Hunter The Vigil Quickstart (One Year Later)
Hunter The Vigil Quickstart (One Year Later)
Hunter The Vigil Quickstart (One Year Later)
of your friends
This free booklet gives you and five
game of Hunter:
everything you need to play your first
elling game set in
The Vigil, White Wolf’s all-new Storyt
of the rules
the World of Darkness. It contains all
well as
and characters you need to start, as
“One Year Later,” a complete introduct
scenario. All you need is a few 10-
sided dice and you’re ready to go.
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and one printed copy which may be reproduced for personal use only. White Wolf,
Vampire and World of Darkness are registered trademarks of CCP hf. All rights
reserved. Vampire: The Requiem, Werewolf: The Forsaken, Mage: The Awakening, Pro-
methean: The Created, Hunter: The Vigil and Storytelling System are trademarks
of CCP hf. All rights reserved. All characters, names, places and text herein
are copyrighted by CCP hf. CCP North America Inc. is a wholly owned subsidiary
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is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. This book uses the
supernatural for settings, characters and themes. All mystical and supernatural
elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This book con-
tains mature content. Reader discretion is advised.
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Your Vigil
Starts Here
Like most people, you’ve probably had the sense—at least once—
that things are not right with the world and not everything is as it
seems. You’ve felt that sinister truths hide behind a façade of normal-
ity, veiled partially by the rational, orderly “natural laws” we call sci-
ence. And when night falls, when the shadows grow long and the wind
whistles through the trees, you shudder and remember the truths of your
ancestors, who were right to fear the dark. You’ve just entered the World
of Darkness, a world very much like our own, save that the shadows hide
very real monsters (though most people fool themselves into believing
it isn’t so).
In Hunter: The Vigil, the sixth Storytelling game set in the
World of Darkness, you and your friends tell the story of those
people who have come to recognize the truth, that monsters exist.
These individuals cannot sit idly by. They study their foes. They
destroy them or steal their power. They use them as pawns against
one another. It’s not an easy thing, the endless hunt, the ceaseless
Vigil. It is a thing of brutality and obsession, a slope slippery with
the blood of those who came and fell before, a slope that descends
into nightmare. And yet they can do no differently, because the Vigil
drives them. They sacrifice. They push forward. They hunt.
At the barest level, hunters exist in ignorant, rag-tag cells—
friends, family or those driven together by maddening circumstances.
They protect their stretch of forest, their city block, their network of
women’s shelters. They don’t know the depth of what’s out there; they
have only the meager light of their own candles to light the way.
Candles give way to torches, to cells who band together in lo-
calized compacts. They pool resources. They provide moral support.
They present a more unified front against the denizens of darkness.
And torches give way to raging bonfires as those compacts grow
outward globally and backward through time. Ancient groups and
modern conspiracies supply their hunters with potent weapons,
some of which are so strange that those who use them can only
wonder how long they can truly maintain their own humanity.
But even coming together to form an inferno or firestorm, hunt-
ers can’t help but notice how deep and long those shadows are, and
how numerous. Worse, fire is temporary: a candle burns down to its
wick, a torch is snuffed in a cold wind, a bonfire has soon consumed all
it can and grows dark. Hunters know they, too, are temporary where
the shadows seem endless and eternal. They can only hope others
will carry the Vigil in their stead.
The Game
Hunter is a Storytelling (or roleplaying) game. In it, a group of
players cooperates to tell a story. Each player takes on the role of a
single hunter, except for the Storyteller. This player essentially takes
on every other role, describing the world to the other players, acting
out the parts of other characters and determining what challenges
the players’ characters face. Players roll dice to determine whether
their characters can overcome the challenges before them. In a typi-
cal exchange, the Storyteller describes the scene in which the players’
characters find themselves. (“You rise from a night’s rest in the small
The Rules
Hunter uses a set of rules called the Storytelling System.
Many of the rules are introduced in the scenario proper or on the
character sheets, but there are a few basics to go over first.
Rolling Dice: When rolling dice in the Storytelling System,
you do not add the numbers together. Instead any single die that
comes up 8 or better is considered a success. You usually need only
one success to accomplish a task, but more is always better (caus-
ing more damage in combat, for example). Any die that comes up
0 (considered a 10) counts as a success and can be rolled again to
potentially get another success. If you roll no successes at all, your S ti
Sometimes y ’ll bbe asked
you’ll k d tto take an extended action,
character has failed that action. which represents doing something over a period of time, like
Dice Pools: The number of dice you roll to attempt researching something in a library or searching a room. In
something is called your dice pool. It is usually made up of the this case, each roll of the dice represents a fixed amount of
total of one Attribute and one Skill on your character sheet, time (usually 10 minutes, but it varies for some more involved
along with modifiers imposed by adverse conditions or any actions). You accumulate successes from roll to roll until you
special equipment your character uses. run out of time or get a certain number described in the text.
Modifiers: The Storyteller determines what modifiers apply Some actions can also be contested, which means two
to any dice pool. These either add to or subtract from the num- people are working against each other, such as in an arm-wres-
ber of dice rolled in the dice pool. Modifiers usually come from tling match or when a character tries to sneak past a watchful
tools used, Merits the character has or general circumstances. The guard. In a contested action, each player (or the player and
Storyteller should grant or impose a bonus or penalty if the cir- the Storyteller) rolls the dice pool for his character, and the
cumstances are especially favorable or deleterious, usually ranging person with the most successes wins.
from +5 to –5 (although modifiers tend to be closer to +2 to -2). Finally, some actions are reflexive, which means they hap-
For example, an attempt to climb a wall that is slick with rain and pen automatically and don’t take up any time. You can per-
slime could suffer a –2 penalty, whereas doing so on one with a few form them and still perform a simple action in that turn.
handholds could gain a +1. Turns and Scenes: A turn is a 3-second period used to track time
Chance Die: If modifiers reduce your dice pool to zero or few- passing in combat. A scene is a longer period of time, usually as long as
er dice, you should roll a single die called a chance die. A 10 rolled it takes for everyone to do what they want in a particular place.
on a chance die generates a single success, while any other result is
a failure. Rolling a 1 on a chance die indicates a dramatic failure,
and the Storyteller should describe especially troublesome results
(a gun jamming, a blowout during a car chase, etc.).
The Character
Actions: Almost anything a character does is considered
a simple action. You determine the dice pool, roll the dice, and
see whether you succeed or fail. In combat you can perform This booklet contains character sheets for the five char-
one simple action per turn. acters players will use in “One Year Later.” These sheets con-
tain all the game numbers that define a character’s capabili- Morality is a measure of your characters’ sense of com-
ties, divided into a variety of traits. Most traits are rated from passion and basic respect for the rule of law. Your characters
one dot (•) to five (•••••), much like a star rating system can lose Morality over the course of play. Morality is ranked
for movies. Different traits represent different things. from 1 to 10, with an average Morality of 7.
Attributes represent inherent capabilities, such as
Strength, Intelligence or Presence. Nearly every roll uses one
of these as a basis for the dice pool.
Spirits and ghosts use three special Attributes: Power,
Finesse and Resistance. Power represents a ghost’s ability to Violence is inevitable in the life of the hunter—some
affect its environment. Finesse represents a ghost’s capabil- would say it’s at the core of the Vigil. When a fight breaks out,
ity in interacting with or manipulating elements of its envi- it can be important to keep track of who is doing what, and
ronment. Resistance represents a ghost’s ability to withstand how badly they are hurting each other.
forces that could banish or destroy it. First, the Storyteller tells the players their characters are
Skills represent learned abilities, like Firearms or Medicine. entering combat. Until the combat ends, everyone acts turn-by-
A word or phrase in parentheses next to a Skill indicates a Spe- turn, with each character getting one chance to act each turn.
cialty, an area of the overall Skill in which the character is par- Next, have everyone roll Initiative, which is the result of
ticularly talented. If you are asked to roll a dice pool in which the roll of a single die + the character’s Initiative modifier as
your character doesn’t have the right Skill, you suffer a penalty listed on the character sheet. This is a rare case in which you
of either –1 (for a missing Physical or Social Skill) or –3 (for a add the number that comes up on a die to the value of your
missing Mental Skill). If, on the other hand, you have a relevant trait, instead of rolling a dice pool and looking for a success.
specialty in the Skill in your dice pool, you get a +1 modifier. Starting with the character with the highest Initiative result
Health determines how wounded your character is, and it has and continuing to the lowest, each character gets to take a single
both dots and points. Your character’s dots are filled in on your char- action (usually an attack). The player can choose to yield her
acter sheet, and they represent the total number of Health points character’s action until later in the Initiative queue, or until the
available to him when he is uninjured. His lost Health points are next turn if she wishes. The Storyteller resolves each character’s
recorded in the corresponding boxes, denoting his current state action before asking the next player what her character does.
of health. (See “Health and Damage” for how to mark off Health If a character attacks another character, the attacker rolls
points and the effects of wound penalties.) Spirits and ghosts use the appropriate dice pool:
Corpus points instead of Health points. Unarmed close combat: Strength + Brawl, minus target’s
Willpower represents your character’s reserves. You can Defense and armor (if any)
spend only one point of Willpower on any roll, and you get Armed close combat: Strength + Weaponry, minus tar-
three additional dice in your dice pool. Alternatively, you get’s Defense and armor (if any)
can spend a point to raise your Defense trait by two against a
single attack. Further, hunters can risk Willpower (see “Risk- Touching an opponent: Dexterity + Brawl, minus tar-
ing Willpower,” p.7). Willpower is valuable, and it’s regained get’s Defense
by acting in accordance with your character’s Virtue and Vice Ranged combat (guns and bows): Dexterity + Firearms,
(see individual character descriptions). It is ranked from 1 to minus target’s armor (if any)
10, unlike most of the other traits.
Ranged combat (thrown weapons): Dexterity + Athlet-
Merits are special edges a character has, such as Contacts
ics, minus target’s Defense and armor (if any)
or Resources or Stunning Looks. The effects of each are ex-
plained in the character’s description. Add bonus dice based upon what weapon is being used
Profession represents what the hunter is good at. It’s not or what effect is being performed, then subtract penalties for
just a job; it’s what the hunter is. The character’s profession circumstance conditions. The player rolls the remaining pool.
relates to her Professional Training Merit, and is listed on the Each success equates to a Health point of damage inflicted, the
character sheet. type of which is determined by the nature of the attack. The
Tactics are special maneuvers hunter cells develop in or- Storyteller describes the attack and wound in narrative terms.
der to combat supernatural monsters. Most of the members of Once everyone has acted, a new turn starts and the play-
the cell need to participate in the Tactic for it to be effective. er with the highest Initiative gets to act again. Players do not
How to use Tactics is detailed in “Tactics” on p. 7-8, and the make new Initiative rolls every turn.
Tactics the cell has are detailed on the character sheets in the
back of this booklet.
Defense and Initiative Modifiers are traits used in com-
Avoiding Damage in Close Combat: Your character’s De-
bat, and are explained below. fense trait represents his instinctive ability to duck and weave
Speed is the number of yards a character can move in one and make an enemy’s close-combat attacks more difficult, and
combat turn and still perform an action. A character can run so serves as a penalty to incoming attacks. If your character
up to twice his Speed rating yards in a turn if he sacrifices his hasn’t yet acted this turn and is willing to forgo that action, he
action. Speed will most likely come into play in a chase. can dodge, which doubles his Defense for the rest of the turn.
If your
y character
h t isi attacked
tt k d multiple
ltipl times
ti in
i the
th same turn
however, it becomes harder for him to avoid being hurt. For ev- Health
H l and
lth dDDamage
ery attack targeted at him past the first, reduce the character’s Damage Types: There are three types of damage, each more
Defense by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If your character is dodging, serious than the last: bashing, lethal and aggravated. Bashing dam-
the doubled Defense reduces by 1 for each additional attack. age generally results from blunt or stunning attacks. Lethal damage
Avoiding Damage in Ranged Combat: Unless a ranged often comes from cuts, gunshots and other more serious attacks.
attacker is only a few feet away or is throwing a weapon, De- Aggravated damage is the result of especially vile supernatural at-
fense doesn’t apply. To avoid damage in a firefight you can ei- tacks or extremely damaging effects (like fire).
ther hide behind something solid or fall prone to the ground. Marking Damage: When a character suffers damage, the
Falling prone constitutes a character’s action for the turn but player marks off that number of Health points, starting with
levies a –2 penalty on ranged attacks. Anyone within a few the box under the leftmost dot of his Health trait and pro-
feet gets a +2 bonus to hit a prone character, though. ceeding left to right. The symbol used depends upon the type
Concealment and Cover: If your character is partially of damage.
concealed behind an object, she is harder to hit with ranged Bashing damage is marked with a slash (/) in the first
attacks. The penalty goes from –1 (crouching behind an office available empty box. So imagining that Gabreski (one of the
chair) to –3 (poking up out of a foxhole). If you are complete- characters in this scenario, who has eight Health dots) had
ly concealed, the attacker suffers no dice pool penalty but has just taken one point of bashing damage, his Health boxes
to score enough successes to shoot through the intervening would look like this:
object (called the cover). Piercing an object reduces the num-
ber of successes rolled by a number based upon the durability
of the cover: from 1 (for wood or thick glass) to 3 (for steel).
If this penalty reduces the number of successes to 0, the attack
Lethal damage is marked with an X, and it pushes any
fails to penetrate the cover and you take no damage.
existing bashing damage right on the track (so that it always
Range: Every ranged weapon has three ranges listed in
appears to the left of bashing damage). If Gabreski next took
yards, in the format “short range/medium range/long range.”
a point of lethal damage, his track would be:
An attacker suffers no penalty when her target is within the
short range. If the target is at medium range, she suffers a –2
penalty. At long range, this penalty goes to –4.
Taking the Vigil bers of the Union work without government sanction to pro-
tect humanity against its most dangerous enemies.
The characters in this scenario are already familiar with Tier Three: Hunter Conspiracies
hunting monsters and the shadowy world of the Vigil, but Some hunter groups manage to grow until they become
since the players can’t be expected to know the various as- influential, well-financed conspiracies that are capable of
pects of the hunt, we have compiled the details into this com- challenging the world’s monsters on an even footing. Through
prehensive list. shrewd leadership and relentless dedication to the Vigil, these
conspiracies have built a resource base that allows them to
Tiers operate more or less self-sufficiently; more importantly, they
Hunters must keep their Vigil a closely guarded secret, be- have accumulated a storehouse of occult knowledge and op-
cause humanity as a whole is ignorant of the horrors lurking in its erational tactics their smaller peers can only dream about.
midst. Yet while the Vigil is a lonely and isolating existence, very Aegis Kai Doru: Greek for “Shield and Spear,” the Ae-
few hunters can take on the night alone and hope to survive. gis Kai Doru search the world for history’s legendary artifacts
Individual hunters band together to form cells, pooling their skills with which to bolster their numbers in their timeless battle
and resources to take on solitary monsters that threaten their against the forces of darkness.
communities. Sometimes these hunters become aware of other Ascending Ones: The Ascending Ones trace their histo-
cells in their area and they form broader ties that grow into larger ry and symbology back to both ancient Egypt and Muhammed
compacts, creating a network that spans entire cities or regions. In the Prophet. Like the sacred sun, they see themselves as a
rare cases, hunter compacts grow so large that their resources and cleansing agent that can burn away the monstrous impurities
influence span entire countries. These conspiracies, while power- of the world.
ful and ruthlessly efficient, must contend with the same inter- The Cheiron Group: A confederacy of international
conspiracy politics, bureaucratic inertia and conflicting interests corporations, The Cheiron Group possesses great wealth and
common to any large organization. technology.
The Lucifuge: Is it a paradox for those who consider hilaration and a sense of invincibility. If the roll fails, however, the
themselves the children of a fallen angel to hunt monsters? world comes crashing down around the hunter. The roll is consid-
The Lucifuge doesn’t think so, hoping to earn its redemption ered a dramatic failure, no matter how many dice were rolled.
by slaying the truly evil forces in the world. Risked rolls can benefit or suffer from environmental or
Malleus Maleficarum: In the Middle Ages, the Malleus equipment modifiers, just as other rolls can.
Maleficarum wielded the power of the Church against vam-
pires. Today, the Catholic conspiracy pursues supernatural
monsters of all sorts with religious zeal.
Successful cells of hunters develop Tactics, specialized maneu-
Task Force: VALKYRIE: This covert government anti-
vers to damage, hinder and even learn from supernatural creatures.
monster brigade includes members from every branch of the
Tactics require practice and discipline to execute correctly, and
military, foreign and domestic. They hunt by order only, slay-
they don’t bestow supernatural alacrity or strength on the hunters
ing monsters where and when their higher-ups dictate.
who use them. The Tactics possessed by the hunter characters are
listed with the character sheets in the back of this booklet. There
Risking Willpower are a few unique rules for implementing a Tactic:
Instead of spending a Willpower point to get three ad- One character is the primary actor for the Tactic. The player
ditional dice for a roll, a player can risk Willpower on a roll of that character makes the last roll in the Tactic, the one that
once per scene. Risks don’t stack; that is, if a player didn’t ultimately determines whether the Tactic succeeds or fails.
risk Willpower last scene, he can’t do it twice during the cur-
rent scene. The roll must directly relate to the Vigil. Rolls to All other characters are secondary actors. They make their
uncover information about a known monster, to break into a rolls before the primary actor.
monster’s home, to interrogate the monster’s minion, to sneak Any successes on a secondary actor’s roll add to the prima-
up on a sleeping creature, to resist a monster’s powers and, of ry actor’s dice pool. A failure adds nothing, and may have
course, combat rolls against monsters, can all benefit. additional effects (see individual Tactic descriptions). A
When a player wishes to risk Willpower, he states this before dramatic failure imposes a –4 penalty on the primary ac-
rolling the dice. If the roll succeeds, the character regains the point tor’s roll in addition to any of the effects of a failure.
of spent Willpower and an additional point on top of that (for a
A player can choose to risk Willpower as either a second-
total of two Willpower points gained), though this can never go
ary or primary actor, with all the benefit and risk that
beyond the character’s pool limit. The character feels a flush of ex-
entails. A player can also spend Willpower normally.y
If the primary actor succeeds in his roll, the Tactic is suc- When the character commits such an act, the player rolls
cessful, and the benefits listed under “Success” take effect. If a number of dice based upon the severity of the sin; Willpower
the primary actor fails, however, refer to the “Failure” section can’t be spent on this roll. The worse the sin, the fewer dice are
of the Tactic. rolled: petty theft is four dice, manslaughter or massive prop-
erty damage is three dice, murder is two dice. If the roll fails,
Morality the character loses a point of Morality. Characters with reduced
Morality find a way to cope with their loss of perspective, and
Hunters hunt. It’s what they do. For some, this is ex-
allow themselves to drift further out of touch. It will now take
tremely literal—guns drawn, bullets blazing, the hunter tracks
a worse sin to cause another roll to degenerate. At a rating of
her prey and puts an end to its profane existence. For oth-
7 (where most of the characters start) petty theft or shoplifting
ers, the pursuit is more figurative, capturing and studying the
can cause a loss of Morality. At Morality 6, only grand theft or
supernatural, or gathering resources and information to help
burglary can spark such a roll. At Morality 5, it takes inten-
protect the people, places and things important to the hunter.
tional mass property damage, such as arson. At Morality 4, it
Either way, the hunter is frequently confronted with having
takes an impassioned crime such as manslaughter.
to decide what is right and wrong.
Characters who do lose Morality also risk becoming un-
Morality tracks this delicate balance as the hunter strug-
hinged mentally. If a player fails a degeneration roll, he should
gles with his conscience. A hunter with high Morality is con-
immediately roll his character’s reduced Morality as a dice
cerned about the rules of society, and is better able to relate
pool. If he fails that roll, the character gains a derangement.
to people in it. By contrast, a hunter with low Morality finds
This can be any form of minor but pervasive mental disorder,
her sanity spiraling out of control. She becomes more like a
such as depression or a phobia. The player should roleplay this
monster herself, capable of virtually any depraved act.
new character quirk, but it has no mechanical effect.
for Play hunter cell was formed in the Kensington neighborhood of Phila-
delphia. The cell’s core consists of three members of the Phila-
First, read through the rules at the beginning of this delphia police force’s Special Cases Unit, which deals specifically
document, just to get an idea of how the mechanics of the with strange events and occurrences throughout Philadelphia.
game work. Then, have a look at the character sheets at the After investigating a particularly violent case of missing illegal im-
end of the booklet, and note the characters’ different capa- migrants (who were fed to a coven of ghouls), the cell joined Task
bilities and advantages. We don’t expect you or the players to Force: VALKYRIE and has used its status in the organization to
memorize everything right out of the gate, but if you give the rid Philadelphia of its many monsters. Their first task as members
characters a quick once-over in conjunction with the rules, of TFV involved hunting and chasing down a warlock involved
the numbers will make more sense in game play. in ritualistic human sacrifice. From then on, the cell has focused
Let the players read over their characters’ backgrounds, upon the Kensington neighborhood and its cabal of demons, sor-
roleplaying hints and traits, and answer any questions they cerers and vampires. When the story begins, the members are on
might have. Help them understand how the rules work with the trail of the last of the ghouls that escaped them a year ago. The
regard to the dots and numbers on the character sheets. Also, ghoul wants revenge on the cell for killing its brethren; the cell
read through “One Year Later” once before attempting to act members seek vengeance for the death of their friends.
ABOUT THE FORMAT Gabreski’s Boys, as they have named themselves, consists
of five members. Vince Gabreski is the cell’s leader, as well as
e for scenes in the lead detective in the SCU. He is a member of Task Force:
The format we us ve nt ure
r Storyteller Ad
quickstart is ou To ke ep th is VALKYRIE along with his fellow detectives Andrea Taggart
r short).
System (or SAS fo se d, we ha ve n’ t and Jack Dean. The other members of the cell are Karl Riv-
and focu
quickstart lean an d ers, a freelance journalist affiliated with the Network 0 com-
the core premises
included many of e at th e pact, and Raimundo Guttierez, a gang leader who is with the
estions that ar
Storyteller sugg nt to le ar n Union. Raimundo also lost a friend to the ghoul and is in con-
If you wa
heart of the SAS. s wo rk in th is stant conflict with Vince over the direction of the cell.
r storie
more about how ou SAS
be su re to read the free If your group has already played “The Hunt,” it might be
system, e:
the SAS websit familiar with the characters and the overall setting. Playing
Guide, found at “The Hunt” is not a prerequisite to playing this story; the char-
/sas acters are the same but the stories are only loosely connected.
Mental Physical Social
If the cell does not notice the SUV’s attack, read the
Overview following:
The cell is in the middle of an investigation. Its target: a Tires screech behind you, penetrating the calmness of the street.
ghoul, gone into hiding for nearly a year and that caused the death The van lurches forward violently, its occupants colliding with the
of a number of the cell members’ close friends. While probing one wires, equipment and each other. You are bumped and bruised, but
of the ghoul’s followers, a black SUV rams into them, someone not badly damaged. A black SUV drives up to the driver’s side of the
or something inside throwing a metal briefcase at the van be- van, its rear passenger door opening; an arm protrudes from the inner
fore peeling away. Inside the case is a ransom note declaring that darkness and brandishes a metal briefcase. The SUV’s hood is heavily
Raimundo’s sister, Lupe, has been kidnapped. The only ransom is a damaged, but it still seems to run well. The arm throws the briefcase
demand that the cell cease its investigation of the ghoul. at the van’s driver’s side door before peeling away down the street, the
arm retreating back into the darkly tinted windows. It stops by the
Description ghoul’s minion, who leaps inside before the SUV drives away, around
a corner and out into the rest of the city.
Huddled silently in a non-descript white van, your cell sits Inside the metal briefcase there is a single note, a ransom let-
impatiently, staring out the windows, glaring at the blips on the ter written in neat letters on the blank sheet of paper. It reads:
computer screens. The monotony is wearing on everyone, even the
grizzled veterans who always view the stakeout as a necessary tool
for investigation—despite its incessant ennui.
After another half hour of waiting, the van starts to stir: the
We have taken Lupe Guttiere
target has been spotted! A pale man carrying a battered black brief- z.
case saunters down the street, gliding right into range. Other pass- If you would like to see her
ersby do not even glance at him: it’s as if they can’t even see him. alliv
But you know his secret; you can see his dead eyes even from this stop your investigation of the
distance. This is the man who will take you to your monster. ghoul.
We will be watching you. This
is for
Once the hunt begins, be sure to describe the surround-
the creature’s attention. While you can roleplay the various posi-
Storyteller Goals tions available to the cell, it is important to have at least one of the
There are really only two parts to this scene: the investiga- group’s members stay in the van while the rest are at least within
tion and the attack. Both these parts may be as long as you desire, visual range. The cell can use its Etheric Tracker and Etheric Gog-
although it is recommended that the first part be longer so the gles Endowments at various points while on foot, but the latter
second part is more jarring to the cell. This investigation is the (being night-vision goggles) would look conspicuous, while the
culmination of a year’s worth of work; when threatened in this former requires a relatively close range in order to be effective.
way, the mission is in jeopardy and possibly compromised. The cell may use the Profiling Tactic during this scene
After the attack occurs, your goal is to portray two likely as well.
courses of action by the players: follow the SUV or find out who
the “Lanternum Nocturne” are. Remind the players about the
Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation
situation and the motives of their particular characters: Raimundo
Action: Extended and contested. Each roll represents a
is the pivotal character in this situation, as it is his sister who gets
city block, or about a minute of tracking the subject. If the
kidnapped, and thus he has the most invested in the choice. It is
minion achieves more successes than the cell, he is out of
likely the player chooses to follow the SUV, but not a guarantee. If
range of its equipment, its equipment is having difficulties, or
you need to balance out the argument, suggest to Gabreski’s player
it simply can’t get a solid fix on the target.
or Karl’s player that the more prudent option is to find more in-
Hindrances: (For cell) Crowded street (-2), conspicuous
formation on the group before taking rash actions (and possibly
cover (-2). (For minion) Daylight (-1), empty street (-1)
leading the cell into an ambush). Your job is to give the players the
Help: (For cell) Familiar with neighborhood (+1). (For
options for their next move; let them debate amongst themselves
minion) Invisible (+3)
and choose their path.
Roll Results
A possible drama that can unfold in this scene is the
Dramatic Failure: If the roll results in a dramatic failure, the
emerging strife between Gabreski and Raimundo for control
minion not only gets away, but notices the cell tracking him as
of the cell. Raimundo acts out of instinct and with emotional
well. He might attack the cell, call for help, etc. The investigation
intensity, so it would be best to allow his player the room to
may even be compromised, making any further searches involving
showcase this desperation. These characters will each have
monsters at a -1 penalty for the rest of the story.
their own opinions on what to do; give them room to debate.
Failure: The cell loses track of the minion.
Gabreski, as leader, might be the deciding factor and give the
Success: The cell successfully tracks the minion for a
ultimate order, but this can be a perfect opportunity to cre-
number of blocks without being noticed, possibly able to plant
ate tension in the pecking order, as Raimundo (who is not
a tracking device or to overhear bits of information about the
involved with the Task Force: VALKYRIE conspiracy) can
ghoul’s operation.
show outward antipathy with the cell’s direction.
After five successes, give the cell one of the following options:
Mental Physical Social —
Hindrances: Heavy traffic (-1 for SUV, -2 for van), pe- While the driver is the one attempting most of the
destrians (-2), rain (-1), stopped traffic/red light (-2), blown action, the other passengers may attempt to fire at the
tire (-2 per tire) SUV in order to stop it. This is a very difficult shot, and
Help: No traffic (+2 for van, +1 for SUV), know the doing so will bring reciprocal fire from the SUV. All at-
area (+1) tempts at long-range weapon fire will incur the normal
Roll Results penalties for long range combat (-2 for medium range, -4
Dramatic Failure: Choose one of the following: your ve- for long range—most of this combat will be in medium
hicle breaks down, you hit another car (dealing two bashing range). There are also penalties for any specified shot at
damage to everyone in the vehicle), or you take a wrong turn the opposing vehicle’s tires (-2). Any attack against the
and lose the SUV completely. tires requires three successes to puncture one. If you are
Failure: You are losing ground on the SUV. It is still in firing at the occupants inside, you need two additional
sight, but out of range of any gunfire. successes to have the bullet puncture the window.
Success: You gain some ground on the SUV.
Exceptional Success: The SUV begins to sputter and
shake. You can catch up to it easily. The chase is over and the
If at any point the SUV is too far ahead and the characters
SUV heads to the tunnel.
lose sight of it (or they feel this is a waste of their time), proceed
It is best to throw as many obstacles as possible in the char-
to “Looking For Clues.” If, however, the chase leads all the way
acters’ path for the most dramatic effect: near misses with pedes-
to the tunnel, continue on to “Into the Darkness.”
trians, cars stopping abruptly after nearly T-boning yours, etc.
Overview Description
In the unnatural darkness of the tunnel, the cell members The tunnel looks as if it’s been abandoned for years: dusty and
search for the SUV. Their night-vision goggles, while in their toppled orange barrels sit in clusters at the entrance. A few smat-
non-etheric setting, do not work properly. All is silent except terings of graffiti seep into the darkness, many of their artistic state-
for the fluttering of wings. Once the members are deep in the ments incomplete, as if the artist stopped midstroke. There are no
tunnel, they hear screeches. Eventually, a horde of creatures lights shining at all, even the glow from outside can barely penetrate
attacks the cell: ghost bats. Tires squeal in the darkness as the the blackness. There is no sign of the SUV: no taillights, no engine
colony distracts the group and allows the SUV to escape. The noises, nothing. Even with the etheric goggles, nothing much can
cell must fight its way back to the van or to the other side of be seen in the gloom, particularly in what appears to be the center
the tunnel, hoping to find a clue. of the tunnel. It’s an almost unnatural shadow cast inside the pall.
Once the cell enters the heart of the tunnel, read the
Your flashlights and goggles seem to do nothing to penetrate the
SHORTCUTS black surrounding you. Your fellow hunters, even those an arm’s
ory is taking too length away, sound distant and hoarse. Then the noise begins, faint-
If you feel this st tr ated
p is getting frus ly at first, as if at a far distance. It is the sound of wings flapping,
time or the grou y wa nt to
leads, you ma wings large enough for a predatory bird. More wings flutter in the
with the false is tu nn el an d
ere in th air. Something bumps into your arm, a large object. You can’t see
drop a clue somewh af te r it de fe ats
e cell
present it to th from what it is, but it is big. The air is filled with the wings’ beatings, the
ts . It could be anything urne decibels rising. High-pitched squeals erupt in the darkness to comple-
the ghos No ct
e Lanternum
barrels with th a briefcase of mo
ney ment the wings. You recognize the noise: bat sonar. Your goggles in
em to
insignia on th a bl oo di ed ca ge night-vision mode show nothing. What are these creatures?
it to
with an address on s. This tunnel is
of creature rema
aban do ne d an d se em s to be a hideou
yo u fe
t for
el you Storyteller Goals
my st er io us gr oup, so if After the exhilaration of the car chase, the action picks
th is final
ce to cut to the
need a story devi chance (provided the up in a dark hole. This has all the feel of a trap—and it is,
scene, this is yo although the characters do not know what resides in the hole.
er s ea rn it , of course).
play This is their first taste of monster hunting, and what better
a to eexperience
perience the
h Vigill than
h in a dark
d k ttunnel
nnell with
h a col
ony of ghost bats? Actions
As in the first scene, use this opportunity to draw the This action is primarily combat between the cell and a
scene out, building the tension along the way. Their normal colony of ghost bats. While they will do little damage to the
equipment will not work in the unnatural darkness, nor can cell, they will block the path in either direction, and eventu-
they hear anything in the eerie silence. It may be that they ally their numbers can overwhelm the group and deal signifi-
can’t even hear each other. However you set up this scene, cant damage. It is up to you how many of the ghost bats are
draw out the tension. When they get a good distance into the in this tunnel, but the best number is somewhere between
tunnel, cue a distant noise like wings flapping. This is a place 20 and 30. Some can manifest in this world (on a successful
of dread, and it is your goal to make the place dreadful (or at Power + Finesse roll), but it is not required.
least set the tone as such). The bats will not attack the cell, per se; they are there more
At the moment of highest tension, allow the bats to at- as a roadblock than anything else. But if they are attacked, the
tack. You can have them manifest to the players, but they can ghosts will defend themselves. Their best method of attack is a
also appear through Vince’s etheric goggles (and if Jack gets group swarm in which four or five ghosts focus upon one target
a shot off, with his etheric tracker). Andrea’s etheric rounds and swarm at her. They do not have claws (only blunt hands
will be the most effective tool against the ghosts, but the team and feet), but because of their ghostly nature, the only effective
will have to use teamwork in order to effectively combat the means of destroying them is with Andrea’s etheric rounds, and
colony of ghost bats. it is a difficult shot considering their size (an additional -2 for
ranged attacks). The cell’s best tactic is to work together with its
Character Goals Endowments in order to cut a path to either end of the tunnel.
The ghosts will not leave the tunnel’s sanctuary.
Once the characters are in the tunnel and surrounded by
the ghosts, their only goal is to leave the tunnel alive. Each
of the Task Force: VALKYRIE characters has an Endowment Consequences
that may be utilized against these monsters; while they are not The group may proceed to “Looking For Clues” to con-
terribly efficient individually, together they are powerful tools tinue searching for clues to the identity and whereabouts of
against the supernatural. If necessary, this combat sequence is the Lanternum Nocturne. If you planted a clue in the tunnel,
also an opportunity to utilize the Moral Support Tactic. the group can jump to “Payback.”
Confuse (•)
Cost: 1 Willpower Failure: The power fails to activate, but the monster may
Action: Contested; resistance is reflexive try again if she spends more Willpower the following turn.
Dice Pool: Power + Confuse; target rolls Resolve + Success: The target is struck by a wave of mental con-
Composure fusion and vertigo, which overwhelms all higher thought
Effect: The monster spends 1 Willpower and glances at processes. The target loses the 10 Again quality on Mental
the target to activate this power. A successful attack over- rolls, and 1s rolled subtract from any successes gained. This
whelms the target with vertigo and confusion. includes perception rolls and dice pools based upon Resolve.
Roll Results This confusion lasts until the end of the scene.
Dramatic Failure: The monster can’t use the power Exceptional Success: The effect lasts until the following
again for the rest of the scene. sunrise or sunset, whichever comes first.
Overview Actions
At Lupe’s apartment, the cell searches for clues to her Searching the Room
kidnappers’ identities, investigating her home, the area out- There aren’t many clues to be found in this room.
side her apartment, and the surrounding neighborhood. Karl Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation
can utilize his Network 0 connections to dig up information Action: Extended. Each roll represents 10 minutes of
on the mysterious Lanternum Nocturne, eventually leading searching, to a maximum of three rolls.
to the name of a local demon: Dirgum, who will be able to Hindrances: Disarray (-1)
give the cell the information it needs. Help: Familiarity (Raimundo) (+2)
Roll Results
Description Dramatic Failure: You mistake a stain on the floor for blood
Lupe’s tenement housing is just another squat, squalid building in and you find an old business card with a name and address print-
a row of subsidized housing projects in the barrio. Children run in little ed on it, mistaking it for the identity of Lupe’s captors.
packs outside the building, laughing and yelling in Spanish as they play Failure: Your search turns up nothing.
tag and other youthful games. A few street toughs sit on the building’s Success: You discover a business card with the name
stoop, lounging on the steps and talking in hushed tones. They look Dirgum written on the back dropped near the entrance.
up at you as you walk by, nodding to Raimundo and sneering at the Exceptional Success: With three or more successes, you
cops. The building’s interior is tidy but in disrepair. As you make your not only find the business card, but you also find no traces of
way up to Lupe’s apartment, you notice clusters of people gathering in blood (a good sign).
hallways and stairwells; some crying, some angry. Another possibility for investigation is to question the
Lupe’s apartment is trashed. The door is busted off the hinges, people in the tenement house, some of whom might have
bookshelves are overturned, clothes are strewn throughout and seen Lupe being carried away. Raimundo, being acquainted
pieces of lamps and other items lie smashed against the wall and with the residents, would be the best person to ask the ques-
doorway. On your initial glance, you don’t notice any blood. tions, as they are suspicious of the rest of the cell, particularly
Vince, knowing their police profession.
Storyteller Goals Asking Around
This scene is intended to showcase Karl’s Network 0 con- Dice Pool: Wits + Interrogation or Streetwise
nections, particularly the information network that compact has Action: Extended. After three rolls, the target either breaks
established. There are a few clues to be gleaned from Lupe’s apart- down into crying fits or hushes up out of suspicion and/or fear.
ment and neighborhood, mostly physical descriptions and bits of Hindrances: Person is a cop (-2), language barrier (-3)
dialogue heard, but the best source of information will come from Help: Familiarity (Raimundo) (+3)
Karl’s connection to Network 0. If nobody is playing Karl, simply Roll Results
have him ask to be taken to a location with a wi-fi connection and Dramatic Failure: You get no answers from the person,
connect to the Internet from there. If there is a player for Karl, and the rest of the house refuses to speak to you.
you can have somebody from the Network call him with some Failure: You receive no leads or clues from the person.
other business, or have one of the witnesses drop the name (“I Success: For each success, you hear one of the following clues.
heard them mumble something about Network 0 or something”). The men who took Lupe were from INS. (False)
Either way, to access the Network, the cell will have to leave the
tenements; there is not a stable Internet connection in that area. Lupe did not leave willingly and kept screaming for some-
You can send them to a coffeeshop or some other location known one to warn Raimundo of “the men in black.” (True)
for free wi-fi. These locations could be a launching point for a later The men mentioned they hoped “Network 0 hasn’t sunk
scene (especially “Finding Dirgum”), as the cell could encounter so low as to recruit from these people.” (True)
Dirgum around that new location.
The names Luxaro and Dirgum cropped up as they es-
corted Lupe out of the building. (True)
Character Goals The men knocked Lupe out with the butt of a gun.
Find a clue to the identity of the Lanternum Nocturne, (False)
or investigate a lead to the whereabouts of Lupe.
Exceptional Success: You hear all the clues and can de- Failure: No information or location is found.
termine which are false. Success: Karl finds the neighborhood in which Dirgum
With the information gleaned, Karl may want to use his resides and his description:
Network 0 connections to dig up some names and/or loca- Dirgum looks like any slovenly miscreant: tight, stained T-
tions. shirt, ripped and greasy jeans, balding with a scant ponytail, and
stubbly beard over a pimpled and craggy face. He walks with a
Searching the Network wheeze and talks in a huff, and if you didn’t know any better,
With a decent wi-fi connection and a little time, Karl you’d say his mouth was that of a giant rat.
can traverse the labyrinth that is Network 0, hoping to find Exceptional Success: As above, and he has even
some information on Dirgum or Luxaro. found footage of Dirgum in his natural form and his true
Dice Pool: Wits + Investigation + Status: Network 0 name (“Pestilitinumbus”). In addition, Karl discovers the
Action: Extended. Each roll represents about 30 minutes Lanternum Nocturne is a cell involved with the Cheiron
of searching. Group conspiracy.
Hindrances: Bad Internet connection (-1)
Help: Previously acquired information (+2)
Roll Results Consequences
Dramatic Failure: Karl digs up a location that turns out With the new lead, the cell can begin to track down
to be empty. The search must start again. Dirgum in “Finding Dirgum.”
Quote: Worship me! Worship me! Hey, where are you going? Come back!
Background: Fat, slobby and ignorant is no way for humans to live, and it’s
no way for demons to live either. Yet somehow Dirgum has managed to stay
afloat in this world. This may be due to his sycophantic nature, which has
put him in the good graces of every two-bit greater demon in his vicin-
ity (at least until he mucks up their big plans, which is inevitable). Or
it may be due to his rodent ferocity and nature. Back in the Old World (he
forgets which one), he was the Rat King and blamed for every pestilent mal-
ady to plague the natives. An inveterate wanderer, Dirgum found his way to
Philadelphia fairly late in the game, and while he brags about causing the
yellow fever outbreak of 1793, he didn’t reach American soil until sometime
during the Civil War. Subsequently, he was drafted directly from the boat
into the Union Army and escaped to Philadelphia after giving his entire
regiment gangrene. These days, Dirgum does the dirty work for any greater
demon that is still speaking to him (as well as acting as a mole for the
Cheiron Group). He bases his operation in an abandoned storefront church
with the help of his zombie, Heads and Tails.
Storytelling Hints: Dirgum is a windbag and a fool, despite his demonic na-
ture. It should not be difficult for the cell to find him or to drag informa-
tion out of him once he is defeated. However, if he is cornered he will fight
ferociously with tooth and claw and try to escape by any means possible, even
sacrificing his zombie goon. Dirgum and his zombie, Heads and Tails, are fierce,
supernatural creatures, but they should prove no match for the cell.
True Name: Pestilitinumbus. All demons have a True Name. This name is rarely
easy to find (and often less easy to pronounce). Knowing a demon’s True Name
gives a person some power over that demon, providing him +2 to all rolls made
against the demon.
(Note: All numbers in parentheses are Dirgum’s traits while in his Strange
Willpower: 6
Vice: Envy. Demons possess a Vice, but they do not gain Willpower via this
Vice as humans do. Instead, they gain Willpower whenever in the presence of a
human performing an action in service to that particular Vice. Anytime the de-
mon is in the presence of someone serving the demon’s Vice, the demon gains a
point of Willpower. However, if that someone shares the demon’s Vice and com-
mits an act that gains the character Willpower by serving that Vice, the demon
gains an additional point of Willpower.
Initiative: 7
Defense: 2
Speed: 9
Size: 5
Health: 7 (9)
Bans: Dirgum cannot bear the sound of singing and will be immobilized unless
he makes a Composure roll. Also, if Dirgum is without Willpower, he can be
banished or summoned all the more easily: rolls to do so gain a +2 bonus.
Dread Powers: Dread Attack (claws and teeth do +1 lethal damage), Crushing Blow
(2 Willpower; all hand-to-hand damage for the scene is lethal instead of bash-
ing), Strange Form (see below)
Cost 3 Willpower
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Wits + Occult
Effect: Dirgum takes the form of a man-sized rat. The transformation
lasts for a single scene, though an additional Willpower point can be
spent to extend it by one scene per point spent.
Mental Physical Social —
VALKYRIE will leave you alone, and we will get some of your
Overview samples. The Cheiron Group thanks you.” Suddenly they notice
In an abandoned factory, the cell discovers the Lanter- you and push Lupe to the ground, drawing their weapons. The
num Nocturne with Lupe, handing her off to the ghoul in ghoul lunges toward her, its minion reaching to the ground and
exchange for something. The cell ambushes the ghoul and pulling a tarp across the floor, revealing a large hole leading deep
the agents, hoping to save Lupe before she is fed to the ghoul under the factory.
and its minions.
Storyteller Goals
Description This is the final showdown between the cell and the kid-
The box factory of which Dirgum spoke is in one of the seedier nappers. The scene does not have to begin in combat: the cell
areas of Philadelphia. At one point this might have been a bustling could attempt to negotiate with the Lanternum Nocturne, al-
industrial sector, with large columns of smoke belched into the air though it is unlikely any settlement can be reached. Generally
from all the squat warehouses, smelting facilities and plants in the speaking, this scene will end in combat in some way; whether
neighborhood. Now it’s an urban sprawl, the rust belt around the or not the ghoul is involved is up to the players and you.
American Dream. This is the new Philly. The Lanternum Nocturne is a cell associated with the
This particular factory seems to be the focal point of the com- Cheiron Group conspiracy. The twist, however, is that while
mercial zone, right in the middle of the rubble and decomposition. most people in the Vigil are there to seek and destroy mon-
Rats ply for lordship over heaps of debris while the occasional bum sters, these men are negotiating with them, even using in-
can be seen sleeping in a pile of newspaper. Even with the business nocent mortals as bargaining chips. This is vital information
bustle gone, the air is thick with something vile, as if the smoke to the characters, and should be communicated to the players
clouds have lingered in the area for decades, waiting for the facto- through the initial negotiations when the cell first encounters
ries’ fires to send them back into the air. the hand-off or after the battle if any of the agents are inca-
Once the characters decide how they want to stake out pacitated and interrogated by the cell. The world of Hunter:
the factory, read the following: The Vigil is not full of easy answers, and portraying this infor-
After waiting for a few minutes the black SUV shows its bat- mation is important to setting the tone of the game.
tered face once more, slowly pulling up to the factory. Two men in The ghoul is another matter. These characters have had
dark suits leave the vehicle, toting a woman between them. She is a run-in with its kind before; in fact, their first exposure to the
struggling in their firm grasp. The men guide Lupe into the factory, supernatural was a fight against its brood. It is a fierce fighter
struggling with the rusted metal door before entering. They don’t and the cell is intruding upon its territory: it will defend its
bother to close it. turf to the death.
When the characters enter the factory, read the following: There is no proper ending to this story. You may have
Inside the factory, the central floor is cleared out, cleaned up the agents shoot Lupe and run, leaving her body to the ghoul.
and mostly empty. Where there used to be machinery and assembly Or you can have the ghoul escape, leaving the rival cells to
lines, now there are large nylon tents with thick plastic curtains duke it out. However you plan on resolving this scene, keep it
hanging to the cement floor. Dark red splotches stain the floor sur- dramatic and full of action.
rounding these tents, and faint screams can be heard from some-
where in the factory. The cell watches as the two men lead Lupe to Character Goals
one of the tents, drawing the curtain to let her pass. As the curtain Primarily, the characters’ goal is to save Lupe. Second-
moves, the cell members catch a glimpse of the tent’s occupant: a arily, they must kill the monster and defeat the rival cell.
pale, semi-naked figure with long, tendril-like fingers, an oversized
mouth and sharp fangs—the ghoul.
Once inside the factory, the cell must confront the Lan- Actions
ternum Nocturne and the ghoul inside the tent, disrupting Once it is realized the Lanternum Nocturne is reneging
the trade-off before Lupe is handed to the ghoul: on its ransom, the rest of this scene will be combat. The Lan-
Lupe screams upon seeing the ghoul, a piercing howl that re- ternum Nocturne is here for its biological sample from the
verberates throughout the factory. Inside, the men struggle to push ghoul’s nest. With the arrival of Gabreski’s Boys, its plan is
Lupe toward the ghoul, who stands with its minion in the darkest botched, and now its only goal is to make it out of there alive.
corner of the tent. “This should complete the trade. Task Force: These men will go to any length to leave the factory and
Quote: Please, help me feed my children. They are poor and starving souls.
Background: A year ago, Gabreski’s Boys wiped out Luxaro’s entire nest and breth-
ren. Over the past year, Luxaro has been forming a new nest and slowly planning its
revenge against the hunters who wronged its kind.
Appearance Pale-faced and red-eyed, Luxaro has very human-like features, albeit
with a few exaggerations. Its fingers are slender and long, like tendrils, with sharp
claws at the end. Its thin frame is marked with scars over its otherwise smooth
skin: clawmarks, gnashes, bruises, etc. It is unnaturally tall, reaching nearly
seven and a half feet, although its stooped frame gives it the appearance of a nor-
mal sized man.
Storyteller Hints: Luxaro is fierce and vile, the leader of an entire nest of un-
natural creatures. This entire kidnapping is a means of revenge against Gabreski’s
cell members for their deeds a year ago. Although fixated upon revenge, Luxaro’s
primary obsession is to grow a nest of mutated ghouls such as itself, increasing
its flock and thus its influence. Although it does not speak much, there is a deep
intellect behind its eyes, and its silence only masks the cunning plans it devises
against the mortal world.
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 5, Wits 3, Resolve 4
Physical Attributes: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 3
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 5, Composure 3
Mental Skills: Investigation 3, Medicine 3, Occult 2, Politics 3, Science 3
Physical Skills: Brawl 3, Stealth 2
Social Skills: Intimidation 2, Persuasion 1
Merits: Inspiring 4. On a successful Presence + Persuasion roll, any minion gains
an extra Willpower point. May not be used on itself.
Willpower: 7
Virtue: Justice
Vice: Lust
Initiative: 6
Defense: 3
Speed: 11
Size: 5
Health: 8
Type Damage Range Dice Pool Special
Claw 1(L) n/a 6 –
Teeth 1(L) n/a 6 –
Kick 1(B) n/a 6 –
Dread Powers: Agonize 2 (see p. 23)
escape the wrath of the rival hunters. As for the ghoul and How this fight resolves itself is up to you. The ghoul
its minion, with their bounty already awarded them, all the may find Lupe an unsafe encumbrance and head straight
ghoul must do is retrieve Lupe and escape into the hole with for the hole, or it might snatch up Lupe immediately and
her. It has no interest in whether its minion lives or dies, but escape. Once it is in the hole, there is no escape for Lupe
it will fight to defend itself. and no chance for rescue: she is as good as dead.
Description: A short, older gentlemen with a trim mustache and graying hair. His
cool, dark eyes stare fixedly into the air whenever he is the presence of Luxaro.
Storyteller Hints: Mister Stevens is Luxaro’s personal assistant. He is completely
mute and under the ghoul’s control, acting only at Luxaro’s command. When attacked,
he will defend himself, but he will sacrifice his life to protect Luxaro.
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 4
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 2
Physical Skills: Brawl 1
Willpower: 6
Virtue: Faith
Vice: Wrath
Initiative: 4
Defense: 4
Speed: 9
Size: 5
Health: 7
Type Damage Range Dice Pool Special
Punch 1(B) n/a 3 –
Cost: 1 Willpower
Action: Instant
Dice Pool: Presence + Intimidation + Agonize - target’s Stamina
Effect: The monster spends Willpower and concentrates. The target is wreathed
in hellish green flames. The victim is in agony for as long as the creature
concentrates. The ghoul must maintain a line of sight with the target, and cannot
do anything but move up to its Speed while concentrating. If the concentration is
broken, or the line of sight is blocked, the power ends and the victim is released.
Otherwise, the power lasts a number of turns equal to dots in Agonize (2, in this
case). Once released the character finds she is physically unharmed, at the Health
level she was when caught in this power.
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The Dread Power cannot be activated for the rest of the
Failure: The ghoul fails to inflict pain on the target, but may spend another
Willpower next turn and try again.
Success: The target suffers virtual wound penalties equal to successes
rolled (to a maximum of -3). The target cannot be knocked unconscious by this
power, but remains conscious in sheer agony for the rest of the scene. The
target can still apply Defense to an attack, but doing anything else is nigh
on impossible. Each turn, the target may attempt a Resolve + Stamina roll to
break free; success ends the Dread Power.
Exceptional Success: The target must make a Resolve + Composure roll to be able
to do anything other than stand and scream.
Quote: We’re just here to take a sample. We’ll come back for the rest later.
Background: Agent Paxton is the founding member of the Lanternum Nocturne
(“Night Lantern”) cell, a covert team with the Cheiron Group. This cell is de-
signed for negotiation services with unnatural parties: these are members who
will sell their souls for the good of the company, negotiating with the enemy
in order to protect the Cheiron Group’s mission. It’s a nasty job, but somebody
has to do it. And Agent Paxton is just the man for the job.
Appearance: A well-coifed gentleman in a black business suit and dark shades,
he is sometimes mistaken for one of the “men in black” of Task Force: VALKYRIE,
a fact he is not above exploiting to his advantage.
Storyteller Hints: Even though Paxton is a hunter, he is prudent: better to
exploit the monsters alive than rebuild them in death. His participation in the
Cheiron Group is not popular amongst other hunters, but he gets results that
help the Vigil. He is ruthless and uncaring, determined to get his needed goods
for the Cheiron Group at all costs.
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 3, Wits 4, Resolve 3
Physical Attributes: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 4, Manipulation 5, Composure 3
Mental Skills: Medicine 3, Politics 4
Physical Skills: Brawl 1, Drive 3, Firearms 1
Social Skills: Intimidation 3, Persuasion 3, Socialize 2, Subterfuge 1
Profession: Professional
Merits: Status (Cheiron Group) 3. Paxton’s status in the Cheiron Group allows
him much clout within the conspiracy; not in the upper tier, but also not a
minion. He has access to more of the conspiracy’s secret and powerful thaumo-
technological secrets than most of the group’s members.
Willpower: 6
Virtue: Prudence
Vice: Sloth
Initiative: 5
Defense: 2
Speed: 9 (12 with Quick-Step)
Size: 5
Health: 7
Type Damage Range Dice Pool Special
Punch 1(B) n/a 6
Glock 17, 9mm 2 (L) 20/40/80 3
Endowments: Quick-Step ••• (see p.26)
Quote: We’re here to help. This is our job. If you don’t get out of our way, our
job will take care of you.
Background: Working with Agent Paxton since the inception of the Lanternum Noc-
turne, Agent Morris has been nothing but loyal to the organization and its commit-
ment to the Vigil. He’s seen too many bad things to care whether what he does is
right or wrong; all he knows is his results save lives. To him, that’s all that
Appearance: Much like his comrade, he is also mistaken for the mythical “men in
black,” although those who remark upon his appearance might call him a little less
dapper than his compatriot.
Storyteller Hints: Morris knows what he’s doing. Although not as skilled in the
negotiation process as Agent Paxton, there is one asset he brings to the bargain-
ing table: muscle. If Paxton is the brains, Morris is the brawn.
Mental Attributes: Intelligence 2, Wits 2, Resolve 2
Physical Attributes: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
Social Attributes: Presence 3, Manipulation 2, Composure 3
Mental Skills: Science 3
Physical Skills: Brawl 3, Drive 2, Firearms 2, Weaponry (knife) 2
Social Skills: Intimidation 3
Profession: Athlete
Merits: Fighting Style: Boxing 2 (Defense is 3 against Brawl-based attacks)
Willpower: 5
Virtue: Charity
Vice: Sloth
Initiative: 6
Defense: 2
Speed: 12
Size: 5
Health: 7
Type Damage Range Dice Pool Special
Punch 1(B) n/a 7
Glock 17, 9mm 2 (L) 20/40/80 5
Endowments: Personal Defense Swarm ••• (see p.26)
If the players manage to incapacitate one of the Lanter- Hindrances: Wounded (-1), previously incapacitated (-3)
num Nocturne, they may get a chance to drag him out of the Help: (Interrogator) Isolated area (+1)
factory and interrogate him once he is revived. Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: No information is gleaned from the
Interrogation subject. Instead, he lies blatantly and convincingly.
Dice Pool: Wits + Intimidation (interrogator) vs. Stamina Failure: No information is gleaned from the subject.
+ Resolve (target) Success: One piece of information is attained for each success.
Action: Extended, contested. The number of successes
needed is equal to the target’s Willpower. Each roll represents Lanternum Nocturne is the name of his cell, a unit with-
about one hour of interrogation. in the Cheiron Group conspiracy. (True)
Swarms are measured by their size in Half manufactured, half grown
yards radius. A swarm generally inflicts from the ligaments of swift-running
one die of bashing damage to anyone monsters (werewolves, some vampires,
within its radius. A swarm can inflict certain demonic entities), Quick-
more damage by condensing. Every time Steps give even an ordinary man
the swarm condenses to cover half its the ability to shatter Olympic
full area, it inflicts one additional records. A character with a Quick-
die of damage per turn. Step implant gets a +3 bonus to his
Therefore, a swarm of 8 yards in Speed. Furthermore, if the character
radius inflicts two bashing damage per runs (moving double his Speed in
turn if it constricts down to a 4-yard a single turn), he may retain his
radius, three bashing if it halves that Defense against firearms attacks.
again to a 2-yard radius, and four
bashing damage per turn it if condenses
itself down to a 1-yard radius. Though PERSONAL DEFENSE SWARM
condensing doesn’t usually happen all
that often in nature (save in the case of Tiny metal spheres are embedded
creatures such as killer bees), it is an in the subcutaneous tissue of the
easy enough thing for most supernatural forearm. A small valve, similar to
powers that command animals to bid the one some dialysis patients use, is
them to do so. In addition, targets implanted near the base of the palm.
are distracted by the swarm, suffering When the hunter opens that valve in
-2 dice on all rolls while they are his wrist, a swarm of tiny, angry
within the radius, even if they’re not insects come boiling out and attack
specifically attacked. whatever the hunter’s enraged at. The
The swarm cannot be attacked with fists, bugs look like little yellowjackets—
clubs, swords or guns. Only area-affect except for the fact that each one
attacks such as a torch affect it. Each has the exact same human face. The
point of damage inflicted by a flame or oth- swarm attacks creatures in order of
er applicable attack halves the swarm’s the intensity of the aggression they
size. Once the swarm is reduced below a provoke in the host, and focuses its
1-yard radius, either all insects are attack upon one enemy at a time until
dead or the few remaining disperse. its target is dead or driven off.
The swarm never strays more than 10
yards from its host.
The ghoul is brokering with Task Force: VALKYRIE as The swarm has a radius of 4 yards
well as the Cheiron Group for protection in exchange for (see the sidebar) and inflicts bashing
information. (True) damage. It moves at a Speed of 10. The
swarm remains active for ten turns,
The Cheiron Group plans on using part of the ghoul’s then immediately returns to its host
DNA to create a new swarm weapon. (False) and squeezes back into the valve be-
The ghoul had no connection to those that killed Vince fore falling inert again. If the swarm
and Raimundo’s partners, and it is the last one in the city. is unable to return to its host, it re-
turns to its inert state and falls to
(False and True)
the ground. Provided at least three-
Exceptional Success: All information is attained, and quarters of the ball bearings can be
the character is able to discern truth from falsehoods. recovered, they can be re-implanted
with no roll: Simply plug the bear-
Consequences ings back into the shunt. Should the
swarm take damage sufficient to reduce
This is the end of the story, and it may be either fulfilling it to less than 1 yard in radius, the
(they save the girl) or heartbreaking (she is not saved and remaining insects flee back to their
ends up a victim of the ghoul). host. The swarm can be activated at
less than full size, if desired.
him and waste a great deal of time, depending upon how trig-
Profiling ger-happy it is.
Dice Pool: Primary (Jack): Intelligence + Investigation.
Failure: The profile is faulty and misleading. Using it as
Secondary: Wits + Investigation.
a research aid produces no bonus, and increases the time re-
Action: Instant and contested; target resists with Wits +
quired for research by half (45 minutes per roll rather than
Stealth (resistance is not reflexive)
Description: Most monsters were human at one point.
Success: The primary actor assembles a working pro-
That means they had human identities, were given birth cer-
file. The cell can then begin a Research task (see p. 55 of
tificates and Social Security numbers and left paper trails.
the World of Darkness Rulebook) into who the monster is
Some even have criminal records. Such monsters are prac-
and what history is available, applying a bonus equal to the
ticed, though, at covering their tracks, but learning who a
successes on the Tactic roll. Note that this doesn’t allow the
monster is (or was) can be instrumental in defeating it. In
hunters to find information that doesn’t exist; a prominent
order to do that, hunter cells work up a profile of the monster
local businessman might be a spirit-possessed cannibal, but if
and use that profile in their research into the monster’s past.
that’s never been written down anywhere the characters can’t
This profile, though, requires in-the-field investigation.
find it by research alone.
Secondary actors for this Tactic roll Wits + Investiga-
Exceptional Success: In addition to the hefty bonus to
tion. These are instant actions, and can be made across mul-
the Research roll, the time required for research is reduced by
tiple scenes. A secondary actor can make one roll per scene
one-third (20 minutes per roll rather than 30).
a number of times per day equal to his Investigation rating
and “keep” the best result for inclusion in the primary actor’s
dice pool. If the monster is aware it is being followed and Merits
monitored, or just assumes it always is and behaves accord- Danger Sense: Used to watching his back, Gabreski is
ingly (many monsters are indeed this paranoid), the second- very adept at spotting an ambush. He receives a +2 bonus on
ary actors’ rolls are opposed by a roll of Wits + Stealth for the his Wits + Composure roll to spot one.
monster. The secondary actor needs to meet or exceed the Endowments (Advanced Armory): Being a member of
monster’s successes in order for his action to be successful; Task Force: VALKYRIE, Gabreski has access to specialized
otherwise the monster spots the secondary actors and might equipment, such as his etheric goggles.
attack, flee, call in help or take whatever action is appropri- Professional Training: Gabreski has a great deal of train-
ate. ing as a detective, which also means he meets many people in
Once the secondary actors have collected their data, the his job. After Gabreski has had some time to talk to his net-
primary actor rolls Intelligence + Academics to synthesize work of contacts, he can roll Manipulation + Persuasion or
the information and develop the profile. Someone in the cell Socialize to get information from one of three groups: the po-
needs to have Investigation 2, and someone needs Computer lice department, street gangs and the media. If he gets at least
2 in order to assist with this task. (If the primary actor has all one success, he can get information on a particular topic.
these traits, he can assemble the profile without further assis- Resources: Being a cop doesn’t pay much, but some of
tance.) Once the profile is assembled, the cell has a valuable Gabreski’s “side investments” have made things a little more
tool for tracking down the monster. comfortable for him. He has a comfortable (if small) apartment
Roll Results and a working car without too much rust on it. Given a few
Dramatic Failure: The primary actor misidentifies the hours’ notice, he could scrape up $1,000 during this story.
monster, but believes he has a positive lock. The cell might Status (Task Force: VALKYRIE): He’s an accepted
attack the wrong target, or might simply begin researching member of Task Force: VALKYRIE.
Raimundo Guttierez
Quote: You better watch where you point that thing, vato. proof method of preventing infiltration or mind manipula-
You never know who’s watching my back right now. tion, it’s certainly better than nothing.
Background: Raimundo is the leader of the Siete Muer- Note, though, that moral support does nothing to help
tos gang in Kensington. With Gabreski’s help, he grew to with existing mental manipulation. If a vampire catches a
dominate the other Latino gangs in the district and capture hunter out alone and implants a hypnotic suggestion, this
the lion’s share of the gun and drug trade. He has a sister, Tactic does nothing to remove or weaken it. The hunter is
Lupe, who is a nurse. Raimundo joined the Vigil along with protected from other mental incursions, but the prior one
Gabreski and his crew after the same ghoul attack that took stands.
Gabreski’s partner. Raimundo lost his trusted bodyguard in Roll Results
that bloodbath. Dramatic Failure: The cell is demoralized. Each member
Description: His boyish looks hide the cunning tough- loses a point of Willpower, and all Tactics rolls suffer a –2
ness at Raimundo’s core. It isn’t easy being a gang leader, and penalty for the next 24 hours.
he has to be ruthless in order to keep his rank at the top of the Failure: The cell isn’t in synch today, for whatever rea-
pecking order. Short and thin but with a firm build, Raimun- son. No special protection from mental attacks.
do wears a jacket with “Siete Muertos,” the name of his gang, Success: For the next scene, successes on the primary
etched into the back. actor’s roll are added to the hunters’ Resistance traits for pur-
Roleplaying Hints: Passionate, impetuous and angry, poses of countering mental and emotional supernatural at-
Raimundo is not a stranger to expressing himself. As a mem- tacks. For example, the primary actor rolls three successes.
ber of the Union compact, he is very much in favor of its If a vampire attempts to mind-control a member of the cell
collectivist philosophy when it comes to the Vigil. While he during the scene and the usual resistance roll is Resolve, the
gets along well enough with the rest of the cell, he is by no appropriate player rolls Resolve +3.
means close to them; rather, he is guarded, particularly when Exceptional Success: As above. In addition, the charac-
it comes to his profession. He clashes often with Gabreski ters are inspired by the primary actor’s words, and ready to go
over the direction of the cell, a generally unpopular move into battle. Each participant regains 1 Willpower point.
given the rest of the cell’s loyalty to Gabreski.
Equipment: Siete Muertos jacket, Luger 9mm pistol (+2 Profiling
to Firearms rolls with a range of 20/40/80 yards), roll of cash Dice Pool: Primary (Jack): Intelligence + Investigation.
Virtue/Vice: Raimundo’s Virtue is Hope. Once per ses- Secondary: Wits + Investigation.
sion of play he regains all spent Willpower when he refuses to Action: Instant and contested; target resists with Wits +
let others give in to despair, even when doing so risks harm Stealth (resistance is not reflexive)
to his own goals or wellbeing. His Vice is Lust. He regains 1 Description: Most monsters were human at one point.
Willpower point whenever he satisfies his lust in a way that That means they had human identities, were given birth cer-
compromises others. tificates and Social Security numbers and left paper trails.
Some even have criminal records. Such monsters are prac-
Tactics ticed, though, at covering their tracks, but learning who a
monster is (or was) can be instrumental in defeating it. In
Moral Support order to do that, hunter cells work up a profile of the monster
Dice Pool: Primary (Andrea): Manipulation or Presence and use that profile in their research into the monster’s past.
+ Empathy. Secondary: Wits + Expression. This profile, though, requires in-the-field investigation.
Action: Instant Secondary actors for this Tactic roll Wits + Investigation.
Description: A monster might be able to tear a man’s These are instant actions, and can be made across multiple
arm off or bite through his throat, but the truly terrifying ones scenes. A secondary actor can make one roll per scene a num-
are those that can control his thoughts and feelings. Hunters ber of times per day equal to his Investigation rating and “keep”
have long been aware that many creatures of the World of the best result for inclusion in the primary actor’s dice pool.
Darkness can do this sort of thing—some even cause memory If the monster is aware it is being followed and monitored, or
loss by their very presence. The Moral Support Tactic, hope- just assumes it always is and behaves accordingly (many mon-
fully enacted before it becomes an issue, gives a cell some pro- sters are indeed this paranoid), the secondary actors’ rolls are
tection against this kind of attack. opposed by a roll of Wits + Stealth for the monster. The sec-
The secondary actors exchange words of encouragement ondary actor needs to meet or exceed the monster’s successes
and support, psyching each other up, as it were. The primary in order for his action to be successful; otherwise the monster
actor then says a few words to the cell: last-minute advice, re- spots the secondary actors and might attack, flee, call in help or
minders about Tactics, or just an admonition to “kill the bas- take whatever action is appropriate.
tards.” The cell can then enter a dangerous situation knowing Once the secondary actors have collected their data, the
the members have each other’s backs. While this isn’t a fool- primary actor rolls Intelligence + Academics to synthesize
the information and develop the profile. Someone in the cell Exceptional Success: In addition to the hefty bonus to
needs to have Investigation 2, and someone needs Computer the Research roll, the time required for research is reduced by
2 in order to assist with this task. (If the primary actor has all one-third (20 minutes per roll rather than 30).
these traits, he can assemble the profile without further assis-
tance.) Once the profile is assembled, the cell has a valuable
tool for tracking down the monster.
Fast Reflexes: Living on the streets has made Raimundo
Roll Results
incredibly fast. He has a +2 to his Initiative (already calcu-
Dramatic Failure: The primary actor misidentifies the
lated on the sheet).
monster, but believes he has a positive lock. The cell might
Language (Spanish): Raimundo speaks fluent Spanish.
attack the wrong target, or might simply begin researching
Professional Training: Raimundo has learned a great deal
him and waste a great deal of time, depending upon how trig-
about being a criminal on the streets, and he’s gotten to know
ger-happy it is.
many shady characters. After Raimundo has had some time to
Failure: The profile is faulty and misleading. Using
talk to his network of contacts, he can roll Manipulation +
it as a research aid produces no bonus, and increases the
Persuasion or Socialize to get information from one of three
time required for research by half (45 minutes per roll
groups: street gangs, drug dealers and gun dealers. If he gets at
rather than 30).
least one success, he can get information on a particular topic.
Success: The primary actor assembles a working pro-
Resources: Raimundo’s drug and gun trafficking has
file. The cell can then begin a Research task (see p. 55 of
made him a tidy profit. He has a comfortable apartment and
the World of Darkness Rulebook) into who the monster is
a slightly-used sports car. Given a few hours’ notice, he could
and what history is available, applying a bonus equal to the
scrape up $2,000 during this story.
successes on the Tactic roll. Note that this doesn’t allow the
Retainer (bodyguard): Raimundo doesn’t go anywhere
hunters to find information that doesn’t exist; a prominent
dangerous without his personal bodyguard, Miguel. If you need
local businessman might be a spirit-possessed cannibal, but if
mechanics for Miguel, use Raimundo’s Attributes and Skills as
that’s never been written down anywhere the characters can’t
a basis. Miguel is a character handled by the Storyteller.
find it by research alone.
Status (The Union): He’s an accepted member of the Union.
needs to have Investigation 2, and someone needs Computer Exceptional Success: In addition to the hefty bonus to
2 in order to assist with this task. (If the primary actor has all the Research roll, the time required for research is reduced by
these traits, he can assemble the profile without further assis- one-third (20 minutes per roll rather than 30).
tance.) Once the profile is assembled, the cell has a valuable
tool for tracking down the monster.
Roll Results
Encyclopedic Knowledge: Karl is extremely smart and
Dramatic Failure: The primary actor misidentifies the
knows minute facts about a variety of strange and unusual
monster, but believes he has a positive lock. The cell might
topics. Whenever he is confronted by a situation outside his
attack the wrong target, or might simply begin researching
normal realm of knowledge, he may roll his Intelligence +
him and waste a great deal of time, depending upon how trig-
Wits to produce a helpful fact about the given topic.
ger-happy it is.
Fame: Karl has gained a small following for his exposés and
Failure: The profile is faulty and misleading. Using it as a
reports. He gets +2 to his Socialize or Persuasion rolls among
research aid produces no bonus, and increases the time required
those who follow his career or otherwise respect his work.
for research by half (45 minutes per roll rather than 30).
Professional Training: Despite his checkered past, Karl’s
Success: The primary actor assembles a working pro-
made a few contacts as a reporter. After Karl has had some
file. The cell can then begin a Research task (see p. 55 of
time to talk to his network of contacts, he can roll Manipula-
the World of Darkness Rulebook) into who the monster is
tion + Persuasion or Socialize to get information from other
and what history is available, applying a bonus equal to the
reporters. If he gets at least one success, he can get informa-
successes on the Tactic roll. Note that this doesn’t allow the
tion on a particular topic.
hunters to find information that doesn’t exist; a prominent
Resources: Karl makes just enough money from his free-
local businessman might be a spirit-possessed cannibal, but if
lance reporting to pay for food and gas.
that’s never been written down anywhere the characters can’t
Status (Network 0): He’s an accepted member of Network 0.
find it by research alone.
COLT M1911A1
a number of times per day equal to his Investigation rating mation that doesn’t exist; a prominent local businessman might
and “keep” the best result for inclusion in the primary actor’s be a spirit-possessed cannibal, but if that’s never been written
dice pool. If the monster is aware it is being followed and down anywhere the characters can’t find it by research alone.
monitored, or just assumes it always is and behaves accord- Exceptional Success: In addition to the hefty bonus to
ingly (many monsters are indeed this paranoid), the second- the Research roll, the time required for research is reduced by
ary actors’ rolls are opposed by a roll of Wits + Stealth for the one-third (20 minutes per roll rather than 30).
monster. The secondary actor needs to meet or exceed the
monster’s successes in order for his action to be successful;
otherwise the monster spots the secondary actors and might
Endowments (Advanced Armory): Being a member
attack, flee, call in help or take whatever action is appropri-
of Task Force: VALKYRIE, Andrea has access to specialized
equipment, such as her clip of etheric rounds.
Once the secondary actors have collected their data, the
Favored Weapon: Andrea’s had her ACP autoloader
primary actor rolls Intelligence + Academics to synthesize
since she first joined the force, and it’s served her well all these
the information and develop the profile. Someone in the cell
years. As long as it’s on her person or within reach and easily
needs to have Investigation 2, and someone needs Computer
accessible, she gains a +2 to Resolve + Composure rolls.
2 in order to assist with this task. (If the primary actor has all
Iron Stamina: Andrea is as tough as nails, and she’ll keep
these traits, he can assemble the profile without further assis-
on kicking long after some of the other guys are curled up in
tance.) Once the profile is assembled, the cell has a valuable
a ball and crying. She ignores up to a -2 modifier for wound
tool for tracking down the monster.
penalties, meaning she loses only one die when she’s close to
Roll Results
going unconscious, instead of -3.
Dramatic Failure: The primary actor misidentifies the
Professional Training: Even though Andrea is in the
monster, but believes he has a positive lock. The cell might
detective division, at heart she’s a cop, and that’s where her
attack the wrong target, or might simply begin researching
training lies. After Andrea has had some time to talk to her
him and waste a great deal of time, depending upon how trig-
network of contacts, she can roll Manipulation + Persuasion
ger-happy it is.
or Socialize to get information from the guys in the police
Failure: The profile is faulty and misleading. Using it as
department. If she gets at least one success, she can get infor-
a research aid produces no bonus, and increases the time re-
mation on a particular topic.
quired for research by half (45 minutes per roll rather than
Resources: Being a cop doesn’t pay much, but Andrea
has spent enough time in the force to net a few good raises.
Success: The primary actor assembles a working profile.
She has a small, comfortable apartment and a car that doesn’t
The cell can then begin a Research task (see p. 55 of the World
need too many repairs. Given a few hours’ notice, she could
of Darkness Rulebook) into who the monster is and what his-
scrape up $1,000 during this story.
tory is available, applying a bonus equal to the successes on the
Status (Task Force: VALKYRIE): She’s an accepted
Tactic roll. Note that this doesn’t allow the hunters to find infor-
member of Task Force: VALKYRIE.
Action: Instant and contested; target resists with Wits + Success: The primary actor assembles a working pro-
Stealth (resistance is not reflexive) file. The cell can then begin a Research task (see p. 55 of
Description: Most monsters were human at one point. the World of Darkness Rulebook) into who the monster is
That means they had human identities, were given birth cer- and what history is available, applying a bonus equal to the
tificates and Social Security numbers and left paper trails. successes on the Tactic roll. Note that this doesn’t allow the
Some even have criminal records. Such monsters are prac- hunters to find information that doesn’t exist; a prominent
ticed, though, at covering their tracks, but learning who a local businessman might be a spirit-possessed cannibal, but if
monster is (or was) can be instrumental in defeating it. In that’s never been written down anywhere the characters can’t
order to do that, hunter cells work up a profile of the monster find it by research alone.
and use that profile in their research into the monster’s past. Exceptional Success: In addition to the hefty bonus to
This profile, though, requires in-the-field investigation. the Research roll, the time required for research is reduced by
Secondary actors for this Tactic roll Wits + Investiga- one-third (20 minutes per roll rather than 30).
tion. These are instant actions, and can be made across mul-
tiple scenes. A secondary actor can make one roll per scene
a number of times per day equal to his Investigation rating
Common Sense: Jack is exceptionally grounded and
and “keep” the best result for inclusion in the primary actor’s
pragmatic, and can be depended upon to make sound,
dice pool. If the monster is aware it is being followed and
straightforward decisions after a few moments’ thought. The
monitored, or just assumes it always is and behaves accord-
Storyteller can make a reflexive Wits + Composure roll once
ingly (many monsters are indeed this paranoid), the second-
per session if Jack is about to embark upon a disastrous course
ary actors’ rolls are opposed by a roll of Wits + Stealth for the
of action, or if you find yourself at a point in the story where
monster. The secondary actor needs to meet or exceed the
you’re completely stumped for ideas. If the roll succeeds, the
monster’s successes in order for his action to be successful;
Storyteller may point out the risks of a particular course, or
otherwise the monster spots the secondary actors and might
suggest possible actions Jack can take that might get events
attack, flee, call in help or take whatever action is appropri-
back on track.
Endowments (Advanced Armory): Being a member of
Once the secondary actors have collected their data, the
Task Force: VALKYRIE, Jack has access to specialized equip-
primary actor rolls Intelligence + Academics to synthesize
ment, such as his etheric tracker.
the information and develop the profile. Someone in the cell
Professional Training: Jack is still learning how to be
needs to have Investigation 2, and someone needs Computer
a detective, but he’s made a few friends on the force. After
2 in order to assist with this task. (If the primary actor has all
Jack has had some time to talk to his network of contacts, he
these traits, he can assemble the profile without further assis-
can roll Manipulation + Persuasion or Socialize to get infor-
tance.) Once the profile is assembled, the cell has a valuable
mation from his friends in the detective division. If he gets
tool for tracking down the monster.
at least one success, he can get information on a particular
Roll Results
Dramatic Failure: The primary actor misidentifies the
Resources: Being a cop doesn’t pay much, but Jack’s
monster, but believes he has a positive lock. The cell might
managed to spend his money well (or let other people spend
attack the wrong target, or might simply begin researching
money on him). He has a modest apartment and a modest car
him and waste a great deal of time, depending upon how trig-
that’s only a few years old. Given a few hours’ notice, he could
ger-happy it is.
scrape up $1,000 during this story.
Failure: The profile is faulty and misleading. Using it as a
Status (Task Force: VALKYRIE): He’s an accepted
research aid produces no bonus, and increases the time required
member of Task Force: VALKYRIE.
for research by half (45 minutes per roll rather than 30).
High-speed Looking
Chase For Clues
Into the
Payback Finding
Tracking: Crowded street (-2, for cell), Tracking: Familiar with neighborhood
conspicuous cover (-2, for cell), day- (+1, for cell), invisible (+3, for minion)
light (-1, for minion), empty street (-1,
for minion) Noticing the SUV: Quiet neighborhood
(+2), driver (+2)
Noticing the SUV: Nighttime (-2),
backseat passenger (-3), raining (-1)
STs Give a chance for some investigation before launching a surprise attack.
Heavy traffic (-1 for SUV, -2 for van) No traffic (+2 for van, +1 for SUV)
Pedestrians (-2) Know the area (+1)
Rain (-1)
Stopped traffic/red light (-2)
Blown tire (-2 per tire)
STs Give the players a scene of fast-paced action until the SUV
escapes in the tunnel.
PCs Catch up with the SUV before it escapes.
SCENE: Into the Darkness PHYSICAL
Small size (-2) Various VALKYRIE
STs Build tension before the group’s first experience with the supernatural in this story.
SCENE: Looking for Clues PHYSICAL —
Searching the Room: Disarray (-1) Searching the Room: Familiarity (+2
for Raimundo)
Asking Around: Person is a cop
(-2), language barrier (-3) Asking Around: Familiarity (+3 for
Searching the Network: Bad Inter-
net connection (-1) Searching the Network: Previously
acquired information (+2)
Give the group some clues on Lupe’s kidnappers, and showcase Karl’s Network 0
STs connections.
PCs Find a clue about the identity of Lanternum Nocturne or Lupe’s kidnappers.
Interrogation happens out Dirgum’s not particularly smart
in the open
STs Show how contemptible Dirgum is while the cell shakes him down for information.
Wounded (-1) Isolated area (+1 for interrogator)
STs The final showdown between the cell and the kidnappers. Let them beat the bad guys, and
interrogate the rival cell to find out what’s really going on.
PCs Save Lupe, and maybe kill the monster and defeat the rival cell.
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and characters you need to start, as
“One Year Later,” a complete introduct
scenario. All you need is a few 10-
sided dice and you’re ready to go.