(Genuine Extract From 1950 Home Economics Book) : How To Look After Your Husband
(Genuine Extract From 1950 Home Economics Book) : How To Look After Your Husband
(Genuine Extract From 1950 Home Economics Book) : How To Look After Your Husband
1. Have dinner ready plan ahead even the night before, to have a delicious meal on time.
This is a way of letting him know that you have been thinking about his needs. Most men
are hungry when they come home and the prospects of a good warm meal are part of a
warm welcome needed.
2. Prepare yourself. Take 15 minutes to rest so you will be refreshed when he arrives.
Touch up your make up, put a ribbon in your hair and be fresh looking. He has just been
with a lot of work weary people. Be a little more interesting. His boring day may need a
3. Clear away the clutter, make one last trip through the main part of the house just before
your husband arrives, gathering up any school books, toys etc. Then run the duster over
the tables. Your husband will feel he has reached a haven of rest and order and it will
give a lift too.
4. Prepare the children. Take a few minutes to wash the children's hands and faces (if they
are small), comb their hair, and, if necessary, change their clothes. They are little
treasures and he would like to see them playing the part.
5. Minimise the noise. At the time of his arrival, eliminate all noise of washer, dryer,
dishwasher or vacuum. Try to encourage the children to be quiet. be happy to see him.
greet him with a warm smile and be glad to see him.
6. Some don'ts. Don't greet him with complaints or problems. Don't complain if he is late for
dinner. Count this as minor compared to what he may have gone through that day.
7. Make him comfortable. Have him lean back in a comfortable chair or suggest he lay
down in the bedroom. Have a cooling drink ready for him. Arrange his pillow and offer to
take off his shoes. Speak to him in a low, soft voice. Allow him to relax and unwind
8. Listen to him. You may have a dozen things to tell him, but the moment of his arrival is
not the time. Let him speak first.
9. Make the evening his. Never complain if he does not take you out to dinner or to other
places of entertainment. Instead try to understand his world and pressure, his need to be
home and relaxed.
Cook (healthy) meals. Try to make healthy meals, to keep your whole family feeling their best, as well as
keeping yourself healthy and strong (so you can deal with all the challenges in your day!). If you don't
know how to cook, try to learn!
Plan ahead, with the aim to have a delicious meal on the table when anyone who needs a
meal gets home. It is often said that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and it is absolutely
true in many cases. Microwave meals are not always suitable cuisine, so find a recipe book you like and
start experimenting.
Having a great meal ready is a good way to let anyone know that you have been thinking
about him and are concerned about their welfare. A good meal can be an expression of love and a warm
welcome for the returning household.
Keep the house as clean as you can. Do your best to make your home a clean and pleasant place to
live in. Having a clean house can reduce everybody's stress and make things run much smoother. Prevent
the constant search for the misplaced keys and the annoying dirty-dish odor by staying on top of the
household chores.
Do the laundry. Laundry is stressful and time consuming, plus leaving it around can make your home
stinky! If you want to reduce your household's stress, help out by keeping the whole family's clothing clean.
With some careful planning, you can easily fit it into your day. You can even get the kids to help you fold!
Have a schedule. You are like a general and your family are your troops. You have to keep everything
running smoothly! Create schedules for cleaning and how you'll get through your days, in order to help
everything run better. Scheduling time is a great way to make sure more gets done in your day, since you'll
find yourself wasting much less time!
Wake up early. Get a head start on your day to make everything go more smoothly. Oversleeping will only
make you more tired anyway. Getting up earlier will make sure you get everyone's lunches made and
everyone dressed and ready to go without all the stress and scrambling to find that missing backpack.
Create a healthy environment. Everyone in your family should come home to a healthy, empowering,
uplifting environment. Do your best to make sure that everyone's spiritual and emotional needs are being
met, including your own, to make your home the best home it can be.
The definition of a good housewife depends on which house you live in. It is also very
What are the things your partner is hoping you will keep up with in the home? What are their
responsibilities in the home? If you are primarily responsible for keeping the house clean, your partner may
take responsibility for cleaning up after him or herself: putting dirty laundry in the hamper, putting dishes in
the dishwasher, etc.
If you are also caring for young children or special needs children or adults during the day,
you may be surprised by how difficult it is to also keep up with household tasks. Your partner may need to
help significantly with the cooking and cleaning, if possible.
Maintain a respectable appearance. It is all too easy to stop paying attention to your appearance when
you have are a busy housewife but maintaining attraction is a key element of a long-term relationship.
While it was important to keep a good appearance during dating/courtship, it is even more important in a
married relationship, or any committed relationship. Make sure you're bathing regularly and wearing clean
clothes. This is really about showing your partner that you still respect yourself....and you should respect
yourself enough to take care of yourself!
If your partner often tells you they like it when you wear a certain garment or outfit, by all
means, take the hint.
Treat your partner as a partner, like an adult, not a child. It is important for your partner to still have
control over their personal situations, like choosing their hobbies, their meals, their clothes, etc. When you
are home a lot, it can be easy to want to take control of everything your partner does in the home, but this
may not be their preference. It's all right if you want to give your input in a polite way, and of course fine if
they asked you. Otherwise, let them have space, just as you want yours. You are two separate human
beings, always remember that.
Listen. A good partner listens to what her spouse has to say without interrupting.Show empathy and learn
how to have great conversations. The key idea is that to be a good conversationalist, you should strive to
listen more and talk less, by engaging the other person to talk more about his interests. That is the mark of
humility, respect, selflessness, and generosity.
This will also set a good example and they should also listen to you more!
Find a balance in arguments, but avoid them if possible. Nagging never works, and will only serve to
irritate your spouse. Not speaking your mind is just as bad. Husbands are not tyrannic creatures: if you find
a balance in arguments, and take turns to speak, things will surely improve. Just remember to respect
each other, and things will go much better.
Some arguing is normal. Don't worry if this happens. You are different people and you will
disagree sometimes! Just handle the arguments in a healthy way and everything will be okay.
Love your spouse for who he is. Don't criticize him in an nonconstructive, cruel, or nagging way.
Whatever your image of the 'ideal' man may be, everyone is unique in his own ways, so try to respect that.
Before you try to improve others, try to improve yourself first. If you find things disagreeable about him, let
him know in a mature, sensible and loving way: chances are that he will agree on some things and/or
explain others, plus it will build trust between both of you and save unnecessary conflicts.
Help him unwind more by welcoming him home with a big smile and allowing him to relax.
Have his favorite meal and drink ready, and let him relax after a tough day of work.
Set up activities for your kids. Set up fun, educational activities for your kids or for the whole family. You
can do some research and then do a guided tour of a museum, or you can go on a hike and teach
everyone about the natural features you encounter.
Be a great hostess. Show everyone you know all of the hard work you do by hosting block parties or
holiday parties every now and again. Make some great food, decorate your home, and set up fun activities.
This will let everyone bond and have a great time!
Create the perfect atmosphere. If you really want to go above and beyond, take your home decorating
skills up a notch and try to get that magazine look in your own home. This will give you and your husband
something to be proud of, as well as creating a great environment for your kids.
Get your husband out of the house. Help your husband arrange activities for himself, like a fantasy
football group or a bowling night. This will help him unwind. A happy husband makes for a much less
stressed wife. Let him choose his own activities, of course, but make sure he knows that you think it's
healthy for him to get out of the house sometimes. Not everything is about work!
Learn first aid, to help keep your family safe.
Take a break. A good housewife does not have to look after the home and children twenty-four
hours a day, seven days a week, always cooking and cleaning. If he gets time off from his job (evenings,
weekends), you likewise deserve a break once in a while. Maybe he can do laundry or entertain the kids
on one of his days off while youtake a break to recharge your batteries, such as volunteering for a local
organization, visiting a spa, or spending time with your friends. Not only will it allow you to foster your
sense of individuality, but it will also allow him to see what housework or childcare is like, and he may
respect you more for taking on these responsibilities through the week. Do not take too much time off,
however, as industry is a virtue in most cultures. Be giving and generous, and work industriously, and you
will be respected. Also consider enjoying these activities together as a couple. But always remember, you
need some time to yourself alone, too. So maybe taking a break once in a while would be a good excuse
to do some activity by yourself.
Pay close attention to little things. Remember his birthday, wedding anniversaries, etc. Pay attention
to the tiny hole in his shirt and repair it. Pay attention to the speck in his coat and clean it. Little attention
add up to big attention, and you will have a happy marriage as a result.
Create a peaceful atmosphere at home. Teach your children not to quarrel too often (it is very much
unavoidable that they will do so once in a while!)- the excess of noise will stress both you and your
husband. Have nice, relaxing, or even classical music CDs and play them often. Noise in a house is
unavoidable, but you CAN avoid excess and unnecessary noise. And doing so will benefit both your
husband and you.
If your man buys you a gift, show how grateful you are by making use of it, so that you do not offend
him. But remember that if you do not like it, you should tell him in a polite and still grateful manner: that
way he can get to know you better, too.
Remember, if you are feeling low, depressed, or stressed, be sure to talk it out with your husband.
After all, you are human too and marriage is all about both sides: supporting and understanding from both
sides is a must, and you deserve it, too.
Live joyfully. Make sure that you create a routine and role for yourself that brings you and your
family joy. Being a good housewife is about doing the best you can for the welfare of the entire household,
so make it work for you, your partner, and everyone else in the family.
Don't gossip. Gossiping is in bad taste, no matter how fashionable it might look. Talking behind
people's backs will make you seem untrustworthy and if your husband finds out he will have every right to
question if you have been talking about him behind his back as well. Discussing your problems with a
trusted best friend is one thing, but gossiping with your book club is another. Always be respectful, so
people will treat you (and your husband!) with respect.
Encourage your husband to take time off to de-stress and relax, but make sure that you are also
taking the same amount of time for yourself! Women are less likely to speak up and make sure they get
time to themselves.
Breakfast in bed at the weekends is a great way to make your man feel good.
If you have a new baby and are having trouble keeping up, get help from your husband, family
and/or friends! Don't underestimate how much energy it takes to birth and keep up with a new baby.
Show him how much you appreciate his love by treating him to a regular massage.
Make sure his favourite food and drinks are always available.
If you're experimenting with a new recipe have another dinner option just in case your new recipe
goes awry.
"Mommy and Me" yoga classes, playgrounds, and libraries can be great places to meet other
Take care of your diet. Even if you are not a great cook, make sure that you and your family eat
well. If you do not cook well, keep practising, and try to keep the meals simpler, focusing on fresh, healthy
ingredients. No matter how busy your day gets, make sure that you eat regularly and healthily. Have no
junk food in your house; instead, try to keep healthier snacks around, such as fruits and nuts.
Mention his name all the time. Men (just like everyone else!) love to hear their names, and it will
make them feel special.
Do not complain about his favourite TV shows; but ask him if you can take turns watching the TV.
Never criticize, condemn, complain, yell, or tell your spouse that he is wrong. Nobody appreciates
that. But make sure that he knows when you do not approve of something. If you must point out something
disagreeable, try the sandwich technique. Be sure to give plenty of sincere compliments and appreciation
for things he does right before and after you discuss any faults.
Whatever you do, do not give up who you are inside. Many men will try to change you and have you
doing what they want. Stand your ground. They fell in love with you the way you are so do not change too
The problems you have in your home can be discussed with someone you trust, but it is neither
wise nor courteous to go talking about them to everyone you encounter. Don't be distrustful towards all,
but be discreet and moderate when talking about personal trials and problems you might have in your
home. Nobody wants their personal problems out in the open.
If your man is the type to explode in an argument and say offensive hurtful things because he
wasn't taught any better, remember that some men are used to unhealthy relationships and bad habits die
hard. Don't do the same thing he's doing. Just listen and wait till he finishes his nonsense. When he's
done, in an even calm tone, get your point across and remind him that you require the same respect you
give and you will not tolerate failure from him meeting that requirement. People can change and if you love
someone you should give them the opportunity to fix their flaws.
o Exercise daily for at least half an hour to build stamina and release stress. Encourage other
members of the family to do the same. Develop and maintain a workout routine to keep your energy levels
and spirits higher. If you can afford it, find a gym (one with free childcare if you have kids), and go
regularly. Or if you cannot, look for fun workout videos on the internet or at your local video shop. If all
fails, walking the dog, playing or taking a stroll outside on a regular basis will always help.
Treat his parents and relatives with the same love and respect as you would with your own kin.
Serve as a good role model for your children, and train them early on in reading, math, critical
thinking, etiquette, and self-care. Help them with homework (but don't do it for them!), listen to them, be
alert to detect any problems early and exercise discipline to correct them, and guard them from bad
Help balance the family budget. Track your spending, learn to save money and invest it wisely for
financial security.
This isn't the same world that our mothers and grandmothers grew up in, and although some things never go
out of style (like good manners), a lot has drastically changed in the last half century.
So, here are 49 life skills every modern woman -- at least if she's between the age of, say, 22-66 -- should
embrace in the year 2014.
1. Make at least one great cocktail. I make a mean Pomegranate Margarita, andhere's how I do it.
2. Drink without getting a hangover the next morning. Tip: Line your stomach with bread, drink
one glass of water for every glass of alcohol, and don't drink more than three glasses of red wine.
3. Look good in a photo. Tip: Turn your head slightly to one side rather than look the camera head-on;
stand (or sit) straight with your shoulders back; arch your back ever so slightly; don't press your arms
against your body; unless you have a prominent chin, stick it out just a little to accentuate your jawline.
4. Remove unwanted body hair the most effective, painless, and affordable way possible.
5. Dump someone gracefully. Tip: Do it in person, if possible; get to the point quickly, choose a time
when the other person isn't expected somewhere any time soon (like work... or a wedding); give a
reasonable explanation; answer whatever questions he or she may ask.
6. Write a sincere thank-you note. Here's a great how-to.
7. Set a lovely table, no matter how casual the meal is. Here are tips for setting a pretty table for a
variety of occasions.
8. Open a bottle of champagne. Like this.
9. Find someone's bridal/wedding/baby shower registry online. Tip: go to WeddingChannel.com
and type in honoree's name. You'll find registries for a variety of stores. Do a "find a registry" search on
Amazon, too.
10. Send a BCC group email.
11. Dress for her body type.
12. Graciously offer assistance to someone in need.
13. Book a vacation.
14. Hide a bad hair day.
15. Find the best deal. Tip: For big ticket items, always, always, always compare prices online. Then, do
a "coupon" search and see if you can find a coupon code to save you even more money.
16. Write a kickass cover letter.
17. Hold a baby.
18. Wrap a gift anyone would be excited to open. Here's a great how-to.
19. Start a conversation. Tip: ask people questions about themselves, like where they grew up, how they
met their significant other, or how they know the host.
20. End a conversation. Tip: If you're at a party, excuse yourself to the bathroom, pretend like you just
saw someone you need to say hi to, or excuse yourself to call the babysitter. Saying you're going to get a
refill doesn't work as well because the person could follow you or ask you get him or her a refill, too.
21. Pack everything she needs for a weekend getaway in one small bag.
22. Ask someone out. Tip: Don't use ambiguous language like "hang out." Have a specific activity
and/or place in mind, even if it's just coffee.
23. Invest her money.
24. Use Mapquest, Googlemaps, or some other 21st century version of direction-giving.
25. Pack her purse with essentials: cash, ID, keys, phone, breath mints, chapstick or lipgloss, and a
book, newspaper, or crossword puzzle to keep her occupied during a long wait or when she's trying to avoid
someone on the train.
26. Prepare, order, or pay for a tasty and healthful dinner for herself and at least one
guest. Here's a recipe for one of the world's easiest, healthiest -- and tastiest -- meals (pay special
attention to #6).
27. Edit, upload, and print photos.
28. Perform the Heimlich and CPR.
29. Choose a ripe fruit. Here you go.
30. Cook and carve a turkey (or tofurky, if you must).
31. Google her date.
32. Negotiate a salary and/or pay raise. Lean in, y'all.
33. Bite her tongue when it's appropriate to.
34. Get a passport.
35. Reserve a library book online.
36. Leave (or find) Yelp reviews.
37. Find the right bra.
38. Welcome a new neighbor or coworker. Tip: Make a point to introduce yourself and give one
piece of friendly advice, like where the best place is to grab lunch.
39. Get herself (and her partner) off.
40. Assemble furniture.
41. Figure out what to tip on a $27 bill.
42. Look for a way out (of a relationship, a job, or a crowded music fest full of hipsters).
43. Find a reputable repair person.
44. Give a sincere (or, at least sincere-sounding) apology.
45. When and how to say "no" firmly (but graciously when appropriate).
46. Dry out her wet cell phone. Tip: turn it off and let it sit in a bowl or bag of rice overnight).
47. Change a tire (or find someone who can do it for her).
48. Give herself a breast exam.
49. Ask for help when she needs it.
challenges/teaching-kids-life-skills ( For skills to be enculcated in kids)
During my early years of parenting, I had a mistaken notion that childhood was a
time of endless fun, and that parents were kind of like cruise directors for their kids.
Now I have two young adults and two teens, and I've come to realize that childhood is
a training ground for the real world.