Arihant English Class 10 Term 1 Sample Paper
Arihant English Class 10 Term 1 Sample Paper
Arihant English Class 10 Term 1 Sample Paper
English Language
& Literature
CBSE Class 10 (Term I )
English Language
& Literature
CBSE Class 10 (Term I )
Dolly Jain
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Revise All the Chapters of Literature Section
in a Day Just Before the Examination...
First Flight-Prose
● A Letter To God by GL Fuentes The postmaster was kind and friendly person who
also laughed at first, but then became serious when
Lencho’s Hope of Good Harvest
he realised that the sender (Lencho) had a firm
Lencho was a farmer who lived on the peak of a low hill belief in God. So, he decided to help the sender.
with his family. His field was full of ripe corn. He was
eagerly waiting for a good rain to have a good harvest, so To help keep Lencho’s faith in God, the postmaster
that he could earn money for his family. requested his employees and friends to give some
money. He also gave a part of his salary. But, he
Lencho’s Hope Turned into Despair failed to collect hundred pesos and collected only
One day, it started raining at the time of supper (dinner). seventy pesos. He, then put the money in an
This made Lencho happy. The raindrops falling from the envelope and signed it as God.
sky were like new coins for Lencho. However, suddenly
strong winds began to blow and hailstones started to fall. Lencho Recieves the Money
The storm continued for about an hour and the corn fields When Lencho got his letter, he became very happy
were completely destroyed. to see the money but after counting the money, he
became angry.
Lencho’s Firm Belief in God
Though Lencho was a poor farmer and had lost all his Lencho Writes Another Letter
crops, he had firm faith in God. He found in God his last Lencho believed that God could not make such a
hope and decided to write a letter to God asking for help. mistake. So, he wrote another letter. The postmaster
He asked God to send him a hundred pesos so that he took out his letter and read it.
could sow his field again and support his family until the
In this letter, Lencho had written that he had
new crops were harvested.
received only 70 pesos and requested God to send
The Postmaster’s Reaction the remaining money. He also requested God not to
to Lencho’s Letter send the money through post because the post
In the post office, a postman found Lencho’s letter and office employees were ‘a bunch of crooks’, who
laughed after seeing the address on it. He took the letter to might have stolen his money.
the postmaster.
4 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
The Blacks were deprived of their basic fundamental Mandela realised that he could not enjoy his freedom
rights and had to live an inhumane life. This was known when his community was not free. He also realised that
as the policy of Apartheid. just like oppressed (torturer), the oppressor (tortured) is
also not free. The oppressed is a prisoner of hatred,
The policy of Apartheid (policy of racial segregation)
prejudice and narrow-mindedness. Thus, both the opp-
created a deep and lasting wounds on his country and ressor and the oppressed alike are robbed of their
its people. humanity. Both of them must be liberated.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 5
Maddie noticed it. Wanda had no friends. She used to thought of this game to tease Wanda.
come to school alone.
The reason to tease Wanda was that she wore the
She used to wear a shabby but clean and faded blue same faded blue dress to school everyday and lied that
dress to school everyday. So, she seemed different she had hundred dresses. Maddie felt embarrassed
from others and was teased. The students made fun of when Peggy teased Wanda. She wanted Peggy to stop
her name. For them, her name was difficult to say and teasing Wanda and decided to write Peggy a note. But
was funny. could not do so because she was afraid of becoming a
next target for Peggy.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 7
The Drawing and the Colouring Contest the winners. Jack Beggles was the winner among the
A drawing and colouring contest was organised in the boys and Wanda Petronski was the winner in girls.
class next day. In this contest, girls were supposed to Reactions of Wanda’s Classmates
design dresses while boys had to design motorboats.
The teacher informed them that all the hundred
Maddie felt that Peggy would win the contest as she
drawings were made by Wanda and each drawing
drew better than anyone else in the class.
deserved the prize. But unfortunately, Wanda was
The Result of the Contest absent and thus, could not receive her prize.
Next day, the result of the contest was going to be All the children applauded for Wanda’s drawings and
announced by the teacher. The students were amazed whistled while looking at them. Peggy and Maddie
to see about a hundred designs of dresses hanging over noticed a blue and a green dress that Wanda used to
the walls of the class. The students had assembled and talk about them.
the class teacher Miss Mason announced the names of
A Letter to Miss Mason of her questions that Wanda got the ideas for her dress
from Wanda’s Father designs.
When the class was circling the room to look at But Maddie was not satisfied. Maddie failed to sleep
Wanda’s drawings, the monitor brought a note from the that night. She only thought about Wanda. She used to
Principal Office to Miss Mason. make speeches in her sleep of about Wanda. She
In the letter, Wanda’s father, Jan Petronski, stated that decided to take stand against bullies.
they had shifted to a big city. So, Wanda and her A Friendly Letter to Wanda
brother Jake would not come to the school. He also from Peggie and Maddie
wrote that Wanda was teased by her classmates for her
On Saturday, Maddie and Peggy wrote a letter to
name. In the big city, nobody would consider her name
Wanda. They wanted to apologise to her. But, in the
funny and laugh at her.
letter, they told her that she had won the contest and
Reaction of Children and only asked her friendly questions.
Miss Mason to the Letter After completing the letter, they mailed it to Boggins
The letter made everyone silent and everybody was Heights requesting them to forward it to Petronski’s
feeling ashamed of their behaviour towards Wanda. new address. Both Maddie and Peggy waited for
Miss Mason told the students not to hurt anybody’s Wanda’s answer but there was no reply.
feelings due to his or her name. She further asked them Reply from Wanda
to think about it carefully.
On the last day of school before Christmas, a letter
The letter from Wanda’s father deeply affected Maddie.
from Wanda was received. She sent a letter to her
Maddie could not concentrate on her lessons. So, she
teacher. She especially asked the teacher to give the
decided to go to Wanda’s house at Boggins Heights to
green dress to Peggy and the blue one to Maddie. She
apologise to her.
told her that she had joined a new school but missed her
Peggy and Maddie old school and her teacher.
Visits Wanda House Drawings of Peggy and Maddie
After school, Peggy and Maddie decided to go to After school, Peggy told Maddie that Wanda’s
Boggins Heights to visit Wanda’s house. When they drawings made it clear that she did not hate them. At
reached Wanda’s house, they found it old but clean just home, Maddie pinned the drawing on her wall. She
like Wanda’s dress. They knocked on the door but the started crying thinking about Wanda.
Petronski’s had already left.
Suddenly, she saw the face on Wanda’s sketch. It was
Maddie’s Decision Maddie herself. Hurriedly, she left to go to Peggy’s
When Peggy and Maddie were returning home, Peggy house. She showed the drawing to Peggy and saw that
the drawing which Peggy had looked like Peggy. It
told Maddie that teasing Wanda about her dresses
made them believe that Wanda liked both of them and
actually helped her. She also added that it was because
had forgiven them.
8 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
First Flight-Poetry
● Dust of Snow by Robert Frost Stanza 2
Has given my heart
Stanza 1
A change of mood
The way a crow
And saved some part
Shook down on me
Of a day I had rued
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree Explanation The dust of snow which fell on the poet
changed his mood. He became happy and refreshed.
Explanation In this stanza, the poet remembers a This was because when the snow fell on him he got out
small incident that changed his mood. Once, the poet of his thoughts and noticed the beauty around him. This
was in a depressed mood and was hopeless. He was change in mood helped to save poet’s remaining day
standing (It is not clear whether the poet was standing which he was ruining by being upset. He realised that he
or passing (the tree) under a hemlock tree. Suddenly, a should not remain stuck over his past and should move
crow sitting on the tree, shook it and some powdery on with a good thought and positive outlook.
snow from the tree fell on the poet.
Stanza 1 Stanza 2
He stalks in his vivid stripes He should be lurking in shadow,
The few steps of his cage, Sliding through long grass
On pads of velvet quiet, Near the water hole
In his quiet rage. Where plump deer pass.
Explanation In these lines, the poet is describing a Explanation In these lines, the poet is filled with
tiger in a cage. sorrow for the caged tiger. He feels that a tiger should
The tiger with bright and clear stripes moves inside the
Stanza 1 The poet says that it is not worth to tell the boy that
What is the boy now, who has lost his ball, another ball can be bought for only a dime (ten cents).
What, what is he to do? I saw it go Because, another ball cannot replace the memories
Merrily bouncing, down the street, and then attached with the lost ball.
Merrily over - there it is in the water! Stanza 3
No use to say ‘O there are other balls’:
.......... Now
Explanation The poem starts with poet looking at He senses first responsibility
the boy who has lost his ball. The poet is wondering In a world of possessions. People will take
how boy would react on touny his ball. Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy.
The poet himself saw the ball bouncing happily down And no one buys a ball back. Money is external.
the street and then falling into the water. The poet Explanation In these lines, the poet says that the boy is
says that there is no use to tell the boy that there are learning his first responsibility of taking care of his things
other balls. Because, he would get many other balls, and how to bear the loss of something in a world of
but the boy would never be able to get the lost ball possessions. The poet make a broad statement that
and the memories associated with it. people will take balls and these balls will be lost. In other
words, the boy will keep losing things and would buy
Stanza 2 another one to replace the lost thing. But he would never
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy be able to buy back that lost thing and the memories
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down associated with it.
All his young days into the harbour where Money is external as it can not buy memories nor can it
His ball went. I would not intrude on him; replace the lost things.
A dime, another ball, is worthless.
Explanation In these lines, the poet describes the Stanza 4
condition of the boy after losing his ball. He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes,
The boy feels very sad by the loss of his ball. He is This epistemology of loss, how to stand up
standing like a statue at one place, shivering and Knowing what every man must one day know
staring at the ball. This symbolises the memories of And most know many days, how to stand up.
his young days. Explanation In these lines, the poet suggests that from
He is filled with sorrow and just keeps standing in the the loss of the ball, the boy is learning the meaning of
direction where his ball is going. The poet says that loss. He is also learning how to stand up from the loss.
he would not interfere in the boy’s thoughts as he The poet says that knowing that every man has to stand
up after such losses, the boy too will learn how to stand
feels that through this experience, the boy will learn
up and leave the losses behind. He would have
the meaning of loss.
understood the true meaning and nature of loss.
10 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
Tricki Looks Ill and Dr. James Tricki was put on a water diet for first two days. At the
Enquires about It end of the second day, Tricki started to show some
When Dr James was driving he saw Mrs Pumphrey and interest in his surroundings. On the third day he made
Tricki walking down the street. As he stopped his car, he low and weak sound walked slowly walked out of his
was shocked to see that Tricki had become fat like a room and joined the other dogs in the garden.
sausage. His eyes were red and his tongue was Later on the third day, he ran with enthusiasm when the
hanging out. Dr James enquired about Tricki’s health food was served. He also competed for the extra food
from Mrs Pumphrey. that was put out for him.
Mrs Pumphrey explained to Dr James that Tricki was Tricki’s Recovery
dull and weak. She felt that he was suffering from
Tricki recovered at a very fast speed. No medicine had
malnutrition. So, she had been giving him some extra
been given to Tricki for his treatment. He had started
meals (malt, cod-liver oil and Horlicks) between his
running all day long and enjoyed with other dogs. Mrs
main meals.
Pumphrey used to call Dr. Herriot several times in a day
Dr. James’ Advice as she was keen to know about Tricky’s recovery.
After knowing about Tricki’s condition and his routine, As Tricki’s health started improving, Mrs Pumphrey
Dr James informed Mrs Pumphrey that if she would did started sending additional food items, like eggs, wine
not reduce his food and increase his exercise, Tricki and brandy for Tricki. As this was not required in
would fall ill. Tricki’s diet, the vet and his partner consumed these
After a few days, Mrs Pumphrey called and informed Dr additional items themselves. Everybody was so happy
James about Tricki’s health. She told him that Tricki with the unusual delicious food that they wanted to
was not eating anything and had been vomiting. She keep Tricki as a permanent guest.
further informed him that her dog spent all his time Tricki Goes Home
lying on a rug and did not do anything.
After two weeks, Dr James informed Mrs. Pumphrey
He suggested Mrs Pumphrey to hospitalise him for a that Tricki was fit and could go home. Mrs Pumphrey
fortnight for observation so that the proper treatment reached the surgery within half an hour.
could follow. Dr James’ suggestion broke Mrs
Mrs Pumphrey enquired about Tricki’s actual condition.
Pumphrey’s heart but, she allowed him to take Tricki
Dr James informed her that Tricki was fine and went to
along with him to his surgery.
get Tricki from the garden.
Tricki’s Stay and As soon as the dog saw his owner, he jumped on her
Recovery at the Hospital lap and started licking her face. Mrs Pumphrey was
On reaching the hospital, Tricki laid motionless on the very happy at finding Tricki as excited as he used to be.
carpet. The dogs in the hospital sniffed around him and She thanked Dr James Herriot and called the treatment
found him uninteresting. ‘A triumph of surgery.’
watching a wrestling match. Anil was a tall, thin, easy Hari followed Anil and told him that he wanted to work
going and simple type of man. And the narrator was a for him. To this, Anil expressed his inability to pay Hari.
15 years old boy who was a thief. Then Hari questioned Anil if he could feed him. Anil told
The narrator thought that Anil could be an easy target Hari that he would employ him only if Hari knew how to
for him to rob. cook. Hari lied that he knew how to cook and was
employed. Anil took Hari to his room which was located
He used some flattering words to gain Anil’s over Jumna sweet shop. Anil soon realised that Hari
confidence and soon they started conversing. He lied didn’t know how to cook. He asked Hari to leave, but
to Anil that his name was Hari Singh. After this Hari stayed there, with his most appealing smile. This
introduction, they talked about wrestlers and then Anil made Anil laugh. He patted Hari’s head and told him
walked away. that he would teach him how to cook.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 11
Anil Teaches Hari he counted the money, he was happy to find 600
Apart from cooking, Anil also taught Hari to write his rupees.
name and promised to teach him how to write whole Hari didn’t Board the Train
sentences and to add numbers.
Hari reached the station just when the train was moving
Hari was happy and grateful for getting educated as he out. He could have jumped to get into one of the
knew that he could do anything once he could write like carriages but he did not catch the train and stood
an educated man. Hari enjoyed working for Anil. He alone on the platform.
made tea in the morning and later he would go to buy
Hari decided to leave the station and thought about
day’s supplies.
how would Anil feel when he would come to know
Anil’s Work about the theft. Soon, he reached the maidan. It was
Anil had no regular income. He made money by November and it had started raining.
contributing Articles to the magazines. Sometimes he In the excitement of theft, Hari forgot that apart from
would have enough money to celebrate and sometimes giving him some money, Anil also educated him. He
he had to borrow money. realised that education would have made him into a
One evening, Anil came back with a bundle of notes big, clever and respected man.
which he had earned by selling his book to a publisher. Hari’s Final Decision
At night, Anil put the money under his mattress and
Finally, Hari decided to go back to Anil. He went back
Hari noticed it.
into the room and cautiously put back the wet currency
Hari Robbed Anil notes under the mattress and went to sleep.
Hari crawled up to his bed that night Hari decided to Hari woke up late in the morning. He found that Anil
rob Anil. So, when Anil was asleep, he slid his hand had already prepared tea. Anil gave a fifty rupee note to
under the mattress and drew the money out quietly. He Hari which was still wet. He told Hari that he had
rushed out of the room and began to run on the road. earned some money by selling a book to a publisher
He was running towards the railway station to catch and now would be able to pay him regularly. Hari felt
10.30 Express to Lucknow as he had planned. When that Anil knew about the theft but he didn’t say anything
to him about it.
Boys See Footprints on a Street He ate cold meat and drank some coffee from the
Two boys on a street in London were surprised to see kitchen of the restaurant and then went to sleep on a
fresh muddy footprints of bare feet on the steps of a pile of quilts.
house. The boys were fascinated that the fresh foot Griffin is Invisible Again
prints were appearing without anyone being present.
They keep on following the footprints till they When Griffin woke up next morning, the shop
disappeared. assistants had already arrived at the shop. On being
seen, Griffin panicked and started running. As he was
Griffin : A Lawless Scientist being chased, he again took off his newly found
The footprints had been made by Griffin, a scientist clothes. Consequently, he found himself invisible and
who had discovered how to become invisible by naked in the chill again.
swallowing certain rare drugs. Griffin at a Theatrical Company
Griffin was a great scientist, but a lawless person. His Griffin reached Drury Lane and entered into a shop that
landlord did not like him and tried to throw him out of sold theatrical items.
the house. So, Griffin set fire to his landlord’s house.
Soon the money that Griffin had stolen from theatrical involved in it, because he paid his due rent. As a result,
company was finished. He lied to assure the staff at inn the village police constable Mr Jaffers was called.
that he was going to receive a cheque. But, he stole
money from clergyman’s desk. Hearing the sound of Griffin Becomes Invisible
money being stolen the landlord and his wife came to Mrs Hall went to Griffin and enquired what he had been
check but could not find anyone in the room. doing with her chair in the room. She also enquired
about how he came out of an empty room and entered
Furniture Shows Strange Behaviour a locked room.
On the same day of stealing money, Mrs Hall found Griffin lost his temper and decided to show her
Griffin’s room open, with his bandages and clothes everything. He threw off his bandages, spectacles,
lying around, she and her husband entered the room. whiskers and his nose. People who had gathered were
Suddenly, Mrs Hall heard a sniff and the hat near the horrified to see the headless man.
bedpost was thrown on her face.
Then, the bedroom chair was thrown at her legs. Both Griffin Escapes from Iping
the landlord and his wife were pushed out of the room. When constable Jaffers had arrived, he was surprised
Mrs Hall felt that the furniture was haunted by spirits, as to know that he had to arrest a man without a head.
she could not see Griffin. Yet, he tried to catch him. Griffin removed all that he
was wearing to become invisible.
Griffin is Suspected
The constable was trying to catch a man he couldn’t
Mrs Hall blamed Griffin for the strange events while the see. Some people tried to help Jaffers but were hit by a
neighbours blamed him for witchcraft. Soon, the news blow they could not see. Soon Jaffers was knocked
of burglary at clergyman’s house was spread. Most unconscious and Griffin ran away.
people in the village felt that the strange scientist was
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 15
Extract Based Questions
First Flight-Prose
A Letter to God
List - I List-II
Read the extracts given below and answer
the questions that follow. D. Torrential rain 4. Really heavy rain that
comes very suddenly
A. The house-the only one in the entire
E. Downpour 5. Is a violent, short-lived
valley -sat on the crest of a low hill.
weather disturbance
From this height one could see the river associated with lightning,
and the field of ripe corn dotted with the thunder and strong, gusty
flowers that always promised a good winds.
harvest. The only thing the earth needed
was a good downpour or at least a A B C D E A B C D E
shower. Throughout the morning (a) 2 4 5 1 3 (b) 4 1 3 5 2
Lencho who knew his fields intimately (c) 5 3 4 2 1 (d) 3 5 1 2 4
had done nothing but see the sky (iv) Based on the given extract, what is
towards the north-east. Lencho NOT likely to think while looking
(i) Based on the detail of the house’s at his field?
location, how can it best be described? (1) Such a blessing, God! (2) Just a downpour, God.
(a) Majestic (b) Imposing Thank you. And everything will be
(c) Solitary (d) Unique perfect.
(iii) (d) A-3, B-5, C-1, D-2, E-4 (v) Pick the most suitable quote for this
(iv) (d) Option (4) extract.
(v) (a) “Farming is a profession of hope.” (a) “It is easier to fool people than to
convince them that they have been
B. When he finished, he went to the window fooled.” – Mark Twain
to buy a stamp which he licked and then (b) “Real knowledge is to know the extent
affixed to the envelope with a blow of his of one’s ignorance.”- Confucius
fist. The moment the letter fell into the (c) “You see a person’s true colours when
mailbox the postmaster went to open it. It you are no longer beneficial to their
said: “God. of the money that I asked for, life.”- anonymous
only seventy pesos reached me. Send me (d) “True generosity means accepting
the rest, since I need it very much. But ingratitude.” - Coco Chanel
don’t send it to me through the mail Ans. (i) (d) Option (4) (ii) (c) (2) and (4) (iii) (d) Option (4)
because the post office employees are a (iv) (d) List of further demands.
bunch of crooks. Lencho.” (v) (d) “True generosity means accepting
(i) ‘…bunch of crooks.’ Pick the option that ingratitude.” - Coco Chanel
DOES NOT collate with ‘bunch of’,
correctly. Nelson Mandela :
(1) keys Long Walk to Freedom
Read the extracts given below and answer
(4) islands bunch of (2) grapes the questions that follow.
A. “We, who were outlaws not so long ago,
(3) flowers
have today been given the rare privilege
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2) to be host to the nations of the world on
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4) our own soil. We thank all of our
(ii) What was the most likely response that distinguished international guests for
the postmaster expected in Lencho’s having come to take possession with the
second letter? people of our country of what is, after
(1) Sorrowful (2) Gratitude all, a common victory for justice, for
(3) Disappointment (4) Elation peace, for human dignity.”
(5) Shock (i) The guests at the spectacular ceremony
(a) (2) and (5) (b) (1) and (3) are being called distinguished because
(c) (2) and (4) (d) (3) and (5) (a) they have been invited as guests to
attend it.
(iii) Pick the option that lists the option
(b) they are eminent world leaders
corresponding to—’with a blow of his witnessing it.
fist.’ (c) they are visiting the country for this
(1) purpose.
(d) they have resumed diplomatic relations
with the country.
(ii) It is a victory for ‘human dignity’. Pick
(4) (2)
the option that lists the correct answer for
what ‘human dignity’ would include
(a) (i) equality (ii) liberty (iii) indecency
(b) (i) liberty (ii) indecency (iii) self-respect
(c) (i) immorality (ii) self-respect (iii)
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2) equality
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4) (d) (i) equality (ii) liberty (iii) self-respect
(iv) Lencho’s letter included (iii) Why does the speaker say that it is a
(a) details of his problems. ‘rare privilege’? He says this as they
(b) description of the post office.
(c) belief of being looted. (a) been deprived of this honour.
(b) seldom been given this honour.
(d) list of further demands.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 17
(c) experienced it for the first time. (ii) Why do you think the speaker mentions
(d) been chosen over other countries, for this some freedoms as ‘transitory’?
honour. (a) The freedoms are momentary and keep
(iv) How do you think the speaker feels? changing with time.
Choose the option that best fits his state (b) The definition of freedom is constant
of mind. but perspectives differ.
(c) Freedom means different things to
different people.
(d) Freedom is not that important after a
certain age.
I feel... (iii) Choose the option that best fits the usage
of the word ‘illusion’ as used in the
(a) (i) emotional (ii) elated (iii) (a) He was never able to get past the illusion.
unmindful (b) The illusion I experienced was quite
(b) (i) elated (ii) unmindful (iii)
overwhelmed (c) A large mirror in the room creates an
(c) (i) overwhelmed (ii) elated (iii)
honoured (d) I was living under the illusion that this is
(d) (i) elated (ii) honoured (iii) unmindful
(iv) The speaker says, ‘at first as a student I
(v) Pick the option that show cases the usage
wanted freedom only for myself.’ Why
of ‘host’ as in the extract.
do you think he only thought about
(a) He was praised for his hospitality as the
host of the party.
(a) He didn’t want to think about the
(b) She was able to host the event without
freedom denied to others.
any hindrance.
(b) He was being selfish and was only
(c) She met the host and apologised for her
bothered about himself.
friend’s misbehaviour.
(c) He didn’t think that freedom denied to
(d) He is the best host that one can ever
him was important for others.
come across.
(d) He was too young to realise that
Ans. (i) (b) they are eminent world leaders witnessing it.
freedom was denied to others as well.
(ii) (d) (i) equality (ii) liberty (iii) self-respect
(iii) (c) experienced it for the first time.
(v) A part of the extract has been
paraphrased. Choose the option that
(iv) (c) (i) overwhelmed (ii) elated (iii) honoured
includes the most appropriate solution to
(v) (b) She was able to host the event without any
the blanks in the given paraphrase of the
B. “It was only when I began to learn that The speaker’s belief about freedom, since
my boyhood freedom was an illusion, childhood proved false. It was not until
when I discovered as a young man that the speaker grew up to be a young man
my freedom had already been taken when it
from me, that I began to hunger for it. (i) _________ on him that he was (ii)
At first as a student I wanted freedom _________ of freedom. Then he began (iii)
(ii) How would you describe the screams of II. The Black Aeroplane
the gulls in the given extract?
(a) Elation Read the extracts given below and answer
(b) Bewilderment
the questions that follow.
(c) Shock A. Everything was going well — it was an
(d) Protection
easy flight. Paris was about 150
kilometres behind me when I saw the
(iii) The line “he completely forgot that he clouds. Storm clouds. They were huge.
had not always been able to fly” implies They looked like black mountains
the standing in front of me across the sky. I
(a) great confidence the young gull had in knew I could not fly up and over them,
his skills. and I did not have enough fuel to fly
(b) naturalness of the act of flying for the around them to the north or south. “I
young gull. ought to go back to Paris,” I thought,
(c) satisfaction and joy of flying together as but I wanted to get home. I wanted that
a family. breakfast. ‘I’ll take the risk,’ I thought,
(d) desire of the young gull to leave his fears and flew that old Dakota straight into
behind. the storm.
(iv) The extract refers to the many (i) Based on the given extract, choose the
movements of the young gull’s brothers option that lists the meme which would be
and sister. Choose the option that the most appropriate response to “…it was
correctly sequences these movements. an easy flight”?
(a) The young gull’s brothers and sister
flew by tilting their wings, rose high,
made darting movements and plunged
(b) The young gull’s brothers and sister (1) (2)
flew by plunging headfirst, making
darting movements, tilted their wings
and rose high.
(c) The young gull’s brothers and sister
flew with darting movements, tilted (3) (4)
their wings, rose high and plunged
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(d) The young gull’s brothers and sister
flew by rising high, plunging headfirst, (ii) How would you describe the ‘risk‘ the
making darting movements and tilting
narrator took?
their wings. (a) Calculated (b) Impetuous
(c) Unavoidable (d) Navigable
(v) Which of the following mirrors the use
of the literary device in “shrieking (iii) In what way might the reference to the
shrilly”? Dakota as “old” be relevant?
(a) Its antique value made it expensive and
(a) Sparkling saga
precious to the narrator.
Statement II The narrator was unaware (ii) Why do you think the woman in the
of the threat that the adversarial storm control centre laughed?
clouds presented. (a) She found the narrator funny.
Statement III The narrator’s decision (b) She thought his question was
making was quick but irresponsible as preposterous.
well as dangerous. (c) She thought he was teasing her.
(a) Statement I is False, Statement II is (d) She was relieved the narrator was safe.
True, Statement III cannot be inferred. (iii) Filled with questions, the narrator
(b) Statement I and III are True, Statement decides to place an advertisement in the
II cannot be inferred. local newspaper to look for his ‘friend’.
(c) Statement I cannot be inferred, Statement Read the advertisement given below and
II is False, Statement III is True. select the option that includes the most
(d) Statement I and II are False, Statement appropriate solutions for the blanks:
III is True.
Looking for a pilot of a black aeroplane
(v) Select the correct option to fill in the blanks who
below: (i) _______ an old Dakota out of storm
risk: risky :: ______ : _______ clouds late last night, but (ii) _______
(a) danger: dangerously before the Dakota pilot could express his
(b) hazard : hazardous gratitude after landing. Though control
(c) peril : imperilled centre and radar did not (iii) _______ its
(d) caution : precaution presence, the Dakota pilot would really
Ans. (i) (c) Option (3) appreciate if his friend reached out.
(ii) (b) Impetuous Please contact the Dakota pilot at
(iii) (d) Its ability to negotiate the storm clouds might 5200100110. In deep gratitude and eager
have been suspect. (iv) ______, XXX
(iv) (c) Statement I cannot be inferred, Statement II is (a) (i) guided; (ii) disappeared; (iii) register;
False, Statement III is True. (iv) anticipation
(v) (b) hazard : hazardous (b) (i) took; (ii) landed; (iii) acknowledge;
(iv) appreciation
B. I was safe! I turned to look for my friend in (c) (i) brought; (ii) went away; (iii) confirm;
the black aeroplane, but the sky was (iv) expectation
empty. There was nothing there. The black (d) (i) helped; (ii) vanish; (iii) make note;
aeroplane was gone. I could not see it (iv) excitement
anywhere. I landed and was not sorry to (iv) The narrator exclaimed that he was ‘safe’.
walk away from the old Dakota near the Which of the following represented the
control tower. I went and asked a woman most immediate threat to the narrator’s
in the control centre where I was and who safety?
the other pilot was. I wanted to say ‘Thank (a) The black mountain-like storm cloud
you’. She looked at me very strangely, and (b) The depletion of fuel in the last fuel tank
then laughed. “Another aeroplane? Up (c) Being lost due to non-functioning
there in this storm? No other aeroplanes equipment
were flying tonight. Yours was the only one (d) The old rattling Dakota aeroplane
I could see on the radar.” So, who helped (v) Choose the option that correctly matches
Column A – Column B – (iii) Pick the option that is ODD one out with
Idioms Story events reference to the meaning of ‘patience’.
C. To have your 3. The compass and other
(1) indolence
head in the instruments stopped working.
clouds. The radio was dead too.
D. Gathering 4. And there it was – the well-lit (4) grit patience (2) perseverance
clouds. runway. An airport. The
narrator could safely land.
(3) tolerance
(a) A-4, B-3, C-2, D-1 (b) A-3, B-1, C-4, D-2
(c) A-1, B-2, C-3, D-4 (d) A-2, B-4, C-1, D-3
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
Ans. (i) (a) excited – surprised – relieved – grateful – (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(ii) (b) She thought his question was preposterous. (iv) If the diary were a ‘real friend’, what
(iii) (a) (i) guided; (ii) disappeared; (iii) register;(iv)
qualities would Anne expect it to have?
anticipation Pick the option that lists these correctly.
(iv) (b) The depletion of fuel in the last fuel tank 1. optimistic 2. good listener
(v) (d) A-2; B-4; C-1; D-3 3. confidant 4. energetic
5. non-judgemental6. outgoing
From the Diary of Anne Frank 7. ambitious
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 5, 6 and 7
Read the extracts given below and answer (c) 2, 3 and 5 (d) 3 and 7
the questions that follow.
(v) Pick out the sentence that brings out the
A. “Paper has more patience than people’ I meaning of ‘brooding’ as used in the
thought of this saying on one of those extract?
days when I was feeling a little (a) The mysterious house on the hill is still
depressed and was sitting at home with brooding above the village.
my chin in my hands, bored and listless, (b) The people at the stock market always
wondering whether to stay in or go out. keep brooding about the gains.
I finally stayed where I was, brooding: (c) He was brooding over the matter and
Yes, paper does have more patience, and took a long time to decide.
since I’m not planning to let anyone else (d) Suspense and drama were brooding at
read this stiff-backed notebook grandly the site of the investigation.
referred to as a ‘diary’, unless I should (vi) Anne doesn’t plan to let anyone else read
ever find a real friend, it probably won’t her diary as
make a bit of difference.” (a) she is secretive about her life.
(i) ‘Paper has more patience than people.’ (b) it’s about her intimate feelings.
What does this imply? This implies that (c) she is unwilling to share it with anyone.
Anne (d) she wants to cherish these moments
(a) believed in the power of writing more herself.
than speaking to people. (vii) Pick the option that lists the image that
(b) felt that she could pour her heart out on most appropriately corresponds to
paper without any hindrance. ‘chatterbox’.
(c) had more faith in sharing her thoughts
(3) (4)
(1) (2) (3) (4)
(a) Image (1) (b) Image (2)
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2) (c) Image (3) (d) Image (4)
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
22 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
Ans. (i) (b)felt that she could pour her heart out on paper (b) that this would embarrass Anne and
without any hindrance. would check her indiscipline.
(ii) (d) Option (4) (iiii) (a) Option (1) (c) her to apologise and not repeat her
(iv) (c) 2,3 and 5 talkative behaviour.
(v) (c)He was brooding over the matter and took a (d) Anne to explore her creative writing skills.
long time to decide. (v) How did Anne feel when she was
(vi) (b) it’s about her intimate feelings. punished the third time by Mr Keesing?
(vii) Image (2) (a) was happy as she had to write three
essays on the same topic.
B. “Mr Keesing had a good laugh at my (b) enjoyed making fun of Mr. Keesing in
arguments, but when I proceeded to talk her own way.
my way through the next lesson, he (c) was worried as she had run out of
assigned me a second essay. This time it original ideas for her essay.
was supposed to be on ‘An Incorrigible (d) was thrilled at another opportunity to
Chatterbox’. I handed it in, and Mr showcase her writing abilities.
Keesing had nothing to complain about Ans. (i) (c) She had inherited the trait from her mother, so
for two whole lessons. However, during couldn’t stop being talkative.
the third lesson, he’d finally had (ii) (d) realised the humour in it and was amused.
(iii) (b) strict and innovative
enough. “Anne Frank, as a punishment (iv) (b) that this would embarrass Anne and would
for talking in class, write an essay check her indiscipline.
entitled-‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said (v) (c) was worried as she had run out of original
Mistress Chatterbox’.” ideas for her essay.
(i) What convincing argument was made by
Anne? The Hundred Dresses I
(a) She was talkative just like any other Read the extracts given below and answer
student in the class. the questions that follow.
(b) She had the right to be talkative, as it A. She always wore a faded blue dress
was a classroom and not a prison. that didn’t hang right. It was clean,
(c) She had inherited the trait from her but it looked as though it had never
mother, so couldn’t stop being talkative.
been ironed properly. She didn’t have
(d) She found it impossible to be quiet like
any friends, but a lot of girls talked to
the others as she couldn’t change herself.
her. Sometimes, they surrounded her
(ii) What does ‘had a good laugh’ imply, in the in the school yard as she stood
context of Mr. Keesing? It means that he watching the little girls play
(a) celebrated his ability to make Anne hopscotch on the worn hard ground.
write the essay.
“Wanda,’’ Peggy would say in a most
(b) ridiculed Anne in front of the whole class.
courteous manner, as though she
(c) pulled up Anne for her arguments in
were talking to Miss Mason.
the essay.
(d) realised the humour in it and was
“Wanda,” she’d say, giving one of
amused. her friends a nudge, “tell us. How
many dresses did you say you had
(iii) Based on this extract, pick the option with
hanging up in your closet?”
the list of words that best describe Mr
(c) she was teasing Wanda and wanted her B. “In the opinion of the judges, any one of
to make others pay attention. the drawings is worthy of winning the
(d) she was teasing Wanda and didn’t want prize. I am very happy to say that
anyone to miss the ‘fun’. Wanda Petronski is the winner of the
(iii) Pick the option having the words that DO girls’ medal. Unfortunately, Wanda has
NOT match the word, ‘closet’, from those been absent from school for some days
given. and is not here to receive the applause
(1) Wardrobe (2) Loft (3) Cabinet (4) that is due to her. Let us hope she will be
Cupboard (5) Porch (6) Cellar back tomorrow. Now class, you may file
(a) 1, 3 and 4 (b) 3, 4 and 5 around the room quietly and look at her
(c) 1, 2 and 6 (d) 2, 5 and 6 exquisite drawings.”
(iv) Why was Wanda’s answer to Peggy’s (i) Pick the statement that is TRUE,
question always the same? Pick the according to the information given in the
LEAST probable reason. This was so extract.
because she knew that (a) Wanda won the prize because she had
(a) she was being picked on and it was submitted a variety of entries.
probably her defence. (b) Wanda would have still won the prize
(b) confessing the truth would probably even if she had submitted just one
worsen the situation. entry.
(c) she didn’t know how else to get out of (c) Wanda won the prize because the
that situation. majority of judges were women.
(d) sticking to an unexpected answer (d) Wanda would have still won the prize if
would get her the attention she needed. she had drawn something else.
(v) Regarding Wanda being teased, Miss (ii) Miss Mason says, “I am very happy to …”.
Mason was Which phrase DOES NOT replace the
(a) in denial that such behaviour was underlined phrase correctly from those
possible by her students. given below?
(b) aware, but didn’t want to discuss it (a) It gives me great pleasure to…
with the students. (b) I am sure you’ll be surprised to…
(c) unaware that the students were (c) I am delighted to…
frequently teasing Wanda. (d) It fills me with joy to…
(d) of the belief that such behaviour was a (iii) When the teacher wants them to ‘file
normal part of growing up.
around’, she wants the students to
(vi) Which of the following images showcase (a) put the files in their proper places.
‘hopscotch’? (b) gather around her table to discuss the
(c) file the designs properly in their folders.
(d) walk in a line to admire the designs.
(iv) Pick the sentence that DOES NOT use
‘due to’ in the same sense as in the given
(1) (2) (3) (4) extract.
Ans. (i) (b) teasing Wanda. (a) She was disappointed due to their rude
(ii) (d) she was teasing Wanda and didn’t want behaviour.
anyone her miss the ‘fun’. (b) We must give our colleagues the
(iii) (a) 2, 5 and 6 vacation due to them.
(iv) (d) sticking to an unexpected answer would get (c) I have some extra money due to me this
her the attention she needed. month from my friend.
(v) (c) unaware that the students were frequently (d) You have an apology due to your
teasing Wanda. parents.
(vi) (4) (v) The teacher refers to Wanda’s designs as
‘exquisite’ because
(a) each one of the hundred designs was
(b) each one of them was very beautiful.
24 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
(c) each of them was a copy of the latest fashion (c) There was a mass migration of
trend. youngsters to the tagged locale, to assist
(d) each one had the same colour theme as the the cause for charity.
other. (d) Scientists have studied the migration of
Ans. (i) (b) Wanda would have still won the prize even if fish over long distances in the river.
she had submitted just one entry. (iv) The phrase ‘Pollack’ reveals a
(ii) (b) I am sure you’ ill be surprised to ..... discrimination on the basis of
(iii) (d) walk in a line to admire the designs. (a) race (b) gender
(iv) (a) She was disappointed due to their rude (c) religion (d) wealth
(v) The line-- Plenty of funny names in the
(v) (b) each one of them was very beautiful.
city—suggests that the city
(a) is a melting pot of people from different
The Hundred Dresses II parts of the world.
Read the extracts given below and answer (b) has foreign people willing to give
the questions that follow. opportunities to the poor.
(c) is a safe haven for immigrants if they
A. Dear Teacher have funny names.
My Wanda will not come to your school (d) has a special status for all who are
anymore. Jake also. Now we move willing to be funny.
away to big city. No more holler Ans. (i) (b) spiteful
‘Pollack’. No more ask why funny (ii) (d) His agony about his children being viewed as
name. Plenty of funny names in the city. ‘outsiders’ by their schoolmates.
Yours truly, (iii) (b) Bears sleep through winters. This migration
Jan Petronski helps bears to use their stored energy much more
(i) Jan’s tone in the writing of the letter IS
(iv) (a) race
(a) distressing (b) spiteful (v) (a) is a melting pot of people from different parts
of the world.
(c) hurt (d) painful
(ii) What, according to the letter, was the B. Weeks went by and still Wanda did not
primary reason that prompted Mr answer.
Petronski to take the decision to move to
Peggy had begun to forget the whole
a big city?
business, and Maddie put herself to
(a) His wish to achieve success in the big
city. sleep at night making speeches about
(b) His urge to join his relatives who Wanda, defending her from great
mostly lived in the big city. crowds of girls who were trying to tease
(c) His anxiety over their poverty in the her with, “How many dresses have you
small city. got?” And before Wanda could press
(d) His agony about his children being her lips together in a tight line, the way
viewed as ‘outsiders’ by their she did before answering, Maddie
schoolmates. would cry out, “Stop!”
(iii) The dictionary says the following about (i) Which primary feelings of Maddie does
migration. Migration involves the the extract reveal?
movement of people (birds, fish etc) from (a) Guilt, regret and righteousness
one place to another with intentions of (b) Guilt and shame
settling, permanently or temporarily, at a (c) Shame, regret and courage
new location (geographic region). Which (d) Courage and righteousness
of the following options INCORRECTLY (ii) Which of the following is most likely to
uses ‘migration’? be a part of Maddie’s speech?
(a) After gold was found in the (a) Stop! I think it’s about time we asked
uninhabited region, there was a her a new question. This is not fun
migration to that area. anymore. How about her faded dress?
(b) Bears sleep through winters. This (b) Stop! Don’t you know that I’m the one
migration helps bears to use their stored who had to lead in Peggy’s absence?
energy much more slowly. This is unacceptable.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 25
(c) Stop! How dare you all join in without (c) Wanda’s absence – Maddie’s need to
Peggy’s permission? Don’t you know make amends
she’d be angry? (d) Peggy teasing Wanda— Maddie’s stand
(d) Stop! Aren’t you all ashamed of against it
yourself? Why do you trouble her? She (v) Wanda didn’t reply to the letter for
means no harm to anyone. weeks. Pick the option that DOES NOT
(iii) Choose the declaration which is likely to be supply a possible reason for this, from
received with the pressing of lips together those given below.
in a tight line. (a) The letter took more than a couple of
weeks reaching her as it didn’t have an
address and needed to be forwarded.
(2) (3) (b) She needed time to forgive Maddie and
Peggy and think her reply through.
(c) Peggy had second thoughts after
(1) (4) mailing the letter and reclaimed it from
the post office, to mail weeks later.
(d) She was occupied with settling in at the
new school in the city.
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2) Ans. (i) (c) shame, regret and courage
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4) (ii) (a) Stop! I think it’s about time we asked her a
new question. This is not fun anymore. How about
(iv) Pick the option with a cause-effect
her faded dress?
relation, with reference to the given
(iii) (a) Option (1)
extract. (iv) (c) Wanda’s absence – Maddie’s need to make
(a) Wanda’s absence— Peggy missing amends
Wanda (v) (c) Peggy had second thoughts after mailing the
(b) Maddie’s need to make amends – letter and reclaimed it from the post office, to mail
Confessing publicly weeks later.
First Flight-Poetry
Dust of Snow 5. thankful 6. disheartened
7. impulsived
Read the extract given below and answer (a) 1, 3 and 7 (b) 2, 4 and 6
the questions that follow. (c) 5 and 7 (d) 1 and 3
A. The way a crow (iii) Identify the option that DOES NOT use
Shook down on me the word ‘rue’ correctly.
The dust of snow (a) The film was a disaster and he rued his
From a hemlock tree decision to act in it.
Has given my heart (b) I am sure she rued the day she listened
A change of mood to a fortune-teller.
And saved some part (c) It wasn’t long before I rued my
disobedience and my deceit.
(v) Choose the option showing the reason (iii) The poem is a _______ put across by the
NOT corresponding with “… a poet.
Crow/Shook down on me/The Dust of (a) powerful warning (b) heart-felt apology
Snow.” (c) earnest appeal (d) vengeful threat
(a) The crow’s landing on the branch of the
(iv) The poet uses the phrasal verb -hold
tree. with. Choose the option that DOES NOT
(b) The shivering of the crow, due to the indicate a valid phrasal verb.
(1) off (2) back
(c) The readjustment of position of the
crow on the branch.
(d) The cawing of the crow hidden in the Hold
Ans. (i) (c) healing (ii) (b) 2, 4 and 6 (3) on (4) into
(iii) (d) Others finally rue the one who is dishonest and
heartless. (a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
(iv) (a) Has given my heart/A change of mood (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(v) (d) The cawing of the crow hidden in the foliage. (v) Pick the option that is NOT TRUE about
the poet according to the extract. The poet
Fire and Ice (a) is inclined to believe that the world
would most likely end with fire.
Read the extract given below and answer (b) has heard divided opinions about the
the questions that follow. way the world would end in all
A. Some say the world will end in fire, likelihood.
Some say in ice.From what I’ve (c) preaches love and kindness to combat
tasted of desire the spread of hate among all.
I hold with those who favor fire. (d) declares the power of ice to be as
destructive as that of fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate (vi) Identify the most likely tone of the poet in
To say that for destruction ice the lines-‘To say that for destruction ice/Is
Is also great also great’.
And would suffice. (a) sarcastic (b) serious
(c) amused (d) celebratory
(i) Choose the CORRECT statement about
the given poem. Ans. (i) (b) Fire and ice are symbols—not of natural
(a) Fire and ice are images—they help the disasters, but of humanity’s ability to create
readers visualise the power of nature disasters of its own.
over man. (ii) (d) Fire-2, 5; Ice-1, 3, 4
(b) Fire and ice are symbols—not of natural (iii) (a) powerful warning
disasters, but of humanity’s ability to (iv) (d) Option (4)
create disasters of its own. (v) (c) preaches love and kindness to combat the
(c) Fire and ice are elements—not of spread of hate among all.
Nature but man-made and possess the (vi) (a) sarcastic
ability to create havoc for mankind.
(d) Fire and ice are agents—they change the A Tiger in the Zoo
(b) aid in camouflaging the presence of the B. But he’s locked in a concrete cell,
predator before it rushes in. His strength behind bars,
(c) help the predator pounce on the prey Stalking the length of his cage,
comfortably without getting tired. Ignoring visitors.
(d) Support the predator’s vision as it eyes He hears the last voice at night,
its prey. The patrolling cars, …
(ii) Which fact DOES NOT connect with the (i) Choose the image that best describes the
significance of the water hole for the condition of the tiger based on the given
tiger? extract.
(a) Many tigers chase prey into the
water and holds the victim’s head
under water until it drowns.
(b) Prey feed in the water on water-lilies,
and often wander into the middle of the
water hole, where they are vulnerable
and easy for the tiger to kill. (1) (2)
(c) Prey that has quenched its thirst
ensures consumption of hydrated meat
for the tiger.
(d) Chasing the panicked prey from
shallow to deep water where the tiger
grabs it.
(3) (4)
(iii) Pick the option that DOES NOT use
‘lurking’ correctly to fill in the blank. (a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
(a) The thug was ............ in the alley late (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
evening, for unsuspecting passers-by. (ii) Which option correctly lists the reason for
(b) The hyena was ............ in its den after a the tiger ‘stalking the length of his cage’?
good meal. (a) Animals tend to cover large distances
(c) The detective cautioned her team and burn a lot of their energy by hunting
about the ............ dangers likely to for prey, in their natural habitat. Zoos
impact the case. deprive them of such stimulation and
(d) The prejudices ............ beneath the they are restless and bored.
surface create misunderstandings. (b) Animals are scared of visitors gazing at
them in their unnatural surroundings.
(iv) ‘Shadow’ here, refers to the shadow of Zoos are places where animals are far
(a) the tiger removed from the privacy of their
(b) long grass natural habitat.
(c) water hole (c) Animals dislike human noises in the city
(d) deer and react to them aggressively. Zoos are
(v) Pick the phrase that DOES NOT often located in cities or outskirts.
(d) Animals require human love and care
suggest that the forest in the extract is
and miss this when in captivity. Zoos are
lush. places where they walk around
(a) long grass mechanically to attract human attention.
(iv) The main contrasting idea suggested by 1. Hey I Hey! That’s no way to dispose off
the extract is that of the garbage. Have you no community
sense? Please but it in the bin.
(a) strength and weakness.
(b) nature and culture. 2. I knew it! knew he’ll fare well in his
auditions for ‘Young Chef’. Now, we
(c) beasts and mortals.
prepare for the semi-finals.
(d) confinement and freedom.
3. I dont know where I’ve placed my
(v) Choose the option listing the most likely ID-card. Let me check the bag once
reason for the tiger to ignore visitors, more, Ah, finally!
according to the extract. 4. I’ve been trying to call mom for the past
(a) He is scared of their constant stares. 20 minutes and can’t get through. I
(b) The visitors don’t provide him with any don’t know how. Aarrgh! Again!
food. (a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
(c) He knows that none would help him (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
out of captivity. (iv) The poem begins with a question. Based
(d) The visitors don’t speak to him kindly. on your reading of the poem, the speaker
Ans. (i) (b) Option (2) (a) wants the boy to answer the question.
(ii) (a) Animals tend to cover large distances and (b) expects the passers-by to respond.
burn a lot of their energy by hunting for (c) is looking for answers in a self-help book
prey, in their natural habitat. Zoos (d) is thinking to himself.
deprive them of such stimulation and (v) Alliteration is a literary device that occurs
they are restless and bored.
with the same letter or sound at the
(iii) (b) Option (2) beginning of adjacent or closely
(iv) (d) confinement and freedom. connected words.
(v) (c) He knows that none would help him out Pick the option that showcases an
of captivity. example of alliteration from the extract.
(a) What is the boy now (b) Who has lost
The Ball Poem his ball
Read the extracts given below and answer (c) What is he to do
the questions that follow. (d) and then/ Merrily over
A. What is the boy now, who has lost his Ans. (i) (a) an onlooker observing
ball, (ii) (c) contrast with the dejected feeling of the boy.
What, what is he to do? I saw it go (iii) (d) Option (4)
Merrily bouncing, down the street, and (iv) (d) is thinking to himself.
then (v) (b) Who has lost his ball
Merrily over- there it is in the water! B. An ultimate shaking grief fixes the
(i) The extract suggests that the poet is boy As he stands rigid, trembling,
(a) an onlooker observing staring down;
(b) a parent recounting the incident All his young days into the harbour
(c) the boy talking about himself where;
(d) imagining the incident His ball went. I would not intrude on
(ii) The poet seems to have indicated the him;
merry bouncing of the ball to (i) The poet uses the word ‘ultimate’ to
(a) create a sense of rhythm in these lines. describe the boy’s reaction. Pick the
(b) support the happiness of the experience meaning that DOES NOT display what,
of playing. ‘ultimate’ means in the context given.
(c) contrast with the dejected feeling of the (a) consequent (b) final
boy. (c) conclusive (d) fateful
(d) indicate the cheerful mood of the boy.
(ii) The boy is very young in this poem. As a
(iii) Choose the situation that corresponds to mature, balanced grown-up, he might
the emotion behind the exclamation mark look back and think that his reaction of
in the poem. ‘ultimate shaking grief’ was
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 29
1. disproportionate to the loss. (b) feels that it’s important that the boy
2. pretension to procure a new toy. learn an important life lesson,
3. according to his exposure and experience undisturbed.
then. (c) realises that he doesn’t have sufficient
4. a reaction to the failure of retrieving the funds to purchase a new ball for the boy.
toy. (d) Experiences a sense of distress himself,
5. justified and similar to what it would be by looking at the boy’s condition.
currently. (v) Choose the option that lists the meaning
(a) 5 and 2 (b) 1 and 3 of ‘harbour’ as used in the extract. Noun:
(c) 2 and 4 (d) 3 and 5 1. a place on the coast where ships may
moor in shelter.
(iii) Pick the option that lists the boy’s
thoughts, matching with the line-As he 2. a place of refuge. Verb:
stands rigid, trembling, staring down 3. keep (a thought or feeling, typically a
negative one) in one's mind, especially
(1) (2)
4. shelter or hide (a criminal or wanted
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
(3) (4) (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
Ans. (i) (a) consequent
(ii) (b) 1 and 3
(iii) (d) Option (4)
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2) (iv) (b) feels that it’s important that the boy learn an
important life lesson, undisturbed.
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(v) (d) Option (1)
(iv) Why does the speaker choose not to
intrude? This is so because the poet
(a) knows that it would embarrass the boy
in his moment of grief.
started to drive away. As I moved off, anxiety acted upon by the staff.
Mrs Pumphrey, with a despairing cry, (ii) Given below are emotions reflecting
threw an armful of the little coats various expressions and reactions.
through the window. I looked in the Choose the option that correctly
mirror before I turned the corner of the describes the narrator’s mindset in the
drive; everybody was in tears. Out on given extract.
the road, I glanced down at the pathetic
little animal gasping on the seat by my
side. I patted the head and Tricki made (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
a brave effort to wag his tail. “Poor old (a) Options (1) and (3)
lad,” I said. “You haven’t a kick in you (b) Options (2) and (4)
but I think I know a cure for you.”
30 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
(c) Options (3) and (5) (d) believed Tricki’s health was
(d) Options (2) and (5) deteriorating.
Ans. (i) (d) Mrs. Pumphrey’s indulgence and anxiety
(iii) Given below are some well-known acted upon by the staff.
quotes shared by the staff to console (ii) (b) Options (2) and (4)
Mrs. Pumphrey, after Tricki’s departure. (iii) (d) Option (4)
Choose the option that correctly (iv) (b) Options (3) and (4)
identifies the quote that IS NOT (v) (c) pitied Tricki’s condition.
appropriate to the consolation offered. B. He discovered the joys of being bowled
Once you
There is a
crack in
over, tramped on and squashed every
choose hope.
anything is
that show the
few minutes. He became an accepted
Chrestopher Reeve
light gets in
Leonard cohen
member of the gang, an unlikely, silky
(1) (2) little object among the shaggy crew,
fighting like a tiger for his share at
Mostly it is loss
We grow fearless by
walking into our which teaches mealtimes and hunting rats in the old
fears. us about the
Robin Sharma
worth of things. henhouse at night. He had never had
(3) (4) such a time in his life. All the while, Mrs
Pumphrey hovered anxiously in the
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
background, ringing a dozen times a
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4) day for the latest bulletins.
(iv) As the extract indicates, Mrs. Pumphrey (i) Read the following statements, each of
indulged Tricki and bought him many which describes the gist of the given
things. extract. Select the option that captures the
Choose the option that best describes the essence of the extract correctly.
kinds of advertisements that seem likely Statement I – It highlights the kind of
to persuade Mrs. Pumphrey to buy comforts and luxuries that Tricki was
something for Tricki. used to at home.
1. Statistics Appeal – Such Statement II – It brings out a contrast
advertisements use facts and data to between Tricki and Mrs. Pumphrey’s
convince consumers to buy products. state of being.
2. Scarcity Appeal – Such advertisements Statement III – It reflects that Tricki was
create a feeling of exclusivity and are happier at the surgery, and loved being
often used to convince people to take with other dogs.
advantage of a sale or limited period Statement IV – It shows Tricki’s journey
offer. with his peers at the surgery, and
3. Personal Appeal – Such documents his recovery.
advertisements focus on evoking (a) Statements I and II
emotions to convince consumers and (b) Statements III and IV
often relate to family or other (c) Statements I and III
inter-personal interactions. (d) Statements II and IV
4. Fear Appeal – Such advertisements (ii) What does the reference to Tricki as a
focus on inspiring some kind of fear to “silky little object” signify?
convince consumers to take action in (a) Tricki was a very small and rather
order to avoid certain negative or
pampered dog.
undesirable consequences.
(b) Tricki was comfortably attired in fine
(a) Options (1), (2) and (4) silks and warm coats.
(b) Options (3) and (4) (c) Unlike the other dogs, Tricki had lived
(c) Options (1), (3) and (4) in the lap of luxury with care and
(d) Option (2) grooming.
(v) The narrator describes Tricki as a (d) The narrator’s mockery of Tricki’s life
“pathetic little animal”. The use of the and treatment with Mrs. Pumphrey.
word ‘pathetic’ indicates that the (iii) Why does the narrator describe being
narrator “tramped on and squashed” as joys?
(a) was very fond of Tricki. (a) To suggest the irony about the strange
(b) thought Tricki was contemptible. ways of dogs.
(c) pitied Tricki’s condition.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 31
(b) To mention the simple pleasures of ‘You look a bit of a wrestler yourself,” I
canine life. said. A little flattery helps in making
(c) To compare it to Tricki’s earlier friends.
play-time at the house.
(i) According to the extract, the young boy
(d) To direct attention towards Tricki’s
was watching the wrestling match
successful recovery. because he
(iv) “All the while, Mrs Pumphrey hovered (a) had been invited there by the wrestlers.
anxiously in the background”. Given (b) was supposed to meet someone there.
below are different types of pet parenting (c) was looking for simple people to dupe.
styles described in Country Living, an
e-magazine. (d) loved wrestling and followed it very
Choose the option that best reflects the
kind of pet owner Mrs. Pumphrey was (ii) ‘I hadn’t had much luck of late’ means
(1) Traffic Light pet owners have a healthy that the boy hadn’t
balance of rules and freedom and give (a) ever conned people successfully.
clear and consistent signals for ‘yes’ and (b) been successful in duping people lately.
‘no’. (c) understood the consequences of
(2) Entranced pet owners have the best thievery till date.
intentions, but as soon as their pet locks (d) considered the role of fate in deceiving
eyes with them and gives their command, others.
they are at their pet's beck and call.
(3) The Goose pet owners go all-out in (iii) ‘I might be able to get into the young
protecting their pet. They often limit man’s confidence.’
their time away from their pet, Choose the option that DOES NOT
especially puppies. display what the statement means.
(4) The Baggage Handler pet owners love (a) He wanted to win his trust.
being close to their pets and going on
(b) He wanted him to share his thoughts
adventures together. They are always
without caution.
mindful of the pet's comfort and
(c) He wanted him to feel comfortable
revealing more details about himself.
(a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
(d) He wanted to be able to spend quality
(c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
time with him.
(v) Pick the option that reveals Tricki’s
(iv) Anil looked easy-going, kind and simple
characteristics in the context of ‘fighting
to the narrator. Which of the given
like a tiger for his share at mealtimes and
characteristics would NOT fit in with this
hunting rats in the old henhouse at night.’
(1) selfish (2) happy (a) Compassionate (b) Suave
(3) greedy (4) confident (c) Uncomplicated (d) Carefree
(5) sturdy (6) cruel (v) Based on the line, “A little flattery helps
(a) (2), (4) and (5) (b) Only (2) in making friends.”, choose the option
(c) (1) and (5) (d) (3),(4) and (6) that displays the quote closest in
Ans (i) (d) Statements II and IV
(a) Imitation is the best form of flattery;
(ii) (c) Unlike the other dogs, Tricki had lived in the
lap of luxury with care and grooming. people generally understand that my
(iii) (b) To mention the simple pleasures of canine life.
comedy is not intended to hurt
(iv) (b) Option (2) (v) (a) (2),(4) and (5)
(b) I know imitation is the highest form of
The Thief’s Story flattery, but stealing one's identity is
totally different.
Read the extracts given below and answer (c) Nothing is so great an example of bad
the questions that follow. manners as flattery. If you flatter all the
A. Anil was watching a wrestling match company, you please none; If you flatter
when I approached him. He was about only one or two, you offend the rest.
25-- a tall, lean fellow – and he looked (d) One may define flattery as a base
easy-going, kind and simple enough for companionship which is most
my purpose. I hadn’t had much luck of advantageous to the flatterer.
late and thought I might be able to get
into the young man’s confidence.
Ans. (i) (c) was looking for simple people to dupe.
(ii) (b) been successful in duping people lately.
32 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
(iii) (d) He wanted to be able to spend quality time (v) (a) So what if I don’t have much money? Giving it
with him. to that person is important as they could do with a
(iv) (b) Suave helping hand.
(v) (d) One may define flattery as a base
companionship which is most advantageous to Footprints Without Feet
the flatterer.
Read the extracts given below and answer
B. I think he knew I made a little money the questions that follow.
this way but he did not seem to mind.
A. As she and her husband turned away in
Anil made money by fits and starts. He
would borrow one week, lend the next. terror, the extraordinary chair pushed
He kept worrying about his next them both out of the room and then
cheque, but as soon as it arrived, he appeared to slam and lock the door
would go out and celebrate. It seems he after them. Mrs Hall almost fell down
wrote for magazines—a queer way to the stairs in hysterics. She was
make a living! convinced that the room was haunted
(i) Anil made money ‘by fits and starts’ by spirits, and that the stranger had
means that he somehow caused these to enter into her
(a) deemed it fit to start investing money. furniture. “My poor mother used to sit
(b) started earning money in the recent in that chair,” she moaned! To think it
past. should rise up against me now! The
(c) received money intermittently. feeling among the neighbours was that
(d) put his money to use frequently. the trouble was caused by witchcraft.”
(ii) The information in the extract suggests (i) Mrs Hall felt that the room was haunted
that Anil could be a by spirits because
(a) salaried professional (a) she could see evil spirits.
(b) freelancer (b) she heard strange noise.
(c) businessman (c) uncanny things happened there.
(d) volunteer (d) the door slammed shut.
(iii) If borrow : : lend, then pick the ODD pair (ii) Pick the option that best describes how
from the options below. Mrs Hall must be feeling at the moment
(a) give : : take (b) lose : : find described in the extract.
(c) hop : : skip (d) buy : : sell (a) stunned and furious
(iv) The reference to making a little money (b) shocked and outraged
‘this way’ refers to a way that is viewed (c) outraged and nervous
by most people as (d) stunned and agitated
(a) sensible (b) inappropriate (iii) Pick the sentence that brings out the
(c) charitable (d) aggressive meaning of ‘hysterics’ as used in the
(v) Based on your understanding of Anil in extract.
the extract, choose the option that (a) My friend and I were in splits when we
synchronises with his thinking. saw the clown’s antics.
(a) So what if I don’t have much money? (b) I don’t know why I suddenly felt
Giving it to that person is important as worried about flying home.
they could do with a helping hand. (c) The sight of blood put the old man in a
(b) I better learn how to protect my money. frenzy.
I think I’m being looted. (d) The people who had witnessed the
(c) I earn money with such tremendous accident were spell bound.
effort. Where does it all go? (iv) Pick the option that displays a cause ->
(d) When I become rich, I can begin to help effect relationship.
friends then. Right now, I will spend only (a) pushed and locked out -> hysterical
on myself.
(b) rising of the chair -> moaning
Ans. (i) (c) received money intermittently.
(c) troubled neighbours -> witchcraft
(ii) (b) freelancer
(d) stranger -> haunted spirits
(iii) (c) hop : : skip
(iv) (b) inappropriate
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 33
(v) The neighbours thought it was (i) Why were the boys surprised to see a
‘witchcraft’. This tells us that neighbours barefooted man in London? The boys
were were surprised as
(a) suspicious (b) superstitious (a) it was an unusual sight to see someone
(c) nervous wrecks (d) gossip-mongers this way.
(vi) Pick the option that includes the correct (b) everybody in London moved around in
matches of Column A with Column B. shoes.
(c) it was pretty cold to move around bare
Column A Column B feet.
A. The stranger was (1) eccentric, lonely and (d) only a person who is homeless and
callous wandering does so.
(ii) Pick out the option that is NOT related
B. He had escaped (2) eccentric, callous and
short-tempered to ‘started’ as used in the extract
(a) A-2; B-4; C-3 (b) A-1; B-3; C-4 (a) Option (1) (b) Option (2)
(c) A-3; B-2; C-1 (d) A-2; B-3; C-4 (c) Option (3) (d) Option (4)
(vii) Look at the different meanings of ‘haunt’. (iii) Pick the option that best describes
Pick the option that DOES NOT how the boys are feeling based on the
correspond to its meaning extract.
(a) to be conscious of a strange (a) enchanted, curious, puzzled
(b) captivated, curious, puzzled
(b) be persistently and disturbingly present
(c) repulsed, curious, captivated
in (the mind).
(d) enchanted, repulsed, curious
(c) (of something unpleasant) continue to
affect or cause problems for. (iv) The boys felt that the footprints were
(d) a place frequented by a specified (a) seen due to some magic trick.
person. (b) a figment of imagination.
Ans. (i) (c) uncanny things happened there. (c) of a man who was invisible.
(ii) (d) Stunned and agitated (d) those of a mysterious man.
(iii) (c) The sight of blood put the old man in a frenzy. (v) Pick the option that best matches
(iv) (a) pushed and locked out -> hysterical synonyms of the word ‘gazed’.
(v) (b) superstitious (a) (i) gaped (ii) gawked
(vi) (d) A-2; B-3; C-4 (b) (i) admired (ii) disbelieved
(vii) (a) to be conscious of a strange phenomenon. (c) (i) overlooked (ii) stared
(d) (i) surveyed (ii) overlooked
B. The two boys started in surprise at the
(vi) Pick the option that lists the correct
fresh muddy imprints of a pair of bare
direction of the footprints on the stairs, as
feet. What was a barefooted man doing
noticed by the boys.
on the steps of a house in the middle of
Latest CBSE
Latest Sample Question Paper for Class X (Term I)
Issued by CBSE on 2 Sept 2021
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
sorrows and fears. In fact, there are a thousand lessons that nature can teach us,
provided we look for them.
2. With time, a sapling grows into a full-grown tree; something so tiny and delicate
develops into a strong tree capable of supporting others. No matter how tall it
grows, how much it may flourish or how many animals and birds it may support,
its roots are firmly buried from where it once rose. That’s a lesson to keep ourselves
grounded, respect and embrace our roots and give something back to those humble
beginnings that nurtured us into who we are.
3. Then there is the message of peaceful coexistence. ‘I am because we are.’ Nature
provides every creature a chance to exist. However, the existence of one creature or
being depends on the existence of the other. The tiger eats the antelope; without the
antelope, the tiger wouldn’t survive. Likewise, without tigers, the over-abundance
of antelopes would cause them to starve to death.
38 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
4. I wonder if you have noticed that when birds or squirrels see a predator, they give
out an alarm call to their fellow creatures, of the lurking danger. They put
themselves in danger to save the lives of others. Many animals, like the salmon,
usually die after they spawn, but this doesn’t stop them. One life extinguished for
the betterment of others is a small price to pay.
5. The snow melts in the warmth of spring to give birth to fresh green leaves. In
autumn these leaves age into shades of gold only to be buried in the cold grave of
winter. Change is inevitable; the sooner we embrace this, the better it is for us. We
must also understand that even in pain there is growth. If you cut a hole in the tree,
it will grow around it. No matter what may come in its way, a river will continue to
flow. Similarly, no matter what grief may break your heart, nature teaches us that
life goes on.
6. Keep in mind life isn’t about making lists and trying to be one step ahead of others.
Life is to live. Take a break-stop being a workaholic and smell the roses, do
whatever makes you feel happy and most of all spend some time with nature to
pick up invaluable lessons.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.
1. According to the author, what, from the following, is the greatest lesson being taught
by nature?
(a) Balance in our emotions. (b) Partial to joys in life.
(c) Afraid of unhappiness. (d) Indifferent to fears.
2. Select the option that suitably completes the dialogue with reference to paragraph II.
Jai : I’ve done well for myself in this school. I’m the best they have. I can get admission
anywhere. This is my moment!
Sid : Congratulations! Just remember, we should ………………………
(a) become strong despite our weakness.
(b) be kind and supportive towards everyone.
(c) respect the origins from where we have grown.
(d) nurture ourselves well from the beginning.
3. Choose the option that best conveys the message in ‘I am because we are.’
(a) Tigers are dependent on antelope. (b) Antelope are dependent on tigers.
(c) Humans are dependent on animals. (d) Everyone is dependent on each other.
4. What qualities do the birds and squirrels display when they warn others of possible
danger? Choose one option from the following
(a) Observation skills and alertness. (b) Tendency to get easily frightened.
(c) Selfless assistance to help others. (d) Determination to protect themselves.
5. Select the option with the underlined words that can suitably replace lurking
(paragraph 4).
(a) The policeman pulled up the person who was wandering aimlessly through the city.
(b) The thief knew that remaining hidden was the best strategy to avoid being caught.
(c) The policeman was caught on camera while pouncing with force, to grab the fleeing
(d) The thief was walking boldly into the house thinking it was devoid of residents.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 39
7. Select the qualities from paragraph III, that the author wants us to imbibe.
1. Acceptive 2. Passionate
3. Emotional 4. Resilient
5. Perceptive
(a) (2), (4) and (5) (b) (1), (3) and (4)
(c) (1), (4) and (5) (d) (3), (4) and (5)
10. Choose the option that lists the quote best expressing the central idea of the passage.
(a) Nature She pardons no mistakes. Her yea is yea and her nay, nay - Ralph Waldo Emerson
(b) Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.- A. Einstein
(c) Nature never deceives us; it is we who deceive ourselves. -Jean Jacques Rousseau
(d) All the ugliness of the world can best be forgotten in the beauty of nature!
-Mehmet Murat
II. Read the passage given below.
1. Research from the Publishers Association has shown that films based on books take
44% more at the box office revenue in the UK and 53% more worldwide than
original screenplays. The report explores what impact a book has when adapted for
film and TV.
2. The report reads “Published material is the basis of 52% of top UK films in the last
10 years, and accounts for an even higher share of revenue from these leading
performers, at 61% of UK box office gross and 65% of worldwide gross.” The
Hollywood adaptation of “My Cousin Rachel’’ was shown to have a significant
impact on the sales of the Daphne Du Maurier thriller. The sales of the book in 2017
alone accounted for 23% of all sales since 1992.
3. The research suggests that adapted films tend to perform better, because films can
“leverage the popularity” of well-known books through an existing audience.
Films adapted from books also tend to have a richer, more fully-developed story to
draw on. In terms of TV adaptation, it was revealed that a quarter of dramas were
based on literary sources and attracted a 56% larger share of the audience than
those based on original scripts. Fourteen of the 35 high end series produced in the
UK in the period between January and September 2017 were based on books,
compared to seven based on true stories or historical events and five based on
pre-existing films or TV stories.
40 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
4. In the case of the 2016 BBC broadcast of “The Night Manager”, research revealed
that while the novel was in circulation for over 25 years, 82% of the copies it sold
were in 2016 and 2017. Sales of the paperback edition remained strong in 2017 even
after the series went off the air.
5. In conclusion, the report states that “there is a strong two-way relationship
between publishing and the wider creative economy, wherein a successful
adaptation often has spill-over effects and gives a substantial boost to the sales of
the original book.”
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions
by choosing the correct option.
11. The purpose of the research by Publishers Association was to study the ……… .
Choose the correct option.
(a) variety in films and TV shows. (b) impact of films on books.
(c) choice of books for film-making. (d) connection between books and films.
12. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(i) The revenues generated at the box office have increased.
(ii) Majority of the top films in the UK are based on published material.
(a) (i) is the result of (ii) (b) (1) is the reason for (ii)
(c) (i) is independent of (ii) (d) (1) contradicts (ii)
13. Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the following statement.
“The sales of the book in 2017 alone accounted for 23% of all sales since 1992.”
(a) There were 23% higher sales in 2017 than previous years.
(b) A major chunk of sales happened in 2017.
(c) The sales were limited to 23% in 2017.
(d) There were very few books sold in the previous years.
14. According to the research, the films based on books have greater success because
(a) people like to see the characters from the books on screen.
(b) the films get the advantage of the fame of the books.
(c) it takes less effort for people to watch films than read books.
(d) the films get a ready-made script from the books.
15. Select the option listing what the given sentence refers to.
“Films adapted from books also tend to have a richer, more fully-developed story to
draw on.”
(i) The plot and the storyline of such films are better.
(ii) The characters are likely to be more vivid.
(iii) The production of such films is meant for the rich and famous.
(iv) The settings and costumes are adapted from the book.
(v) The making of such films require the author to write a sequel.
(a) (i), (iii) and (iv) (b) (ii), (iii) and (v)
(c) (i), (ii) and (v) (d) (i), (ii) and (iv)
16. On what from the following were the maximum TV serials in UK in the year 2017
(a) Books (b) Historical stories
(c) Original true stories (d) Previous films
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 41
17. This passage lists an example proving that TV dramas based on literary works have
…………… .
Select the correct option.
(a) increased the immediate sales of the book
(b) increased the sales of the book during the first screening
(c) had no immediate impact on the sales of the book
(d) had very little impact on the sales of the book
21. I am taking driving lessons now. Hopefully, I …………… my driving test by November.
(a) will take (b) would pass
(c) will have taken (d) will be taking
22. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?
Sunitha asked Venkat, “How much is the rent for your flat?”
(a) Sunitha asked Venkat how much was his rent for flat.
(b) Sunitha asked Venkat how much the rent for his flat was.
(c) Sunita enquires from Venkat that how much rent he pays.
(d) Sunita told Venkat how much the rent for his flat was.
23. Which option displays the correct change of the following to reported speech?
She said, “I told Damanjit to send you an e-mail three days ago.”
(a) She told that Damanjit had mailed you three days then.
(b) She informed me that Damanjit has mailed me three days before.
(c) She says that she has told Damanjit to send me an e-mail three days then.
(d) She said that she had told Damanjit to send an e-mail to me three days before.
24. The dog ………… under the chair before the children arrived.
(a) has been hiding (b) was hid
(c) have hid (d) had hidden
42 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You are Debashree, a resident of Siliguri, Assam. You have to write a letter to the editor
of a national daily drawing attention towards the difficulty faced by differently-abled
people at tourist places.
25. Select the option with relevant aspects that Debashree should select, for this letter.
(i) The newspaper’s name
(ii) Attached proof of the newspaper subscription
(iii) Debashree’s address
(iv) Formal tone
(v) Expected date of the letter¡¦ s receipt
(a) (i) and (v) (b) (ii), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (iii) and (v) (d) (i), (iii) and (viv)
27. Which option should Debashree select, to elaborate on the difficulties faced by the
28. Debashree shares some suggestions in her letter, to address the issue.
Select the option that helps her complete these suggestions, appropriately.
In my opinion, the media can play a pivotal role in transforming people’s (i)…… . Also,
(ii) against negligence to the needs of the differently-abled, at the tourist spots, shall go
a long way in bringing about a positive change.
(a) (i) beliefs and traditions (ii) composing songs
(b) (i) perceptions and attitudes (ii) cautioning the authorities
(c) (i) preferences (ii) protesting
(d) (i) interactions (ii) keeping minimum interference
29. Select the option that correctly justifies the choice of the concluding portion of this
1. I expect the authorities to take actions on this issue my thoughts in your newspaper.
2. I hope my views get published in the columns of your newspaper so that this issue
may garner more public support and awarness.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 43
30. Select the option that completes the concluding line appropriately.
I hope that my letter will …………… .
(a) help spread awareness about the issue.
(b) lead to action against all authorities responsible, at tourist spots.
(c) improve circulation of the national daily.
(d) result in positive reviews by the readers.
This section has sub-sections V, VI, VII, VIII and IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
But the decades of oppression and brutality had another unintended effect, and that
was that it produced the Oliver Tambos, the Walter Sisulus, the Chief Luthulis, the
Yusuf Dadoos, the Bram Fischers, the Robert Sobukwes of our times – men of such
extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity that their like may never be known
again. Perhaps it requires such depths of oppression to create such heights of character.
My country is rich in the minerals and gems that lie beneath its soil, but I have always
known that its greatest wealth is its people, finer and truer than the purest diamonds.
It is from these comrades in the struggle that I learned the meaning of courage. Time
and again, I have seen men and women risk and give their lives for an idea.
(Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)
31. What was the unintended effect of the long oppression? Choose the correct option.
(a) It made the people indifferent to injustice.
(b) It made the people reject oppression.
(c) It influenced a generation to fight against injustice.
(d) It made people accept their oppression.
32. Men of such extraordinary courage refers to the people who …………
(a) liberated and abolished the Apartheid system.
34. When Nelson Mandela says, “I have seen men and women risk and give their lives for
an idea.”, he means that they are …………
(a) stubborn (b) committed (c) intelligent (d) proud
35. Select the suitable word from the extract to complete the following
depths: heights : : compassion : .
(a) wisdom (b) oppression (c) struggle (d) courage
44 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Let me put it more clearly, since no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is
completely alone in the world. And I’m not. I have loving parents and a
sixteen-year-old sister, and there are about thirty people I can call friends. I have a
family, loving aunts and a good home. No, on the surface I seem to have everything,
except my one true friend. All I think about when I’m with friends is having a good
time. I can’t bring myself to talk about anything but ordinary everyday things.
(From the Diary of Anne Frank)
36. Why does Anne feel the following?
…… no one will believe that a thirteen-year-old girl is completely alone in the world.
(i) People knew she had a family.
(ii) People rejected the idea of loneliness.
(iii) She had several friends.
(iv) She had a cheerful personality.
(v) Her life was comfortable.
Choose the correct option from the following
(a) (i) and (v) (b) (i), (iii) and (iv)
(c) (ii) and (iii) (d) (ii), (iv) and (v)
37. Select the most appropriate option for (i) and (ii).
(i) …… on the surface I seem to have everything, except my one true friend.
(ii) Anne doesn’t truly connect with anyone.
(a) (i) is true and (ii) is false.
(b) (ii) is the opposite of (i).
(c) (i) furthers the meaning of (ii).
(d) Both (i) and (ii) cannot be inferred from the extract.
38. From the options given below, identify Anne’s tone in the extract.
(a) Restless (b) Dissatisfied
(c) Scared (d) Hurt
39. Select the option which displays an example of ‘having a good time’.
(a) He is out for a picnic with his (b) He is studying hard for the periodic
friends and they are laughing and test the following day to improve
singing together. his scores.
(c) He is trying to convince his father (d) He just rescued an injured puppy
to purchase the latest video and is tending to its wounds.
games for him.
40. What do we get to know about Anne when she says the following?
I can’t bring myself to talk about anything but ordinary everyday things
Choose one from the following to answer
(a) She is proud of her ways.
(b) She is struggling to strike conversations.
(c) She is unsure of her own thoughts.
(d) She is unable to have a satisfying conversation.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 45
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Money is external.
He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes,
The epistemology of loss, how to stand up Knowing what every man must one day know
And most know many days, how to stand up (The Ball Poem)
41. The poet says money is external. What does it mean in this extract?
(a) Money helps us purchase materials that make life worth living.
(b) Money promotes materialism and hunger for power among youngsters.
(c) Money only impacts a person’s external environment.
(d) Money buys materialistic things and can be earned again, when lost.
42. What does the boy learn by losing the ball, according to the extract?
(i) Loss is the unavoidable truth of life.
(ii) Material objects can be replaced.
(iii) Money buys happiness.
(iv) Losses in life can be prevented with care.
(v) Life continues despite losses.
(a) (i), (ii) and (v) (b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) Only (i) (d) (iii) and (v)
43. The boy is learning how to stand up …… . This means that he is learning to be
………… in the face of difficulties.
(a) patient (b) resilient
(c) defensive (d) judgemental
45. According to the poet, from whom do we mostly learn about loss?
(a) Elders (b) Experiences
(c) Books (d) Teachers
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
I followed casually.
46. Even though Hari Singh followed Anil casually, it was a/an ………… .
(a) careless action (b) staged move
(c) unusual decision (d) bold step
47. From the following options, identify Hari Singh’s intention behind the appealing
(a) Deceit (b) Harm
(c) Hatred (d) Jealousy
48. Select the option listing Anil’s charac- teristics, as revealed in the extract.
(i) Unassuming (ii) Kind (iii) Determined (iv) Naive
(v) Humourous
(a) (ii) and (iii) (b) Only (v)
(c) (i), (ii) and (iv) (d) Only (ii)
49. Select the most appropriate option based on (1) and (2).
(i) Anil gave his meal to a stray dog.
(ii) Hari Singh did not know how to cook.
(a) (ii) is true and (i) is false. (b) (ii) is the result for (i).
(c) (ii) is the cause for (i). (d) (ii) is false and (i) is true.
50. The phrase hung around suggests that Hari Singh continued to …………
(a) smile (b) cook
(c) appeal (d) linger
IX. Attempt the following.
51. Lencho is ……… when he says, “that’s what they say: no one dies of hunger.”
(a) doubtful (b) stressed
(c) confused (d) dismissive
52. Which option correctly replaces the underlined phrase in the give line from Fire and
I hold with those who favour fire.
(a) am as experienced as (b) strongly disagree with
(c) have the same opinion as (d) habitually avoid
53. The purpose of the treatment, given to the young seagull by his parents, was to
………… .
(a) teach him a lesson about the importance of food.
(b) inculcate obedience towards them.
(c) let him overcome his fear.
(d) improve his relationship with his siblings.
54. Peggy often gave a nudge to one of her friends when she spoke to Wanda in the school
yard. This meant that she wanted her friend to …………… .
(a) stop talking to Wanda and move on (b) observe and partake in the joke on Wanda
(c) ignore the complete situation with Wanda (d) interrupt any reply that came from Wanda
55. In the poem Dust of Snow, which negative symbols have been used to create a positive
(a) Hemlock tree; crow (b) Crow; snow
(c) Snow; hemlock tree (d) Crow; dust
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 47
59. Anil’s carelessness made stealing from him ………… for Hari Singh.
(a) uninteresting (b) difficult (c) systematic (d) predictable
60. What does the exclamation, “This is a triumph of surgery”, by Mrs. Pumphrey, mean?
(a) The surgery was successful. (b) The mistress could take back her pet.
(c) The doctor was a great veterinarian. (d) The planned venture was fruitful.
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (b) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (b) 23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (d) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (c) 32. (d) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (b) 37. (c) 38. (b) 39. (a) 40. (d)
41. (d) 42. (a) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (d)
51. (d) 52. (c) 53. (c) 54. (b) 55. (a) 56. (b) 57. (c) 58. (d) 59. (a) 60. (d)
I. 1. (a) According to the author, a balance in 6. (b) Workaholic is the correct answer. It
our emotions, is the greatest lesson being is made up of two words; work +
taught by nature. alcoholic.
2. (c) Suitable answer for the given dialogue 7. (c) The author wants us to imbibe being
with reference to paragraph II is ‘respect acceptive, resilient and perceptive.
the origins from where we have grown.’ 8. (d) The changing of seasons show that
This is because the given passage tells us nothing lasts forever. The snow melts in
that nature teaches to be remain grounded the warmth of spring to give birth to fresh
like the roots of the trees. green leaves. In autumn these leaves age
3. (d) The line ‘Everyone is dependent on into shades of gold only to be buried in the
each other’ best conveys the message - ‘I cold grave of winter.
am because we are.’ 9. (d) In the sixth paragraph the writer
4. (c) The birds and squirrels display selfless advises us to have free time for ourselves,
assistance to help others when they warn to do whatever makes us feel happy, and
others of possible danger. This shows that spend time with nature to learn the most
one life extinguished for the betterment of valuable lessons of life.
others is a small price to pay.
10. (b) Albert Einstein quote “Look deep into
5. (b) ‘The thief knew that remaining hidden nature, and then you will understand
was the best strategy to avoid being everything better” best expresses the
caught’ is the option that can replace the central idea of the passage.
word ‘lurking’ in the given passage.
48 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
II. 11. (d) The purpose of the research by IV. 25. (d) (i), (iii) and (iv) is the correct answer,
Publishers Association was to study i.e., The newspaper’s name, Debashree’s
the connection between books and films. address and formal tone are required for
12. (a) (i) is the result of (ii). The revenues the letter.
generated at the box office have increased 26. (d) The appropriate subject for this
because majority of the top films in the UK letter should be: Inconvenience Faced by
are based on published material. the Differently-abled at Tourist Spots.
13. (b) A major chunk of sales happened in 27. (c) Debashree should include the following
2017 is the correct meaning of the state- points to elaborate the difficulties faced by
ment “The sales of the book in 2017 alone the differently-abled tourists
accounted for 23% of all sales since 1992.” • Absence of ramps for wheelchairs
14. (b) According to the research, the films • Tourist guides untrained in sign
based on books have greater success language
because the films get the advantage of the • Lack of braille-script tourist pamphlets
fame of the books. 28. (b) ‘(i) perceptions and attitudes (ii)
15. (d) (i), (ii) and (iv) is the correct answer. cautioning the authorities’ is the correct
The given sentence ‘Films adapted from answer.
books also tend to have a richer, more 29. (c) The correct concluding point is: I hope
fully-developed story to draw on’ means my views get published in the columns of
that the plot and the storyline of such films your newspaper so that this issue may
are better. The characters are likely to be garner more public support and
more vivid. The settings and costumes are awareness.
adapted from the book.
Therefore, yes, to Option (ii) because of the
16. (a) The maximum TV serials in UK in the tone of polite expectation.
year 2017 were based on books.
30. (a) The concluding line should be ‘I hope
17. (a) This passage lists an example proving that my letter will help spread awareness
that TV dramas based on literary works about the issue’.
have increased the immediate sales of the
book. V. 31. (c) The unintended effect of the long
oppression was that it influenced a
18. (c) ‘There is a two-way relationship between
generation to fight against injustice.
books and the screen’. This is so because
both gain from each other’s popularity. 32. (d) Men of such extraordinary courage
refers to the people who demonstrated
III. 19. (b) The hospital board clearly mentioned
utmost strength to oppose the system.
that you must not smoke in the hospital as
it is a health hazard for all. ‘Must not’ 33. (a) Nelson Mandela compares his
shows the obligation of not smoking. countrymen to diamonds.
20. (a) There’s never much petrol left after 34. (b) When Nelson Mandela says, “I have
Rahul uses the car. ‘Much’ is used with seen men and women risk and give their
non-countable noun ‘petrol’. lives for an idea.”, he means that they are
21. (c) I am taking driving lessons now.
Hopefully, I will have taken my driving 35. (b) The antonym of depths is the heights,
test by November. The event is fixed to similarly the antonym of compassion is
happen by November, so ‘will have taken’ oppression.
is the correct answer. VI. 36. (b) Anne felt that no one will believe that a
22. (b) The correct answer is ‘Sunitha asked thirteen-year-old girl is completely alone in
Venkat how much the rent for his flat was.’ the world because people knew she had a
23. (d) The correct answer is ‘She said that she family. She had several friends. She had a
had told Damanjit to send an e-mail to me cheerful personality. Thus, option (b), (i),
three days before.’ (iii) and (iv) is the correct answer.
24. (d) The dog had hidden under the chair 37. (c) (i) furthers the meaning of (ii), i.e., on
before the children arrived. The given the surface Anne seem to have everything,
sentence is in past tense, therefore, ‘had except her one true friend. This is because
hidden’ is the correct answer. she didn’t truly connect with anyone.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 49
38. (b) Anne’s tone in the extract is 50. (d) The phrase hung around suggests that
dissatisfied. Hari Singh continued to linger.
39. (a) ‘He is out for a picnic with his friends IX. 51. (d) Lencho is dismissive when he says,
and they are laughing and singing “that’s what they say: no one dies of
together.’ is an example of ‘having a good hunger.”
time’. 52. (c) ‘have the same opinion as’ can replace
40. (d) When Anne says, “I can’t bring myself the underlined phrase in the given line
to talk about anything but ordinary from Fire and Ice, I hold with those who
everyday things”, it means she is unable to favour fire.
have a satisfying conversation. 53. (c) The purpose of the treatment, given to
VII. 41. (d) The poet says money is external. It the young seagull by his parents, was to let
means money buys only materialistic him overcome his fear. This was because
things and can be earned again, when the young seagull feared that his wings
lost. would not support him when he would fly.
42. (a) According to the extract, the boy learns 54. (b) Peggy often gave a nudge to one of her
the following by losing the ball friends when she spoke to Wanda in the
• Loss is the unavoidable truth of life. school yard. This meant that she wanted
• Material objects can be replaced. her friend to observe and partake in the
joke on Wanda.
• Life continues despite losses.
55. (a) In the poem Dust of Snow, hemlock tree
Thus, option (a), (i), (ii) and (v) is the
and crow are the negative symbols used to
correct answer.
create a positive effect.
43. (b) The boy is learning how to stand up…
56. (b) Mandela refers to liberty as ‘newborn’
This means that he is learning to be
because it had recently been attained with
resilient in the face of difficulties.
lots of struggle.
44. (a) An observer is speaking the above lines.
57. (c) In the poem, A Tiger in the Zoo, the
45. (b) According to the poet, we mostly learn tiger’s ‘quiet rage’, indicates that the tiger’s
from our own experiences about loss. anger is suppressed since he was locked in
VIII. 46. (b) Even though Hari Singh followed Anil a small cage in a zoo.
casually, it was a staged move because he 58. (d) Griffin was a brilliant scientist, but
wanted to rob Anil. lawless person. He used his invention of
47. (a) Hari Singh’s intention behind the becoming invisible for doing lawless
appealing smile was deceit. deeds.
48. (c) Anil was unassuming, kind and naïve. 59. (a) Anil’s carelessness made stealing from
Thus, option (c), (i), (ii) and (iv) is the him uninteresting for Hari Singh. This took
correct answer. all the fun out of theft.
60. (d) The exclamation, “This is a triumph of
49. (c) (ii) is the cause for (i), i.e., Anil gave his
meal to a stray dog because Hari Singh did surgery”, by Mrs. Pumphrey, means that
not know how to cook. the planned venture was fruitful.
CBSE Sample Paper English Class X (Term I)
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
I. Read the passage given below.
I. Corruption, terrorism, communalism, greed for power and wealth and the list of
ailments that affect modern society continue. More than half the population of
India is below the age group of 25 and the future of the country will only be bright
if youngsters are equipped to deal with these ailments.
II. A child is a storehouse of potential and it is important to nurture and develop these
attributes since a very young age. Since, they spend much of the time in school, the
curriculum in school should be such that it enables children to understand, care
and practise ethical values like respect, justice and civic sense. Education should
aim to develop a sense of rights and duties as well as moral values like honesty,
responsibility and respect for others.
III. Moral education should be directed towards enhancing a child’s ability to critically
analyse situations, make decisions, empathise with people and work in cooperation
towards a common goal.
IV. As a means of direct instruction to students, schools are very influential in the
character development of a child and the methods of education affect the
development of morally upright citizens who can bring about the much needed
change in the country.
V. The youth of today have to face a lot of problems like drug abuse, violent
behaviour and family issues. If they are not taught morals, they would fail to
differentiate between good and bad values. Hence, they would be incapable in
dealing with different types of issues. A sound moral base would help a child
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 51
make the right decisions, especially in an era where the youth is increasingly
coming under the negative influence of the media.
VI. Schools in India have introduced moral education as part of their curriculum
because they realise that morally sound citizens are the need of the hour. Since
most children look up to their teachers as role models, it is most appropriate that
they be the facilitators of moral values.
VII. Thus, schools should focus more on the personality development of children since
it is one of the most important responsibilities of a school. Schools should take the
initiative to mould children into better human beings so that they can make the
world a better place to live in.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.
1. According to the author, what, from the following, should be taught to children from
(a) Education (b) Discipline
(c) Moral values (d) Lawless actions
2. Select the option that suitably completes the dialogue with reference to paragraph II.
Karan: Do you know about the brutal criminal case that happened in our own city?
Shyam: Yes, news about this pathetic incident is printed on the front page of today’s
Karan: Our society is going through an extremely bad phase. The human beings have
forgotten their moral qualities.
Shyam: Yes, moral education is the only way towards the negativity free human society
in the future. ..................... .
(a) Besides moral education, academic education should also get a priority from the smaller
(b) Government should take major decisions about spreading moral education.
(c) Besides academic education, moral education should also get a priority from the smaller
(d) Okay now I have to go to my tuition class. I will talk to you later.
4. Select the option that conveys the message in – ‘morally sound citizens are
the need of the hour.’
(a) Government should take major decisions about spreading moral education.
(b) Better human beings can make the world a better place to live in.
(c) Developing moral qualities is the only way to solve these social issues.
(d) Moral citizens can only be possible by giving moral education to the mass population.
8. Choose from the quotes given below which can represent the central idea of the
(a) “Education without morals is like a ship without a compass, merely wandering
nowhere.” – Martin Luther King Jr.
(b) “People who try hard to do the right thing always seem mad.” – Stephen King
(c) “A quiet conscience makes one strong” – Anne Frank
(d) “Our very lives depend on the ethics of strangers and most of us are always strangers to
other people.” – Bill Moyers
10. Select the option with the underlined words that can suitably replace facilitator
(paragraph VII).
(a) Traditionally, for many school learners the physical process of writing is an inhibitor.
(b) I feel that, between them, they could really make a complete team of penal reformers and
crime preventers.
(c) In a number of developing countries, war has been an additional impediment to
(d) He is remembered fondly as a mentor and friend by several generations of students in
this school.
1. Through the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6, the countries of the world
have resolved to achieve universal access to safe drinking water and adequate
sanitation and hygiene to all by 2030. The aim is to ensure the consumption of safe
drinking water, practice safe sanitation and hygiene, resulting in lower exposure to
a contaminated environment, resulting in lower morbidity and mortality, especially
amongst children.
II. The Swachh Bharat Mission was launched by the Government of India on 2nd
October, 2014 to achieve the vision of ‘Swachh Bharat’ by 2nd October, 2019. The
Swachh Bharat Mission Gramin-SBM (G) endeavours to accelerate rural sanitation
coverage, reduce open defecation and improve management of solid and liquid
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 53
wastes in rural areas. The implementation of SBM (G) is the responsibility of the
Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation (MDWS). The MDWS, while issuing
guidelines for Open Defecation Free (ODF) verification stressed on “safe
technology option which aimed at no contamination of surface soil, ground water
or surface water; excreta management inaccessible to flies or animals; no human
handling of fresh excreta and freedom from odour and unsightly condition”. Over
the past 4 years, over 92 million new households have received access to household
toilets and by the end of the SBM G programme, all 16.5 million rural households
will have such access. However, the issue is of usage and thus, the goal is to create
ODF communities and villages, with no one defecating in the open.
III. The status of ODF villages published on the website of MDWS indicates that as on
01.04.2019, over 99% of rural HHs in India have toilet access. The declared ODF
villages at all India level accounted to 556,824 spreading over 247,723 Gram
Panchayats, 6,031 Blocks and 616 Districts.
IV. UNICEF in India accords high priority to the provision of safe sanitation and water
services to people in rural areas and has over the past many years aided through
catalytic technical support to MDWS, Government of India and 15 state
governments in the implementation of the various sanitation programmes and
since 2014, specifically to the SBM (G). With the progress of the SBM (G) and
declaration of ODF communities, there is an emerging question on whether the
campaign to eliminate open defecation and create ODF communities is resulting in
the decrease in faecal contamination in the environment.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions
by choosing the correct option.
11. The purpose of the launch of Swachh Bharat Mission (G) was to ................. . Choose the
correct option.
1. accelerate rural sanitation coverage
2. reduce open defecation
3. improve management of solid and liquid wastes in rural areas
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2 and 3 (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 1 and 3
12. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) The goal is to create Open Defecation Free (ODF) communities and villages.
(2) There will be a decrease in the faecal contamination in the environment.
(a) (1) is the result of (2). (b) (1) is the reason for (2).
(c) (1) is independent of (2). (d) (1) contradicts (2).
13. Select the option that gives the correct meaning of the following statement.
“By the end of the SBM-G programme, all 16.5 million rural households will have toilet
(a) By 2nd October, 2019, there will be villages with no one defecating in open.
(b) By the end of the programme, rural households will be defecating in open.
(c) By 2nd October, 2019, there will be enough toilets in the households.
(d) By the end of the programme, there will be no villages in India with access to toilets.
14. The passage provides data that proves that ........... .
(a) There is an increase in usage of toilets among rural households.
(b) Over 99% of rural households have access to toilets.
(c) There is an increased access to toilets among rural households.
(d) There is a decrease in open defecation.
54 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
16. Select the option what the given sentence refers to.
“Over the past 4 years, over 92 million new households have received access to household
(a) There is an increase in building of toilets inside households.
(b) There is an increase in construction of community-shared toilets.
(c) There is an increase in usage of toilets among rural households.
(d) There is an increase in the access to toilets but are not being used by the villagers.
17. The government is successful in providing access to toilets to over 99% of rural
households because ............ .
Select the correct option.
(a) villagers also want to have access to toilets to minimise the negative impact of open
(b) villagers are cooperative.
(c) government is giving false data.
(d) rural households have become educated.
18. According to the passage, who is responsible for the progress of Swachh Bharat
(a) Open Defecation Free communities and villages
(b) Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
(d) Sustainable Development Goals
20. Is it true that the students from the Space Research Centre ............. this evening?
(a) was arriving (b) are arriving
(c) is arriving (d) were arriving
21. Every day I go to school in a bus but today I .............. by car because the bus operators
are on strike.
(a) am going (b) am going to go
(c) will be gone (d) have gone
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 55
22. Choose the correct option to change the following sentence into indirect speech.
My friend said to Deepak, “Have you ever been to Agra?”
(a) My friend told Deepak if he had ever been to Agra.
(b) My friend asked Deepak had he ever been to Agra?
(c) My friend asked Deepak if he had ever been to Agra.
(d) My friend asked Deepak if he have ever been to Agra.
23. Choose the correct option to change the following sentence into indirect speech.
Reema said, “Alas! Karina’s mother is suffering from cancer.”
(a) Reema exclaimed with sorrow that Karina’s mother was suffering from cancer.
(b) Reema exclaimed that alas! Karina’s mother was suffering from cancer.
(c) Reema exclaimed with joy that Karina’s mother was suffering from cancer.
(d) Reema exclaimed with sorrow that Karina’s mother is suffering from cancer.
24. The kids .............. really hard for the show. Now, don’t cancel it, please.
(a) had worked (b) has been working
(c) have worked (d) had been working
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You are Amita staying at Sunrise Apartments, Gymkhana Road, Pune, Mumbai. You
have to write a letter to the editor of Hindustan Times about the problems faced by
residents of the colony due to the three open manholes on the main road leading to
your colony.
25. Which of the following are required by Amita for this letter?
1. Date on which letter is written 2. Expected reply from the editor
3. Informal language 4. Amita’s address
5. Newspaper office address 6. Fees for getting her letter published
(a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 2, 4 and 6
(c) 1, 4 and 5 (d) 2, 3 and 5
26. As per the given options which of the following should come last in the letter?
(a) Date (b) Sender’s address
(c) Salutation (d) Subject
27. Select the option that correctly shows the subject of the letter.
(a) Open manholes on the main road
(b) Problems caused by open manholes
(c) Problems appearing in Sunrise Apartments, Gymkhana Road, Pune
28. Select the option which can complete the problems described by Amita in her letter.
These open manholes (i) ................. for the residents of the apartment. Moreover, our
colony has no street lights, since past two months. There are (ii) ................. even on the
main road leading to our apartment. With the open manholes and lack of street lights,
accidents are on a rise. The road gets dark after seven in the evening. People fear going
out, not only to avoid accidents but also to avoid (iii) ................. . The open manholes
not only emit bad smell and cause pollution but are also a breeding ground for
56 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
(a) (i) problems, (ii) street lights, (iii) being prey to unsafe environment
(b) (i) are becoming traps, (ii) no street lights, (iii) being prey to unscrupulous elements
(c) (i) are turning into death traps, (ii) street lights, (iii) being prey to unsafe elements
(d) (i) are death holes, (ii) flash lights, (iii) being prey to malicious elements
29. Which of the following should be the concluding portion in the letter?
1. I would like to request you to publish the issue in your newspaper so that the
higher authorities can take an immediate action.
2. You should publish this in your newspaper so that everyone can be aware and
avoid coming to this colony at night.
(a) Yes to option (1) because of its polite tone
(b) Yes to option (2) because of its authoritative tone
(c) No to option (1) because of its soft and informal tone
(d) No to option (2) because of its strict and formal language
30. Choose the most appropriate concluding line for the letter.
(a) Hoping for an action! (b) Hoped to have an action!
(c) Hoping for an early action! (d) Hoping for a severe action!
This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley, there
was a single hope: help from God. “Don’t be so upset, even though this seems like a
total loss. Remember, no one dies of hunger.” “That’s what they say: no one dies of
hunger.” All through the night, Lencho thought only of his one hope: the help of God,
whose eyes, as he had been instructed, see everything, even what is deep in one’s
conscience. Lencho was an ox of a man, working like an animal in the fields, but still he
knew how to write. The following Sunday, at daybreak, he began to write a letter
which he himself would carry to town and place in the mail. It was nothing less than a
letter to God. (A Letter to God)
31. “But in the hearts of all who lived in that solitary house in the middle of the valley”
–‘all’ referred to .............. .
(a) Lencho
(b) Post office employees
32. Why was Lencho made to remember that no one dies of hunger? Choose the correct
(a) Because his crops were destroyed by the hail.
(b) Because he had a loss in business.
(c) Because he lost all his money in gambling.
(d) Because somebody burgled his house.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 57
33. When Lencho thought about the help from God, “whose eyes, as he had been
instructed, see everything, even what is deep in one’s conscience”, he meant that
................. .
(a) God could help him with money.
(b) God is omniscient.
(c) Somebody would send him money if would write a letter to God.
(d) God can see inside his conscience.
34. Why is the term ‘solitary house’ mentioned in the above extract?
1. Lencho’s house was the only one in the valley.
2. Lencho’s house was in the end of the valley.
3. Lencho stayed separately in his own house.
(a) Only 2 is correct (b) Only 3 is correct
(c) Only 1 is correct (d) All are correct
35. Select the suitable word from the extract to complete the following.
Belief : ................. : : Isolated : Solitary.
(a) Heart (b) Instructed
(c) Hope (d) Conscience
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
The first period was a study period. Maddie tried to prepare her lessons, but she could
not put her mind on her work. She had a very sick feeling in the bottom of her
stomach. True, she had not enjoyed listening to Peggy ask Wanda how many dresses
she had in her closet, but she had said nothing. She had stood by silently and that was
just as bad as what Peggy had done. Worse. She was a coward. At least Peggy hadn’t
considered they were being mean but she, Maddie, had thought they were doing
wrong. She could put herself in Wanda’s shoes. (The Hundred Dresses – II)
36. Why did Maddie have a very sick feeling in the bottom of her stomach?
1. She was not feeling well.
2. She had an upset stomach due to cafeteria’s lunch.
3. She was feeling guilty for not taking stand for Wanda.
4. She was feeling sad for not stopping Peggy from teasing Wanda.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 3 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4
37. Select the most appropriate option for (1) and (2).
1. Maddie could put herself in Wanda’s shoes.
2. Maddie used to wear Peggy’s old dresses after being modified by her mother.
(a) (1) is true and (2) is false.
38. Why did Maddie always remain silent when Wanda was being teased?
(a) She thought that Wanda deserved that behaviour.
(b) She felt scared in front of Peggy.
(c) She thought Peggy would start teasing her.
(d) She didn’t want to interfere.
58 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
39. What do we get to know about Peggy from the line, “At least Peggy hadn’t considered
they were being mean”?
Choose one from the following to answer.
(a) Peggy was proud of her actions (b) Peggy was unable to analyse her actions
(c) Peggy was naïve (d) Peggy was a rude and mean student
40. From the options given below, identify Maddie’s tone in the extract.
(a) Dissatisfied (b) Scared (c) Guilty (d) Insulting
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.
He should be lurking in shadow,
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass. A Tiger in the Zoo
42. What does the poet mean by ‘he should be lurking in a shadow’?
1. The tiger should be in the jungle hiding in the shadow of long grass.
2. The tiger should hide behind the long grass.
3. The tiger is like a shadow in the dark.
(a) Only 2 (b) 1 and 3 (c) 2 and 3 (d) Only 1
44. Select the option which displays an example of ‘in his quiet rage’.
(a) He just rescued an injured puppy and is tending to its wounds.
(b) Afterwards, they described their emotions as suppressed anger, fear and fury at the fact
that people could behave in such a manner.
(c) Feeling scared about what could go wrong is preventing an increasing number of
wannabe entrepreneurs from setting up in business, new research claims.
(d) He had not gone farther to the end of the innkeeper’s field, when to his surprise he
found that the road forked.
45. Choose the option which shows the contrast used by the poet between the first four
lines and last four lines of the above extract.
(a) Life in a cage vs life in a jungle (b) Life in a zoo vs life in a village
(c) Life in a village vs life in a cage (d) Life in a city vs life in a jungle
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 59
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Mrs Pumphrey wrung her hands. “Oh I will, Mr Herriot. I’m sure you are right, but it
is so difficult, so very difficult.” She set off, head down, along the road, as if
determined to put the new regime into practice immediately. I watched their progress
with growing concern. Tricki was tottering along in his little tweed coat; he had a
whole wardrobe of these coats — for the cold weather and a raincoat for the wet days.
He struggled on, drooping in his harness. I thought it wouldn’t be long before I heard
from Mrs Pumphrey. The expected call came within a few days. Mrs Pumphrey was
distraught. (A Triumph of Surgery)
46. Why was it difficult for Mrs. Pumphrey to follow Dr. Herriot’s advice?
(a) Because she could not deny anything to Tricki.
(b) According to her, Tricki was suffering from malnutrition.
(c) As per Mrs. Pumphrey, Tricki needed extra meals between main meals.
(d) All of the above
47. Choose the option with underlined word that can replace the word ‘wring’ in the
above extract.
(a) They are always trying to take out additional funds from the government.
(b) On occasions Mr. Parry was seen to twist his hands as he struggled with his emotions.
(c) One minute they’re all sweet and caring and the next they stab you in the back.
(d) It was followed by a roaring crash that seemed to rend the very heavens.
48. Select the most appropriate option based on (1) and (2).
(1) Mrs. Pumphrey was overfeeding her dog.
(2) Dr. Herriot was concerned about Mrs. Pumphrey and her dog Tricki.
(a) (2) is true and (1) is false. (b) (2) is the result for (1).
(c) (2) is the cause for (1). (d) (2) is false and (1) is true.
49. What can we infer about Mrs. Pumphrey’s reaction on Dr. Herriot’s advice?
(a) Overlooking (b) Insulting
(c) Hurt (d) Helpless
50. What did Mrs. Pumphrey tell Dr. Herriot about Tricki’s health on the call? Complete
the conversation between them by choosing the correct option.
Mrs. Pumphrey: Hello, Mr. Herriot. ..................... .
Mr. Herriot: Oh okay, Mrs. Pumphrey. I am coming to you as soon as possible.
1. Tricki is not eating anything.
2. He is having bouts of vomiting.
3. He spends all his time lying on a rug, panting.
4. He doesn’t want to go for walks, doesn’t want to do anything.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 4
52. Anne Frank wrote her diary while in hiding with her family in Amsterdam during the
(a) German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II.
(b) German occupation of the Netherlands in World War I.
(c) British occupation of South Africa after Anglo-Boer war.
(d) None of the above
54. The poet said, “what is the boy going to do?” in the poem “The Ball Poem”. Why did
he ask so?
(a) Because the boy had lost his ball.
(b) Because the ball of the boy had fell into water.
(c) Because the boy had tore his ball.
(d) Because the boy got a new ball.
55. Choose which of the following can be associated with the pilot of Dakota plane?
(a) Risk-taker, determined, family man (b) Coward, confused, follower
(c) Risk-taker, follower, determined (d) Foodie, risk-taker, confused
56. Why did the poet regret his day in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’?
(a) Something bad has happened to him. (b) He was guilty of something.
(c) Not mentioned in the poem. (d) He was upset because of his family.
57. Mandela says that his boyhood freedom was an illusion because
1. his freedom to live with dignity and self-respect had already been stolen from him
without him realising.
2. all the Blacks were deprived of basic humane society.
3. his desire for staying out at night, living on his own conditions were not the actual
(a) Only 1 (b) Both 1 and 2 (c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) None of these
58. The young seagull’s mother screamed at him derisively on asking for food because ......... .
(a) she wanted him to come to her and get her food.
(b) she wanted him to remain on the ledge.
(c) she wanted him to feel guilty for not flying with the family.
(d) she was teasing him with food as he was hungry so that he would fly to her.
59. According to Robert Frost, fire and ice are equivalent to ............ in the poem ‘Fire and Ice’.
(a) Human emotions: love and hate
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Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
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1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
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12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60
1. (c) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (d)
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (d) 20. (b)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (c)
31. (c) 32. (a) 33. (b) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (c) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (b) 40. (c)
41. (c) 42. (d) 43. (a) 44. (b) 45. (a) 46. (d) 47. (b) 48. (b) 49. (a) 50. (d)
51. (a) 52. (a) 53. (b) 54. (b) 55. (a) 56. (c) 57. (c) 58. (d) 59. (c) 60. (c)
1. (c) According to the author, moral values this school.” The underlined word ‘mentor’
should be taught to children from childhood. can replace the word facilitator in para VII.
2. (c) “Besides academic education, moral 11. (c) The purpose of the launch of Swachh
education should also get a priority from the Bharat Mission (G) was to accelerate rural
smaller ages.” is the correct answer. sanitation coverage, reduce open defecation
3. (d) It is important to inculcate moral values and improve management of solid and liquid
since childhood because of the following wastes in rural areas.
reasons: 12. (b) (1) is the reason for (2), i.e., the goal is to
• Children are the future of a country. create Open Defecation Free (ODF) communi-
• They are under constant negative influences
ties and villages so that there will be a decrease
of social media. in the faecal contamination in the environment.
• They have to face many problems in life. 13. (a) “By 2nd October, 2019, there will be
villages with no one defecating in open.” gives
4. (b) “Better human beings can make the world a
the correct meaning of the following statement
better place to live in” conveys the message in
- “By the end of the SBM-G programme, all
– ‘morally sound citizens are the need of the
16.5 million rural households will have toilet
5. (a) According to the passage, moral education
14. (b) The passage provides data that proves that
helps children in critical analysis of situation,
over 99% of rural households have access to
decision-making, cooperation and empathy.
6. (d) The problems faced by today’s youth are:
15. (d) ODF guidelines are based on the following
• Drug abuse goals:
• Family issues • Universal access to safe drinking water and
• Violent behaviour adequate sanitation.
• Peer pressure • Lower exposure to a contaminated
• Influence of social media environment.
• Lower morbidity and mortality, especially
7. (c) Honesty, responsibility, respect for others,
civic sense are the moral values that are amongst children.
important for children. 16. (c) The given sentence “Over the past 4 years,
8. (a) The quote by Martin Luther King Jr. over 92 million new households have received
access to household toilets.” refers that there is
10. (d) “He is remembered fondly as a mentor and 18. (b) Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation
friend by several generations of students in is responsible for the progress of Swachh
Bharat Mission.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 63
19. (d) ‘Some’ should be used here to denote a 36. (c) Maddie had a very sick feeling in the
small quantity. bottom of her stomach because she was feeling
20. (b) ‘Are arriving’ is the correct option because guilty and sad for not taking stand for Wanda
‘student’ is a plural subject. and for not stopping Peggy from teasing
Wanda. Hence, option (c), 3 and 4 are the
21. (a) ‘Am going’ should be used to denote an correct statements.
action happening in present.
37. (d) (2) is the cause for (1), i.e., Maddie could
22. (c) “My friend asked Deepak if he had ever put herself in Wanda’s shoes because she used
been to Agra.” is the correct reported speech. to wear Peggy’s old dresses after being
23. (a) “Reema exclaimed with sorrow that modified by her mother.
Karina’s mother was suffering from cancer.” is 38. (c) Maddie always remained silent when
the correct reported speech. Wanda was being teased because she was
24. (c) ‘Have worked’ is the correct answer worried that Peggy and the other girls would
because the action has been completed just start teasing her too.
before the present moment. 39. (b) The lines tells us that Peggy was unable to
25. (c) Amita requires the following for her letter: analyse her actions.
• Date on which letter is written 40. (c) Maddie was guilty of everything that had
• Amita’s address happened to Wanda.
• Newspaper office address 41. (c) “On pads of velvet quiet” means that the
26. (c) ‘Salutation’ should come last as per the tiger is walking quietly because of his velvety
given option. The correct order is : Sender’s soft paws.
address ® date ® subject ® salutation. 42. (d) By the line ‘He should be lurking in
27. (a) The correct subject is: Open manholes on shadow’, the poet means that as the tiger is a
the main road leading to Sunrise Apartments, wild animal, he should live in the jungle and
Gymkhana Road, Pune. hide in the shadow of long grass to hunt the
28. (b) ‘(i) Are becoming traps, (ii) no street lights,
(iii) being prey to unscrupulous elements’ is 43. (a) The rhyming scheme of the above extract is
the correct answer. ‘abcb’.
29. (a) “I would like to request you to publish the 44. (b) Option (b) displays an example of in his
issue in your newspaper so that the higher ‘quiet rage’.
authorities can take an immediate action” is 45. (a) Life in a cage vs life in a jungle is the
the correct concluding portion because of its contrast used by the poet between the first
polite tone. four lines and last four lines of the above
30. (c) ‘Hoping for an early action!’ is the correct extract.
concluding line. 46. (d) Mrs. Pumphrey found it difficult to follow
31. (c) The statement, “But in the hearts of all who Dr. Herriot’s advice because she could not
lived in that solitary house in the middle of the deny anything to Tricki and thought that he
valley” –‘all’ referred to Lencho and his family. was suffering from malnutrition and thus,
needed extra meals.
32. (a) Lencho was made to remember that no one
dies of hunger because that night all his crops 47. (b) On occasions Mr. Parry was seen to twist
were destroyed by the hailstorm. his hands as he struggled with his emotions.
The underlined word ‘twist’ can replace the
50. (d) Mrs. Pumphrey told the following 56. (c) The poem ‘Dust of Snow’ does not
problems to Dr. Herriot: mention the reason behind the poet regretting
• Tricki is not eating anything. the day.
• He is having bouts of vomiting. 57. (c) Mandela says that his boyhood freedom
• He spends all his time lying on a rug, was an illusion because whatever he thought
panting. of freedom in his early age had proved to be
• He doesn’t want to go for walks, doesn’t
want to do anything. He realised that his freedom to live with
51. (a) “But no one really thought much about dignity and self-respect had already been
Wanda Petronski, once she sat in the corner of stolen from him as all the Blacks were
the room.” This means that students of Room deprived of basic humane society. Whatever
Thirteen did not care much about Wanda’s freedoms he got like staying out at night,
presence. living on his own conditions were not the
actual freedoms.
52. (a) According to the chapter ‘From the Diary of
Anne Frank’, she wrote the diary when she 58. (d) The young seagull’s mother screamed at
was in hiding with her family in Amsterdam him derisively on asking for food because she
during the time when the Germans occupied was teasing him with food as he was hungry
the Netherlands in World War II. so that he would fly to her.
53. (b) Anil in the end of the story gave a fifty 59. (c) According to Robert Frost, fire and ice
rupee note to Hari Singh as his salary. are equivalent to self-destructing human
emotions: desire and hatred, in the poem ‘Fire
54. (b) In the poem ‘The Ball Poem’, the boy’s ball and Ice’.
falls into water so the poet wonders what the
boy will do now having lost a precious thing. 60. (c) The author said the given line when Griffin
was caught by the staff of the big London
55. (a) The pilot of Dakota plane was a risk-taker, store.
determined and family man.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
I. Read the passage given below.
I. What is Discipline? Is it absolute freedom to do what a person wants? Is freedom regardless
of consequences? Does it mean corrective action after a problem occurs or a wrong is
done? Is it imposition? Is it abuse? Does it take away freedom?
II. The answer is none of the above. Discipline does not mean that a person takes a
belt and beats up kids. That is madness. Discipline is loving firmness. It is
direction. It is prevention before a problem arises. It is harnessing and channelising
energy for great performance. Discipline is not something you do to but you do for
those you care about.
III. Discipline is an act of love. Sometimes you have to be unkind to be kind: Not all
medicine is sweet, not all surgery is painless, but we have to take it. We need to
learn from nature. We are all familiar with that big animal, the–giraffe. A mama
giraffe gives birth to a baby giraffe, standing. All of a sudden, the baby falls on a
hard surface from the cushion of mama’s womb and sits on the ground. The first
thing mama does is to get behind the baby and give him a hard kick. The baby gets
up, but his legs are weak and wobbly and the baby falls down. Mama goes behind
again and gives him one more kick. The baby gets up but sits down again. Mama
keeps kicking till the baby gets on its feet and starts moving. Why? Because mama
knows that the only chance of survival for the baby in the jungle is to get on its
feet. Otherwise it will be eaten up by wildcats and become dead meat.
IV. Children brought up in a loving, disciplined environment end up respecting their
parents more and become law–abiding citizens. The reverse is just as true. Good
parents are not afraid of momentary dislikes by children to enforce the subject.
66 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
Allowing a child to eat a box of chocolate could lead to sickness. At the same time,
the discipline of eating one or two pieces a day can be an enjoyable experience for a
longer time. Our instinct makes us do whatever we want regardless of the
consequences. Freedom is not procured by a full enjoyment of what is desired but
controlling the desire.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.
1. According to the author, which of the following is not discipline? Choose the correct
(a) Giving absolute freedom to children (b) Continuous hitting or abusing a child
(c) Imposing everything (d) All of these
2. Why do you think a mama giraffe kicks her baby immediately after birth?
1. To make the baby stand on its feet.
2. Mama giraffe knows the harsh reality of this brutal world.
3. Mama giraffe knows that if baby will not stand it will be eaten up by wildcats and
become dead meat.
(a) Only 1 (b) 1, 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 2 and 3
3. Choose the option that lists the quote best expressing the central idea of the passage.
(a) “Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most.” –
Abraham Lincoln
(b) “Discipline is built by consistently performing small acts of courage.” – Robin Sharma
(c) “Self-discipline is when your conscience tells you to do something and you don’t talk
back.” – W.K. Hope
(d) “Discipline is rarely enjoyable but almost always profitable.” – Darrin Patrcik
4. Choose the option which conveys the message in – ‘Discipline is loving firmness’.
(a) Discipline is becoming strict.
(b) Discipline means to become strict for the good of children.
(c) Discipline is becoming strong.
(d) Discipline is becoming emotionally strong.
5. Complete the dialogue between a student and a teacher with reference to above
Student : Why does every teacher stress us to be disciplined?
Teacher : Because discipline can change your life completely ........... .
(a) You should follow strict rules.
(b) If you are disciplined, you can take out time to play and study and do other works.
7. What does the following line suggest – ‘Not all medicine is sweet’?
(a) Sometimes bitter medicines have to be taken in order to get healthy.
(b) We require only strictness to make a child disciplined.
(c) Sometimes being strict and firm is necessary to make the child disciplined and future
(d) There are sweet as well as bitter medicines.
8. Choose the option with underlined words that can replace the word ‘wobbly’ (para III).
(a) I’m strong enough to lift that box without help.
(b) The baby’s first shaky step almost sent her sprawling and he caught her arm quickly.
(c) His tone was a firm statement that instructions would be followed henceforth.
(d) They were unable to meet their mortgage repayments.
III. Almost all developed countries have achieved universal access, but sanitation
coverage varies widely in developing countries. In 2020, 62 countries had achieved
universal (>99 per cent) access to basic services. Yet, in 48 countries, less than half
of the population had safely managed services.
IV. Defecating in the open is an affront to dignity and risk to children’s nutrition and to
community health. The elimination of open defecation is recognised as a top
priority for improving health, nutrition and productivity of developing country
populations and is explicitly mentioned in SDG target 6.2.
68 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
V. Among the 1.7 billion people without basic sanitation services in 2020, nearly a
third (494 million) used no form of toilet and practised open defecation. In 55
countries, more than 5 per cent of the population practised open defecation in 2020.
Open defecation is most widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, but is also high in
Central and Southern Asia as well as Oceania.
VI. In 17 countries, open defecation decreased by more than five percentage points
between 2015 and 2020. Assuming current rates of progress continue the world and
most SDG regions are on track to eliminate open defecation before 2030.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions
by choosing the correct option.
11. The basic and fundamental human right as per the above passage is ............... .
(a) Access to sanitation and hygiene
(b) Access to sanitation and open defecation
(c) Access to toilet and open defecation
(d) None of the above
12. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) There is a need to eliminate open defecation.
(2) There is need to improve health, nutrition and productivity of developing country
(a) (1) is the result of (2). (b) (1) is the reason for (2).
(c) (1) contradicts (2). (d) (1) furthers the meaning of (2).
13. According to the passage, open defecation is widespread in the sub-Saharan Africa,
Central and Southern Asia and Oceania due to ............... .
(a) Lack of education
(b) Lack of basic sanitation services
(c) Lack of safely managed sanitation practices
(d) All of the above
14. The statement “there is a wide difference between developed and developing countries
in the sanitation coverage” means that
(a) Nearly two-thirds of people still lack even basic services that live in rural areas.
(b) 62 countries in the world have achieved universal access to basic sanitation services.
(c) In 48 countries, less than half of the population has safely managed services.
(d) 1.7 billion people are without basic sanitation services.
17. According to the passage, ‘there is a direct relationship between sanitation and health
of individuals’.
This is so because
(a) Unwashed hands will lead to diseases.
(b) Unsanitary conditions are not good living conditions.
(c) Unsanitary practices lead to unsanitary environment leading to various diseases and
(d) Health of individuals get affected by the conditions of the environment.
18. The data from the above study reveals ............. among the coverage of sanitation
facilities among the rural and urban areas.
(a) equity (b) disparity
(c) unjust (d) distribution
20. We’ll talk about it .............. later, I have an important piece of work to complete tonight.
I can’t spare any time right now.
(a) much (b) few
(c) a little (d) little
21. The constellation they .............. to observe is clearly visible from here.
(a) were going (b) are going
(c) was going (d) is going
22. Choose the option which correctly changes the given sentence into indirect speech.
She said to me, “You didn’t break the window, did you?”
(a) She informed me whether I had broken the window.
(b) She asked me you didn’t break the window, did you.
(c) She told me that I had not broken the window.
(d) She asked me whether I had broken the window.
23. Choose the option which correctly changes the given sentence into indirect speech.
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
Write a letter to M/s. H.M.T. Corporation Chandigarh, an online store from where you
bought a wristwatch recently. The watch you received has many issues. You are Dipti
Gupta, 450, Sector 20, Chandigarh.
26. Which of the following option is best suited to write the date in the letter?
1. March 1st, 2021 2. 1st March, 2021
(a) Yes to option 1 because of its new format.
(b) Yes to both the option because both are correct formats.
(c) No to option 2 because it is an old format.
(d) No to both options because both are incorrect formats.
28. Which of the following details are required for the letter?
1. Date of purchase 2. Brand and model no. of watch
3. Attached copy of the bill 4. Warranty card
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 1, 3 and 4
This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
A few moments later we all lifted our eyes in awe as a spectacular array of South
African jets, helicopters and troop carriers roared in perfect formation over the Union
Buildings. It was not only a display of pinpoint precision and military force, but a
demonstration of the military’s loyalty to democracy, to a new government that had
been freely and fairly elected. Only moments before, the highest generals of the South
African defence force and police, their chests bedecked with ribbons and medals from
days gone by, saluted me and pledged their loyalty.
(Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)
31. Which event is represented by the above extract? Choose the correct option.
(a) Inauguration ceremony of the Union Building.
(b) Inauguration ceremony of a non-racial democratic government.
(c) Republic Day of South Africa.
(d) Nelson Mandela’s political victory.
32. The most symbolic thing that happened on the inauguration ceremony was
(a) Playing of two National Anthems - ‘Nkosi Sikelel –iAfrika’ and ‘Die Stem’.
(b) People were now saluting and pledging their loyalty.
(c) The military was making a chevron.
(d) Dignitaries from more than 140 countries around the world were present at the ceremony.
34. How was the mood of Mandela while describing the above event?
(a) Overwhelmed (b) Jovial
(c) Emotional (d) Sad
35. Complete the following by choosing the word from the extract.
Glorious : Spectacular : : Adorn : .............. .
(a) Precision (b) Perfection
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
The sun was now ascending the sky, blazing on his ledge that faced the south. He felt
the heat because he had not eaten since the previous nightfall. He stepped slowly out
to the brink of the ledge, and standing on one leg with the other leg hidden under his
wing, he closed one eye, then the other and pretended to be falling asleep. Still they
took no notice of him. He saw his two brothers and his sister lying on the plateau
dozing with their heads sunk into their necks. His father was preening the feathers on
his white back. Only his mother was looking at him. (His First Flight)
72 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
36. Select the most appropriate option for (1) and (2).
1. The mother seagull was watching the young seagull.
2. The mother seagull knew that he was hungry and not slept.
(a) (1) furthers the meaning of (2).
(b) (1) is true and (2) is false.
(c) (2) is the opposite of (1).
(d) Both (1) and (2) cannot be inferred from the extract.
37. Why did the young seagull feel the heat of the blazing sun?
1. The young seagull had not eaten since the previous nightfall.
2. The sun was shining just above the ledge.
3. The young seagull was sensitive to heat.
4. He was punished by his family for not learning to fly.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4
(c) 1 and 4 (d) 2 and 3
39. What did the young seagull do when he was alone on the ledge?
(a) He stepped slowly out to the brink of the ledge.
(b) He stood on one leg with the other leg hidden under his wing.
(c) He closed one eye, then the other and pretended to be falling asleep.
(d) All of the above
(c) Someone was building a log house so close that they could overlook her farm.
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
In a world of possessions. People will take
Balls, balls will be lost always, little boy.
And no one buys a ball back. Money is external.
He is learning, well behind his desperate eyes,
44. Why did poet say that “People will take balls, balls will be lost always, little boy”?
1. People will snatch ball from the boy.
2. This is the world of possessions in which one has to learn to cope with the things
3. One has to cope with losses, be it childhood, memories or anything else.
4. In this world of possessions no one cares about feelings of others.
(a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) 2, 3 and 4
45. When the poet said that the boy is watching with his desperate eyes, he meant that the
boy had become .............. .
(a) hopeless (b) distressed
(c) aching (d) desirous
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
This time he decided to try the stock of a theatrical company in the hope of finding not
only clothes but also something that would hide the empty space above his shoulders.
Shivering with cold he hurried to Drury Lane, the centre of the theatre world. He soon
found a suitable shop. He made his way, invisible, upstairs and came out a little later
wearing bandages round his forehead, dark glasses, false nose, big bushy
side-whiskers and a large hat. To escape without being seen, he callously attacked the
shopkeeper from behind, after which he robbed him of all the money he could find.
(Footprints without Feet)
46. When did ‘he’ decide to try the stock of a theatrical company?
(a) When he became clotheless while escaping from the staff of the big London store.
(b) When he could not find clothes in the big London store.
(c) When he became clotheless.
(d) None of the above
47. The phrase ‘made his way’ means that Griffin ............... .
(a) Moved backwards.
(b) Found his way to escape the Drury Lane.
(c) Moved forward towards the theatrical company.
(d) Moved ahead towards the owner of the shop.
74 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
48. Select the most appropriate option based on (1) and (2).
1. Griffin was shivering with cold. 2. It was mid-winter in London.
(a) (2) is the cause for (1). (b) (2) is true and (1) is false.
(c) (2) is false and (1) is true. (d) (2) is the result for (1).
49. Which of the following things did Griffin wear from the theatrical company?
1. Bandages round his forehead 2. Dark glasses
3. False nose 4. Big bushy side-whiskers
5. A large hat
(a) 1, 2 and 5 (b) 2, 3, 4 and 5
(c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
50. From the following options, identify Griffin’s intention behind ‘callously attacking the
(a) To enjoy (b) To hurt
(c) To deceit (d) To escape
52. Hari Singh could read the faces of people which means that ............... .
(a) he was a face reader (b) he was an experienced thief
(c) he was an astrologer (d) he was an enlightened boy
53. Why had Wanda been absent from school for some days?
1. Because she was not well.
2. Because she was afraid of Peggy’s teasing.
3. Because she had moved to another city.
(a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 2
(c) Only 3 (d) 2 and 3
54. The poetic device is used in the line ‘Shook down on me’ in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’ is
.................. .
(a) Alliteration (b) Metaphor
(c) Simile (d) Assonance
56. The postmaster became ................ on reading the letter written by Lencho.
(a) Grief-stricken (b) Serious
(c) Happy (d) Regretful
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 75
57. “Within minutes, about thirty feet of gleaming black metal drew up outside the
surgery.” Which figure of speech is used in the underlined phrase?
(a) Synecdoche (b) Assonance
(c) Simile (d) Metaphor
58. Identify the option that describes the atmosphere around Boggins Heights.
(a) A forbidden place (b) A drizzly place
(c) Damp and dismal (d) Haunted place
59. Suddenly I came out of the clouds and saw two long straight lines of lights in front of
me. It means that the pilot of old Dakota saw ................ .
(a) another plane (b) a runway
(c) the Control Tower (d) None of these
60. Pick the words that can be related with ‘ice’ from the poem ‘Fire and Ice’.
(a) Rigidity (b) Insensitivity
(c) Coldness (d) All of these
Roll No.
Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid gel & fountain pens for filling the sheets.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.
1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60
1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (c)
21. (b) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (c) 26. (b) 27. (d) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (c)
31. (b) 32. (a) 33. (d) 34. (a) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (c) 43. (d) 44. (d) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (a) 49. (d) 50. (d)
51. (a) 52. (b) 53. (c) 54. (d) 55. (d) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (d)
1. (d) According to the author of the passage, 11. (a) According to the first line of the passage,
discipline does not refer to giving children universal access to sanitation and hygiene is
freedom to do as they please or even to beating the basic need and fundamental right of every
them. Simultaneously, it does not mean that no human being.
punishment should be given or that serious 12. (d) (1) furthers the meaning of (2), i.e., there is
imposition of rules is not discipline. Hence, a need to eliminate open defecation in order to
option (d) is the correct answer. improve health, nutrition and productivity of
2. (b) According to the passage, mama giraffes developing country populations.
does it to ensure that the baby learns how to 13. (b) According to the passage, open defecation
stand and survive in the wild. She does it so is widespread in sub-Saharan Africa, Central
that the baby understands the harshness of the and Southern Asia and Oceania due to lack of
world and knows that if it does not learn to basic sanitation services.
stand on its feet and walk, it will be eaten by
wild animals. 14. (a) The statement “there is a wide difference
between developed and developing countries
3. (c) A quote by W.K. Hope that “Self-discipline in the sanitation coverage” means that nearly
is when your conscience tells you to do two-thirds of people still lack even basic
something and you don’t talk back.” correctly services that live in rural areas.
conveys the central idea of the passage.
15. (c) Insanitary conditions can lead to illnesses,
4. (b) Option (b) “Discipline means to become deaths, growth in number of mosquitoes and
strict for the good of children” conveys the contamination of food and water.
message in – “Discipline is loving firmness”.
16. (d) According to the passage, ‘limited’
5. (d) Option (d) is appropriate to complete the services referred to the people who share
given dialogue. improved sanitation facilities with other
6. (a) Discipline means enjoying freedom but households.
with a corrective action if any problem arises 17. (c) According to the passage, “there is a
due to enjoyment of that freedom. Also, true direct relationship between sanitation and
freedom can be achieved by being disciplined health of individuals”. This is so because
and controlling unnecessary desires. unsanitary practices lead to unsanitary
7. (c) The line – “Not all medicine is sweet” environment leading to various diseases and
suggests that sometimes being strict and firm ill-health.
is necessary to make the child disciplined and 18. (b) The data from the above study reveals
22. (d) ‘She asked me whether I had broken the 35. (d) Glorious : Spectacular : : Adorn : Bedeck.
window.’ is the correct indirect speech. This is because glorious and spectacular are
23. (a) The indirect speech is: ‘My mother prayed synonyms so do adorn and bedeck.
to God for my well being.’ 36. (a) (1) furthers the meaning of (2), i.e., the
24. (b) ‘Has been raining’ is the correct answer mother seagull was watching the young
because the action of raining that started in seagull as she knew that he was hungry and
the past is still continuing in the present not slept.
moment. 37. (c) The young seagull felt the heat of the
25. (c) The given letter is a letter of complaint blazing sun because he had not eaten, since,
(business) because it is about a defective the previous nightfall as he was punished by
product received. his family for not learning to fly.
26. (b) Both the formats of the date are correct. 38. (a) The young seagull was feeling alone on the
Hence, option (b) is the correct answer. ledge.
27. (d) The appropriate subject line is: Complaint 39. (d) When the young seagull was alone on the
regarding the functioning of the watch. ledge he stepped slowly out to the brink of the
ledge and stood on one leg with the other leg
28. (b) Following details are required for the letter:
hidden under his wing. He then closed one
• Date of purchase eye, then the other and pretended to be falling
• Brand and model no. Of watch sleep.
• Attached copy of the bill 40. (b) “She totally ignored what I was saying.” is
• Warranty card an example of ‘took no notice’.
Thus, option (b) is the correct answer. 41. (a) According to the poem ‘The Ball Poem’,
29. (a) Following problems should be included in ‘ball’ symbolises the boy’s childhood which is
the letter: now lost and nothing can bring it back.
• Not working properly 42. (c) By ‘money is external’, the poet meant
• Scratches on the dial that though money can buy a new ball, it
• Packaging was not good
cannot buy the memories attached with the
lost ball.
• Broken steel strap
• Negligence on part of the store
43. (d) ‘Epistemology’ refers to the theory or
objectivism and philosophy of knowledge.
Thus, option (a) is the correct answer. Hence, all of the options correspond to the
30. (c) ‘refund the amount in my bank account’ is word ‘epistemology’.
the correct answer. 44. (d) The poet suggests that people will always
31. (b) The given extract mentions the be greedy of other people’s materialistic
inauguration ceremony of a non-racial possessions, and that one will always lose
democratic government under the leadership these possessions and thus, should learn how
of Nelson Mandela. to cope with that loss. Thus, option (d) is the
32. (a) According to the story ‘Nelson Mandela: correct answer.
Long Walk to Freedom’, the most symbolic 45. (b) When the poet said that the boy is watching
thing that happened on the inauguration with his desperate eyes, he meant that the boy
ceremony was the playing of two National had become distressed.
Anthems - ‘Nkosi Sikelel –iAfrika’ and ‘Die
48. (a) (2) is the cause for (1), i.e., Griffin was 55. (d) According to the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’,
shivering with cold because it was mid-winter a tiger is a wild animal and thus, should live
and he didn’t have any clothes on his body. and hide in the jungle where he can hunt
49. (d) According to the extract, Griffin came out deer and terrorize the people in the nearby
of the theatrical company wearing bandages village. In contrast to the zoo, in the jungle a
on his forehead, dark glasses, fake nose, big tiger can move freely in the space and show
bushy side whiskers and a large hat. Hence, his anger. Hence, option (d) is the correct
option (d) is the correct answer. answer.
50. (d) Griffin wanted to escape the shop, that’s 56. (b) The postmaster became serious on reading
why he attacked the shopkeeper from behind. the letter written by Lencho because he was
shaken by the strong faith that Lencho had in
51. (a) According to the chapter ‘From the Diary of God.
Anne Frank’, Anne wrote in her diary for the
first time on 20th June, 1942. 57. (a) ‘Gleaming black metal’ represent a car,
therefore, synecdoche is used.
52. (b) Hari Singh could read the faces of
people which means that he was an 58. (c) The atmosphere around Boggins Heights
experienced thief. was described as damp and dismal.
53. (c) Wanda had been absent from school 59. (b) Suddenly I came out of the clouds and saw
because she along with her family had moved two long straight lines of lights in front of me.
away to another city. It means that the pilot of old Dakota saw a
54. (d) ‘Assonance’ refers to the prominence of a
vowel sound throughout a line. It is used in the 60. (d) Rigidity, coldness and indifference all are
line ‘Shook down on me’. related with ‘ice’ in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’.
CBSE Sample Paper English Class X (Term I)
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
I. Read the passage given below.
I. Every form of human activity upsets or changes the wildlife complex of the area
unceasingly and unavoidably. Man has destroyed many forms of wildlife for no
reasonable purpose. Small sections of the community, for their own narrow, selfish
ends, have destroyed many things of general interest. Expediency has often led
man to make grave blunders in land use, habitat destruction, and the extermination
of many forms of wildlife.
II. In his everyday life, man’s attitude is determined in the main by purely practical
considerations; ethical or moral considerations come afterwards. Looked at in this
way, the disappearance from Britain of such animals as the wolf and wild boar can
be more easily understood. In our intensively cultivated and over–populated
country there was no room for such large mammals, the one a predator of big
livestock and the other a pest to agriculture. Thus, man’s first attitude to animals is
the result of their effect on his own survival, or what he considers to be their effect
on his survival.
III. Then there is his concern with sport. The animals he sets aside for this purpose are
given special protection and war is waged unceasingly on any other creatures that
may be a danger to them. This creates many problems and man has made serious
errors in his destruction of predators. Until recent years all hawks and falcons were
destroyed as “vermin” by game preservers. This meant the destruction of kestrels,
which are useful to the farmer: it meant the destruction of owls, which are useful to
the farmer; so here you had sport acting against the interests of food production.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 81
Tragedy of all this is that all the killing of predators did not in any way improve
man’s sport. It has been clearly shown by modern research that eagles, hawks,
falcons and predatory mammals have not the slightest effect on the numbers of
game birds anywhere.
IV. Broadly speaking, man wages war against the creatures which he considers harmful,
even when his warfare makes little or no difference to the numbers of his enemies.
And he encourages those creatures which are useful, even though their attacks on
pests make little difference to the numbers of those pests. It would be true to say,
therefore, that our attitude to song–birds, to most birds of prey and to many of our
predatory animals, arises from the fact that they have either been proved useful or of
no consequence. Either way, from this, we have developed the idea of conservation
which means preserving what we have left of our heritage of wildlife and even
finding room for rarities which may do a little damage on the side.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.
1. According to the author, what has been man’s attitude towards wildlife?
(a) Man is selfish and self–centred.
(b) For him it is practical aspects first and then other things.
(c) He can kill any animal, over–cultivate crops, cut forests and all this for his survival
(d) None of the above
2. The justification given for the killing of wolves and wild boar in Britain was that .............. .
(a) Man’s perception is to preserve only those animals that have practical implications
(b) The wolf was considered a predator of livestock
(c) The wild boar was considered a pest to agriculture
(d) All of the above
3. Complete the conversation between human and Mother Nature based on the above
Mother Nature If everyone has progressed doesn’t it become everyone’s duty to
become a conservationist.
Human Yes but all are so busy I can’t tell everyone to leave other things and start
helping in conservation.
Mother Nature So you mean to say that I will die because ................ .
(a) you humans do not have time to help me out
(b) you humans will do what you can but can’t collectively help me out
(c) you humans can’t collectively help me out
(d) you humans will keep exploiting me and my creations
4. Why has man been killing predators?
(a) He thinks that they are a danger to the birds useful in sports.
6. Which of the following statements are true in the context of the above passage?
1. Conservation is an idea to preserve our heritage of wildlife from the damaging
effect of human activity.
2. Killing of predators by the man, who are a danger to the birds useful in sports has
had no effect on the number of game birds.
(a) Only 1 is true (b) Only 2 is true
(c) None of them is true (d) Both 1 and 2 are true
8. The line – “man wages war against the creatures which he considers harmful” means
(a) Man does not respect the other species present on this planet.
(b) Man start killing wildlife without any definite cause
(c) Man is a coward being taking advantage of other species
(d) Human beings is the most selfish race on earth
9. Choose the quote that best expresses the central idea of the passage.
(a) “All must pay the debt of nature.” – Annie Proulx
(b) “Art is a man’s nature; nature is God’s art.” - Philip James Bailey
(c) “Modern man talks of a battle with nature, forgetting that, if he won the battle, he would
find himself on the losing side.” - E. F. Schumacher
(d) “Perhaps there is a soul hidden in everything and it can always speak, without even
making a sound, to another soul.” – Francis Hodgson Burnelt
10. Synecdoche occurs when a part is represented by the whole or, conversely, the whole is
represented by the part. For example: Wheels = a car.
From the options given below, select a Synecdoche word that appears in the para IV.
(a) Creatures (b) Man
(c) War (d) Enemies
III. Although marriage is not mentioned directly in the Convention on the Rights of the
Child, child marriage is linked to other rights – such as the right to freedom of
expression, the right to protection from all forms of abuse, and the right to be
protected from harmful traditional practices – and is frequently addressed by the
Committee on the Rights of the Child.
IV. Across the globe, levels of child marriage are highest in West and Central Africa,
where nearly 4 in 10 young women were married before age 18. Lower levels of
child marriage are found in Eastern and Southern Africa (31 per cent), South Asia
(28 per cent), Latin America and Caribbean (22 per cent), and the Middle East and
North Africa (15 per cent).
V. The prevalence of child marriage is decreasing globally, with the most progress in
the past decade seen in South Asia, where a girl’s risk of marrying in childhood has
dropped by more than a third, from nearly 50 per cent to 30 per cent.
VI. Still, the total number of girls married in childhood stands at 12 million per year,
and progress must be significantly accelerated in order to end the practice by 2030
– the target set out in the Sustainable Development Goals. Without further
acceleration, more than 150 million additional girls will marry before their
18th birthday by 2030.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions
by choosing the correct option.
11. Which of the following child rights is mentioned in the passage?
(a) Right to be protected from harmful traditional practices
(b) Right to information
(c) Right to education
(d) All of the above
12. Select the correct option for (1) and (2).
(1) Girls are married off before the age of 18.
(2) Child marriage can result in early pregnancy and social isolation.
(a) (1) is the result of (2)
(b) (2) is the result of (1)
(c) Both (1) and (2) cannot be inferred from the passage
(d) (1) and (2) are opposite
13. Which of the following regions has the lowest percentage of women aged 20 to 24
married before age 15?
(a) Eastern and Southern Africa (b) South Asia
(c) Middle East and North Africa (d) Latin America and Caribbean
14. If the trend of child marriage continues at the same pace, ................ girls will be
17. What is the percentage of child marriage in West and Central Africa?
(a) 40% (b) 30%
(c) 50% (d) 60%
20. Honesty is his policy and politics ............. a corrupt game these days.
(a) was (b) are
(c) is (d) were
21. ............. you please ............. your e-mail address as soon as possible?
(a) Could, send (b) Can, sends
(c) Could, sends (d) Can’t, sent
22. The Prime Minister ............. for Russia tomorrow on a 5 day state visit.
(a) will have left (b) was leaving
23. Choose the option that correctly changes the given sentence into indirect speech.
“When I was in school, I used to skip a few classes”, said the retired IAS Officer.
(a) The retired IAS Officer confessed that when he was in school, he used to skip a few
(b) The retired IAS Officer asked when he was in school, he used to skip a few classes.
(c) The retired IAS Officer said that when he had been in school, he used to skip a few classes.
(d) The retired IAS Officer concluded that when he has been in school, he used to skip a few
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 85
24. Choose the option that correctly changes the given sentence into indirect speech.
The music teacher said to the children, “Do not get carried away and get out of the
(a) The music teacher warned the children from getting carried away and from getting out
of tune.
(b) The music teacher told the children not to get carried away and not to get out of tune.
(c) The music teacher said to the children that do not get carried away and get out of tune.
(d) The music teacher warned the children against getting carried away and getting out of tune.
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You are Kanishk of A-28 Aurobindo Marg, Delhi. You have to write a letter about
your concerns on the sale of alcohol to underage people.
25. Whom will you write the letter?
(a) Editor of a newspaper (b) Police Commissioner
(c) Chief Minister of Delhi (d) Owner of the liquor shop
26. What should come in place of sender’s address? Choose the most appropriate option.
(a) Aurobindo Marg, Delhi (b) A-28, Delhi
(c) A-28 Aurobindo Marg, Delhi (d) Delhi
27. Which of the following option should be selected as the opening line of the letter?
(1) Through the columns of your esteemed daily I would like to draw the attention of
the concerned authorities towards the problem of selling alcohol to underage
(2) Through the columns of your esteemed daily I want the higher authorities to
impose a ban on sale of liquor to the underage people.
(a) Yes to option (2) because of the authoritative tone.
(b) Yes to option (1) because of the polite tone.
(c) No to option (1) because of requesting and informal tone
(d) No to option (2) because of firm tone
This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:
Writing in a diary is a really strange experience for someone like me. Not only because
I’ve never written anything before, but also because it seems to me that later on neither
I nor anyone else will be interested in the musings of a thirteen-year -old schoolgirl. Oh
well, it doesn’t matter. I feel like writing, and I have an even greater need to get all
kinds of things off my chest. ‘Paper has more patience than people.’ I thought of this
saying on one of those days when I was feeling a little depressed and was sitting at
home with my chin in my hands, bored and listless, wondering whether to stay in or
go out. I finally stayed where I was, brooding. (From the Diary of Anne Frank)
31. Why does the writer feel she had a greater need to get all kinds of things off her chest?
(a) She had no friends to confide in (b) She had no one to talk to
(c) She was all alone in this world (d) All of these
32. What does the line ‘Paper has more patience than people’ mean?
(a) One can write anything on paper (b) One can our one’s heart on paper
(c) Paper cannot be judgemental (d) Both (b) and (c)
33. Choose the option that shows the meaning of ‘brooding’ as it is used in the above extract.
(a) The Darian he remembered had never been hesitant like this man.
(b) She found him in the kitchen, thinking deeply over a cup of coffee.
(c) She had been careless and left the window unlocked.
(d) She was utterly confused about what had happened.
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:
Wanda didn’t have any friends. She came to school alone and went home alone. She
always wore a faded blue dress that didn’t hang right. It was clean, but it looked as
though it had never been ironed properly. She didn’t have any friends, but a lot of girls
talked to her. Sometimes, they surrounded her in the school yard as she stood watching
the little girls play hopscotch on the worn hard ground. (The Hundred Dresses – I)
39. How would you describe Wanda? Choose from the options given below.
(a) Shy, reserved, did not say anything
(b) Poor, Polish girl, mean, weak
(c) Smart, shy small
(d) Bold, bully, coolest girl of the class
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:
The way a crow
Shook down on me
44. Choose the statement that is True about the above extract.
(a) The rhyming scheme of the above extract is abab.
(b) A hemlock tress is a symbol of bad omen.
(c) Alliteration is used in the poem.
(d) All are true
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow:
I was still a thief when I met Anil. And though only 15, I was an experienced and fairly
successful hand.
Anil was watching a wrestling match when I approached him. He was about 25 — a
tall, lean fellow — and he looked easy-going, kind and simple enough for my purpose.
I hadn’t had much luck of late and thought I might be able to get into the young man’s
“You look a bit of a wrestler yourself,” I said. A little flattery helps in making friends.
“So do you,” he replied, which put me off for a moment because at that time I was
rather thin.
“Well,” I said modestly, “I do wrestle a bit.”
“What’s your name?” (The Thief’s Story)
46. What does the line “I hadn’t had much luck of late” mean?
(a) The speaker did not have good luck in the past
(b) The speaker did not get a chance to steal recently
(c) The speaker is experiencing bad luck since sometime
(d) None of the above
49. “Anil looked easy-going, kind and simple enough for my purpose” - which of the given
characteristics describe Anil based on the above statement.
(a) Debonair (b) Trustful
(c) Fiddly (d) Ignorant
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 89
50. Choose the quote which expresses the meaning of the statement – “A little flattery
helps in making friends.”
(a) “Listening, not imitation, may be the sincerest form of flattery.” – Joyce Brothers
(b) “I know imitation is the highest form of flattery, but stealing one’s identity is totally
different.” – AnnaLynne McCord
(c) “Flattery is like cologne water, to be smelt, not swallowed.” - Josh Billings
(d) “Nowadays flattery wins friends, truth hatred.” – Terence
52. What did Tricki do when he see Mrs. Pumphrey after his ‘hospitalisation’?
1. He licked her face
2. He swarmed over her
3. Barked to show his excitement
(a) Only 1 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3 (d) All of these
53. Imagine yourself as the pilot of old Dakota. Suppose you get the chance to meet the
pilot of the black aeroplane who helped you in the storm, what would you say to him?
Complete the dialogue.
Hello, I’m the pilot of old Dakota you saved in the storm. ............... By the way what is
your name?
(a) Thank you for your help! I owe my life to you.
(b) Thanks!
(c) Oh sorry wrong person!
(d) None of the above
54. “An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy” – What is the meaning of the underlined
(a) The boy is standing without any movement
(b) The boy is stick to his place
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
55. When Nelson Mandela says, “I was simply the sum of all those African patriots who
had gone before me” he means that ............... .
(a) he is alone equivalent to those African patriots who had gone before him.
(b) he is the result of the sacrifices of all the African patriots who had gone before him.
(c) he is the most sacrificing person among all the African patriots who had gone before him.
(d) he is the one who motivated everyone to sacrifice their lives and families for the struggle
of freedom.
90 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
56. Match the following words used in poems from ‘First Flight’ with their symbolic
List – I List – II
(Words) (Symbolic Meanings)
A. Hemlock tree 1. Regret
B. Fire 2. Bad omen
C. Ice 3. Personal losses
D. Ball 4. Desires
5. Hatred
(a) 1 3 4 5 (b) 5 4 2 1
(c) 2 4 5 3 (d) 1 4 5 2
57. “A stranger of such uncommon appearance set all tongues wagging” – what is the
meaning of the underlined phrase in context of the story “Footprints without Feet”?
(a) People are talking a lot about something (b) People are wagging their tongues
(c) Dogs are wagging their tails (d) None of these
59. Which concrete cells are being talked about in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?
(a) Prison (b) Cage in zoo
(c) Hunter’s trap in jungle (d) All of these
Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid gel & fountain pens for filling the sheets.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.
1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (b) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (d) 23. (a) 24. (d) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (b) 34. (c) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (b) 38. (c) 39. (a) 40. (d)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (d) 45. (a) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (b) 50. (d)
51. (a) 52. (d) 53. (a) 54. (a) 55. (b) 56. (c) 57. (a) 58. (a) 59. (b) 60. (c)
1. (c) According to the passage, man has 9. (c) Quote by E.F. Schumacher - “Modern man
destroyed many things for his own selfish talks of a battle with nature, forgetting that, if
interests. He has made many mistakes in his he won the battle, he would find himself on
use of land, clearing of the forest and killing of the losing side.” correctly expresses the central
many animals in the name of his survival. idea of the passage.
2. (d) The justification given for the killing of 10. (b) ‘Man’ is the synecdoche word which
wolves and boars in Britain is that the former is represents the whole mankind.
a predator of big livestock and the latter is a 11. (a) According to the given passage, children’s
pest to agriculture. And also, that man’s rights mentioned in the Convention on the
attitude towards animals is resulted from how Rights of the Child include right to be
they affect his survival or how beneficial they protected from harmful traditional practices.
prove to be.
12. (b) (2) is the result (1), i.e., when a girl is married
3. (b) “you humans will do what you can but in her childhood, the child marriage may lead to
can’t collectively help me out” is the correct early pregnancy and social isolation.
13. (c) According to the data, Middle East and
4. (a) According to the passage, man has been North Africa have the lowest percentage of
killing predators because he thinks that they women aged 20 to 24 married before the
are a danger to the birds used in sports. age of 15.
5. (b) “The company has consistently underrated 14. (b) If the trend of child marriage continues at the
the importance of a well-trained workforce.” same pace, more than 150 million girls will be
The underlined word ‘consistently’ means married before the age of 18 by the year 2030.
non-stop which is same as unceasingly.
15. (d) According to the given passage, the factors
6. (d) According to the passage, killing of that contribute to child marriage are poverty,
predators has had no effect on the number of the perception that marriage provides
game birds and conservation of wildlife refers ‘protection’, safeguarding the family honor,
to the preserving of their heritage from the social norms, customary or religious laws that
damaging human activities. Hence, both the allow the practice. Hence, option (d) is the
statements are true. correct answer.
7. (b) ‘Endangering’ means putting someone at 16. (c) According to the passage, child marriage
risk or in danger. ‘Preserving’ meaning places boys in an adult role for which they are
conserving or keeping something safe from unprepared.
19. (b) ‘Any’ is the correct answer. It is used after 35. (b) It was a strange experience to write a diary
the word ‘hardly’ to depict ‘nothing’ or for Anne because she was doing it for the first
‘minimal’ of something. time and she did not expect anyone to be
interested in musings of a 13-year old girl.
20. (c) ‘Politics’ is a singular subject, so ‘is’ should
be used here. 36. (c) According to the story, Peggy and her
friends used to surround Wanda in the
21. (a) Since the given sentence is a request, ‘could’
schoolyard and tease her about her clothes and
should be used to start it and it takes the first
form of the verb (V1), i.e., ‘send’.
37. (b) (1) is the result of (2), i.e., Wanda did not
22. (d) ‘is leaving’ is the correct answer because
have any friends at school because everyone
the event is fixed to happen on the next day.
thought that her name was funny.
23. (a) The correct indirect speech is – “The retired
38. (c) Students of Room 13 found Wanda
IAS Officer confessed that when he was in
Petronski’s and Willie Bounce’s name funny.
school, he used to skip a few classes.”
39. (a) According to the story Wanda is described
24. (d) The correct indirect speech is – “The music
as a shy girl or reserved nature, who did not
teacher warned the children against getting
speak much or say anything.
carried away and getting out of tune.”
40. (d) The line – “She didn’t have any friends, but
25. (a) The letter will be written to the editor of a
a lot of girls talked to her” means that the girls
talked to Wanda to tease her.
26. (c) ‘A-28 Aurobindo Marg, Delhi´ will come in
41. (a) ‘Bad omen’ is appropriate to fill the blank
place of sender’s address.
in the given sentence.
27. (b) Option (1) shows the better opening line
because of its polite tone. 42. (b) The given extract is written by Robert
28. (a) Option (a) shows the better elaboration of
43. (c) The poem suggests that we should not
concerns for the sale of alcohol to the underage
overthink and regret the events of the past and
learn to move on from them. It also tells us that
29. (c) “I shall be grateful if my letter is given an we should be aware of things happening
appropriate space in your newspaper” is the around us no matter how minute.
correct expression for the concluding line.
44. (d) All the statements listed are true.
30. (b) Option (b) shows the correct
45. (a) Hemlock tree is considered to be an ill
complementary closing for the letter.
omen because it is a poisonous tree.
31. (a) The writer feels that she has a greater need
46. (b) The line “I hadn’t had much luck of late”
to get all kinds of things off her chest because
she didn’t have any friends to share her means that the speaker, Hari Singh, hadn’t got
feelings with. a chance to steal in the past few days.
32. (d) The line “Paper has more patience that 47. (c) The speaker, Hari Singh wanted to win
people” means that one can write anything on Anil’s trust and confidence so that later he
a paper without being scared for the secret to could rob him.
be disclosed and the paper won’t be 48. (d) (1) is true (2) is false.
judgemental unlike people. 49. (b) “Anil looked easy-going, kind and simple
33. (b) ‘Brooding’ means to be engaged in deep enough for my purpose” – shows that Anil was
52. (d) After getting better in the hospital, when all the African patriots who had gone before
Tricki saw his owner Mrs. Pumphrey, he him.
became very happy and jumped and barked to 56. (c) ‘2453’ is the correct matching sequence.
show his excitement. He also licked her face Hemlock tree: Bad omen; Fire: Desires; Ice;
and swarmed all over her. Hatred; Ball: Personal losses.
53. (a) The correct answer is “Thank you for your 57. (a) The phrase ‘set all tongues wagging’ refers
help! I owe my life to you”, as the life of the to when people talk a lot about something.
pilot of Dakota was saved by the pilot of black
aeroplane. 58. (a) The irony in the story ‘A Letter to God’ is
that those who helped Lencho got the blame of
54. (a) The underlined phrase means that the boy stealing money.
is standing without any movement.
59. (b) According to the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’,
55. (b) When Nelson Mandela says, “I was simply the tiger has been caged in a zoo. The poet
the sum of all those African patriots who had refers to the cage as ‘concrete cells’.
gone before me” he means that he (as the first
60. (c) (1) is true (2) is false. The young seagull’s
Black President) is the result of the sacrifices of
family was on the opposite cliff.
CBSE Sample Paper English Class X (Term I)
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
I. Read the passage given below.
I. What is intelligence? And how can one be intelligent all the time? One has to
understand the basic fact that intelligence and intellect are at two opposite poles. A
person who is an intellectual would have all the knowledge of the world but won’t
know how to give it shape. Knowledge burdens the individual if he does not have
the intelligence to express it.
II. Intelligence is an integral part of the individual which finds fulfilment in
expression. An intellectual who is burdened by excessive knowledge can never
flow with intelligence. Intelligence demands that an individual be sensitive of his
acts, thoughts and emotions. It also demands that the individual be inquisitive
about the working of life and of one’s own mind.
III. Intelligence implies that the individual be supple and flow along with life’s source,
so as to be one with the sublime realities of love, bliss and peace. Intelligence is the
basic knowledge of life which is transformed into knowing.
IV. The transformation process between knowledge and knowing requires the
individual to be inquisitive, sensitive and observant. To do all this, the individual
has to be in the present. This being in the present brings the individual back to
harmony. Only meditation helps the individual to be in the present moment. He
can then observe his own thoughts and actions.
V. Once he is able to observe his own thoughts and actions, he can see his repressions,
motivations and prejudices. This sets into motion the wheel of intelligence, which
dispels ignorance behind thoughts, actions and emotions.
96 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
VI. Intelligence strengthens the integration and harmony of the individual. Strength to
act intelligently according to the situation helps in obliterating thought processes
which perpetuate fear, remorse and conflict within.
VII. This conscious understanding of one’s fear, remorse and conflict opens the doors of
intelligence so that we can first understand and then transcend them. Otherwise,
we remain in a state of ignorance. The art of understanding is what suffuses us
with wisdom.
VIII. And the art of understanding oneself provides strength. The art of being wise and
strong is intelligence. Without this basic intelligence, an individual is tapped
within himself manifesting inner conflicts, hatred and ignorance in the external
IX. Meditation also helps a person understand what others are trapped in. Once they
handle the situation, the doors of intelligence and compassion are further opened.
Without basic understanding about oneself, compassion can never flower. Without
compassion, all intelligence is ignorance.
X. Meditation, therefore, provides the necessary strength to surrender to oneself and
be with oneself. And this being with oneself without remorse, guilt or fear makes
one intelligent and capable of acting rightly.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.
1. How does being intelligent help an individual?
Being intelligent helps an individual
(a) To strengthen oneself.
(b) To be in harmony with himself and with the world around.
(c) To act according to the situation.
(d) All of the above
4. Which of the following corresponds with writer’s definition of intellect and intelligence?
(a) Intelligence is knowing that stealing is immoral and intellect is not doing it.
(b) Intellect is knowing that stealing is immoral and intelligence is not doing it.
(c) Both intellect and intelligence are knowing that stealing is immoral.
(d) Intellect and intelligence are interchangable which mean that we should not steal.
5. According to the passage, the strength required to surrender to oneself and be with
oneself can be attained through ................. .
(a) meditation (b) ignorance
(c) intelligence (d) intellect
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 97
7. Choose the quote that best expresses the central idea of the passage.
(a) The intellect is like a knife – the sharper, the better. As long as you know how to handle
(b) Intelligence is in the head, not in the age.
(c) The higher the voice the smaller the intellect.
(d) Knowledge is having the right answer, intelligence is asking the right question.
8. The line – “To be inquisitive, sensitive and observant, the individual has to be in the
present” means that
(a) the individual should live in the present moment.
(b) the individual should think about his/ her present career.
(c) the individual should be in present moment thinking about his/ her future.
(d) the individual should be in the present moment thinking about his/ her past.
9. Given below are three sentence with a blank in each of them. Choose the word from
para VIII that can fill all three blanks.
1. I believe that only once in his life was he betrayed into .............. a strong emotion.
2. Earth represents the solid state of matter, .............. stability, permanence and rigidity.
3. The younger members outdid the elder in .............. their belief.
(a) conflicts (b) manifesting
(c) hatred (d) ignorance
10. What do you call a person having all the knowledge of the world?
(a) Agnostic (b) Omniscient
(c) Astronomer (d) Pantomath
II. The need for improved international response to human trafficking and
commitment to its eradication is illustrated by its prominent inclusion in the
targets of the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the
Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM).
III. Since, the early 2000s, the proportion of identified cases of trafficking for sexual
exploitation has in general declined, while the share of identified cases of
trafficking for forced labour has generally increased, as identification of such cases
has improved. However, there are regional differences in the rates of both
trafficking for sexual exploitation and forced labour. For example, data from
UNODC and CTDC show that trafficking for forced labour has a higher rate in
98 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
Africa and the Middle East than trafficking for sexual exploitation, while the
opposite is true for regions such as Europe and Northern America. This is partly
reflected in the CTDC data, where an increase of available case data from Northern
America from 2015 onwards increased the proportion of victims trafficked for
sexual exploitation in the dataset.
IV. A large proportion of victims identified are female, as human trafficking had
previously tended to be seen as a crime which affects mostly females who are
trafficked for sexual exploitation. Over time, a higher percentage of men have been
identified as it has been acknowledged that men can also be vulnerable to many
forms of human trafficking, including sexual exploitation, and the identification of
such cases has improved. The proportion of children relative to adults for males
and females is about the same.
V. CTDC data also show differences in the routes undertaken by victims of
trafficking. Nearly 80 per cent of international human trafficking journeys cross
through official border control points, such as airports and land border control
points. Victims of labour exploitation are more likely to be trafficked through
official border control points, while victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation
account for more cases crossing borders via locations that don’t have official border
control points. This includes irregular routes, such as those across the sea or
cross-country. Children are also more likely than adults to be trafficked via routes
that don’t have official border control points.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions
by choosing the correct option.
11. What do you understand by the term Human Trafficking?
(a) The recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring or receipt of persons, by means of
the threat or use of force for the purpose of exploitation.
(b) The migration of humans including children and women in large numbers from place to
another in order to find better living opportunities.
(c) The forced relocation of people from a locality or community for selfish reasons and
forcing them to stay in unsanitary conditions with negligible spaces.
(d) None of the above
13. People who are trafficked suffer from .............. and rarely have access to an education
or to health care.
(a) Physical abuse (b) Emotional abuse
(c) Sexual abuse (d) All of these
16. Victims of trafficking for sexual exploitation account for more cases crossing borders via
(a) Official border control points.
(b) Locations that don’t have official border control points.
(c) Airports and land border control points.
(d) All of the above
17. Which of the following organisations target to improve the respond to human
trafficking as mentioned in the above passage?
(a) United Nations (UN)
(b) Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM)
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) The Red Cross Society
18. What does the author want to say with the following line?
Over the time, there is an increase in trafficking men for various exploitations.
(a) No females are trafficked now; only men are being trafficked.
(b) Cases of female trafficking are on a decline while cases of male trafficking are increasing.
(c) Cases of female trafficking are as it is while identification of cases of male trafficking has
(d) Cases of male trafficking are higher than that of females.
21. Which of the following is the correct indirect speech of the given sentence?
The student said to the teacher, “I am sorry that I am late.”
(a) The student said to the teacher that I was sorry that he was late.
(b) The student told the teacher that I am sorry that I am late.
(c) The student told the teacher that he was sorry that he was late.
(d) The student asked the teacher whether he was sorry that he was late.
22. What ............... the council decided about the water problem?
(a) has (b) have
(c) was (d) are
100 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
23. Which of the following is the correct indirect speech of the given sentence?
My mother said, “Will you come home on time?” And I said, “Yes.”
(a) My mother asked me if I would come home on time and I replied that I would.
(b) My mother told me if I would come home on time and I said to her that I would.
(c) My mother asked me will I come home on time and I said I will.
(d) My mother asked me if I will come home on time and I replied that I will.
24. You ............... forget to wear your helmet while riding your motorbike.
(a) ought not (b) need not
(c) can (d) must not
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You have to write a complaint letter to the General Manager, Complete Printing Supplies,
Nagpur for an incomplete order of HP Laserjet Printers.
27. Which of the following details are required for the letter?
1. Model no. 2. Contact details of HP
3. Date of order 4. Copy of the agreement
5. Transaction code
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2, 3 and 5
(c) 1, 3, 4 and 5 (d) 2 and 3
28. Complete the elaboration of the problems for the complaint letter.
I want to call your attention to your first delivery of HP Laserjet printers set on 8
October 20XX under the transaction code 1234567. (i) ............... that only 1750 units
were delivered on the said day as stated in the delivery form and checked by our staff.
As per our contract, a total of 2000 units were supposed (ii) ............... on the first
delivery date. (iii) ............... you that your company was not able to follow the said
agreement. The incomplete delivery has already caused some delay in our projects. As
such, I request that you immediately act on the problem and deliver us the lacking
units together with the second delivery by October 15, 20XX.
(a) (i) Our staff show, (ii) to be delivering, (iii) I am happy to inform
(b) (i) Our records show, (ii) to be delivered, (iii) I regret to inform
(c) (i) Your records show, (ii) to get delivery, (iii) I am contended to inform
(d) (i) Your bill show, (ii) to be delivers, (iii) I don’t want to inform
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 101
This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
But the decades of oppression and brutality had another, unintended, effect and that
was that it produced the Oliver Tambos, the Walter Sisulus, the Chief Luthulis, the
Yusuf Dadoos, the Bram Fischers, the Robert Sobukwes of our time — men of such
extraordinary courage, wisdom and generosity that their like may never be known
again. Perhaps it requires such depths of oppression to create such heights of character.
My country is rich in the minerals and gems that lie beneath its soil, but I have always
known that its greatest wealth is its people, finer and truer than the purest diamonds.
(Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)
31. The phrase ‘their like may never be known again’ means .............. .
(a) There will not be those great heroes again.
(b) No one can be as great as those heroes.
(c) Such great heroes are born once.
(d) All of these
32. What effects did Apartheid have on the people of South Africa?
(a) The people were deeply hurt and had a traumatic experience for lifetime by the practice
of Apartheid.
(b) It created many rebels and freedom fighters.
(c) All the Blacks came together to fight for their freedom.
(d) All of the above
33. What kind of brutality do you think happened during the Apartheid if you correspond
it with that of Pre-independent India?
1. Mass killing of protesters and innocents.
2. Non-provision of basic fundamental rights.
3. Foreceful relocation from native land.
4. Communal disputes.
5. Inhumane living conditions.
(a) 2, 3 and 5 (b) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 (d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
102 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
34. Why did Mandela call those freedom fighters ‘men of such extraordinary courage,
wisdom and generosity’?
(a) Because of these qualities they helped in freedom struggle.
(b) Their struggle and courage started the flame of protest in others as well.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
35. Given below are three sentences which have to be filled with the same word. Select the
correct option.
(1) He had a native abhorrence of cruelty, of injustice, of disorder, of ............ , of
tyranny and all these things in all their degrees marked Hastings’s course in India.
(2) There was ............ neither on the one hand nor servility on the other to explain this
abandonment of their traditions.
(3) The idea that to be at home looking after children is some kind of ............ is quite
(a) Oppression (b) Generosity
(c) Wisdom (d) Courage
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
When she finished her arithmetic she did start a note to Peggy. Suddenly she paused
and shuddered. She pictured herself in the school yard, a new target for Peggy and the
girls. Peggy might ask her where she got the dress that she had on, and Maddie would
have to say it was one of Peggy’s old ones that Maddie’s mother had tried to disguise
new trimmings so no one in Room Thirteen would recognise it. If only Peggy would
decide of her own accord to stop having fun with Wanda. Oh, well! Maddie ran her
hand through her short blonde hair as though to push the uncomfortable thoughts
away. (The Hundred Dresses – I)
37. How did Maddie convince herself that Peggy was doing nothing wrong?
(a) Peggy protected small children from bullies.
(b) Peggy could not do anything wrong.
(c) Peggy could not bear cruelty against animals.
(d) All of the above
39. Which of the following option can describe Maddie in the above extract?
(a) Angry
(b) Scared
(c) Refreshed
(d) Confused
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 103
40. Choose the option which depicts the phrase ‘picture oneself’.
(a) She avoided looking down, afraid to imagine just how deep the waters were.
(b) I looked all around, but I could see nobody there.
(c) I’m not sure he can help me, but I would really like to speak to him.
(d) He is leaving home to study at a top university.
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice. (Fire and Ice)
41. Why does the poet say ice would suffice for destruction of world?
(a) Ice is compared to hatred (b) Hatred is a self-destructing emotion
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) None of these
43. Choose the option that does not mean the same as the word ‘perish’.
(a) Die (b) Fall
(c) Expire (d) Endure
45. Pick the correct response for the following statement given by the student.
“I think one should not hate anyone in this world.”
(a) Hate is a learned feeling.
(b) Hate is a feeling which leads to self-destruction.
(c) Hatred leads to faltered relationships.
(d) Hatred is capable of destroying the world.
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
The entire staff was roused and maids rushed in and out bringing his day bed, his
night bed, favourite cushions, toys and rubber rings, breakfast bowl, lunch bowl,
supper bowl. Realising that my car would never hold all the stuff, I started to drive
away. As I moved off, Mrs. Pumphrey, with a despairing cry, threw an armful of the
little coats through the window. I looked in the mirror before I turned the corner of the
drive; everybody was in tears. Out on the road, I glanced down at the pathetic little
animal gasping on the seat by my side. I patted the head and he made a brave effort to
wag his tail. “Poor old lad,” I said. “You haven’t a kick in you but I think I know a cure
for you.” (A Triumph of Surgery)
46. The pathetic animal being talked about in the extract above is ............ .
(a) Mrs. Pumphrey’s pet hamster (b) Mrs. Pumphrey’s pet kitten
(c) Mrs. Pumphrey’s pet cat (d) Mrs. Pumphrey’s pet dog
104 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
48. Select the options listing Mrs. Pumphrey’s characteristics as revealed in the extract.
1. Extravagant 2. Indifferent
3. Over concerned 4. Arrogant
5. Indulgent
(a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 5 (c) 1, 3 and 5 (d) 2 and 4
49. What does the phrase ‘you haven’t a kick in you’ mean in the context of the above extract?
(a) Barely some days left to live (b) Barely healthy
(c) Barely any vigour or life left in him (d) All of these
54. What all things Maddie want to say to Wanda when she heard the letter sent by
Wanda’s father?
1. They were sorry they had picked on her.
2. How wonderful the whole school thought she was!
3. “Please, don’t move away and everybody would be nice.”
4. She and Peggy would fight anybody who was not nice to her.
(a) Only 1 (b) 1, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 2 and 3 (d) All of these
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 105
56. Rearrange the events of the story ‘Letter to God’ in chronological order.
1. Lencho’s letter was answered.
2. A hailstorm came and destroyed Lencho’s fields.
3. Lencho wrote a letter to God.
4. Lencho and his family were having dinner.
5. Lencho again wrote a letter to God.
(a) 52413 (b) 42315
(c) 34251 (d) 15243
57. Why did Hari Singh go back to Anil after stealing his money?
(a) Because he wanted to read and write.
(b) He could not break Anil’s trust.
(c) He wanted to be big and respected man in the society.
(d) All of the above
59. The purpose of young seagull’s mother for bringing a piece of fish near him was to
............ .
(a) push him to fly out of hunger (b) tease him
(c) feeding him his favourite food (d) None of these
Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid gel & fountain pens for filling the sheets.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
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✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
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1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (b) 17. (c) 18. (c) 19. (b) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (a) 24. (d) 25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (d) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (d) 38. (c) 39. (d) 40. (a)
41. (c) 42. (b) 43. (d) 44. (a) 45. (d) 46. (d) 47. (b) 48. (c) 49. (c) 50. (a)
51. (a) 52. (a) 53. (d) 54. (d) 55. (c) 56. (b) 57. (d) 58. (b) 59. (a) 60. (c)
1. (d) Being intelligent helps an individual to 11. (a) The term ‘human trafficking’ refers to the
strengthen oneself, to be in harmony with transportation, recruitment and harbouring of
himself and with the world around and to act people by threatening them or using violent
according to the situation. force with them to use them for exploitation.
2. (c) According to the passage, intellect can be 12. (c) According to the passage, there has been a
defined as knowledge that a person possesses. decline in trafficking for sexual exploitation
This knowledge can only be given shape while simultaneous increase in trafficking for
through intelligence, without intelligence the forced labour since 2000s.
intellectual would feel burdened. Hence, both 13. (d) According to the passage, people who are
the statements listed as 1 and 2 are correct. trafficked suffer physical, emotional and
3. (c) The passage suggests that intelligence can sexual abuse and are exploited and ill-treated.
become ignorance when a person lacks They are also devoid of access to education or
compassion for others and understanding of even health care.
oneself. In addition, when a person is unable to 14. (d) The passage suggests that regardless of
handle tough situations, it can be said that gender or age, the proportion of people
he/she has become ignorant. subjected to human trafficking is nearly same,
4. (b) According to the writer, intellect is the i.e., adults are as prone to being trafficked as
knowledge and intelligence is the ability to children.
express it. Thus, option (b) correctly 15. (d) Both (1) and (2) are true but are unrelated
corresponds with this definition. to each other.
5. (a) According to the passage, the strength 16. (b) According to the passage, the traffickers
required to surrender to oneself and be with transport the victims of trafficking for sexual
oneself can be attained through meditation. exploitation through locations that don’t have
6. (b) According to the passage, intelligent people official border control points.
are sensitive in their actions, thought process 17. (c) According to the passage, the United
and emotions. Their sensitivity is not limited Nations (UN) and the Global Compact for
to themselves as it is also extended to the Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM)
feelings of other people. target to improve the respond to human
7. (d) The quote – “Knowledge is having the right trafficking and commit to eradicating it
answer, intelligence is asking the right completely.
question.” best expresses the central idea of the 18. (c) From the given line, the author wants to say
21. (c) The correct indirect speech is – “The 35. (a) ‘Oppression’ means prolonged cruel or
student told the teacher that he was sorry that unjust treatment or exercise of authority. It is
he was late.” the only option that can fill all the three gaps.
22. (a) ‘Has’ is the correct answer here because 36. (b) According to the story, Maddie wanted
‘council (of members)’ is used as a singular Peggy to stop targeting Wanda and teasing her
subject here. about her clothes. Hence, option (b) shows
23. (a) The correct indirect speech is – “My mother correctly what Maddie had written in note to
asked me if I would come home on time and I Peggy.
replied that I would.” 37. (d) To convince herself that Peggy was doing
24. (d) ‘Must not’ is appropriate here because it nothing wrong, Maddie focused on some good
shows obligation to do something. qualities of Peggy like protecting small
children from bullies, she could not do
25. (a) 312546 is the correct sequence. anything wrong and didn’t bear cruelty
26. (a) The correct subject is: Incomplete delivery against animals.
of HP Laserjet printers. 38. (c) Maddie used to wear Peggy’s old clothes
27. (c) Following details are required for the letter: because she wasn’t as rich and couldn’t afford
• Model no. new clothes.
• Date of order 39. (d) Maddie was confused about what to do
• Copy of the agreement and how to stop Peggy from teasing Wanda.
• Transaction code 40. (a) Otpion (a), “She avoided looking down,
28. (b) “Our records show, to be delivered, I regret afraid to imagine just how deep the waters
to inform” is the correct answer. were.” depicts the phrase ‘picture oneself’.
29. (d) ‘I hope there will be no more drawbacks in 41. (c) The poet compares ice to hatred, which is a
fulfilling the orders. I look forward to your full self-destructing emotion and hence, says that
cooperation. I have also enclosed the copy of the world would be destructed by ice.
the agreement.’ is the suitable option. 42. (b) In the first line, ‘it’ refers to the World.
30. (b) Option (b) is the correct complementary 43. (d) ‘Perish’ means to die or fall, especially
closing for the letter. suddenly. ‘Endure’ means to suffer patiently.
31. (d) The phrase ‘their like may never be known Hence, ‘endure’ doesn’t correspond to perish.
again’ means that such heroes cannot and will 44. (a) The rhyming scheme of the given extract is
not be equaled ever again. abab.
32. (d) According to the story, the policy of 45. (d) The correct response for the given
Apartheid left a lasting effect on the people of statement is that hatred can destroy the world
South Africa by hurting them and traumatising by destroying people.
them. It also led to creation of many freedom 46. (d) According to the story, the pathetic
fighters and revolutions and brought all the animal is Tricki, which is Mrs. Pumphrey’s pet
Blacks together to fight the oppression. dog.
33. (c) Mass killing of protestors and innocent 47. (b) (2) is the cause for (1), i.e., Everyone in Mrs.
people, stripping people of their fundamental Pumphrey’s household was rushing to bring
rights and forcing their relocation are few of Tricki’s favourite things because he was going
the brutalities that happened during the to be hospitalized for a fortnight.
51. (a) Through the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’, the 56. (b) ‘42315’ is the correct order of events in the
poet wants to convey that everyone, humans story ‘A Letter to God’. The story begins with
and animals, want to live in their natural Lencho and his family having dinner. That
habitat and in freedom. He wants to tell the night his crops were destroyed by a hailstorm,
readers that nobody likes to be caged and owing to which Lencho writes a letter to God
everyone enjoys freedom equally. Hence, asking for help. That letter is answered by the
option (a) “Love for freedom is the natural postmaster and in reply, Lencho writes to God
instinct of every living being” is the correct again saying the people at the post office took
answer. some of the money God sent.
52. (a) Griffin is called a brilliant scientist because 57. (d) Hari Singh went back to Anil because he
he invented how to become invisible. didn’t want to break his trust. He also
53. (d) (1) is false, but (2) is true. The author remembered how Anil had taught him to read
was flying his Dakota from France to and write and how it can help him become a
England. respected man in the society and thus, earn
much more than he is stealing.
54. (d) After having heard the letter from
Wanda’s father, Maddie wanted to apologise 58. (b) It is useless to say that there other balls
to Wanda for how they treated her and tell because the memories attached with that ball
her that everyone at school thought that cannot be bought.
she was wonderful. She wanted to ask 59. (a) The purpose of young seagull’s mother for
Wanda not move away and tell her that they bringing a piece of fish near him was to push
would fight anybody who would be mean to him to fly out of hunger.
her. 60. (c) Anne Frank said the following line – “This
55. (c) Dust of snow changed the mood of the is a photo as I would wish myself to look all
poet. the time. Then I would, maybe, have a chance
to come to Hollywood.”
CBSE Sample Paper English Class X (Term I)
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
I. Read the passage given below.
I. The painstaking memorisation of mathematical tables, historical dates, capitals of
countries and even poems leaves an indelible mark on every adult who has
attended school. However, all educators deprecate this rote system learning by
orally reciting and consigning lessons to memory as mindless and mechanical,
which goes against critical thinking and creativity. But is this dichotomy between
creativity and rote learning part of a lazy binary thinking?
II. We often hear about people who can repeat the entire telephone directory or
memorise the entire dictionary. Indians have a history of highly developed systems
of memorisation, perfected through centuries of Vedic learning. From a typically
Western perspective, the permanency of the written word has been pitted against
the ‘unconscious operation of memory’ of oral cultures and held to be more reliable
in cultural transmission. However, refuting this thesis, Fritz Stall, an Indie scholar
observes that the oral tradition in India is remarkable, “because it has led to
scientific discoveries that are of enduring interest”. Of course, this mugging up
can be aural (i.e., chanting aloud) or visual—mentally storing images in a visual
III. The advantages of rote memorisation—like it expands areas of the mind to great
possibilities—are now becoming evident to the world. Various accounts from
ancient India, including those from travellers like I-tsing, point to the fool-proof
system of oral memorisation and the capacity to absorb volumes of data.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 111
6. Choose the option which uses the word ‘refute’ as it is used in the above.
(a) It was one thing to tell herself everything was resolved, but quite another to thoroughly
refute something she had always considered wrong.
(b) She wanted nothing more than to lie down and sleep, but she need to refute what her
instincts told her before she acted.
(c) Gabriel’s biggest mistake was not forcing you to refute your new world from the start.
(d) No serious observer, acquainted with modern microscopic technical methods, has been
able to refute the explanation of their observations.
9. Choose the option that displays the gist of the above passage.
(a) “All genuine learning is active, not passive. It involves the use of the mind, not just the
memory. It is a process of discovery, in which the student is the main agent, not the
teacher.” - Mortimer Adler
(b) “Many think of memory as rote learning, a linear stuffing of the brain with the facts,
where understanding is irrelevant. When you teach it properly, with imagination and
association, understanding becomes a part of it.” – Tony Buzan
(c) “Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every
human a potential genius.” - Michael J. Gelb
(d) “The human brain had a vast memory storage. It made us curious and very creative.
Those were the characteristics that gave us an advantage - curiosity, creativity and
memory. And that brain did something very special. It invented an idea called ‘the
future’.” - David Suzuki
12. The consequences of depression include disturbed sleep and appetite patterns, lack of
interest, .............. .
(a) tiredness and poor concentration (b) lack of sleep
(c) lack of going out (d) lack of interaction
15. Depression is a leading cause of disability around the world. The disability here refers
(a) Mental disability (b) Physical disability
(c) Both physical and mental disability (d) Cognitive disability
17. .............. and .............. treatments exist for moderate and severe depression.
(a) Psychological, allopathic (b) Psychological, pharmacological
(c) Allopathic, homeopathic (d) Ayurvedic, pharmacological
18. What is the basic strategy that is included in all interventions developed by WHO?
(a) Social support (b) Behaviour therapy
(c) Medical care (d) None of these
20. The chief ............... to send the children of the village to live in a settlement in the next
(a) had been deciding (b) decided
(c) was deciding (d) have been deciding
21. They ............... to borrow from the bank to start their business.
(a) need (b) need not (c) dare not (d) ought not
23. Which of the following is the indirect speech of the given sentence?
She said, “I’m having the interview at four o’clock.”
(a) She said that she had the interview at four o’clock.
(b) She said that she have been having the interview at four o’clock.
(c) She said that she is having the interview at four o’clock.
(d) She said that she was having the interview at four o’clock.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 115
24. Which of the following is the indirect speech of the given sentence?
“Get out of the car!” said the policeman.
(a) The policeman requested him to get out of the car.
(b) The policeman suggested him to get out of the car.
(c) The policeman ordered him to get out of the car.
(d) The policeman wanted him to get out of the car.
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You are Ashish. Write a letter to the newspaper editor highlighting the problem of bad
condition of road near ABC colony, Gandhinagar through a letter.
25. What will be the sender’s address for the above letter?
(a)Ashish ABC Colony, Gandhinagar (b) Gandhinagar, ABC Colony
(c) Ashish, Gandhinagar (d) ABC Colony, Gandhinagar
This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
My father, the most adorable father I’ve ever seen, didn’t marry my mother until he
was thirty-six and she was twenty-five. My sister, Margot, was born in Frankfurt in
Germany in 1926. I was born on 12th June, 1929. I lived in Frankfurt until I was four.
My father emigrated to Holland in 1933. My mother, Edith Hollander Frank, went with
him to Holland in September, while Margot and I were sent to Aachen to stay with our
grandmother. Margot went to Holland in December and I followed in February, when I
was plunked down on the table as a birthday present for Margot.
(From the Diary of Anne Frank)
31. How old was the speaker when she was sent to Holland?
(a) Four years old (b) Six years old
(c) Seven years old (d) Five years old
32. Anne said, “I was plunked down on the table as a birthday present for Margot.” The
phrase ‘plunked down’ means ............... .
(a) to throw down (b) to take down
(c) to put down in a casual way (d) to write down
33. Rearrange the events of the story from which this extract has been taken.
1. The speaker’s parents went to Holland.
35. Choose the option which does not use the word ‘emigrate’ as it is used in the above
(a) The Russians do not emigrate as isolated individuals; they migrate in whole villages.
(b) In 1799 he found it advisable for his comfort, if not for his safety, to emigrate with his
family to the United States.
(c) For the last two centuries, since the Tamils started to emigrate to Sri Lanka with its
Sinhala majority, the two ethnic groups have been in conflict.
(d) Famine and pestilence at home drove men to emigrate hopefully to the golden East.
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Days passed and there was no answer, but the letter did not come back, so maybe
Wanda had received it. Perhaps she was so hurt and angry she was not going to
answer. You could not blame her. Weeks went by and still Wanda did not answer.
Peggy had begun to forget the whole business, and Maddie put herself to sleep at night
making speeches about Wanda, defending her from great crowds of girls who were
trying to tease her with, “How many dresses have you got?” And before Wanda could
press her lips together in a tight line, the way she did before answering, Maddie would
cry out, “Stop!” Then everybody would feel ashamed the way she used to feel.
(The Hundred Dresses – II)
38. What could be the least possible reason for Wanda not replying to their letter?
(a) She was hurt and angry. (b) She did not want to forgive them.
(c) She did not receive the letter. (d) She forgot who they were.
39. When did Maddie and Peggy decide to write a letter to Wanda?
1. When they could not find her at her house in Boggins Heights.
2. When Wanda left the school and the city.
3. When she wrote a letter to them.
Choose the correct option from the following.
40. “Perhaps she was so hurt and angry she was not going to answer” – The line suggests
that Wanda
(a) got hurt by the teasing from Peggy and other girls.
(b) was hurt because she had to left her school and city to move to a new city.
(c) was angry at Peggy and Maddie.
(d) None of the above
118 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Some say the world will end in fire
Some say in ice.
From what I’ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favour fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice. (Fire and Ice)
44. Why do you think the poet has chosen two completely contrasting things to end the
(a) Fire is compared to desires which means to like something or someone.
(b) Ice is compared to hatred which means not liking something or someone.
(c) Fire and ice show two extreme emotions which have the capability to destroy oneself.
(d) None of the above
45. What does the poet want to convey through the poem?
1. We should not be greedy.
2. All humans should check their desire and hatred.
3. We should restrain our desire and love fellow beings.
(a) Only 2 (b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 3 (d) Only 3
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
‘Extraordinary affair!’ the clergyman kept saying for the rest of the day. But it was not
as extraordinary as the behaviour of Mrs. Hall’s furniture a little later that morning.
The landlord and his wife were up very early and were surprised to see the scientist’s
door wide open. Usually it was shut and locked and he was furious if anyone entered
his room. The opportunity seemed too good to be missed. They peeped round the
door, saw nobody and decided to investigate. The bedclothes were cold, showing that
the scientist must have been up for some time and stranger still, the clothes and
bandages that he always wore were lying about the room. All of a sudden Mrs. Hall
heard a sniff close to her ear. (Footprints without Feet)
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 119
46. What extraordinary affair is being talked about in the above extract?
(a) Stealing of clergyman’s money without anyone being present in the room.
(b) Moving of furniture on its own.
(c) Mysterious sounds coming from the room.
(d) None of the above
47. What happened when the landlord and his wife entered the strange scientist’s room?
1. The hat on the bedpost leapt up and dashed itself into her face.
2. The bedroom chair became alive and charged straight at her.
3. The extraordinary chair slammed and locked the door after them.
4. Mrs. Hall almost fell down the stairs in hysterics.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1 and 4 (d) 2, 3 and 4
48. What did Mrs. Hall think of the room and the scientist?
(a) The stranger is a ghost. (b) It had been haunted by spirits.
(c) The stranger is a black-magician. (d) Both (b) and (c)
50. Whose sniff did Mrs. Hall hear close to her ear?
(a) The clergyman’s (b) A staff of inn
(c) Griffin, the scientist’s (d) A ghost’s
52. Hari Singh observed in his career that a rich man shows ............... on getting robbed.
(a) fear (b) anger
(c) saddened face (d) loss of trust
53. Why did the postmaster get surprised on seeing the letter?
(a) Because it was a letter to God.
(b) Because he had never seen such a strong faith in God.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
54. What all things did Mrs. Pumphrey’s staff give to Dr. Herriot when he took Tricki with
1. Little coats, toys and rubber rings, day bed and night bed, favourite cushions
2. Breakfast bowl, lunch bowl, supper bowl
3. Wine and brandy
4. Cod liver oil and two dozen eggs
5. Horlicks, cakes and pastries
(a) 1, 2 and 4 (b) 2, 3, 4 and 5 (c) 1 and 2 (d) 3, 4 and 5
120 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
56. How is the tiger described in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’?
(a) Beautifully striped, poor, weak, velvety paws
(b) Big white teeth and claws, helpless, strong, angry
(c) Beautifully striped, velvety paws, big white teeth and claws, strong, angry
(d) Beautifully striped, poor, weak, helpless, strong, angry
57. Match the various stages of Mandela’s life and meaning of freedom at that time.
List I List II
(Stages of life) (Meaning of freedom)
A. Childhood 1. Freedoms of being able to stay out at night
B. Boyhood 2. Basic and honourable freedoms of marrying and having a family
C. Young Man 3. Freedom of his people to live their lives with dignity and self-respect
D. Adulthood 4. Free to roast mealies under the stars
5. Freedom not to be obstructed in a lawful life
(a) 5 3 2 4 (b) 2 4 1 3
(c) 4 1 5 3 (d) 1 3 4 5
58. Given below are a few sentences. Identify the sentences which are FACTS and those
which are OPINIONS and choose the correct option.
1. The moon came up from the east.
2. Storm clouds look like black mountains if you are in an aeroplane.
3. You ought not to follow a strange black aeroplane in storm clouds.
4. When flying an aeroplane, you need a compass, a radio and fuel.
5. An airport is the place where aeroplanes land and take off from.
(a) Fact: 2, 3 and 5; Opinion: 1 and 4 (b) Fact: 2, 3 and 4; Opinion: 1 and 5
(c) Fact: 1, 4 and 5; Opinion: 2 and 3 (d) Fact: 1; Opinion: 2, 3, 4 and 5
59. The young seagull did not fell headlong when he took his first flight. The line suggests
that the young seagull ................ .
(a) did not fell on his head
(b) did not fell straight into the sea instead flew upwards
60. When Wanda answered that she had 60 pairs of shoes, cries of exaggerated politeness
greeted that. What does the underlined phrase mean?
(a) Peggy tried to embarrass Wanda by asking disturbing questions in the politest manner
(b) Peggy tried to be polite with Wanda while teasing her so not to hurt her.
(c) Peggy politely accepted the fact that Wanda had 60 pairs of shoes.
(d) Peggy then politely asked if they were all alike.
Roll No.
Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid gel & fountain pens for filling the sheets.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.
1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (d) 4. (d) 5. (b) 6. (d) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (a) 32. (c) 33. (d) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (a) 37. (b) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (a)
41. (c) 42. (a) 43. (d) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (b) 48. (d) 49. (d) 50. (c)
51. (a) 52. (b) 53. (c) 54. (c) 55. (d) 56. (c) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (a)
1. (d) According to the passage, educators don’t 10. (b) Children imitating their parents’ behaviour
approve of the rote learning method by and actions is an example of unconscious
reducing it to oral recitation and also learning operation of memory.
lessons like a mechanical mind. This, 11. (d) According to the passage, depression can
eventually, goes against critical thinking and severely affect a person’s life. It can affect a
creativity. person’s professional performance, ruin their
2. (a) According to the passage, Indians have a relationship with friends and family and affect
history of highly developed systems of their ability to become a participant of the
memorisation, which was only made better by society.
years of Vedic learning. 12. (a) The passage suggests that as a result of
3. (d) The passage suggests that the oral tradition depression, a person’s sleep and appetite
in India is remarkable because it has led to can be disturbed, it can lead to loss of interest
many scientific discoveries that have also in otherwise enjoyable activities and
proved interesting. cause persistent sadness. Depression can
4. (d) The passage suggests that rote learning can also cause tiredness and lead to poor
expand the human mind to several great concentration.
possibilities. 13. (d) According to the passage, the causes of
5. (b) According to the passage, cryptic texts were depression include childhood adversity,
created for mathematics, philosophy, etc. personal or professional loss and
because they were easier to remember. unemployment, complex interactions between
social, psychological and biological factors.
6. (d) “No serious observer, acquainted with
modern microscopic technical methods, has 14. (a) ‘Profound’ means very great or intense.
been able to refute the explanation of their Hence, ‘superficial’ meaning casual and
observations.” uses the word ‘refute’ as it is shallow does not correspond to profound.
used in the above passage. 15. (c) Depression is a leading cause of disability
7. (d) Spread of Kathasaritsagara and Jataka around the world. The disability here refers to
stories and teaching of differential calculus both physical and mental disability.
are examples of oral transmission of 16. (b) (2) furthers the meaning of (1).
knowledge. 17. (b) According to the passage, ‘psychological’
8. (a) Anand Kumar’s method is able to prove and ‘pharmacological’ treatments exist for
21. (b) ‘Need not’ is the correct modal to be used 40. (a) “Perhaps she was so hurt and angry she
here. was not going to answer” – The line suggests
22. (a) ‘Advice’ is an uncountable noun so ‘some’ is that Wanda got hurt by the teasing from
the correct answer here. Peggy and other girls.
23. (d) The correct indirect speech is – “She said 41. (c) The poet mentions both ice and fire are
that she was having the interview at four equally capable and competent for the
o’clock.” destruction of the world.
24. (c) The correct indirect speech is – The 42. (a) The rhyming scheme of the given poem is
policeman ordered him to get out of the car. abaa bcbcb.
25. (a) Option (a) will be the correct sender’s 43. (d) The poet says that fire is similar to human
address for the above letter. desire which is self-destructive and insatiable
and would be favourable for causing the
26. (a) “Construction of Road near ABC colony, destruction of the world.
Gandhinagar” is the correct subject.
44. (c) The poet has used fire and ice as symbols
27. (c) “Through the columns of your esteemed of destruction because they represent
daily” is the correct answer. two extreme human emotions – desire
28. (b) Option (b) elaborates the problems efficiently. and hatred, both of which lead to
29. (c) Option (c) is the most suitable concluding self-destruction.
line for the letter. 45. (b) Through the poem, the poet wishes to
30. (a) ‘Yours sincerely’ is the correct option. convey that we should learn to exercise some
control over our emotions and desires and not
31. (a) According to the passage, the speaker was be very greedy or it will lead to our
four years old when she was moved from destruction.
Frankfurt to Holland.
46. (a) Stealing of clergyman’s money without
32. (c) The phrase ‘plunked down’ means to put anyone being present in the room was the
down abruptly or in a casual way. extraordinary affair is being talked about in
33. (d) ‘341265’ is the correct order of the events in the above extract.
the story from which the extract has been taken. 47. (b) When the landlord and his wife entered
34. (b) Anne Frank was the most renowned victim the strange scientist’s, the furniture came alive
of holocaust. and the hat hit Mrs. Hall in the face, the
35. (c) ‘Emigrate’ means to leave one’s own country bedroom chair came straight at her and
in order to settle in another. Hence, only the slammed the door, which was locked soon
sentence in option (c) does not use the word after. All of this made Mrs. Hall hysterical and
correctly. The correct word to be used instead also made her believe that a ghost was
of emigrate in the sentence is ‘immigrate’. haunting the room.
36. (a) According to the story ‘The Hundred 48. (d) Mrs. Hall thought that the scientist was a
Dresses’, Peggy and Maddie wrote a friendly black magician and the room was haunted by
letter to Wanda. spirits.
37. (b) (2) is the cause for (1), i.e., Maddie used to 49. (d) (1) is true (2) is false. The landlord and his
make speeches in her sleep about Wanda wife, Mrs. Hall entered the scientist’s room
because she was deeply affected by the letter themselves when they saw it opened.
from Wanda’s father. 50. (c) Mrs. Hall heard Griffin, the scientist’s sniff
38. (d) The least possible reason for Wanda not close to her ear.
replying to their letter could be that she forgot 51. (a) According to the poet, the child is learning
who Peggy and Maddie were. to bear loss in the poem ‘The Ball Poem’.
39. (a) Maddie and Peggy decide to write a letter to
52. (b) Hari Singh observed in his career that a
Wanda when they could not find her at her
rich man shows anger on getting robbed.
house in Boggins Heights.
124 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
53. (c) In the story ‘A letter to God’, when the 56. (c) The tiger is described as beautifully striped,
postmaster sees Lencho’s letter, he laughed at velvety paws, big white teeth and claws,
the letter because it was a letter addressed to strong, angry in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’.
God but moments later he turned serious 57. (c) ‘4153’ is the correct matching sequence.
because he was surprised by the man’s strong
faith in God. 58. (c) Statements 1, 4 and 5 are facts because they
are directly mentioned in the text. The
54. (c) In order to make sure that Tricki has all the statements 2 and 3 are opinions as they are not
things he would need in the hospital and mentioned in the text.
wouldn’t miss anything, Mrs. Pumphrey’s staff
gave his little coats, toys and rubber rings, day 59. (b) The young seagull did not fell headlong
bed and night bed, favourite cushions, when he took his first flight. The line suggests
breakfast bowl, lunch bowl and supper bowl to that the young seagull did not fell straight into
Dr. Herriot. the sea instead flew upwards.
55. (d) When snow fell on the poet, he noticed 60. (a) The underlined phrase means that Peggy
what’s happening around him, his mood got tried to embarrass Wanda by asking disturbing
changed and he became happy. questions in the politest manner possible.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 125
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
I. Read the passage given below.
I. “Cured yesterday of my disease, I died last night of my physician,” says Matthew
Prior, a celebrated pharmacologist, while talking about the deleterious effects of
drugs in his book, ‘The Remedy Worse than the Disease’. There is no dearth of
patients dying of misguided treatment, disorder bound to disappear in a short
II. In this era of drugs we must familiarise ourselves with the term ‘Iatrogenic disease
(physician caused ailment)’. When a physician administers medicines without a
complete understanding of the patient’s condition, drugs play havoc. A person may
become the victim of a worse disease or even lose his life.
III. With Analgin, for instance, special precautions should be taken in case of
pregnancy, bronchial asthma, renal and hepatitic dysfunctions and blood-related
disorders. It has been banned in several countries, including the USA and Sweden,
because of its unexpected and negative effects that lead one even to death through
an anaphylactic shock. An anaphylactic shock is a process that leads to a severe
fall in the blood pressure, bronchoconstriction, the swelling of blood and lymph
vessels and sometimes death because of the loss of fluid in these vessels.
Anaphylaxis usually occurs suddenly, in minutes after the administration of a
drug. The well-known drug, penicillin and many other drugs, may cause
126 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
IV. The term ‘side-effects’ is a part of an ailing layman’s vocabulary but adverse drug
reactions are known only to a more aware and literate patient. Ciprofloxacin, when
given for an ear-infection, may cause vertigo and amoxycillin, while fighting a
throat infection, may hurt the stomach. Similarly, while chemotherapy given for
cancer may lead to indigestion and hair fall, steroids administered continuously
may lead to obesity and diabetes.
V. Drugs are meant to eliminate disease. In the quest for avoiding the misery of
sickness, man has invented medicines that may themselves cause diseases. The
illness caused by a drug may be short-term or long-term. Side effects are short-term
and predictable. The unpredictable and bizarre reactions are termed as adverse
reactions. A variety of drugs cures many ills but is also known to cause irregular
heart beat and even sudden death.
VI. A strong sense of responsibility on the physician’s part and an attitude of extreme
caution on the patient’s part can substantially help in covering at least some of the
risks of medicines, if not all. There are many factors that help a doctor in his choice
and use of the drug. The medical history of a patient, age, sex, personality,
environment and education contribute in deciding the course of treatment. The
very old and the very young are likely to suffer as their bodies are less tolerant.
Older children may sometimes be more tolerant than the adults. The elderly tend
to respond better to standard drug dosage. But the lower body size, slow blood
flow to vital organs, decreasing metabolic capacity and tendency to multiple
physical problems contribute to adverse reactions.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.
1. An ‘Iatrogenic disease’ is an ailment caused by
(a) Infection in the hospital ward.
(b) Overdose of anaesthetic.
(c) The wrong administration of drugs by a physician.
(d) Self-medication and buying drugs over the counter.
10. What kind of caution on the part of patient is required to prevent uninvited diseases?
(a) To take medicines as per the physician’s instructions.
(b) To do some internet research about his treatment and medicines and then decide further.
(c) Enquire about the physician before taking the treatment.
(d) None of the above
Extreme weather events are becoming more intense and frequent. Although global
warming may bring some localised benefits, such as fewer winter deaths in
temperate climates and increased food production in certain areas, the overall
health effects of a changing climate are overwhelmingly negative. Climate change
is impacting human lives and health in a variety of ways. It threatens the essential
ingredients of good health - clean air, safe drinking water, nutritious food supply,
and safe shelter - and has the potential to undermine decades of progress in global
128 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
III. Extreme high air temperatures contribute directly to deaths from cardiovascular
and respiratory disease, particularly among elderly people. In the heat wave of
summer 2003 in Europe, for example, more than 70,000 excess deaths were
recorded. Globally, the number of reported weather-related natural disasters has
more than tripled since the 1960s. Every year, these disasters result in over 60,000
deaths, mainly in developing countries. Rising sea levels and increasingly extreme
weather events will destroy homes, medical facilities and other essential services.
More than half of the world’s population lives within 60 km of the sea. People may
be forced to move, which in turn heightens the risk of a range of health effects,
from mental disorders to communicable diseases.
IV. Increasingly variable rainfall patterns are likely to affect the supply of fresh water.
A lack of safe water can compromise hygiene and increase the risk of diarrhoeal
disease, which kills over 500,000 children aged under 5 years, every year. In
extreme cases, water scarcity leads to drought and famine. By the late 21st century,
climate change is likely to increase the frequency and intensity of drought at
regional and global scale.
V. Measuring the health effects from climate change can only be very approximate.
Nevertheless, a WHO assessment, taking into account only a subset of the possible
health impacts, and assuming continued economic growth and health progress,
concluded that climate change is expected to cause approximately 250,000
additional deaths per year between 2030 and 2050; 38,000 due to heat exposure in
elderly people, 48,000 due to diarrhoea, 60,000 due to malaria, and 95,000 due to
childhood undernutrition.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions
by choosing the correct option.
11. Which of the following is among the consequences of global warming?
(a) Melting of glaciers (b) Rivers becoming salty
(c) Ponds getting dirty (d) Avalanche has become common
13. Lack of hygiene and safe drinking waters results in ................. among children under 5
years of age, every year.
(a) 50,000 births (b) 600,000 cases
17. Which of the following options shows the time span referred to in the given line?
“Each of the last 3 decades has been successively warmer than any preceding decade since
(a) 2017-2020 (b) 1990-2020 (c) 1850-1880 (d) 1850-1852
18. Choose the statements which are true in the context of the passage.
1. Climate change threatens the essential ingredients of good health - clean air, safe
drinking water, nutritious food supply and safe shelter.
2. Climate change has the potential to undermine decades of progress in global
3. Earthquakes may force people to move away from their homes near sea.
(a) 1 is true (b) 2 is true
(c) 1 and 2 are true (d) All are true
23. Which of the following is the indirect speech of the given sentence?
Sheela said to Rashmi: “You can come and stay at my place if you’re ever in Delhi”.
(a) Sheela told Rashmi that she could come and stay at her place if she was ever in Delhi.
(b) Sheela told Rashmi that you can come and stay at my place if you’re ever in Delhi.
(c) Sheela asked Rashmi that she can come and stay at her place if she is ever in Delhi.
(d) Rashmi asked Sheela if she could come and stay at her place if she was ever in Delhi.
130 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
24. Which of the following is the indirect speech of the given sentence?
She said, “Could you open the window, please?”
(a) She asked me if I could open the window, please.
(b) She said could I open the window, please.
(c) She asked me to open the window.
(d) She requested if I could open the window, please.
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You are Shreshtha, residing at 43 Street Avenue, Bengaluru. Write a letter to ABC
Association of your society complaining about the facility of parking in your society.
25. Whom should Shreshtha address the letter to?
(a) Society association (b) Secretary, ABC Association
(c) Guard, ABC Association (d) None of these
26. Which of the following is the correct format for the date to be used in the letter?
(a) 23 September 20XX (b) September 20XX
(c) 23 September (d) September 23
This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Paris was about 150 kilometres behind me when I saw the clouds. Storm clouds. They
were huge. They looked like black mountains standing in front of me across the sky. I
knew I could not fly up and over them and I did not have enough fuel to fly around
them to the North or South. “I ought to go back to Paris,” I thought, but I wanted to get
home. I wanted that breakfast. ‘I’ll take the risk,’ I thought and flew that old Dakota
straight into the storm. (The Black Aeroplane)
31. The literary device used in the line “they looked like black mountains standing in front
of me across the sky” is ............... .
(a) Imagery (b) Simile
(c) Metaphor (d) Personification
35. Select the suitable word from the extract to complete the following.
Below : Over : : Crooked : ............... .
(a) Up (b) Around
(c) Straight (d) Enough
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
The class roared. I had to laugh too, though I’d nearly exhausted my ingenuity on the
topic of chatterboxes. It was time to come up with something else, something original.
My friend, Sanne, who’s good at poetry, offered to help me write the essay from
beginning to end in verse and I jumped for joy. Mr. Keesing was trying to play a joke
on me with this ridiculous subject, but I’d make sure the joke was on him. I finished my
poem, and it was beautiful! It was about a mother duck and a father swan with three
baby ducklings who were bitten to death by the father because they quacked too much.
Luckily, Mr. Keesing took the joke the right way. (From the Diary of Anne Frank)
132 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
37. When Anne says, “The class roared. I had to laugh too” she means that ............... .
(a) she was forced to laugh.
(b) she laughed to hide her embarrassment.
(c) she had left nothing to write on the topic.
(d) she was laughing on Mr. Keesing.
40. Select the option which shows an example of ‘playing a joke on someone’.
(a) As always, be careful about pulling pranks that will get you in trouble, or hurt
someone’s feelings.
(b) As a prank, some students let three goats loose inside their school after painting the
numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the sides of the goats. The teachers spent most of the day looking
for goat number 3.
(c) When determining whether a prank is a good idea on April Fools’ Day, employees
should consider the worst case scenario of their joke.
(d) This harassment evolved, over time, into a tradition of prank – playing on the first day
of April.
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
43. Onomatopoeia is using words which denote sound. Find the word in the above extract
which denotes onomatopoeia.
(a) Terrorising (b) Baring
(c) White fangs (d) Snarling
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Anil was asleep. A beam of moonlight stepped over the balcony and fell on the bed. I
sat up on the floor, considering the situation. If I took the money, I could catch the
10.30 Express to Lucknow. Slipping out of the blanket, I crept up to the bed. Anil was
sleeping peacefully. His face was clear and unlined; even I had more marks on my face,
though mine were mostly scars. My hand slid under the mattress, searching for the
notes. When I found them, I drew them out without a sound. Anil sighed in his sleep
and turned on his side, towards me. I was startled and quickly crawled out of the
room. (The Thief’s Story)
46. After stealing the money, the speaker thought that he could live like an oil-rich Arab
for a week. ‘Oil-rich Arab’ refer to ............... .
(a) people who can make a lot of money through oil.
(b) people of Saudi Arabia who have lots of oil.
(c) people with oil refineries.
(d) None of the above
48. Choose the characteristics that describe the speaker in the above extract.
1. Robber 2. Deceitful
3. Kleptomaniac 4. Experienced
5. Ungrateful
(a) 1, 2 and 5 (b) 1, 2, 4 and 5
(c) 2 and 3 (d) 3 and 4
50. How did the speaker know that Anil has money?
(a) Anil himself told him. (b) He saw him keeping it under the mattress.
(c) Anil showed the money to him. (d) He saw Anil counting the money.
52. “That night was a sorrowful one for Lencho” – What happened on that night?
(a) He received a letter with only 70 pesos.
(b) His cornfield was destroyed by a swarm of locusts.
(c) His cornfield was destroyed by a hailstorm.
(d) He became hopeless on not meeting God as promised by God.
53. Assonance is repetition of vowel sounds in same line. The repetition is at different
places in different words. Choose the option which shows assonance from the poem
‘Fire and Ice’.
(a) To say that for destruction ice is also great.
(b) I hold with those who favour fire.
(c) Some say the world will end in fire.
(d) None of the above
54. What did the poet intend to say with the line, “And most know many days, how to
stand up” in the context of ‘The Ball Poem’?
(a) That most of the days in one’s life one has to bear the miseries of life.
(b) That some days in one’s life, one has to take a stand for one’s losses.
(c) One has to learn to cope with the sufferings.
(d) None of the above
55. Why do you think the poet choose hemlock tree and crow in his poem?
(a) To emphasise that crow and hemlock tree are bad omens.
(b) To remind the readers that one should stay away from crow and hemlock tree.
(c) To show that the symbols of sadness and gloom can also bring happiness in life.
(d) None of the above
56. Why was Maddie sad even after hearing a letter from Wanda?
(1) She knew she would never see the little tight-lipped Polish girl again.
(2) She couldn’t ever really make things right between them.
(a) (1) contradicts (2) (b) (2) furthers the meaning of (1)
(c) (2) is the cause for (1) (d) (1) is unrelated to (2)
57. “… Jubilant scenes on the streets of Pretoria followed the ceremony with blacks, whites
and coloureds celebrating together...” - The ‘coloureds’ are referred to ............... .
(a) people of races other than Blacks and Whites
(b) people who were African-American
(c) people who were American-African
(d) people who immigrated to South Africa
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 135
58. Why did Mr. Herriot say, “You must harden your heart and keep him on a very strict
1. Tricki was getting hugely fat.
2. Tricki was a greedy dog.
3. Tricki did not know when to stop eating.
4. Mrs. Pumphrey used to overfeed Tricki.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 2 and 3
60. The young seagull was tapping his feet on the ground when saw his mother coming
towards him. He tapped the ground to show his ............... .
(a) excitement for meeting his mother
(b) excitement for food
(c) emotional meeting with his long-lost mother
(d) hunger
Roll No.
Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid gel & fountain pens for filling the sheets.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.
1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (a)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (d)
31. (b) 32. (d) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (d) 37. (b) 38. (a) 39. (d) 40. (b)
41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (d) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (a) 48. (b) 49. (d) 50. (b)
51. (d) 52. (c) 53. (b) 54. (a) 55. (c) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (c) 59. (a) 60. (b)
1. (c) According to the passage, an ‘Iatrogenic the lower atmosphere and all of these have
disease’ is an ailment caused by the wrong harmful effects on the climate.
administration of drugs by a physician. 13. (c) According to the passage, lack of hygiene
2. (d) The passage suggests that analgin and and safe drinking waters results in 500,000
penicillin are the drugs that must be used deaths among children under 5 years of age,
carefully because they may cause anaphylaxis. every year.
3. (c) The passage suggests that an adverse drug 14. (b) According to the passage, the number of
reaction can be caused by a drug that has weather-related natural disasters that were
unpredictable and strange effects on the reported globally has more than tripled since
patient. the 1960s.
4. (a) As the passage talks about drugs and its 15. (b) According to the passage, the few positive
harmful effects, ‘Deleterious Effects of Drugs’ effects of global warming include fewer deaths
is the suitable title for the given passage. in winter and increased production of food in a
5. (c) According to the passage, elderly people few areas.
are more prone to bad reactions to drugs in 16. (d) Statement (1) is independent of statement
comparison to young people because of their (2).
slow blood flow to vital organs. 17. (b) The years 1990-2020 shows the time span
6. (b) A quote by Dr. Amir Qaseem – “Physicians referred to in the given - “Each of the last 3
and patients need to work together to decades has been successively warmer than
pursue care that improves health.” suits the any preceding decade since 1850.”
passage. 18. (c) According to the passage, climate change
7. (d) ‘Dysfunction’ means to not work properly. threatens the essential ingredients of good
Hence, only option (d) ‘not working properly’ health, clean air, safe drinking water,
corresponds to dysfunction. nutritious food supply and safe shelter. It also
8. (c) Option (c) “I went to my boss to ask for a has the potential to undermine decades of
leave for the next day; I got my leave approved progress in global health. Thus, statements 1
but I got some work as well to be done at and 2 are true.
home.” proves the given point. 19. (a) ‘May’ is the correct answer here. It is used
9. (a) A physician is expected to be responsible, for permission.
caring and knowledgeable. 20. (c) ‘Less’ is the correct answer here.
10. (a) On the part of the patients, it is required 21. (d) The given sentence is in present tense so,
that the patient should take the medicines as ‘have been selected’ is the correct answer here.
prescribed by the physician. 22. (b) ‘Seems’ is the correct answer here because
11. (a) According to the passage, the melting of ‘economics’ is a singular subject.
glaciers is among the few drastic consequences 23. (a) The correct indirect speech is – “Sheela told
of global warming. Rashmi that she could come and stay at her
12. (d) Burning of fossil fuels releases a large place if she was ever in Delhi.”
amount of carbon dioxide gas in the 24. (c) The correct indirect speech is – ‘She asked
atmosphere along with other greenhouse me to open the window.’
gases. Eventually, it traps additional heat in
138 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
25. (b) Shreshtha should address the letter to the 40. (b) Option (b) “As a prank, some students let
Secretary, ABC Association. three goats loose inside their school after
26. (a) ’23 September 20XX’ shows the correct painting the numbers 1, 2 and 4 on the sides of
format of the date to be used in the letter. the goats. The teachers spent most of the day
looking for goat number 3.” shows an example
27. (c) ‘Sir/ Ma’am’ is the correct salutation for the of ‘playing pranks on someone’.
41. (b) The rhyming scheme of the given extract is
28. (a) ‘I am writing this letter to complain to you’ abcb.
is the correct option to complete the opening
line of the letter. 42. (a) The word ‘snarling’ means make an
aggressive growl with bared teeth. Hence,
29. (a) Option (1) is the suitable choice for the
‘growling’ is the closest in meaning to
concluding portion because of its polite tone.
30. (d) ‘Hoping for an early action!’ is the correct
43. (d) ‘Snarling’ is the word which denotes
concluding line for the letter.
onomatopoeia, as it denotes the sound of
31. (b) ‘Simile’ is a literary device that makes a ‘snarl’.
comparison. Hence, the literary device used in
44. (c) When the tiger is in the jungle, free and
the given line is simile.
away from the zoo, he can snarl in the nearby
32. (d) The pilot was shocked to see the storm village to scare the people.
because the sky was clear before and he did
45. (b) The above lines are written by Leslie
not have enough fuel to fly over the storm, nor
did he know how to fly in such weather
conditions. 46. (b) ‘Oil-rich Arab’ refers to people of Saudi
Arabia who have lots of oil.
33. (a) The pilot’s urge to go home and have
breakfast there made him fly through the 47. (a) The speaker was feeling nervous while
storm. stealing money because Anil was the most
trusting person he had met ever.
34. (b) The pilot’s decision to fly even after
witnessing the storm shows that he is a 48. (b) The speaker can be described as robber,
courageous person with a risk-taking attitude. deceitful, experienced and ungrateful.
It also shows his love for his family and the 49. (d) The word ‘startle’ means to cause to feel
need to see them soon. sudden shock or alarm. Thus, it corresponds to
35. (c) Below : Over : : Crooked : Straight. This is the words – frighten and scare.
so because below and over are antonyms, so 50. (b) The speaker saw Anil keeping the money
do crooked and straight. under the mattress.
36. (d) Anne had to write essays on topics 51. (d) By saying the given line, Peggy thought
including ‘A Chatterbox’, ‘An Incorrigible that Wanda’s drawings were more beautiful
Chatterbox’ and ‘Quack, Quack, Quack, said than hers, because she used to think that she
Mistress Chatterbox’.
could draw very beautifully.
37. (b) When Anne says, “The class roared. I had
52. (c) That night, Lencho’s cornfield was
to laugh too” she means that she laughed to
destroyed by a hailstorm.
hide her embarrassment.
53. (b) The line “I hold with those who favour fire”
38. (a) Statement (1) is true and (2) is false, i.e., for
shows the use of assonance in the words ‘hold’
her third writing, Anne wrote a poem about a
and ‘those’.
mother duck and a father swan with three
baby ducklings. 54. (a) In the poem ‘The Ball Poem’, the poet wrote
the line “And most know many days, how to
39. (d) Anne’s teacher, Mr. Keesing read the poem
stand up” and by this line, he means that
aloud in many classes and added his own
people have to face miseries for most part of
comments. As a result of the poem, Anne was
their life.
permitted to talk and wasn’t given any extra
homework either.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 139
55. (c) The poet chose hemlock tree and the crow 58. (c) Mr. Herriot advised Mrs. Pumphrey to
are shown in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’ as harden her heart and put Tricki on a very strict
symbols of sadness and gloom and through the diet because of the following reasons:
poem, tells that even such dark and sad things • Tricki was getting hugely fat.
can bring happiness in life. • Tricki was a greedy dog.
56. (b) (2) furthers the meaning of (1), i.e., Wanda’s • Tricki did not know when to stop eating.
letter upset Maddie even more because she • Mrs. Pumphrey used to overfeed Tricki.
realised that she would never see Wanda again
as she had gone. It also made her realise that 59. (a) Griffin satisfied Mrs. Hall at the inn by
she would never get the chance to fix things paying in advance for the room.
between them. 60. (b) The young seagull was tapping his feet on
57. (a) The ‘coloureds’ are referred to people of the ground when saw his mother coming
races other than Blacks and Whites. towards him. He tapped the ground to show
his excitement for food.
CBSE Sample Paper English Class X (Term I)
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
I. Read the passage given below.
I. Like all bad news and the common cold, allergies can pop up when you least
expect them. I suddenly developed an allergy to crocin (paracetamol) some years
ago after having it all my life to treat everything from headaches to fever and
toothache. A seafood-loving friend found himself unable to breathe after having
Thai food for dinner. After undergoing a battery of expensive tests, he was told the
chest tightness was not caused by a heart attack but by an allergy to shellfish,
something he ate once a week and had never reacted to before.
II. A stuffed or drippy nose, frequent sneezing, an itchy throat, rash, sinus, ear pain,
difficulty in breathing, stomach cramps and itchy, red or watery eyes are some of
the common symptoms of an allergic reaction. Pollen, dust, polluted outdoor air
and indoor pollutants such as dust mites, animal dander, cigarette smoke and
mould are among the common environmental pollutants, while other triggers
include medicines, paint and chemicals in cleaners and cosmetics such as hair
colour and skin creams. Among foods, eight allergens account for almost 90% of
food allergies: milk, soy, wheat, egg, peanut, tree nuts, fish and shellfish.
III. Most of us wrongly believe that people with allergies are either born with the
condition or develop identifiable symptoms in early childhood. You couldn’t be
more wrong. An allergy can occur at any time in your life and experts say its
prevalence among adults is rising. While most people who develop allergies as
adults have experienced some allergic reaction—either to the same or an unrelated
trigger before—a few have no history of sensitivity.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 141
IV. In an acute immune reaction, the allergy trigger may be one, but the symptom is
usually caused by a combination of factors. Stress, a sterile environment that
prevents the body from developing robust natural immunity and lifestyle-induced
changes in the body’s hormonal balance are thought to be some triggers. This is
borne out by clinical evidence that shows that women are more likely to develop
allergies at puberty, after pregnancy and at menopause, all of which point to
hormonal causes.
V. Of course, avoiding the allergy trigger and taking an anti-allergy medication as
soon as you can, after exposure to an allergen is the best possible protection. Since,
pollen levels generally peak in the morning, people with airway sensitivity and
asthma should postpone outdoor exercises to later in the day or stick to exercising
indoors as deeper and more rapid breathing induced by aerobic exercise causes
more pollen and dust being inhaled, which can wreck your airways and lungs.
Since, air pollutants tend to cling to clothes and hair, changing your clothes when
you come home or washing your hair before going to bed lowers exposure.
VI. Allergies in adults can be treated using some anti-allergic medicines. For those who
do not respond to the standard treatment, there’s always the option of a series of
allergy shots to help the immune system to build up a tolerance to the allergy. In
most cases, though, identifying and avoiding the allergen is enough to stay free of
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.
1. What are the common symptoms of an allergic reaction?
1. A stuffed or dripping nose 2. Frequent sneezing
3. An itchy throat 4. Rash, sinus
5. Stomach cramps 6. Itchy, red or water eyes
(a) 1, 2, 4 and 6 (b) 2, 3 and 5 (c) 3, 4, 5 and 6 (d) All of these
2. The common environmental pollutants include pollen, dust and dust mites, ............ .
(a) Animal dander, cigarette smoke and mould
(b) Smog and mould
(c) Fog and smoke of cigarette
(d) Contaminated water, animal dander and flowers
3. What is an acute immune reaction?
1. In which the allergy trigger may be one.
2. In which the symptom is usually caused by a combination of factors.
(a) Only 1 is correct (b) Both 1 and 2 are correct
(c) Only 2 is correct (d) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
4. How can you prevent/treat yourself from getting allergies?
6. Select the option with the underlined word that can suitably replace ‘battery’ (para 1).
(a) The shavers come complete with power unit.
(b) They stopped beside an artillery of abandoned guns.
(c) Ministers today issued a set of statements proclaiming that the prospects for renewed
growth remain good.
(d) He has served three years for assault.
7. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) Most people believe that allergies are either congenital or its symptoms are
developed in early childhood.
(2) Allergies can occur at any time in life.
(a) (2) is the cause for (1)
(b) (2) is the result of (1)
(c) (2) contradicts (1)
(d) Both (1) and (2) cannot be inferred from the passage
8. What is the option for those who do not cure with anti-allergy medicines?
(a) Identifying and avoiding the allergen (b) A series of allergy shots
(c) The standard treatment (d) All of the above
9. ............ and ............ changes in the body’s hormonal balance are thought to be triggers.
(a) Stress, lifestyle and induced (b) Pollen, physical
(c) Sedentary lifestyle, stress (d) Lifestyle, eating
10. How does exercising later in the day or indoors help people with airway sensitivity
and asthma?
(a) It lowers their exposure to allergens. (b) It increases their breathing capacity.
(c) In increases their aerobic exercise capacity. (d) It lowers their exposure to pollens.
including nearly 20 million infants each year – have insufficient access to vaccines. In
some countries, progress has stalled or even reversed and there is a real risk that
complacency will undermine past achievements.
Global vaccination coverage – the proportion of the world’s children who receive
recommended vaccines – has remained the same over the past few years.
During 2020, about 83% of infants worldwide (113 million infants) received 3 doses of
diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) vaccine, protecting them against infectious
diseases that can cause serious illness and disability or be fatal. While immunisation is
one of the most successful public health interventions, coverage has plateaued over the
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 143
last decade. The COVID-19 pandemic and associated disruptions have strained health
systems, with 23 million children missing out on vaccination in 2020, 3.7 million more
than in 2019 and the highest number since 2009.
Monitoring data at sub-national levels is critical to helping countries prioritise and
tailor vaccination strategies and operational plans to address immunisation gaps and
reach every person with life-saving vaccines.
Vaccines train your immune system to create antibodies, just as it does when it’s
exposed to a disease. However, because vaccines contain only killed or weakened
forms of germs like viruses or bacteria, they do not cause the disease or put you at risk
of its complications. Vaccines protect against many different diseases, including:
Cervical cancer, Diphtheria, Hepatitis B, Influenza, Encephalitis, Measles, Meningitis,
Mumps, Pertussis, Polio, Rabies, Rotavirus, Rubella, Tetanus, Typhoid etc. WHO is
working with countries and partners to improve global vaccination coverage, through
the ‘Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020’.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions
by choosing the correct option.
11. What do vaccines contain?
(a) Only killed or weakened forms of germs like viruses or bacteria.
(b) Chemicals to fight diseases.
(c) Medicines necessary for an individual.
(d) Antibodies to fight diseases.
15. “Immunisation is a global health and development success story” suggests that
1. Vaccination helps in saving millions of lives every year.
2. Vaccination reduces the risk of getting diseases.
3. Vaccination helps to improve immunity against various diseases.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2 and 3
16. Choose the option that uses the word ‘strained’ as it is used in the passage.
(a) She saw dark figures jump from the top of the building across from her to the ground,
strained by what seemed like a thirty-story drop.
(b) He was also a man of letters, possessed of fine taste and a strained style.
(c) The last weeks passed in her mother’s bedroom had strained Natasha’s physical strength.
(d) The restaurant is located on the second floor of a spacious building and has a strained
144 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
17. “Vaccination coverage has plateaued over the last decade” refers to
(a) The vaccination rate is same since the last ten years.
(b) The vaccination rate is decreased in the last one year.
(c) The vaccination rate is same since the last one year.
(d) The vaccination rate is increased in the last ten years.
20. The patient .............. before the ambulance reached the hospital.
(a) has been dead (b) had died
(c) has died (d) died
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper regarding your concerns about the reckless
driving of school bus-drivers. You are Bimal, resident of C- 4C Janakpuri, New Delhi.
25. What should come in the place of receiver’s address?
(a) The Editor (b) The Editor
The Tribune The Tribune
Mahatma Gandhi Marg Mahatma Gandhi Marg
New Delhi
27. Pick the correct set of suggestions for the problems mentioned in the letter.
(a) Correct law implementation (b) Traffic police should be present
No rule breaking by bus drivers on roads
Traffic police to be present Stronger measures against reckless
drivers should be taken
Levying heavy fines and forfeiting
their licenses of reckless drivers
30. Choose the most appropriate concluding line for the letter.
(a) By addressing this issue, public awareness of the dangers of reckless driving can be raised.
(b) By addressing this issue, it is hoped that public awareness of the dangers of reckless
driving can be raised.
(c) Public awareness of the dangers of reckless driving can be raised.
(d) Please raise the public awareness.
This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
One of the employees, who was a postman and also helped at the post office, went to
his boss laughing heartily and showed him the letter. Never in his career as a postman
had he known that address. The postmaster — a fat, amiable fellow— also broke out
laughing, but almost immediately he turned serious and tapping the letter on his desk,
commented, “What faith! I wish I had the faith of the man who wrote this letter.
Starting up a correspondence with God!” So, in order not to shake the writer’s faith in
God, the postmaster came up with an idea. (A Letter to God)
31. ............... had written the letter at which the postman and the postmaster were
(a) Lencho’s wife (b) Lencho’s sons
(c) Lencho (d) God
34. Select the suitable word from the extract to complete the following.
Heartily : Wholeheartedly : : ............... : Friendly
(a) Serious (b) Amiable
(c) Laughing (d) Correspondence
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 147
35. “Starting up a correspondence with God!” suggests that the writer of the letter was
starting ............... .
(a) deal with God by exchanging letters
(b) seeking God’s help by sending letter
(c) communication with God by exchanging letters
(d) None of the above
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
The minute they entered the classroom, they stopped short and gasped. There were
drawings all over the room, on every ledge and windowsill, dazzling colours and
brilliant, lavish designs, all drawn on great sheets of wrapping paper. There must have
been a hundred of them, all lined up. These must be the drawings for the contest. They
were! Everybody stopped and whistled or murmured admiringly.
As soon as the class had assembled, Miss Mason announced the winners. Jack Beggles
had won for the boys, she said and his design for an out board motor was on exhibition
in Room Twelve, along with the sketches by all the other boys. (The Hundred Dresses – I)
37. Select the most appropriate option for (1) and (2).
1. There were hundred drawings hanging in the Room Thirteen.
2. The drawings were beautiful.
(a) (1) is true (2) is false (b) (1) is the result of (2)
(c) Both (1) and (2) are true (d) (2) cannot be inferred from the passage.
38. What was the topic of the competition for boys and girls?
(a) Designing motorboats for boys and designing dresses for girls.
(b) Designing motorboats for both.
(c) Designing dresses for both.
(d) None of the above
39. Select the option which displays an example of ‘lined up’.
(a) Hold a pen in front of you and parallel its tip with some distant object.
(b) All children must make a queue when the whistle goes.
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
What is the boy now, who has lost his ball,
What, what is he to do? I saw it go
Merrily bouncing, down the street and then
Merrily over — there it is in the water!
No use to say ‘O there are other balls’:
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
41. Who is the poet of ‘The Ball Poem’?
(a) John Berryman (b) Leslie Norris
(c) Carolyn Wells (d) Robert Frost
43. Why does the poet decide not to console the boy?
1. It will be of no use.
2. The child has to learn to bear the losses of life.
(a) Only 1 is correct (b) Both 1 and 2 are correct
(c) Only 2 is correct (d) Neither 1 nor 2 is correct
44. Name the literary device used in “Merrily bouncing, down the street and then Merrily
over — there it is in the water!”
(a) Metaphor (b) Simile
(c) Alliteration (d) Anaphora
45. According to the poet, the boy is ............. while staring at his ball.
(a) shivering (b) shaking
(c) crying (d) gazing
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
At the surgery, the household dogs surged round me. Tricki looked down at the noisy
pack with dull eyes and when put down, lay motionless on the carpet. The other dogs,
after sniffing round him for a few seconds,decided he was an uninteresting object and
ignored him. I made up a bed for him in a warm loose box next to the one where the
other dogs slept. For two days I kept an eye on him, giving him no food but plenty of
water. At the end of the second day he started to show some interest in his
surroundings and on the third he began to whimper when he heard the dogs in the
yard. (A Triumph of Surgery)
47. Choose the option that can replace the phrase ‘keep an eye on’ in the given sentence.
The teachers were keeping an eye on him during the test because they thought he
might cheat.
(a) Toe the line (b) Beat the drum
(c) Go with the flow (d) None of these
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 149
50. Which of the following statements are not true in the context of the story ‘A Triumph of
1. Mrs. Pumphrey was the owner of Tricki.
2. Mrs. Pumphrey used to under-feed Tricki which made him weak and he had to be
hospitalised for a fortnight.
3. Tricki was a greedy dog who could not say ‘No’ to the food.
4. Mr. Herriot had kidnapped Tricki.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 2 and 4
(c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) All are true
52. The poet says, ‘Of a day I had rued’. What is the meaning of ‘rued’?
(a) Ruined (b) Held in regret
(c) Ruled (d) Conquered
55. Who said the following dialogue “I want to know what you have been doing to my
chair upstairs”?
(a) Clergyman (b) Landlord
(c) Mrs. Hall (d) Griffin
56. How did Anne Frank enhance the image of her long-awaited friend?
(a) She did not just jot down the facts in the diary, she shared everything with it.
(b) She gave it a name ‘Kitty’.
(c) She covered her diary with beautiful covers.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
150 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
58. When did Wanda reply to the letter sent by Peggy and Maddie?
(a) On the last day of school before the New Year holidays.
(b) On the last day of school before Christmas holidays.
(c) Before the mid-term exams.
(d) None of the above
60. “I had forgotten about them in the excitement of the theft.” What did the speaker forgot?
1. That he couldn’t cook Anil’s meals.
2. That he couldn’t run to the bazaar.
3. That he couldn’t learn to write whole sentences any more.
4. That he couldn’t become a big and respectable man.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 2, 3 and 4 (c) 1, 3 and 4 (d) All of these
Roll No.
Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid gel & fountain pens for filling the sheets.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.
1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60
1. (d) 2. (a) 3. (b) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (b) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (b) 16. (c) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (b) 28. (a) 29. (d) 30. (b)
31. (c) 32. (c) 33. (d) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (c) 37. (c) 38. (a) 39. (b) 40. (b)
41. (a) 42. (c) 43. (b) 44. (d) 45. (b) 46. (a) 47. (d) 48. (d) 49. (c) 50. (b)
51. (a) 52. (b) 53. (a) 54. (d) 55. (c) 56. (d) 57. (d) 58. (b) 59. (d) 60. (d)
1. (d) According to the passage, common 12. (c) According to the passage, vaccines prevent
symptoms of an allergic reaction include and control outbreaks of any infectious
stuffed or dripping nose, rash, sinus, frequent disease.
sneezing, ear pain, breathing difficulties, 13. (d) According to the passage, the world now
stomach cramps, itchy throat and eyes. has vaccines that prevent more than 20
2. (a) According to the passage, the common life-threatening diseases.
environmental pollutants include pollen, dust 14. (d) According to the passage, due to the
and dust mites, animal dander, cigarette COVID-19 pandemic, more than 23 million
smoke and mould. children missed out on vaccinations in 2020,
3. (b) The passage suggests that in an acute which is the highest number, since, 2009
immune reaction, the allergy trigger may only and it is around 3.7 million more than that
be one, but the symptoms are usually caused in 2019.
by a combination of many factors. 15. (b) “Immunisation is a global health and
4. (c) The passage suggests that allergies can be development success story” suggests that
avoided by avoiding the allergy trigger and vaccination helps in saving millions of lives
can be treated by taking an anti-allergy every year, it reduces the risk of getting
medicine as soon as exposure occurs. diseases and it helps to improve immunity
5. (a) According to the passage, women are more against various diseases.
likely to develop allergies at puberty, after 16. (c) ‘Strained’ means to show signs of nervous
pregnancy and at menopause. tension or tiredness. Only the sentence in
6. (c) ‘Battery of tests’ as used in para 1 means option (c) uses the word as it is used in the
‘series or set of tests’. Thus, option (c) has the passage.
underlined word ‘set’ which can replace 17. (a) “Vaccination coverage has plateaued over
‘battery’ in para 1. the last decade” refers that the vaccination rate
7. (c) Statement (2) contradicts statement (1). is same since the last ten years.
8. (b) For those who do not respond to 18. (b) Global Vaccine Action Plan 2011-2020 aims
anti-allergic medicines, a series of allergy shots at improving global vaccination coverage.
is given to develop natural immunity against 19. (a) ‘Has applied’ is the correct answer because
the allergies. ‘each one of the managers’ represent that each
manager is an individual subject.
9. (a) Stress and lifestyle-induced changes in the
body’s hormonal balance are thought to be 20. (b) ‘Had died’ is the correct answer because the
triggers. given sentence is in past tense. The two actions
occurred one after the other.
10. (d) Exercising later in the day or indoors help
people with airway sensitivity and asthma 21. (c) ‘Can’ is the correct answer here.
lowers their exposure to pollens. 22. (a) The correct indirect speech is – Anand told
11. (a) According to the passage, vaccines contain Renu that he didn’t know what Gayathri was
killed or weakened forms of germs like viruses doing those days as she had not visited them
or bacteria that will never prove harmful to the for ages.
human body.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 153
23. (b) ‘Some’ is the correct answer to show ‘a few 40. (b) Only the sentence listed as 3 is an opinion
books’. as it is an individual’s expressing his/her
24. (d) The correct indirect speech is – The judge opinion and the rest are facts as they are
ordered to call the first witness. mentioned directly in the story.
25. (b) Option (b) shows the correct details of the 41. (a) The poet of ‘The Ball Poem’ is John
receiver’s address. Berryman.
26. (a) “Regarding reckless driving of school-bus 42. (c) According to the poem ‘The Ball Poem’, the
drivers” is the correct subject for the letter. cost of the ball is 1 dime.
27. (b) Option (b) will be the correct set of 43. (b) According to the poem, the poet decides
suggestions for the problems mentioned in the against consoling the boy because it is of no
letter. use as the ball and the memories it represents
are already gone. And the poet wishes for the
28. (a) Yes to option (1) because of its formal and boy to understand that he will have to face
polite tone. many losses in life and should learn to be
29. (d) (i) ‘Zigzag manner on packed roads’ is ready for it.
appropriate to fill in the blank. 44. (d) ‘Anaphora’ is a literary device which refers
(ii) As ‘rules’ have already been talked about in to the use of repeated words in two or more
the previous sentence, ‘lack of implementation’ lines. In the given lines, the word ‘merrily’
seems appropriate to fill in the blank. denotes the use of anaphora. Hence, option (d)
30. (b) Option (b) is the most appropriate is the correct answer.
concluding line for the letter. 45. (b) According to the poet, the boy is shaking
31. (c) Lencho had written the letter at which the while staring at his ball.
postman and the postmaster were laughing. 46. (a) In the given extract, the ‘noisy pack’ refers
32. (c) The postmaster didn’t want the writer of to the household dogs that are already at the
the letter to lose faith in God and thus, decided hospital when Tricki arrives.
to help the writer himself. 47. (d) The phrase ‘keep an eye on’ means to keep
33. (d) The given extract represents Lencho’s faith someone or something under careful
and the postmaster’s kindness. It also shows observation and none of the idioms given in
that Lencho’s only hope is God. the options have the same meaning.
34. (b) Heartily : Wholeheartedly : : Amiable : 48. (d) According to the story ‘Triumph of
Friendly. This is so because, heartily and Surgery’, Tricki was taken to the hospital
wholeheartedly are synonyms and so do because he was unwell and had several bouts
amiable and friendly. of vomiting. Both of these were the
consequences of overfeeding him.
35. (c) “Starting up a correspondence with God!”
suggests that the writer of the letter was 49. (c) When Tricki arrived at the hospital, the
starting communication with God by other dogs sniffed around him first and then
exchanging letters. ignored him after he seemed liked an
uninteresting object.
36. (c) Everybody stopped and whistled or
murmured admiringly because all the students 50. (b) According to the story, Mrs. Pumphrey,
knew that the drawings were for the contest who was the owner of Trick, overfed him
and they were amazed by those beautiful which eventually landed him in a hospital. Dr.
drawings. Herriot took him to treat at the surgery. Hence,
37. (c) Both (1) and (2) are true. the sentences listed as 2 and 4 are not true in
the context of the story.
38. (a) According to the story ‘The Hundred
Dresses’, the topic of the competition was 51. (a) The proverb ‘Where there is a will there’s a
‘designing motorboats’ for the boys and way’ is best suited to the story ‘The Black
‘designing dresses’ for the girls. Aeroplane’.
39. (b) Option (b) displays an example of ‘lined 52. (b) The word ‘rued’ means to regret something
up’, i.e. arranged as it is used in the given bitterly. Hence, option (b) ‘held in regret’ is the
extract. correct answer.
154 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
53. (a) According to Nelson Mandela, there is a 58. (b) Wanda replied to Peggy and Maddie’s letter
need to liberate the oppressor because he is by writing to Miss Mason and sent in on the last
locked behind metaphorical bars, of prejudice day of school before Christmas holidays.
and hatred and thus, should be helped to 59. (d) The theme of the story ‘His First Flight’ is as
overcome them. follows
54. (d) Both fire and ice would suffice if the • Importance of things like independence, self
world were to perish twice. courage and confidence
55. (c) In the story ‘Footprints without Feet’, • Motivation to reach goals
Mrs. Hall said the given dialogue to Griffin. • Importance of family support
56. (d) Anne Frank enhance the image of her 60. (d) When Hari Singh ran away after stealing
long-awaited friend by not just jotting down money Anil, he had forgotten that running away
the facts in the diary, instead she shared meant that he wouldn’t cook for Anil and shop
everything with it. She gave it a name ‘Kitty’. from the bazaar anymore. It also made him think
57. (d) The tiger ignores the visitors because he is that Anil wouldn’t teach him to read and write
not happy in the cage, he is angry and his anymore and thus, he wouldn’t be able to become
strength is confined in the cage. a respectable man.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
I. Read the passage given below.
I. Not too long ago, a group of teachers made a study of the students and learning
problems. A curious fact came out of this study. The teachers discovered that the
students who did poorly in subjects such as Maths or Art could still do very well in
other subjects. But the students who did poorly in reading, almost did poorly in all
their other courses.
II. For a while the teachers who made the study were puzzled by this, but they soon
had an answer to this puzzle. The teachers looked at the subjects that the students
were failing in and discovered that even subjects like Maths and Science were
based on reading.
III. Of course, there were also other skills involved such as learning to add and
subtract in Maths class. Most of the explanations of how to do things had to be read
by the students. Much of the home work assignments required students to read
long sets of directions and tests and problems in class often involved story
problems, problems that were explained in words and had to be read and
understood before they could be solved. Your success or failure in these classes
will depend on your ability to read the required material.
IV. Finally, if you go to college, almost all your study time will be spent in reading.
You need more and more information and most of the information come from the
printed material you have to read. Even if you could get tapes or movies
containing all the information, you need to know that they would not be of much
help until and unless you know how to read. Magazines and books may all be on
156 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
microfilm in the next few years, but they will still have to be read. The same is true
of most of what you have to learn in school. Your school is probably not going to
throw all printed material out of the window very soon.
V. Success in school courses still depends on an ability to read and those students,
who cannot read or at least read well enough to master material, are in trouble. You
are moving into a world where everyday more and more technical reading is
required. Instructions for using applications are becoming more complex. There are
written instructions to follow, for food preparations, traffic signs, travel directions
and safety information, all requiring the ability to read.
VI. Also your ability to get and keep a job is directly related to your ability to read.
Even the simplest jobs require some reading ability and many people advance to
more important and better paying jobs by getting additional knowledge and skills
through reading. The more specialised the job, the greater the need to read
confidently, quickly and efficiently. Doctors read professional journals so that they
can use the latest medical knowledge in treating patients while pharmacists have to
read the prescriptions the doctors write. Lawyers spend their days reading briefs.
The number of semiskilled and professional occupations that require high reading
ability is increasing rapidly. Today a person who cannot read is almost
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.
1. The study of a group of teachers revealed that ............... .
(a) The students who did poorly in reading almost always did poorly in all other subjects.
(b) The students who did poorly in subjects such as Maths or Art could still do very well in
other subjects.
(c) The students who did poorly in subjects such as Maths or Art did poorly in all other
(d) Both (a) and (b)
4. Complete the dialogue between two friends with reference to the above passage.
Sam: Inspirational and motivational reading also helps us keeping our emotional
Sunil: Very true! ...............
Sam: Exactly! Reading is important not only for students but for each and every person
to understand the life in its true sense. Well, I will take your leave now. Bye!
(a) Reading helps you to get success in your studies.
(b) Reading itself is a huge source of acquiring knowledge.
(c) Reading helps you in gaining bookish knowledge.
(d) Reading opens up the world of imagination.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 157
5. Select the option with the underlined word that can suitably replace ‘instructions’
(para v).
(a) Military leaders command the troops to open fire.
(b) She didn’t acknowledge his order but headed toward the stairs.
(c) In July he issued a decree ordering all unofficial armed groups in the country to disband.
(d) The computer comes with a comprehensive owners manual.
6. “The students who did poorly in reading, almost did poorly in all their other courses”
(a) other courses require different skill-set.
(b) other courses are difficult to read.
(c) other subjects are also based on reading.
(d) other subjects are application-based subjects.
9. Choose the quote that best expresses the central idea of the passage.
(a) “The best advice I ever got was that knowledge is power and to keep reading.” – David
(b) “Reading is like thinking, like praying, like talking to a friend, like expressing your
ideas, like listening to other people’s ideas, like listening to music, like looking at the
view, like taking a walk on the beach.” – Roberto Bolaño
(c) “He that loves reading has everything within his reach.” – William Godwin
(d) “Once you learn to read, you will be forever free.” – Frederick Douglass
10. One’s .............. in school classes depends on one’s ability to read the required material.
(a) promotion or demotion (b) pass or fail
(c) success or failure (d) marks
uncontrolled diabetes and over time leads to serious damage to many of the body’s
systems, especially the nerves and blood vessels. There is a globally agreed target
to halt the rise in diabetes and obesity by 2025.
II. About 422 million people worldwide have diabetes, the majority living in low and
middle income countries and 1.6 million deaths are directly attributed to diabetes
each year. Both the number of cases and the prevalence of diabetes have been
steadily increasing over the past few decades. In 2014, 8.5% of adults aged 18 years
and older had diabetes. In 2019, diabetes was the direct cause of 1.5 million deaths.
To present a more accurate picture of the deaths causes by diabetes, however,
deaths due to higher than optimal blood glucose through cardiovascular disease,
chronic kidney disease and tuberculosis should be added. In 2012 (year of the latest
available data), there were another 2.2 million deaths due to high blood glucose.
III. Between 2000 and 2016, there was a 5% increase in premature mortality from
diabetes. In high-income countries the premature mortality rate due to diabetes
decreased from 2000 to 2010 but then increased in 2010-2016. In lower-middle
income countries, the premature mortality rate due to diabetes increased across
both periods.
IV. By contrast, the probability of dying from any one of the four main
non-communicable diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory
diseases or diabetes) between the ages of 30 and 70 decreased by 18% globally
between 2000 and 2016.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions
by choosing the correct option.
11. What is diabetes?
(a) Elevated levels of blood glucose (b) Elevated levels of blood platelets
(c) Elevated fat in the body (d) Elevated level of cholesterol
12. There was a 18% decrease in probability of global deaths from any one of the four
non-communicable diseases between 2000 and 2016.
The above line suggests that
(a) deaths due to cardiovascular diseases decreased by 18%.
(b) deaths due to cancer and chronic respiratory diseases decreased by 18%.
(c) deaths due to diabetes decreased by 18%.
(d) deaths due to cardiovascular diseases or cancer or chronic respiratory diseases or
diabetes alone decreased by 18%.
14. ............... deaths due to diabetes and high blood glucose are recorded each year.
(a) 3.7 million (b) 1.6 million
(c) 422 million (d) 2.2 million
15. What do you think can be the risk factors for diabetes?
1. Unhealthy diet 2. Less or no physical activity
(a) Only 1 is correct (b) Only 2 is correct
(c) Both 1 and 2 are correct (d) Both 1 and 2 are incorrect
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 159
16. Choose the option that does NOT use the word ‘premature’ as it is used in the above
(a) Every father should insure himself against premature death or prolonged illness for the
sake of his wife and children.
(b) Premature disclosure of the test sites might lead to invalidation of the experiment.
(c) For enterprises and service providers, the use of network processors ensures against
premature product obsolescence.
(d) Dean retreated to their quarters to handle some premature paper work and so spent the
remainder of the morning.
18. Select the option that is true for the two statements given below.
(1) Diabetes is increasing the rate of premature mortality.
(2) Diabetes is taking lives before the average age of death.
(a) (2) furthers the meaning of (1) (b) (1) is the result of (2)
(c) (2) is independent of (1) (d) (1) is true (2) is false
20. The coffee is rather bitter. ............... you please pass some sugar?
(a) Shall (b) Should (c) May (d) Would
“Why don’t you change into something more comfortable?” he said to his guest.
(a) He asked his guest why he hadn’t change into something more comfortable.
(b) He asked his guest why didn’t he change into something more comfortable.
(c) He asked his guest why he didn’t change into something more comfortable.
(d) He asked his guest why he hasn’t change into something more comfortable.
23. When Feroze and Mehr ............... for the first time, they did not like each other but now
they are married.
(a) meet (b) meets
(c) met (d) have met
160 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
28. Which of the following option should be opted as the concluding portion of the letter?
(1) Make up the shortfall immediately and ensure that such errors do not happen
again. Otherwise, we may have to look elsewhere for our supplies.
(2) I am writing to ask you to make up the shortfall immediately and to ensure that
such errors do not happen again. Otherwise, we may have to look elsewhere for
our supplies.
(a) Yes, to Option (1) because of the authoritative tone.
(b) No, to Option (1) because of the certainty in the tone.
(c) Yes, to Option (2) because of the tone of polite expectation.
(d) No, to Option (2) because of the informal tone.
29. Choose the suitable closing line for the letter.
(a) Thanking you (b) Thanks
(c) I look forward to hearing from you (d) Hope to see you soon
30. Choose the correct complementary closing for the letter.
This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin or his
background or his religion. People must learn to hate and if they can learn to hate, they
can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its
opposite. Even in the grimmest times in prison, when my comrades and I were pushed
to our limits, I would see a glimmer of humanity in one of the guards, perhaps just for
a second, but it was enough to reassure me and keep me going. Man’s goodness is a
flame that can be hidden but never extinguished. (‘Nelson Mandela’ Long Walk to Freedom)
32. What did ‘a glimmer of humanity in one of the guards’ reassured Mandela in prison?
(a) Love and kindness were still present (b) The guard was kind to him
(c) The guard treated him humanely (d) All of these
34. What does the line “Man’s goodness is a flame that can be hidden but never
extinguished” show?
1. Optimism and inspiration.
2. Every individual has goodness within themselves.
3. Though it may remain burning at low intensity, but it can never be extinguished.
(a) 1 and 2 (b) Only 3
(c) Only 1 (d) All of these
35. Select the suitable word from the extract to complete the following.
Miserable : Grimmest : : Kindness : ................ .
(a) Glimmer (b) Love
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Then he completely forgot that he had not always been able to fly and commended
himself to dive and soar and curve, shrieking shrilly. He was near the sea now, flying
straight over it, facing straight out over the ocean. He saw a vast green sea beneath
him, with little ridges moving over it and he turned his beak sideways and cawed
amusedly. His parents and his brothers and sister had landed on this green flooring
ahead of him. They were beckoning to him, calling shrilly. He dropped his legs to
stand on the green sea. (His First Flight)
162 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
36. When did the young seagull completely forget that he had not always been able to fly?
(a) When he took his first flight.
(b) When he cawed amusedly.
(c) When he joined his brothers and sisters.
(d) When he saw his mother bringing fish to him.
40. What happened when the young seagull took his first flight?
1. He dived and soared. 2. He flew straight over the sea.
3. He was happy.
(a) 1 and 3 (b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 1, 2 and 3
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued. (Dust of Snow)
45. Choose the option that uses the word ‘rued’ as it is used in the above extract?
(a) If you want your workers to be rued, you need to pay them a decent wage.
(b) Sara slapped the snooze button on her alarm radio and rued the day she bought it.
(c) In spite of the time lapse between practice sessions, she did well enough to win his rue.
(d) The very things that in the moment dampen our moods can later be sources of intense
gratification and rue.
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
When I reached the station I did not stop at the ticket office but dashed straight to the
platform. The Lucknow Express was just moving out. The train had still to pickup
speed and I should have been able to jump into one of the carriages, but I hesitated —
for some reason I can’t explain — and I lost the chance to get away. When the train had
gone, I found myself standing alone on the deserted platform. I had no idea where to
spend the night. I had no friends, believing that friends were more trouble than help.
And I did not want to make anyone curious by staying at one of the small hotels near
the station. (The Thief’s Story)
46. Why did the speaker not stop at the ticket office?
(a) He did not have money to buy a ticket. (b) He had never bought a ticket in his life.
(c) He was in a great hurry. (d) He forgot to buy a ticket.
48. Which unexplained reason stopped the speaker from getting into the train?
(a) That he would break the trust of his employer.
(b) That he would not be able to read and write.
(c) That he would not be able to become a big and respected man in the society.
(d) All of the above
50. Which of the following qualities can be associated with the speaker in the above
1. Grateful 2. Regretful
3. Happy 4. Curious
5. Ashamed 6. Cunning
(a) 2, 3, and 6 (b) 1, 2 and 5
(c) 2, 4 and 5 (d) 1, 3, and 4
164 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
52. What did Peggy and Maddie decide to do after hearing letter from Wanda’s father?
1. To go to Boggins Heights to find Wanda.
2. To write an apologising letter to Wanda.
3. To write a friendly letter to Wanda.
(a) Only 2 (b) Only 1
(c) 1 and 2 (d) 1 and 3
53. When Dr. Herriot placed an extra bowl at the surgery ................ .
(a) Tricki jostled his way towards it.
(b) There was the usual headlong rush of the dogs.
(c) There were the sounds of high-speed eating.
(d) All of the above
54. Match the characters from First Flight with their identities.
List I List II
(Characters) (Identities)
A. Anne Frank 1. Victim of Apartheid
B. Lencho 2. A Polish girl
C. Nelson Mandela 3. Freedom fighter
D. Wanda 4. A farmer
5. Renowned victim of Holocaust
(a) 1 4 5 3 (b) 5 2 3 4
(c) 2 1 3 4 (d) 5 4 1 2
55. Why did Lencho ask God not to send him the rest of the money through mail?
(a) Because he thought that mail would take a much longer time.
(b) Because he thought that the post office employees stole it.
(c) Because he was not available to receive the mail next time.
(d) Because it was not safe to send money through mail.
56. What does the poet wish to convey through the poem ‘Fire and Ice’?
(a) We should not be greedy.
(b) All the human beings should check their desires and hatred.
(c) We should control our desires and care for our fellow beings.
(d) Both (a) and (c)
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 165
57. Why do you think Wanda lie that she had hundred dresses and sixty pairs of shoes?
(a) To impress Peggy and Maddie. (b) She did not lie.
(c) To avoid getting bullied further. (d) None of these
58. What every man needs to know one day as per the poet of ‘The Ball Poem’?
(a) That losing something is a part of life.
(b) One must learn to deal with such losses.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) One cannot buy a new ball
59. “I was very happy to go behind the strange aeroplane like an obedient child.” – Which
figure of speech is used in the underlined phrase?
(a) Metaphor (b) Simile
(c) Alliteration (d) Personification
Roll No.
Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid gel & fountain pens for filling the sheets.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.
1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60
1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (b) 5. (d) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (c)
11. (a) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (d)
21. (b) 22. (c) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (d) 28. (c) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (a) 32. (a) 33. (d) 34. (d) 35. (c) 36. (a) 37. (b) 38. (d) 39. (a) 40. (d)
41. (b) 42. (a) 43. (d) 44. (c) 45. (b) 46. (b) 47. (c) 48. (d) 49. (d) 50. (b)
51. (d) 52. (b) 53. (a) 54. (d) 55. (b) 56. (d) 57. (c) 58. (c) 59. (b) 60. (a)
1. (d) According to the passage, the study 10. (c) According to the passage, an individual’s
conducted by a group of teachers revealed that success or failure in school classes and
the students who did not perform very well in while doing homework assignments depends
subjects like Maths and Arts could still do well upon their ability to read the required
in other subjects, but those who performed material.
badly in reading were almost always bad in all 11. (a) In the given passage, diabetes has been
other subjects. defined as a chronic, metabolic disease which
2. (c) Learning to read is very important because results in elevated levels of blood glucose.
it helps in many stages and professions like 12. (d) The given line suggests that deaths due to
doctors reading professional journals, cardiovascular diseases or cancer or chronic
pharmacists reading doctors’ prescriptions and respiratory diseases or diabetes alone
medicine name and lawyers reading briefs and decreased by 18% between 2000 and 2016.
case files.
13. (c) According to the passage, heart diseases,
3. (a) According to the passage, no matter what stroke, blindness, kidney failure and amputa-
the job is, one’s ability to read is important in tion are few of the consequences of diabetes.
every field.
14. (b) According to the passage, 1.6 million
4. (b) “Reading itself is a huge source of deaths due to diabetes and high blood glucose
acquiring knowledge,” is suitable to complete are recorded each year.
the dialogue.
15. (c) According to the passage, unhealthy diet
5. (d) The underlined word ‘manual’ can replace and little to no physical activity are the causes
the word instructions in para v. and risk factor for diabetes.
6. (c) “The students who did poorly in reading, 16. (d) ‘Premature’ means untimely or occurring
almost did poorly in all their other courses” too early. Hence, only the sentence in option
because other subjects are also based on (d) does not use the word correctly and as used
reading. in the given extract.
7. (a) ‘Not too long ago’ has the assonance words 17. (b) There is little or no insulin secreted by
– not and long which have the same vowel pancreas is the main characteristic of Type-1
sounds. diabetes.
8. (d) Reading is essential in life because not only 18. (a) (2) Furthers the meaning of (1), i.e. diabetes
it is integral to achieving success in school is increasing the rate of premature mortality
courses, but it also helps during college as
22. (c) The correct indirect speech is – He asked his 36. (a) When the young seagull finally started
guest why he didn’t change into something flying for the first time, he completely forgot
more comfortable. that he had never been able to fly and has
23. (c) Since, the given sentence is in past tense, always been scared that his wings would not
‘met’ is the correct option to be filled in the support him.
blank. 37. (b) Everyone was calling shrilly in order to
24. (b) ‘My uncle and guardian’ represents one praise the young seagull for making his first
same person, so singular verb ‘wants’ is flight.
appropriate to fill in the blank. 38. (d) ‘Beckoning’ means to gesture someone to
25. (b) ‘Regarding the incomplete delivery of approach or follow. Hence, only ‘repel’ does
batteries’ will be the correct subject for the letter. not correspond with beckoning.
26. (c) The given sentence is referring to an order 39. (a) (1) is the result of (2), i.e., the young
and hence, option (c) ‘order no. 243637 that we seagull’s hunger pushed him to make his first
ordered’ is appropriate to fill in the blank to flight.
complete the opening line of the letter. 40. (d) When the young seagull took his first flight
27. (d) Following are required for the letter he dived and soared, he flew straight over the
• Order no. sea and he was happy.
• Sender’s details 41. (b) The rhyming scheme used in the above
• Receiver’s details extract is abab.
• Proof of incomplete delivery
42. (a) The falling of the dust of snow when the
28. (c) Yes, to Option (2) because of the tone of crow shook the branch of the hemlock tree
polite expectation. changed the poet’s mood.
29. (c) ‘I look forward to hearing from you’ is the 43. (d) When snow fell on the poet, he noticed
correct close to a formal letter, especially when what’s happening around him, his mood got
expecting a response. changed and he became happy.
30. (a) Option (a) shows the correct 44. (c) The poem makes a mention of the poet’s
complementary closing for the letter. regret of the day but the reason behind the
31. (a) ‘Glimmer’ means shine or light. Hence, by upset mood is not given.
‘a glimmer of humanity’, the author meant ‘a 45. (b) ‘Rued’ means to regret something bitterly.
light of humanity’. Hence, the only sentence that uses it as used in
32. (a) Whenever any guard would show kind the given extract is the one in option (b).
behaviour towards him, even for a second, 46. (b) The speaker, Hari Singh, did not stop to
Mandela would get reassured that love and buy the ticket because he had never bought a
kindness were still present in the world. ticket in his life.
33. (d) From the story ‘Nelson Mandela Long 47. (c) The speaker felt bad for stealing from a man
Walk to Freedom’, it can be understood that who trusted him and taught him and decided
things might seem difficult and impossible till to go back to his employer, Anil.
attempted and that courage is not only the
absence of fear but also the overcoming of the 48. (d) The reason that stopped the speaker was
fear. The story also teaches us that everyone is that he didn’t want to break Anil’s trust and
born equal and discrimination of any kind is lose his only friend and source of education.
With the help of Anil’s teachings, the speaker
51. (d) The appropriate responses to the given 56. (d) Through the poem ‘Fire and Ice’, the poet
remark are that zoos should be banned because wants to convey that we should not be greedy
it strips the animals of their freedom and and we should control our desires and care for
wildlife sanctuaries and national parks provide our fellow beings.
much better protection to wildlife and it 57. (c) Wanda lied that she had hundred dresses
doesn’t restrict their freedom. and sixty pairs of shoes to avoid getting
52. (b) After hearing the letter from Wanda’s bullied further.
father, Peggy and Maddie decided to go to her 58. (c) According to the poet of ‘The Ball Poem’,
house to find and stop Wanda from leaving every person needs to understand that loss is a
and also to tell her that she won the contest. part of life and should also learn to cope with
53. (a) After restricting his food intake for two the loss.
days, when the doctor finally gives Tricki some 59. (b) “I was very happy to go behind the strange
food, he leapt at the sight and ran joyfully to aeroplane like an obedient child.” – simile is
eat. used in the underlined phrase.
54. (d) ‘5412’ is the correct matching sequence. 60. (a) The trick to write the essay on ‘A
55. (b) Lencho asked God not to send him the rest Chatterbox’ was to come up with convincing
of the money through mail because he thought ideas to prove the necessity of talking.
that the post office employees stole it.
CBSE Sample Paper English Class X (Term I)
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
I. Read the passage given below.
I. The conquest of happiness has meant different facts to different generations. Our
forefathers took pride in scholarship, a spirit of sacrifice and solicitude for the
welfare of others. Gone are those days. Today we live only for ourselves. We are
jealous of the advancement of our neighbours. We end up tense and unhappy.
II. The term ‘happy’ has a variety of meanings. It stands for the lucky, fortunate,
content, glad or apt. Happiness lies within the mind of the individual. No amount
of external wealth may be helpful in making him happy.
III. Our forefathers had life styles, very much different from those we have today. Their
life was based mainly on the concept of ‘Simple living and high thinking.’ People
were satisfied with whatever they obtained after working hard. Excessive material
wealth did not mean much for them. They aimed at deriving mental satisfaction
and enrichment from whatever they did.
IV. The structural framework of our forefathers’ families was different from those of
ours. They lived in a cohesive joint family structure where they were happier than
we. They cared for each other. The siblings grew up with their cousins. The bond
of love which they share cannot be easily found in the nuclear family of the day.
The family provided an emotional cushioning effect against tension and stress.
However, in the nuclear family, we are detached from the feelings towards our
kith and kin. At times even the cousins do not recognise one another, when they
happen to be self-centred. Disputes in the family may lead to divisions. This may
finally destroy the family psyche.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 171
V. The joint family system provided a proper environment for the child to grow up.
The value of respect, tolerance, responsibility, integrity, etc. were internalised in the
child. In the long run, they became better human beings, compared to those in the
present generation. Our forefathers felt happiest if their children became ‘honest’
human beings. But today we are happy only if we attain our coveted material ends.
We are ready to resort to any means to attain that end. Our philosophy of life has
turned out totally Machiavellian.
VI. Our forefathers had a vision to make India the best. To attain their ambitions, they
were ready to make all sorts of personal sacrifices. Their happiness lay in that of
the millions of Indian brothers and sisters. On the other hand, today people are
ready to migrate to the West, to enjoy a comfortable life. They run away from the
evils of the Indian society without trying to remedy them. Often they become
successful in foreign lands. But in the process, they become alienated from their
motherland. The nostalgic feeling of their childhood and the relationship they left
lingered on, which cannot make them happy. Distance from their ailing parents is a
worrying factor and keeps them perturbed. It is not easy for them to return, as their
children will not be able to adjust to the Indian environment and the way of life.
Thus, in our generation, tradition and modernity have intermingled to form our
special system.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.
1. According to the passage, which from the following options brings out the difference
between lives of our forefathers and today’s generation?
(a) Forefathers lived a self-sacrificing life while today’s generation live a self-centred life.
(b) Forefathers wanted to live with their children, but today’s generation wanted to live
(c) Forefathers took pride in scholarship; today’s generation look down upon it.
(d) None of the above
2. What do you understand by ‘happiness’?
(a) Happiness cannot be got from any amount of external wealth.
(b) It lies within the mind of the individual.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
3. Why are people ready to migrate to the West?
(a) To enjoy a comfortable life.
(b) To run away from the evils of the Indian society.
(c) To become successful in foreign lands.
(d) All of the above
4. How does the joint family system make a child a good human being?
(a) By teaching a sense of responsibility, integrity, tolerance and values
(b) By giving responsibility and values
(c) By giving material comforts, integrity and responsibility
(d) By giving luxuries of life and values
172 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
5. Complete the dialogue between two friends with reference to the above passage.
Saurabh The most important thing in life is to be satisfied with what one has. My
resources are limited and I try to keep my wants within limits. I’m always happy with
what I have.
Ankit Oh, you must be a sage. Few people can be like you. ................. , which
invariably ends in frustration.
(a) People want to be rich and successful
(b) Their wants have no limits and their whole life is a race to satisfy their goals
(c) There can be unfulfilled desires and goals
(d) Their desires have limits and their whole life goes in fulfilling them
7. Choose from the following options that display the concept of ‘Simple living and high
(i) Yesterday I had been to a Buddhist monastery. There were monks with their heads
shaved off, wearing only a simple cloth. Yet when I talked to them, they seemed to
be filled with purest thoughts about the planet and its creatures.
(ii) There lived a wealthy businessman with his only son in a big mansion. The
businessman had no time for his family yet, their house had everything in the
entire world that money can buy. The son had to spend most of his time alone, with
his cars and gadgets, but he was happy with it.
(a) Only (ii) (b) Both (i) and (ii)
(c) Only (i) (d) Neither (i) nor (ii)
8. Choose the option with underlined word/ phrase which can replace the phrase
‘lingered on’ in para VI.
(a) I knew I was going the wrong way, but I just carried on.
(b) It is estimated that some 7000 people have been disappeared by security forces.
(c) They have indicated their willingness to continue in office.
(d) Undercover officers spend most of their time hanging around.
10. Choose the option which suggests the following meaning “We are jealous of the
advancement of our neighbours”.
(a) Frog in the well
(b) Crab in the barrel
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 173
12. How did production house avoid forfeiture in revenue during lockdown?
(a) By repeated telecast of running or evergreen programs
(b) By producing new serials
(c) By not stopping the production of new episodes
(d) All of the above
174 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
13. Which of the following are over the top platforms delivering to the audience?
1. Web series 2. Movies
3. TV serials 4. Sports
5. News with different languages
(a) 1, 2, 4 and 5 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 3, and 5 (d) All of these
14. A study revealed that .................. (age between 18 and 25) have admitted to watch web
series in a metro city like Mumbai.
(a) 81% youth (b) 95% youth
(c) 42% youth (d) 74% youth
15. Which category showed an increase during lockdown as per the data given?
(a) All day users
(b) Weekends users
(c) Only weekdays users
(d) Any day users
16. Choose the option which uses the word ‘forfeiture’ as it is used in the passage.
(a) Punishment has included reduction in rank, forfeiture of pay, confinement and bad
conduct discharge.
(b) Everybody was celebrating the forfeiture, everything was bubbling with life in the
ruined but reviving city.
(c) Two weeks later he took part in his crowning forfeiture at Nashville.
(d) In another version, the Muses were judges and awarded the forfeiture to Apollo, who
tied Marsyas to a tree and flayed him alive.
17. There was a 15% increase in the audience of watching web series suggests that
(a) 15% more audience was watching web series after lockdown was lifted.
(b) 15% more audience was watching web series before lockdown.
(c) 15% more audience was watching web series during lockdown.
(d) Both (a) and (c)
18. Choose the example of minimax programming that was applied by Doordarshan in
India during lockdown.
(a) Replaying Buniyaad (b) Replaying Ramayana
(c) Replaying Malgudi Days (d) Replaying Rangoli
III. Answer any five out of the six questions by selecting the most appropriate option for
19. As he .................. he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing.
(a) gets out of his bus (b) gets out of his car
(c) got out of his car (d) got out
20. Either China or Malaysia .................. the chance to win the world cup in badminton.
(a) have (b) has
(c) have has (d) has have
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 175
24. We have .................. money right now; we should go out for dinner another day.
(a) few (b) little (c) many (d) some
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You are Rajesh Roy of 105 C, Chatterjee Lane, Kolkata. You have received a letter from
your brother who is staying in the boys hostel of Shakti Mandir Public School,
Darjeeling, stating that he is being bullied by some senior students who threatened him
with dire consequences, if he complained. You have to write a letter to the Hostel
Warden requesting him to take urgent action.
25. What should come in the place of receiver’s details?
(a) Hostel Warden (b) Hostel Warden
Shakti Mandir Public School Shakti Mandir Public School
Darjeeling Darjeeling
West Bengal
28. Choose the option which can be appropriately used as the concluding line for the letter.
(1) With due respect, I want to bring to your notice that my brother, Ashutosh Roy, of
class X-D, has been staying in dormitory No. 20 for the last 6 months.
(2) My brother, Ashutosh Roy, of class X-D, has been staying in dormitory No. 20 for
the last 6 months. He is being bullied by your school students.
(a) Yes, to Option (1) because of the tone of polite expectation.
(b) No, to Option (1) because of the certainty in the tone.
(c) Yes, to Option (2) because of the authoritative tone.
(d) No, to Option (2) because of the informal tone.
29. Choose the correct option to elaborate on the problems to be written in the letter.
(a) • My brother has been facing a lot of bullying because of being a ‘new bee’ in the hostel.
• Going through a lot of stress.
• Passes sleepless nights and sometimes even takes sleeping tablets.
• He no longer wants to study in your prestigious institution.
• Even been threatened of serious consequences by these bullies if he complains.
(b) • Passes sleepless nights and sometimes even takes sleeping tablets.
• He no longer wants to study in your prestigious institution.
• Even been threatened of serious consequences by these bullies if he complains.
(c) • My brother has been facing a lot of bullying because of being a ‘new bee’ in the hostel.
• He no longer wants to study in your prestigious institution.
• Passes sleepless nights and sometimes even takes sleeping tablets.
This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
31. How did Peggy and Maddie know that Petronskis had gone?
1. They went to Boggins Heights where Wanda used to live.
2. There was not a sign of life about the house.
3. Peggy knocked on the door, but there was no answer.
4. She and Maddie went around to the back yard and knocked there.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 1, 3 and 4 (c) 2 and 4 (d) All of these
33. Which of the following options describe the tone of Peggy in the above extract?
(a) Casual (b) Angry (c) Worried (d) Scared
34. Given below are three sentences which have to be filled with the same word. Select the
correct option.
I. Johnson tried unsuccessfully to ............... the bill, which passed the House in recent
days after negotiations between House Democrats and the White House.
II. The fundamental purpose of legislation is to create, ............... or repeal law, thereby
giving effect to the intentions of Parliament.
III. We have given him every opportunity to ............... his statements in light of more
recent proceedings.
(a) carefully (b) turned (c) amend (d) doubt
35. “Besides, when I was asking her about all her dresses, she probably was getting good
ideas for her drawings. She might not even have won the contest, otherwise.”
Peggy said the above line to ............... .
(a) convince herself that she did not do anything wrong with Wanda.
(b) hide her guilt.
(c) convince Maddie that Wanda won the contest because of her questions.
(d) Both (a) and (b)
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota near the control tower. I
went and asked a woman in the control centre where I was and who the other pilot
was. I wanted to say ‘Thank you’. She looked at me very strangely, and then laughed.
“Another aeroplane? Up there in this storm? No other aeroplanes were flying tonight.
Yours was the only one I could see on the radar.” So who helped me to arrive there
safely without a compass or a radio, and without any more fuel in my tanks? Who was
the pilot on the strange black aeroplane, flying in the storm, without lights?
(The Black Aeroplane)
36. Why was the pilot not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota?
(a) He wanted to know about the other pilot and his plane.
(b) He wanted to talk to the Control Room operator.
(c) He wanted to go to his home urgently.
(d) None of the above
178 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
38. To whom did the pilot of old Dakota want to say thank you?
(a) His family (b) His friends
(c) Woman of control tower (d) Pilot of black aeroplane
40. How did the pilot of Dakota react when the woman at the control tower says, “Yours
was the only one I could see on the radar.” Choose the correct option.
(a) Shocked (b) Surprised (c) Sad (d) Angry
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
He stalks in his vivid stripes
The few steps of his cage,
On pads of velvet quiet,
In his quiet rage.
He should be lurking in shadow,
Sliding through long grass
Near the water hole
Where plump deer pass. (A Tiger in the Zoo)
42. What are the two contrasting ideas shown in the poem?
(a) Life in jungle vs Life in captivity (b) Life in a zoo vs Life in natural habitat
(c) Tamed tiger vs Wild tiger (d) Both (a) and (b)
43. How has the poet personified tiger in the above lines?
1. By using ‘he’ and not ‘it’ 2. By using tiger and not animal
3. By giving it a unique name
(a) Only 1 (b) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3 (d) None of these
44. What is the meaning of the line ‘in his quiet rage’?
(a) The tiger is hungry.
(b) The tiger is sleepy.
(c) The tiger is unhappy and controlling his anger.
(d) The tiger is lazy.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 179
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
The village constable was secretly sent for. Instead of waiting for the constable, Mrs.
Hall went to the scientist, who had somehow mysteriously appeared from his empty
bedroom. “I want to know what you have been doing to my chair upstairs,” she
demanded. “And I want to know how it is you came out of an empty room and how
you entered a locked room.” The scientist was always quick-tempered; now he became
furious. “You don’t understand who or what I am!” he shouted. “Very well — I’ll show
you.” (Footprints without Feet)
46. Why was the strange scientist suspected of burglary at clergyman’s house?
(a) Because he threw objects at Mrs. Halls.
(b) Because he was involved in witchcraft.
(c) Because he was wearing expensive clothes.
(d) Because he suddenly produced some ready cash, despite informing that he had no
Walk to Freedom’?
(a) Blacks (b) Whites
(c) People of mixed races (d) None of these
52. What was more difficult for Hari Singh than stealing the money?
(a) To learn to read and write
(b) To go back to Anil’s room
(c) To keep the stolen back undetected
(d) To cook Anil’s meals
180 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
53. Lines from poems from ‘First Flight’ are given. Match them with the poetic devices
used in them.
List I (Lines from poems) List II (Poetic Devices used)
A. Has given my heart 1. Metaphor: Describes an object or action in a way that isn’t
literally true
B. To say that for destruction ice is also great 2. Alliteration : The occurrence of the same letter or sound
C. On pads of velvet quiet 3. Enjambment: Thought or clause that does not come to an
end at a line break, rather it moves over to the next line.
D. What is the boy now, who has lost his ball 4. Assonance: Repeated use of vowel
(a) 2 3 1 4 (b) 4 3 1 2
(c) 1 3 2 4 (d) 3 1 2 4
54. Why does the poet say, ‘balls will be lost always’ in the poem ‘The Ball Poem’?
(a) To emphasise that loss of dearly thing or loved one is a universal fact.
(b) To emphasise that balls keep on getting lost.
(c) To show that children re careless with their things.
(d) None of the above
55. What tempted Dr. Herriot to keep Tricki as his permanent guest?
(a) Two dozen round fresh eggs brought by Mrs. Pumphrey for Tricki.
(b) Wine brought by Mrs. Pumphrey for Tricki.
(c) Brandi brought by Mrs. Pumphrey for Tricki.
(d) All of the above
56. Given below are a few sentences. Identify the sentences which are FACTS and those
which are OPINIONS and choose the correct option.
1. Water is necessary for crops to grow.
2. The post office employees are a bunch of crooks.
3. With God’s help, Lencho and his family will be saved and won’t go hungry.
4. Lencho placed a stamp on the letter and dropped it into the mailbox.
5. Writing a letter to God is an act of faith.
(a) F- 2 and 5; O- 1, 3 and 4 (b) F- 1, 3 and 4; O- 2 and 5
(c) F- 1 and 4; O- 2, 3 and 5 (d) F- 2, 3 and 5; O- 1 and 4
57. “But for the life of him he could not move” – what do you understand by the
underlined phrase from the story ‘His First Flight’?
(a) He could not put even a little effort (b) His life was in danger
(c) He wanted to save his life (d) He put all the efforts
(a) Because she would not let anyone read her diary.
(b) Because she did not have anyone to read that diary.
(c) Because she was not allowed to show her diary to anyone.
(d) Because she hid her diary.
59. When did students of Room Thirteen think about Wanda?
(a) In the morning before school (b) In the afternoon, after school
(c) Both (a) and (b) (d) During classes in the school
60. What did crow shake in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’?
(a) Snow (b) Leaves (c) Hemlock tree (d) Twigs
Roll No.
Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid gel & fountain pens for filling the sheets.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.
1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60
1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (d) 4. (a) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (c) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (a) 27. (c) 28. (a) 29. (a) 30. (b)
31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (a) 34. (c) 35. (d) 36. (a) 37. (d) 38. (d) 39. (c) 40. (a)
41. (b) 42. (d) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (d) 46. (d) 47. (a) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (d)
51. (a) 52. (c) 53. (a) 54. (a) 55. (d) 56. (c) 57. (a) 58. (a) 59. (c) 60. (c)
1. (a) According to the passage, our forefathers 11. (c) According to the passage, the COVID-19
lived a self-sacrificing life while today’s pandemic changed the pattern and concept of
generation live a self-centred life. TV watching and of watching web series.
2. (c) The passage suggests that happiness can’t 12. (a) According to the passage, to avoid loss
be achieved or bought from any amount of in revenue during the lockdown period,
external wealth. It only truly lies within the production houses ran repeated telecast of the
minds of the people. evergreen and currently running programs.
3. (d) The passage suggests that today’s 13. (d) According to the passage, the over-the-top
generation is always ready to move to the West (OTT) platforms like Hotstar, Amazon Prime
to enjoy a comfortable life and run away from Video and Netflix are delivering web series,
the evils that plague the Indian society and movies, sports, news and TV serials to the
also to become successful in foreign lands. audience, since, the revolution of 4G in India.
4. (a) According to the passage, a joint family can 14. (b) According to the passage, a study revealed
instill tolerance in a child, teach him a sense of that around 95% youth have admitted to
integrity and responsibility and by providing watching web series in a metro city like
them with values of respect and thus, make a Mumbai.
child a good human being. 15. (a) According to the data provided in the
5. (b) “Their wants have no limits and their passage, the percentage of all day users was
whole life is a race to satisfy their goals” is the increased during the lockdown period.
correct option to fill in the blank. 16. (a) ‘Forfeiture’ means loss or giving up of
6. (c) According to the passage, our forefathers something as penalty. Hence, only the sentence
lived on the principles of simple living and in option (a) uses the word correctly and as
high thinking. They did not care much for used in the given extract.
excessive wealth and believed in being 17. (c) There was a 15% increase in the audience of
satisfied with whatever they had obtained watching web series suggests that 15% more
through their work. They aimed at deriving audience was watching web series during
peace and enrichment from whatever they did. lockdown.
7. (c) Only statement (i) shows the concept of 18. (b) Doordarshan repeated the telecast of
‘simple living and high thinking’. Ramayana which helped it in minimax
programming and collecting revenue higher
8. (d) The underlined phrase ‘hanging around’ in
than the time of original telecast.
22. (a) The correct indirect speech is – “The master stuck in an unexpected storm and his compass
ordered the servant to fetch him a glass of and radar stop working. Another plane
water.” emerges, black in colour, the pilot of which
23. (c) The sentence is showing a threatening, so guides the Dakota out of the storm towards
‘shall be’ is the correct answer. safety. At the end, the pilot of Dakota reaches
his destination, England.
24. (b) ‘Money’ is an uncountable noun so use of
‘little’ is correct here. 38. (d) The pilot of Dakota wanted to say thanks to
the pilot of the black aeroplane because he
25. (b) Option (b) shows the correct format of saved his life in the storm.
receiver’s details.
39. (c) The story tells us that a clear way can be
26. (a) ‘Bullying of a class X-D student’ is an found even in the darkest situation because
appropriate subject for the letter. nothing is impossible. It also tells us that if we
27. (c) Since, it is clear in the letter that the Warden don’t lose hope and don’t stop trying, every
of a Boys Hostel is being addressed, ‘Respected problem can be solved.
Sir’ is an appropriate greeting for the letter. 40. (a) The pilot of Dakota plane got shocked
28. (a) ‘I want to bring to your notice’ is the formal when the woman at the control tower says,
and polite way of informing someone about “Yours was the only one I could see on the
the issue in the letter. Hence, option (a) is the radar.”
correct answer. 41. (b) Through the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’, the
29. (a) Option (a) is the correct elaboration of the poet wishes to emphasise that every living
problems to be addressed in the letter. things should get the liberty of enjoying their
freedom and not be restricted.
30. (b) The given sentence is in present tense;
hence, ‘force me to withdraw my brother’ is 42. (d) The poem makes a comparison between the
appropriate to complete the concluding life of an animal in captivity where it has been
portion of the letter. caged in a zoo and the life of an animal
roaming freely in its natural habitat, in this
31. (d) After listening to Wanda’s letter in the
instance, the jungle.
class, Peggy and Maddie decided to visit her
house. They went there to find the house 43. (a) ‘Personification’ is a figure of speech in
empty and when they knocked on the door of which an idea or a non-human thing is
the house and of the backyard, nobody attributed a few human characteristics. In the
responded. poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’, the poet has
personified the tiger by using ‘he’ for the tiger
32. (c) According to the extract, Maddie could not
instead of ‘it’.
sleep that night because she felt guilty for not
taking a stand for Wanda when Peggy and the 44. (c) The line ‘in his quiet rage’ refers that the
girls at school teased her about her clothes. She tiger’s mood is unhappy and he is angry with
was also upset that she could not apologise to the confinement. He wants to roam freely in
Wanda before she left. the jungle and hunt his prey, but he cannot do
either owing to his confinement in the zoo.
33. (a) Peggy’s tone is very casual in the above
extract. 45. (d) ‘Lurking’ means be or remain hidden so as
to wait in ambush for someone or something.
34. (c) ‘Amend’ means to fix or to improve. Hence,
Hence, all the given words – skulk, hide and
it is the only word which can fit in all three
sneak – correspond to lurking.
48. (c) The villagers thought the strange 55. (d) According to the story ‘Triumph of
occurrence in Griffin’s room, when the Surgery’, the treats for Tricki kept coming from
furniture hit Mrs. Hall, was a result of Mrs. Pumphrey. They included eggs, wine and
witchcraft and he did that. They also had brandy, which were not given to Tricki but
suspicions that he had stolen money from the enjoyed by Dr. Herriot and his colleagues.
clergyman and thus, the village constable was These treats tempted him to keep Tricki as a
called to investigate the matter. permanent guest.
49. (b) ‘Furious’ means to be extremely angry. 56. (c) The sentences listed as 1 and 4 are facts as
‘Placid’ means to be calm and peaceful. are apparent from the story ‘A Letter to God’.
Hence, furious does not correspond with The sentences listed as 2, 3 and 5 are opinions
placid. as they are not directly mentioned in the story
50. (d) Statement (2) is independent of (1). and are just the viewpoints of the speakers.
51. (a) In the context of the chapter ‘Nelson 57. (a) The underlined phrase ‘for the life of him’
Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom’, ‘a man of means ‘at; even one little bit’, i.e., he could not
colour’ signifies the Black people. put even a little effort to move himself forward
to fly.
52. (c) Stealing the money from Anil, though a
tough and regretful decision, was an easy 58. (a) Anne’s diary writing wouldn’t make a
action to perform. In contrast, keeping the difference because she would not let anyone
money without coming into Anil’s notice was a read her diary.
difficult task for Hari Singh. 59. (c) The students of Room Thirteen thought
53. (a) ‘2314’ is the correct matching sequence. about Wanda only during two times- in the
morning before school and in the afternoon
54. (a) The poet says, ‘balls will be lost always’ to after school.
emphasise that loss of dearly thing or loved
one is a universal fact. 60. (c) The crow shook the hemlock tree in the
poem ‘Dust of Snow’.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
A Highly Simulated Practice Questions Paper
for CBSE Class X (Term I) Examination
1. The Question Paper contains three sections.
2. Section A READING has 18 questions. Attempt a total of 14 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
3. Section B WRITING & GRAMMAR has 12 questions. Attempt a total of 10 questions, as per
specific instructions for each question.
4. Section C LITERATURE has 30 questions. Attempt 26 questions, as per specific instructions
for each question.
5. All questions carry equal marks (0.80 mark each).
6. There is no negative marking.
Maximum Marks : 40
Roll No. Time allowed : 90 min
IV. Supporters of zoos argue that they have an important role in educating children,
millions of who visit zoos every year. Television-viewing is no substitute for
encountering real animals, they argue. Zoos also carry out important research, for
example, on the best conditions for rare species to reproduce.
V. If zoos were forced to close, it would be disastrous for world conservation, zoo
supporters say. And most animals in captivity would have to be killed. “It does not
take much imagination to realise that the closure of all zoos would mean the
deliberate destruction of wildlife on a scale witnessed never before,” the National
Federation of Zoos says.
VI. Opponents of zoos accept that some species have been saved from extinction by
‘captive breeding programmes’, but they argue that this offers no solution to the
worldwide conservation crisis. The number of animals protected by zoos is tiny
compared with the overall problem. It cost millions to save the Arabian oryx from
dying out; but could that amount be found for every species that is endangered?
The value of zoo-breeding programmes is also questioned as some species, such as
the African elephant, do not reproduce well in captivity.
VII. Captive animals are often kept in poor and inhumane conditions, opponents say. In
the worst zoos, animals are still displayed for the entertainment of the public. Where
animals are placed in impoverished and unsuitable surroundings, they often behave
in abnormal and neurotic ways. It is common for polar bears constantly to pace up and
down or twist their heads and circle over and over again. This behaviour is now
recognised by scientists as a sign of stress and frustration. When children visit zoos
where animals are acting in neurotic and abnormal ways, they are not being educated.
Instead, opponents say, they are being given inaccurate information.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of the ten questions
by choosing the correct option.
1. What are the advantages of zoos?
(a) Breeding of endangered species is done.
(b) Children are educated about wildlife in zoos.
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
2. Zoos provide a chance to encounter real animals, ............. .
(a) but visitors do not always see the natural behaviour of animals.
(b) which gives visitors a chance to take pictures with animals.
(c) which can irritate the animals in the zoo.
(d) None of the above
3. How would closing of zoos be disastrous?
1. It would be disastrous for world conservation.
2. It would cause deliberate destruction of wildlife on a large scale.
5. Complete the conversation between two friends with reference to the above passage.
Jatin: I feel that zoos are a good way to educate children about animals; there they can
watch and study animals’ behaviour. Also, zoos are helpful in conserving animals.
Rahul: You are right. Zoos help to save species from extinction ............. .
(a) but can you see the way they are living; they are confined to an area, they do not have
space to move, they are unable to act naturally.
(b) the zoo keepers hit those animals and do not give them food.
(c) but I still do not support zoos. I would have banned zoos if I had the power to do so.
(d) the zoo keepers themselves kill many animals when they become old and sick.
6. Which of the following species saved from extinction are mentioned in the above
1. Polar Bear 2. Pere David’s Deer
3. Arabian Oryx 4. Red Panda
(a) 1 and 2 (b) 1, 2 and 3 (c) 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4
8. Choose the option that does not correspond to the word ‘impoverish’.
(a) Weaken (b) Strengthen (c) Exhaust (d) Poor
plays a crucial role in reducing extreme poverty and promoting social changes. The
Sustainable Development Agenda acknowledges the importance of primary
education in Goal 4 which stipulates that by 2030, the world should ensure
inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning
opportunities for all, including a target on universal access to primary education.
Though there are varying standards, primary education is typically designed for
children 6 to 11 years of age.
188 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
II. Significant progress has been made toward achieving universal primary education.
Globally, the adjusted net attendance rate reached 87 per cent in 2019 and about
four out of five children attending primary education completed it. Additionally,
over the past two decades, the number of out-of-school children was reduced by
over 40 per cent. However, there is still a long way to go: 58 million children of
primary school age remain out of school, with the majority of them coming from
marginalised groups. In addition, recent Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS)
results show that many children do not have foundational reading and numeracy
skills, highlighting the massive challenge to achieving inclusive and equitable
quality education for all.
III. Globally, a lower proportion of children from the poorest families attend primary
education compared with their wealthier peers. While almost all children from the
top wealth quintile attend primary education, only 75 per cent of children from the
bottom wealth quintile do.
IV. Across different regions, household wealth impacts primary school completion
rates differently. West and Central Africa has the largest gap of 58 percentage
points in primary school completion rates between the richest and poorest
quintiles. In contrast, in East Asia and the Pacific and Latin America and the
Caribbean, children from the top and bottom wealth quintiles complete primary
school at more similar rates, with a gap of just 13 percentage points.
V. In the past 20 years, the number of out-of-school children of primary education age
fell by more than 40 per cent, from 99 million in 2000 to 58 million in 2019.
However, 54 per cent of these out-of-school children were girls. Despite this
tremendous progress, the world must accelerate the pace at which the number of
out-of-school children is reduced, as the total has remained stagnant since 2007.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any six out of the eight questions
by choosing the correct option.
11. What is the target related to primary education?
1. By 2030, the world should ensure inclusive and equitable quality education.
2. Promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all, including a target on universal
access to primary education.
(a) Both 1 and 2 (b) Only 1
(c) Only 2 (d) None of these
12. ............. and ............. have the highest rates of primary education completion in the rich
(a) South Asia and Middle East and North Africa
(b) Latin America and the Caribbean and West and Central Africa
(c) Latin America and the Caribbean and East Asia and the Pacific
(d) Eastern and Southern Africa and East Asia and the Pacific
13. How much decline in the number of out-of-school children of primary education age is
seen in the past two decades?
(a) From 109 million in 2000 to 99 million in 2019
(b) From 99 million in 2000 to 58 million in 2019
(c) From 99 million in 2000 to 68 million in 2019
(d) From 99 million in 2000 to 45 million in 2019
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 189
14. What do you think could be the reasons for not completing primary education?
1. Poverty 2. Inaccessibility
3. Feasibility 4. Discrimination
5. Child labour and trafficking 6. Displacement
(a) 1, 2 and 3 (b) 3, 4, 5 and 6
(c) 1, 4, 5, and 6 (d) All of these
16. “In 2019, about four out of five children attending primary education completed it”
suggests that
(a) Less than 80% children completed primary education
(b) Almost 100% children completed primary education
(c) More than 80% children completed primary education
(d) About 80% children completed the primary education
17. “West and Central Africa has the largest gap of 58 percentage points in primary school
completion rates between the richest and poorest quintiles.” – refers to
(a) The number of West and Central African poor children was 58 percentage points lower
than that of wealthier peers.
(b) The number of West and Central African poor children was at 58 percentage points.
(c) The number of West and Central African poor children was 58 percentage points higher
than that of wealthier peers.
(d) None of the above
IV. Answer any five out of the six questions given, with reference to the context below.
You have to write a letter to newspaper editor to raise the issue of insensitive use of
loudspeakers in metro cities. You are Krishna, residing in Delhi.
25. Choose the correct subject for the letter.
(a) Use of loudspeakers
(b) Loud speaker in metro cities
(c) Intensive use of loudspeakers in metro cities
(d) None of the above
(c) I am raising the issue of insensitive use of loudspeakers in metro cities by your
(d) I want my letter to be published in your newspaper about blaring of loudspeakers in
metro cities.
30. Choose the option which shows the correct complementary closing for the letter.
(a) Thanking you (b) Thanking you
Yours sincerely Yours sincerely
ABC Krishna
This section has sub-sections – V, VI, VII, VIII & IX. There are a total of 30 questions in
this section. Attempt any 26 questions from the sub-sections V to IX.
V. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
On the day of the inauguration, I was overwhelmed with a sense of history. In the first
decade of the twentieth century, a few years after the bitter Anglo-Boer war and before
my own birth, the white-skinned peoples of South Africa patched up their differences
and erected a system of racial domination against the dark-skinned peoples of their
own land. The structure they created formed the basis of one of the harshest, most
inhumane, societies the world has ever known. Now, in the last decade of the twentieth
century, and my own eighth decade as a man, that system had been overturned forever
and replaced by one that recognised the rights and freedoms of all peoples, regardless
of the colour of their skin. (Nelson Mandela: Long Walk to Freedom)
31. The system of racial domination against the dark-skinned people was called as ............ .
(a) The policy of Apartheid (b) Racial discrimination
(c) Inhumane system (d) Harshest system
32. Why did the speaker call that structure ‘one of the harshest and the most inhumane’?
(a) It was biased against the Blacks of the country.
(b) The Blacks were not given even their fundamental rights.
(c) The ones who protested were separated from their families as a punishment.
(d) All of the above
33. The last decade of the twentieth century depicts the time from ............ .
(a) 1981 to 1990 (b) 2001 to 2010
(c) 1991 to 2000 (d) 1981 to 2000
35. Choose the statement(s) which is/are not true in the context of the above extract.
1. White-skinned peoples of South Africa patched up their differences with the Blacks.
2. Nelson Mandela was 86 years old when he became the President of South Africa.
3. White created the most inhumane and harshest environment for the Blacks.
4. Apartheid took place few years after the Anglo-Born war.
5. Blacks were not allowed to live a normal life.
(a) 2, 3 and 5 (b) 1, 2, 4, and 5
(c) 1 and 2 (d) None of these
192 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
VI. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
I’m not so worried about my girlfriends and myself. We’ll make it. The only subject I’m
not sure about is Maths. Anyway, all we can do is wait. Until then, we keep telling each
other not to lose heart. I get along pretty well with all my teachers. There are nine of
them, seven men and two women. Mr. Keesing, the old fogey who teaches Maths, was
annoyed with me for ages because I talked so much. After several warnings, he
assigned me extra homework. An essay on the subject, ‘A Chatterbox’. A chatterbox —
what can you write about that? I’d worry about that later, I decided. I jotted down the
title in my notebook, tucked it in my bag and tried to keep quiet.
(From the Diary of Anne Frank)
40. What do we get to know when Anne says the following? I’m not so worried about my
girlfriends and myself.
VII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
An ultimate shaking grief fixes the boy
As he stands rigid, trembling, staring down
All his young days into the harbour where
His ball went. I would not intrude on him;
A dime, another ball, is worthless. Now
He senses first responsibility
In a world of possessions. (The Ball Poem)
VIII. Read the given extract to attempt the questions that follow.
I found myself in the maidan and sat down on a bench. The night was chilly — it was
early November — and a light drizzle added to my discomfort. Soon it was raining
quite heavily. My shirt and pyjamas stuck to my skin, and a cold wind blew the rain
across my face. I went back to the bazaar and sat down in the shelter of the clock tower.
The clock showed midnight. I felt for the notes. They were damp from the rain. Anil’s
money. In the morning he would probably have given me two or three rupees to go to
the cinema, but now I had it all. (The Thief’s Story)
47. What was Hari Singh thinking while sitting in the shelter of clock tower?
1. “Education can one day bring me more than a few hundred rupees.”
2. “I cannot cook his meals, run to the bazaar.”
3. “I should go back to Anil for the sake of learning to read and write.”
4. “I cannot learn to write whole sentences any more.”
(a) 1 and 4 (b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 2, 3 and 4 (d) 1, 3 and 4
48. According to the speaker, how would Anil react when he would know about the theft?
(a) Would show a touch of sadness for the loss of trust.
(b) Would show fear for the loss of money.
(c) Would show anger for the loss of money.
(d) Would show acceptance for the loss of money.
52. When the young seagull’s brother caught his first herring, how did their parents react?
(a) They criticised him. (b) They shouted at him.
(c) They did not like it. (d) They made praising sounds.
53. Why doesn’t the poet write about a more ‘beautiful’ tree such as a maple or an oak or a
pine instead of a hemlock tree in the poem ‘Dust of Snow’?
1. A hemlock tree is a poisonous tree.
2. Other beautiful trees symbolise beauty and happiness.
54. “Yeah, velvet too. A hundred dresses,” Wanda would repeat stolidly. – What does the
word ‘stolidly’ mean?
(a) Showing anger (b) Showing irritation
(c) Showing little emotion (d) Showing fear
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 195
55. “The field was white, as if covered with salt.” Which figure of speech is used in the
given line?
(a) Metaphor (b) Simile
(c) Personification (d) Alliteration
56. Why do you think the tiger in the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’ stares at the brilliant stars?
(a) Because they entertain him.
(b) Because they are shining freely in the sky.
(c) Because he likes to watch them.
(d) Because he loves their brightness.
58. For the poet, what do ‘fire’ and ‘ice’ stand for? Fill in the blanks.
Fire = Greed, Avarice, Desires, (i) .............
Ice = Cruelty, Hatred, (ii) ............. , Insensitivity.
(a) (i) Conflict, (ii) Intolerance (b) (i) Coldness, (ii) Indifference
(c) (i) Rigidity, (ii) Fury (d) All of these
60. The pilot of old Dakota was in the storm for ................. .
(a) Half an hour (b) Less than half an hour
(c) More than half an hour (d) An hour
Roll No.
Use black or blue ball point pens and avoid gel & fountain pens for filling the sheets.
Darken the bubbles completely. Don’t put a tick mark or a cross mark, half-filled or over-filled bubbles will not be read
by the software.
✔ ✗
Correct Incorrect Incorrect Incorrect
Do not write anything on the OMR Sheet.
Multiple markings are invalid.
1 21 41
2 22 42
3 23 43
4 24 44
5 25 45
6 26 46
7 27 47
8 28 48
9 29 49
10 30 50
11 31 51
12 32 52
13 33 53
14 34 54
15 35 55
16 36 56
17 37 57
18 38 58
19 39 59
20 40 60
1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (a) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (b) 9. (d) 10. (d)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (d) 19. (b) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (c) 23. (a) 24. (b) 25. (b) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (b)
31. (a) 32. (d) 33. (c) 34. (b) 35. (c) 36. (a) 37. (c) 38. (d) 39. (b) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (a) 47. (c) 48. (a) 49. (d) 50. (b)
51. (b) 52. (d) 53. (d) 54. (c) 55. (b) 56. (b) 57. (a) 58. (a) 59. (b) 60. (c)
1. (c) According to the passage, the supporters of programme is very costly and cannot be done
zoo have argued that it plays a very important for every species. They argue that some zoos
role in educating children about the wildlife keep the animals in inhumane conditions
and also helps in conservation of species by which only aggravate their behavior and this
breeding some of the endangered species in behavior gives inaccurate information to
captivity. children.
2. (a) Zoos provide a chance to encounter real 11. (a) According to the passage, Goal 4 in the
animals, but visitors do not always see the SDG agenda suggests that by 2030, the world
natural behavior of animals. should ensure inclusive and equitable
3. (c) The passage suggests that closing the zoos education for all children and ensuring a
is not a good option as it would prove universal access of primary education.
disastrous and be a deliberate action of 12. (c) According to the passage, ‘Latin America
destruction of wildlife on a very large scale as and the Caribbean and East Asia and the
many animals in captivity would have to be Pacific’ have the highest rates of primary
killed. education completion in the rich quintile.
4. (c) The captive breeding programmes are not 13. (b) According to the passage, the decline in
100% successful because such programmes are the number of children who don’t go to school
a minute solution to the worldwide for primary education fell by more than
conservation of wild animals. 40 per cent, from 99 million in 2000 to 58
5. (a) ‘but can you see the way they are living; million in 2019, out of which 54 percent
they are confined to an area, they do not have were girls.
space to move, they are unable to act naturally’ 14. (d) The passage mentions that the number of
is the correct answer. children attending school is lower from the
6. (b) The passage makes mention of the polar poorer families and higher from the wealthier
bear, Pere David’s Deer and Arabian Oryx as families. This suggests poverty and
among the few animal species that have been inaccessibility to be significant reasons behind
saved from extinction with the help of the incompletion of primary education.
zoos. Additionally, feasibility, discrimination, child
labour and trafficking and displacement are
7. (d) According to the passage, the captive also the reasons for the same.
breeding programme saves the animal species
from extinction and preserves them by 15. (c) ‘Foundational’ means denoting an
breeding few in captivity and then letting them underlying basis or principle. Hence, it
out into the wild. corresponds with ‘fundamental’.
8. (b) ‘Impoverish’ means poor or to weaken 16. (d) “In 2019, about four out of five children
someone or something. Hence, ‘strengthen’ attending primary education completed it”
does not correspond to impoverish. suggests that about 80% children completed
the primary education.
9. (d) Cooperation of zoos support captive
breeding programme by preventing inbreeding 17. (a) “West and Central Africa has the largest
among captive animals. gap of 58 percentage points in primary school
completion rates between the richest and
10. (d) According to the passage, the opponents of poorest quintiles.” – refers that the number of
zoo have argued that running the conservation
198 CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I)
West and Central African poor children was brutal and hence, does not correspond with
58 percentage points lower than that of overwhelm.
wealthier peers. 35. (c) According to the given extract, the white
18. (d) Primary education is critical to both an population of South Africa fixed the differences
individual and a society because it can help among themselves and began a system that
in reducing extreme poverty, bringing out discriminated against the Blacks. Born in 1918,
social changes and building foundation for Nelson Mandela was 76 years old when he
kids. became the president of South Africa in 1994.
19. (b) A comparison is made in the given 36. (a) The phrase ‘to lose heart’ means to become
sentence, so ‘fewer’ is the correct answer here. discouraged. Hence, option (a) is the correct
20. (c) ‘have been invited’ is the correct answer
because ‘the industrialist and the politician’ is 37. (c) According to the chapter ‘From the Diary of
a plural subject. Anne Frank’, Mr. Keesing despite being a
Maths teacher, asked Anne to write an essay on
21. (a) ‘will have taken off’ is the correct answer
the subject ‘A Chatterbox’ as a punishment for
here because the event is fixed to happen.
talking too much in the class.
22. (c) ‘needn’t’ is the correct answer here.
38. (d) Anne, in her attempt to prove the necessity
23. (a) The correct indirect speech is – ‘Ashish of talking, argued that she inherited the trait
told me that he would go to the market that from her mother and thus, couldn’t rectify it
day.’ and also that talking is a very common trait
24. (b) The correct indirect speech is – ‘The among students.
mother asked her son to change his shoes.’ 39. (b) Option (b) displays an example of ‘jot down’
25. (b) The correct subject for the letter is — writing quickly or briefly.
‘Intensive use of loudspeakers in the metro 40. (a) The given line shows that Anne was
cities’. confident of her friends and herself moving to
26. (c) Option (c) shows the correct details to be the next form.
filled in the sender’s details. 41. (a) In the poem ‘The Ball Poem’, the boy is
27. (a) Formal tone is required in the letter. struck with grief when he loses his ball after it
28. (a) Option (a) shows the correct opening line falls into water.
for the letter. 42. (b) According to the poet, another ball is
29. (c) ‘It is high time that authorities’ is the worthless because it cannot replace the lost ball
correct option to complete the closing line for as it won’t have the same memories.
the letter. 43. (c) In the poem ‘The Ball Poem’, the boy is
30. (b) Option (b) is the correct complementary grief-stricken and upset because of the loss of
closing for the letter. his ball.
31. (a) The discrimination against a certain group 44. (c) The poet describes the world as a
of dark-skinned on the basis of race is referred materialistic world of possessions that wouldn’t
to as Apartheid. understand the boy’s loss and probably just ask
him to buy a new ball.
32. (d) The speaker says that the discrimination
that was created in South Africa in the first 45. (c) The boy is learning about personal losses
decade of twentieth century gave birth to a and how to cope with them.
very harsh system as it was biased against the 46. (a) (1) is true (2) is false, i.e., Hari Singh was not
dark-skinned people of the country, which hiding anywhere, he was sitting under the
suppressed them and stripped them of their clock tower to think and analyse his action of
most basic rights. The people who protest stealing.
against the system were punished severely by
47. (c) Hari Singh was regretting what he had done
separating them from their families.
because it not only cost him a good friend but
33. (c) The last decade of the twentieth century also the education he was getting from Anil.
depicts the time between ‘1991 to 2000’. Anil used to teach him how to read and write,
34. (b) ‘Overwhelm’ means to overpower or which would eventually help him become a
submerge. ‘Callous’ means cold-hearted and rich and respectful member of the society.
CBSE Sample Paper English Language & Literature X (Term I) 199
Other than this, the thought that he would not 54. (c) ‘Stolidly’ means impassive or showing little
be able to not cook or shop for Anil anymore, to no emotions. Hence, option (c) is the correct
made him want to go back to Anil. answer.
48. (a) Hari Singh says that Anil wouldn’t become 55. (b) Simile is used in the given to make
angry with him but would definitely be sad comparison with salt.
and upset that Hari Singh broke his trust. 56. (b) In the poem ‘A Tiger in the Zoo’, the tiger
49. (d) ‘Drizzle’ means little rain falling in very probably felt envious of the ‘brilliant stars’ as
fine drops. Hence, it does not correspond to they had the freedom to move and shine freely
rainfall, which depicts the process. in the sky contrary to him being caged in the
50. (b) ‘561243’ is the correct order of the given
events. 57. (a) Tristan was Mr. Herriot’s companion at the
surgery in the story ‘A Triumph of Surgery’.
51. (b) The invisible Griffin sniffed near Mrs.
Hall’s ear. 58. (a) The poet compares fire with ‘desire’ and
suggests that it stands for greed, conflict and
52. (d) When the young seagull’s brother caught
greed. Similarly, he also makes comparison
his first herring, their parents made praising
between ice and ‘hatred’ and suggests that it
stands for cruelty, insensitivity, indifference
53. (d) The poem uses hemlock tree instead of and intolerance.
other beautiful trees to emphasise the fact that
59. (b) Wanda’s house reminded Maddie of
negative things can also bring happiness in
Wanda because Wanda’s house was little and
one’s life. This means that hemlock tree is
shabby but clean just like her faded blue dress.
considered to be a bad omen and is a
poisonous tree, unlike the other trees which 60. (c) The pilot of old Dakota was in the storm for
symbolise beauty and cheerfulness. more than half an hour.