Covid-19: Negative Pressure Rooms: Anmf Evidence Brief
Covid-19: Negative Pressure Rooms: Anmf Evidence Brief
Covid-19: Negative Pressure Rooms: Anmf Evidence Brief
Author: Dr Micah DJ Peters Date: August 14 2020
Question: What is the best available evidence regarding the use of negative pressure rooms for care of
COVID-19 patients?
Key messages:
• Isolation rooms, including negative pressure rooms, are designed to control the airflow in the room so
that the number of airborne infectious particles is reduced to a level that diminishes the risk of cross-
infection of others.
• Negative room air pressure is designed to protect others outside the room from any airborne
transmission from a patient who may be an infection risk inside the room.
• Health and aged care workers should be aware that, uncovered, coughing and sneezing, and in some
instances, speaking can generate small droplets and aerosols that may travel several metres, remain
airborne, and collect on surfaces. While the infection risk, particularly of smaller aerosolised particles, is
as yet not well understood, this highlights the importance of careful risk assessment and infection control
measures for airborne transmission risk particularly in crowded, poorly ventilated, indoor environments.
• Personal protective equipment precautions for airborne transmission should be observed in high-risk
areas e.g. (ICU, COVID-19 wards, negative pressure rooms) where aerosol generating procedures take
place including collection of respiratory samples including for asymptomatic patients (bronchoalveolar
lavage and induced sputum), and when providing frequent and/or close-contact care for people with
suspected or confirmed COVID-19.
• Patients should be placed in a negative pressure room if an aerosol generating procedure is to be
• If available, negative pressure rooms should be used for the collection of respiratory samples from
patients with suspected COVID-19.
• In Australia, negative pressure rooms should comply with the guidelines outlined by the Australasian
Health Infrastructure Alliance.
• In the absence of negative pressure rooms, newly developed intensive care ventilation hoods, some
of which are able to maintain small negative pressure environments around a patient’s head and upper
body, may reduce the potential for the spread of aerosolised droplets. As with all new technologies,
there must be careful consideration of safe and effective use.
There is ongoing research and debate regarding the degree to which smaller respiratory droplets contribute
to the spread of COVID-19.4 Many jurisdictions nationally and globally have now adopted infection control
measures for the management of airborne transmission based on emerging evidence and pressure to
strengthen infection control and protection policies.5,6
The individuals most at-risk of infection are those in close contact with patients with COVID-19 which
includes health and aged care workers. Use of negative pressure rooms, which prevent air from
circulating to other areas in the building, are recommended where available, to minimise the potential
risk of transmission via smaller respiratory droplets.6 Negative pressure rooms have been recommended
since early on during the pandemic in the context of aerosol generating procedures and the collection of
respiratory samples where possible.
Based on currently available evidence, COVID-19 is transmitted when the virus enters the body via the
mucosae (mouth and nose) or conjunctiva (eyes) which can occur through;4
• direct person-to-person contact via saliva and/or mucus,
• respiratory droplets >5-10μm in diameter (e.g. from coughing and sneezing),
• indirect contact from touching infected environmental surfaces/formites and transferring viral
particles to the mucosae or conjunctiva, and;
• smaller (<5μm) respiratory droplets (aerosols).
There is ongoing inquiry regarding the relative contribution of each of the above infection pathways to the
overall spread of the virus. To date, evidence suggests that while possible, the transmission of viral particles
in aerosolised droplets (<5μm) is unlikely to be the most common form of transmission. Evidence for
COVID-19 transmission is continually evolving particularly around the potential for ‘airborne’ transmission.7
It is important to recognise that both large and smaller droplets travel through the air and may be
considered ‘airborne’, however smaller droplets behave differently to larger droplets as they are lighter,
more buoyant, and evaporate more quickly. The science regarding the airborne transmission of disease is
itself complex and equivocal. Questions remain regarding virology (i.e. what amount of a virus is enough to
cause an infection?) and biophysics (i.e. how do particles move in the air under different conditions?).8 The
SARS-CoV-2 may be found in small, aerosolised particles,9 but the extent to which these smaller particles
pose an infection risk or how they move in the air under different conditions is currently unconfirmed.8
For further summarised information regarding the transmission of COVID-19 and selection and use
of personal protective equipment (PPE) please see:
Various clinical procedures can generate aerosolised particles which may lead to risk of infection.4
Generally, these procedures are conducted in intensive care units, COVID-19 dedicated wards, and in
isolation rooms which could be understood as high-risk environments. Exposure to aerosolised particles
may include both those directly undertaking aerosol generating procedures, as well as those in the same
areas where such procedures occur.9 Different jurisdictions around the world have varying guidance
regarding what is classed as an aerosol generating procedure. In Australia, in the context of COVID-19,
aerosol generating procedures are defined under the following categories:6
In Australia, negative pressure rooms are one type of isolation room (Class N).10 It is a single room with an
ensuite that is not shared. It is used for patients who require isolation to reduce airborne transmission of
disease. The Australian Government Department of Health recommends that if available, negative pressure
rooms should be used for;6
• Isolation of hospitalised patients with severe acute respiratory symptoms, and/or probable, or
confirmed COVID-19 infection,
• Aerosol generating procedures^ with presenting patients (general practice, hospital, emergency
department, clinic, or pathology collection centre) with acute respiratory symptoms, and/or
suspected, probable, or confirmed COVID-19 infection.
* As an emergency, life-saving procedure special consideration is warranted for CPR and should not be delayed. While a ‘high risk’ procedure in
terms of infection risk, evidence appears equivocal. There is differing guidance regarding the use of contact/droplet precautions versus airborne
precautions, however airborne precautions may provide additional protection.
^ Including collection of induced sputum
Intensive care ventilation hoods, also known as isolation biohazard hoods, personal ventilation hoods and
other similar names are relatively newly developed devices that cover a patient’s head and upper body
with a transparent tent-like barrier creating a protected micro-environment that reduces the potential for
droplets, including smaller aerosolised droplets, to escape into the surrounding environment.11 Groups
around the world have developed various versions of this new technology which in some cases has entered
clinical practice while still undergoing testing.12
Some of these devices use vacuum systems to generate small negative pressure environments where it
may be more suitable to conduct aerosol generating procedures or to house the patient where traditional
negative pressure rooms are unavailable.13 Some authors have expressed concern regarding the use and
safety of these devices, highlighting a number of potential clinical and infection control considerations that
should be considered when using these devices including the risk of infection when using PPE, disruption
of visibility during clinical procedures, and the proper implementation and use of the device.14