Ghost Numina

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Ghost Traits Finesse + Resistance. Its Speed is equal to its

Ghosts have Attributes similar to living Power + Finesse + 10 (species factor).
characters, but they are abbreviated to the three Ghosts have a Morality score and Virtues and
general categories of Power, Finesse and Vices just like living characters do, reflecting
Resistance. Power represents a ghost’s ability to spirits’ sense of morality at the time of death.
affect its environment, from throwing objects to Ghosts are subject to degeneration just like
opening and slamming doors. Finesse mortals are (see Chapter 4: Advantages, p. 91),
represents a ghost’s capability in interacting with but unlike mortals, they cannot increase their
or manipulating elements of its environment, Mortality scores. A ghost cannot grow or
from noticing the intrusions of trespassers into improve, only decline over the course of time.
its “home” to terrifying someone with horrifying Ghosts also possess a Willpower score (Power
illusions. Resistance represents a ghost’s ability + Resistance) and Willpower points may be
to withstand the forces that could banish or used for them just as they are for mortals.
destroy it, from prayers to exorcisms to physical Ghosts regain Willpower by acting in
attacks with blessed objects. accordance with their Virtues and Vices, just as
These Attributes can potentially range from 1 to living characters do. Additionally, they
10, although only very old and powerful ghosts automatically regain one point of spent
have traits higher than 5. Willpower at the start of each day.
Ghosts do not have Skills or Merits unless they Finally, ghosts have Essence points that are
possess a living body (see “Numina,” below). spent to activate their Numina. Most ghosts can
Nor do they have a Size trait in the conventional have up to 10
sense. A ghost is a being of ephemera, a sort of Essence points (truly old ghosts can have even
spiritual matter. As such, it has a “body” of sorts, more).
but one that is insubstantial to material beings Ghosts regain spent Essence at the rate of one
and things. For the purposes of forming this per day when near their anchors. They can also
spiritual body, or Corpus, a ghost’s Size is the regain Essence whenever they are remembered
same as it was at the time of death (5 for an by the living, such as when someone lays
adult human). Rather than Health, a ghost has flowers on their graves or — even more potent
Corpus dots that represent its spiritual essence. — if their ghostly form is identified by a living
Corpus dots equal a ghost’s Resistance + Size. person.
The only weapons with which a mortal can affect The Storyteller awards Essence whenever he
a ghost’s Corpus are blessed or enchanted. thinks an appropriate instance of memento mori
Blessed items, bearing holy power, deliver occurs.
aggravated damage to ghosts (see “Blessed
Items,” below). Some enchanted items (such as Manifestations
an ensorcelled baseball bat) might inflict bashing When a ghost wishes to interact with mortals or
wounds, while others (a bewitched sword) could the physical world it must manifest, focusing its
inflict lethal. energies into a form just substantial enough to
A ghost’s Defense is applied against another allow it a discernible presence. A ghostly
ghost’s assault. Its Defense trait is equal to its manifestation doesn’t necessarily have to be
Power or Finesse, whichever is higher. visible. A sentient ghost can choose to manifest
When ghosts or other spirits engage one invisibly if it wishes, but its presence still leaves
another in combat, they deliver bashing damage traces that mortals can detect. Examples of
(unless they have invisible ghostly manifestation include cold
Numina that allows them to inflict lethal or spots, strange or intense odors and heightened
aggravated damage). Roll Power + Finesse. magnetic fields.
Each success delivers one point of bashing Some areas are more conducive to supernatural
damage to the target’s Corpus. A ghost’s energies than others. A graveyard is an
Defense is applied against another ghost’s extremely easy place for a ghost to manifest,
assault. while a laboratory often isn’t. As a rule of thumb,
Ghosts regenerate Corpus in the same amount locations where mortals frequently express
of time that mortals heal damage (see p. 175). If powerful emotions — love, anger, sadness, fear
a ghost suffers as many points of aggravated — create conditions that allow a ghost easier
damage as it has Corpus dots, the ghost is access to the physical world. Sterile,
destroyed. Ghosts have other traits similar to a emotionless places, or remote areas that have
mortal’s. A ghost’s Initiative is equal to its
experienced little or no human emotion make it Manifestation Modifiers
very difficult for a ghost to appear. Graveyard +3
Curiously, the presence of mortals creates a Battlefield +3
cumulative effect that actually inhibits the Church +2
manifestation of ghosts. This is apparently a Hospital +2
phenomenon unique to the modern, scientific Historic building (100+ years old) +2
era, in which adults are conditioned to disbelieve Old building (50-100 years old) +1
instances of supernatural activity. The more Handmade structure (wooden bridge, shed) +1
people gathered in a particular location, the Parking lot -1
harder it is for a ghost to manifest. Modern commercial building (grocery store,
Manifestation requires a successful Power + mall) -1
Finesse roll. Positive or negative modifiers may Modern industrial building -2
apply, depending on the location (see chart). If Modern laboratory -3
there is more than one mortal present, each
person after the first imposes a -1 modifier to the
roll. (This last penalty does not apply to other
supernatural beings or creatures in the ghost’s
Their numbers do not affect a ghost’s ability to
manifest.) If the roll succeeds, the ghost can
manifest for the duration of the scene if it
wishes. It can make itself visible or invisible at
will, and can de-manifest at any time. If the roll
fails, the ghost does not manifest and loses one
Willpower point. The ghost can continue to
attempt to manifest as long as it has at least one
Willpower point remaining.
If it exhausts all its Willpower it cannot attempt to
manifest again until the following day.
Once a ghost has manifested it can attempt to
interact with the physical world by
communicating with any mortals present (see
“Communication,” below), or by drawing on its

Interaction with the living is difficult for ghosts,
even under the best of conditions. Without the
proper Numina, a manifested ghost has no
voice. It can form words with its mouth and hope
a mortal witness can read lips, or it can try to get
its message across with gestures. Complicated
gestures like sign language are very difficult for
ghosts to perform, as they have a hard time
translating their thoughts into physical motion.
Make a Finesse roll for any such attempt with a CORE RULEBOOK
-1 modifier for each decade that a ghost has Animal Control
been dead. If the roll fails, the spirit is simply Cost: 1 Essence
unable to envision the right signs and gestures Roll: Power+Finesse-animals’ Resolve
to get its point across. Simple gestures Duration: 1 scene on success.
(motioning a mortal to follow, pointing to a Effect: May control a number of animals
hidden object) do not require a Finesse roll.
equal to Finesse. Must spend 1 Essence
Ghosts with the proper Numina can
communicate with mortals in a variety of ways, per animal.
from speaking directly to writing on objects to
imparting visions. Clairvoyant
Cost: None, though target takes 1 level of Cost: 1 Essence
Bashing each roll. Roll: Power+Finesse vs. Wits+Composure
Roll: Power+Finesse-target’s Resolve. If the or Occult if the target knows about ghostly
target is willing, no roll is needed. powers. Complexity of the illusion incurs a
Duration: One turn per success rolled. penalty from -1 to -5.
Effect: Able to speak with the living through Duration: 1 Scene
another living person. Effect: Creates an illusion in the eye of the
target. Can only be used on one target at a
Compulsion time.
Cost: 1 Essence
Roll: Power+Finesse vs. Resolve Possession
+Composure. Roll may be made each turn Cost: 1 Essence
to break free of ghost’s control. Roll: Power+Finesse vs Composure
Duration: 1 Scene +Resolve
Effect: Able to control people like Duration: 1 Scene
marionettes’. Use their dice pools to figure Effect: May enter into body of target and
out effects. Ghost may control a number of use their dice pools to accomplish tasks in
people this way equal to their Finesse the real world. Only blessed items and
rating. Each person after the first requires supernatural abilities may hurt the ghost
another point of Essence and incurs a -1 die while in the body. Any Willpower spent must
penalty to the powers’ activation. be spent from the ghost’s pool.

Ghost Sign Telekinesis

Cost: 1 Essence Cost: 1 Essence
Roll: Power+Finesse Roll: Power+Finesse
Duration: Number of turns equal to ghosts’ Duration: One Turn
Power. Effect: May manipulate objects in the real
Effect: Able to create a message or image world. Successes on the roll become the
in a malleable medium such as steam in a ghosts’ strength rating for these purposes.
bathroom mirror, voices in the static of a May directly attack living targets which
radio, or an image in a frame of camera film. ignores Armor and Defense but incurs a -3
die penalty. Only mystical Armor can defend
Ghost Speech against such an attack. Damage is Bashing.
Cost: 1 Essence
Roll: Power+Finesse Terrify
Duration: One sentence Cost: None
Effect: Can speak to mortals when Roll: Power+Finesse vs. Resolve
manifested. +Composure of each mortal that witnesses
the ghosts’ Manifestation.
Magnetic Disruption Duration: Instant
Cost: None Effect: When the ghost Manifests it is able
Roll: None to create a terrifying visage that strikes fear
Duration: Manifestation length into the heart of the living. If the ghost wins
Effect: While the ghost is Manifested it the roll all who see the Manifestation must
disrupts all electronic equipment and flee the area and not return for a minimum
causes them to fail. The electronics function of 24 hours. If the target wins they are
as normal once again after the Disruption is immune to this power for 24 hours.
over. This effect has a radius in yards from
the ghost equal to its Power. Geist the Sin-Eaters
Banshee Wail
Phantasm Cost: 1 Essence
Roll: Power+Finesse vs. Stamina+Resolve allow harm to come to the ghost. If there is
Duration: 1 Scene reason to doubt the target may spend 1
Effect: The ghost lets out an inhuman ear- Willpower to shake the effect for one turn or
splitting wail. Targets that fail the roll are upon great evidence may make the above
stunned for a turn and then have a -3 die resistance roll. Upon success the target is
penalty to all hearing related Perception then permanently immune to this ability.
Chain of Death Cost: 1 Essence
Cost: 3 Essence Roll: Power+Finesse vs. Resolve
Roll: None +Composure+Power Trait
Duration: Permanent Duration: Number of turns equal to ghosts
Effect: The ghost must first of used Corpse Power
Ride and have taken the life of another. Effect: The ghosts infects a target with an
Then at any point before complete overwhelming emotion which they must
decomposition the ghost, riding another then act upon as if it was their own for the
corpse, must touch the body and is then Duration.
able to jump bodies and Corpse Ride the
new body. Left-Handed Spanner
Cost: 1 Essence
Corpse RIde Roll: Power+Finesse
Cost: 3 Essence to begin, 1 Essence each Duration: Number of turns equal to ghosts
hour afterwards. Finesse
Roll: None Effect: The ghost targets one mechanical or
Duration: As long as the ghost can spend electronic device more complex than a
Essence to animate the body. hinge and disables it for the Duration.
Effect: The ghost spends 1 hour attuning to
a fresh corpse and is then able to take full Looking Glass
possession of it. Cost: 1 Essence
Roll: Power+FInesse
Dement Duration: 1 Scene
Cost: 1 Essence Effect: The ghost can make their reflection
Roll: Power+Finesse vs. Intelligence show up in a reflective surface without
+Composure Manifesting. They may also use other
Duration: Number of days equal to the Numina, such as Dissembling Guise,
number of successes accumulated over the without Manifesting. If a person calls the
targets. ghosts’ name 3 times in front of the
Effect: The ghost mentally scars the target reflective surface the ghost may regain their
with visions that shatter their sanity. Target spent Essence and Manifest for free.
gains a Mild Derangement for a number of
days equal to Duration. Mechanical Possession
Cost: 1 Essence
Dissembling Guise Roll: None
Cost: 1 Essence Duration: 1 Scene
Roll: Power+Finesse (vs. afterwards by Effect: The ghost takes control of one
Resolve+Composure-Successes of ghost.) machine or vehicle within 30 yards of one of
Duration: 1 Scene it’s Anchors. It can not do anything the
Effect: While Manifested the ghost can take target can not normally do, but does it
on the appearance of a loved one who has without a human operator. Use Finesse
passed away that was important to the instead of Drive to control vehicles.
target. The target will not harm and will not
One Step Behind Cost: 1 Willpower & 1 Essence
Cost: 3 Essence, 1 Essence per hour after. Roll: None
Roll: Power+Finesse vs. Resolve +Power Duration: Number of turns equal to their
Trait Resistance or Composure.
Duration: 1 Scene then 1 hour per Essence Effect: The ghost or Intruder can make their
spent afterwards. Permanence can be body immaterial, which is obviously a blurry
achieved by sacrificing a Dot of Corpus. figure while activated. They are essentially
Effect: The ghost can create a temporary in a state of Twilight and can only be
Anchor in a person that is not already an affected by blessed items or the
Anchor. They can with great effort make the supernatural abilities of others for the
connection permanent. Exorcism can Duration.
severe this link and the ghost may only
have one Anchor through this Numina at a
time. Flight of Shadows
Cost: 1 Essence
Roll: None
Duration: 1 Day for ghosts, 5 turns for
Plasticity Revenants and Intruders.
Cost: 1 Essence Effect: While within range of their Anchors
Roll: Power+Finesse they may fly at the same Speed as they
Duration: Instant have on the ground.
Effect: Allows the ghost to form hands and
arms out of nearby solid surfaces that can Hallowed Passion
attack or grapple targets using a Prerequisite: Impassioned Soul
Power+Finesse roll to attack. The ghost can Cost: None
only make and control one limb at a time. Roll: None
The maximum number of times it can do Duration: Permanent
this within a 24 hour period is equal to the Effect: One of the ghosts Passions
ghosts’ Corpus. becomes a holy cause that can not be
denied and can not be actively or magically
Speed compelled to work or act against. This
Cost: 2 Essence Passion frees the ghost of vulnerability to
Roll: None Blessed Items. All actions the ghost takes
Duration: 1 Scene towards achieving the Passion that result in
Effect: The ghost may double their making rolls have their difficulty reduced to
Manifested body’s Speed trait. With another 7.
expenditure, the ghost can triple their
Speed. This can not affect their Anchor. Impassioned Soul
Prerequisite: Untethered
Mummy the Curse Cost: None
Dead Eyes Roll: None
Prerequisite: Manifested, Intruder or Duration: Permanent
Revenant Effect: The ghosts’ soul transforms as it
Cost: 1 Willpower & 1 Essence loses its Anchors, Morality, Virtue, Vice, and
Roll: None 1 dot of Resilience or Composure for those
Duration: 1 Scene with Lucid Dead.
Effect: Allows the ghost or Intruder to see It now is ruled by 3 Passions. Each Passion
ghosts while within their body. is a statement of a goal that is clearly
defined. When the Passion is in active
Dead Skin pursuit the ghost may regain Essence. How
Prerequisite: Intruder or Revenant hard the ghost works towards this goal
determines the dice pool of Essence
renewal (1-5). Each success regains 1 point
of Essence. The ghost now can hold 10
Essence. They lose 1 Essence a week Maddening
unless a Passion roll is made in pursuit of Prerequisite: Terrify Numen
resolving their goals. If the ghost ever loses Cost: None
all of it’s Essence it meets final dissolution. Roll: None
When a Passion is resolved the ghost may Duration: Month
expend 10 temporary Willpower points over Effect: The potency of the ghosts’ Numen
time to establish a new Passion. Terrify is boosted. The Duration is
lengthened to a month. If the ghost exposes
Inspiration the target again within the month, the
Prerequisite: Impassioned Soul Derangement is increased to a Severe
Cost: 1 Essence Derangement and the Duration is reset to a
Roll: Power+Finesse or Presence +Resolve month.
vs. Composure+Resolve or Power
+Resistance Old Soul
Duration: One turn per success over the Cost: None
targets’. Roll: None
Effect: The ghost connects with the target Duration: Permanent
and allows them to feel their Passions. The Effect: The ghost is really old. They gain a
target is compelled to fulfill the Passions in Power Trait called Age. Every century they
the most expedient and effective manner have existed gains them a Dot of Age. They
available to them. If the target resists they can hold more Essence; 10+[Age x2}. This
may spend 1 temporary Willpower per turn trait also acts a detriment, each Dot in Age
to do so. If they give in of their own free will, reduces by one any roll made to memorize,
they gain a +2 die bonus to any checks to recall, and resist degeneration. This can
do so. specifically reduce such rolls to a chance
Prerequisite: Lucid Dead Phantom Arsenal
Cost: None Cost: 2 Essence
Roll: None Roll: None
Duration: Permanent Duration: 1 Scene
Effect: The ghost is able to steal and inhabit Effect: The ghost Revenant, Intruder may
a body that is not it’s original. But it must form claws, horns, barbs, and other such
wait for an Occult conjunction or a ritual that weapons out of it’s Corpus. Unarmed
allows it to do so. attacks gain +1 Lethal and the “9-again”
rule. Use of the Telekinesis Numen and this
Lucid Dead one allow the Telekinesis to cause Lethal
Cost: None damage.
Roll: None
Duration: Permanent Pyrokinesis
Effect: The ghost becomes a playable Cost: 2 Essence
character. They gain basic human traits like Roll: Power+Finesse
a mortal and can regain Morality/Integrity as Duration: Instant
normal through benevolent actions. Also Effect: The ghost can start small fires, torch
has the ability to forge new Anchors over sized with the heat of a candle. The flames’
time by spending an accumulated 10 color can be any the ghost wants and this
temporary willpower points. all lasts one turn. Any secondary fire started
with this power burns like normal.
Effect: The ghost may spend a point of
Regeneration Essence to increase any of its three traits,
Cost: 1 Essence, optional 1 Willpower up to a maximum of five Essence can be
Roll: None spent this way. These points can be spent
Duration: Reflexive/Scene Reflexively and as a Revenant or Intruder
Effect: The Ghost, Revenant, or Intruder these traits are Strength, Dexterity, and
can spend a point of Essence to heal one Stamina. These increases do not increase
level of bashing to it’s Corpus. The the derived traits. A Reflexive expenditure of
expenditure of 1 Willpower point allows the 1 Willpower point allows these points to be
healing of Lethal and Aggravated damage reallocated anytime before the Duration
as well for the rest of the Scene. ends.

Revenant Stalker
Cost: None Cost: 5 Essence, 1 Willpower point
Roll: None Roll: None
Duration: Permanent Duration: Permanent
Effect: Allows a ghost to reinhabit and Effect: The ghost can create an Anchor out
animate it’s corpse once again. of a person that they have seen and
developed strong feelings for. Only one
Siphon person may be Anchored through the use of
Cost: None this Numen.
Roll: Power+Resolve or Intelligence
+Presence vs. Power+Resolve or Resolve Twilight Abduction
+Composure Cost: 1 Essence
Duration: Instant Roll: Power+Finesse or Presence +Wits vs.
Effect: The ghost reaches out and steals the Resolve+Composure+Power Trait
vital energies from ghosts and mortals. Duration: 1 Hour per success over the
Each success over the others grants the targets
attacker 2 Essence. If the target runs out of Effect: The ghost may drag a target into the
Essence the attacker then drains 2 state of Twilight for a number of hours. If the
Willpower. If the target runs out of Willpower target dies while in Twilight they become a
i then inflicts 1 Lethal level of damage which ghost themselves.
still gains the ghost 2 Essence.
Spectral Toughness Cost: None
Cost: None Roll: None
Roll: None Duration: Permanent
Duration: Permanent Effect: The ghost alters itself so that it can
Effect: A ghost becomes immune to travel beyond the limits imposed on it by it’s
becoming unconscious due to filling up their Anchors. In exchange they no longer are
Health with Bashing or Lethal. As a able to heal unless they take upon
Revenant or Intruder the ghost only takes themselves the Numen of Impassioned
Bashing damage from normal bullets and Soul. Each full day they are away from their
Aggravated damage slowly erodes away Anchors they take an Aggravated level of
limbs from the last 5 Health levels, until the damage. The ghost may still spend a point
last level destroys the head. of Willpower to snap back to an Anchor.

Spirit Prowess Will From Power

Cost: Up to 5 Essence Cost: 3 Essence
Roll: None Roll: None
Duration: 1 Scene Duration: Instant
Effect: The ghost floods its soul with power
to empower itself with a point of Willpower.

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