Point of View of Spaniards: April 27, 1521

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Make a timeline of what happened on 27 April 1521 from the point of view of the Spaniards and also from
the point of view of the natives.


Magellan decided to go at Mactan with three boatloads but his crew/fellow warriors begged
him repeatedly not to go but he, like a good shepherd refused to abandon his flock.
60 men were set out armed with corselets and helmets together with some of the chief men.


 Magellan and his crew reached Mactan.
 Magellan sent a message to the natives that if they would obey the King of Spagnia,
recognize the Christian king as their sovereign and pay their tribute they would be their friend
but if they will not follow, then they will have a war and they will see the lances of wounded.
 Natives reply that they have lances of bamboo and stakes hardened with fire. They also
prepare pitholes between houses so that Spaniards might fell into the holes.


 Only 49 Spaniards leaped into the water up to their thighs and the remaining 11 was left to
the ship to guard the ship because they can’t take their ship and importantly their cannon
because of certain rocks in the water.Before the 39 Spaniards reach the shore, two
crossbows showed coming to them.
 When Spaniards reach the land, the natives were formed to three divisions and they have
more than 1,500 persons
 Magellan formed his crew into two divisions and begin to start the war.
 After about half-hour, the musketers (natives) and crossbow men started to strike but their
strike are useless because the Spaniards are fully armoured with shields and helmets
protecting them from the crossbows.
 Spaniards started to burn the houses of the natives.
 Magellan was targeted by the natives and he was shot in his right leg with poisoned arrow.
 Magellan ordered his crew to retreat but some of his crew didn’t leave him especially Antonio
 Magellan and his crew was injured and poisoned. The others who survived retreated icluding
Pigafetta. But Magellan didn’t survived, he was hurdled a bamboo spear into his faces but
unfortunately he was killed by his own lances.

 The survivors and Antonio Pigafetta mourned the death of their general captain Magellan
because their leader and comfort was killed by natives of Mactan


 The natives received a letter from Magellan that was telling about about obeying King of
Spagnia, recognized the Chistian king as their sovereign and pay them tribute, then they will
definitely be friends. If they insist to obey, war might arise.
 The natives read the letter containing the information with a threat.
 The natives replied that they have lances of bamboo and stakes hardened with fire
 The natives requested that Magellan and his crew to wait until morning to prepare more men
and pitholes between their houses. These pitholes were told by the natives to the Spaniards so
they are aware of it.

 Lapu-Lapu and his men were divided into three divisions and awaited to the Spaniards to come.
When they saw Spaniards, they welcome them with crossbow arrows and loud cries.
 Magellan divided his crew into two.
 The battle of Mactan started. The natives started firing their arrows but their shots was useless
because the Spaniards are armoured with shields and helmets.
 The natives and Spaniards continued fighting each other.
 When the natives saw Magellan, they turned upon him, shoot him in the right leg with poisoned
arrow and knock his helmet off his head twice.
 One of the natives hurdled a bamboo spear into the face of Magellan but Magellan was killed by
his own lances


 After winning the battle, Lapu-Lapu received a letter from the King asking for the bodies of
Magellan and his crew in return of iron and copper but Lapu-Lapu refused the letter and
planned to keep the body of Magellan as a winning triumph which serves as their trophy to
have a memorial winning war between the natives and colonizers.
Comparison of the two timelines
The two timelines show the two sides of the real happening during the Battle of Mactan last April
27, 1521. Ferdinand Magelland and Lapu-Lapu, the two leaders of the two nationalities have their
own preferences that each of it must be respected and accepted. Taking from the side of Magellan,
he wants the natives to obey the King of Spagnia, recognize Christianity as a sovereign and pay
them a tribute. For Lapu-Lapu this request seems to have degraded their pride because he doesn’t
want someone who isn’t Filipino to interfere their beliefs and religion. Also, he doesn’t want to be
colonized by the Spaniards.
This two group has their own strategy to deal each other but the natives were more prepared
than Magellan’s group. Numbers of men between Magellan and Lapu-Lapu have a far difference since
49 for Spaniards and more than 1,500 for the natives. Furthermore, before the Spaniards reached the
shore, they were tired before the battle started. At this point, we will know that Spaniards will be
defeated but they still continued to fought the battle no matter how tired they are.

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