Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Management. Scaling: KSC Installation On A Failover Cluster
Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Management. Scaling: KSC Installation On A Failover Cluster
Kaspersky Endpoint Security and Management. Scaling: KSC Installation On A Failover Cluster
Endpoint Security
and Management.
KSC installation on a failover
Lab Guide
Table of contents
Lab 1. How to install Kaspersky Security Center on a failover cluster ........................................................................ 2
Task A: Preparation. Create group managed service accounts ............................................................................. 2
Task B: Preparation. Install the group managed service accounts on the servers ................................................ 4
Task C: Preparation. Create a database for Kaspersky Security Center ............................................................... 6
Task D: Preparation. Create a shared folder where backup copies of the Administration Server and its database
will be stored ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
Task E: Install Kaspersky Security Center on a cluster ....................................................................................... 12
Task F: Connect to the administration server on the cluster using its virtual address ........................................ 18
Lab 2. How to install Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on failover cluster under high load .......................... 22
Task A: Create an installation package of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server ........................................... 23
Task B: Install Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on the cluster ............................................................... 27
KL 302.11: Kaspersky Security Center. Scaling
Lab 1.
How to install Kaspersky Security Center on a
failover cluster
Scenario. You want to install Kaspersky Security Center in a fault tolerance configuration. To achieve this, you need to install
Kaspersky Security Center on a Windows server failover cluster. This installation assumes that the KSC server will connect to
an external SQL Server. In this scenario, the KSC administrator does not have complete rights on the SQL server and therefore
the database server administrator should create a database and grant the necessary permissions to the accounts beforehand.
Following best practices, you also want to configure starting KSC services under group Managed Service Accounts (gMSA)
and configure backup for the Administration Server and its database.
Contents. In this lab, we will:
A. Preparation. Create group managed service accounts
B. Preparation. Propagate group managed service accounts to the servers
C. Preparation. Create a database for Kaspersky Security Center
D. Preparation. Create a shared folder where backup copies of the Administration Server and its database will be stored
E. Install of Kaspersky Security Center on a cluster
F. Connect to the administration server on the cluster using its virtual address
Create three group managed service accounts: PrdKL-AKgMSA, PrdKIScSVCgMSA, and PrdSQLgMSA. The first will be
used to start the Kaspersky Security Center Server service; the second, to start other KSC services: Kaspersky Security
Network proxy, Kaspersky Lab activation proxy server, Kaspersky Lab Web Server. The third one will be used for starting the
MSSQL Server service
Install the group managed service accounts PrdKL-AKgMSA and PrdKIScSVCgMSA on node1 and node2, and the
PrdSQLgMSA account on mssql-server.
Lab 1
24. Log on to the node2 computer under the abc\kscadmin account with the password Ka5per5Ky
25. Run PowerShell as administrator
26. To install Active Directory for Windows PowerShell, carry out the following command:
— Install-windowsfeature rsat-ad-powershell -includeallsubfeature
27. Install the PrdKL-AKgMSA account on node2 and allow it to reset the password periodically. Carry out
— Install-ADServiceAccount PrdKL-AKgMSA
28. Install the PrdKIScSVCgMSA account on node2 and allow it to reset the password periodically. Carry out
— Install-ADServiceAccount PrdKIScSVCgMSA
29. Carry out the following commands to check the installation results
— Test-ADServiceAccount PrdKL-AKgMSA
— Test-ADServiceAccount PrdKIScSVCgMSA
If everything has been done correctly, the command will return True
KL 302.11: Kaspersky Security Center. Scaling
30. Log on to the mssql-server computer under the ABC\SQLAdmin account with the password Ka5per5Ky
31. Run PowerShell as administrator
32. To install Active Directory for Windows PowerShell, carry out the following command:
— Install-windowsfeature rsat-ad-powershell -includeallsubfeature
33. Install the PrdSQLgMSA account on MSQSQL-Server and allow it to reset the password periodically. Carry out
— Install-ADServiceAccount PrdSQLgMSA
34. Carry out the following commands to check the installation results
— Test-ADServiceAccount PrdSQLMSA
If everything has been done correctly, the command will return True
Configure the mssql-server service start under the group managed service account; create a database for Kaspersky Security
Center. Set up access to the database for the abc\KSCAdmin user and PrdKL-AKgMSA account
Create a shared folder SC_Backup on the dc server, and grant write permissions for this folder to Kaspersky Security Center
Administration Server and MS SQL Server.
Lab 1
68. Select the check box Share this folder and click Permissions
70. Click Object Types and set Select this object type to Service Accounts
71. Click Advanced and then Find Now
72. Select the PrdKL-AKgMSA and PrdSQLgMSA accounts
73. To apply the settings, click OK
KL 302.11: Kaspersky Security Center. Scaling
74. Grant the PrdKL-AKgMSA and PrdSQLgMSA accounts full rights for
the SC_Backup shared folder
75. Apply the settings
Install the Kaspersky Security Center on a failover cluster; use the group managed service accounts to start services.
Task F: Connect to the administration server on the cluster using its virtual
Connect to the Administration Server on the cluster using the virtual cluster address and proceed through the Quick Start
Wizard. Add an activation code. Configure notifications to [email protected] via server Accept the KSN
Lab 1
agreement. Download signature updates. Do not start the Remote Installation Wizard. Enable automatic distribution for the
You have installed Kaspersky Security Center on a failover cluster. Following best practices, you configured starting KSC
services under group managed service accounts. With this approach, Active Directory will automatically change the password
for these accounts according to the security policy without disrupting the services.
Also, you completed the Quick Start Wizard: Created the default tasks and policies, accepted the KSN agreement, configured
backup for the Administration Server and notifications for the administrator, and enabled autodistribution for the activation
The next lab will teach you how to install Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows Server.
Lab 2.
How to install Kaspersky Security for Windows
Server on failover cluster under high load
Scenario. You need to protect a failover cluster. Kaspersky Security for Windows Server is the best choice. Kaspersky
Security Center Administration Server is already deployed on the cluster. You need to create an installation package for KSWS
and install it on all cluster nodes in a way that any conflicts that may arise during the installation do not affect the cluster.
Following best practices for a cluster under load, prior to installing Kaspersky Security on a node, move the load to other
Contents. In this lab, we will:
A. Create an installation package of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server
B. Install Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on the cluster
Lab 2
Add the installation package of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server to the KSC Administration Server. Install the
management plugin of Kaspersky Security for Windows Server on the Administration Server. Study the installation package
settings to install all the necessary components and skip unnecessary ones.
The KSC remote installation wizard allows you to remotely install KSWS on all cluster nodes concurrently, but our cluster is
under heavy load and its resources must be available at any time. Considering this, install KSWS on each cluster node one by
one, moving the load to other nodes beforehand. This approach is recommended for a cluster under load.
You have installed Kaspersky Security for Windows Server using the step-by-step installation scenario. This is the
recommended method to install protection on a failover cluster under load, which allows you to minimize the risk of