Envoi Par E-Mail Stunts Sheet
Envoi Par E-Mail Stunts Sheet
Envoi Par E-Mail Stunts Sheet
Twice per session, you may take on the appearance and You can change your form into that of any creature. You use
voice of any humanoid you've seen. Convincing others Will to create an advantage of Creature Form. The opposi-
you're that person is up to you. tion is generally Fair (+2), though it increases for particularly
large or small shapes and for complex transformations like a
Ì Paralyse swarm of bees. Your new shape persists until you decide to
Costs 1 stunt end it or get taken out.
You inflict a paralysed-type advantage on a successful Fight
Ì Snare
attack roll.
Costs 1 stunt
Ì Phasing You can trap other beings using webs, goo, pheromones, or
Costs 1 stunt compulsion fields, specified when you select this ability. You
You can use Burglary to walk through walls and other can make a Shoot roll to immobilise a creature up to one
physical barriers. A standard interior wooden door is a Fair zone away. That target cannot move to another zone until
(+2) obstacle, while thicker barriers of sturdier materials you release it or they overcome an obstacle with opposition
provide more opposition. equal to your roll.
Ì Pierce Ì Summon
Costs 1 stunt Costs 1 stunt
Your Fight attacks ignore 2 points of armor rating. Once per scene, you can generate a creature with one as-
pect and one Good (+3) skill. Your creature has two physical
Ì Poison and mental stress boxes, and it can take mild and moderate
Costs 1 stunt consequences. Your creature dissipates or wanders away at
the end of the scene.
You inflict a weakened-type advantage on a successful
Fight attack roll. Ì Supersonic
Ì Possession Costs 1 stunt
Costs 1 stunt Your Shoot attacks may cause mental stress instead of
physical stress.
You can control the actions of a target you can see,
effectively making it into a temporary ally. Roll a contest Ì Telekinesis
of Will versus Will. On a success, your target incurs a Costs 1 stunt
possessed-type aspect, invoked to block its actions or
You can move small objects in your own or adjacent zones
compelled to make it behave as you wish. Actions your
with your mind. By hurling objects around, you can attack
victim takes under your control are automatically at
with Will against targets in your zone.
mediocre (+0).
Ì Presentiment Ì Teleport
Costs 1 stunt Costs 1 stunt
Choose one skill from Empathy, Investigate, or Notice. You You can move up to three zones as an action, provided that
can use this skill to glean information from the minds of you can see where you are moving to.
people in your zone or adjacent zones. If your target knows Ì Undead
or suspects you are reading their mind, they can actively
oppose you with Will. Empathy discovers what someone is Costs 1 stunt
feeling, Investigate delves into deep thoughts and Once per session, when taken out, you may rise on your
memories, and Notice picks up surface thoughts and next turn with a mild or moderate consequence cleared.
detects unfamiliar minds. You can also project words into
the minds of anyone within range.
Ì Vanish
Costs 1 stunt
Ì Project Energy You can fade away from view. Cameras and similar devices
Costs 2 stunts cannot detect you at all, and you gain a +2 bonus to Stealth
You can project one form of energy, like heat, cold, or against being seen by living targets.
electricity. You gain a +2 Shoot attack bonus with your Ì X-Ray Vision
chosen energy type, and successful attacks made that way
gain a weapon 2 rating. Costs 2 stunts
You don't roll Notice or Investigate actions if the object of
Ì Regeneration your search is hidden behind an opaque object, you just
Costs 1 stunt automatically succeed. Also, because you can see when
You may permanently reduce the length of your physical people are looking for you and where they are, you gain a
stress track by 1 to clear all of your physical consequences. +2 Stealth bonus to avoid detection.
Ì Rupture Ì Wall-Crawling
Costs 1 stunt Costs 1 stunt
You may impose a -1 penalty on your Shoot roll, so that You can move along any surface (even upside-down). You
your target cannot use its stress track to absorb the shot. gain a +2 Athletics bonus to actions that involve climbing.