CEP FAQ v152

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Neverwinter Nights

CEP FAQ v1.52


Community Expansion Pack 1


Wondering what the CEP is and how it works? This section is for you.

1. Why are there multiple download versions? What are the

differences between them?

The content of each version is exactly the same. The only difference is the
installation method:

cepv152.exe – this is the recommended version for Windows users. It is

small, self-installing, and even comes with an un-installer (not that we can
imagine why you would ever want to uninstall it). It automagically detects
your NWN expansion pack and installs the appropriate version of the CEP
for you. It was built using a tool called Inno Setup (for the technically
minded who care about such things).

cepv152_man.rar – this version is for Linux/Mac users and Windows users

who want to install the CEP files themselves. Just like the Windows
versions, files are included for all expansions.

cepv152_man.zip – this version is the same as cepv152_man.rar but uses

zip compression for people who don’t use RAR compression. Note that it
is a significantly bigger download because zip is not as efficient as RAR.

2. Can I use CEP if I don't own SoU or HotU?

Yes. We support the base install (also know as the Live version), SoU
(XP1) and HotU (XP2).

3. Will the CEP work with Platinum, Gold, or original versions of NWN?

Yes. CEP works with all versions of NWN, including Platinum and Gold.

4. I have both SoU and HotU installed – which folder should I use to get
the files - cep1patch152.hak, cep1patch150.hak, cep2da.hak?

If you have both expansions, use the HotU version (folder).

5. What patch level is required for the CEP?

CEP requires NWN patch level 1.64 (or higher) to work.

Community Expansion Pack 2


6. Will the CEP still work when Bioware releases a new patch?

Yes. We will be patching the CEP at the same time or shortly after
Bioware releases an update. We've put generous padding into the CEP to
avoid any potential problems with future patches. Of course we cannot
predict what the future holds or what the Live Team or how Digital
Distribution will work but we have done everything we can to maintain
compatibility in the future. In the case of conflicts, you can rest assured
that we will have prompt patches and are even working on update utilities
that will bring your modules and PW's back up online in record time.

7. Why did the CEP team include so many

bovine/elemental/feline/orc/whatever creatures? I would have
preferred to see more creatures of another type.

The key point to understand here is that the selection process for content
to include in the CEP was never a contest. All available content that met
the quality requirements was included. You do not have to worry that
inclusion of a model you feel you won’t use meant exclusion of another
model you would rather have seen. If an item you wanted to see is not in
the CEP it is because:

a) it does not exist, or

b) it did not meet quality standards, or
c) it was created after our content lockdown date.

In the case of (c), we will look at including it for the next release of the
CEP. In the other two cases you will need to find somebody to either
create or fix the model you want before we will include it.

So take a deep breath and relax. Somebody else may want to use that
water buffalo. The fact that they get to use it does not meet you are
missing out on anything you wanted.

8. Can you play the Brownie and Wemic by just installing CEP?

Yes! Now you can. We have pre-created character bic files for the Wemic
and Brownie characters, one for each class. Refer to the Bioware site to
download these character files and start playing.



Community Expansion Pack 3


If you want to roll your own, you need to download CODI’s Character
Creator. Refer to this post by Papermonk for instructions:


Not only that, we’ve customized robes to work with the Wemic in patch
1.50 as well. What more can you ask for?

9. Did Bioware make the CEP?






This is a common misconception. Bioware did not make any of the

content here! The CEP team did not make most of it either. Everything
was made by people in the community spending time and learning 3D
modeling, texturing, etc. All for you! The CEP team has simply filtered,
organized, tested and fixed it (oi, did we have to fix a lot). While there is
some material in the CEP that was created by CEP team members, the
vast majority was made by other individuals out there. They are the ones
to thank here. You can find a complete list of content creators in the
Builder’s Guide.

Bioware's involvement includes making the awesome game and tools that
made all of this community content possible. They have also very
generously provided their resources and manpower to publicize the CEP
for us to make sure that everyone knows about it. However, their
involvement goes no further than that.

I suspect that Bioware would love to be more heavily involved in CEP but
the legal aspects of including user-made content will make sure that this
never happens. This isn't Bioware's fault - don't complain to them about it.
We live in a society where you can sue large restaurant chains for millions
of dollars if you spill hot coffee on your legs. If intellectual property laws
and today’s general litigious environment change, it might be possible -
however, we’re pretty sure monkeys will fly out of SBird’s butt first.

Community Expansion Pack 4


10. Why no tilesets?

There are several reasons why we did not include Tilesets in Release 1.

a) They can be really big - the CEP is already large for dial-up users and
adding tileset was just too much for the 1st release.

b) Tilesets are very complicated. Stroll around the Custom Content forum
some time and read the discussions about tilesets. If it looks like Greek,
there's a reason for it. Back when we were first assembling the material to
put in the CEP, there were only one or two of us qualified to do tileset
work. Adding tileset would have probably set us back more than a few
months had we tried to put them in at the start.

11. Will there be a CEP version 2?

We're planning on it. I mean, if a meteor or something hits the Earth and
wipes out all life, the schedule will probably slip a bit but we are actively
gearing up for CEP2. That doesn't even include the smaller updates we'll
be doing to address bugfixes and new Community Content that's come out

Timeframe? Too early to tell.

Compatibility? Of course. We will strive as hard as possible to make

CEP2.0 completely compatible with CEP1.0 so that someone with CEP
2.0 can play modules that are CEP1.0 compliant without any hitches.

Content? Still too early to say. We are looking at a number of areas and
have received some good suggestions in response to the first Bioware
Wednesday as to where else to look. Not everything out there will go into
the CEP since one of our guiding principles is not to include content that
rewrites default Bioware behavior. The watchword of the CEP is More!
(not Different!)

12. How much will the CEP cost me?


It is completely free! That right, folks, come on down to Crazy Eligio's

Custom Content Center where our prices are INSANE!!!

If our prices were any lower, we'd be PAYING YOU to take this stuff!

Community Expansion Pack 5


13. Are there non-English language versions of the CEP?

Indeed there are! The Spanish translation of the CEP is already available
on NWVault. Look for German and French versions coming soon. If you
are interested in doing the translation for us we will look at making it
available in other languages. Send email to [email protected].

14. I have a 56K modem - can I get CEP on CD?

A CD distribution system is not in place at this time. Also note that one of
our key testers downloaded 8 different beta versions of the CEP over
dialup! It is generally best to do overnight and with software that supports
restarting a download where it left off.

15. Is there a CEP Original Campaign?

Not with the initial release. We do have a short little demo module by
juleslawrence that showcases some of the new content but is probably not
the epic role-playing experience you were hoping for. There are also
modules available on NWVault for the CEP, including a continuation of the
NWN Original Campaign by Seryn, a CEP team member. A number of
Persistent Worlds are currently running the CEP as well.

16. Can I use the CEP in the Original Campaign, SoU campaign, or HotU

Yes. You can find instructions in this thread:


17. Will you be highlighting those modules that are built specifically to
take advantage of the CEP?

Yes. Maximus has already added a CEP indicator to the Module search
fields on NWVault. Module builders will need to choose the CEP as the
game patch option when posting their work. We will also likely highlight
some new modules on the CEP web site (http://www.nwncep.com/).

18. Is the CEP really easy to install for the average NWN player?

Yes. We have an auto-installer for Windows (developed using a program

called Inno Setup). If you are a non-Windows user or are the sort that
blanches at the thought of running an executable on your machine, we
also have a do-it-yourself version where you get to drag and drop the files
around - takes less than a minute on most machines (most of that time is
spent watching Windows scroll the file copy progress bar.) This do-it-
yourself version is available in both zip and RAR formats.

Community Expansion Pack 6


19. Can I use the CEP for my PW or for multiplayer?

Yes, we believe that CEP is ideal for PW servers. You have two big

a. The CEP will be widely available on people's computers and they won't
have to download it for just your PW – they are downloading it for all of the
multi-player and single-player CEP compliant modules out there.

b. if a Bioware patch breaks something, you have a dedicated team of

people who are working on a fix for you. Spend your time making your
world, not 2DA wrangling!

20. Can I use the CEP with other Hak Paks?

Yes. We've padded out 2DAs so that adding custom content on top of the
CEP is a snap. The advantage, of course, is that lots of the content you'd
probably be putting into your own hak will already be in CEP so that it
greatly reduces the work on your part and the download size of your own
hak pak when you are done.

21. How large a download is the CEP?

That depends on which version you download. At present, the

autoinstaller version is about 130MB, the RAR compressed version is
145MB and the zip version is just over 200MB.

22. You left out my favorite hak! Will you please add it to the CEP?

We have tried to do a thorough review of the content posted on NWVault.

Please review the CEP inventories:

i. cepbaseitem inventory

ii. cepanatomy inventory

iii. cepcreature inventory

iv. cepplace inventory

The inventories will tell you whether your item was left out because it was
not compliant or if it was accidentally missed. If it was not compliant, we
will not add it on request unless a modeler takes the time to make the hak
compliant. If it was accidentally missed (hey, we aren’t perfect!), please
send us a link and we will review it for inclusion in a future release.

Community Expansion Pack 7


Player’s Troubleshooting FAQ

If you have problems with the CEP, refer to the questions below.

1. Why do I get an error message about a corrupt file when I install the

This error means the installation file you downloaded is corrupted.

Unfortunately this means you will need to download it again. I would
suggest getting it off of NWVault (http://nwvault.ign.com/cep/) as this is the
most stable and highest bandwidth mirror.

If you need to download a specific hak file, they are available at


2. I played a game using the CEP, exited to the main NWN game menu,
then started another CEP game. Some of the custom
heads/torsos/etc. disappeared! What gives?

This appears to be an error with the game engine and there is nothing we
can do about it. It affects most custom anatomy including popular packs
like Lisa’s Clothes Horse. The solution is to exit NWN completely then
restart it before starting another game.

3. None of the new portraits or heads show up when creating a

character on a server version of the game. But they work for a single
player game. Why?

Unfortunately, the new heads and portraits are not available at chargen on
a server version of the NWN game. This is because the server does not
load the new game resources until after character creation. We are unable
to change this behaviour. The workaround that has been suggested by the
community is to unpack the heads into your /override directory and the
portraits into your /portraits directory (search on NWVault – several people
have uploaded the required files for you). Or create the character in single
player and then save it and copy to the server vault (this only works if the
game server admin allows external characters to be brought in).

4. Why do some of the models in the game have broken shadows?

Probably because we missed some of them. We fixed broken shadows

until we were blue in the face. They are one of the most common mistakes
for modelers to make. They are also often subtle and hard to catch.
Instead of generalizing, please submit specific bugs (with enough
information for us to identify the broken object) to [email protected]
and we will try to fix them.

Community Expansion Pack 8


5. Some of the items show up with white textures in the game!

Does your video card support DDS files? If it is an older card it may not
support DDS compression and you will experience this problem.
Unfortunately, the CEP does not support low-resolution textures. The
minimum graphics card requirement is one that supports DDS textures –
we believe if cards are DirectX 7.0 compatible they meet this requirement.

In keeping with the results of the NWN Graphics Card poll

(http://nwvault.ign.com/features/interviews/Graphics090803.shtml), we will
only be supplying a hi-res texture hak. Almost 90% of NWN game players
have over 64MB of VRAM and 97% support DDS graphics, two key
requirements for hi-res textures. The only advice we can offer is to
upgrade your video card. Cards capable of displaying DDS files can be
acquired for less than $50.

6. I added the haks to my module but none of the items show up!

Are you a player who just added the CEP to an existing module?

New content does not magically integrate into module areas or scripts (for
example, the default treasure scripts do not recognize the new content).
You need to actually create new items and leave them scattered around
the module for your characters to find. If you are a builder, refer to the
Builder’s FAQ for more details.

7. Why are there no feats for the new weapons?

The short answer is that the NWN game engine does not, at this time,
support custom weapon specialization or feats. Who knows what the
future holds for the engine? But yes, it does mean for the initial release
that players won't be able to take specialization in the violin bow or epic
falchion of uber destruction feats.

Having said that, you have not yet experienced the joy of skewering a
water elemental on the pointy tines of a trident. Or the sheer mouth-
dropping amazement of getting your a** kicked by a nunchaku-wielding
monk opponent. There are lots of ways that new weapons add that wow
effect to a campaign that aren't dependent on feats.

8. Why are the slimes all black in-game?

This occurs for some video cards when Creature Environment Mapping is
enabled (you can find this in the Video Options section of the game). It is
unclear why this is happening and appears to be a bug with the NWN
game engine. You can go into the Video Options setting and turn Creature
Environment Mapping off.

Community Expansion Pack 9


9. Why do portions of the magic mouth or leaves on the trees

flicker/disappear in some views?

This is a problem with the NWN game engine. Some of the CEP models
use alpha masks and these do not render properly in NWN when stacked
(i.e., if your game tries to render something with an alpha mask and there
is another one behind it). That is the technical explanation for the fact that
we cannot do anything about it.

10. After I added the CEP, the new HotU and/or SoU creatures have
changed. The mind flayer is a penguin! What gives?

The most common cause of this is that you did a manual install of the CEP
and used the wrong version of cep2da.hak. For example, the Live version
of Bioware’s 2da file has mind flayers listed as penguins. Swap in the
correct version of cep2da.hak for your expansion version.

11. When I attempt to use one of the CEP modules I get an error
message that the module was created using a newer version of
toolset and/or game resources. How do I open them?

We have received a handful of reports like this. It appears to be due to a

corrupt NWN patch on your machine (i.e., the last time you automatically
patched the game something did not install correctly). This is not a
problem with the CEP and you will likely encounter it with any module
created with the latest version of the game. You can wind up with
problems like this if you installed a beta patch and did not use the uninstall
procedure that comes with it before patching to the final version. Or it may
just have been a failed patch attempt through no fault of your own.

You have two options:

1. Try to revert to a previous version of the game and then repatch.

When you have done that, check that your patch version is
1.62.8047 (not 1.62.8037). Some people report success with this
method but not everybody.

2. If that fails, try a critical rebuild. You can download the patch for a
critical rebuild and follow the instructions here:

Community Expansion Pack 10


12. Spells such as darkfire, bless weapon, etc do not consider the
new swords as weapons and spells are cancelled. The scare spell
gives a script error. What gives?

Unfortunately, there is no way to get the game engine to recognize these

new weapons as weapons; this is a limitation that we have to live with,
similar to the issue with having no specialization feats on the new weapon

Community Expansion Pack 11


Builder’s Troubleshooting FAQ

If you are a module builder, and are having problems with the CEP, this section
is for you.

1. Why do the categories and blueprints in the toolset have strange

- OR -
What is with the story about the troll in the toolset palette?
- OR -
Why do some of the new weapons have garbage names in-game?

The CEP uses a custom talk table for all of its text information. You (or
your module builder) must associate the CEP talk table with a module for
this information to show up properly. You can do this within the toolset by:
a) selecting Module Properties from the Edit menu
b) go to the Custom Content tab
c) add cep as a Custom Tlk File.

2. I don’t have a TLK option on the Custom Content tab of my Module


You probably have a game version less than 1.62; you will need to
upgrade. The CEP requires version 1.62 as a minimum requirement to
play. You can use it with the Live, SoU or HotU versions of this but they
must all be at the current patch level.

3. I would like to change something about the CEP. Do you recommend

I edit the CEP files?

No, not directly. One of the main benefits of the CEP is that it is intended
to be a community standard. If you start to edit the CEP files, your version
will no longer be standard and you will force players to download a version
specific to your module.

Having said that, it does not mean you cannot add things on top of the
CEP or change CEP behaviour – we have always intended for the CEP to
be an open standard that can be built upon and customized for module
builders. The recommended way to do this is to create your own hak pak
and put it up higher in the priority list of your module than the CEP. That
way, your content overrides the CEP. The advantage of this approach is
that it will make the download of your hak pak considerably smaller than it
would have been had you forced players to download your version of the
CEP itself. For details on how to do this, refer to our Builder’s Guide.

Community Expansion Pack 12


4. Not all of the weapons have 4 colors!

We added the fourth color for all weapons in version 1.50 of the CEP.
Note that some of the 4th color weapons are the same as color 1
components. We felt it was important to the stability of the game to have
all of the weapon components available even if some were not unique. In
future releases we may switch some of these to darker version so be
prepared for this.

5. I don’t want to put all those creatures and placeables in the toolset
manually. Where is the ERF file?

You don’t need an erf file. The blueprints are included directly in the hak.
After you add the haks to your module (the Custom Content tab in the
Module Properties dialog), the game will automatically update your item,
placeable and creature palettes. This saves you the trouble of having 7MB
worth of erf file permanently tied to your module.

If you want to change one of the blueprints that we provide, simply right-
click on it and choose “Edit Copy” to make your own version. You can
ignore the warning that comes up – as long as you use “Edit Copy” it does
not affect you.

6. All of those CEP blueprints clutter up my Custom Content Palette.

Can you remove them?

We recognize this as one of the most significant issues we are currently

getting with the CEP. We are looking at ways to unclutter the Custom
Content Palette while still providing you with all of the CEP blueprints.
Stay tuned for details.

7. I replaced another hak in my module with the CEP but my Pit Fiend
now looks like a goblin!

This is not a problem with the CEP – it is a function of the Aurora Toolset.
Unfortunately, with the way the NWN game engine stores model
information, you cannot easily swap one hak for another. You need to go
through each item and either edit the item to change its appearance (this
usually works for creatures, etc.) or you will need to delete and recreate
the item (this is usually required for custom weapons and other items).
Refer to the Builders Guide in the section on Replacing Haks with the CEP
for details.

Community Expansion Pack 13


8. I get all kinds of errors when my module rebuilds after adding the

If you have any problems with the rebuild, they are most likely caused by
problems with your module itself – adding the CEP alone should not cause
problems. To test this, rebuild your module prior to adding the CEP haks
and clean up any problems you encounter. If this does not work, see the
next question.

9. I replaced another hak in my module with the CEP but I get errors
when my module rebuilds!

This is similar to problem #1. When you remove a hak, you may be
‘stranding’ some custom content you had previously used. The only
solution is to go through each error, determine the item or script that is
causing problems, and update it. This is not caused by the CEP content
itself – it is a problem with removing your old hak pak.

10. NWN Explorer seems to crash when I try to view CEP files. Why?

Unfortunately this is a known issue. This is a problem with NWNExplorer

although it generally only occurs with the cep2da.hak as far as I know.
NWNExplorer does not support custom talk tables and crashes when it
encounters one. Hopefully this problem will be fixed in a future release of
NWNExplorer because it will affect any content that uses custom talk

11. I added the haks to my module but none of the items show up!

Are you a module builder?

• if so, where are you looking for the new content? The new content
will show up in the custom toolset palettes (not the standard
palettes). If it is not there, right click on the custom palette and
select Refresh Palette to make sure it is loaded.

• Did you save your module, close the entire toolset, and then restart
it? The Aurora Toolset does not always reload all resources when
you add new haks to a module unless you restart it. This is a bug
with the Aurora Toolset.

• If you think you did all of that, try it again. Check in Module
Properties that the haks are still there and in the right order. Check
that the talk table (cep.tlk) is also installed. Close out of the entire
toolset and restart it again.

Community Expansion Pack 14


Did you include other haks in addition to the CEP?

• You may have conflicts that prevent the CEP content from being
recognized. This usually occurs when a hak with higher priority
(one higher on the list in the Custom Content tab in the toolset)
does not contain all of the line items of other 2das with lower
priority. Use the Check for Conflicts option in the Custom Content
tab to check if there are conflicts between your other haks and the
CEP. Or open the other haks and look for .2da files that overlap
with the ones in cep2da.hak files. We provide general guidelines on
how to resolve these issues in the Builder’s Guide.

12. When I try to create a new item with the Item Wizard it crashes the

Did you add all of the CEP haks? You cannot pick and choose individual
haks even if you don’t want the content in them. You must add them all to
your module. Check the Custom Content tab in your module and verify
that the haks have all been added and show up in the order specified in
our installation instructions. Sometimes the Aurora Toolset crashes when
it cannot find all the models that it expects.

13. Can you create a new item for me? I really need it for my module and
can’t find one anywhere.

The goal of the CEP is not to create custom content but to package it for
use. If you can find a modeler to create your item, feel free to let us know
about it and we can see about including it in a future version of the CEP.
We cannot take requests because we do not have the resources available
to satisfy them.

14. You left out my favorite hak! Will you please add it to the CEP?

We have tried to do a thorough review of the content posted on NWVault.

Please review the CEP inventories:

i. cepbaseitem inventory

ii. cepanatomy inventory

iii. cepcreature inventory

iv. cepplace inventory

Community Expansion Pack 15


The inventories will tell you whether your item was left out because it was
not compliant or if it was accidentally missed. If it was not compliant, we
will not add it on request unless a modeler takes the time to make the hak
compliant. If it was accidentally missed (hey, we aren’t perfect!), please
send us a link and we will review it for inclusion in a future release.

15. Why does the game crash more often now that I have replaced
another hak in my module with the CEP?

This typically occurs if your players or characters still have items in their
inventory that refer to equipment from the hak you replaced. You must
delete all inventory equipment referring to the old hak from the
module/players to avoid this issue.

16. How can I uninstall the CEP from my module?

Not that we can ever imagine you would want to do that, but on the off
chance you do, the process is fairly simple but can be laborious:

1. Go to the Custom Content tab. Remove all 8 of the cep haks.

Remove the cep.tlk file from the Custom Talk Table entry.

2. Close out of this. It will ask you to rebuild the module. Click on OK
and do this.

3. Go into the creature, baseitems and placeable custom palettes.

Right click and select “Refresh Palette” (strictly speaking this step
should not be required but just to be safe go ahead and do it

4. Here is the laborious part. For anything you added to your module
that uses the new custom content, you need to go into each of
those blueprints, items, creatures, whatever and change them to
something non-CEP.

That should be it. Some people who still experience weird problems may
find that they have stuff in their override folder. If you do, delete it (the only
thing typically in there should be a single file: a med kit icon from
Bioware’s updates).

you are a module builder and want to know more about the CEP Crafting
System, this section is for you.

Community Expansion Pack 16


17. Can you explain this whole cep1patch150.hak thing?

Okay, it is a bit tricky but these are the general principles behind how we
are packaging our releases:

1. The original CEP v1.00 included 8 haks from cep1patch.hak

through to ceptexture.hak. The first, cep1patch.hak, was for the
most part empty.

2. The first patch CEP v1.01b included primarily a new

cep1patch.hak, cep2da.hak, and cep.tlk file. This means that the
bug fixes in that patch work on old or new CEP modules.

3. This patch includes a new cep1patch.hak, cep2da.hak, cep.tlk and

a brand new file cep1patch150.hak. Here is what they contain:

i. cep1patch150.hak – this contains all new content for v1.50

of the cep except for armor and baseitems

ii. cep.tlk – this contains the updated talk table for cep v1.50

iii. cep2da.hak – this contains all 2da files and blueprints for
content found in v1.00 of the cep (including any bugfixes for
these files)

iv. cep1patch.hak – this contains all bug fixes for content found
in the first release of the cep plus new armor and baseitems

Why so complicated? This allows you to use cepv1.50 with any module
built using v1.50 or earlier. What’s more, you get the benefit of all of our
bug fixes in those modules.

What’s more, it forces players to have v1.50 of the CEP installed if they
want to use a module that was built with v1.50 content. This means to
create a CEPv1.50 module you need to include the new
cep1patch150.hak as well as the previous ones.

Finally, it allows you to transfer characters back and forth between a v1.50
and a v1.01 or earlier module because all the new baseitem components
are in cep1patch.hak which is accessible in earlier modules.

Community Expansion Pack 17


Crafting FAQ

If you are a module builder and want to know more about the CEP Crafting
System, this section is for you.

1. What is CEP Crafting?

CEP Crafting is a set of scripts and a dialogue replacement that override

the default Bioware crafting system when installed.

2. Why is there a CEP crafting system? Why alter the game?

While the CEP team is against altering the game itself as much as
possible – providing only new content for builders to make use of – we felt
that it was warranted in this case to overwrite a small segment of
Bioware's work. Bioware's default dialogue and crafting scripts, while an
excellent basis, did not work well with custom content that was not
sequentially numbered with the Bioware models. While players would be
easily able to craft standard items using these scripts, they would not be
able to easily craft many CEP items and in some cases they would not be
able to craft them at all.

3. A brief history of CEP crafting – Okay, so this isn't a question, but we

thought it bore mentioning.

Sometime during our last month or so before release, Loki volunteered to

adapt a crafting system to the CEP so we could solve this "uncraft-able
custom content" problem. At that time, SartriX's system had been
discussed by several CC authors, and so he settled on that.

Thus came version 1.0. And it was good…sort of. There was a bug or
two in that first release, not the least of which was a price-resetting error
that we somehow missed in testing until it was too late to change things.
Some PW owners and server admins also messaged us shortly thereafter
about an item duplication bug.

Version 1.01 fixed both of those, so it seemed things were well...until we

hit another item duplication bug report. So then came the last round of
changes to fix this as well as some logic errors Loki found in SartriX's
original code flow. From here, we hope to add some more robust support
for dyes and the like and include some CEP custom dyes in the mix.

Community Expansion Pack 18


4. Isn't this entire system just SartriX's crafting system with a global
text search and replace?

Yes and no. This system is heavily based on SartriX's code – being a
modification of his work – but has since departed somewhat from his
source. In particular, several bugs were found in the version of SartriX's
code that we downloaded, so Loki has been fixing them as we go along.
Many sections of the code are essentially the same however, being
basically, as you say, a global rename.

5. Where is it different then? Where are the algorithmic difference?

Algorithmically, on a basic/macro level, there is very little if any difference.

Most changes were made to shore up things like stolen flags not getting
set properly, not taking into account the drop-duping exploit without
external measures, and to make the main program loops in his item-
altering functions more friendly to the often gap-laden numbering in CEP
model indexes. Beyond that, Loki has added in extra code or replaced
functions here and there for the purpose of avoiding exploits and the like.

6. Why don't you guys have a fix/workaround for exploit X which is

crippling my PW?

Probably because we don't (or to be more accurate, Loki does not) know
about it. No really, in all honesty, that's likely the case. By and large, he
doesn't have the time to read the CEP Forum. So if you have a bug or
problem on your PW or server, don't come on the boards and complain
that we'll never fix this bug...because if you do that, unless another team
member catches your post, chances are we never will. Please send
detailed (exact method of bug or exploit reproduction, etc.) information to
[email protected]. Also be a little patient…Loki, the one coding this
stuff, lives 13 time zones away from most CEP members and 6 or 7 from
our nearest member… the result being he can't exactly fire up a server to
test with the team in real time and needs to send prospective bugfixes to
some PW admins we know to test out.

7. How do I install CEP Crafting?

Well, this is quite simple, really. You just import the appropriate ERF file,
included in your NWN CEP install package for all versions 1.01 and later,
and you're done. Originally, in 1.0, the files were in the HAKS and thus
auto-installed, but that had the unforeseen side effect of making things
non-overridable, so this was changed in 1.01.

We apologize to any inconvenienced by this change.

Community Expansion Pack 19


Note also that due to some quirkiness in the toolset, those upgrading from
version 1.0 to 1.01 or later may have to manually remove the crafting
system. This would be a three step process.
a) First, make sure to replace your old haks with the newer ones or use
the CEP updater to overwrite your haks if it is an updater release. This
will replace your existing haks with the newer ones that don't contain the
scripts, etc. associated with CEP crafting.
b) Second, go and delete the dialogue file x0_skill_ctrap from the
dialogues tab of your module, followed by the scripts zep_inc_craft,
zep_always_false, zep_is_robe, zep_not_robe, and all scripts
starting with zep_cr_*.
c) Last, import the new crafting ERF file.

8. How can I overwrite/disable this thing if I don't want it?

Well, if you've downloaded the CEP fresh from version 1.01 and up, the
answer is simple…just don't install it. If you have version 1.0 and have
upgraded to 1.01 but not imported the ERF of crafting data, you can
simply manually delete the files involved in CEP crafting from you module.
See the list in question #7 above.

9. What do I need to know as a builder or PW admin to use this once it's


Note that I'm assuming you have installed the CEP Crafting system
without problems already, as described in question #7 above, so I'll just be
covering things to be aware of in terms of the effect of the system on your
module, etc.

Note that there is a placeable object in the miscellaneous custom tab of

the placeable palette called the CEP CRAFTING PLACABLE. This is an
invisible, inventoried placeable that is used to help prevent duplication. It
was inspired by Bioware's own implementation. Essentially, when a player
crafts an item, their originally will be stripped from their character and
placed in this container, and they will be working with a copy of that item.
If they cancel out, or fail in the crafting, their original is returned and the
copy is destroyed. If they succeed in crafting, it will be destroyed and they
will keep the copy. If you are a PW admin or builder, I recommend you
place this in some player-inaccessible area. Anywhere is okay, the
functions should be able to find it regardless of location. If you do not
create and place one yourself, the first time a player crafts an item, one
will be generated automatically at the default location on that player's
map…this defaults to XY coordinates of 0,0 IIRC, so be aware of this.

Community Expansion Pack 20


Next to be aware of is the ZEP_PurifyItem function. This will check a

player's item to ensure it is not a crafting duplicate. If it is, it will destroy
the item, make a log to the server's log file, and notify all DMs of the player
possessing a craft duplicate. There is also the related zep_cr_nocheat
function, which is intended to be dropped into the OnClientEnter
module hook…this function will iterate through a player's inventory and
equipped items, running a ZEP_PurifyItem on all of them, thus stopping
potential dupers at the door and warning all DMs. This function makes
use of another function, ZEP_PurifyAll, which will cycle through a
target player's inventory to purify their gear. Note that a PW scripter can
easily just insert a call to this function into their OnClientEnter hook if
they have existing code in that hook.

10. What do I need to know or what should I want to know as someone

planning on altering the existing system rather than starting from

Well, most of the system is in the same general form as SartriX's original
code. Areas I have modified I have done my best to document clearly.
These areas will typically be labeled in some obvious fashion, such as
"Note from Loki:". There is also a bit of expansive explanation in the
headers of each of the larger scripts, especially in the zep_inc_craft
script, which is an include file with the bulk of the system's functionality
encapsulated in it. There are a number of toggle-able flags there as well,
and I hope to add more in a future version, should more features be added
(this is all depending on my workload under my main heading as Anatomy

Departures from SartriX's system include: using the Bioware price and DC
guidelines rather than his with the sole exception of helmets and shields,
since they were not craftable in Bioware's default system so we had no
standard to fall back on (though I have left functionality for his optional DC
and Price guides in, this should theoretically be able to be re-enabled via
constant in the header file), moving the robe appearance out of the main
armor modification area and back into its own window (like the Bioware
implementation-though his original internal version remains, it is merely
disabled by using a check against “zep_always_false" in the "Text
Appears When" block of the crafting dialogue), disabling the need of dyes
for altering the colors of weapons and shields…this was inevitable, as the
CEP weapons and shields don't necessarily follow Bioware's progression
of colors Silver->Brass->Gold properly, so it seemed odd for the scripts to
require gold metal dye to make a rusty black bladed longsword, for
example. This could of course be re-enabled, as I have merely taken out
that check in the code, but doing so would likely cause incongruity
between required dye and item color.

Community Expansion Pack 21


Where possible, I have encapsulated functionality into functions rather

than using long complex blocks of code. This should make it easier to use
portions of the code or alter things, by simply altering function arguments
or changing some constants in the header.

If you are unable to find your answer to the question here, contact the CEP team
at [email protected].

Community Expansion Pack 22

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