Civics 1 Year Important Question Answers

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Civics 1st year Important Question Answers



Q1. Write about ancient city-states

Ans) Political science originated in Greek city – states like Athens
and Sparta. City states enjoyed sovereignty. There were three
types of people in city states. (1) Citizens,(2) Aliens and (3) Slaves.
Citizens alone enjoyed political rights.

Q2. Give any two Traditional definitions of Political science.

Ans) Traditional definitions of political science :
1) J.W.Garner : “Political science begins and ends with the
2) Stephen Leacock : “Political science deals with the

Q3. Write about any two Modern definitions of Political science.

Ans) Modern definitions of Political science :
1) William A Robson : “Political Science is primarily concerned
with power in the society.”
2) Hillman : “Politics is the science of who gets what, when and

Q4. How does political teach the qualities of good citizenship?

Ans)1) Political science trains people to become ideal citizens.
2)It inculcates good citizenship qualities like obedience, social
service, self-sacrifice etc.
3) It also promotes a sense of responsibility towards the state
and society among citizens.
Q5. In what way is Political Science considered as a study of the
Ans)1) Political science is considered as study of Government by
Stephen Leacocl ans Seeley
2) It studies about every aspect of Government. i.e. its forms,
structure, functions etc.
3) It also deals with its organs. i.e. legislature, executive and
4) Hence, Political Science is treated as a science of Government.


Q6. Mention two definitions of State.

Ans) Following are the two definitions of State:
1) Woodrow Wilson : “State is a people organized for law with
in a definite territory .”
2) Burgess: “State is a particular portion of mankind viewed as
an organized unit.”

Q7. How many essential elements does the state possess? What
are they?
Ans) State possesses four essential elements . They are:

1) Population : Means people.

2) Territory : The area in which people reside permanently.
3) Gonernment : The agency which makes laws.
4) Sovereignty : The supreme power of the state.
Q8. What do you mean by the Government ? How many organs of
government are there ? Explain their functions briefly?
Ans) Government is the third element of the state . It makes and
implements laws on behalf of the state It controls the external
behaviuor of the citizens . It has three organs, namely
1) Legislature : It makes laws.
2) Executive : It implements laws.
3) Judiciary : It interprets laws.

Q9. What do you understand by Society ?

Ans) Society is a social organization.
It deals with social, political , cultural and religious aspects of
human life.
It helps individuals to promote close contact among
themselves. Customs and traditions rule the society.

Q10. Does state require international recognition ?

Ans) The sovereign status of one state , specially , the newly formed
state , has to be recognized by the other states and international
organizations like United Nations. It helps in promoting trade and
commerce and other agreements among the nations.

Q11. Write about qualitative aspect of the population of the State.

Ans) Aristotle said that good citizens make a good state . So,
qualitative aspect of the people is very important. State develops
faster if the people are disciplined , educated , honest and

Q12. Define Nation.

Ans) Following are the definitions of Nation :
1) Lord Bryce :” Nation is a nationality which has organized itself
into a particular body independent or desiring to be
2) Stephen Leacock :”Nation is a body of people united by the
common descent and language.”

Q13. What is the Importance of Nationalism ?

Ans) Following points explain the importance of Nationalism:
1) Nationalism helped people in liberalizing themselves from
foreign rule.
2) Nationalism develops unity among people in achieving
common goal.

Q14. Mention two demerits of Nationalism.

Ans) Following are the two demerits of Nationalism:
1) Nationalism makes people extremely proud of their nation.
2) It leads to unnecessary and unhealthy competition among
3) It sometimes result in developing hatred for other nations.


Q15. What are the features of Law?

Ans) Following are the features of Law:
1) Laws are the rules made by the state.
2) They are compulsory.
3) They are definite and precise.
4) Violation of law is punishable.
Q16. Write any two definitions of Law.
Ans) Following are the definitions of Law :
1) John Erskin : “Law is the command of the sovereign containing
common rule of life for his subjects and obliging them to
2) T. E . Holland : “Law is a general rule of external human
actions enforced by the sovereign political authority”.

Q17. Define the term Rule of Law.

Ans) 1) Rule of Law means equality before law.
2) Same laws are applicable to both the ruler and the ruled.
3) Government works according to the existing laws.
4) This concept was explained by A.V. Dicey in his book “Law
of the Constitution.”

Q18. What do you mean by Administrative Law?

Ans) 1) Administrative law regulates the relation between the
authorities and people.
2) It deals with government developmental and welfare
programmes .
3) It brings discipline among government officials.

Q10. Explain the term’ Jus and Jungere’.

Ans) 1) Jus and Jungere means bond or tie .
2)The word Law is derived from the Latin words Jus and
3)Thus, law denotes bond or systematic code of conduct that
regulates the external behaviour of the citizen by the sovereign.
Q20. Define the term Equity.
Ans) 1) Judgement given on the principles of fairness and justice is
considered as Equity.
2) When the existing laws are inadequate , judges use their
common sense and understanding to provide justice.
3) That is why equity is viewed as judge made laws.

Q21. What is constitutional law?

Ans. Constitutional law is the supreme law of land. It is given in
the constitution. It explains about the powers and functions of the
government and rights and duties of the citizens.


Q22. List out four characteristics of Liberty.

Ans) Following are the characteristics of liberty :
1) Liberty is a dynamic concept.
2) It is a product of rights.
3) It is found only in democracy.
4) Liberty is enjoyed through rights.

Q23. Write about Political Liberty.

Ans) 1) Political liberty means freedom to participate in
government activities.
2)Democracy provides political liberty only to its citizens.
3) It is enjoyed through political rights like right to vote, right
to contest in elections etc.
Q24. What do you know about National liberty?
Ans) 1) National liberty means independence of the state.
2) It makes the state free from the foreign control.
3) A state can provide liberties to its people only when it
enjoys national liberty.
4) India got national liberty I 1947.

Q25. Write two features of Equality

Ans. The following are the features of equality
1. Equality not given by nature – Men are not equal by nature
2. Equality not absolute – Equality does not mean equal division.
It is neither practical nor possible.

Q26. What do you mean by Social equality?

Ans) 1) Social equality means absence of discrimination in the
2) All the people must enjoy social, political, economic and
legal rights equally.
3) Social equality can be achieved only when there is positive
change in the society.

Q27. Mention the measures adopted for achieving Economic

Ans) Economic equality can be achieved in the following ways :
1) By reducing the gap between rich and poor.
2) By providing equal and adequate opportunities to earn
3) By giving more incentives to poor.

Q28. What are Civil Rights ?

Ans. Civil Rights are essential conditions to lead a happy life.
Example: Right to life, Right to religion, Right to property etc

Q29. Classify Rights

Ans) 1) Rights are classified into natural, moral and legal.
2)Legal rights are further classified into civil, political and
economic rights.

Q30. Natural Rights

Ans. Natural Rights are those rights enjoyed by men by birth. They
were enjoyed by men even before the origin of state.
Example: Right to life, Right to liberty, Right to property etc

Q31. Significance of Human Rights

Ans. 1. They are basic conditions for over all development of
2. They provide democrcatic ideals like liberty, equality and
3. They ensure freedom from slavery and toture.

Q32. Give some examples of Duties.

Ans. 1. Moral Duties: helping the needy
2. Legal Duties: payment of taxes
a) Positive Duties: obedience to law
b) Negative Duties: do not violate traffic rules.
Q33. Classification of Duties
Ans)1) Duties are classified into moral duties and legal duties .
2)Legal duties are further divided into positive and negative

Q34. Define Justice.

Ans) Justice has been defined in different ways by different political
1) Aristotle : “Justice is no other than each and every individual
in society discharging his moral duties”.
2) Polymarchus : “ Justice means to help friends and harm

Q35. Political Justice.

Ans) 1) political Justice means political equality.
2) It implies provision of political rights like right to vote, right
to contest in election etc.
3) It gives citizens free and fair chance to participate in the
activities of the government.
4) It is given to citizens in democracy.

Q36. Social Justice

Ans) 1) Social Justice means equality in society.
2) There shall be no discrimination in the society.
3) It gives protection to the rights of individuals from any sort
of encroachment by others.
Q37. What are the implications of legal Justice?
Ans) There are two implications of legal justice. They are :
1) It implies just applications of laws in society on the basis of
rule of law.
2) Laws are in consonance with the principles of natural justice.


Q38. Mention two qualities of good citizen

Ans.1. Good character: Good character is essential for a good
citizen. He/she shall be just, kind harted, courageous, patriotic.
2. Sound Health: Healthy citizens helps in faster development
of the state.

Q39. What do you mean by Jus Sanguinis?

Ans) Jus Sanguinis means acquiring citizenship on the basis of blood
relationship. A child acquires citizenship of the parents irrespect of
place of birth.
Example: A child born to Indian citizens is given Indian citizenship
irrespective of place of birth.

Q40. What does the term Jus soli mean?

Ans) Jus soli means acquisition of citizenship by the principle of
place of birth. A child acquires citizenship of the state in which he is
born irrespective of the citizenship of his parents.
Example : A child born to Indian citizens in America, becomes
American citizen.
Q41. Write a short note on Dual Citizenship.
Ans. Dual citizenship means possession of citizenship in two states.
Example: Choildren born to American parents in India, obtain
natural citizenship of both India and America.
Dual citizenship applies to children until they become majors.
Later they have to choose citizenship of one of the two states.


Q42. What is meant by Democracy? Write two definitions.

Ans) Democracy means peoples government. The term Democracy
is derived from Greek words ‘Demos’ and ‘kratos’ which means
people and rule respectively.
1) Abraham Lincoln : “Democracy is a government of the people
by the people and for the people.”
2) J.R.Seeley : “Democracy is a government in which everyone
has a share”.

Q43. What do you know about Direct Democracy?

Ans) Direct or pure democracy existed in ancient Greek and Roman
city-states. In this system, people directly participate in the
administrative and legislative affairs of the government. At present
Switzerland has direct democracy. It is suitable to small countries
with less population.
Q44. List out the devices of direct democracy.
Ans) The following are the devices of direct democracy :
1) Referendum
2) Initiative
3) Recall
4) Plebiscite

Q45. What do you know about Referendum?

Ans) Referendum means ‘refer to’. The bills passed by the
legislature are referred to the people for their approval. The bill
becomes an act if people accept it. Referendum is of two types :
1) Compulsory incase of constitutional laws
2) Optional incase of ordinary laws.

Q46. What is meant by Initiative?

Ans) Initiative is a device of direct democracy. This device
empowers people to propose new laws. It is of two types :
1) Formulated, if people submit the proposal in a bill form to the
2) Unformulated, if people propose a demand to the legislature
to be made into law.

Q47. What is meant by Recall?

Ans) Recall is an important device of direct democracy. It allows the
voters to call back any elected officer when he fails to carry out his
responsibilities properly. This makes the representatives more
responsible and prevents corruption.
Q48. What do you mean by Plebiscite?
Ans) Plebiscite is an important device of direct democracy. It is
conducted to know the opinion of the people on the matters of
national importance. The decisions expressed by the people are
final and no alterations can be made upon them.


Q49. Define Secularism.

Ans)1) G.J.Holyoake : “Secularism is an idea of promoting a social
order as separate from religion without actively dismissing or
criticizing religious beliefs”.
2)Eric .S.Waterhouse: “Secularism is an ideology which provides
a theory of life and conduct as against one provided in religion”.

Q50. Explain the importance of secular state

Ans.1. It gives religious freedom
2. It promotes scientific temper
3. It opposes superstitions and social evils
4.It provides protections to religious minorities.

Q51. Mention any four factors that led to the spread of

Ans) Following factors led to the spread of secularism.
1) People’s negative attitude towards superstitions.
2) Spread of rational thinking.
3) Spread of democratic values.
4) Advancement of science and technology.
Q52. Write about any two features of Secular State.
Ans) 1. No place for religion : It will not make laws on religious
2. No state religion : There will be no official religion or state


Q53. What do you mean by constitution?

Ans) 1. Constitution is a set of rules and regulations for the rulers
and the ruled.
2. It explains about the powers and functions of the
government and rights and duties of the people.
3. It is the supreme law of the land.

Q54. What is an Evolved Constitution?

Ans)1. A constitution which is made from time to time gradually is
called evolved constitution.
2. Several customs, traditions, parliamentary acts, judicial
decisions form the provisions of the constitution.
Example: England.

Q55. Write about mode of amendment

Ans. The constitution must mention about the mode of
amendment, that is the method to change it. Generally the
constitutional amendments are of three types namely,
1. Rigid, 2. Flexible, 3. Half rigid and Half flexible.
Q56. What is an Enacted Constitution ?
Ans. The constitution which was deliberately made by Constituent
Assembly is called an enacted constitution. It is given by the
sovereign authority. It is provided in a single document.
Example: USA, India.


Q57. Define Government.

Ans) Prof. J.W.Garner : “Government is an agency or machinery
through which common policies are determined and by which
common affairs are regulated and common interest is promoted”.

Q58. Write the meaning of Aristocracy.

Ans) 1) Aristocracy is a noble form of government in which few
persons by virtue of their birth, talents, status, wealth etc. will act
as rulers.
2)Aristocracy means rule by few rich people.

Q59. What is Unitary Government?

Ans) 1) Uni means one tary means rule.
2) Unitary government means single government for the entire
3) Central government possess all the legislative and
administrative powers.
4) Regional governments do not have independence.
5) There is no division of powers.
Q60. what do you mean by Federal Government?
Ans) 1) Federal means having two types of governments at the
Centre and States.
2)The constitution divides the administrative powers between
centre and state.
3)They enjoy equal status.
Example: America, Canada.

Q61. What are the other names of Presidential Government?

Ans) The other names of Presidential Government are:
1. Single executive Government
2. Fixed tenure Government
3. Non-responsible Government.

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