Bafo (Best & Final Offer)
Bafo (Best & Final Offer)
Bafo (Best & Final Offer)
may agree to the Borrowers use of BAFO. BAFO is an option under which the
• All Bid/Proposal costs are too high and/or not within the project budget
The decision to use BAFO shall be reflected in the PPSD analysis and
development of the Procurement Plan. When the use of BAFO has been agreed
by the Borrower and the Bank, the Borrower shall inform prospective
Negotiation following BAFO. The use of BAFO does not apply to Consulting
Services. BAFO can only be used once in a procurement process and cannot be
Upon completion of the technical and financial evaluation, the Borrower shall
d) Notice that if any BAFO is submitted, it must be received by the date and
time specified.
Requesting a BAFO
Requests for BAFO’s must be in writing. The letter requesting BAFO’s should
c) A definite, deadline for submission date and time that allows a reasonable
d) Notice that the final offer must be received at the place designated by the
time and date set in the request and is subject to any provisions dealing with
The Borrower is responsible for reviewing Bids/Proposals prior to any request
and that the terms and conditions are clear, concise, and not subject to
interpretation. With the exception of pricing issues, all major discussion points
on the technical Proposal should be clarified prior to requesting BAFOs from all
Once clarifications have been sought and BAFOs have been received,
Submission of a BAFO
price/cost changes to its earlier Bid/Proposal as it believes will best enhance its
through the written notification, that they are being asked to submit their
BAFO, the written response must be submitted by the date and time specified
original Bid/Proposal.
Opening of a BAFO
The opening of a BAFO for a Bid/Proposal will not take place in public, but in
the presence of a Probity Assurance Provider acceptable to the Bank, and this
Evaluation of a BAFO
Upon receipt of the BAFO(s) within the given time frame, the Borrower should
from the Bank. If the BAFO fails to correct deficiencies/weaknesses which were