International Cal - Talent Search

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International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 1

Problem 1/1. For every positive integer n, form the number n=s(n), where
s(n) is the sum of the digits of n in base 10. Determine the minimum value
of n=s(n) in each of the following cases:
(i) 10  n  99 (ii) 100  n  999
(iii) 1000  n  9999 (iv) 10000  n  99999

Problem 2/1. Find all pairs of integers, n and k , 2 < k < n, such that the
binomial coefficients
 n  n

; ;
k 1 k k+1

form an increasing arithmetic series.

Problem 3/1. On an 8  8 board we place n dominoes, each covering two
adjacent squares, so that no more dominoes can be placed on the remaining
squares. What is the smallest value of n for which the above statement is
Problem 4/1. Show that an arbitrary acute triangle can be dissected by
straight line segments into three parts in three different ways so that each
part has a line of symmetry.
Problem 5/1. Show that it is possible to dissect an arbitrary tetrahedron into
six parts by planes or portions thereof so that each of the parts has a plane of
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 2

Problem 1/2. What is the smallest integer multiple of 9997, other than 9997
itself, which contains only odd digits?
Problem 2/2. Show that every triangle can be dissected into nine convex
nondegenerate pentagons.
Problem 3/2. Prove that if x; y , and z are pairwise relatively prime positive
integers, and if x1 + y1 = z1 , then x + y , x z , and y z are perfect squares
of integers.
Problem 4/2. Let a, b, c, and d be the areas of the triangular faces of a
tetrahedron, and let ha , hb , hc , and hd be the corresponding altitudes of the
tetrahedron. If V denotes the volume of the tetrahedron, prove that
(a + b + c + d)(ha + hb + hc + hd )  48V:
Problem 5/2. Prove that there are infinitely many positive integers n such
that the n  n  n box can not be filled completely with 2  2  2 and 3  3  3
solid cubes.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 3

Problem 1/3. Note that if the product of any two distinct members of
f1; 16; 27g is increased by 9, the result is the perfect square of an integer.
Find the unique positive integer n for which n + 9, 16n + 9, and 27n + 9 are
also perfect squares.
Problem 2/3. Note that 1990 can be “turned into a square” by adding a digit
on its right, and some digits on its left; i.e., 419904 = 648 2 . Prove that 1991
can not be turned into a square by the same procedure; i.e., there are no digits
d; x; y; : : : such that : : : yx1991d is a perfect square.
Problem 3/3. Find k if P , Q, R, and C
S are points on the sides of quadri-
lateral ABCD so that R
= = = = k,
and the area of quadrilateral P QRS P
is exactly 52% of the area of quadri-
lateral ABCD .
Problem 4/3. Let n points with integer coordinates be given in the xy -plane.
What is the minimum value of n which will ensure that three of the points
are the vertices of a triangle with integer (possibly, 0) area?
Problem 5/3. Two people, A and B , play the following game with a deck of
32 cards. With A starting, and thereafter the players alternating, each player
takes either 1 card or a prime number of cards. Eventually all of the cards
are chosen, and the person who has none to pick up is the loser. Who will
win the game if they both follow optimal strategy?
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 4

Problem 1/4. Use each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 exactly twice to

form distinct prime numbers whose sum is as small as possible. What must
this minimal sum be? (Note: The five smallest primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, and 11.)
Problem 2/4. Find the smallest positive integer, n, which can be expressed
as the sum of distinct positive integers a, b, and c, such that a + b, a + c, and
b + c are perfect squares.
Problem 3/4. Prove that a positive integer can be expressed in the form
3x2 + y 2 if and only if it can also be expressed in the form u 2 + uv + v 2 ,
where x, y , u, and v are positive integers.
Problem 4/4. Let 4ABC be an C
arbitrary triangle, and construct P ,
Q, and R so that each of the angles Q
marked is 30Æ . Prove that 4P QR is
an equilateral triangle.

Problem 5/4. The sides of 4ABC measure 11, 20, and 21 units. We fold it
along P Q, QR, and RP , where P , Q, and R are the midpoints of its sides,
until A, B , and C coincide. What is the volume of the resulting tetrahedron?
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 5

Problem 1/5. The set S consists of five integers. If pairs of distinct elements
of S are added, the following ten sums are obtained: 1967, 1972, 1973, 1974,
1975, 1980, 1983, 1984, 1989, 1991. What are the elements of S ?

Problem 2/5.
Let n  3 and k  2
be integers, and form the 1 3 9 27 81
forward differences of the 2 6 18 54
members of the sequence 4 12 36
2 k 1
1; n; n ; : : : ; n
8 24
and successive forward differences thereof, as illustrated on the right for the
case (n; k ) = (3; 5). Prove that all entries of the resulting triangle of positive
integers are distinct from one another.
Problem 3/5. In a mathematical version of baseball, the umpire chooses a
positive integer m, m  n, and you guess positive integers to obtain infor-
mation about m. If your guess is smaller than the umpire’s m, he calls it a
“ball”; if it is greater than or equal to m, he calls it a “strike”. To “hit” it
you must state the correct value of m after the 3rd strike or the 6th guess,
whichever comes first. What is the largest n so that there exists a strategy
that will allow you to bat 1:000, i.e. always state m correctly? Describe your
strategy in detail.
p real-valued function such that
Problem 4/5. Prove that if f is a non-constant
for all real x, f (x + 1) + f (x 1) = 3f (x), then f is periodic. What is
the smallest p. p > 0, such that f (x + p) = f (x) for all x?
Problem 5/5. In 4ABC , shown on C
the right, let r denote the radius of rC
the inscribed circle, and let rA , rB ,
and rC denote the radii of the circles
tangent to the inscribed circle and to r
the sides emanating from A, B , and rB
C , respectively. Prove that A B

r  rA + rB + rC :
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 6

Problem 1/6. Nine lines, parallel to the base of a triangle, divide the other
sides each into 10 equal segments and the area into 10 distinct parts. Find
the area of the original triangle, if the area of the largest of these parts is 76.
Problem 2/6. In how many ways can 1992 be expressed as the sum of one
or more consecutive integers?
Problem 3/6. Show that there exists an equiangular hexagon in the plane,
whose sides measure 5, 8, 11, 14, 23, and 29 units in some order.
Problem 4/6. An international firm has 250 employees, each of whom
speaks several languages. For each pair of employees, (A; B ), there is a
language spoken by A and not by B , and there is another language spoken
by B and not by A. At least how many languages must be spoken at the
Problem 5/6. An infinite checker-
board is divided by a horizontal line
into upper and lower halves as shown
on the right. A number of check-
ers are to be placed on the board
below the line (within the squares).
A “move” consists of one checker
jumping horizontally or vertically
over a second checker, and removing
the second checker.
What is the minimum value of n which will allow the placement of the last
checker in row 4 above the dividing horizontal line after n 1 moves? De-
scribe the initial position of the checkers as well as each of the moves.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 7

Problem 1/7. In trapezoid ABCD , D C

the diagonals intersect at E , the area
of 4ABE is 72, and the area of E
4CDE is 50. What is the area of A B
trapezoid ABCD ?
Problem 2/7. Prove that if a, b, and c are positive integers such that c 2 =
a2 + b2 , then both c2 + ab and c2 ab are also expressible as the sums of
squares of two positive integers.
Problem 3/7. For n a positive integer, denote by P (n) the product of all
positive integers divisors of n. Find the smallest n for which
P (P (P (n))) > 1012 :

Problem 4/7. In an attempt to copy down from the board a sequence of

six positive integers in arithmetic progression, a student wrote down the five
113; 137; 149; 155; 173;

accidentally omitting one. He later discovered that he also miscopied one of

them. Can you help him and recover the original sequence?
Problem 5/7. Let T = (a; b; c) be a triangle with sides a, b, and c and area
4. Denote by T 0 = (a0; b0; c0) the triangle whose sides are the altitudes of
T (i.e., a0 = ha , b0 = hb , c0 = hc ) and denote its area by 40 . Similarly, let
T 00 = (a00 ; b00 ; c00 ) be the triangle formed from the altitudes of T 0 , and denote
its area by 400 . Given that 40 = 30 and 400 = 20, find 4.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 8

Problem 1/8. Prove that there is no triangle whose altitudes are of length 4,
7, and 10 units.
Problem 2/8. As shown on the right, x  -
there is a real number x, 0 < x < 1, 6
so that the resulting configuration yields
a dissection of the unit square into seven
similar right triangles. This x must sat- 1
isfy a monic polynomial of degree 5.
Find that polynomial. (Note: A polyno-
mial in x is monic if the coefficient of
the highest power of x is 1.) ?
1 -
Problem 3/8. (i) Is it possible to rearrange the numbers 1, 2, 3, : : : , 9 as
a(1), a(2), a(3), : : : , a(9) so that all the numbers listed below are different?
Prove your assertion.
ja(1) j j
1 ; a(2) j j
2 ; a(3) j j
3 ; : : : ; a(9) j

(ii) Is it possible to rearrange the numbers 1, 2, 3, : : : , 9, 10 as a(1), a(2),

a(3), : : : , a(9), a(10) so that all the numbers listed below are different?
Prove your assertion.
ja(1) jj
1 ; a(2) jj
2 ; a(3) j j
3 ; : : : ; a(9) jj
9 ; a(10) 10j
Problem 4/8. In a 50–meter run, Anita can give at most a 4–meter advantage
to Bob and catch up with him by the finish line. In a 200–meter run, Bob can
give at most a 15–meter advantage to Carol and catch up with her by the end
of the race. Assuming that all three of them always proceed at a constant
speed, at most how many meters of advantage can Anita give to Carol in a
1; 000–meter run and still catch up with her?

Problem 5/8. Given that a; b; x, and y are real numbers such that
a+b = 23;
ax + by = 79;
ax2 + by 2 = 217;
ax3 + by 3 = 691;

determine ax4 + by 4 .
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 9

Problem 1/9. An m  n grid is placed so that it has it’s corners at (0; 0)

and (m; n). A legal move is defined as a move either one unit in the positive
y direction or one unit in the positive x direction. The point (i; j ), where
0  i  m and 0  j  n, is removed from the grid so that it is no longer
possible to pass through this point on the way to (m; n). How many possible
paths are there from (0; 0) to (m; n)?
Problem 2/9. Given a point P and two straight line segments on a rectangu-
lar piece of paper in such a way that the intersection point Q of the straight
lines does not lie on the paper. How can we construct the straight line P Q
with the help of a ruler if we are allowed to draw only within the limits of
the paper?
Problem 3/9. A convex polygon has 1993 vertices which are colored so that
neighboring vertices are of different colors. Prove that one can divide the
polygon into triangles with non-intersecting diagonals whose endpoints are
of different colors.
Problem 4/9. A triangle is called Heronian if its sides and area are integers.
Determine all five Heronian triangles whose perimeter is numerically the
same as its area.
Problem 5/9. A set of five “Trick Math Cubes” is shown schematically on
the right. A “magician” asks you to roll them and to add the five numbers
on top of them. He starts adding them at the same time, and writes down the
correct answer on a piece of paper long before you are finished with the task.
How does he do it? Expose and explain this trick.

179 564
278 377 872 762 366 861
971 168
773 780 960
483 186 285
741 681 756
147 543 840 855 558 459
642 954
345 657
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 10

Problem 1/10. Find x2 + y 2 + z 2 if x; y , and z are positive integers such that

7x2 3y 2 + 4z 2 = 8 and 16x2 7y 2 + 9z 2 = 3.
Problem 2/10. Deduce from the simple estimate, 1 < 3 < 2, that 6 <
3 3 < 7.
Problem 3/10. For each positive integer n, n  2, determine a function
fn (x) = an + bn x + cn x j j
dn ;

where an ; bn ; cn ; dn depend only on n, such that

fn (k ) = k + 1 for k = 1; 2; : : : ; n 1 and fn (n) = 1:
Problem 4/10. A bag contains 1993 red balls and 1993 black balls. We
remove two balls at a time repeatedly and
(i) discard them if they are of the same color,
(ii) discard the black ball and return to the bag the red ball if they are different
What is the probability that this process will terminate with one red ball in
the bag?
Problem 5/10. Let P be a point on the circumcircle of 4ABC , distinct from
A; B , and C . Suppose BP meets AC at X , and CP meets AB at Y . Let
Q be the point of intersection of the circumcircles of 4ABC and 4AXY ,
with Q 6= A. Prove that P Q bisects the segment XY . (The various points
of intersection may occur on the extensions of the segments.)
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 11

19 1 1
Problem 1/11. Express in the form + , where m and n are positive
94 m n
Problem 2/11. Let n be a positive integer greater than 5. Show that at most
eight members of the set fn + 1; n + 2; : : : ; n + 30g can be primes.
Problem 3/11. A convex 2n-gon is
said to be “rhombic” if all of its sides
are of unit length and if its opposite
sides are parallel. As exemplified on
the right (for the case of n = 4),
a rhombic 2n-gon can be dissected
into rhombi of sides 1 in several dif-
ferent ways. For what value of n can
a rhombic 2n-gon be dissected into
666 rhombi?
Problem 4/11. Prove that if three of the interior angle bisectors of a quadri-
lateral intersect at one point, then all four of them must intersect at that point.
Problem 5/11. Let f (x) = x4 + 17x3 + 80x2 + 203 p x + 125. Find
p the
p g(x), of psmallest degree for which f (3  3) = g(3  3) and
f (5  5) = g (5  5).
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 12

Problem 1/12. A teacher writes a positive integer less than fifty thousand on
the board. One student claims it is an exact multiple of 2; a second student
says it is an exact multiple of 3; and so on, until the twelfth student says that
it is an exact multiple of 13. The teacher observes that all but two of the
students were right, and that the two students making incorrect statements
spoke one after the other. What was the number written on the board?
Problem 2/12. A regular
dodecagon is inscribed
in a square of area 24
as shown on the right,
where four vertices of
the dodecagon are at the
midpoints of the sides of
the square. Find the area
of the dodecagon.
Problem 3/12. Let S be a set of 30 points in the plane, with the property that
the distance between any pair of distinct points in S is at least 1. Define T to
be a largest possible subset ofpS such that the distance between any pair of
distinct points in T is at least 3. How many points must be in T ?
p p
Problem 4/12. Prove that if 3 2 + 3 4 is a zero of a cubic polynomial with
integer coefficients, then it is the only real zero of that polynomial.
Problem 5/12. In the figure on
the right, `1 and `2 are paral- R B S
lel lines, AB is perpendicular to l2
them, and P; Q; R; S are the in-
tersection points of `1 and `2 with
a circle of diameter greater than P A Q
AB and center, C , on the seg-
ment AB . Prove that the prod-
uct P R  P S is independent of the
choice of C on the segment AB .
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 13

Problem 1/13 Milo is a student at Mindbender High. After every test, he

figures his cumulative average, which he always rounds to the nearest whole
percent. (So 85:49 would round down to 85, but 85:50 would round up to
86.) Today he had two tests. First he got 75 in French, which dropped his
average by 1 point. Then he got 83 in History, which lowered his average
another 2 points. What is his average now?
Problem 2/13 Erin is devising a game and wants to select four denomina-
tions out of the available denominations $1, $2, $3, $5, $10, $20, $25, and
$50 for the play money. How should he choose them so that every value
from $1 to $120 can be obtained by using at most seven bills?
Problem 3/13 For which positive integers d is it possible to color the integers
with red and blue so that no two red points are a distance d apart, and no two
blue points are a distance 1 apart?
Problem 4/13 Prove that there are infinitely many ordered triples of positive
integers (x; y; z ) such that x3 + y 5 = z 7 .
Problem 5/13 Armed with just a compass — no straightedge — draw two
circles that intersect at right angles; that is, construct overlapping circles in
the same plane, having perpendicular tangents at the two points where they
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 14

Problem 1/14. Let a; b; c; d be positive numbers such that a 2 + b2 +(a b)2 =

c2 + d2 + (c d)2 . Prove that a4 + b4 + (a b)4 = c4 + d4 + (c d)4 .
Problem 2/14. The price tags on three items in a store are as follows:

$ 0.75 $ 2.00 $5.50

Notice that the sum of these three prices is $8.25, and that the product of
these three numbers is also 8:25. Identify four prices whose sum is $8.25
and whose product is also 8:25.
Problem 3/14. In a group of eight mathematicians, each of them finds that
there are exactly three others with whom he/she has a common area of in-
terest. Is it possible to pair them off in such a manner that in each of the
four pairs, the two mathematicians paired together have no common area of
Problem 4/14. For positive integers a and b, define a  b to mean that ab + 1
is the square of an integer. Prove that if a  b, then there exists a positive
integer c such that a  c and b  c.
Problem 5/14. Let 4ABC be given, extend its sides, and construct two
hexagons as shown below. Compare the areas of the hexagons.

b a
c A A

c b c b
c b b c
B a C B a C
a a b c
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 15

Problem 1/15. Is it possible to pair off the positive integers 1, 2, 3, : : : , 50

in such a manner that the sum of each pair of numbers is a different prime
Problem 2/15. Substitute different digits (0, 1, 2, : : : , 9) for different letters
in the following alphametics to ensure that the corresponding additions are
correct. (The two problems are independent of one another.)
+ H E R S A R A H
D E N T I S T + A R E
Problem 3/15. Two pyramids share a seven-sided common base, with ver-
tices labeled as A1 , A2 , A3 , : : : , A7 , but they have different apexes, B and
C . No three of these nine points are colinear. Each of the 14 edges BAi and
CAi (i = 1; 2; : : : ; 7), the 14 diagonals of the common base, and the seg-
ment BC are colored either red or blue. Prove that there are three segments
among them, all of the same color, that form a triangle.
Problem 4/15. Suppose that for positive integers a; b; c and x; y; z , the equa-
tions a2 + b2 = c2 and x2 + y 2 = z 2 are satisfied. Prove that
(a + x) + (b + y )
2  (c + z )2 ;

and determine when equality holds.

Problem 5/15. Let C1 and C2 be two circles intersecting at the points A and
B , and let C0 be a circle through A, with center at B . Determine, with proof,
conditions under which the common chord of C 0 and C1 is tangent to C2 ?
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 16

Problem 1/16. Prove that if a + b + c = 0, then a3 + b3 + c3 = 3abc.

Problem 2/16. For a positive integer n, let P (n) be the product of the
nonzero base 10 digits of n. Call n “prodigitious” if P (n) divides n. Show
that one can not have a sequence of fourteen consecutive positive integers
that are all prodigitious.
Problem 3/16. Disks numbered 1 through n are placed in a row of squares,
with one square left empty. A move consists of picking up one of the disks
and moving it into the empty square, with the aim to rearrange the disks in
the smallest number of moves so that disk 1 is in square 1, disk 2 is in square
2, and so on until disk n is in square n and the last square is empty. For
example, if the initial arrangement is
3 2 1 6 5 4 9 8 7 12 11 10

then it takes at least 14 moves; i.e., we could move the disks into the empty
square in the following order: 7, 10, 3, 1, 3, 6, 4, 6, 9, 8, 9, 12, 11, 12.
What initial arrangement requires the largest number of moves if n = 1995?
Specify the number of moves required.
Problem 4/16. Let ABCD be an ar-
bitrary convex quadrilateral, with E , D
F , G, H the midpoints of its sides,
as shown in the figure on the right. F
Prove that one can piece together tri- H
angles AEH , BEF , CF G, DGH
to form a parallelogram congruent to
parallelogram EF GH . A E B

p 5/16.
Problem p An equiangular octagon ABCDEF GH has sides of length
2, 2 2, 4, 4 2, 6, 7, 7, 8. Given that AB = 8, find the length of EF .
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 17

Problem 1/17. The 154–digit number, 19202122 : : : 939495, was obtained

by listing the integers from 19 to 95 in succession. We are to remove 95 of
its digits, so that the resulting number is as large as possible. What are the
first 19 digits of this 59–digit number?
Problem 2/17. Find all pairs of positive integers (m; n) for which m 2 n2 =

Problem 3/17. Show that it is possible to arrange in the plane 8 points so

that no 5 of them will be the vertices of a convex pentagon. (A polygon is
convex if all of its interior angles are less than or equal to 180 Æ .)
Problem 4/17. A man is 6 years older than his wife. He noticed 4 years ago
that he has been married to her exactly half of his life. How old will he be
on their 50th anniversary if in 10 years she will have spent two-thirds of her
life married to him?
Problem 5/17. What is the minimum number of 3  5 rectangles that will
cover a 26  26 square? The rectangles may overlap each other and/or the
edges of the square. You should demonstrate your conclusion with a sketch
of the covering.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 18

Problem 1/18. Determine the minimum length of the interval [a; b] such that
a  x + y  b for all real numbers x  y  0 for which 19x + 95y = 1995.
Problem 2/18. For a positive integer n  2, let P (n) denote the product of
the positive integer divisors (including 1 and n) of n. Find the smallest n for
which P (n) = n10 .
Problem 3/18. The graph shown on
the right has 10 vertices, 15 edges,
and each vertex is of order 3 (i.e., at
each vertex 3 edges meet). Some of 4 2
the edges are labeled 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
as shown. Prove that it is possible
to label the remaining edges 6, 7, 8, 5 1
: : : , 15 so that at each vertex the sum
of the labels on the edges meeting at
that vertex is the same.
Problem 4/18. Let a; b; c; d be distinct real numbers such that
a+b+c+d=3 and a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 = 45:

Find the value of the expression

a5 b5
(a b)(a c)(a d) (b a)(b c)(b d)

c5 d5
+ + :
(c a)(c b)(c d) (d a)(d b)(d c)
Problem 5/18. Let a and b be two
lines in the plane, and let C be a a
point as shown in the figure on the
right. Using only a compass and an C
unmarked straight edge, construct an
isosceles right triangle ABC , so that b
A is on line a, B is on line b, and AB
is the hypotenuse of 4ABC .
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 19

Problem 1/19. It is possible to replace each of the  signs below by either

or + so that
1  2  3  4      96 = 1996:
At most how many of the  signs can be replaced by a + sign?
Problem 2/19. We say (a; b; c) is a primitive Heronian triple if a, b, and c
are positive integers with no common factors (other than 1), and if the area
of the triangle whose sides measure a, b, and c is also an integer. Prove that
if a = 96, then b and c must both be odd.
Problem 3/19. The numbers in the
7  8 rectangle shown on the right
5 5 5 2 1 3 3 4
were obtained by putting together the
6 4 4 2 1 1 5 2
28 distinct dominoes of a standard
6 3 3 2 1 6 0 3
set, recording the number of dots,
3 0 5 5 0 0 0 6
ranging from 0 to 6 on each side of
3 2 1 6 0 0 4 2
the dominoes, and then erasing the
0 3 6 4 6 2 6 5
boundaries among them. Determine
the original boundaries among the 2 1 1 4 4 4 1 5

dominoes. (Note: Each domino con-

sists of two adjoint squares, referred
to as its sides.)
Problem 4/19. Suppose that f satisfies the functional equation
2x + 29
2f (x) + 3f ( ) = 100x + 80:
x 2

Find f (3).
Problem 5/19. In the figure on
the right, determine the area of the
shaded octogon as a fraction of the
area of the square, where the bound-
aries of the octogon are lines drawn
from the vertices of the square to the
midpoints of the opposite sides.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 20

Problem 1/20. Determine the number of points (x; y ) on the hyperbola

2xy 5x + y = 55

for which both x and y are integers.

Problem 2/20. Find the smallest value of n for which the following state-
ment is true: Out of every set of n positive integers one can always choose
seven numbers whose sum is divisible by 7.
Problem 3/20. The husbands of 11 mathematicians accompany their wives
to a meeting. Sometimes the husbands pass one another in the halls, but
once any particular pair have passed each other once, they never pass each
other again. When they pass one another, either only one of them recognizes
the other, or they mutually recognize each other, or neither recognizes the
other. We will refer to the event of one husband recognizing another one as
a “sighting”, and to the event of them mutually recognizing each other as a
“chat”, since in that case they stop for a chat. Note that each chat accounts
for two sightings.
If 61 sightings take place, prove that one of the husbands must have had at
least two chats.
Problem 4/20. Suppose that a and b are positive integers such that the frac-
tions a=(b 1) and a=b, when rounded (by the usual rule; i.e., digits 5 and
larger are rounded up, while digits 4 and smaller are rounded down) to three
decimal places, both have the decimal value :333.
Find, with proof, the smallest possible value of b.
Problem 5/20. In the figure shown
on the right, the centers of circles C0 ,
C1 , and C2 are collinear, A and B are
the points of intersection of C1 and B
C2 , and C is point of intersection of
C0 and the extension of AB . Prove A C2
that the two small circles shown, tan-
gent to C0 ; C1 and BC , and C0 ; C2 C0
and BC , respectively, are congruent
to one another.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 21

Problem 1/21. Determine the miss-

ing entries in the magic square
shown on the right, so that the sum of 33
the three numbers in each of the three
rows, in each of the three columns,
31 28
and along the two major diagonals is
the same constant, k . What is k ?
Problem 2/21. Find the smallest positive integer that appears in each of the
arithmetic progressions given below, and prove that there are infinitely many
positive integers that appear in all three of the sequences.
5; 16; 27; 38; 49; 60; 71; : : :

7; 20; 33; 46; 59; 72; 85; : : :

8; 22; 36; 50; 64; 78; 92; : : :

Problem 3/21. Rearrange the integers 1, 2, 3, 4, : : : , 96, 97 into a sequence

a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 , : : : , a96 , a97 , so that the absolute value of the difference of
ai+1 and ai is either 7 or 9 for each i = 1, 2, 3, 4, : : : , 96.
Problem 4/21. Assume that the infinite process, shown in the first figure be-
low, yields a well–defined positive real number. Determine this real number.

1+ 3+ 

3+ 1+ 

1+ 1+
5+ 3+

1+ 1+ 

1+ 1+
1+ 3+

3+ 1+ 
3+ 1+
5+ 3+

1+ 1+ 

 B C

Problem 5/21. Assume that 4ABC , shown in the second figure above,
is isosceles, with \ABC = \ACB = 78Æ . Let D and E be points on
sides AB and AC , respectively, so that \BCD = 24Æ and \CBE = 51Æ .
Determine, with proof, \BED .
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 22

Problem 1/22. In 1996 nobody could claim that on their birthday their age
was the sum of the digits of the year in which they were born. What was the
last year prior to 1996 which had the same property?
p npfor which
Problem 2/22. Determine the largest positive integer
2 p there
p is a
unique positive integer m such that m < n and n + m + n m is
a positive integer.
Problem 3/22. Assume that there are 120 million telephones in current use
in the United States. Is it possible to assign distinct 10-digit telephone num-
bers (with digits ranging from 0 to 9) to them so that any single error in
dialing can be detected and corrected? (For example, if one of the assigned
numbers is 812–877–2917 and if one mistakenly dials 812–872–2917, then
none of the other numbers which differ from 812–872–2917 in a single digit
should be an assigned telephone number.)
Problem 4/22. As shown in the first figure below, a large wooden cube has
one corner sawed off forming a tetrahedron ABCD . Determine the length
of CD , if AD = 6, BD = 8 and area(4ABC ) = 74.


Problem 5/22. As shown in the second figure above, in a square of base 96

there is one circle of radius r1 , there are two circles of radius r2 , and there
are three circles of radius r3 . All circles are tangent to the lines and/or to one
another as indicated, and the smallest circle goes through the vertex of the
triangle as shown. Determine r1 , r2 , and r3 .
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 23

Problem 1/23. In the addition prob-

lem on the right, each letter repre- A R L O
sents a different digit from 0 to 9. B A R T
Determine them so that the resulting B R A D
sum is as large as possible. What is E L T O N
the value of GB with the resulting + R O G E R
assignment of the digits?

Problem 2/23. We will say that the integer n is fortunate if it can be ex-
pressed in the form 3x2 + 32y 2 , where x and y are integers. Prove that if n
is fortunate, then so is 97n.
Problem 3/23. Exhibit in the plane 19 straight lines so that they intersect
one another in exactly 97 points. Assume that it is permissible to have more
than two lines intersect at some points. Be sure that your solution should be
accompanied by a carefully prepared sketch.
Problem 4/23. Prove that cot 10Æ cot 30Æ cot 50Æ cot 70Æ = 3.

Problem 5/23. Isosceles triangle ABC has been dissected into thirteen
isosceles acute triangles, as shown in the two figures below, where all seg-
ments of the same length are marked the same way, and the second figure
shows the details of the dissection of 4EF G. Given that the base angle,  ,
of 4ABC is an integral number of degrees, determine  .


International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 24

Problem 1/24. The lattice points of

35 Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ
the first quadrant are numbered as
21 23 34 Æ Æ Æ Æ Æ
shown in the diagram on the right.
11 20 24 33 Æ Æ Æ Æ
Thus, for example, the 19th lattice
point is (2; 3), while the 97th lat-
10 12 19 25 32 Æ Æ Æ
tice point is (8; 5). Determine, with
4 9 13 18 26 31 Æ Æ
proof, the 1997th lattice point in this
3 5 8 14 17 27 30 Æ
1 2 6 7 15 16 28 29

Problem 2/24. Let Nk = 131313 : : : 131 be the (2k + 1)–digit number (in
base 10), formed from k + 1 copies of 1 and k copies of 3. Prove that Nk is
not divisible by 31 for any value of k = 1, 2, 3, : : : .
Problem 3/24. In 4ABC , let AB = 52, BC = 64, CA = 70, and as-
sume that P and Q are points chosen on sides AB and AC , respectively,
so that 4AP Q and quadrilateral P BCQ have the same area and the same
perimeter. Determine the square of the length of the segment P Q.
Problem 4/24. Determine the positive integers x < y < z for which
1 1 1 19
= :
x xy xyz 97

Problem 5/24. Let P be a convex planar polygon with n vertices, and from
each vertex of P construct perpendiculars to the n 2 sides (or extensions
thereof) of P not meeting at that vertex. Prove that either one of these per-
pendiculars is completely in the interior of P or it is a side of P .
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 25

Problem 1/25. Assume that we have 12 rods, each 13 units long. They are
to be cut into pieces measuring 3, 4, and 5 units, so that the resulting pieces
can be assembled into 13 triangles of sides 3, 4, and 5 units. How should the
rods be cut?
Problem 2/25. Let f (x) be a polynomial with integer coefficients, and as-
sume that f (0) = 0 and f (1) = 2. Prove that f (7) is not a perfect square.
Problem 3/25. One can show that for every quadratic equation (x p)(x
q ) = 0 there exist constants a; b, and c, with c 6= 0, such that the equation
(x a)(b x) = c is equivalent to the original equation, and the faulty
reasoning “either x a or b x must equal to c” yields the correct answers
“x = p or x = q ”.
Determine constants a; b, and c, with c 6= 0, so that the equation (x 19)(x
97) = 0 can be “solved” in such manner.

Problem 4/25. Assume that 4ABC is a scalene triangle, with AB as its

longest side. Extend AB to the point D so that B is between A and D on the
line segment AD and BD = BC . Prove that \ACD is obtuse.
Problem 5/25. As shown in the fig- P
ure on the right, P ABCD is a pyramid,
whose base, ABCD , is a rhombus with
\DAB = 60Æ. Assume that P C 2 =
P B 2 + P D 2 . Prove that P A = AB .
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 26

Problem 1/26. Assume that x, y, and z are positive x + y + xy = 8,

real numbers that satisfy the equations given on the y + z + yz = 15,
right. z + x + zx = 35.
Determine the value of x + y + z + xyz.

Problem 2/26. Determine the number of non-similar regular polygons each

of whose interior angles measures an integral number of degrees.

Problem 3/26. Substitute different digits S H O W

(0, 1, 2, . . . , 9) for different letters in the al- M E
phametics on the right, so that the corre- + T H E
sponding addition is correct, and the result- M O N E Y
ing value of M O N E Y is as large as
possible. What is this value?

Problem 4/26. Prove that if a ≥ b ≥ c > 0, then

µ ¶
8 ³√ √ √ ´ 1 a2 b2 c2
2a + 3b + 5c − ab + bc + ca ≤ + +4 .
3 3 b c a

Problem 5/26. Let ABCD be a con- C

vex quadrilateral inscribed in a circle, G
let M be the intersection point of the D
diagonals of ABCD, and let E, F, G, F
and H be the feet of the perpendicu- M
lars from M to the sides of ABCD, H
as shown in the figure on the right.
Determine (with proof) the center of A E
the circle inscribable in quadrilateral B
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 27

Problem 1/27. Are there integers M, N, K, such that M + N = K and

(i) each of them contains each of the seven digits 1, 2, 3, . . . , 7 exactly once?

(ii) each of them contains each of the nine digits 1, 2, 3, . . . , 9 exactly once?

Problem 2/27. Suppose that R(n) counts the number of representations of

the positive integer n as the sum of the squares of four non-negative integers,
where we consider two representations equivalent if they differ only in the
order of the summands. (For example, R(7) = 1 since 22 + 12 + 12 + 12 is
the only representation of 7 up to ordering.)
Prove that if k is a positive integer, then R(2k ) + R(2k+1 ) = 3.

Problem 3/27. Assume that f (1) = 0, and that for all integers m and n,
f (m + n) = f (m) + f (n) + 3(4mn − 1).
Determine f (19).

Problem 4/27. In the rectangular coordinate plane, ABCD is a square, and

(31, 27), (42, 43), (60, 27), and (46, 16) are points on its sides, AB, BC, CD,
and DA, respectively. Determine the area of ABCD.

Problem 5/27. Is it possible to construct in the plane the midpoint of a given

segment using compasses alone (i.e., without using a straight edge, except
for drawing the segment)?
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 28
√ √
Problem 1/28. For what integers b and c is x = 19 + 98 a root of the
equation x4 + bx2 + c = 0?

Problem 2/28. The sides of a triangle are of length a, b, and c, where a, b,

and c are integers, a > b, and the angle opposite to c measures 60◦ . Prove
that a must be a composite number.

Problem 3/28. Determine, with a mathematical proof, the value of bxc; i.e.,
the greatest integer less than or equal to x, where
1 1 1 1 1
x = 1 + √ + √ + √ + √ + ··· + √ .
2 3 4 5 1, 000, 000

Problem 4/28. Let n be a positive integer and assume that for each integer
k, 1 ≤ k ≤ n, we have two disks numbered k. It is desired to arrange the
2n disks in a row so that for each k, 1 ≤ k ≤ n, there are k disks between
the two disks that are numbered k. Prove that
(i) if n = 6, then no such arrangement is possible;
(ii) if n = 7, then it is possible to arrange the disks as desired.

Problem 5/28. Let S be the set of all points of a unit cube (i.e., a cube each
of whose edges is of length 1) that are at least as far from any of the vertices
of the cube as from the center of the cube. Determine the shape and volume
of S.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 29

Problem 1/29. Several pairs of positive integers (m, n) satisfy the equation
19m + 90 + 8n = 1998. Of these, (100, 1) is the pair with the smallest value
for n. Find the pair with the smallest value for m.

r 1 1
Problem 2/29. Determine the smallest rational number such that + +
s k m
1 r
≤ whenever k, m, and n are positive integers that satisfy the inequality
n s
1 1 1
+ + < 1.
k m n
Problem 3/29. It is possible to arrange eight
of the nine numbers
2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15 1
in the vacant squares of the 3 by 4 array
shown on the right so that the arithmetic av- 9 5
erage of the numbers in each row and in each
column is the same integer. Exhibit such an 14
arrangement, and specify which one of the
nine numbers must be left out when complet-
ing the array.

Problem 4/29.Show that it is possible to arrange seven distinct points in the

plane so that among any three of these seven points, two of the three points
are a unit distance apart. (Your solution should include a carefully prepared
sketch of the seven points, along with all segments that are of unit length.)

Problem 5/29.The figure on the

right shows the ellipse
(x − 19)2 (y − 98)2 400
+ =
19 98 R2
1998. R1
Let R1 , R2 , R3 , and R4 denote those
areas within the ellipse that are in
the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th quadrants, -100 100 200 x
respectively. Determine the value of R3
-200 R4
R1 − R2 + R3 − R4 .
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 30

Problem 1/30. Determine the unique pair of real numbers (x, y) that satisfy
the equation
(4x2 + 6x + 4)(4y 2 − 12y + 25) = 28.

Problem 2/30. Prove that there are infinitely many ordered triples of positive
integers (a, b, c) such that the greatest common divisor of a, b, and c is 1, and
the sum a2 b2 + b2 c2 + c2 a2 is the square of an integer.

Problem 3/30. Nine cards can be numbered using positive half-integers

(1/2, 1, 3/2, 2, 5/2, . . . ) so that the sum of the numbers on a randomly cho-
sen pair of cards gives an integer from 2 to 12 with the same frequency of
occurence as rolling that sum on two standard dice. What are the numbers
on the nine cards and how often does each number appear on the cards?

Problem 4/30. As shown in the fig-

ure on the right, square P QRS is in- C
scribed in right triangle ABC, whose S
right angle is at C, so that S and P are
on sides BC and CA, respectively,
while Q and R are on side AB. Prove
that AB ≥ 3QR and determine when
equality holds. A Q R B

Problem 5/30. In the figure on the

right, ABCD is a convex quadri-
lateral, K, L, M, and N are the C
midpoints of its sides, and P QRS K
is the quadrilateral formed by the D
intersections of AK, BL, CM, S N
and DN. Determine the area of L P
quadrilateral P QRS if the area of
quadrilateral ABCD is 3000, and
the areas of quadrilaterals AM QP A M B
and CKSR are 513 and 388, re-
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 31

Problem 1/31. Determine the three leftmost digits of the number

11 + 22 + 33 + · · · + 999999 + 10001000 .

Problem 2/31. There are infinitely many ordered pairs (m, n) of positive
integers for which the sum

m + (m + 1) + (m + 2) + · · · + (n − 1) + n
is equal to the product mn. The four pairs with the smallest values of m are
(1, 1), (3, 6), (15, 35), and (85, 204). Find three more (m, n) pairs.

Problem 3/31. The integers from 1 to 9 can be arranged into a 3 × 3 array so

that the sum of the numbers in every row, column, and diagonal is a multiple
of 9.
(a) Prove that the number in the center of the array must be a multiple of 3.
(b) Give an example of such an array with 6 in the center.

Problem 4/31. Prove that if 0 < x < π/2, then

sec6 x + csc6 x + (sec6 x)(csc6 x) ≥ 80.

Problem 5/31. In the figure shown on the
right, O is the center of the circle, OK and
OA are perpendicular to one another, M
is the midpoint of OK, BN is parallel to B N
OK, and ∠AM N = ∠N M O.
Determine the measure of ∠ABN in de-
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 32

Problem 1/32. Exhibit a 13-digit integer N that is an integer multiple of 213

and whose digits consist of only 8s and 9s.

Problem 2/32. For a nonzero integer i, the exponent of 2 in the prime fac-
torization of i is called ord2 (i). For example, ord2 (9) = 0 since 9 is odd,
and ord2 (28) = 2 since 28 = 22 × 7. The numbers 3n − 1 for n = 1, 2, 3, . . .
are all even, so ord2 (3n − 1) ≥ 1 for n > 0.
a) For which positive integers n is ord2 (3n − 1) = 1?
b) For which positive integers n is ord2 (3n − 1) = 2?
c) For which positive integers n is ord2 (3n − 1) = 3?
Prove your answers.
Problem 3/32. Let f be a polynomial of degree 98, such that f (k) = k
k = 1, 2, 3, . . . , 99. Determine f (100).

Problem 4/32. Let A consist of 16 elements of the set {1, 2, 3, . . . , 106}, so

that no two elements of A differ by 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, or 21. Prove that two of
the elements of A must differ by 3.

Problem 5/32. In 4ABC, let D, E, and F be the midpoints of the sides of

the triangle, and let P, Q, and R be the midpoints of the corresponding me-
dians, AD, BE, and CF , respectively, as shown in the figure below. Prove
that the value of
AQ2 + AR2 + BP 2 + BR2 + CP 2 + CQ2
AB 2 + BC 2 + CA2
does not depend on the shape of 4ABC and find that value.



International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 33

Problem 1/33. The digits of the three-digit integers a, b, and c are the nine
non-zero digits 1, 2, 3, . . . , 9, each of them appearing exactly once. Given
that the ratio a : b : c is 1 : 3 : 5, determine a, b, and c.

Problem 2/33. Let N = 111 . . . 1222 . . . 2, where there are 1999 digits of 1
followed by 1999 digits of 2. Express N as the product of four integers, each
of them greater than 1.

Problem 3/33. Triangle ABC has angle A measuring 30◦ , angle B mea-
suring 60◦ , and angle C measuring 90◦ . Show four different ways to divide
triangle ABC into four triangles, each similar to triangle ABC but with one
quarter of the area. Prove that the angles and sizes of the smaller triangles
are correct.

Problem 4/33. There are 8436 steel balls, each with radius 1 centimeter,
stacked in a tetrahedral pile, with one ball on top, 3 balls in the second layer,
6 in the third layer, 10 in the fourth, and so on. Determine the height ot the
pile in centimeters.

Problem 5/33. In a convex pentagon ABCDE the sides have lengths 1, 2,

3, 4, and 5, though not necessarily in that order. Let F , G, H, and I be
the midpoints of sides AB, BC, CD, and DE, respectively. Let X be the
midpoint of segment F H, and Y be the midpoint of segment GI. The length
of segment XY is an integer. Find all possible values of the length of side
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 34

Problem 1/34. The number N consists of 1999 digits such that if each pair
of consecutive digits in N were viewed as a two-digit number, then that
number would either be a multiple of 17 or a multiple of 23. The sum of the
digits of N is 9599. Determine the rightmost ten digits of N .

Problem 2/34. Let C be the set of non-negative integers which can be ex-
pressed as 1999s + 2000t where s and t are also non-negative integers.
(a) Show that 3, 994, 001 is not in C.
(b) Show that if 0 ≤ n ≤ 3, 994, 001 and n is an integer not
in C, then 3, 994, 001 − n is in C. B

Problem 3/34. The figure on the right shows

the map of Squareville, where each city block
is of the same length. Two friends, Alexandra
and Brianna, live at corners marked by A and
B, respectively. They start walking toward each
other’s house, leaving at the same time, walking
with the same speed, and independently choos-
ing a path to the other’s house with uniform dis- A
tribution out of all possible minimum-distance
paths (that is, all minimum-distance paths are R
equally likely). What is the probability that they
will meet?

Problem 4/34. In 4P QR, P Q = 8, QR = 13,

and RP = 15. Prove that there is a point S on the
line segment P R, but not at its endpoints, such that S
P S and QS are also integers.
Problem 5/34. In 4ABC, AC > BC,
CM is the median, and CH is the al- C
titude emanating from C, as shown in
the figure on the right. Determine the
measure of ∠M CH, if ∠ACM and
∠BCH each have measure 17◦ .
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 35

Problem 1/35. We define the repetition number of a positive integer n to

be the number of distinct digits of n when written in base 10. Prove that
each positive integer has a multiple which has a repetition number less than
or equal to 2.

Problem 2/35. Let a be a positive real number, n a positive integer, and

define the power tower a ↑ n recursively with a ↑ 1 = a, a ↑ (i + 1) = aa↑i
for i = 1, 2, . . . . For example, we have 4 ↑ 3 = 44 = 4256 , a number which
has 155 digits. For each positive integer k, let xk denote the unique positive
real number solution of the equation x ↑ k = 10 ↑ (k + 1). Which is larger:
x42 or x43 ?

Problem 3/35. Suppose that the 32 computers in a certain network are

numbered with the 5-bit integers 00000, 00001, . . . , 11111 (bit is short for
binary digit). Suppose that there is a one-way connection from computer
A to computer B if and only if A and B share four of their bits with the
remaining bit being a 0 at A and a 1 at B. (For example, 10101 can send
messages to 11101 and to 10111.) We say that a computer is at level k in the
network if it has exactly k 1’s in its label (k = 0, 1, 2, . . . 5). Suppose further
that we know that 12 computers, three at each of the levels 1, 2, 3, and
4, are malfunctioning, but we do not know which ones. Can we still be sure
that we can send a message from 00000 to 11111?

Problem 4/35. We say that a triangle in the coordinate plane is integral if

its three vertices have integer coordinates and if its three sides have integer
(a) Find an integral triangle with a perimeter of 42.
(b) Is there an integral triangle with a perimeter of 43?

Problem 5/35. We say that a finite set of points is well scattered on the
surface of a sphere if every open hemisphere (half the surface of the sphere
without its boundary) contains at least one of the points. While {(1, 0, 0),
(0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)} is not well scattered on the unit sphere (the sphere of
radius 1 centered at the origin), but if you add the correct point P , it becomes
well scattered. Find, with proof, all possible points P that would make the
set well scattered.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 36

Problem 1/36. Determine the unique 9-digit integer M that has the follow-
ing properties: (1) its digits are all distinct and non-zero; and (2) for every
positive integer m = 2, 3, 4, . . . , 9, the integer formed by the leftmost m
digits of M is divisible by m.

Problem 2/36. The Fibonacci numbers are defined by F1 = F2 = 1 and

Fn = Fn−1 + Fn−2 for n > 2. It is well–known that the sum of any 10
consecutive Fibonacci numbers is divisible by 11. Determine the smallest
positive integer N so that the sum of any N consecutive Fibonacci numbers
is divisible by 12.

Problem 3/36. Determine the value of

r r r
1 1 1 1 1 1
S = 1 + 2 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 2 + ··· + 1 + + .
1 2 2 3 19992 20002

Problem 4/36. We will say

that an octogon is integral y
if it is equiangular, its ver-
tices are lattice points (i.e.,
points with integer coordi-
nates), and its area is an in-
teger. For example, the fig-
ure on the right shows an
integral octogon of area 21.
Determine, with proof, the 3
smallest positive integer K 2
so that for every positive in-
teger k ≥ K, there is an in-
tegral octogon of area k. 1 2 3 x

Problem 5/36. Let P be a point interior to square ABCD so that P A =

a, P B = b,, P C = c, and c2 = a2 + 2b2 . Given only the lengths a, b, and c,
and using only a compass and straightedge, construct a square congruent to
square ABCD.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 37

Problem 1/37. Determine the smallest five-digit positive integer N such that
2N is also a five-digit integer and all ten digits from 0 to 9 are found in N
and 2N .
Problem 2/37. It was recently shown that 22 + 1 is not a prime number.
Find the four rightmost digits of this number.

Problem 3/37. Determine the integers a, b, c, d, and e for which

(x2 + ax + b)(x3 + cx2 + dx + e) = x5 − 9x − 27.

Problem 4/37. A sequence of real numbers s0 , s1 , s2 , . . . has the property


si sj = si+j + si−j for all nonnegative integers i and j with i ≥ j,

si = si+12 for all nonnegative integers i, and
s0 > s1 > s2 > 0.
Find the three numbers s0 , s1 , and s2 .

Problem 5/37. In the octahedron shown on 5

the right, the base and top faces are equilateral 5 5
triangles with sides measuring 9 and 5 units, 6 6
and the lateral edges are all of length 6 units. 6 6
6 6
Determine the height of the octahedron; i.e.,
the distance between the base and the top face.
9 9 9
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 38

Problem 1/38. A well-known test for divis-

ibility by 19 is as follows: Remove the last 6 7 9 4 /4 4 4 9 7 /6
digit of the number, add twice that digit to 8 1 2
the truncated number, and keep repeating this 6 8 0 /2 4 5 0 /9
procedure until a number less than 20 is ob- 4 1 8
tained. Then, the original number is divisible 6 8 /4 4 6 /8
by 19 if and only if the final number is 19. 8 1 6
The method is exemplified on the right; it is 7 /6 6 /2
easy to check that indeed 67944 is divisible 1 2 4
by 19, while 44976 is not. 1 9 1 0
Find and prove a similar test for divisibility by 29.

Problem 2/38. Compute 17761492! (mod 2000); i.e., the remainder when
17761492! is divided by 2000. (As usual, the exclamation point denotes fac-

Problem 3/38. Given the arithmetic progression of integers

308, 973, 1638, 2303, 2968, 3633, 4298,

determine the unique geometric progression of integers,

b 1 , b 2 , b 3 , b 4 , b5 , b6 ,
so that
308 < b1 < 973 < b2 < 1638 < b3 < 2303 < b4 < 2968 < b5 < 3633 < b6 < 4298.

Problem 4/38. Prove that every polyhedron has two vertices at which the
same number of edges meet.

Problem 5/38. In 4ABC, segments

P Q, RS, and T U are parallel to sides C
AB, BC, and CA, respectively, and intersect
at the points X, Y, and Z, as shown in the fig- S
ure on the right. T
Determine the area of 4ABC if each of the Z
segments P Q, RS, and T U bisects (halves)
the area of 4ABC, and if the area of
4XY Z is one unit.
√ Your answer should be X Y
in the form a + b 2, where a and b are posi-
tive integers. A U R B
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 39

Problem 1/39. Find the smallest positive integer with the property that it has
divisors ending in every decimal digit; i.e., divisors ending in 0, 1, 2, . . . , 9.

Problem 2/39. Assume that the irreducible fractions between 0 and 1, with
denominators at most 99, are listed in ascending order. Determine which two
fractions are adjacent to 76 in this listing.

Problem 3/39. Let p(x) = x5 + x2 + 1 have roots r1 , r2 , r3 , r4 , r5 . Let

q(x) = x2 − 2. Determine the product q(r1 )q(r2 )q(r3 )q(r4 )q(r5 ).

Problem 4/39. Assume that each member of the sequence < ¦i >∞ i=1 is
either a + or − sign. Determine the appropriate sequence of + and − signs
so that r q

2 = 6 ¦1 6 ¦2 6 ¦3 · · ·.
Also determine what sequence of signs is necessary if the sixes in the nested
roots are replaced by sevens. List all integers that work in the place of the
sixes and the sequence of signs that are needed with them.

Problem 5/39. Three isosceles

right triangles are erected from the M
larger side of a rectangle into the in-
terior of the rectangle, as shown on
the right, where M is the midpoint
of that side. Five circles are in-
scribed tangent to some of the sides
and to one another as shown. One
of the circles touches the vertex of
the largest triangle.
Find the ratios among the radii of
the five circles.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 40

Problem 1/40. Determine all positive integers with the property that they
are one more than the sum of the squares of their digits in base 10.
Problem 2/40. Prove that if n is an odd positive integer, then
N = 2269n + 1779n + 1730n − 1776n
is an integer multiple of 2001.
Problem 3/40. The figure on the right can be divided into
two congruent halves that are related to each other by a glide
reflection, as shown below it. A glide reflection reflects a
figure about a line, but also moves the reflected figure in a
direction parallel to that line. For a square-grid figure, the
only lines of reflection that keep its reflection on the grid
are horizontal, vertical, 45◦ diagonal, and 135◦ diagonal. Of
the two figures below, divide one figure into two congruent
halves related by a glide reflection, and tell why the other
figure cannot be divided like that.

Problem 4/40. Let A and B be points on a circle which are not diametrically
opposite, and let C be the midpoint of the smaller arc between A and B. Let
D, E and F be the points determined by the intersections of the tangent lines
to the circle at A, B, and C. Prove that the area of 4DEF is greater than
half of the area of 4ABC.
Problem 5/40. Hexagon RST U V W is
constructed by starting with a right trian-
gle of legs measuring p and q, construct- T
ing squares outwardly on the sides of this V
triangle, and then connecting the outer q
vertices of the squares, as shown in the
figure on the right. p
Given that p and q are integers with p > q,
and that the area of RST U V W is 1922,
determine p and q. R S
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 41

Problem 1/41. Determine the unique positive two-digit integers m and n for
which the approximation = .2328767 is accurate to the seven decimals;
i.e., 0.2328767 ≤ m/n < 0.2328768.

Problem 2/41. It is well known that there are infinitely many triples of
integers (a, b, c) whose greatest common divisor is 1 and which satisfy the
equation a2 + b2 = c2 .
Prove that there are also infinitely many triples of integers (r, s, t) whose
greatest common divisor is 1 and which satisfy the equation (rs)2 + (st)2 =
(tr)2 .

cos 3x 1 π
Problem 3/41. Suppose = for some angle x, 0 ≤ x ≤ . Deter-
cos x 3 2
sin 3x
mine for the same x.
sin x
Problem 4/41. The projective plane of order three consists of 13 points and
13 lines. These lines are not Euclidean straight lines; instead they are sets of
four points with the properties that each pair of lines has exactly one point
in common and each pair of points has exactly one line that contains both
points. Suppose the points are labeled 1 through 13 and six of the lines are
A = {1, 2, 4, 8}, B = {1, 3, 5, 9}, C = {2, 3, 6, 10}, D = {4, 5, 10, 11},
E = {4, 6, 9, 12}, and F = {5, 6, 8, 13}. What is the line that contains 7 and

Problem 5/41. In 4P QR,

QR < P R < P Q so
that the exterior angle bisec- Q T
tor through P intersects ray
−→ P
QR at point S, and the ex-
terior angle bisector at R in- R
tersects ray P Q at point T ,
as shown on the right. Given
that P R = P S = RT , deter-
mine, with proof, the measure
of ∠P RQ.
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 42

Problem 1/42. How many positive five-digit integers are there consisting
of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, in which one digit appears once and two
digits appear twice? For example, 41174 is one such number, while 75355 is

Problem 2/42. Determine, with proof, the positive integer whose square is
exactly equal to the number
1+ (4i − 2)3 .

Problem 3/42. Factor the expression

30(a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 ) + 68ab − 75ac − 156ad − 61bc − 100bd + 87cd.

Problem 4/42. Let X = (x1 , x2 , x3 , x4 , x5 , x6 , x7 , x8 , x9 ) be a 9-long vector

of integers. Determine X if the following seven vectors were all obtained
from X by deleting three of its components:

Y1 = (0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1), Y2 = (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0), Y3 = (0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1),

Y4 = (1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1), Y5 = (1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1), Y6 = (1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1),
Y7 = (1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0).

Problem 5/42. Let R and S be points on the sides BC and AC, respectively,
of 4ABC, and let P be the intersection of AR and BS. Determine the area
of 4ABC if the areas of 4AP S, 4AP B, and 4BP R are 5, 6, and 7,
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 43

Problem 1/43. We will say that a rearrangement of the letters of a word has
no fixed letters if, when the rearrangement is placed directly below the word,
no column has the same letter repeated. For instance, the blocks of letters
below shows that E S A R E T is a rearrangement with no fixed letters of
T E R E S A, but R E A S T E is not.
How many distinguishable rearrangements with no fixed letters does T E R E S A
have? (The two Es are considered identical.)

Problem 2/43. Find five different sets of three positive integers {k, m, n},
such that k < m < n and
1 1 1 19
+ + = .
k m n 84

Problem 3/43. Suppose p(x) = xn + an−1 xn−1 + · · · + a1 x + a0 is a poly-

nomial with integer coefficients and suppose (p(x))2 is a polynomial all of
whose coefficients are non-negative. Is it necessarily true that all the coeffi-
cients of p(x) must be non-negative? Justify your answer.

Problem 4/43. As shown C

in the figure on the right, in
4ACF , B is the midpoint of D
AC, D and E divide side CF B
into three equal parts, while
G, H and I divide side F A
into four equal parts. F G H I A

Seventeen segments are drawn to connect these six points to one another
and to the opposite vertices of the triangle. Determine the points interior to
4ACF at which three or more of these line segments intersect one another.

Problem 5/43. Two perpendicular planes intersect a sphere in two circles.

These circles intersect in two points, spaced 14 units apart, measured along
the straight line connecting them. If the radii of the circles are 18 and 25
units, what is the radius of the sphere?
International Mathematical Talent Search – Round 44
Problem 1/44. In a strange language there are only two letters, a and b, and
it is postulated that the letter a is a word. Furthermore, all additional words
are formed according to the following rules:
1. Given any word, a new word can be formed from it by adding a b at the
right hand end.
2. If in any word a sequence aaa appears, a new word can be formed by
replacing aaa by the letter b.
3. If in any word a sequence bbb appears, a new word can be formed by
omitting bbb.
4. Given any word, a new word can be formed by writing down the se-
quence that constitutes the given word twice.
For example, by (4), aa is a word, and by (4) again, aaaa is a word. Hence
by (2) ba is a word, and by (1), bab ia also a word. Again, by (1), babb is
a word, and so by (4), babbbabb is also a word. Finally, by (3) we find that
baabb is a word.
Prove that in this language baabaabaa is not a word.
Problem 2/44. Let f (x) = x · bx · bx · bxccc for all positive real numbers x,
where byc denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to y.
1. Determine x so that f (x) = 2001.
2. Prove that f (x) = 2002 has no solutions.
Problem 3/44. Let f be a function defined on the set of integers, and assume
that it satisfies the following properties:
1. f (0) 6= 0;
2. f (1) = 3; and
3. f (x)f (y) = f (x + y) + f (x − y) for all integers x and y.
Determine f (7).
Problem 4/44. A certain company has a faulty telephone system that some-
times transposes a pair of adjacent digits when someone dials a three-digit
extension. Hence a call to x318 would ring at either x318, x138, or x381,
while a call received at x044 would be intended for either x404 or x044.
Rather than replace the system, the company is adding a computer to de-
duce which dialed extensions are in error and revert those numbers to their
correct form. They have to leave out several possible extensions for this to
work. What is the greatest number of three-digit extensions the company
can assign under this plan?
Problem 5/44. Determine the smallest number of squares into which one
can dissect a 11 × 13 rectangle and exhibit such a dissection. The squares
need not be of different sizes, their bases should be integers, and they should
not overlap.

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