Nursing Research
Nursing Research
Nursing Research
Compared with other student groups, such as primary school students and
middle school students, the traditional view is that college students bear more pressure
and have more serious mental health problems. Due to the recent social changes in the
education domain, the use of distance education is more and more, which changes the
communication patterns increases the isolation and independence of students, and thus
becomes an important source of pressure for students.
From the beginning of the pandemic, feelings of anxiety and fear were common
among the community with the misery of anticipating death and the hope of surviving.
From 2015 to 2020, the average number of deaths was at 2,630 and at May 17,2021,
they stated that the suicide incidents rise by 25.7%. Moreover, SLU is currently facing
an issue about a student suiciding because of academic stress.
In connection with the struggle faced by the researchers as student nurses, they
decided to formulate a study concerning their fellow student nurses. The study is
entitled “Swotting in pandemic: Academic stress and its psychosocial impact on student
nurses.” Its main goal is to be aware of the mental health problems affecting students
and will able to suggest solutions to address the issue.
Among the effects of the pandemic identified, the most prominent was worries
about one’s own health and the health of loved ones, followed by difficulty
concentrating. These findings are in line with recent studies in China that also found
concerns relating to health of oneself and of family members being highly prevalent
among the general population during the pandemic. Difficulty in concentrating has
previously been shown to adversely affect students’ confidence in themselves which
has known correlations to increased stress and mental health. In comparison with stress
and anxiety in college students’ general life, it appears that countermeasures put in
place against COVID-19, such as shelter-in-place orders and social distancing
practices, may have underpinned significant changes in students’ lives.