Society Management Application On Android: October 2019

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Society Management Application on Android

Article · October 2019


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Deepali Bhanage
Symbiosis International University


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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Society Management Application on Android

Rahul Bhagwat1, Aashay Bharadwaj2, Vivek Harsode3, Anurag Chawake4, Mrs. Deepali Bhanage5
1,2,3,4Student, Information Technology, Modern College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra
5Professor, Information Technology, Modern College of Engineering, Pune, Maharashtra
Abstract: Daily life in city areas has important things to Tales in Society is done. This application gives an automated
deal with housing society management. Our day to day needs man to man communication.
such as Water supply, Electricity, Security and many more
things which directly or indirectly plays the vital role in An android application for housing society management and
residential life, comes under Housing Society Management. In hardware implementation of visitors parking using sensors
most of the cases, Society management practices a traditional is explained in [3].
way of communication. This certainly has some limitations
and disadvantages. Daily notices, monthly meetings, cultural Image recognition system for managing the perils of the
events, miscellaneous contacts for daily needs, security alerts, society is given. The system is integrated with RFID
high priority communication and many others which may not technology which manages and tracks the visitors that enter
be conveyed properly in current scenario as most of the things the society. The Emergency Management System (EMS),
are getting handled manually. It lacks transparency. [5][6]which enables smartphone based ad-hoc
communications at disaster times over Wi-Fi is
To overcome the problems occurring due to this time lagging implemented. The Sever is implemented as a Web-Based
manual system, an automated system needs to be developed to Java Application and tested the System using several real
reduce the human efforts. Android Phones with GPS on phone, clients communicating
over Wi-Fi.
Key Words: Society Management, Flat owner, QR code,
Online Payment, Society Maintenance Amount. 3. EXISTING SYSTEM

1. INTRODUCTION In the existing housing society management system a

traditional way of communication is used which include a
In society all jobs are decided in meetings and maintenance common notice board system operated by responsible
bills, contact no of members are noted in the papers. There is society member. The data is stored in the files and the
no automated system for doing all the things that generally processing of the data is done manually and the report
happen in society so that members can come to know what generation is slow. In notice board system one has to take
is happening in society. whole responsibility to operate and maintain the notice
board. It creates dependability with the specific person.
This system of maintaining a society is made in such a way Sometimes the person has to compromise with his own time
so that the most common problem faced by residential schedule for these common activities.
societies are solved. This system is a cloud-based system to
manage the day - to - day activities of any cooperative It is observed that complaints by society members are
housing society. They need the coordination between the neglected by higher management because one has to take
respective management societies coupled with the vendors constant follow up until the issue gets solved.
which provide these services so that the appropriate
convenience can be provided. The main functionality of this 4. PROPOSED SYSTEM
project is that there are an online billing and accounting
(payment gateway integration, income & expense tracking, To overcome the drawbacks of the existing system, Here we
etc.).In this system, the bills, receipts, and vouchers are provide a smarter and efficient way to handle the critical
created in an easy manner also the system is user-friendly. issues by reducing efforts and advancements in a reliable
communication. Different functions in the society like
2. RELATED WORK Complaints, Meetings, Notices, Suggestions, Rules,
Miscellaneous Contacts will available within a single sight so
The housing society system[1] which is created using the that user can observe it and make use of it whenever is
cloud. The system generates monthly maintenance, online necessary.
bill payment system and the member can view their bill
status on their account. The system is implemented and We propose an application which will be useful for all the
SMOnline on the local server. SMOnline is based on a society members to get constantly update with society
website server. This type is based on a website and requires related information. This System allows to log in for
an internet connection. The smart way of communication in staff/security/ at owner with unique QR code containing
society through an android application SocieTales [2] i.e their name, password, address, phone number.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2509
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Society members can know the society maintenance amount

and get SMS notification for the same. Once payment is
made, history of all last payments is stored in the database. It
will be the very much reliable way of communication. Any at
member can ask for plumber, carpenter, electrician, and
society will arrange them for the flat members. Each
technician is assigned an id card with QR code details. The
flat owners can report coming guests so that they do not
have put the entry in society register. By using this
application member or Secretary can view CCTV footage,
security and staff attendance can also be checked. The
payment of monthly bills done online. This application
provides an easy solution for management and maintains the Fig 3: Monthly Payment
daily functions within society in more disciplined and easy
way. It is the smarter efficient way of communication Flat owner can pay the monthly bills like maintenance, Light
between society residents and higher authorities. bill through an app like shown in above figure.3.

Fig 1: System Architecture

5. RESULTS Fig 4: Services

The system’s GUI was designed using java JSP. Core Flat members can place the request for the services which
Technologies used were Java, JSP. The overall development they required so that staff can arrange the plumber,
was done in the Eclipse 3.3 Indigo and for DB we used MY carpenter, electrician, for the flat members .
SQL GUI browser.

Fig 5: Register Issue

Fig 2: Society Events
Flat members can register issue if any and submit it so that
All the society events can be managed online with all the the higher authority can go through it solve it. So there is no
details like event organised by, Occasion, venue. So that all need to go personally for the any issue.
the society members gets the invitation.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2510
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

[3] Jui Hande,Priya Pawar,Neha Hasan, Dhanashree

Date, "Study of Housing Society Management
System", International Journal of Computer Trends
and Technology (IJCTT) Volume 41 Number 2
November 2016.

[4] Larissa Romualdo, Suzuki Kevin Brown, Stephen

Pipes, John Ibbotson, “Smart Building Management
through Augmented Reality” ,The First International
Workshop on Pervasive Systems for Smart Cities,

[5] Rehka Jadhav, Jwalant Patel, Darshan Jain, Suyash

Phad- htare,"Emergency Management System Using
Fig 6: Guest list Android Application", Rehka Jadhav et al, / (IJCSIT)
International Journal of Computer Science and
All flat members guest list is maintained with details shown Information Technologies, Vol. 5 (3) , 2014, 2803-
in figure 6. Staff attendance can manage online. 2805.

[6] Dashesh Vora, Raj Shah, "Emergency Management

System Using Android Application", International
Journal of Advanced Research in Computer
Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Volume 6,
Issue 2, February 2017, ISSN: 2278 – 1323

Fig 7: Attendance

We are developing an android application for housing
society management to reduce the human efforts and errors
to increase crystal clear transparency between society
members and management.

It also helps to reduce the time and efforts for manual

communication in society by providing the notifications and
important information to the society members in the reliable
and transparent way.

[1] Prachi Pakhale,Shweta Shirke,Swsati Dhake,"Online
Housing Society Management System",
International Journal for Research in Applied Sci-
ence and Engineering Technology (IJRASET),March

[2] Rutuja Vatharkar ,Pratiksha Patil, "Implementation

Of Society Management System : Societales",
International Journal of Science and Technology,
April 2016.

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2511

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