NCM 100 Module - SLRC
NCM 100 Module - SLRC
NCM 100 Module - SLRC
l . Statement of Purpose
Nursing is a varied as the people who practice it and is dynamic and diverse as a
kaleidoscope of ethnic, culture and religious manifestations of the people who receive nursing
care. All nursing acts are geared towards realizing and restoring the patient's biopsychospiritual
well-being and assisting the client to live a dignified and normal life. It is important that nursing
is grounded on accepted scientific truths and principles in order to give safe and quality care.
Simply put, a Nursing Theory strives to explain the science and art of nursing.
This module helps the students to achieve a simple and working knowledge of the concepts
that make-up nursing theory, since it is really highly dynamic and undergo change, wherein
evolution, as new discoveries are made and information are renewed from time to time.
3. Learning Objectives
3.4 state the metaparadigm of nursing and the relationship of its major concepts,
3.4.1 person
3.4.2 environment
3.4.3 health
3.4.4 nursing
4. Learning Activities
Delaunse, Sue and Ladner, Ptricia. Fundamentals of Nursing: Standards and Practice.
George, Julia B. Nursing Theories: The Base for Professional Nursing Practice. 5th
Kozier, Barbara et. al, Fundamentals of Nursing. 8th Ed. Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2008
Moyet, Lynda. Theoretical basis (or nursing 2nd ed. ' McEwen, M, LWW 2007
Potter, Patricia et, al. Fundamentals of Nursing. 9th ED. Elsevier Inc. 2017
Tomey, Ann Meriner and Alligood Martha, Rovile. Nurses ' Theorists and their
Works.5th Ed. Mosby co 2014
5. Post-test
I. Statement of Purpose
For any profession to exist and continue to be of service to society, it must have both an
extensive base of knowledge and the proper means to communicate. Practitioners will render
nursing care and service in the various disciplines of the profession utilizing the Theories of
Nursing. At the heart of every profession lies the core structures that give direction and purpose
to those who practice it, and these are the ones and concepts on which a profession and a vocation
heavily rely upon. Without these, a profession will lack direction, its actions without sound basis
and its ideas questionable. Thus, its practitioner would be frail, divided and dangerous. Theories
to support practice are indispensable as food, water and air as to humans.
This module will help the students In the development and expansion of knowledge and
as support in different features such as education, research and clinical practice,
2. Pre-entry Competence
4. Learning Objectives
4.1 discuss Nursing Theory Development and its relationship to the following nursing
41.1 education
4.1.2 research
4.1.3 practice
4.2 explain the Interdependence of Nursing Theory and Nursing Research
4.4 enumerate the contributions of nursing theorists and their purposes to practice,
education and research.
4.4. I Florence Nightingale
4.4.2. Hildegard Peplau
4.4.3 Virginia Henderson
4.4.4 Joyce Travelbee
4.4.5 Betty Neuman
4.4.6 Dorothy Johnson
4.4.7. Imogene King
4.4.8. Dorothea Orem
4.4.9 Faye Abdellah
4.4.10 Sr. Callista Roy
4.4.11 Madeleine Leininger
4 .4.12 Jean Watson
4.4. 13 Patricia Benner
5. Learning Objectives
6. Post-test
1. Statement of Purpose
In the late 20th century, much of the theoretical work in nursing focused on articulating
relationships among four major concepts person, environment health and nursing Because
these four concepts can be superimposed on almost any work in nursing, they are sometimes
collectively referred to as metaparadigm for nursing
The work of American nurse theorist reflects a Wide range of ideas about people, health,
values and the world. Each nurse theorist's definition of these four major concepts vary in
accordance with scientific and philosophical orientation, experience in nursing, and the effects
of that experience on the theorist's View of nursing.
This module will help the students understand the different Views of nursing paradigm by
the various nursing theorist.
2. Pre-entry Competence
4. Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, the students will be able to:
5. Learning Activities
George, Julia B. Nursing Theories: The Base for Professional Nursing Practice. 5th
Ed. Pearson Education South Asia PTE Ltd,2008
Kozier, Barbara et. al. Fundamentals of Nursing. 8th Ed. Pearson, Prentice Hall 2008
Moyet, Lynda, Theoretical basis for nursing 2nd ed. / McEwen, M, LWW 2007
Potter, Patricia et, al. Fundamentals of Nursing 9th ED. Elsevier Inc. 2017
Tomey, Ann Meriner and Alligood Martha, Rovile. Nurses’ Theorists and their
Works.5th Ed. Mosby Co 2014
6. Post Test
1. Statement of Purpose
Nursing theory is not that old. Other than Florence Nightingales' Notes on Nursing in
1960, nursing theories only started to be developed in the 1950's. So was nursing a theoretical
until then? No. Nurses "borrowed" theories from other disciplines to inform nursing practice.
Nurses borrowed theories from psychology, physiology, sociology, medicine, physics and
organizational systems for example, and then used those concepts and frameworks to develop
theories specific to nursing practice.
This module helps the students identify common theories used to inform and guide nursing
practice, education and research.
2. Pre-entry Competence
Mastery on the module Different Views of nursing paradigm by various nursing theorists
4. Learning Objectives
Balita, Carl E. and Octaviano, Eufemia 'F. Theoretical Foundations of Nursing: The
Philippine Perspective. The Ultimate Learning Series, c2008
George, Julia B. Nursing Theories: The Base for Professional Nursing Practice.
5th Ed. Pearson Education South Asia PTE Ltd,2008
Kozier, Barbara et. al. Fundamentals of Nursing. 8th Ed. Pearson, Prentice Hall
Moyet, Lynda, Theoretical basis for nursing 2nd ed. / McEwen, M, LWW 2007
Potter, Patricia et, al. Fundamentals of Nursing 9th ED. Elsevier Inc. 2017
Tomey, Ann Meriner and Alligood Martha, Rovile. Nurses’ Theorists and their
Works.5th Ed. Mosby Co 2014
6. Post Test
In the past most individuals and societies viewed good health or wellness, as the opposite
or absence of disease. This simple attitude ignores the states of health that exist between disease
and good health. Health is a multidimensional concept and is viewed from a broader perspective.
An assessment of a patient’s state of health is an important aspect of nursing.
This module will help the students to understand the concept of health and embrace the
opportunities to promote health and wellness and prevent illness.
2. Pre-entry Competence
Mastery on the module of nursing paradigm by various nursing theorist
4. Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, the students will be able to:
4.1 list the four general Healthy People 2020 public health goals
4.2 discuss the definitions of health
4.3 discuss the Models of Health namely:
4.3.1 Health Belief Model
4.3.2 Health Promotion Model
4.3.3 Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs
4.3.4 Holistic Health Models
4.4 describe variables influencing health beliefs and practices
4.4.1 internal variables developmental stage intellectual background perception of functioning emotional factors spiritual factors
4.4.2 external variables family practices psychosocial and socioeconomic factors cultural background
4.5 discuss health promotion, wellness, and illness prevention
4.6 discuss the three levels of preventive care
4.6.1 primary prevention
4.6.2 secondary prevention
4.6.3 tertiary prevention
4.7 describe the four types of risk factors affecting health
4.7.1 genetic and psychologic factors
4.7.2 age
4.7.3 environment
4.7.4 lifestyle
4.8 discuss the risk-factor modification and changing health behaviors
4.8.1 stages of health behavior changes
4.8.2 patient teaching on lifestyle changes
4.9 discuss the nurse’s role in health
5. Learning Activities
George, Julia B. Nursing Theories: The Base for professional Nursing Practice. 5th
Ed. Pearson Education South Asia PTE. Ltd., 2008
Kozier, Barbara et. al. Fundamentals of Nursing 8th Ed. Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2008
Moyet, Lynda Theoretical basis for nursing 2nd ed. / McEwen, M, LWW 2007
Potter, Patricia et, al. Fundamentals of Nursing. 9th ED. Elsevier Inc. 2017
Tomey, Ann Meriner and Alligood Martha, Rovile. Nurse’s Theorist and their
Works. 5th Ed. Mosby Co 2014
6. Post-test
2. Pre-entry Competence
Mastery on the module Health as multifactorial phenomenon
4. Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, the students will be able to:
4.1 discuss the meaning of caring
4.2 compare the theories on caring
4.2.1 Leininger’s Transcultural Caring
4.2.2 Watson’s Transpersonal Caring
4.2.3 Swanson’s Theory of Caring
4.3 enumerate the core values that demonstrate caring in the developmental of a
professional nurse
4.3.1 Love of God
4.3.2 Caring as the core of nursing compassion competence confidence conscience commitment (commitment to a culture of excellence,
discipline, integrity and professionalism)
4.3.3 Love of People
4.3.4 Respect for the dignity of each person regardless of creed, color,
gender, and political affiliation
5. Learning Activities
5.1 Read on the following:
Delaunse, Sue and Ladner, Ptricia. Fundamentals of Nursing: Standards and Practice.
3rd Ed. Thompson, Delmar Learning 2006
George, Julia B. Nursing Theories: The Base for professional Nursing Practice. 5th Ed.
Pearson Education South Asia PTE. Ltd., 2008
Kozier, Barbara et. al. Fundamentals of Nursing 8th Ed. Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2008
Moyet, Lynda Theoretical basis for nursing 2nd ed. / McEwen, M, LWW 2007
Potter, Patricia et, al. Fundamentals of Nursing. 9th ED. Elsevier Inc. 2017
Tomey, Ann Meriner and Alligood Martha, Rovile. Nurse’s Theorist and their Works.
5th Ed. Mosby Co 2014
6. Post-test
2. Pre-entry Competence
4. Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, the students will be able to:
4.1 define the following terms:
4.1.1 Outcome-Based Education
4.1.2 Bachelor of Science in Nursing
4.2 state the general provisions of Section 13 of RA No. 7722
4.2.1 Section 3
4.2.2 Section 4
4.3 discuss the BSN degree name
4.4 describe the nature of the field of study of the BSN program
4.5 discuss the BSN program goals
4.6 enumerate the specific roles and careers for Graduate (professional nurse)
4.7 enumerate the allied fields of the BSN program
5. Learning Activities
5.1 Read on the following:
George, Julia B. Nursing Theories: The Base for professional Nursing Practice. 5th
Ed. Pearson Education South Asia PTE. Ltd., 2008
Kozier, Barbara et. al. Fundamentals of Nursing 8th Ed. Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2008
Moyet, Lynda Theoretical basis for nursing 2nd ed. / McEwen, M, LWW 2007
Potter, Patricia et, al. Fundamentals of Nursing. 9th ED. Elsevier Inc. 2017
Tomey, Ann Meriner and Alligood Martha, Rovile. Nurse’s Theorist and their
Works. 5th Ed. Mosby Co 2014
6. Post-test
1. Statement of the Purpose
Outcome-based education is an approach that focuses and organizes the educational system
around what is essential for all learners to know, value and be able to do, to achieve a desired level
of competence.
This module aims to prepare a student nurse, who upon completion of the program,
demonstrates beginning professional competencies and shall continue to assume responsibility for
professional development in the practice of the profession.
2. Pre-entry Competence
4. Learning Objectives
At the end of this module, the students will be able to:
4.1 define the following terms:
4.1.1 program outcomes
4.1.2 performance indicators
4.2 discuss the minimum standards for the BS Nursing expresses in the following set of
program nursing outcomes:
4.2.1 common to all programs in all types of schools
4.2.2 common to health professions nursing program
4.2.3 specific to BSN
4.2.4 common to a Horizontal type as defined in CMO No. 46 s. 2012
4.2.5 BSN Level Outcomes
4.3 enumerate the program outcomes and its performance indicators
4.4 expected to achieve by the graduates of the BS Nursing program based on the
standards of the Philippine Qualifications Framework (PQF) Level 6 in terms of:
4.4.1 knowledge, skills and values
4.4.2 application
4.4.3 degree of independence
5. Learning Activities
5.1 Read on the following:
George, Julia B. Nursing Theories: The Base for professional Nursing Practice.
5th Ed. Pearson Education South Asia PTE. Ltd., 2008
Kozier, Barbara et. al. Fundamentals of Nursing 8th Ed. Pearson, Prentice Hall,
Moyet, Lynda Theoretical basis for nursing 2nd ed. / McEwen, M, LWW 2007
Potter, Patricia et, al. Fundamentals of Nursing. 9th ED. Elsevier Inc. 2017
Tomey, Ann Meriner and Alligood Martha, Rovile. Nurse’s Theorist and their
Works. 5th Ed. Mosby Co 2014
6. Post-test