nd, & 4th Sundays) - Through reminders of baptism(faithful)
(1) as a season to preparefor christmas when
- reminds us the spirit of Advent-joyful and through penitential practices.
christ’s first coming to us is remembered
waiting for His coming Lent runs from Ash Wednesday through Palm
(2) as a season when that remembrance directs
2. 1 rose/pink (3rd Sunday) - represents Sunday& HOLY WEEK but excludes Sundays.
the minds and heart to await christ’s second
coming at the end of time.
joyful excitement we feel that His coming is  Prayer Fasting Almsgiving
Advent calendars advent is thus a period for already near. Ashes Soup & Palms
Note. On Christmas Eve replace all these with Sacrifice
devout and joyful expectation.
yellow or gold ribbons - to announce His birth Hot Cross Meatless
 Advent begins with evening prayer of the Buns Fridays
sunday vigil falling on or closest to 30 CHRISTMAS SEASON:  The Lenten Season begins on Ash
november and ends before evening prayer Next to the yearly celebration of the paschal Wednesday and ends on Thursday of Holy
on the vigil of christmas. The weekdays mystery (Easter), the Church holds most sacred Week up to the beginning of the Mass of
from december 17 - 24 prepare us more the memorial of Christ’s birth and early the Lord's Supper. From the time of the
directly for the lord’s birth by evoking manifestations. early Church, the forty days of Lent are
salvation history.  This is the purpose of the Christmas counted from the First Sunday of Lent until
 Each Mass includes one of the “O Season. Holy Thursday.
Antiphons” . . . . 1) The Christmas season runs from evening  The term Lent comes from a Middle
Advent begins with evening prayer of the prayer on Christmas Eve (the Vigil) English word that means springtime. Like
Sunday vigil falling on or closest to 30 2) Through thefeast of theepiphany the season of spring, Lent is a time of
November and ends before evening prayer 3) to the Sunday of The Baptism of the Lord renewal.
on the vigil of Christmas.The weekdays
 As stated in The Constitution on the Sacred
from December prepare us more directly  Themes in Prayer and Scripture Liturgy, the season of Lent has a twofold
for the Lord’s birth by evoking salvation  The seven days include the following character, that is, its baptismal character
history.  The Sunday after Christmas is the feast of and its penitential character.
 Each Mass includes one of the “O the Holy Family The gospel recounts Jesus'
Antiphons”7 ancient prayers of praise and childhood, and the other readings concern Themes in Prayer and Scripture
longing: the virtues of family life. At the chrism Mass on the morning of Holy
Wisdom  December 26 is the feast of St. Stephen, the Thursday the bishop of each diocese,
Lord first Martyr. concelebrating with the priests from the
Root of Jesse  December 27 is the feast of St. John, the diocese, blesses the oils and consecrates the
Key of David apostle and evangelist. chrism that will be used for the celebration of
Daystar  December 28 is the feast of the Holy the sacramen during the coming year.
Desired One Innocents. The Liturgical Color
Emmanuel  December 29, 30, and 31 are days within The color used during Lent is violet or purple,
the octave of Christmas. which symbolizes the efforts for penance and
The Liturgical Color  January 1, the eighth day after Christmas, is reflection.
 Since Advent is a time of expectation and the solemnity of Mary, Mother of God. This A Symbol for Lent
preparation, the colors violet or purple are day also honors the holy Name of Jesus. The cross, the instrument of the suffering,
used in the vestments and decorations. The readings from scripture speak of the crucifixion and death of Our Lord, symbolizes
 Purple is a color that was reserved for use Blessed Mother and the giving of the name Jesus' victory over death and the hope of our
by royalty, and so it is used in Advent to of Jesus. salvation. It reminds us that we are called by
symbolize the coming of Christ our king, as  Sundays Jesus to love God, our neighbors, and ourselves,
celebrated at Christmas and as we prepare  The Sunday between January 2 and and that we should improve those things that
for the coming of God's Kingdom. January 5 is the second Sunday after help us do this and change those things that get
 The third Sunday of Advent is known as Christmas, the Epiphany of the Lord. The in the way.
Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete is the Latin word Epiphany is the manifestation of Jesus as
for rejoice. The vestments worn on this day Messiah of Israel, Son of God, and Savior of Mass of the Lord’s Supper
may be the color rose to symbolize the the world, shown through the visit of the  The EASTER TRIDUUM of the Passion and
hope for the coming of Jesus. wise men from the East who came to pay Resurrection of Christ is the culmination of
A Symbol for Advent homage to Jesus. The New Testament
the entire liturgical year. (Triduum = “the 3  The Paschal Candle and water represent  The Liturgical Years start on the first
days”) the light and new life of Christ's Sunday of Advent of the previous calendar
resurrection and of our baptism. year, so the first Sunday of Advent last
November (Nov 29, 2009) was the start of
EASTER SEASON:  our current Liturgical Year (2010), Year C.
The fifty (50) days from Easter to the Ascension
to Pentecost are celebrated in joyful exultation Each Sunday Mass has three scripture readings:
as one feast day, or better as one “Great  1st = Old Testament
The solemnity of EASTER has the same kind of Sunday.”  2nd = New Testament letters or Revelation
preeminence in the liturgical year that Sunday  3rd = from the Gospels
has in the week. The Liturgical Color - Year A: the Gospel of Matthew
 THE TRIDUUM  The color used during the Easter season is white, - Year B: the Gospel of Mark
The triduum begins with the evening Mass of signifying the joy of Christ's resurrection. The - Year C: the Gospel of Luke
the Lord’s Supper on HOLY THURSDAY last day of the Easter season is Pentecost The Gospel of John is used in all 3 Sunday Cycles
continues through GOOD FRIDAY with the Sunday, on which we celebrate the coming of Year A Year B Year C
commemoration of the Lord’s Passion and the Holy Spirit. On this day, red is the liturgical - 1st & 3rd readings are linked in meaning or
reaches its high point in the THE EASTER VIGIL color, representing the fire of the Holy Spirit. context
this celebration of the holy night when Christ A Symbol for Easter - 2nd is semi-continuous from Sunday to
rose from the dead, ranks as the “mother of all The Paschal Candle and water represent the Sunday
vigils.” light and new life of Christ's resurrection and - RESPONSORIAL PSALM sung or recited
- The Triduum closes with evening the water of our baptism and rebirth. after 1st reading
prayer on Easter Sunday - The Gospel Acclamation (Alleluia verse) is
 Holy Thursday ORDINARY TIME:  sung by the whole congregation before the
On Holy Thursday we remember the Last Apart from those seasons having their own Gospel. But no Alleluia's sung during Lent
Supper and that Jesus gave himself in the distinctive character, 33 or 34 weeks remain in & Triduum, until the Easter Vigil.
Eucharist. We recall that Jesus chose his the yearly cycle that do not celebrate a specific  For weekdays in ordinary time and other
apostles to serve and lead the Church. aspect of the mystery of Christ. Rather, they are
special days throughout the church year:
Remembering that Jesus washed their feet at devoted to the mystery of Christ in all its
There is a 2-year cycle with 1st reading, psalm,
the Last Supper, the priest washes the feet of aspects. This 2-part period is known as
& Gospel
members of the congregation. Holy Thursday is "Ordinary Time."
 Liturgical Cycle I : odd years
a special day for all priests since it is a day to  The term "Ordinary Time" may be  Liturgical Cycle II : even years
mark the beginning of the ordained priesthood. misleading. In the context of the liturgical The weekday Liturgical Cycles start on the first
 Good Friday year the term "ordinary" does not mean Sunday of Advent of the previous year. We’ve
On Good Friday we remember the death of "usual or average." Ordinary here means been in Weekly Cycle II (of Church Year 2010) . .
Jesus. According to an ancient custom, Mass is "not seasonal." Ordinary Time is that part . the upcoming Advent, starting Nov 28, 2010
not celebrated on this day or before the Easter of the Liturgical Year that lies outside the will begin Weekly Cycle I (of Church Year 2011)
Vigil on Holy Saturday. The celebration of the seasons of Lent-Easter and Advent
Lord's passion and death takes place in the Christmas. In Ordinary Time, the Church FEASTS, MEMORIALS, COMMEMORATIONS
afternoon. There are three parts to the liturgy of celebrates the mystery of Christ not in one AND SOLEMNITIES 
the day: the Liturgy of the Word; the Veneration specific aspect but in all its aspects. The These are days which the Church has set aside
of the Cross; and Holy Communion with Hosts readings during the liturgies of Ordinary as having special meaning; there are several
consecrated on Holy Thursday. Time help to instruct us on how to live out types of celebrations.
 Easter Vigil our Christian faith in our daily lives. - events in the life of Christ
On Holy Saturday the Church meditates on the  The feast of Christ the King is the last - days dedicated to a particular saint
suffering and death of Jesus. Then the Church Sunday of Ordinary Time and of the - feasts of Mary(under her different “titles”
gathers to celebrate the Easter Vigil. The liturgical year. of praise)
celebration of the Easter Vigil should take place  The Presentationof the Lord Feb 2
at night, beginning after nightfall or ending The Liturgical Color  Our Lady of the Rosary Oct 7
before the dawn of Sunday. The liturgical color for Ordinary Time is green, a
 The Annunciation Mar 25
The Easter Vigil has four parts: sign of hope.
 Our Mother of Sorrows Sep 15
 The Service of Light;  Our Lady of Guadalupe Dec 12
 The Liturgy of the Word; A Symbol for Ordinary Time
 The Liturgy of Baptism; and The Chi Rho is a Christian symbol that dates
from the early Church. It is comprised of the Holy Days of Obligation (in the United States) 
 The Liturgy of the Eucharist.  Jan 1= Solemnity of Mary Mother of God
first two letters of the Greek word for Messiah,
Christos the letter Chi looks like the letter "X", Ascension of the Lord(moveable date
The Liturgical Color based on Easter)
 On Holy Thursday for the Mass of the Lord's and the letter Rho books like the letter "P." This
abbreviation became a symbol representing  Aug 15 = Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
Supper, white is used to signify the joyful  Nov 1 = All Saints Day
events this liturgy recalls. Jesus Christ.
 Dec 8 = Immaculate Conception
 Red for the Good Friday liturgy signifies
Liturgical Cycle Of Scripture Readings   Dec 25 = Christmas
the passion and death of Jesus.
 For Sundays and other special days  Easter & Pentecost are always on Sundays
 For the Easter Vigil, white signifies the joy
throughout the church year, there are and have moveable dates
of Christ's resurrection. Gold may also be
used since this is the most important and three sets of readings assigned for the day.
 These readings are assigned toLiturgical DAYS OF FAST (Ash Wednesday & Good
joyous celebration of the liturgical year.
Years A, B, and C. Friday) 
Symbols for the Triduum
 Years which are evenly divisible by 3 are  ABSTINENCE (Ash Wednesday & Lenten
 Bread and the cup of wine recall the
assigned year C, such as 2016. Friday's)
institution of the Eucharist by Our Lord at
 Year A (2011) follows year C, Year B  Fasting is restricting eating to one full meal
the Last Supper.
(2012) follows Year A, and Year C (2013) and two lighter meals in the course of a
 The cross recalls the crucifixion and death
follows Year B. single day, and prohibits eating between
of Jesus on Good Friday.
meals. (For all adults who have not yet  RED - Royalty, Fire, and Martyrdom.
reached age 60. Pregnant women & the (Pentecost, Palm/Passion Sunday, Good
sick are not obligated.) Friday, Triumph of the Cross, feast days of
 Abstinenceis refraining from eating meat. martyrs)
(for all who have completed their 14th  GREEN - A sign of Life and Growth.
year) (Ordinary Time)
 "Paschal Fast" = from Mass of Lord's
Supper on Holy Thursday to Easter Vigil

The Liturgical Year

The Liturgical Color
Liturgies celebrated during the different
seasons of the liturgical year have distinctive
music and specific readings, prayers, and rituals.
All of these work together to reflect the spirit of
the particular season. The colors of the
vestments that the priest wears during the
liturgy also help express the character of the
mysteries being celebrated.
 White, the color of joy and victory, is used
for the seasons of Easter and Christmas. It is
also used for the feasts of Our Lord, for
feasts of Mary, the angels, and for saints
who are not martyrs. Gold may also be
used on solemn occasions.
 Red (the color of blood) is used on days
when we celebrate the passion of Jesus on
Passion Sunday and Good Friday. It is also
used for the birthday feasts of the apostles
and evangelists and for the celebrations of
martyrs. Red (the color of fire) recalls the
Holy Spirit and is used on Pentecost and
for the sacrament of Confirmation.
 Green, seen everywhere in plants and trees,
symbolizes life and hope and is used
during Ordinary Time.
 The colors violet or purple in Advent help us
to remember that we are preparing for the
coming of Christ. Lent, the season of
penance and renewal, also uses the colors
violet or purple.
 Rose may be used on the Third Sunday of
Advent, Gaudete Sunday, and on the Fourth
Sunday of Lent, Laetare Sunday. It expresses
the joy of anticipation for Christmas and
Easter, respectively.

The Liturgical Color

 VIOLET - Expectation, Purification, or
Penance. (Advent & Lent)
 Optional: ROSE - Joy, Rejoicing, Praise -- in
the midst of Advent & Lent Gaudete
Sunday, 3rd Sunday in
AdventLaetareSunday, 4th Sunday in Lent
 WHITE (OR GOLD) - Joy and Triumph.
(Triduum, Easter, Christmas, as well as
Holy Days and certain feast days
throughout the year, e.g. feasts of Mary.)

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