Byrne, John: Advanced Signaling & Media Management - Telcobridges

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Advanced Signaling & Media Management - TelcoBridges

Byrne, John
May 01, 2018


• Founded: 2002
• Funding: Private
• HQ: Boucherville, Canada

Analyst Assessment
TelcoBridges is an established player in the telecom equipment and software market aiming to disrupt SBC
economics with a radical “freemium” business model. While not offering all the features and high performance of
the established players, TelcoBridges’s virtualized SBC enables very low cost of entry, making it attractive for
niche SBC applications that larger players would find difficult to support. TelcoBridges has adopted a freemium,
Web-based selling model to target smaller tier 2/3 carriers and applications using VMware and KVM virtualization
for public cloud SBC deployment.
Challenger: A new player challenging the status quo of an
Rating established industry segment.
Explorer: A player exploring market reaction to a new kind of
business model.
Transformer: A player or ecosystem initiative seeking to expose and
exploit an entirely new segment or revenue opportunity.
Game-Changer: A highly disruptive new force set to redefine the
segment's value chain and status quo.

Value Proposition and Opportunity Product/Solution Characteristics

• Pay As You Go: Aiming to enable operators to • Virtual Solution: As a virtual product, TelcoBridges’ SBC
implement a long-desired shift in the spending model, is platform-agnostic. This means it can be run using any
TelcoBridges is advocating a radical new approach in which combination of VMware, OpenStack, Amazon/AWS, and
operators can adopt a free, secure virtual SBC, supportable bare metal servers, to cater to operators’ current and
by VMware, OpenStack, and bare metal services, to future requirements.
minimize upfront costs and purchase more capacity and
features as demand dictates. The free virtual SBC is a • Low Startup and Running Costs: TelcoBridges’
gateway to a host of paid services and extensions, operating costs, which roughly equate to $1 per session,
including VoIP, signaling, and transcoding gateways. per year, enable cash-strapped operators to ‘virtually’
eliminate upfront costs and align ongoing operating
• Try Before You Buy: TelcoBridges’ “free” model for expenses much more closely to usage.
initial SBC adoption provides an ideal opportunity for cost-
conscious operators – particularly tier 2/tier 3 operators • Significant Scalability: The virtual SBC scales both
that frequently stay with existing vendor solutions because down and up, supporting anywhere from 100 to 60,000
of the switching costs associated with moving to new sessions per server, as well as support for up to 1,100 call
suppliers. TelcoBridges’ innovative model that can help attempts per second.
operators diversify their supplier bases and more nimbly
adopt “best of breed” solutions. • High Availability: Supporting HA with 1+1 redundancy
and fail-over.
• Niche Application Enabling: Being able to adopt a
virtual SBC with no (or low) upfront costs enables • Optional Extras: In the paid version of the SBC,
operators to take a stepwise approach to full-fledged virtual TelcoBridges offers a comprehensive suite of
SBC adoption. Operators can earmark virtual SBC for accompanying services (for fee) that include 24/7 support,
specific niche applications, while existing physical SBCs analytics for troubleshooting, and fraud detection/call
remain on the job to fulfill most requirements. Eventually, removal. Support for transcoding is made possible via
TelcoBridges expects that more and more functionality will optional IP-based DSP hardware resources, sold in various
be supported by its virtual SBC, enabling a smooth densities.

• FreeSBC (‘Free’ Version): Back-to-back user agent (B2BUA); line rate DoS/DDoS protection (64 bytes
packets); up to 60K simultaneous signaling and media sessions (with no transcoding) or up to 30K sessions (with
all channels transcoded); NAT traversal; SIP header/digit manipulation; call routing; call rate/bandwidth limiting.
• FreeSBC (Paid Version): Includes all of the above in addition to 24/7 support and software updates,
analytics network troubleshooting tools (traces, media/signaling recording, test call generation, etc.), and
OSS/BSS and RADIUS API connectors.
• Supporting Products: TelcoBridges also sells a variety of supporting gateway products, including VoIP
gateways, signaling gateways, transcoding gateways, and hybrid SBC gateways.

• Key Customers: BICS (Belgium), China Mobile, Digicel, Hutchison Asia Telecom, Iusacell, Lanck Telecom
(Russia), marcatel (Mexico), oi, SFR, SK Telekom, TM, Virgin Mobile, Windstream

• Partners: FastLink, JeraSoft, KMG Monitor, TransNexus

• Product Milestones:
- Over 3 million session licenses downloaded and in production or evaluation in 59 countries
- FreeSBC Launch (November 2017)
- Subscription-Based Virtual SBC (Virtual TSBC) Launch (May 2017)
- Tmedia Hybrid SBC Gateway Launch (October 2016)

Dialogic, Metaswitch, Oracle, Ribbon
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