3d Solar Still Fluent
3d Solar Still Fluent
3d Solar Still Fluent
Volume: 5 Issue: 9 01 – 06
P. D. Besekar
M.Tech. (Mechanical), NIT Jamshedpur (Jharkhand), India
E-Mail: [email protected]
Abstract- Supply of drinking water is a major problem in under-developed and in some developing countries. The use of solar energy for
desalination purpose was one of the first processes developed for producing fresh water from salt water. The process is based on the use of solar
thermal energy to evaporate water thus separating pure water from brine water. The solar stills are used as a good method for obtaining the fresh
water for even small scale demand because of economic and technical advantages as it uses the inexpensive technology including the material
prices and manufacturing. Hence for increasing the outcome of solar still it is necessary to test the effect of different parameters as condensing
cover. Present work aimed at modeling of single slope solar still using ANSYS Fluent V15 to investigate the yield. Three dimensional two phase
model is developed for evaporation and condensation process to simulate the temperature distribution of water and gas phase and also the
amount of fresh water productivity. Simulation is carried out from 12:00PM to 03:00PM with one hour interval. For each interval various graphs
have been plotted and studied for each simulation. It was concluded that for the interval 02:00PM to 03:00PM obtain the higher yield as
compared to other interval yield. Simulation results have been compared with the available experimental data it was observed that fresh water
production rate and water temperature are in good agreement. Hence Computational Fluid Dynamics is powerful tool in design of solar still and
studying effective parameters on the performance.
Keywords: Desalination, Solar Energy, Thermal Energy, Ansys, Fluent, Computational Fluid Dynamics
There were several improvements that could be
implemented to improve the design and Performance, but
this was not possible to do so during the course of the
project due to time restrictions. These suggestions are
recommended for any future work to be conducted on the
solar still for desalination purposes:
1. Computer simulation can be used for simulating
evaporation process through new solar still designs. Designs
of solar still can be improved further by changing different
cross-sections like rectangular or cylindrical or by changing
the shapes of condensing cover.
Fig: 11 Fresh water production from experimental data and 2. A Computational fluid dynamic analysis should be
simulation result for one day on hourly basis conducted on the condensation process by considering
separate condenser.
Table no 6: Comparative Table of Yield for the days 3. Designs of solar still can be improved further by changing
Sr. Date Experimental Simulated different inclinations.
No. Average Yield (in Yield (in ml)
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Fig: 12 Fresh water production from experimental data and Technology (An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
simulation result for number of days Vol. 2, Issue 12, December 2013
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4.1 Flow of Work Done
[8] S Kumar and GN Tiwari (1996) Estimation of convective
First of all simulation work is done on ANSYS Fluent
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V15. Simulation of evaporation process is done on a single
slope solar still. Different sets of simulation are done for
different intervals. The behavior of phase change and
IJRITCC | September 2017, Available @ http://www.ijritcc.org (Conference Issue)