Runway at Plaine Corail Airport

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(Reference ARL/RWY /EOI 2 of 2018)



1 Introduction
Following a decision by the Regional Authority, the Rodrigues Regional Assembly (RRA), a new runway
of 2,100m x 45m with an additional 240 m on both sides for the Runway End Safety Area (RESA) is to
be constructed to cater for A320/A321 neo aircraft types. RRA has acquired the services of a
consultant for the preparation of the preliminary design for the construction of the new runway at
Plaine Corail Airport, Rodrigues Island.

Airport of Rodrigues Ltd (ARL), the Licensed Aerodrome Operator for the Plaine Corail Airport wishes
to appoint a consultant to carry out the detailed design and supervision of the New Runway and
associated facilities at Plaine Corail, Rodrigues as further described in section 3.

In this respect ARL is inviting Expressions of Interest (EOI) from potential consultants for consultancy
services for the above project.

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2 Background

(i) General
The island of Rodrigues is a part of the Republic of Mauritius. It is located approximately 560
kilometres east of Mauritius at 190 42’ S and 630 25’ E. The island has a population of almost 42,000
and its area is 108 km2 (roughly 18 km by 6.5 km). Its coastline length stretches over 80 km. Due to
its remote location and small size, Rodrigues does not support a large economy and the main
economic activity is tourism.

(ii) Tourism Sector in Rodrigues

Rodrigues has a population which largely depends on tourism activities. The inhabitants of Rodrigues
are aware of the value of the unspoilt nature of the island and the crafts that have been built up over
the years. Sustainable tourism is now central to Rodrigues’ growth strategy, but is constrained by
limited air access. Between 1996 and 2003, tourist numbers (defined as arrivals who are non-resident
in Rodrigues) increased at an average rate of 14% p.a. Furthermore, the island has experienced an
increase of more than 40% in the number of tourist arrivals over the last 5 years.

The RRA firmly believes that the tourism industry is expected to be the ‘principal engine of growth’ in
the years to come and will also remain one of the most important pillars of the economy for many
years. As in other small island states, the tourism industry is indeed vital in the creation of both direct
and indirect employment and has generated revenue and supported a wide range of small and
medium operators such as accommodation, food products, leisure activities and logistic services. The
mandate of the RRA is to reach 100,000 tourists by 2025 and upgrading the airport infrastructures is
an important step in achieving this goal.

(iii) Present Infrastructure

The present airport infrastructure, designed for ATR-72 operations, is comprised of a runway of 1.2
km, a taxiway connecting the apron with two parking bays, and refuelling facilities. The Terminal
Building is currently being extended to increase the comfort of passengers and other airport users
and this project is expected to be completed in August 2018.

Passenger traffic at the Plaine Corail Airport for Year 2017 was 192,624 with 3,218 aircraft
movements. Airport traffic statistics shows that there is an increasing trend since 2010 ( passenger
traffic of 107,118 and aircraft movement of 1,808). There have been average yearly increases of 9%
for the period 2010 to 2017 (year compared to previous year).

The hoped-for growth in tourism is conditional on the expansion of the airport and the construction
of additional accommodation.

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3 Scope of the Project
The scope of the project comprises of the following:

(a) Construction of a new 2100m long 45m wide runway in Marshall asphalt, including 2.5m wide
shoulders and Turn Pads
(b) Construction of 2 Nos 375m long 15m wide new Code C taxiways with shoulders to link the
existing runway to the new runway
(c) Rehabilitation and strengthening of the pavement of existing runway to be used as a taxiway
for A321 Neo type aircraft and emergency runway for ATR72 type aircraft
(d) Strengthening of existing taxiway pavement for A321 Neo type aircraft
(e) Construction of a new apron for A321 Neo type aircraft
(f) Construction of an isolated apron
(g) Provision of storm water drains alongside new runway and taxiways
(h) Provision of surface markings and illuminated signage to the runways, taxiways and apron
(i) Construction of new perimeter road, service road and fencing
(j) Construction of a new control tower
(k) Construction of a new Rescue and Fire Fighting Station
(l) Provision of a new a new sewer network with associated waste water treatment plant to cater
for the new control tower and Rescue and Fire Fighting Station
(m) Provision of AGL and Navaids for the new runway
(n) Provision of new AGL system for the existing runway to be used as a taxiway.
(o) Provision of floodlighting and ground power units for apron
(p) Provision of DVOR-DME and NDB navigation equipment and relocation of VSAT.

4 Scope of Consultancy Services

4.1 Consultants shall undertake the Detailed Design, Project Management, Supervision and
Commissioning of:
(i) A 2.1 Kms long Runway, connecting Taxiways, Rehabilitation and strengthening of pavement
of existing runway and Taxiway, and an Isolated Apron to accommodate parking of an A321
Neo type and similar types of aircraft, and all other civil works as detailed in Section 3.0 (a to

(ii) All associated facilities such as electrical installations (Aeronautical Ground Lighting AGL),
Signages, GPU, etc) as per scope at Section 3.0(m to o).

(iii) DVOR/DME, NDB navigation equipment and relocation of VSAT.

(iv) The consultant shall carry out the detailed design of the control tower and Fire Fighting

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(v) The consultant shall carry out design of the sewer network and associated waste water
treatment plant

(vi) Green Requirements- The Consultant shall undertake the design taking into account integration
of green requirements in the construction and operations stages of the project such as Water
Conservation and Efficiency measures, Energy Conservation & Management measures and
Waste Management strategies.

(vii) The Consultant must also prepare and submit the following:
 Aero chart of the Aerodrome
 Approach procedures for Runway 12 and Runway 30
 Obstacle Limitation Surface (OLS) Survey

4.2 The scope of Consultancy Services may also consist of additional geotechnical investigations
along the runway alignment, site investigations such as drainage site investigation, topographical
surveys, etc.
In view of past seismic activities in the vicinity of Rodrigues, the runway extension and its
associated airfield facilities must be designed for seismic loadings.
4.3 Once the detailed design completed, the Consultant shall prepare the tender drawings, bid
documents and the cost estimate of the works.
4.4 The Consultant must supervise all phases of the work as per international best practices and

As a general guidance, the airport developments works as described above shall be in compliance
with standards and recommended practices of the International Civil Aviation Organisation and
Local Regulations. The Consultant shall take into account all forthcoming scheduled ICAO
amendments and or approved revisions that may impact on the design.

5 Time Schedule

The duration of the assignment will be stated in the RFP document.

6 Invitation

Airport of Rodrigues Ltd hereby invites Consultancy Firms either solely or in joint
ventures/consortium/association, to submit Expressions of Interest (EOI) for the provision of
NEW RUNWAY AT PLAINE CORAIL, RODRIGUES”. The information requested in the EOI shall be a

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pre-requisite to assess the firm’s capability to provide the services required and will be the basis for
short-listing of the Consultants for an eventual invitation to submit proposals.

7 Eligibility of Applicant

7.1 Proposals from consultants appearing on the ineligibility lists of the Republic of Mauritius, African
Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, Inter- American Development Bank Group and World Bank Group shall not be
retained. Links for checking the ineligibility lists are available on the Procurement Policy Office’s
website http//

7.2 Consultants may associate to enhance their qualifications and capabilities. The members of a joint
venture shall be jointly and severally liable for the assignment and shall sign the contract in case
an award is made to that joint venture group. Interested consultants should clearly indicate the
structure of their “association” and the duties of the partners in their application.

7.3 In case of a joint venture/consortium/association, the applicant shall specify the lead partner.

7.4 A firm submitting an EOI individually cannot further participate in the same bidding exercise as a
partner in a joint venture/consortium/association.

7.5 Any change in the structure of the joint venture or other arrangement post- shortlisting shall be
subject to the approval of the Client. Any change in the structure of the entity shall be of at least
the same level as for the EOI which enabled the entity (firm) to be short-listed.

8 Qualifications

8.1 For this assignment:

a) The Consultant shall have undertaken the following projects over the last ten (10) years:
I. The design and supervision of at least two runway projects
II. The design and supervision of at least one control Tower

In case of a joint venture/consortium/association,

I. The lead partner shall have undertaken the design and supervision of at least two
runway projects over the last ten (10) years.
II. Any member of the joint venture/consortium/association shall have undertaken The
design and supervision of at least one control Tower over the last ten(10) years

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8.2 Financial Status of applicant

The Consultant or the lead partner, in case of a joint venture / consortium/association shall submit
along with their application:
Audited balance sheets or if not required by the law of the consultants country other financial statements
acceptable to the employer for the last three years to demonstrate current soundness of the consultants/
lead partners’ financial position and its prospective long term profitability as follows:

 Criterion - consultant/ lead partner should have earned profit in at least one year out of the
last 3 years

Firms not satisfying the above criteria shall not be short-listed.

Note :

The Preliminary Design for the new runway is presently being prepared by GIBB(Mauritius) Limited
in association with TPS Consult Ltd, and the Preliminary Design Report will be included in the RFP

8.3 Applicants should possess qualified and experienced staff to undertake the services required for
the project. The core competencies listed below shall be available for the project:
 Project Manager/ Team Leader
 Airfield Pavement Engineer
 Design Electrical Engineer
 Architect
 Structural Engineer
 Quantity Surveyor
 Design Civil Engineer
 Resident Civil Engineer
 Site Electrical Engineer
 Geotechnical Engineer
 Aeronautical Communication Engineer
 Navigation and Surveillance Engineer (CNS)
 Procedure Designer-PANS OPS

However, this list is not exhaustive and bidders should ensure that all the competencies required
for this assignment are duly considered. Moreover, the minimum criteria regarding qualifications
and experience for all key personnel will be detailed in the RFP document.

The staff proposed for the assignment can cumulate more than one position provided that they
meet the minimum criteria regarding qualification and experience as shall be detailed in the RFP

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8.4 Consultants must confirm their interest in providing the above services by filling in and submitting
their proposals incorporating the relevant information as per the format of Forms 1-5 at the
address below.

8.5 Consultants must submit a duly signed Statement of Integrity, Eligibility and Social and
Environmental Responsibility, as per the format provided in Annex I.

8.6 Following the “Expressions of Interest” applicants will be shortlisted and the “Request for
Proposal” will be issued to them accordingly.

9 Deadline for submission of queries

9.1 The deadline for submission of queries from the consultants shall be 1 week prior to the deadline for
submission of Expressions of interest 10 August 2018
All queries should be addressed to:

The Airport Manager

Airport of Rodrigues Ltd
Plaine Corail Airport

10 Submission of Expressions of Interest

Expression of interest, together with the duly filled in forms must be sent by courier to the
address below or deposited in the Bid Box of the offices of Airport of Rodrigues Ltd, Plaine Corail
Airport, Rodrigues by 10 AUGUST 2018 up to 13.30 hrs (Local Time) at latest in sealed envelopes
which shall be clearly marked:

The Expression of Interest shall be addressed to:

The Airport Manager
Airport of Rodrigues Ltd
Plaine Corail Airport

EOI submitted after the closing date and time will not be considered.

Date: 19 July 2018

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