Effectiveness of Cyriax Friction Massage Along With Ultrasound Therapy in Patients With Plantar Fascitis
Effectiveness of Cyriax Friction Massage Along With Ultrasound Therapy in Patients With Plantar Fascitis
Effectiveness of Cyriax Friction Massage Along With Ultrasound Therapy in Patients With Plantar Fascitis
Plantar fasciitis, a repetitive strain injury of the medial arch and heel, is one of the most common causes
of foot pain. Aim is to determine the effectiveness of cyriax transverse friction massage with ultrasound
therapy in the management of plantar fasciitis. Objective is To determine the effectiveness of ultrasound
therapy with cyriax transverse friction massage on pain and functional ability in patients with plantar
fascitis. Methodology: 30 Individuals were selected according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Participants were randomly assigned into two groups group A and group B. Pain was measured with
Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), Foot function index (FFI) used to measure quality of life. Results:
The post-test mean value of NPRS in Group-A is 3.47(SD 0.74) and post-test mean value of NPRS in
Group-B is 1.40 (SD 0.63), this shows that Group-A is greater than Group-B with the P value (0.001),The
post-test mean value of FFI in Group-A is 93.00 (SD 1.65) and post-test mean value of FFI in Group-B is
88.3 (SD 1.29), this shows that Group-A is greater than Group-B with the P value (0.001). It has been
concluded that Cyriax tranverse friction massage with ultrasound therapy (Group B) is more effective than
(Group A) in decreasing painand improving the functional ability.
Saveetha College of Physiotherapy,SaveethaUniversity,Chennai,India.
Received on : 08-03-2017
Revised and Accepted on : 17-04-2017
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22376/ijpbs.2017.8.2.b841-848
TREATMENT PROTOCOL for Ultrasound therapy
Frequency 3MHZ
Intensity 1.5w/ cm2
Duration 7 minutes
Mode pulsed
Treatment was given for 10 days(5days/week for two weeks)
Table 2
TREATMENT PROTOCOL for Friction massage
Figure 1
Ultrasound Therapy
Figure 2
Cyriax Transverse Friction Massage
Outcome measures
Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) for pain
The NPRS is ascale consisting of numbers 0 to 10, it helps to find the pain threshold of the patient subjectively, in
which 0 refers to no pain and 10 refers to worst imaginable pain.
0 indicates no pain Foot function index
1-3 indicates mild pain This questionnaire is used to evaluate the effect of foot
4-6 indicates moderate pain pain in every day life. For the following questions the
7-10 indicates severe pain subject will be asked to score each question on a scale
from 0 (no pain/no difficulty/none of the time) to 10
Table 3
Pre test –Post test values of group – A
The pre-test mean value of NPRS is 6.13 (SD 0.64) and of FFI is 97.8 (SD 2.53 ) and the post -test mean value
post-test mean value is 3.47(SD 0.74) this shows that is 93.00 (SD 1.65) this shows that FFI scores are
NPRS scores are gradually decreasing with the P value gradually decreasing with the P value (0.001)
(0.001) statistically significant. The pre-test mean values statistically significant.
Graph 1
Showing Pre and Post Test Values of NPRS in Group-A
Graph 2
Showing Pre and Post Test Values of FFI in Group-A
Table 4
Pre test –Post test values of group - B
The pre-test mean value of NPRS is 6.07(SD 0.59) and of FFI is 98.13 (SD 2.67) and the post -test mean value
post-test mean value is 1.40 (SD 0.63) this shows that is 88.33 (SD 1.29) this shows that FFI scores are
NPRS scores are gradually decreasing with the P value gradually decreasing with the P value (0.001)
(0.001) statistically significant. The pre-test mean values statistically significant.
Graph 3
Showing Pre and Post Test Values of NPRS in Group-B
Graph 4
Showing Pre and Post Test Valuesof FFI in Group - B
Table 5
Comparison between the post test values Group A&B
The data from above table shows the post-test values of with the P value (0.001) The post-test mean value of FFI
Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS) and Foot Function in Group-A is 93.00 (SD 1.65) and post-test mean value
Index (FFI) in Group-A and Group-B. The post-test of FFI in Group-B is 88.33 (SD 1.29), this shows that
mean value of NPRS in Group-A is 3.47(SD 0.74) and Group-A is greater than Group-B with the P value
post-test mean value of NPRS in Group-B is 1.40 (SD (0.001)
0.63), this shows that Group-A is greater than Group-B
Graph 5
Showing Post Test - Post Test Values of NPRS inGroup-A & Group-B
Graph 6
Showing Post Test - Post Test Values of FFI inGroup-A & Group-B
the part of the operator to maintain depth during the along with ultrasound therapy in treatment of plantar
treatment session. This may have resulted in a non- fascitis.
uniform application of the technique during the ten-
minute sessions. Suggested the preferable use both Limitations
thumbs to apply the Transverse Friction Massage (TFM) 1. Small sample size.
and stabilize the heel with the rest of the fingers in order 2. Equal attention to all the patients could not be given
to impart a deeper and more controlled pressure. In this as the procedure was done by single therapist.
study TFM is given using bilateral thumb , which was 3.Therapist fatigue is a major problem encountered
found to be effective though therapist fatigue was during the study due to the hands on technique which is
inevitable. The aim of this study was to determine the cumbersome
effectiveness of cyriax transverse friction massage
along with ultrasound therapy in treatment of patients Future Recommendations
with plantar fascitis. 30 subjects fulfilling the inclusion A studywith large sample size is recommended and Use
criteria were assigned to this study by randomization of massaging probe can be considered in order to avoid
technique. The subjects were divided into 15 subjects fatigue
each. Informed consent was taken from the subjects
and the procedure was explained. Group A (n=15) were CONCLUSION
receiving ultrasound therapy over a period of 2weeks, 5
days/week. Group B (n=15) were receiving Cyriax From the result, it has been concluded that
transverse friction massage and ultrasound therapy Cyriaxtranverse friction massage with ultrasound
therapy over a period of 2weeks, 5 days/ week. therapy (Group B) is more effective and befifiting the
Numerical pain rating scale (NPRS) and Foot Function patients than giving only ultrasound therapy (Group A) in
Index(FFI) was used to as the tools for analysis. The decreasing pain and improving the functional ability. In
Outcome measures were been taken at the end of 2 this study it has found that when cyriax friction massage
week. n the present study, the subjects were chosen is given along with ultrasound therapy for a patiens with
from age group 30-50 years. The data obtained from the foot pain is reduces the foot pain and improves the
study was statistically analyzed using paired and activities of daily living for the patients suffering with foot
unpaired t-test. The result of the study revealed that pain (plantarfascitis).
there was decrease in pain and an improvement in the
functional ability. Decrease in pain measured by NPRS
in both groups, A and B after the respective protocol.
Hence, the result of this study proves that, there will be
Conflict of interest declared none.
beneficial effect of Cyriax transverse friction massage
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