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Old historicism is hierarchical, with literature being the “jewel,” and history the
background. New historicism is Parallel readings, no more hierarchy.
Old historicism is a historical movement. It creates a historical framework in
which to place the text. New historicism is a historicist movement. New
historicism is interested in history as represented and recorded in written
documents—history as text. The word of the past replaces the world of the past.
The aim is not to represent the past as it really was, but to present a new reality
by re- situating it.
interests. New historicism has made its biggest mark on literary studies of the
Renaissances and Romantic periods and has revised motions of literature as
privileged, apolitical writing. Much new historicism focuses on the marginalization
of subjects such as those identified as witches, the insane, heretics, vagabonds,
and political prisoners.
Cultural Materialism embraces change and gives us different (changing)
perspectives based on what we chose to suppress or reveal in readings from the
Shakespeare is one example of how Cultural Materialism can change our
point of view, and even our values, in regard to past texts. Many Cultural
Materialist have challenged the fetishistic relationship conservative Britain has
with Shakespeare.
"Raymond William's term for the theory of culture he develops in the course of a
long dialogue with Marxism, and which ascribes a central importance to the role of
structures of feeling. Williams is critical of the base/structure model so often
used by Marxists to analyze cultural phenomena on the grounds that it makes, for
example, the literature dependent, secondary and superstructural, or subsumes it
into the wider category of ideology. Cultural Materialism stresses that culture is a
constitutive social process which actively creates different ways of life. Similarly,
signification or the creation of meaning is viewed as a practical material activity
which cannot be consigned to a secondary lever or explained in terms of a primary
level of economic activity. Consciousness itself is not a reflection of a basic or
more material level of existence, but an active mode of social being. Williams is
also critical of the technological determinism of theorists such as Mcluhanwho
argues that communications media have independent properties that impose
themselves automatically ('the medium is the message'). He does not deny that the
function of the media is determined, but insists that its determination is social and
always bound up with sociocultural practices."
Differences Between New Historicism and Cultural Materialism
New Historicism and Cultural Materialism have a significant overlap. In fact the
main difference is politics. There are three main differences:
social and ideological structures which restrain them. A contrast between political
optimism and political pessimism.
3. New Historicists will situate the literary text in the political situation of its own
day, while the Cultural Materialists situate it within that of our own.