Human Health and Nutrition: How Isotopes Are Helping To Overcome"hidden Hunger"
Human Health and Nutrition: How Isotopes Are Helping To Overcome"hidden Hunger"
Human Health and Nutrition: How Isotopes Are Helping To Overcome"hidden Hunger"
by He l ealth authorities in all countries are con- show substantial increases. (See graphs, page
Robert M. Parr cerned about the nutrition of their population. 20.)
and In the industrialized world, major concerns Nutritional problems underlying these trends
Carla R. Fjeld are related to what has been called "over nutri- (particularly in developing countries) are
tion". With higher affluence and urbanization, generally not related to an absolute deficiency of
diets tend to become higher in energy and fat, food — to overt hunger. In most cases, they are
especially saturated fat. They also have less fibre caused by insufficient quality of food, or lack of
and complex carbohydrates, and more alcohol. variety, leading to deficiencies of vitamins and
These and other risk factors are leading to in- essential minerals. Because many effects are not
creased incidence of obesity, hypertension, car- immediately obvious to the naked eye, the World
diovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, os- Health Organization (WHO) has coined the term
teoporosis, anaemia and some cancers, with im- "hidden hunger" to describe these problems.
mense social and health care costs. In a number of ways, the work of the IAEA
For developing countries, the problems is contributing to efforts directed at overcoming
chiefly lie on the other end of the spectrum. hidden hunger and other nutrition problems.
"Under nutrition", or malnutrition, is the prin- The rationale for the IAEA's involvement is
cipal enemy, mainly of poor people who ex- twofold. First, adequate nutrition is an essential
perience the most widespread and severe effects component of any strategy for improving health,
of malnutrition. and the IAEA's Statute specifically identifies
Some statistics are truly alarming. More than "enlarging the contribution of atomic energy to
780 million people — 20% of the developing peace, health and prosperity" as the major objec-
world — are chronically undernourished. About tive of programmes. Second, isotope techniques
190 million children under five years of age, have a wide variety of applications — some of
including more than 150 million in Asia and 27 them unique — for targeted research in human
million in Africa, suffer from protein-energy mal- nutrition, for assessing nutritional status, and for
nutrition. Every day, 40 000 children under the monitoring the effectiveness of nutritional inter-
age of five die, and malnutrition is a major con- vention programmes. (See table, page 21.)
tributing factor. Some 2000 million people in This article provides a brief overview of
more than 100 developing countries suffer from these techniques and their main applications in
micronutrient deficiencies that can lead to blind- areas of human nutrition. It further illustrates
ness, mental retardation, and even death. how the IAEA's programmes are directed
Many problems are not new — indeed, most of towards helping to solve specific nutrition
them have been recognized for years. Their problems, particularly those affecting women
severity varies widely from one country to another, and children in developing countries.
and also over time. Some countries have ob-
served significant decreases in diet-related
mortality in recent years; many others, however, Micronutrient malnutrition:
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
Mr. Parr is Head of the IAEA's Nutritional and Health-Related
Environmental Studies Section of the Division of Human Overview of the problem. Micronutrients —
Health, and Ms. Fjeld is a staff member of the Section. vitamins and minerals — play a wide role in
18 IAEA BULLETIN, 4/1994
health and development. Besides preventing a vicious cycle that takes more than one genera-
specific disorders, they protect the lives of tion to correct: malnourished mothers give birth
mothers and children, stimulate cognitive to children who carry the effects into adulthood
development, help protect against infections and and, if female, into the next generation.
improve people's capacity for work. Iron deficiency is the most common nutri-
Micronutrient deficiencies can cause harm tional deficiency in the world today. In infancy
from the moment of conception because they and childhood, it can impair learning and the
influence the regulation of growth and other ability to resist disease. The lethargy it induces
physiological processes. Deficiencies can lead to in adults reduces their capacity to work and to
Examples of IAEA support to human take care of families and homes. More than 2000
nutrition programmes (1990-1994) million people worldwide are anaemic or iron
deficient, most of them in developing countries.
Research & Training The loss of menstrual blood makes women of
technical assis- &
tance* seminars*1
child-bearing age particularly vulnerable.
Anaemia contributes to high maternal mortality
Argentina 1 rates, low birth weight, and increased infant mor-
Australia 2
Bangladesh 4 1
Iodine deficiency affects production of the
Brazil 2 2
thyroid hormones that govern the development
Cameroon 1 4
and function of the brain and nervous system and
Canada 2 1 regulate body heat and energy. A low level of
Chile 3 2 thyroid hormones can reduce both physical and
China 3 2 mental capacity. In pregnant women, iodine
Czech Republic 1 deficiency can cause miscarriages and still
Ethiopia 4 births. It may lead to irreversible brain damage
Finland 1 in the foetus or newborn and cause mental retar-
France 1 dation in children. It is estimated that more than
Germany 1 1000 million persons live in areas at risk of
Ghana 2 iodine deficiency. Two hundred million have
Guatemala 2 goitre — an enlargement of the thyroid gland in
Hungary 1
the neck — and 26 million are mentally retarded
India 6 20
as a result of the deficiency.
Indonesia 2 1
Iran 1
Vitamin-A deficiency is the most common
Italy 1
cause of preventable childhood blindness,
Jamaica 2 reduces the effectiveness of the immune system,
Kenya 4 and retards growth and development. At least 40
Madagascar 1 million preschool children are deficient in
Malaysia 3 2 vitamin-A, and among them 13 million already
Mauritius 1 have some eye damage. Every year, up to half a
Mexico 1 million preschool children go blind, partially or Overview of
Myanmar 1 2 totally, from vitamin-A deficiency. Ap- selected isotope
Netherlands 1 proximately two-thirds of them die within a few techniques in
Nepal 1 months of losing their sight. A lack of vitamin-A human nutrition
Nigeria 2 and other essential nutrients also makes children studies
Pakistan 2 1
Papua New Gunea 1
Peru 2 1
Philippines 1 2 Technique Application
Poland 1 1 Radioisotope tracer study Body composition (tritium labelled water)
Portugal 1 (with sample counting) in vivo study of iron uptake and bioavailability
Romania (iron-59/iron-55)
1 1
in vitro study of iron dialyzability (iron-59)
Senegal 2
Sierra Leone 2 Radioimmunoassay Iron status (based on serum ferritin)
Slovenia 2 Iodine status (based on TS, T4, TSH)
Spam 1
Sri Lanka Nuclear analytical Trace element content of foods, diets, and human
1 1
techniques (e g NAA) tissues
Sudan 1 2
Tanzania 2 Whole body counting Body composition (lean body mass —
Thailand 1 2 potassium-40)
Turkey Uptake, bioavailability of essential micronutrients, e.g iron
(iron-59) and zinc (zinc-65)
Uganda 1
United Kingdom 5 2 In vivo neutron Body composition (total body nitrogen, calcium, etc.)
United States 11 4 activation analysis (NAA)
USSR (former) 1
Venezuela Stable isotope tracer study Body composition (deuterium labelled water)
1 1
Substrate metabolism (carbon-13 and nitrogen-15
Zaire 1 labelled ammo acids, fats, etc.)
Energy expenditure (deuterium and oxygen-18 labelled
* Number of projects (including research agreements) Uptake and bioavailability of essential micronutrients,
** Number of participants/trainees e.g iron, zinc and vitamin-A using appropriate stable
more vulnerable to the severe consequences of iron in low molecular weight species is estimated
diseases such as measles, diarrhoea and with the help of an iron-59 tracer following
respiratory infections. Some studies indicate that dialysis through a synthetic membrane. This is a
even moderate levels of vitamin-A deficiency very useful rapid screening tool.
can lead to stunted growth, increased severity of Isotope methods are also useful for assessing
infection, higher death rates in children, and may the iron status of individuals and populations
increase mother-to-fetus transmission of the based on measurements of serum ferritin. Low
HIV virus in HIV-positive women. serum ferritin reflects depleted body iron stores
and is the most specific finding for iron deficien-
cy. Immunoassay — either radioimmunoassay
Isotope techniques in studies of (RIA) or an enzyme-based assay (ELISA) — is
micronutrient malnutrition the only technique currently available for
measuring ferritin.
Many micronutrients, both vitamins and Iodine. Areas of endemic iodine deficiency
trace elements, that are of crucial importance in are usually identified from measurements of uri-
human nutrition can be studied with the use of nary iodine excretion (using non-nuclear techni-
isotope techniques. ques). However, useful additional information
Iron. Of fundamental importance in any on the nutritional iodine status of a person or
study of iron nutrition is the actual uptake of iron population can sometimes be obtained by look-
by the body (e.g. from a foodstuff or meal) in a ing at the levels of thyroid-related hormones in
metabolically active form. Much is already blood serum. Iodine deficiency of moderate to
known about this. For example, the amount ab- severe degree results in changes in the pattern of
sorbed depends very much on the source of the secretion, and therefore serum concentrations, of
iron (whether from meat or from vegetables) and thyroid hormones. Immunoassay is the techni-
on the presence of other substances such as que of choice for such determinations. It relies
vitamin-C (from fruit and some vegetables), on the use of antibodies as specific binding
phytate (from some cereal products) and tannin agents to detect a diversity of analytes (in this
(from tea). However, much still needs to be case, thyroid-related hormones such as Ta, T4
learned about the interactions between these and TSH). A high degree of specificity, sen-
components, and about ways to optimize iron sitivity and robustness is provided. RIA and
absorption by appropriate selection of locally ELISA are the two applicable forms of im-
available~fo^m¥ffs~^na~by~the~"use~~of~fo"o"d~ ~munoassayrForceritres~that~already-have-access~
processing methods, such as fermentation and to RIA, this technique is often preferred because
germination. it is more robust; also, as shown in several IAEA
Isotope techniques provide the only direct programmes, it can be made very cost-effective
way for m e a s u r i n g iron uptake and by the use of bulk reagents, some of which may
bioavailability and are correctly regarded as a be locally produced.
kind of "gold standard" for iron studies in Vitamin-A. Isotope methods for studying
humans. The most common form of the method vitamin-A are not yet as well developed as for
is based on incorporation of radioactive iron the other micronutrients just mentioned. How-
isotopes (iron-55 and iron-59) into red blood ever, there is no doubt that they will have unique-
cells following extrinsic labelling of the food or ly valuable applications in assessing vitamin-A
diet to be tested and feeding it to selected test status, e.g. from measurements of plasma
subjects. Blood samples are taken over a period clearance of a test dose of isotopically labelled
of 2-4 weeks and processed for counting with a retinol. For human studies, deuterium is usually
liquid scintillation counter. Alternatively, iron- chosen as the isotopic label.
59 can be measured with a whole body counter. Large-scale programmes have already been
More recently, in some countries, the use of implemented by UNICEF, WHO, and other
stable isotopes (iron-54, -57, and -58) measured agencies to prevent vitamin-A deficiency disor-
by mass spectrometry has come to be regarded as ders. They include supplementation with
a preferable technique because of the absence of vitamin-A, dietary modification to increase in-
a radiation dose, which therefore permits studies take of vitamin-A (which can be expensive) or of
to be made on children and pregnant women. its precursor, beta-carotene (which is from plant
A useful alternative procedure — though less sources and can be less expensive), fortification
accurate — is one that can be done without the of foods with vitamin-A, and breast-feeding
need to resort to using test subjects. The programmes. Isotopic methods are under
foodstuff to be tested is subjected to an In vitro development which are expected to dramatically
laboratory digestion under conditions that mimic improve assessments of vitamin-A status in
what is happening in the stomach. The release of developing countries.
22 IAEA BULLETIN, 4/1994
Dietary intakes of
1000 zinc: Overview of
studies in various
Country Studies
The graph shows the distribution of dietary Intakes of zinc in various countries expressed relative to the
new WHO/FAO/IAEA basal requirements. The results Indicate that only very few data on dietary intakes of
trace elements are so far available from developing countries. In the few cases where such data are
available, they indicate that dietary intakes of zinc in most developing countries are, at best, only
marginally sufficient (and in some cases are actually deficient as judged by comparison with the basal
requirements). Partly as a result of this kind of investigation, the possibility that zinc malnutrition may be
relatively widespread is now coming to the attention of International bodies responsible for nutrition. It may
be anticipated that, during the next few years, there will be a rapid growth in the number of studies of zinc
nutrition In developing countries. Nuclear techniques are potentially able to play an important role In this
work, and the IAEA is planning to start a new programme on this topic In 1996.
The countries presented are: Canada (C), Denmark (D), Finland (F), France (FR), Germany (G), India (I), Italy
(IT), Japan (J), New Zealand (NZ), Sweden (S), Thailand (Th), Turkey (T), United Kingdom (UK) and United
States (USA). Countries in the category "other" are Australia, Belgium, Brazil, China, Iran, Malawi, Morocco,
Myanmar, Netherlands, Nigeria, Philippines, Poland, Spain, Sudan, Switzerland, the former USSR, and the
former Yugoslavia. The "global" category refers to the total data set from all studies.
indirect support, particularly in relation to the and tripled for the moderately malnourished.
use of RIA for the diagnosis of neonatal For women, deficiencies of protein and ener-
hypothyroidism (which is generally caused by gy during child-bearing years increase maternal
nutritional iodine deficiency in the mother). risk at childbirth, and lead to low birth-weights
Several new IAEA programmes on vitamin- and to increased perinatal morbidity and mor-
A malnutrition are planned. They include a CRP tality. More than 20 million low birth-weight
in 1995 to develop new methods for assessing children are born every year, more than 90% of
vitamin-A status, to apply existing methods them in developing countries. Most of these are
when feasible, and to develop new models for due to maternal malnutrition.
interpreting isotope kinetic data. Secondly, a Sustained access to adequate quantities of
new area of investigation will be supported nutritious foods would certainly help solve the
which includes the production of foods intrinsi- problems of under nutrition. However, this is not
cally labelled with isotopes of carbon and a goal which is immediately achievable. Before
hydrogen to assess the bioconversion of that becomes a reality, a key to developing inter-
carotenoids u n d e r specific dietary and ventions to solve these nutrition problems is the
physiologic conditions. Thirdly, the IAEA will ability to make accurate nutritional assessments
support the use of some techniques in a joint and to recommend foods which improve nutri-
nutrition intervention project with WHO begin- tion while making efficient use of scarce resour-
ning late in 1994 or early 1995 in Latin America. ces. Isotope techniques are uniquely and highly
C o n c e r n i n g trace elements, the data suitable for these applications.
generated through IAEA-supported research Isotope techniques have been used exten-
covering 25 study groups in 16 countries has sively in industrialized countries to provide im-
already been used in the preparation of working portant information which has contributed sub-
documents for the WHO/FAO/IAEA Expert stantially to improving understanding of protein
Consultation on Trace Elements in Human Nutri- nutrition for the past two decades and of energy
tion. (A soon-to-be published report will propose requirements for the past decade. They are ap-
new values for the dietary intakes of trace ele- plicable for helping to design practical nutrition-
ments required to sustain good health.) The data al intervention programmes, and for monitoring
also have served as input to a database on dietary the effectiveness of such programmes. The
intakes of 35 minor and trace elements in 47 IAEA's nutrition programmes in the area of
different countries. (See graph, page 23.) protein-energy nutrition aim to transfer estab-
lished isotope and related technologies, with or
without adaptations, to developing countries, as
Special malnutrition problems well as promote the development of new techni-
of mothers and children ques and protocols. Work of this kind has ex-
panded considerably since 1992 with the help of
For some population groups — namely additional funding provided by the United
mothers and children — protein-related nutri- States. The two groups of greatest interest in
tional problems are especially serious. Operating these programmes are mothers and children.
in synergism with diarrhoeal, respiratory, and Malnutrition in mothers. Research from
other infections, poor diets in early childhood around the world has documented that nutrition
lead to growth failure, delayed motor and mental programmes aimed at malnourished mothers and
development, impaired immunocompetence, children lead to improvements in health and
and higher risks of complications and death from w e l l - b e i n g . F u r t h e r m o r e , as has been
infectious disease. demonstrated in Central America, appropriate
While this form of malnutrition partially nutritional supplements in one generation can
results from an insufficient amount of food, a have impact on subsequent generations. One of
major factor is inadequate dietary quality and the more important questions in regard to mater-
diversity. Infection also contributes substantially nal nutrition is nutrition during pregnancy, par-
to protein-energy malnutrition. It causes some ticularly with regard to weight gain during preg-
anorexia, increases metabolic rates, and diverts nancy. It is often assumed that mothers who gain
protein and other important nutrients from main- relatively more weight during pregnancy will
tenance and growth to processes involved in deliver healthier babies and reduce the risk of
combatting infection. having low birth-weight infants.
In developing countries, poor children under Applications of isotope technologies in
5 years of age suffer from five to ten episodes of studies to improve pregnancy outcome. Maternal
infectious disease per year, as well as subclinical body composition during pregnancy — and its
infections. The risk of dying from a given dis- relation to dietary intake and pregnancy outcome
ease is doubled for mildly malnourished children — is assessed by measuring body composition
24 IAEA BULLETIN, 4/1994
prior to conception and comparing this with Measurement of the body's energy expendi-
body composition during pregnancy and post ture is important for several reasons. Specifical-
partum. This information forms part of the basis ly, it provides very useful information for a wide
of evaluations of nutrient requirements for preg- variety of assessments concerning nutritional in-
nancy — a critical issue in developing countries. terventions. For example, dietary supplements to
The other area with broad practical implica- previously undernourished children may in-
tions concerns the energy requirements for preg- crease the energy available not only for growth
nancy. Estimates jointly reported by the FAO, but also for activity, which could have great
WHO, and United Nations University (UNU) relevance in terms of school or athletic perfor-
are based on an accepted estimate of total energy mance. In pregnant or lactating mothers, the
needs for pregnancy of 335 MJ. However, this drive to sustain pregnancy and lactation may
small increment in energy requirement observed reduce energy available for other functions, in-
for the whole of pregnancy is thought to be due cluding physical activity.
to concomitant reductions in physical activity, In children with respiratory disorders such as
particularly in women without access to ade- allergies or cystic fibrosis, medications are
quate diets. In general, if the energy require- prescribed which facilitate their breathing. How-
ments of pregnancy per se are not met, the results ever, as a secondary effect, the treatment may
may be either low birth-weight infants, reduced increase energy expenditure and therefore have
work capacity during pregnancy, reduced fat an indirect and negative effect on weight gain.
stores which may be needed as an energy source Understanding the interactions between the
during lactation, and/or reduced physical ac- various human functions that are energy-
tivity. The IAEA remains involved in studies in demanding is a key to providing adequate dietary
developing countries in which body fat stores are intake. Meeting this need requires measurements
measured using isotope techniques. of energy expenditure.
IAEA-supported maternal nutrition Malnutrition in children. For children with
programmes. The IAEA has contributed in two protein-energy malnutrition, the nutritional re-
important ways to improving maternal nutrition quirements exceed those of well-nourished
during pregnancy. The first was its joint support, children. This is because the need to replete
with the International Dietary Energy Consult- weight deficits adds to the nutritional require-
ancy Group (IDECG), of a report on the scien- ments for normal maintenance and growth. Be-
tific basis and practical application of the doubly cause growth is one of the most universally ap-
labelled water (DLW) method for measuring plied indicators of nutritional status in children,
energy expenditure.* Furthermore, the IAEA deviations from normal patterns of growth can
has supported several multi-centre and in- be analyzed to learn about the severity and
dividual studies of energy expenditure during remediation of under nutrition. Restoration of
pregnancy. The results of some of these studies normal body weight and body composition
provide part of the basis of a reevaluation of through appropriate nutrition in undernourished
dietary energy requirements which is being con- children requires information about whether or
ducted by FAO, WHO, IDECG, and the UNU. not their body composition has been altered
The DLW method, which was developed by secondary to nutritional deficits.
Nathan Lifson and modified by investigators One way to obtain this information is through
worldwide, is a form of direct calorimetry. It is anthropometry, a method in which measure-
based on the differential elimination of ments of weight, height, arm circumference, and
deuterium and oxygen-18 from body water sub- skinfold thickness are used to estimate body
sequent to a loading dose of these stable composition. This method is only an estimate,
isotopes. Once the two isotopes are ad- however. Equations which relate the
ministered, their fates are different; they are anthropometric measurements to body composi-
eliminated at different rates — deuterium only as tion are based on specific population values,
water, and oxygen-18 as water plus carbon regarded as appropriate for the individual, which
dioxide. The difference between the two elimin- have been validated against more reliable meas-
ation rates is therefore a measure of carbon urements of body composition using isotopic
dioxide production during the observation and other methods.
period, typically four to 21 days. Applications of isotope technologies in
studies to improve child nutrition. Again, one
*The Doubly Labelled Water Method for Measuring Energy widely used direct method is the measurement of
Expenditure: Technical Recommendations for Use in total body water by deuterium and oxygen-18
Humans. This manual covers major theoretical and practical dilution. Growth analysis is not only concerned
aspects of the method and has been distributed to researchers
in 38 countries. Further information is available from the with height and weight, but also includes evalua-
authors. tions of body composition.
IAEA BULLETIN, 4/1994 25
Deuterium and oxygen-18 can be used by combustion GCMS, or by isotope ratio mass
without exposing the subjects to radiation and spectrometry. The team is also assessing the im-
without sacrificing precision of measurements. pact of high altitude living on protein metabo-
The use of radioactive tracers (such as tritium) is lism in undernourished children. They have
not uniformly considered to be ethical in re- developed and are validating a basic protocol for
search involving children or women of child- assessing rates of protein and amino acid meta-
bearing age, or in applications utilizing repeated bolism in the field using non-invasive proce-
measurements in the same person over a short dures that can be carried out under field condi-
period of time. Deuterium began to replace tions. The team intends to use the data in
tritium as gas chromatography, infrared absorp- developing a food supplement that will most
tiometry, and isotope ratio mass spectrometry efficiently meet requirements for protein and
technologies advanced and precision with these specific amino acids, thereby resulting in the
methods became acceptable. More recently, efficient utilization of nutrients for growth.
oxygen-18 has been used as a tracer to measure
total body water because it avoids the exchange
of the label with nonaqueous hydrogen in the Nutrition and the elderly
body and thus the potential to overestimate the
volume of body water. The most significant Another population group heavily affected
limitation to its wide use is cost, which is ap- by nutritionally related problems is the elderly.
proximately 100 times more than deuterium. A special concern in many countries is the dis-
IAEA-supported child nutrition program- ease known as osteoporosis. This serious bone
mes. The IAEA has contributed in some impor- disease of the elderly (particularly post-
tant ways to the improvement of dietary formula- menopausal women) severely limits their quality
tions for severely malnourished children through of life and is placing an increasing burden on the
applications involving deuterium, oxygen-18, health-care systems in many countries. It is char-
and carbon-13. Measurements of body composi- acterized by low bone mass, and microarchitec-
tion, protein deposition, and energy expenditure tural deterioration of bone tissue, leading to en-
were used in defining a dietary treatment for hanced fragility and a subsequent increase in the
undernourished children which fosters substan- frequency of occurrence of hip and vertebral
tial accelerations in weight gain without com- fractures.
promising the quantity of lean tissue. The result Much still remains to be learned about the
of using the dietary intervention was to reduce aetiology of the disease, about differences in
hospitalization time by 50%. incidence and severity between population
Particularly in children of developing groups living in different countries, as well as
countries, under nutrition and infection act how to prevent the disease and optimize diag-
synergistically to reduce nutrients available for nosis and therapy when it occurs. Although it is
growth, deplete energy reserves, and significant- generally agreed that osteoporosis is a multifac-
ly increase morbidity and mortality. By better torial disease, there is little doubt that nutrition is
understanding the metabolic effects of infection one of the most important of the factors that
in undernourished populations, we strengthen needs to be taken into account. Included in the
our ability to provide the appropriate foods for many components of the diet that may be impor-
reducing morbidity and mortality. Stable isotope tant are a variety of minor elements (e.g. cal-
methods afford us this opportunity. Isotopic cium, magnesium and sodium) and trace ele-
methods are being utilized in the new programmes ments (e.g. cadmium, copper, manganese and
to measure synthetic rates of specific nutrient zinc). Nuclear analytical techniques such as
transport proteins, and synthetic rates of proteins NAA are particularly suitable for the determina-
manufactured by the body in response to im- tion of these elements in foods, diets and human
munogenic stimuli. Both of these kinds of studies tissues, including bone.
are currently being carried out by teams of scien- The IAEA has just started a new co-ordinated
tists from developing and industrialized countries. research programme on this topic. It will focus
One team of investigators, for example, is on determining the age of peak bone mass in
working to find out how infection may alter each study group, and quantifying differences in
children's dietary requirements for protein and bone density as functions of the age and sex of
amino acids. The work involves quantifying the persons in the study groups. It will also quantify
relative impact of specific infections on protein differences between the study groups in different
metabolism and protein anabolism using amino countries. Supplementary studies will be con-
acids labelled with carbon-13 and nitrogen-15. ducted using NAA relative to the trace-element
Isotopic enrichments are measured either by gas nutrition of persons in the respective study
chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS), groups. H
In recent years there has been a considerable increase in the perception of risk associated with low-level
radiation. Concornitantly, there is now a much higher level of concern about the use of radioisotopcs in
scientific research, particularly if they are administered to normal healthy subjects (and, of course, most of
all, if these subjects happen to be children or pregnant women).
Many radioisotope techniques are in vitro techniques, which means that the isotope is used in the
laboratory as part of an analytical procedure. None of the isotope is administered to the subject, and
therefore, for the subject, there is absolutely no radiation hazard. (The only possible hazard is to the scientist
who is doing the analysis. Usually he or she has to be classified as a radiation worker, and is required to
follow appropriate procedures to minimize the radiation dose to him/herself and co-workers. The possible
hazards are extremely small or non-existent and work of this kind is universally accepted to be standard
practice for medical and other types of radiation workers.)
For some kinds of nutritional study, however, the most cost-effective procedure is to administer a
radioisotope tracer to a test subject (a volunteer). The radiation doses delivered in these kinds of studies are
very small. For example, in a typical in vivo study of iron uptake using the iron-55/iron-59 dual isotope
technique, the dose to the organs receiving the highest exposure is about 0.4 mSv. This is well within the
range of variations in normal annual background exposure to radiation (e.g. resulting from living in different
geochemical environments or at different altitudes). Expressed another way, it is less than the dose delivered
by a modern conventional diagnostic chest X-ray, or about the same as the additional radiation dose that
an airline passenger would be exposed to on crossing the Atlantic ten times. Although such doses are well
within the WHO international ethical guidelines for biomedical research involving human subjects, it is
now widely considered to be good practice to exclude children and pregnant women from studies with
Particularly for children and pregnant women, the currently preferred technique is to use a stable isotope
tracer rather than a radioactive one (e.g. iron-58 instead of iron-59). Although the methodologies involved
are generally more difficult and more expensive, the use of stable isotopes is without any radiation hazard
to the subject and can therefore be justified to ethical committees even for studies in very small children.
The IAEA's programmes are also promoting the use of such techniques.
Nutrition, immunity and low-level radiation. Another issue of particular concern is the effect of
radiation on the immune system. Radiation is only one of several factors that may influence the general
level of immune status in a population; others include nutrition and toxic environmental chemicals. Most
investigations of immune status conducted up to now have only focussed on one factor at a time, generally
ignoring the others. In populations exposed to higher-than-normal levels of radiation, it is generally difficult,
or impossible, to judge to what extent changes in immune status are associated with the radiation and to
what extent they may be associated with other factors. A Joint IAEA/WHO Advisory Group Meeting was
convened at the IAEA's headquarters in Vienna in May 1994 to throw more light on some of these issues.
In particular, the Group was charged with reviewing what is known about these topics and about current
research priorities, and to advise the IAEA on the purpose and scope of future actions that could be organized
within the framework of a co-ordinated research programme (CRP). The proposed CRP, which is due to
start in 1996, will focus mainly on the effects of low-level radiation on immune status in human populations.
The main variables of interest are the level of individual radiation exposure, and the nutritional status.
Possible study groups include persons living in areas of high radiation background (e.g. in countries where
areas of high radiation background are known to occur naturally, or at high altitudes, or in areas affected
by the Chernobyl accident). Other possible groups comprise radiation workers and uranium miners.
Nutrition and radiation protection. For the purposes of radiation protection it is convenient to make
calculations of radiation doses to individual organs and to the whole body on the basis of a so-called
"Reference Man". This is a conceptualized model of a human being whose organ masses, physiological
functions, and other characteristics of importance in radiation protection have been defined in a standardized
way. Recently, with the financial assistance of Japan, the IAEA's Division of Nuclear Safety has been
conducting a programme whose purpose is to refine the concept of Reference Man by collecting data for a
so-called Asian Reference Man. Starting in 1995, this programme is due to be extended by new studies
which will focus on nutritional and related aspects. The elements of primary interest include caesium, iodine,
strontium, thorium, and uranium. The samples of primary interest include nationally representative
specimens of total diets and individual staple foodstuffs. The analyses will be done by nuclear and
nuclear-related analytical techniques together with other non-nuclear techniques according to the facilities
available in the participating countries.