Expansion joints
Product characteristics
Principle Characteristics Parts and components
TENSA®MODULAR expansion joints are Expansion joints are subjected to consider- The joint’s individual lamella beams ①
based on the following concept: The able demands and must satisfy these over rest on and slide along support bars ②,
movement gap at the end of a bridge deck a service life of many years. The design of and are connected to these by stirrups ③
is divided into smaller individual gaps by the watertight TENSA®MODULAR expan- through which the support bars pass. The
horizontal lamella beams. This enables sion joint, which was invented by mageba, support bars span between support bar
deck movements of well over 2’000 mm to has been continually developed in recent boxes ④ in the deck structures at each
be accommodated. Rotations about every decades. The current 4th generation of side of the movement gap. Both support
axis can also be facilitated. the system fully accommodates these high bars and lamella beams are supported by
The individual gaps are sealed watertight demands. high-quality polymer elements and pre-
by elastomeric profiles, enabling the joint The TENSA®MODULAR expansion joint stressed by elastomeric components. The
to be completely drained at the deck was developed, as the name suggests, as movements of the lamella beams relative
surface. The movements of the lamella a modular system, with joints for specific to each other and along the support bars
beams relative to each other are regu- needs built up from proven components. are regulated by control springs. Sealing
lated, elastically and constraint-free, by a The principle variable in this process is the profiles ⑤, which connect the lamella
control system. movement range which must be accom- beams to each other and to the joint’s
modated. edge profiles ⑥, make the system endur-
mageba TENSA®MODULAR expansion
ingly watertight.
joints are typically used in bridges with Each individual gap of the joint, and its
movements of over 80 mm. sealing profile, allows maximum gap open-
The fitting of so-called “sinus plates” to the ings of between 60 and 80 mm, depending
joint’s surface enables noise from over- on the relevant norm. However, if noise-
rolling traffic to be reduced by up to 80 %. reducing sinus plates are bolted to the up-
per surface of the lamella beams and edge
profiles, the movement accommodated by
each gap increases to 100 mm. For special
load cases such as earthquakes, yet larger
movements can be facilitated. The maxi-
mum joint movement is used to determine
the number of gaps and lamella beams
that the joint will require.
⑥ ①
Expansion joints
Client benefits
Design Functionality
• Welding is avoided in all highly stressed • All parts of the joint are elastically pre-
• Allows free movements in all direc- connections, increasing durability. stressed, making them highly resistant
tions and rotations about every axis to fatigue.
• All of the joint’s well-proven wear parts
• Completely watertight system with are bolted in place, and can be replaced • The elastic gap control system increases
drainage at the bridge surface if necessary with little effort and with- the service life of the entire joint by
• Versatile and freely adaptable to suit out disrupting traffic. damping the impact loading from over-
client‘s wishes • For the installation of the joint, only rolling traffic.
• Can be used on all types of bridges relatively small recesses are required • The joint’s prestressed connections
• Based on well-proven and thorough- in the bridge structure at each side. damp impacts and vibrations, while fa-
ly tested components and parts Thanks to its asymmetric design, it can cilitating large transverse movements,
be easily adapted to suit specific cir- vertical displacements and rotations.
• Low-noise when fitted with sinus
cumstances. • Sinus plates, which can optionally be fit-
• The orientation of the support bars, in ted to the surface of the joint, reduce
the direction of the deck’s span, simpli- noise from over-rolling traffic by up to
fies the placing of the connecting deck 80 %, making the joint suitable for use
reinforcement. in noise-sensitive areas.
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3 4 5
Expansion joints
Movement capacity
Movements of the joint Skewed orientation and movements
mageba TENSA®MODULAR expansion Expansion joints are typically installed
joints allow movements in every direction perpendicular to the bridge’s axis, with
and, at the same time, rotations about their longitudinal movements parallel to
every axis. Their elastic control system can the same axis. But it is also possible to de-
accommodate large transverse and verti- sign modular joints for installation with a
cal movements without developing con- different orientation (i.e. not perpendicu-
straint forces. lar to the bridge axis), or for longitudinal
If necessary, the joint’s support bar boxes movements which are not parallel to the
can be designed with a trapezoidal shape bridge axis. In such cases, the support bar
to increase the joint’s transverse move- boxes can be orientated either parallel to
ment capacity to match its longitudinal the bridge axis or perpendicular to the
movement capacity. joint’s axis.
In this case, the support bars of the joint 2
can rotate until they are orientated at 45
degrees to the bridge axis. This simple ge-
ometric adaptation represents one signifi-
cant advantage of the TENSA®MODULAR
joint: the functionality and construction
of the overall system remains the same for
small or large transverse movements.
The table below presents the maximum
movement capacities of various sizes of
TENSA®MODULAR expansion joint, in the
longitudinal and transverse directions.
Transverse movements are considered
with all gaps fully closed. 1 Vertical movement capacity of the joint
2 Transverse movement capacity of the joint
Expansion joints
Design details
Support and connection system provided in the table below. The values for control sets, which are rigidly connected to
The joint’s lamella beams are connected B1 and B2 are valid for an expansion joint that beam by steel and to the neighbouring
to the support bars beneath by stirrups with both a moving side and a fixed side as beams by control springs. At each edge of
through which the support bars pass. In the shown in the cross section. Alternatively, the joint, the control set is connected to the
same way, the support bars are enclosed by expansion joints can be designed to allow bridge structure by so-called control boxes.
support bar boxes at the edges of the joint. movement at both sides. In such cases, the The entire movement range of the joint is
In this way, the whole system is supported total longitudinal movement can be split as thus distributed among the individual gaps,
and connected elastically and securely, desired between the two sides, with B1 re- and braking and acceleration forces from
while still allowing movements as desired. duced and B2 increased accordingly. Exact traffic are elastically damped and resisted.
values can be provided on request. The elasticity of the control system prevents
ROBO®SLIDE sliding material damage to the joint should individual gaps
Control system become blocked by stones or debris. The
Where sliding components are subjected
to demanding loading or movements, ma- Elastomeric springs control the movements system is designed to ensure that the con-
geba uses ROBO®SLIDE, a highly developed of the individual lamella beams and make trol springs are not stressed in the trans-
modern alternative to the traditionally used them work as a single kinematic system. verse direction when the joint is in its cen-
PTFE. This material consists of modified The movements of each lamella beam tral position. This minimises fatigue and
ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene, relative to its neighbours are regulated by thus increases service life.
and offers very high bearing strength, low
friction and exceptional resistance to wear.
The increased service life of components
which feature this material considerably re-
duces maintenance effort.
Recess dimensions
The main dimensions of the recesses (block-
outs) required in the bridge structure for
the installation of various sizes of expansion
joint, and the weight of joint per meter, are B1 A B2
Section through a modular joint of type LR6
Expansion joints
Expansion joints
Expansion joints
Golden Ears Bridge (CA) Incheon Bridge (KR) Ba Lin He Bridge (CN) Talübergang Lavant (AT) Pont de Normandie (FR) Ganter Bridge (CH)
Single gap joints Cantilever finger joint Sliding finger joints Modular expansion joints