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AEIC CS9-06 SPECIFICATION FOR EXTRUDED INSULATION POWER CABLES AND THEIR ACCESSORIES RATED ABOVE 46 kV THROUGH 345 kVac (1* Edition) Association of Edison Illuminating Companies 600 N. 18th St, P.O. Box 2641 Birmingham, Alabama 35291-0992 December 2006 Page iTable of Contents Paragraph Title Page FORWARD. MIL DISCLAIMER. PREFACE... BACKGROUND .... 1.0 GENERAL 1.4 SCOP. 1.2 General Information... 1.3 Information to be Provided by Purchaser... 1.3.1 Purchaser's Specification... 4.3.2 Purchaser's Technical Information Fil. 4.3.3 Warranty... " 1.3.4 Operating Voltage. 1.3.5 Fault Duty... 1.4 Information to be Provi fanufacturer with Proposal {4-1 Menutacture's Technical Declaration Fe 1.4.2 Alternative Proposals... 1.5 Definitions and Symbols... 1.5.1 General 4.5.2 Definition of Tests... 1.6 References ... 1.7 Dry Insulation 1.8 Design Life and Reliability 4.9 Maximum Operating Temperatures and Durations 1.10 Current Rating and Cable Temperature Calculations... 2.0 CABLES... . nari 2.4 Conductors 2.44 General 2.1.2 Sealant for Stranded Conductors. 2.1.3 Preferred Conductor Sizes, 2.1.4 Conductor Characteristics. 2.2 Conductor Shield... 2.2.1 General 2.22 Material... 2.2.3 Extruded Shield Thickness 2.2.4 Voids, Protrusion and Inreguiarity Limits. OONANaaaaaeovoNNeee 2.2.5 Physical Requirements... 8 2.2.6 Electrical Requirements 8 2.3 Insulation .. - 19 2.3.1 Material 15 2.3.2 Insulation Thickness .. 19 2.3.3 Insulation Requirements... oo 6 2.3.4 Calculation of Insulation Electric Stress... sn son A 2.4. Extruded Insulation Shield : oe 18 2.4.1 General son 23 2.4.2 Material 23 2.4.3 Thickness 23 24.4 Volds,Profusions ar inequity Links 23 2.5 Metallic Shield/Sheath, 23 2.5.1 General. 28 2.5.2 Bedding and Longitudinal Water Blocking vinnie BS 2.5.3 Shield «on 24 2.5.4 Sheaths 24 2.5.5 Radial Moisture Barrier. 24 cs9-06 Page iti2.6 Jacket... 2.6.1 General nn 24 2.6.2 Jacket Thickness... 25 2.6.3 Semi-conducting Coating, 0 25. 2.7 Production Tests on Cable... 25 2.7.4 General... ee 25 2.72 Summary of ICEA S-108-720 Production Tests and Frequency 3 Sone 3:73 Other addkione and Modifications to ICEA §-108-720 Production Test... ssi! ectaanea 0 2.7.4 Conditions Applying to Tests... 2.7.5 Certified Test Reports... 2.8 Qualification Tests on Cable.. 2.9 Cable Identification... 2.9.1 Semi-condueting Layer Marking 2.9.2 Method of Marking . a 2.9.3 Production Records. seaeanpmiian 2.9.4 Conductor Strand Ident 2.8 § Production Sequence Numbers 3.0 TERMINATIONS 3.1 General. 3.2 Termination Mounting Insulation 3:3 Production Tests on Termination: 3.4 Qualification Tests on Terminations... 34,1 Qualfcation Test for Termination Mounting Insulators 4.0 JOINTS .. - ssn “4.4 General... 42 Sheath Soctionalizing Insulators and Joint Casing Insulation. 43 Production Tests on Joints... 44 Qualification Tests on Joints... 2 5.0 SHEATH BONDINGIGROUNDING SYSTEMS... Bt General nm 8.1.1 Bonding Cables, 5.4.2 Link BOXeS... 5.1.3 Sheath Voltage Limiters. 5,2 Production Tests on Sheath Bonding/Grounding Systems 5.3 Qualification Tests on Sheath Bonding/Grounding Systems 6.0 QUALIFICATION TESTS ON COMPLETE CABLE SYSTEM... 6.1 Range of Approval 7.0 PRE-QUALIFICATION 7.1 Range of Approval 8.0 ELECTRICAL TESTS AFTER INSTALLATION 9.0 QUALITY ASSURANCE ... 9.1 Quality System Requirements... 9.2 Manufacturing Inspection and Test Plan. 9.3 Factory Inspection 9.4 Ingpection and Auait by the Purchaser... 7 915 Access to Quality Assurance and Test Documents... 9.6 Non-conformanoe Reports... 9.7 Final Quality Assurance Report. 10.0 SHIPPING... 10.1 Cable Reels 10.1.4 Cable Reel Packing, Sealing, and Shipping 40.1.2 Reel Dimensions... “ 10.1.3 Marking on Reels 10.1.4 Cable End Fittings. 40.2 Containers, Boxes, and Pale. 'S ON GOMPLETE CABLE SYSTEM. Page iv10.2.1 Marking of Containers, Boxes, and Pallets. sistent 48 10.2.2 Packaging end Shipping 6 10.2.3 Packing Lists. 47 10.2.4 Shipping Advice bh attri puctnar “AT 11.0 APPENDICES. 49 ‘APPENDIX A — Basis for Void, Contaminant, and Protrusion Limits (Informative), a) ‘APPENDIX B ~ Aging Factors, Design Life and Reliability Considerations for Extruded insulation. Cables and Accessories (Informative)... 55 APPENDIX C — Electrical Withstand and Insulation Coordination Requirements for Specially Bonded, Insulated Metalic Shield/Sheath Systems (Informative) 60 APPENDIX D Bena for XLPE Emnaryenoy Termperdire Requemarie and Approxinaia Verification by Testing and Measurement (Informative)... \ APPENDIX E — Generic XLPE Insulation Thickness (Informative) APPENDIX F ~ Jacket Thickness Considerations (Informative). APPENDIX G — Electrical Tests after installation (Informative) ‘APPENDIX H ~ Purchaser's Technical Information File (Informative)... ‘APPENDIX | ~ Manufacturer's Technical Declaration File (Informative). . ‘APPENDIX J — Information to be Submitted after Award of Contract (Informative). cs9-06 Page vSpecification for Extruded Insulation Power Cables gic 1d Thelr Accessories Rated 46 KV through 245 kVae SPECIFICATION FOR EXTRUDED INSULATION POWER CABLES AND THEIR ACCESSORIES RATED ABOVE 46 kV THROUGH 345 kVac DISCLAIMER ‘The Cable Engineering Committee of the Association of Edison Illuminating Companies has prepared this, specification. Use of this specification is voluntary. The existence of the specification is not intended in any respect to preclude the manufacture or use of products not conforming to the specification. In preparation of this specification, AEIC makes no warranty or representation in connection with its use. Persons electing to use this specification should independently evaluate their specific needs and requirements before doing so. Users are also cautioned that there may be requirements issued by governmental and other regulatory authorities that are not addressed by this specification, Because this specification is subject to review and revision, those who use it are cautioned to obtain the latest version. Alisting of the latest AEIC documents is available on the AEIC website (htpp:/ PREFACE ‘The electric utility industry requires transmission power cable systems to provide safe, cost effective and reliable long-term service. Other organizations have prepared valuable standards documents. This user specification provides additional methods to help ensure that power cable systems, including cables, joints, terminations and sheath bonding systems, will meet the purchasing, quality assurance and performance needs of the electric utility industry, BACKGROUND ‘AEIC CS9 describes the requirements for the design and supply of single core extruded insulation power cable systems, including their accessories, for rated ac voltages above 46 kV to 345 KV. It applies to cable systems with ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) insulation above 46 KV to 138 kV, and to cable systems with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation over the complete voltage range above 46 KV to 345 kV. ‘AEIC C9 has evolved from AEIC CS7, which was first issued in 1982. It described power cables with only cross-linked polyethylene Insulation and was written as a supplement to Insulated Cable Engineers Association standard ICEA S-66-524 *Cross-Linked Thermosetting Polyethylene Insulated Wire and Cable for the Transmission and Distribution of Electrical Energy”. Since S-66-524 only applied to the 5 to 46 kV range, CS7 was developed to cover rated voltages from 69 to 138 kV, and to introduce special electric utility industry needs for the increased reliability requirements of high capacity underground transmission systems. Later revisions of CS7 were issued in 1987 and 1993, the latter providing methods for determining insulation thickness based on maximum electrical stress at the conductor shield, in addition to ‘traditional’ fixed insulation thicknesses for the various voltage classes. AEIC CS7 was re- affirmed in 1998, In 2000, ICEA withdrew ICEA S-66-524 and replaced it with several new ‘application’ standards, This included development of a new Standard S-108-720 “Standard for Extruded insulation Power Cables Rated above 46 KV to 345 kV’, incorporating much of the content of CS7-93, and including ethylene propylene rubber insulation to 138 kV and XLPE to 345 kV. S-108-720 was first issued in July, 2004. The AEIC Cable Engineering Committee considered whether a separate user specification would sill be needed following ICEA’s development of a new high voltage cable standard. cs9-06 Page 1‘Specification for Extruded Insulation Power Cables ‘and Their Accessories Rated 48 KV through 345 KVac AEIC This first edition of AEIC CS9 confirms AEIC's belief in the importance of purchasing complete integrated cable systems, including their accessories, for extruded insulations at transmission voltages. This is especially true for the high voltage (HV) and extra high voltage (EHV) levels, where cable transmission capacity can approach 1000 MVA at 345 kV, reliability is extremely important, and operating experience with long EHV extruded insulation cable systems is relatively limited. 1.0 GENERAL 1.1 Scope ‘This specification describes the requirements for the design and supply of single core extruded insulation power cable systems, including their accessories, for rated ac voltages above 46 KV to 345 KV. It applies to cable systems with ethylene propylene rubber (EPR) insulation above 46 kV to 138 KV, and to cable systems with cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulation over the complete voltage range above 46 KV to 345 KV, Optional Qualification tests are described for complete cable systems (cables and accessories) rated above 46 kV to 150 kV. For cable systems above 150 kV the tests on complete cable systems are mandatory. Pre-Qualification ‘long term aging’ tests are described for complete cable systems rated above 150 kV. The purpose is to demonstrate reliable performance of the complete cable system, throughout the design lite. Accessories are limited to cable joints, terminations and link box connecting systems for bonding and grounding of metallic shield/sheath circuits. They do not include structural support systems for cables, terminations, joints, etc., nor do they include the grounding grids in manholes, joint bays, tunnels, terminal structures or power stations. For the purposes of this specification, the ‘manufacturer is the primary designer and supplier of the complete cable system described herein, even though some components may be subcontracted to others. In the event of conflicts between this specification and other reference standards, this specification shall take precedence. In the event of conflicts between and among the reference standards, the most stringent requirements shall apply. ‘Compliance with this specification in no way relieves the manufacturer of responsibility for design and ‘manufacturing details for performance of the complete cable system. 4.2 General Information Measurement units are generally expressed using the Imperial system, as is traditional for AEIC. SI unit equivalents are also provided, usually in brackets. 1.3 Information to be Provided by Purchaser 1.3.1 Purchaser's Specification ‘The scope of CS9 assumes that the purchaser will include it as part of a custom project specification (purchaser's specification’), describing particular requirements for the design and supply of cable and accessories for the intended application. It should include at least: * APurchaser’s Technical Information File, as described in 1.3.2 below Page 2 cs9.06‘Specification for Extruded Insulation Power Cables Acc 1nd Thole Aces 4 hs. + Adescription of the required Manufacturer's Technical Dedlaration File, as described in 1.4.1 below + Adescription of Information to be Submitted After Award of Contract, similar to that described as, ‘a guide in Appendix J A description of the specific required cables and accessories, as well as their quantities A description of cable system installation responsibilities, as applicable A description of civil work installation responsibilities, as applicable ‘A description of components and work to be provided by others, as applicable A description of responsibilities for overall design of the complete installed cable system ‘A description of special commercial requirements which could override or add to those contained within this specification, such as 1.3.3 Warranty, delivery schedules, delivery location, etc. 4.3.2 Purchaser's Technical Information File ‘When requesting proposals from cable manufacturers, the purchaser shall provide the information tabulated in ICEA S-108-720 Information to be Supplied by Purchaser. This should be supplemented with select information taken from Appendix H Purchaser's Technical Information File, as well as any ‘other relevant additional information necessary to completely describe the intended application. 1.3.3 Warranty ‘The manufacturer shall warrant that the supplied cable system meets or exceeds all the requirements of this specification and is free from defects in design, material, and workmanship. The manufacturer shall also warrant that the cable system has been tested in accordance with these specifications and that the results of the tests are compliant. ‘The warranty duration shall be no less than one year from the date of cable energization, unless stated otherwise by the purchaser's specification. 1.3.4 Operating Voltage ‘The cable system shall be designed for a maximum phase-to-phase operating voltage, which may exceed the rated voltage by 5 percent during continuous operation. The cable system shall be designed for an emergency phase-to-phase operating voltage, which could exceed the rated voltage by 10 percent, for durations not more than 15 minutes for each occurrence, 1.3.5 Fault Duty Fault duties can significantly affect the design of all fault current carrying components, such as the main conductor, metallic shields, sheaths, link boxes, bonding cables, terminations, joints, and all thei respective electrical insulations. Cable and accessory designs shall make provisions for thermal-mechanical effects due to rapid increases. in temperature of the conductor and other cable and accessory components, which can lead to very high axial forces. They shall also make provision for electro-dynamic effects which can apply high transverse forces as a result of the interaction of the current of each cable with the magnetic field produced by adjacent cables. Informative Note: Purchasers should do sufficient system studies to determine realistic ultimate values for fault current and duration, in advance of seeking proposals from manufacturers. Investigations of fault current duration should consider the time to successful operation of secondary relays and circuit breakers, in the event that the primary protection system malfunctions. Fault duties should also consider the possibilty and effects of multiple re-closing operations by circuit breakers. cs9-06 Pago 3‘Specification for Extruded Insulation Power Cables 345, AE 1.4 Information to be Provided by Manufacturer with Proposal 1.4.1. Manufacturer's Technical Declaration File ‘The manufacturer shall submit a Manufacturer's Technical Declaration File with its proposal, summarizing the information described in ICEA S-108-720 Information to be Supplied by Manufacturer, supplemented with select information taken from the Appendix | Manufacturer's Technical Declaration File guide, as deemed necessary by the purchaser and described in the purchaser's specification. 1.4.2 Alternative Proposals Manufacturers are encouraged to submit altemative proposals for cable systems they consider superior to those specified herein, clearly stating the advantages in terms of cost, reliability, longevity, installation methods, etc. The altemative proposal shall meet or exceed all the technical requirements of this specification and contain the recommended changes or additions to it, together with the reasons and appropriate supporting data. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a conforming proposal shall be submitted as a basis for comparing the alternative, before the alternative proposal will be considered by the purchaser. 1.5 Definitions and Symbols 1.5.1 General The following definitions apply to this specification. Those not included shall be as described in IEEE 100 “The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms” Accessory’ Cable joints, terminations and link box connecting systems for bonding and grounding of metallic shield/sheath circuits Active Length: Length of cable covered by insulation shield and metallic shield. Agglomerate: ‘A discernible area of compound constituents in ethylene propylene based insulation which is generally opaque and can be broken apart. Amber: ‘A localized area in cross-linked polyethylene insulation which is dissimilar in color (ranging from bright yellow to dark red) from the surrounding insulation, which passes light and is not always readily removable from the insulation matrix. This does not include clouds, swirls or flow patterns which are normally associated with the extrusion process. AWG: American Wire Gauge BIL: Basic Impulse Insulation Level. Bonding Cable The insulated conductor forming the connection between the sheath of the cable, joint or termination base, and a link in the link box. Cable Core: ‘The portion of a cable which includes the conductor, the conductor shield, the insulation, and the extruded insulation shield. Cable Core Extruder Run: A continuous run of cable core with one conductor size, one conductor shield compound, one insulation compound and thickness, and one insulation shield compound. Page 4 9.06asic Cable System: Certified Test Report Contaminant: Dielectric Constant: Discharge-Free Cable Design: Discharge-Resistant Cable Design: Dissipation Factor: Dry Location: Dry Design: EPR Insulation Compound: Get Gra Gani High Dielectric Constant Compound: Insulated Sheath System: Jacket Extruder Run: kemil cs9.06 Specification for Extruded Insulation Powar Cablos and Their Accessories Rated 48 kV through 345 kVac Cable with installed accessories. A report containing the results of production tests or qualification tests which declares that the cable shipped to a customer meets the applicable requirements of this Standard. Any solid or liquid material which is not an intended ingredient. ‘The ratio of the capacitance of a given configuration of electrodes with the material as a dielectric to the capacitance of the same electrode configuration with a vacuum (or air for most practical purposes) as the dielectric. A cable designed to eliminate electrical discharge in the insulation system at normal operating voltage. A cable design capable of withstanding electrical discharge in the insulation system at normal operating voltage. The cotangent of the dielectric phase angle of a dielectric material or the tangent of the dielectric loss angle. tis often called tan 5. A location not normally subject to dampness or wetness. ‘A cable system with a circumferential metallic barrier to moisture, such as ‘a continuous metal cable sheath, under-jacket metal laminate layer, continuous metal joint casing, impervious termination housing, etc. to prevent ingress of water during the cable system design life. A mixture of ethylene propylene base resin and selected ingredients, ‘A discernible region of compound constituents in ethylene propylene based insulation which is gelatinous, not readily removable from the insulation, and generally translucent. Voltage stress at the conductor shieldiinsulation interface (internal stress) at nominal phase-to-ground operating voltage, V. Voltage stress at the insulationvinsulation shield interface (external stress) at nominal phase-to-ground operating voltage, An extruded compound used for the conductor shield which has a dielectric constant typically between 8 and 200. ‘A cable system in which the metallic shield/sheath, joint casings and termination bases are individually insulated throughout their length, except where any necessary grounding or inter-shield/sheath connections are made. ‘A cable with a jacket, which was applied in one continuous run, having one Jacket compound and one jacket thickness. ‘Thousands of circular Page 5specification for Extruded in i ation Power Cables ae! ‘Shd Their Accessories Rated 46 KV through 345 kVag LIC Link Box: Lot (Component): Lot (Material): Master Length: ‘Maximum Conductor ‘Temperatures: Nominal Value: Partial Discharge Level: po: Rated Voltage’ Room Temperature (RT): Sheath Sectionalizing Joint: ‘Sheath Voltage Limiter: Shipping Length: Shipping Reel: ye Ve Vet ve Page 6 ‘box through which bonding and/or grounding connections are made through removable links and which may also contain sheath voltage limiters. ‘The quantity of components requiring one test. ‘A quantity of material used in cable or accessory construction which is produced at the same location under the same manufacturing conditions during the same time period. ‘A continuous length of cable collected on a reel at the end of an extrusion line. + Normal Operating: The highest conductor temperature permissible for any part of the component under normal operating load current. «Emergency Overload: The highest conductor temperature permissible for any part of the component during emergency overload of specified time, magnitude, and frequency of application. «Short Circuit: The highest conductor temperature permissible for any part of the component during a circuit fault of specified time and ‘magnitude. ‘The value by which a quantity is designated and often used in tables (taking into account specified tolerances). ‘The maximum continuous or repetitious apparent charge transfer, measured in picocoulombs, occurring at the test voltage. picocoulombs Nominal phase-to-phase operating voltage. 25°C 45°C air temperature. ‘Ajoint in which the internal shield, metalic shield/sheath and casing are ‘electrically interrupted from each side of the joint. The interruption in the casing of the joint is done by means of a sheath sectionalizing insulator. ‘A device connected to a sheath or to the sheaths of specially bonded ‘cables intended to limit sheath over-voltages during system transients. ‘A.completed length of cable which has passed all test requirements. It may or may not be cut into shorter lengths before itis supplied to the end use customer. ‘completed reel of cable shipped to the end use customer. Nominal phase-to-phase operating voltage (rated voltage) Nominal phase-to-ground operating voltage Maximum continuous phase-to-phase operating voltage (V+5%) Phase-to-ground test voltage cs9-06‘Specification for Extruded Insulation Power Cables Kv AgIC ‘and Their Accessories Rated 46 kV through 345 kVac Vented Water Tree: Void: Wet Location: Wet Design: XLPE Insulation Compound: cs9-06 ‘Awater tree which originates at the conductor shield or insulation shield. Any cavily in a compound, either within or at the interface with another extruded layer. Installations underground or in concrete slabs or masonry in direct contact with the earth; in locations subject to saturation with water or other liquids and in unprotected locations exposed to weather. ‘A cable system without a circumferential metalic barrier to moisture (not a ‘Dry Design’ as described above). Cross-linked polyethylene insulation. Page 7Specification for Extruded Insulation Power Cables ‘and Their Accessories Rated 46 V through 45 4Vge ARI 4.5.2 Definition of Tests ‘The following additional definitions clarify the various testing terms used herein and in documents referred to in this specification. Production Tests: Qualification Tests: Pre-qualification Tests: Development Tests: Page 8 Tests made on each manufactured component (length of cable or accessory), or samples thereof, to confirm compliance of the finished product with this specification and other standards referenced herein. They also verify that the delivered products have atleast the same quality as those having passed the Qualification and Pre-qualification Tests, Production Tests are sometimes variously referred to in other documents as factory tests’, Toutine tests’ and ‘acceptance tests. Tests made before supplying on a general commercial basis, a type of cable, accessory or cable system (cable and accessories) covered by this specification and referenced standards, in order to demonstrate, satisfactory performance characteristics for the intended application. ‘Once successfully completed, these tests need not be repeated, unless ‘changes are made in the cable or accessory materials, or design, or manufacturing process, or manufacturing plant, which might change the performance characteristics. Qualification Tests are sometimes variously referred to in other documents as ‘prototype tests’, ‘type tests’ and ‘design tests’. ‘Tests made before supplying on a general commercial basis, a type of cable system covered by this specification and referenced standards, in ‘order to demonstrate satisfactory long-term performance of the complete ie system. The pre-qualification test need only be carried out once, Unless there is a substantial change in the cable system with respect to ‘materials, or design, or manufacturing process, or manufacturing plant, which might adversely affect the performance of the cable system. Tests completed by the manufacturer during development of the cable system before pre-qualifcation tests. The precise nature and extent of development work and analyses shall be at the discretion of the manufacturer, but may include the following: ‘= Anevaluation of the materials and processes employed, including levels of voids, contaminants, protrusions, etc. + Voltage-time endurance testing and Weibull analysis of test results, including determination of’, the long term aging exponent ‘+ Development of compatible accessories, including factory tests to assess aging effects related to electrical stress, temperature, interface pressure, environmental conditions, etc. Verification tests on ful size cable systems, Correlation of development test results with service reliability requirements cs9-06‘Specification for Extruded Insulation Power Cables gic ‘and Their Accessories Rated 46 KV through 345 kVac 1.8 References ‘The following standards and references form a part of this specification. The most recent editions apply. ASTM 1693 Tests for Environmental Stress Cracking of Ethylene Plastics Electra No. 128, Article: Guide to the protection of specially bonded cable systems against sheath over-voltages', January 1992 Electra No. 141 Arlicle: Guidelines for Tests on High Voltage Cables with Extruded Insulation and Laminated Protective Coverings’, April 1992 Electra No. 151 Article: ‘Earthing of GIS ~ An Application Guide’, December 1993 ICEAS-94-649 Standard for Concentric Neutral Cables Rated 5 through 46 KV ICEA S-105-692 600 Volt Single Layer Thermoset Insulated Utlty Underground Distribution Cables ICEA S-108-720 Standard for Extruded Insulation Power Cables Rated above 46 kV through 345 kV ICEA T-24-380 Guide for Partial Discharge Test Procedure ICEA T-27-581 Standard Test Methods for Extruded Dielectric Power, Control, Instrumentation & Portable Cables for Test ICEA T-31-610 Guide for Conducting a Longitudinal Water Penetration Resistance Test for Sealed Conductors ICEA 7-32-645 Guide for Establishing Compatibility of Sealed Conductor Filler Compounds with, Conductor Stress Control Materials, lec 60228 Conductors of insulated cables IEC 60229 Tests on cable oversheaths which have a special protective function EC 60287 Calculation of the continuous current rating of cables (100% load factor) IEC 60853-2 Calculation of the cyclic and emergency current rating of cables IEC 60528 Degrees of protection provided by enclosures (IP Code) IEC 60840 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 30 kV up to 150 kV — Test methods and requirements IEC 60859 Cable connections for gas-insulated metal-enclosed switchgear for rated voltages of 72.5 KV and above IEC 60855 Electrical test methods for power cables 1EC 62067 Power cables with extruded insulation and their accessories for rated voltages above 150 kV up to 500 kV - Test methods and requirements IEEE 48 Standard Test Procedures and Requirements for Alternating Current Cable Terminations 2.5 KV through 765 kV IEEE 62.11 Standard for Metal-Oxide Surge Arresters for AC Power Circuits (> 1 kV) IEEE 100 The Authoritative Dictionary of IEEE Standards Terms IEEE 404 Standard for Extruded and Laminated Dielectric Shielded Cable Joints Rated 2,800 ~ 500,000 V IEEE 693 Recommended Practice for Seismic Design of Substations ISO 9001 Quality Systems - Model for quality assurance in design, development, production, installation and servicing NEMA WC26 Binational Wire and Cable Packaging NEMA 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment Other standards are in turn referenced from within the above documents. 4.7 Dry Insulation Cable systems having cable insulation with nominal internal and external ac electrical stresses greater than 100 Vimil (4.0 kVimm) and 50 Vimil (2.0 kV/mm) respectively, shall be supplied with a metallic moisture barrier to maintain a ‘dry’ insulation. Higher ac stresses may be applied to non-dry or ‘wet design’ cable systems, if agreed to between the purchaser and manufacturer. cs9-06 Page 94.8 Design Life and Reliability Cable systems meeting the requirements of this specification are expected to have @ minimum design life of 40 years. ‘The manufacturer shall supply test data and calculations supporting these design and reliabilty requirements (reference Appendix |, Item 28), ifrequired by the purchaser's specification. The Socumentation shall include the electrical, thermal and mechanical performance characteristics of the cable core, laminated metallic moisture barriers (if present), solid metallic sheath, jacket and accessories. Manufacturers shall take into account the ‘Aging Factors, Design Life and Reliability Considerations for Extruded Insulation Cables and Accessories’ in Appendix B, to ensure that the cable and accessory system performs reliably for the expected design life and intended application. The dosign life shall also take into account the maximum operating temperature considerations described in Appendix D and 1.9 below. 4.9 Maximum Operating Temperatures and Durations The design and construction of the cable and accessories shall be such that they perform reliably together as a complete system, at conductor temperatures not exceeding those shown in Table 1.9-1 Table 1.9-1 Maximum Conductor Temperatures (°C) Type of Operation wre | Gok man Normal Operation 90 90 Emergency Operation * (46 — 150 KV) 105 105° Emergency Operation (2150 ~ 345 kV) 105 Not applicable ‘Short Circuit Operation 250 250 “Emergency operation at conductor temperatures up to 130 °C may be used if mutually agreed between purchaser and manufacturer and verified by qualification tests. The temperatures identified for ‘Emergency Operation’ apply assuming that all of the following conditions are met: ‘+ not to exceed 216 hours duration in any single emergency operation event + not to exceed a total of 216 hours of cumulative emergency operations in any one year * not to exceed 72 hours of total emergency operation per year, on average over the 40-year design life of the cable system «not to exceed a cumulative total of 2880 hours of emergency operation over the 40-year design life of the cable system «multiple emergency operations between 0 and 216 hours are permissible, provides all of the preceding conditions are met. For possible implications of exceeding these conditions, refer to Appendix B. Users are referred to Appendix D for a description of the basis of these emergency temperature/time requirements and an explanation of verification tests. emergency operation (or cables rated >150 to 345 kV) to 105 °C or higher is desired, the pre- {qualification tests in IEC 62067 shall include 90 additional load cycles to the maximum emergency Speration tomperature, as described in Appendix D. The additional oad cycles may be done during the 368-day test period or afer it. In addition, the high temperature qualfcation tests (ype tests) i IEC Page 10 cs9.06‘Specification for Extruded insulation Power Cables, ‘ace 62067 and IEC 60840 shall be performed at the maximum emergency operation temperature, as described in Appendix D. Manufacturers who have already completed qualification and pre-qualification tests for a cable system, but fo temperatures lower than 105 °C, may re-qualify their cable systems for 105 °C emergency temperature operation, by repeating the high temperature qualification (type) tests Using the protocol desoribed in Appendix D, or other similar protocol, as mutually agreed between purchaser and manufacturer. “The temperatures identified as for ‘Normal Operation’ apply to operating load cycles typical of electric ullty systems (approximately 0.80 daily load factor for transmission lines; approximately 1.0 daily load factor for generating stations). Cable system designs shall assume that the normal maximum operation temperatures can be applied continuously throughout the cable system's design lfe, with corresponding daily load factors. Designs for operation at the Table 1.9-1 maximum temperatures shall take into consideration actual field proven performance and design limits of transmission cable and accessories, as relevant to the intended ‘pplication. This shall include consideration of at least the factors described in ICEA S-108-720 Appendix B, as well as the following: «| the effects of high operating temperatures on radial expansion of XLPE insulation + possible degradation of stress relief cone interface pressure due to mechanical stress relaxation, over the cable system design life + the temperature gradient across the cable core and the corresponding jacket temperature limits, which could be excessive for some installation conditions «possible loss of adhesion at the overlap of laminated moisture barriers and loss of bond adhesion to the underside of the jacket ‘© high axial thrust forces that can be transmitted to joints and terminations, especially for large ‘conductors «possible permanent distortion of the insulation due to high sidewall forces at bends, resulting in a local reduction of insulation and jacket thickness «possible permanent distortion of the insulation due to radial expansion at clamps and anchors, for some sheath/shield constructions + cyclic fatigue resistance of metal moisture barriers and corresponding value ofthe limiting cyclic strain (see Appendix B references 18 - 46, and especially 18, 19, 22, 35, 98 and 40) + effective axial stiffness (longitudinal rigidity) of the cable (see Appendix B references 18 ~ 46) and the design of duct/pipe clearance, layouts in tunnels, manholes and approaches to terminations + effective bending stiffness (flexural rigidity) of the cable (see Appendix B references 16 - 46) and the design of ductipipe clearance, layouts in tunnels, manholes and approaches to terminations ‘The Table 1.9-1 maximum operating temperatures apply to the hottest portion of the cable system at any lime. They may be used in current rating calculations when adequate information is known about the ‘overall thermal characteristics of the cable system environment, to ensure that these temperatures shall not be exceeded. in the absence of this information, the maximum conductor temperatures used in current rating calculations shall be reduced by 10 °C, or in accordance with available data. 4.10 Current Rating and Cable Temperature Calculations ‘Current ratings and cable temperatures shall be calculated in accordance with IEC 60287, or as described in "The Calculation of Temperature Rise and Load Capability of Cable Systems”, J.H. Neher, MH McGrath, AIEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, vol. 78, October 1957. Daily load factor effects shall be calculated in accordance with the latter reference or IEC 60853-2. Emergency current ratings and cable temperatures shall be calculated in accordance with IEC 60853-2, Modifications to the above calculation requirements may be acceptable, based on mutual agreement between purchaser and manufacturer. cs9.06 Page 11‘specification for Extruded Insulation Power Cables and Theie ies th Kv AI 2.0 CABLES Cables shall comply with ICEA S-108-720 and as described herein. I required by the purchaser's specification, the cable system manufacturer shall provide a copy of representative qualification test reports for the proposed cable with the proposal or include such testing with the proposal. ‘An Insulation System Quality Assurance Plan shall be submitted with the Manufacturer's Technical Declaration File (reference Appendix, Item 24), if required by the purchaser's specification. The plan shall describe procedures to ensure that the cleanliness and smoothness requirements of extruded insulation and semi-conducting shield materials are met throughout the supply chain from compound supplier to the manufacturer's extruders. 2.4 Conductors 2.4.4 General ‘The conductor material shall be copper or aluminum with circular cross-section. Ifthe cable construction and cross-sectional area is not described by the purchaser's specification, the manufacturer shall provide a conductor with material, cross-sectional area and construction sufficient to meet the required normal current carrying capacity, emergency current carrying capacity and short circuit fault duty, without exceeding the temperature limits described in Table 1.9-1, in accordance with the installation conditions, and other information in the purchaser's specification. 2.1.2 Sealant for Stranded Conductors If specified by the purchaser, a sealant designed as an impediment to longitudinal water penetration shall be used to fil all the interstices of stranded conductors. Compatibility with the conductor shield shall be determined in accordance with ICEA T-32-645. Longitudinal water penetration resistance shall be determined in accordance with ICEA T-31-610 and shall meet a minimum pressure requirement of 5 psig (35 kPa). 2.1.3 Preferred Conductor Sizes ICEA S-108-720 Tables 2-2 and 2-3 describe 31 possible conductor sizes ranging from 250 komil (127 mm’) to 4000 kcmil (2027 mm*), in copper and aluminum. Fewer ‘standard’ sizes for HV and EHV cable tan result in lower tooling costs for manufacturers, smaller spare cable inventories for purchasers and greater opportunities for sharing of spare cables between users. Cables supplied under this specification shall therefore be limited to the conductor sizes shown in Table 2.1-1, unless described otherwise in the purchaser's specification, or proposed as an altermative by the manufacturer. Page 12 89-06Specification for Extruded Insulation Power Cables 46k th Table 2.1-1 Standard Imperial Conductor Sizes (kcmil) and Nearest IEC 60228 SI Sizes (mm*) 161 kV 230 kV 345 kV Kemi_[_mm?_|-kemi_[ mm? | kemi [mm ‘500 [240 750_| 400 | 750 | 400 | 750 | 400 | 750 | 400 | 7000 | 500 | 1000 | ~500_| 1000 | 500 | 1000 | 600 | 1000 |~s00_{ 1000 [500 4250 | 630 | 1250 | 630 _| 1250 630] 1250 | 630 | 1260 | 630 | 1250 [630 7500} 800 | 1500-|~ 800] 1800| ~800_| 1500_|~00 [1500 | ~800_| 1500 | “800 [i 00 | 1750 | 800 | 1750_| 800] 1760 | 800 _| 1750 | 800 | 1750 | 800 Foee-| 4000-| 2000-1000} 2000-| 000 |2000-| 1000" -2000~| 1000 | 2000_| i000 2500 | 1200 | 2500_| 1200 | 2500 | 1200 | 2500 | 1200 | 2500 | 1200 | 2500 |” 1200 3000 | 1600 | 3000 | 1600 | 3000 | 1600 | 3000 | 1600 | 3000 | 1600 | 3000 | 1600 3500 1600 | 3500 | 1600 | 3500 | 1600 | 3500 1600 [3500 | ~1600_| 3500 _| 7600 ‘4000_| 2000 | 4000 | 2000 | 4000 [-2000_| 4000 | “2000 00 2000_| 4000 | 2000 000 | 2500 | 5000 | 2500 ICEA $-108-720 Tables 2-2 and 2-3 describe ‘soft’ metrig sizes, which are mathematically correct conversions from Imperial to SI (1.000 kcmil = 0.507 mm). The metric sizes shown in the above Table 2.1-1 are ‘hard’ conversions, complying with the closest standard sizes in IEC 60228 ‘Conductors of insulated cables’ 2.1.4 Conductor Characteristics ‘The conductor characteristics, including dc resistances for the IEC 60228 SI conductor sizes, shall comply with ICEA S-108-720. 2.2 Conductor Shield 2.2.4 General ‘The conductor shield shall provide a uniform, continuous, smooth, concentric, thermosetting, semi- conducting, voltage stress control layer between the outer surface of the conductor and the inner surface of the insulation. It shall be in direct contact with the conductor and adhere well to the inner surface of the insulation under all operating conditions. 2.2.2 Material The conductor shield material shall be as per ICEA S-108-720 except for XLPE insulations with ac ‘electrical stress at the conductor shield greater than 200 Vimil (8.0 kV/mm), the conductor shield shall be formulated using acetylene black. The manufacturer shall verify with the compound supplier that the sulfur and ash content is less than 0.005 % and 0.01 % respectively. 2.2.3 Extruded Shield Thickness ‘The nominal thickness of the extruded conductor shield shall be as per ICEA S-108-720. 2.2.4 Voids, Protrusion and Irregularity Limits ‘The maximum allowable void, protrusion and irregularity limits for XLPE insulation cables shall be as per ICEA $-108-720, except as modified in Table 2.2-1 for cables with nominal internal ac stresses greater ‘than 200 Vimil (8.0 kVimmn), Protrusion and irregularity heights from the conductor shield into the insulation and from the insulation into the conductor shield are one half the maximum allowable contaminant diameter, which is less than 89-06 Page 13Specification for Extruded insulation Power Cable ‘and Their Accessories Rated 46 KV through 345 kVac AEIC 10.0 kV/mm). (Refer described in ICEA S-108-720 for insulation internal stresses greater than 250 Vi to Appendix A for a description of the basis for these values.) Table 2.2-4 Extruded Conductor Shield/Insulation Interface; Void, Protrusion and Irregularity Limits vs. Nominal Internal ac Stress (dimensions rounded to nearest 0.5 mil) Nominal internal ac Stress | 499 | 25 | 160 | 175 | 200 | 225 | 250 | 275 | 300 | 325 | 350 ‘wid ees 4.0) | 69) | 6.0) (7.0) | (8.0) | (@.0) | (40.0) | (11.0) } (12.0) | (13.0) | (14.0) Wemnvos Ta [20 | 20 20,/ 20,| 20] 18,] 13, 15] 29.| 42 mils (um) (60)' | (60)* | (60)' | (50)* | (S0)* | 60)’ | (8y (38) | (38)? | (25)? | (25)° Maximum Protrusion and | 39 | 39 | 3.0 3.0 | 30 | 30 20 3.0 3.0 25 2.0 irregularity Height | 3-0, | Be | Ps | page . . mils (um) (a5) | 75)" | (75) | e759" | 75)" |c75y" | 78)" | e7sy_ | c63)° oy | (oy * eflects current practices and ICEA S-108-720 limits. * Jess than ICEA S-108-720 limits. For EPR-insulated cable the void, protrusion and irregularity limits shall be as per Table 2.2-1, but with ‘nominal internal ac stress no greater than 200 Vimil (8.0 kVimrn), 2.2.8 Physical Requirements The physical requirements of the conductor shield shall comply with ICEA S-108-720. 2.2.6 Electrical Requirements The electrical requirements of the conductor shield shall comply with ICEA S-108-720, 2.3 Insulation ‘The insulation shall be capable of withstanding all electrical stresses that will be distributed across it when the cable is energized and fully loaded to the maximum emergency operating temperature. It shall also ‘withstand the mechanical and thermal forces that occur during installation and operation. 2.3.1 Material ‘The insulation compound shall be either unfilled cross-linkable polyethylene (XLPE) or ethylene propylene rubber (EPR). The insulation material shall comply with ICEA S-108-720 and as described herein. ‘The insulating compound shall be specifically formulated for high voltage and extra high voltage cables, not containing any contaminants with their greatest dimension larger than as described in Table 2.3-2 XLPE insulation shall be extruded together with the extruded conductor shield and extruded insulation shield, in one common triple head extruder. The three layers shall be cross-linked in a dry curing process. XLPE insulation material shall be inspected for contaminants using a continuous sampling plan. The plan must sample a minimum of 2 percent of the insulation material volume. Material not inspected by the compound supplier must be inspected at the 2 percent rate by the cable manufacturer. The material gnalysis shal be reported for engineering information and as @ minimum, provide e statistical analysis of the size and number of contaminants found per weight of insulation inspected. Page 14 89-06
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