Worship Leader Step 7 - Order of Worship

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Easy Basic Steps on How to Be a Good Worship Leader Step 7: Order of Worship

Prayer is the number one key on how to be a Good Worship Leader. Our second step was Evaluation of our congregation. The third step was Selecting a Team the fourth step was about making Good Transitions. The fifth step shares How to Introduce New Music, the 6th step is Learning from our Mistakes, and our 7th step is suggestions for the Order of Worship. There is no one way to worship. I have visited a number of churches and attended several, and all vary to some degree. There are things I have liked, and things I have not especially cared for. I will share some of these with you. I have also directed worship and have some suggestions regarding that. There are churches (usually small congregations) where the pastor will open up the service with a welcome and some comments. Larger churches begin worship at the beginning of the service with music. Why? My guess is that the smaller churches may want to be more personal with the congregation by talking with them before worship begins, or some may want to get announcements out of the way, so the worship can begin without being interrupted with these at another time in the service. This, in my opinion, is a good idea. Having announcements in the middle of a service does not belong because it is not a part of worship and will

only take away from worship. These can also be displayed on a Power Point before the service begins as music play. Another thing I have noticed is that, smaller churches take time for prayer request which can get quite lengthy at times, where larger churches just begin to pray to some music played in the background. I like the latter because worship is not interrupted once again with more talking. Sharing prayer request can take time and if you are not careful you can share too much about people and their needs. Something we need to be careful about for privacy purposes these days. It is also important what, and how you pray publicly about people in your congregation aloud when you pray. Respect the privacy of their needs even if they share specifics out loud. Never put a list of heath issues in your church bulletin of what the needs of people are publicly. Some order of services that you may want to try are below. These are only suggestions that you could try and see how they work. Using one idea once would not be enough to know exactly what will work best for your congregation. Sometimes, you may implement one idea of change at a time and wait a few weeks to see what response you receive. It will be easier to go back to what you were doing in one area than having a whole service change. It is the responsibility of the Worship Leader to put together the service along with approval of the Lead Pastor working beside you. If the Lead Pastor does not like something, you do not do it. Simple as that. Some churches will find it helpful to place the order of the service in the bulletin and the congregation can follow along. Other churches do not place this in the bulletin. That is the preference of each individual church. Communion, Lords Supper, or Eucharist offer at least once a month. Children can automatically leave after the altar prayer each week, unless you give a sermon for them on their level prior to the Senior Pastors sermon. This can be done by another pastor in the church who can connect in an appropriate manner with children on their level and be interesting. #1 Order of Worship for Music Director

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Worship in Song (1-2) Upbeat choruses (Refrain from using the same ones every week) Greetings, Pass the Peace, Meet-n-Greet (whatever your name is for this) Worship is Song (1-3) Hymn and Choruses (Do not announce just begin singing) Response Reading or Scripture Reading (Alternate weekly. Consider using someone
else to read the Scripture as well)

Music Director Prayer (Brief one 1-3 sentences) Worship in Song (1) Offertory (use this time for special instrumental or praise team can sing a song) Prayer Song (Invitation to Family Altar. Repeat prayer song following prayer as people return
to their seat).

9. Lead Pastor Prayer 10. Repeat Prayer Song 11. Childrens Sermon (Children come up front to listen to Youth Pastor) 12. Special Music (Instrumental special or vocalist) 13. Lead Pastors Sermon 14. Doxology (additional) 15. Benediction

#2 Order of Worship for Music Director 1. Welcome 2. Scripture Passage Reading 3. Call to Worship (1-2) 4. Offertory (Vocalist during offering) 5. Worship in Song (1-3) Last song a prayer song for family altar 6. Lead Pastor Prayer (repeat prayer song following prayer) 7. Special Music (vocalist) 8. Sermon 9. Closing Prayer 10.Closing Song

#3 Order of Worship for Music Director

1. Worship in Song (1-2) 2. Greetings 3. Welcome 4. Worship in Song (1-3) Last song a prayer song as you invite to family altar 5. Leader Pastor Prayer (repeat prayer song following prayer) 6. Worship in Offerings (special slide for this display) 7. Worship in Song (1-2) 8. Special Vocalist 9. Sermon 10. Closing Prayer #4 Order of Worship for Music Director 1. Announcements 2. Call to Worship 3. Worship in Song (2) 4. Greetings 5. Responsive Reading 6. Worship in Song (4) use only one hymn 7. Worship in Giving Tithes and Offerings 8. Prayer and Open Altar Song 9. Lead Pastor Prayer 10. Reprise Chorus following prayer 11. Message for the Children (Youth Pastor) 12.Special Music 13. Lead Pastor Sermon 14. Closing Prayer #5 Order of Worship 1. Gathering Together a. Opening song(s) 2. Experiencing Worship Today a. Invitation to worship from either pastor or worship leader 3. Worship in Song Title here (example: Gods Strength in times of Need)

a. List songs here you will sing. 4. Greeting One Another a. Play an instrumental during this time 5. Worship in Prayer song 6. Prayer of Praise a. Lead Pastor 7. Giving Back to God a. Tithes & Offerings (display an offering slide here) 8. Sermon (Give title instead) 9. Closing Prayer (Pastor) 10. Closing Song #6 Order of Worship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Opening Song Welcome/Greeting/Announcements Music (3-4 songs) Prayer Scripture Reading Offering Sermon Communion Benediction

#7 Order of Worship 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Opening Worship Songs 1-3 Announcements Worship Songs 1-3 Scripture Reading Prayer Offering Soloist (Optional) Sermon

#8 Order of Worship 1. Announcements 2. Prepare to Worship (Music) 3. Worship Songs 4. Message 5. Invitation 6. Family Prayer 7. Greetings 8. Offering 9. Praise Song 10.Closing Prayer 11.Closing Song #9 Order of Worship 1. Opening Music 2. Praise Team Chorus 3. Call to Worship 4. Passing the Peace 5. Hymn 6. Invocation 7. Anthem 8. Scripture Lesson 9. Prayers of the People 10. Call for the Offering 11. Offering Anthem 12. Doxology 13. Prayer for Tithes and Offerings 14. A Time With Children 15. Anthem 16. Sermon 17. Hymn of Response 18. Benediction

19. Closing Voluntary Rev. Jeanne McIntosh April 29, 2011. These are ideas that you may like to rearrange some to fit your church dynamics. Hopefully, you have found something to help you find a better way to meet your worship needs. God bless!

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