2050 Atset 2018

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Math 2050A: Analysis I: Test 06 Nov 2018.

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n2 1
1. (5 points) Using the ε-N argument show lim 2
= .
n→∞ 2n + n + 1 2

Proof: We first note that for each positive integer n, we have

1 n2 n+1 n+1 1
| − 2 |= 2
≤ 2
≤ .
2 2n + n + 1 2(2n + n + 1) 4n n
So, for any ε > 0 we take a positive integer N so that ε < N . Then we have

1 n2
| − 2 |<ε
2 2n + n + 1
for any n ≥ N . ✷

2. (5 points) Let xn = for n = 1, 2, .... Using the definition of a Cauchy sequence
3k + 1
show that (xn ) is not a Cauchy sequence.

Proof: Notice that for m > n, we have

1 1 X
1 m−n
|xm − xn | = > >
3k + 1 3 k+1 3m
k=n+1 k=n+1

Thus, if we put ε = 16 , then for any positive integer N , we have |x2N − xN | > 1
6 = ε. Hence,
(xn ) is not a Cauchy sequence. ✷

3. (10 points) Let (xn ) and (yn ) be convergent sequences.

(i) If there are constants a and b such that xn < a < b < yn for all n, show that

lim xn < lim yn .

(by using the definition of limit).

(ii) If we only assume that there is a constant c so that xn < c < yn for all n, does the
assertion in (i) still hold?

Proof: (i): Put L := lim xn and M := lim yn . We are going to prove by contradiction.
We first notice that it is impossible for L = M because we have yn − xn > b − a > 0 for all n.
Now we suppose M < L. Thus, we can choose ε > 0 so that M + ε < L − ε. Then by the
definition of limit, there are positive integers N1 and N2 such that yn < M + ε for all n ≥ N1
and xn > L − ε for all n ≥ N2 . Now if we consider N = max(N1 , N2 ), then we have

b < yN < M + ε < L − ε < xN < a.

It contradicts to the assumption of a < b. The proof is finished.
(ii): The answer is negative. For example, consider xn = −1 n and yn = n. Then we have
xn < 0 < yn for all n but lim xn = lim yn = 0. ✷

4. (i) (5points) State the definition of a compact subset of R.

(ii) (10 points) Show that if A is a non-empty compact subset of R, then there exists an
element z ∈ A such that |z| = max{|x| : x ∈ A}.
(iii) (5 points) In part (ii) if A is only assumed to be bounded, does the assertion still hold?

Proof: (i): A set A is said to be compact if every sequence in A has a subsequence that
converges to some element in A.
(ii): Let S := {|x| : x ∈ A}. Recall a fact that A is a compact subset of R if and only if it is
a closed and bounded set. So, the set S is a non-empty bounded subset of R. The axiom of
completeness tells us that the supremum of S exists. Put L := sup S. From this, we see that
for each n = 1, 2, .., there exists an element xn ∈ A satisfying L − n1 < |xn | < L + n1 . This
implies that lim |xn | = L.
On the other hand, then by using the compactness of A, we can find a subsequence (xnk )
of (xn ) such that the limit z := limk xnk exists in A and thus, |z| = limk |xnk | . Note that
limk |xnk | = L because limn |xn | = L. Therefore, we have |z| = L as required.
(iii) Consider A = (0, 1). Then A is a bounded set. Notice that for each element z ∈ (0, 1),
we must have z < 12 (z + 1) < 1. So, the maximum of A does not exist. ✷


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