CNS: Siezures (High Doses) GI: Pseudomembranous,: Helicobacter Pylori

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Drug Action Indication Side Effects Nursing Responsibilities

BN : Amoxil/ Amoxil Forte Amoxicillin is a semi Treatment of: Skin and CNS: Siezures (High Doses) Assess for infection (vital
synthetic aminopenicillin skin structures infections, signs; appearance of
500 mg 1 Cap PO TID for of the β-lactam group of Otitis media, Sinusitis, GI: Pseudomembranous, wound, sputum, urine, and
7 days antibiotics. It has a broad Respiratory infections, Diarrhea, nausea, stool; WBC) at beginning
spectrum of antibacterial Genitourinary infections. vomiting, elated liver of and throughout
GN : Amoxicillin activity against many Endocarditis prophylaxis. enzymes. therapy.
gram(+) and gram (-) Post exposure inhalation
microorganisms, acting anthrax prophylaxis. Derm: Rashes, urticaria Obtain a history before
through the inhibition of Management of ulcer initiating therapy to
biosynthesis of cell wall disease due to Hemat: blood dyscrasias determine previous use of
mucopepetide. Helicobacter pylori. and reactions to penicillins
Unlabeled uses: Lyme Misc: allergic reactions or cephalosporins. Persons
Amoxicillin is not highly disease in children <8 including anaphylaxis, with negative history of
protein bound; years. serum sickness, penicillin sensitivity may
approximately 18% of superinfection still have an allergic
total plasma drug content response.
is bound to protein.
Amoxicillin diffuses readily Observe for signs and
into most body tissues and symptoms of anaphylaxis
fluids, with the exception (rash, pruritus, laryngeal
of the brain and spinal edema, wheezing). Notify
fluid. Inflammation the physician or other
generally increases the health care professional
permeability of the immediately if these occur.
meninges to penicillin and
this may apply to

BN: Alvedon 500 Analgesic/antipyretic Headache, toothache, Adverse reaction/

Paracetamol is an anilide fever associated with reactions at therapeutic
500mg 1 tab q 8hrs for 3 derivative with analgesic colds, menstrual pain, doses are rare.
days and antipyretic properties muscle pain, and
GN: Paracetamol corresponding to influenza.
acetylsalicylic acid.
Paracetamol does not
affect thrombocyte
aggregation or bleeding
time. It is generally well
tolerated even by patients
hypersensitive to
acetylsalicylic acid.

Paracetamol produces
antipyresis through action
on the hypothalamic heat-
regulating center, and
analgesia by elevating the
pain threshold.

Paracetamol is well
absorbed during oral
administration. Maximum
plasma concentrations are
obtained in 30-60 min. for
the analgesic effect, latecy
is about 30 min. Maximum
effect is reached within 1-
2 hrs, and duration is 4-5
hrs. The antipyretic effect
is slower; latency is about
30-60 min with maximum
fever reducing effect
effect at 2-3 hrs, and
duration of about 8 hrs.
the plasma half-life is
about 2 hrs.
BN: Methargine Directly stimulates uterine Prevention and treatment CNS: Dizziness,Headache Monitor vital signs and
and vascular smooth of postpartum or post uterine response
1 tab q 8hrs for 4 days muscle. Therapeutic abortion hemorrhage GI: nausea, vomiting frequently during
GN: Methylergonovine effect: Uterine contraction caused by uterine atony or medication and
subinvolution Derm: diaphoresis administration.

EENT: tinnitus Assess for sign of ergotism

(cold ,numbs, nausea,
RESP: dyspnea chest pain , vomiting,
headache, muscle pain,
CB: hypertention, weakness)
arrhythmias, chest pain,
palpitation Lab test Consideration: if
no response to
GU: cramps methylergonovine, calcium
levels may need to be
Misc: allergic reactions assessed. Effectiveness of
medication is low with

May cause low serum

prolactin levels.

Analgesic/Non-steroidal Relief of pain arising from GI: dyspepsia, upper GIT
500mg 1 tab every 8hrs for anti-inflammatory. rheumatic conditions, soft discomfort, diarrhea or
4 days Pharmacology: mefenamic tissue injuries and other constipation and
acid has demonstrated painful musculoskeletal abdominal pain.
GN: Mefenamic Acid analgesic, anti-pyretic and conditions and
anti-inflammatory effects. dysmenorrhea. CNS: headache,
It displays a central as well drowsiness, nervousness,
as a peripheral action. and visual disturbances,
These actions appear to be DERM: skin rashes and
via inhibition of urticaria
prostaglandin forming

BN: Novoferrosulfa An essential mineral found PO: prevention/treatment CNS: IM, IV-seizures Assess nutritional status
in hemoglobin, myoglobin, of iron-deficiency anemia. (dizziness, headache, and dietary history to
325mg OD 1 tab for 3 and many enzymes. Enters syncope. determine possible cause
months the blood stream and is of anemia and need for
transported to the organs CV: IM, IV-hypotension, patient teaching.
GN: ferrous sulfate of the reticuloendothelial hypertension, tachycardia.
system (liver, spleen, bone Assess for bowel function
marrow), where it is GI: nausea; for constipation or
separated out and diarrhea. Notify health
becomes part f iron stores. PO: constipation, dark care professional and use
stools, diarrhea, epigastric appropriate nursing
Therapeutic effect: pain, GI bleeding; IM, IV- measures should these
prevention/ treatment of taste disorder, vomiting. occur.
iron deficiency.
DERM: IM, IV- flushing Iron dextran, iron sucrose,
urticaria, and sodium ferric
gluconate complex:
RESP: IV, IM- cough, monitor blood pressure
dyspnea. and heart rate frequently
following IV administration
LOCAL: pain at IM site until stable. Rapid infusion
(iron dextran). rate may cause
hypotension and flushing.
MS: IM, IV- arthragia,
myalgia. Assess patient for sign and
symptoms of anaphylaxis
MISC: PO-staining (rash, pruritus, laryngeal
teeth(liquid preparations); edema, wheezing). Notify
IM, IV-allergic reactions in physician immediately if
cluding ANAPHYLAXIS, these occur. Keep
fever, lymphadenopathy, epinephrine and
sweating. resuscitation equipment
close by in the event of an
anaphylactic reaction.

Occult blood in stools may

be obscured by black
coloration of iron in stool.
Guaiac test results may
occasionally be false-
BN: Vitamin K
Required hepatic synthesis Prevention and treatment GI: gastric upset, unusual Monitor for frank and
0.1 ml IM after birth of blood coagulation of hypothrombinemia, taste. occult bleeding (guaiac
factors II (prothrombin), which may be associated DERM: flushing, rash, stools, hematest urine,
GN: Phytonadione VII, IX, and X. Therapeutic with: excessive dose of urticaria. and emesis). Monitor
effects: prevention of oral anti-coagulants, Hemat: hemolytic anemia. pulse and blood pressure
bleeding due to salicylates, certain anti- LOCAL: erythema, pain at frequently; notify
hypothrombinemia infective agents, injection site, swelling. physician immediately if
nutritional deficiencies. MISC: allergic reaction, symptoms of internal
Prolonged total parenteral hyperbilirubinemia (large bleeding or hypovolemic
nutrition. Prevention of doses in very premature shock develop. Inform all
hemorrhage. infants), kernicterus. personnel of patients
bleeding tendency to
prevent further trauma.
Apply pressure to all
venipuncture sites for at
least 5 min; to avoid
unnecessary IM injections.

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