This document is a screening questionnaire for REM sleep behavior disorder. It asks respondents to answer yes or no to questions about their dreams and sleep behaviors, such as whether they have vivid dreams, act out their dreams physically, talk or shout in their sleep, and whether their sleep is frequently disturbed. It provides instructions for scoring the questionnaire, with a maximum possible score of 13 and a cut off score of 5 or above indicating a positive screen for REM sleep behavior disorder.
This document is a screening questionnaire for REM sleep behavior disorder. It asks respondents to answer yes or no to questions about their dreams and sleep behaviors, such as whether they have vivid dreams, act out their dreams physically, talk or shout in their sleep, and whether their sleep is frequently disturbed. It provides instructions for scoring the questionnaire, with a maximum possible score of 13 and a cut off score of 5 or above indicating a positive screen for REM sleep behavior disorder.
This document is a screening questionnaire for REM sleep behavior disorder. It asks respondents to answer yes or no to questions about their dreams and sleep behaviors, such as whether they have vivid dreams, act out their dreams physically, talk or shout in their sleep, and whether their sleep is frequently disturbed. It provides instructions for scoring the questionnaire, with a maximum possible score of 13 and a cut off score of 5 or above indicating a positive screen for REM sleep behavior disorder.
This document is a screening questionnaire for REM sleep behavior disorder. It asks respondents to answer yes or no to questions about their dreams and sleep behaviors, such as whether they have vivid dreams, act out their dreams physically, talk or shout in their sleep, and whether their sleep is frequently disturbed. It provides instructions for scoring the questionnaire, with a maximum possible score of 13 and a cut off score of 5 or above indicating a positive screen for REM sleep behavior disorder.
REM Sleep Behavior Disorder Screening Questionnaire
Please answer each question by circling either “yes” or “no”
YES NO I sometimes have very vivid dreams. YES NO My dreams frequently have an aggressive or action-packed content. YES NO The dream contents mostly match my nocturnal behavior. YES NO I know that my arms and legs move when I sleep. YES NO It thereby happened that I (almost) hurt my bed partner or myself. I have had the following phenomenon during my dreams: YES NO speaking, shouting, swearing, laughing loudly YES NO sudden limb movements, “fights” YES NO gestures, complex movements, that are useless during sleep, e.g., to wave, to salute, to frighten mosquitos, falls off the bed YES NO things that fell down around the bed, e.g., bedside lamp, book, glasses YES NO It happens that my movements awake me. YES NO After awakening I mostly remember the content of my dreams well. YES NO My sleep is frequently disturbed. YES NO I have had a disease of the nervous system (e.g., stroke, head trauma, parkinsonism, RLS, narcolepsy, depression, epilepsy, inflammatory disease of the brain).