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Prisms are the most varied group of optical

components. In general, a prism is a transmitting
optical component limited by two surfaces
intersecting along a line called the edge of the prism
and making the refracting angle γ of the prism.
Considering their use, prisms are divided into two
• dispersion prisms
• reflection prisms

6.1. Dispersion prisms

The way in which dispersion prisms work is The most typical dispersion prism is equilateral
connected with dispersing properties of the material prism (with the refraction angle of 60°) made of
they are made of. material of high difference of refraction indexes for
A beam of polychromatic light, after double different wavelengths (for ex. SF10). The
deflection on the media border leaves the prism dispersion prisms of special use are: Litrow
deflected by an angle which is called the angle of prisms; Pellin-Broca prisms, Amici (direct vision
deflection, depending on the material and refracting prism).
angle of the prism, and which is different for
different wavelengths. The glass dispersion is the relationship between its
For this reason, beam of light is dispersed and split refraction index and the wavelength (dn’/dλ). The
up into its spectral components. unit of dispersion measure is Abbe number νe (high
Abbe number means small dispersion).
ne - 1
White νe =
n F' - n C'
n e — refraction index for λ = 546,1 nm
green n F' — refraction index λ = 479,99 nm
n C' — refraction index λ = 643,85 nm

Typical materials for dispersion prisms:

Material νe ne
BK7 63.96 1.51872
F2 36.11 1.62408
SF10 28.19 1.73430
Quarz glass 69.00 1.46018

One can use optical glasses for visible light and for glasses, or special kinds of quartz glasses or crystals
near infrared radiation (up to 2 μm). For transmission are used.
of UV light, down to 200 nm, CaF2, LiF, or some kind Typical material for IR: fluorite (CaF2), Si, Ge, KBr,
of quartz glasses are used. For NIR special IR NaCl .


ε1‘ δ1
ε2 ε 2‘
γ γ — angle of refraction
δ2 δ ε1 — angle of incidence
ε2’ — output angle
δ — angle of deviation

Optical path calculation formulas.

Beam deflection δ
δ1 = ε1 − ε1’ Spectral resolution
δ2 = ε2’ − ε2 λ dδ λ dn
γ = ε1 ’ + ε2 = a⋅ = b⋅
δ = δ1 +δ2 dλ dλ dλ dλ
δ = ε1 + ε2 ’ − γ a — beam width
b — fully lighted prism base

Minimal deviation δ min.

Angle dispersion
γ γ
δ min. = 2⋅ arc sin (n’ sin )−γ −2 sin
2 dδ dδ dn' 2 dn '
(corresponds to symmetric crossing) = ⋅ = ⋅
dλ dn' dλ γ dλ
γ 1 − n' 2 sin 2
⏐ε1’⏐=⏐ε2⏐=⏐ ⏐ 2
dn' Δn
Approximate can be changed by:
dλ Δλ

Spectral distribution
BK7 125 γ = 60°; a = 2 mm; average refraction index :
F2 273 n + n C'
SF11 510 n’ = F'

Hg Hg Hg Cd H Hg He Na Cd H He K
i h g F’ F e d D C’ C r A’
365.0 404.7 435.8 480.0 486.1 546.1 587.6 589.3 643.6 656.3 706.5 768.2

blue yellow
UV violet blue green yellow orange red Spectral colors
green green

380 500 600 700 780 nm


EQUILATERAL dispersion prism
EQUILATERAL dispersion prisms have three equal
60 angles.

60 o 60o

ISOSCELE dispersion prisms (30o – prism).


Light crossing the LITTROW prism is spectrally
dispersed with simultaneous inversion of the path of
rays caused by the reflection taking place on the back
surface of the prism, which have to be mirrored.

PELLIN-BROCA prism is a special kind of dispersion
prism which besides dispersing properties has the
property of diverging rays by 90°. The prism rotation
around it’s A axis enables wavelength selection of
required length.

BREWSTER prism is recommended for polarized
light: p-polarized beam is transmitted with no losses
when input beam is at the Brewster angle.

AMICI prisms (Direct Vision Prisms)
The AMICI prism causes dispersion of
polychromatic light with simultaneous correction of
B divergence so that the exit beam is parallel to the
input one. These prisms consist of three parts and
two different materials A and B. Typical
A A combination of materials:
A flint
B crown

Technical specification – dispersion prisms

Material on request
Range of sizes 4 – 100 mm
Size tolerance ± 0,1 mm
Clear aperture 90 %
Thickness tolerance ± 0,1 mm
Angle accuracy ± 10 arc min
Pyramid error ± 10 arc min
Surface accuracy (633 nm) 1λ (λ/4)
Surface finish (Digs - Scratches) 80-40
Coatings on request

According to customer specification, we can deliver non-standard dispersion prisms with significantly
higher optical parameters: 60-40; λ/10 (633nm), for example. Prisms in mountings – also if requested.

6.2 Reflection prisms

The main tasks of the prisms in optical sets are:
The operation principle of this kind of prisms is
‰ deviation of beam of light without changing the
identical as that of plane mirrors. These prisms are
image position.
usually used for diverging the ray or for changing
‰ deviation of beam of light with horizontal
image location in relation to the subject (rotation,
‰ deviation of beam of light with total inversion of
All surfaces of reflection prisms are flat. Reflecting
image position (horizontal and vertical
surfaces are mirrored, but it is possible, however, to
make use of full internal reflection. In the other case
‰ deviation with rotation (typical rotation by 90°).
surface does not have to be coated but must be very
finely polished.
Below there are the samples of the prisms offered by
There are different groups of prisms according to
us. The selection presented here is not complete
their function in optical sets:
and it does not exhaust our production possibilities.
In case you need, some special prisms do not
hesitate to send us your specification or description
of its task in optical set.

RIGHT ANGLE PRISMS (half cube prism, isosceles)
Right angle prisms are generally used for deflecting
the beam through an angle of 90 , when the input
surface is one of the short faces and the hypotenuse
one can be mirror coated.


If the input surface is hypotenuse (Porro type) – the
ray is reversed of 180°


The input beam is deflected by the δ angle which
depends on the γ angle between the input surface
and the first reflection surface. There is neither
horizontal nor vertical displacement of the image.
Typical divergence angles are 45° and 60° (prism
45° or 60°).

In both these cases it is necessary to put the mirror
coating on the longer short face of the prism (larger
face opposite hypotenuse), as there is no total
o internal reflection on it.

DOVE prism (Image Rotator)

This prism rotates the image without changing the
direction of input beam, which is parallel to the
hypotenuse. Rotation of the prisms in relation to
the subject causes double rotation of the image.
DOVE prism should be used in parallel beam.

PENTA PRISM is five – sided prism in which the
beam is deflected through an angle of 90° by two
reflections. As compared to the right angle prism a
little change of the angle of incidence in penta prism
has no influence on the angle of deflected beam of
light. The image of the subject is neither reverted nor
inverted. For this reason penta prisms are also used
for shortening of the optical path length. In these
prisms total internal reflection does not occur, so
reflecting faces have to be mirrored.

AMICI roof prism

AMICI reflection prism called also roof prism or right
angle roof prism deflects the beam through an
angle of 90o and inverts the image; for this reason
optical sets are perfect for erect images inverted by
the objectives.

CORNER CUBE prism (Retroreflector ;

In the corner cube prism three reflecting surfaces are
perpendicular each to the other (like side walls of
the cube). The input surface is perpendicular to the
cube diagonal. Disregarding the angle of incidence
the output beam is parallel to the input one, but it is
of opposite direction. In set of several corner prisms,
for better matching, their entrance – exit surface is
often hexagonal. In case of this prisms the
phenomenon of full internal reflection occurs so it is
not necessary, (however it is possible) to put mirror
coating on the reflecting faces.

RHOMBOID prism (off-set prism)

The RHOMBOID prism is a simple means of
displacing beam without its deviation and without
influence on orientation of the image.

ABBE-KOENIG prism is an image erector. It is set
of prisms with roof faces for complete image

Technical specification – reflection prisms
Material on request
Range of sizes 4 – 100 mm
Size tolerance ± 0,1 mm
Clear aperture 90 %
Thickness tolerance ± 0,1 mm
Angle accuracy ± 10 arc min
Pyramid error ± 10 arc min
Surface accuracy (633 nm) 1λ (λ/4)
Surface finish (Digs - Scratches) 80-40
Coatings on request

According to customer specification, we can deliver non-standard reflection prisms with significantly
higher optical parameters: 60-40; λ/10 (633nm), for example. Prisms in mountings – also if requested.

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