Summary of The Science of Self - Learning by Peter Hollins
Summary of The Science of Self - Learning by Peter Hollins
Summary of The Science of Self - Learning by Peter Hollins
● The world is your oyster, Courtesy of the internet and we have the ability to learn anything
we want these days.
● Traditional methods have limitations - fixed syllabus, Results need as they expect etc.,
● Change the mindset from Reading & Regurgitation to Intellectual curiosity. No schools
are enabling people to self learn, judge things based on facts. I feel it is important to
introduce this skill of "self-learning" to the future generation.
● 3 Aspects of learning - (Learning pyramid)
(i) Be confident in your ability to self learn
(ii) Self- management: Self-regulate your impulses, Discipline and focus. Prepare your
system and requirements. Take some time ahead to set up the process.
(iii) Learning: It is more than just picking up the book and reading
● How to take something that's on the page, understand it and make it usable at a later
time? - That’s learning in a nutshell.
● SQ3R method
(i) Survey: form an outline of what you are going to study from this book.
(ii) Question: what is this book going to teach me? frame questions.
(iii) Read: Read with focus, repeat if you don't understand.
(iv) Recite: Rephrase it in your own language.
(v) Review: Review the whole chapter to memorize it.
● Cornell notes
Note-taking in 3 parts.
Split the page into two columns, with a wider right column and some space at the
bottom for the summary.
The left column heading is “cues”, the Right column is “Notes”
Right column: Write whatever you want to, all Infos, (will be messy).
Left side: Rephrase it in simple terms.
Summary: Summarize the page.
Thus creating your own study guide.
● Self- explanation
Explain concepts to yourself.
Self-inquiry: To know what we know and don't know. To identify the blind spots.
(i) Elaborative Interrogation: How,why, what,who…ask journalist questions to yourself.
(ii) Feynman technique:
(a) Choose your topic.
(b) Write down the explanation of the concept in plain English.
(c) Find your blind spots.
(d) Use an analogy.
My notes:
No schools are enabling people to self learn, judge things based on facts. I feel it is important to
introduce this skill of "self-learning" to future generations.
We talk about economics, but not about money management
We talk about botany, but not about protein-rich plants
We talk about zoology, but not about the human body and well being
We talk about physics, but not about how to think
We talk about chemistry, but not about emotional intelligence
We talk about moral and ethics but not about relationship management