History of Management Thought

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The key takeaways are that the course provides an overview of major schools of management theory and the historical context around the development of management theory.

The course provides an overview of major schools or perspectives of management theory and focuses on the disciplinary foundations of management theory and the impact of historical context on the development of management theory.

The main modules covered are: Early Management Theory, Transferability and Management Science, Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology, Current Trends in Management Theory, Contemporary Contributions, and a Final Exam.


History of Management
Course Description


VLC Course Descriptions www.VLCglobal.com/support History of Management Thought

CONTENTS ........................................................................................................................... 2
OVERVIEW .......................................................................................................................... 3
COURSE OUTLINE ............................................................................................................... 4
COURSE TEXT...................................................................................................................... 5
RECOMMENDED READINGS AND RESOURCES ................................................................. 6
CREDITS – KEITH HARMAN, PH.D. .................................................................................... 8

VLC Course Descriptions www.VLCglobal.com/support History of Management Thought

History of Management Thought

This course provides an overview of major schools or perspectives of management theory. The
focus is upon the disciplinary foundations of management theory as well as the impact of
historical context upon the development of management theory. The course also focuses upon
the rise of the concept of management as a distinct profession.

This course has 6 modules, each focusing on a unique topic with unique objectives for your
knowledge, skill, and values. Modules are given different priority, and so are not always equal in
length, difficulty, or grading weight. Failing a module will result in immediate repetition of that

To enroll in this course, you must read this Course Description and the Course Introduction.

Course Course
Description Introduction

VLC Course Descriptions www.VLCglobal.com/support History of Management Thought

Course Outline

Module Issues + Resources

1 Early Management Theory
 Tzu and Machiavelli
 “Great Man” or Leader Train Paradigm
 Taylor and Scientific Management
 Mayo and the Human Relations School
 Weber and Bureaucracy
2 Transferability and Management Science
 Historical Portraits
 Management Science and Operations Research
 Management as a Profession, with universally applicable or transferable skills
 Disciplinary Foundations Underpinning Management Theory
3 Anthropology, Sociology, and Psychology
 Organizational Theory
 Organizational Culture
 Industrial/Organizational Psychology
 Learning in Organizations
4 Current Trends in Management Theory
 Quality and Excellence Movements
 Juran
 Deming
 Peters and Waterman
 Shewhart
 Six Sigma and ISO
 Balanced Scorecard
 Sustainability
5 Contemporary Contributions
 Socio-Technical/Systems Perspective
 Information Processing Perspective
 Corporate Governance
6 Final Exam

VLC Course Descriptions www.VLCglobal.com/support History of Management Thought

Course Text

The History of Management Thought, 5th edition

Daniel A Wren

Purchase link for electronic version:


$92.00 USD
(Purchasing the Entire Library plan is required to obtain this text. Price subject to change.)

VLC Course Descriptions www.VLCglobal.com/support History of Management Thought

Recommended Readings and Resources

 http://www.questia.com/Index.jsp  Concepts of organizational learning

 http://www.managementhelp.org/ as discussed in The Dance of Change
 A comprehensive Business and features an interview with Peter
Management Glossary Senge. This is a page sponsored by
http://management.about.com/cs/b the Society for Organizational
egintomanage/l/blglossary.htm Learning.
 Taylor's The Principles of Scientific http://www.solonline.org/organizati
Management onal_overview/
http://www.ibiblio.org/eldritch/fwt  Essay on Lewin’s theory of change
/ti.html written by Edgar Schein one of the
 "Henry Dennison, Elton Mayo, and “founders” of organizational
Human Relations Historiography" psychology.
by Kyle Bruce. This is from M&OH http://www.a2zpsychology.com/AR
Management & Organizational TICLES/kurt_lewin's_change_theor
History a new journal y.htm
http://moh.sagepub.com/cgi/conten  “Professor Chandler’s Revolution” by
t/abstract/1/2/177 (full text article in Art Kleiner originally published in
pdf) Strategy + Business Second Quarter
 "Managing Yourself" by Peter F. 2002. This is also available in pdf
Drucker from "Best of HBR" version.
available in html and pdf format http://www.well.com/user/art/s%2
http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~daleili/ Bb22002cm.html
Peter%20Drucker%20-  Gibson, J.W., et al. (1999). “The role
%20Managing%20Oneself.pdf of management history in the
 Excerpt from Weber's Wirtschaft management curriculum:1997.”
und Gesellschaft, part III, chap. 6 Journal of Management History, 5
http://www2.pfeiffer.edu/~lridener/ (5), 277-285.
DSS/Weber/BUREAU.HTML  Kantrow, A. (ed). (1986). “Why
 Condensation of the 14 points from history matters to managers.”
Out of the Crisis by Deming, this Harvard Business Review, January-
is linked to the Deming Institute pp. February, 81-88.
650-78 Warren, R. & Tweedale, G. (2002).
http://www.deming.org/theman/tea “Business ethics and business
chings02.html History: Neglected Dimensions in
 “Human Change by Design” management education.” British
Excerpts from a conversation with Journal of Management , 13, 209-
Robert Blake (of Blake and Mouton). 219.
The article originally appeared in the  This is a link to a variety of resources
Healthcare Forum Journal, July- including links to associations and
August 1992, Vol. 35, #4 societies that focus upon a particular
http://www.well.com/user/bbear/bl management theorist or “school” of
ake.html theorists.

VLC Course Descriptions www.VLCglobal.com/support History of Management Thought

https://www.baker.edu/department  Wren, Daniel A. (2004). The history

s/leadership/mgthistory/index.html of management thought. (5th ed.).
 Roth, W.(1998). Evolution of New York: John Wiley & Sons.
management theory: Past, present,
future. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

VLC Course Descriptions www.VLCglobal.com/support History of Management Thought

Credits – Keith Harman, Ph.D.

Keith Harman OBU Box 61737
500 W. University
Professor of Business Shawnee, OK 74804

Bailey Business Center 236

[email protected]

Keith Harman is Professor of Business in the Paul Dickinson School of Business at Oklahoma
Baptist University. He joined OBU in fall of 2006. Prior to arriving on Bison Hill, Dr. Harman
taught at Southeast Missouri State University, National-Louis University, and North Central
University. A native of Del City, Oklahoma, Harman completed a B.S. degree in Social Studies
from the University of Oklahoma, an M.Ed. degree in vocational education from the University
of Oklahoma, a Ph.D. degree in higher education management at the University of Oklahoma,
and a M.A. degree in finance and operations management from Webster University. He also
participated in a post-doctoral study program at MIT and later at the U.S. Army War College.

Educational Background:
B.S., University of Oklahoma
M.S., University of Oklahoma
M.A., Webster University
Ph.D., University of Oklahoma
Post-Doctoral Study, MIT in Cambridge, MA

Courses Taught:
BTEC 1103: Fluency in Information Technology
BTEC 1123: Business Problem Analysis
MGMT 3453: Production and Project Management

Selected Publications and/or Professional Activities:

Dr. Harman has published extensively. His research areas of interest include learning objects
and knowledge management, online education, scholarly communication, and valuation of
intellectual property. He serves as Editor of The Interdisciplinary Journal of Doctoral Studies
(www.ijds.org), Co-editor of The Interdisciplinary Journal of Knowledge and Learning Objects
(www.ijklo.org), and Co-Editor of The Interdisciplinary Journal of Information, Knowledge, and
Management (ijikm.org).

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