3d Solar Still Fluent

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2nd National Conference Recent Innovations in Science and Engineering (NC-RISE 17) ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 5 Issue: 9 01 – 06

Validation and Computational Performance Analysis of Masonic Solar Still in

Summer Climate

P. D. Besekar
M.Tech. (Mechanical), NIT Jamshedpur (Jharkhand), India
E-Mail: [email protected]

Abstract- Supply of drinking water is a major problem in under-developed and in some developing countries. The use of solar energy for
desalination purpose was one of the first processes developed for producing fresh water from salt water. The process is based on the use of solar
thermal energy to evaporate water thus separating pure water from brine water. The solar stills are used as a good method for obtaining the fresh
water for even small scale demand because of economic and technical advantages as it uses the inexpensive technology including the material
prices and manufacturing. Hence for increasing the outcome of solar still it is necessary to test the effect of different parameters as condensing
cover. Present work aimed at modeling of single slope solar still using ANSYS Fluent V15 to investigate the yield. Three dimensional two phase
model is developed for evaporation and condensation process to simulate the temperature distribution of water and gas phase and also the
amount of fresh water productivity. Simulation is carried out from 12:00PM to 03:00PM with one hour interval. For each interval various graphs
have been plotted and studied for each simulation. It was concluded that for the interval 02:00PM to 03:00PM obtain the higher yield as
compared to other interval yield. Simulation results have been compared with the available experimental data it was observed that fresh water
production rate and water temperature are in good agreement. Hence Computational Fluid Dynamics is powerful tool in design of solar still and
studying effective parameters on the performance.

Keywords: Desalination, Solar Energy, Thermal Energy, Ansys, Fluent, Computational Fluid Dynamics

Introduction 1.2 Water Shortage Problem

The lack of potable water poses a big problem in southern
The purification of liquids such as water can be done and south-western arid regions of India. The underground
using Solar Still. The impurities present in the liquids can be water, where exists, is usually brackish and cannot be used
separated using the process of distillation.Distillation is a as it is for drinking purposes. As India lies in the region of
simple process. Heat is first added to a liquid to evaporate it high solar potential, we can have many advantages of the
and produce a gas or vapor, then heat is removed from the solar still setup. The most economical and easy way to
vapor to condense it back to liquid. A solar still works on accomplish this objective is using solar still. Fresh water
the greenhouse effect phenomenon. The solar energy which scarcity is a pressing problem that progressively affects
is free is the energy input to this distillation [1]. more and more region on the planet due to the continuous
increase in world population, changes in lifestyle and
1.1 Water demand increasing contamination of existing natural fresh water
The four most important uses of water are resources.
1. Drinking
2. Domestic 1.3 Solution to the Water Problem
3. Agricultural The demand for a steady, economical supply of water is
4. Industrial constantly increasing around the world. Often it does not
match the available supply. It does not seem possible that
Ninety-seven percent of the earth's water lies in its oceans. supply will equal demand in the near future. Therefore, the
Of the remaining 3%, over 80% is brackish and unfit for development and management of sound water resources will
consumption leaving just 5% as fresh water. As a result, be a constant challenge. In many countries, water policy will
many people do not have access to plentiful and affordable be an essential ingredient of economic policy. There are
supplies of potable water. This leads to population many solutions to the water problem, including control of
concentration around existing water supplies, marginal water consumption, conservation, improved distribution and
health conditions, and a generally lower standard of living. storage, reclamation, purification and reuse, crops that use
less water, tapping of new sources, etc. Desalination is
Human beings need 3 to 4 liters of water a day to live and seriously considered only when all the other possibilities
for daily usage it counts approximately equals to 20 liters. have been ruled out Seawater desalination plants have been
Industries require 200 to 400 liters of water as per their constructed in many countries, especially the arid Middle
needs. Yet some functions can be performed with salty East, only because there were no other available alternatives.
water and a typical requirement for distilled water is 5 liters The objective of desalination is to provide water with
per person per day. Therefore 2m² of still are needed for salinity below 500 ppm. The major problems associated
each person served [1]. with desalination have been very high capital and operating
IJRITCC | September 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org (Conference Issue)
2nd National Conference Recent Innovations in Science and Engineering (NC-RISE 17) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 9 01 – 06
costs. Over the past several years, the cost of desalting has of contour, velocity vector, and particle track and
gone down but it is still quite high. It still cannot compete path line. Any calculation required can be performed
with the cost of natural fresh water, which has the advantage in FLUENT also.
that it requires minimal treatment to make it potable. 6.Finally, the results and all the data can be saved for
future references by writing the files.
Though many methods have been proposed to desalt saline The schematic diagram of experimental set up of Masonic
waters, only a few have been developed to commercial solar still is as shown in Fig.1 Experimental set up consist of
viability. The majority of commercial desalination processes Basin tank which is basic Masonic solar still and it has
have been perfected over the past 50 years. The applicability effective area of 1 m2. The still is made of Bricks, tiles,
of any process depends on the amount of salts contained in Cement concrete. It has a top cover of transparent glass (i.e.
the available feed water and on process economics. Ordinary glass), and the interior surface of its basin is black
colored Rexene to enable absorption of solar energy. The
1.4 Modeling Procedure in Computational Fluid whole assembly was air tight made with help of Rexene
Dynamics strips and sealed with silicon paste.
Fluid dynamics deals with the dynamic behavior of fluids
and its mathematical interpretation is called as
Computational Fluid Dynamics. Fluid dynamics is governed
by sets of partial differential equations, which in most cases
are difficult or rather impossible to obtain analytical
solution.Computational Fluid Dynamics is a computational
technology that enables the study of dynamics of things that

The Physical aspects of any fluid flow are governed by three

fundamental principles: Mass is conserved; Newton's second
law and Energy is conserved, mathematically they can be
expressed as partial differential equations. Computational Fig: 1Schematic Diagram of Masonic Solar Still
Fluid Dynamics is the science of determining a numerical
solution to the governing equations of fluid flow. In this diagram shows the different component and how it‟s
assembled. Here use a eight channel thermocouple for
Computational Fluid Dynamics thus provides a qualitative measuring the different temperature i.e. water basin
(and sometimes even quantitative) prediction of fluid flows temperature (T6), inner glass temperature (T5&7), Dry bulb
by means of Mathematical modeling (partial differential temperature (T1), atmospheric temperature (T8) and outside
equations) Numerical methods (discretization and solution glass temperature (T2, T3, T4). A plain transparent glass
techniques). (i.e. Ordinary) of 4 mm thickness was used at the top, with
an inclination of 18.5° from horizontal to ease the flow of
Computational Fluid Dynamics enables scientists and condensate along the transparent inside surface of glass. The
engineers to perform „numerical experiments‟i.e. Computer low thickness of glass transmits up to 98% of solar
simulations in a „virtual flow laboratory‟ real experiment radiation. The solar still efficiency depends on the properties
Computational Fluid Dynamics simulation. of the transparent glass.

The procedure for the Computational Fluid Dynamics II. METHODOLOGY

analysis in FLUENT follows the simple steps below: 2.1 Simulation Method
1.The model used for the analysis is drawn in, NX and Here in this chapter starting from the development of two
meshed in the ICEM- Computational Fluid Dynamics phase three dimensional model of solar still with
assumptions each step for carrying out simulation is
software, which is the compatible modeling software
explained. Size of geometry, meshing, boundary condition
for FLUENT. All the files for the geometry and
meshing of the model are saved as mesh or grid file. applied on the simulation model and simulation procedure
has been discussed here with an enhanced contrast.
2.Next, in FLUENT, the saved mesh or grid file of the
model is read, checked and scaled for the required 2.1.1 Assumptions
working unit. 1. There is no vapour leakage from the solar still.
3.The model is defined for the type of solver and 2. All the walls are adiabatic, hence no heat loss.
boundary conditions to be used. The model is defined 3. There is no temperature gradient across the glass
according to the type of analysis required in the cover of solar still.
research project.
4.The model is solved by setting the required 2.1.2 Mathematical Model
parameters in the solution panel and then iterated for A two-phase model was developed in the volume of fluid for
convergence. liquid water and mixture of air and water vapor system at
5.Results can be obtained from the graphic display and quasi steady state condition and adaptive time step has
report in FLUENT. Results can be displayed in terms taken. So only surface evaporation of liquid occurs and their
IJRITCC | September 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org (Conference Issue)
2nd National Conference Recent Innovations in Science and Engineering (NC-RISE 17) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 9 01 – 06
interface should be considered for modeling. For each phase Geometric modal of solar still is created using ANSYS CAD
the time and volume-average continuity, energy and mass module and this geometric modal is imported to the ANSYS
equations are numerically solved. meshing module to generate the meshing of the solar still.
Geometry is shown in figures 2.
2.2 Governing Equations in Computational Fluid
There are mainly three equations we solve in
computational fluid dynamics problem. They are Continuity
equation, Momentum equation (Navier Stokes equation) and
Energy equation. The flow of most fluids may be analyzed
mathematically by the use of two equations. Basically,
Continuity Equation states that the mass of fluid entering the
fixed control volume is equal to the mass of liquid leaving.
It is thus a "mass balance" requirement posed in
mathematical form, and is a scalar equation. While,
Fig: 2 3D model of Masonic solar still
theMomentum Equation, or Navier-Stokes Equationmay be
thought of as a "momentum balance". The Navier-Stokes 2.5.2 Meshing Details
equations are vector equations, meaning that there is a Geometry is imported to ANSYS meshing module and
separate equation for each of the coordinate directions meshing is done. Unstructured mesh of type tetrahedral is
(usually three) [8]. used. A mesh independence test was conducted to ensure the
results obtained are accurate and reliable.
2.3 Steps involved in solving problem
1. First create the grid of appropriate dimensions
and with appropriate step length to specify the
problem domain in ICEM Computational Fluid
2. Create geometries like Vertices at appropriate
grid points.
3. Create lines joining two vertices.
4. Create Areas selecting all the lines.
5. Create Boundary Mesh around the cylinder.
6. Create Face Mesh to rest of the model.
7. Give the Boundary Conditions for entire
domain. Fig: 3 3D unstructured mesh for solar still
8. Save it and export it to mesh file.
2.5.3 Boundary Conditions
9. Read the file in FLUENT and check the mesh
Mesh files of solar still are then imported to the Fluent
and scale the model.
Pre. In Fluent pre physics and boundary conditions are
10. Enter values for boundary conditions,
applied on the domain is explained to solve the continuity
operating conditions etc.
and momentum equation. A two phase domain is created in
11. Selecting the appropriate solver to solve the
the framework for liquid water and mixture of water vapour
and air. Considering the effect of buoyancy, evaporation
12. Solve the problem by initializing from velocity
process is modeled as laminar at quasi steady state. A
inlet and specifying the number of iterations.
distinct interface between vapor and liquid phases exists,
hence both phases are continuous. To transfer heat, two
2.4 Simulation
resistance model is taken zero resistance model is taken for
For the simulation of condensation and evaporation
gas phase and heat transfer coefficient for water phase. It
process inside the distillation unit, Computational Fluid
was assumed that bottom temperature is equal to water bath
Dynamics simulation software ANSYS Fluent V15 is used.
temperature. Distillate collector temperature is equal to glass
ANSYS Fluent V15 is a fluid analysis and simulation
temperature. For drop formation on the condensing cover
software which combines CAD automatic Meshing and fast
adhesion forces are taken. All sides are assumed adiabatic.
solution algorithms, which include Pre-processing, solving,
No slip
Post processing. Preprocessor include modeling (CAD),
Boundary condition is specified for liquid phase and free
meshing, applying boundary conditions, Solver which is
slip boundary condition is specified for vapour phase.
based on finite volume method Include applying the solution
algorithms and iterating and forming the results. Post
2.5.4 Material Definition
processor includes displaying the results, forming
To set up the domain for 2-phase fluid (Multiphase)
temperature diagrams, contours graphs on display screen.
analysis, First of all fluid material have defined
Two types of materials are as follows:
2.5 Methodology
1. Liquid water
2.5.1 Geometric model
2. Water vapour
IJRITCC | September 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org (Conference Issue)
2nd National Conference Recent Innovations in Science and Engineering (NC-RISE 17) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 9 01 – 06
In ANSYS Fluent V15 material named gas mixture was 3.1.1Temperature Distribution for basin water
prepared by combining the water vapour and air. They are To represent results of temperature distribution in the form
defined by using the variable composition mixture. The of 3-D colored contour plots the images have been taken for
thermal properties of water and water vapour mixture are each individual simulation and few of them as sample
given in table. representation are shown in Figure 5-7. Red region in the
Table no 1: Thermal properties of water contour plots represent highest temperature and blue region
Density 988.2[kg/m3] represent the lowest temperature in the domain it is clearly
seen in the figure due to large temperature difference
Molar Mass 18.0152 [kg/ kmol]
between glass and water temperature water condenses on the
Specific Heat glass.
4182 [J/kg-K]
Viscosity 0.001003[kg/m-s]
Thermal Conductivity 0.6 [W /mK]

Table no 2: Thermal properties of water vapour

Density 0.5542[kg/m3]
Molar Mass 18.0152 [kg/ kmol]
Specific Heat
300-1000 [J/kg-K]
Viscosity 1.345[kg/m-s]
Thermal Conductivity 0.0261[W /mK]

2.5.5 Fluent Solver

Fluent solver performs the iteration process when the Fig: 5 Temperature of basin water
iteration process comes to the end of convergence as
shown in Fig 4 it provides the results to the Fluent for 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM
Processor. Fig.6 shows the results of output water yield by
simulation for one hour from 12:00 PM to 01:00 PM. The
water in the still starts warming due to solar radiation
incident on glass surface. After some time water in the
system start to vaporize. The temperature difference
between water and glass leads to condensate the vapours.
For this interval maximum temperature achieved is 334.7°𝐾
and minimum is 331.7°𝐾. From the simulation it is observed
Fig: 4 Convergence graph of fluid flow simulation that for this interval the mass flow rate is 4.66*10 -5 kg/sec
i.e. 167ml/hour.
3.1 Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations
The performance of a solar still depends upon the glass
cover angle, depth of water, fabrication materials, and
temperature of water in the basin and insulation thickness
which could be modified for improving the performance. So
Computational fluid dynamic simulation approach is
adopted to analyze the effect of temperature on yield of a
solar still. In evaporation water phase change takes place
which is very difficult to model mathematically. The
complicated thermal relationship involved in the phase
change of water from liquid to gas phase is accurately
solved by using Computational fluid dynamic. The
numerical analysis using ANSYS Fluent V15 is used to Fig. 6 Water temperature inside the solar still for 12:00PM-
determine the temperature distribution. In the present work, 01:00PM interval
following the simulation methodology and utilizing the
boundary conditions as mentioned in detail in Chapter 5, for 1:00PM to 2:00PM
simulations were completed to obtain the following sets of Fig.7 shows the results of output water yield by
results: simulation for one hour from 01:00 PM to 02:00 PM. The
1. Validate the experimental yield with simulated water in the still starts warming due to solar radiation
yield. incident on glass surface. For this interval maximum
2. Vapour temperature distribution inside the solar temperature achieved is 346.1°𝐾 and minimum is 342.4°𝐾.
still. From the simulation it is observed that for this interval the
3. Water temperature distribution inside the solar still. mass flow rate is 5.521*10-5 kg/sec i.e. 198ml/hour.
IJRITCC | September 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org (Conference Issue)
2nd National Conference Recent Innovations in Science and Engineering (NC-RISE 17) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 9 01 – 06
3.2 Experimental Validation
3.2.1 Water Temperature
From the above results water temperature predicted by
Computational fluid dynamic simulation is compared with
available experimental data of masonic solar still for shown
in figure 10 .This Fig has been drawn with Water
temperature as ordinate and time interval as abscissa. Water
temperature is in good agreement with experimental data.

Table no 4: Comparative Table for Basin Temperature

Fig: 7 Water temperatures inside the solar still for 01:00pm-
Sr. Interval Experimental Simulated
02:00pm interval
No. Average basin Average basin for 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM Temperature in Temperature in
Fig.8 shows the results of output water yield by K K
simulation for one hour from 02:00 PM to 03:00 PM. The 1 12:00PM- 321 333
water in the still starts warming due to solar radiation 01:00PM
incident on glass surface. For this interval maximum 2 01:00PM- 324 344
temperature achieved is 343.4°𝐾 and minimum is 340.3°𝐾. 02:00PM
From the simulation it is observed that for this interval the 3 02:00PM- 322 341
mass flow rate is 6.211*10-5 kg/sec i.e. 223ml/hour. 03:00PM

Fig: 8 Water temperature inside the solar still for 02:00 PM

to 03:00 PM interval.
Fig: 10 Water temperature predicted by the Computational
3.1.2 Temperature Distribution for glass surface fluid dynamic simulation and experimental data
Solar radiations are incident on a glass surface
temperature in the start increasing and it is maximum at the 3.2.2 Production of water
top and it decreases towards the bottom. To represent results When the salinated water is heated water gets evaporated
of temperature distribution in the form of 3-D colored and converted into water vapour which is condensed to
contour plots the images have been taken for each individual obtain potable water in liquid state. ANSYS gives the mass
simulation and few of them as sample representation are flow of gas and water in Kg/sec which is divided by
shown in Figure 9. Red region in the contour plots represent evaporation area to obtain the amount of fresh water
highest temperature and blue region represent the lowest produced. It was assumed that the amount of water
temperature in the domain it is clearly seen in the figure due evaporated is equal to the rate of water production Kg/m2
to large temperature difference between glass and water sec. In other words the amount of water evaporated is equal
temperature water condenses on the glass. to the amount of water condensed. The same amount of
water is collected in distillate channel. From simulation the
amount of fresh water produced is calculated. In the starting
water production rate is low as the basin temperature is low.
Figure 11 shows the results of simulation run and
experimental data from12:00pm to 03:00pm with one hour
interval and figure 12 for number of days with total yield. In
the figure 11 it is noted that as the process begins water in
the basin is heated by solar radiation. Water starts warming
up. Gradually the still space saturates with vapour and fresh
water production rate is maximum for last interval. It has
been found that water production rate increases with
increase in temperature difference. This is due to the fact
that, at higher temperature evaporation rate is high. The
Fig: 9 Water evaporating and stalling on Glass Face amount of distillate output received will be higher for the
IJRITCC | September 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org (Conference Issue)
2nd National Conference Recent Innovations in Science and Engineering (NC-RISE 17) ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 5 Issue: 9 01 – 06
higher temperature of evaporative surface and also for lower temperature distribution is observed due to evaporation. The
temperature of condensing surface.In other words, the temperature of water obtained by Fluent and mass yield is
higher value of evaporative surface temperature and lower compared with the available experimental data.
value of condensing surface temperature, both leads to the
rise in distillate output. A little consideration reveals that 4.1.1 Experimental validation
both of this increases the temperature difference between It was observed that the results produced by Computational
evaporative and condensing surfaces. It plays an important Fluid Dynamics simulation are good in agreement with
role in optimizing the yield. The average error for output experimental data. It was concluded that for the interval
yield is 4.5% i.e. from Computational fluid dynamic 02:00PM to 03:00PM obtain the higher yield as compared to
simulation 4.5% higher yield than experimental data is other interval yield. Also it is concluded that yield of solar
obtained. still i.e. distillate output of solar still is directly proportional
to the condensation rate.

There were several improvements that could be
implemented to improve the design and Performance, but
this was not possible to do so during the course of the
project due to time restrictions. These suggestions are
recommended for any future work to be conducted on the
solar still for desalination purposes:
1. Computer simulation can be used for simulating
evaporation process through new solar still designs. Designs
of solar still can be improved further by changing different
cross-sections like rectangular or cylindrical or by changing
the shapes of condensing cover.
Fig: 11 Fresh water production from experimental data and 2. A Computational fluid dynamic analysis should be
simulation result for one day on hourly basis conducted on the condensation process by considering
separate condenser.
Table no 6: Comparative Table of Yield for the days 3. Designs of solar still can be improved further by changing
Sr. Date Experimental Simulated different inclinations.
No. Average Yield (in Yield (in ml)
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2 13/4/2016 510 520 Solar Still: Make It Multi-Layer Absorber”, International
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8 19/4/2016 525 532 [3] Said Alforjani Said 1, “Flexible Design and Operation of
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4.1 Flow of Work Done
[8] S Kumar and GN Tiwari (1996) Estimation of convective
First of all simulation work is done on ANSYS Fluent
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V15. Simulation of evaporation process is done on a single
slope solar still. Different sets of simulation are done for
different intervals. The behavior of phase change and
IJRITCC | September 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org (Conference Issue)

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