Surfynol Ad01

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Regulatory Datasheet



Global Chemical Inventories 1

Country Product Registers 1

Scandinavian Product Register 1

Spanish Poison Center (INTCF) 1

Food Contact Status 1

Ecolabel Status 2

Further regulatory Information referring to final materials or articles 2

DIN EN 71-3 : 2013 (Safety of Toys: Migration of certain elements) 2

US ASTM - F 693 (Safety of Toys) 2

Maine CHCC (Safety of Toys) 2

Vermont CHCC (Safety of Toys) 2

Washington State CHCC (Safety of Toys) 2

Directive 2011/65/EC (RoHS) amended through Directive (EU) 2015/863 2

Council Directive 94/62/EC (packaging and packaging waste) 3

Coalition of North Eastern Governors (CONEG) 3

California Proposition 65 3

Additional information 3
Biocides Content 3

SVHC substances 3

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) / Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOC) 3

Diverse substances 4

Further information 6
Other regulations 6

Last revision for this chapter was on 2021-01-13

The below country inventory information results from a set of confidential data. If required, necessary data can be made
available to the country authorities directly.

Country / region Status

European Union all components are listed on EINECS or ELINCS
The REACh-relevant substance(s) are registered *
USA all components are listed and have been notified as being “Active” under the requirements of the TSCA
Inventory Reset
Canada all components are listed on DSL
Japan all components are listed on ENCS (MITI) or exempted
Australia all components are listed on AIIC
South Korea all components are listed on ECL
Philippines all components are listed on PICCS
China all components are listed on IECSC
Taiwan all components are listed on TCSI
New Zealand all components are listed on NZIoC and/or are exempted from registration (non hazardous)
Turkey all relevant components are pre-registered in KKDIK
Vietnam all components are already listed in the latest draft version of NCI or have been reported to the Vietnam
Eurasian Economic the relevant components were reported to the inventory of chemicals and mixtures of the Eurasian Economic
Union Union. (EAEU inventory)

*) In order to avoid any conflicts with REACh, please make sure that you will be supplied in the future with material
manufactured within the European Economic Area (EEA) or imported into the EEA by Evonik Operations GmbH in close
cooperation with your European Evonik Operations supplier contact. In case you purchase this product from outside of
EEA and plan to import this to EEA, please be aware of your duties according to REACh regulation.


Last revision for this chapter was on 2020-05-14

Scandinavian Product Register

For registration request please contact us.

Spanish Poison Center (INTCF)

For registration request please contact us.


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The business line Coating Additives of Evonik has prioritized certain products for food contact applications. Statements of
those specified products which have been evaluated and offer food contact compliances are available in a separate
document on our website.


The business line Coating Additives of Evonik has prioritized certain products for ecolabel applications. Statements of
those specified products which have been evaluated and offer ecolabel compliances are available in a separate
document on our website.



Last revision for this chapter was on 2021-02-12

DIN EN 71-3 : 2013 (Safety of Toys: Migration of certain elements)

We do not expect the presence of substances mentioned in DIN EN 71-3: 2013 in amounts exceeding the respective
limits within SURFYNOL® AD01.

US ASTM - F 693 (Safety of Toys)

We do not expect the presence of substances mentioned in US ASTM - F 693 in amounts exceeding the respective limits
within SURFYNOL® AD01.

Maine CHCC (Safety of Toys)

We do not expect the presence of substances mentioned in Maine CHCC in amounts exceeding the respective limits
within SURFYNOL® AD01.

Vermont CHCC (Safety of Toys)

We do not expect the presence of substances mentioned in Vermont CHCC in amounts exceeding the respective limits
within SURFYNOL® AD01.

Washington State CHCC (Safety of Toys)

We do not expect the presence of substances mentioned in Washington State CHCC in amounts exceeding the
respective limits within SURFYNOL® AD01.

Directive 2011/65/EC (RoHS) amended through Directive (EU) 2015/863

We do not expect the presence of substances mentioned in Directive 2011/65/EC amended through Directive (EU)
2015/863 in amounts exceeding the respective limits within this product.

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Council Directive 94/62/EC (packaging and packaging waste)
We do not expect the presence of substances mentioned in Council Directive 94/62/EC in amounts exceeding the
respective limits within this product.

Coalition of North Eastern Governors (CONEG)

We do not expect the presence of substances mentioned in CONEG in amounts exceeding the respective limits within
this product.

California Proposition 65
For information regarding the above mentioned regulation please refer to the US-MSDS under point 15.


Biocides Content
Last revision for this chapter was on 2020-05-14

Herewith we confirm that we do not use biocides for SURFYNOL® AD01 preservation.

SVHC substances
We as a supplier of chemical substances or mixtures thereof are obliged to provide our customers with a Safety Data
Sheet which includes information, if the product contains dangerous substances in reportable amounts according to EU
ECHA (European Chemicals Agency) regularly updates its Candidate List of Substances of Very High Concern for
Authorization. For information regarding hazardous components of products supplied to you, please refer to our newest
EU Safety Data Sheet which will be updated according to the legal obligations.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) / Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOC)

VOC (volatile organic compounds) - content

Last revision for this chapter was on 2020-05-14

Determination via DIN ISO 11890/2: approx. 0.96 %

Determination via ASTM D6886-14: approx. 0 %

SVOC (semi-volatile organic compounds) - content

Determination via DIN ISO 11890/2: approx. 99.7 %

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Diverse substances
Last revision for this chapter was on 2020-05-14

Unless other stated under “Remarks” we do not expect the presence of the following substances within SURFYNOL®
If desired substance is not found by name search by substance’s CAS #. Use Ctrl + F to search document.

Substance Remarks
1,2-dichlorobenzene (CAS 95-50-1)
Acetaldehyde (CAS 75-07-0)
- BDDA (butanediol diacrylate) (CAS 1070-70-8)
- DEGDA (diethylene glycol diacrylate) (CAS 4074-88-8)
- 2EHA (2-ethyl hexy acrylate) (CAS 103-11-7)
- IDA (iso decyl acrylate) (CAS 1330-61-6)
- ODA (octyl acrylate) (CAS 2499-59-4)
- Phenol acrylate (CAS 937-41-7)
- Phenoxy ethyl acrylate (CAS 48145-04-6)
- HDDA (1,6 Hexanediol diacrylate) (CAS 13048-33-4)
- PETA (mixtures of pentaerythritol tri- and tetra-acrylates) (CAS 3524-68-3)
- TEGDA (tetraethylene glycol diacrylate) (CAS 17831-71-9)
- TMPTA (trimethylol propane triacrylate) (CAS 15625-89-5)
- DPGDA (dipropylene glycol diacrylate) (CAS 57472-68-1)
Allergenic Fragrances (EG 1223/2009, Article 19)
APEO (alkylphenolethoxylates)
Primary aromatic amines
Aromatic compounds:
- Benzene (CAS 71-43-2)
- BHA (Butylated hydroxyanisol) (CAS 25013-16-5)
- BHT (Butylated hydroxytoluene) (CAS 128-37-0)
- Ethylbenzene (CAS 100-41-4)
- Toluene (CAS 108-88-3)
- Xylene (CAS 1330-20-7)
- Styrene (CAS 100-42-5)
- 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene (CAS 95-63-6)
- 1,4-Dichlorobenzene (CAS 106-46-7)
Azo dyes
BADGE (Bisphenol A-diglycidylether) (CAS 1675-54-3)
Bisphenol A (CAS 80-05-7)
Bisphenol F (CAS 620-92-8)
Bisphenol S (CAS 80-09-1)
Components derived from animals
Components derived from plants
Components derived from genetically modified organisms (GMO)
Crystalline silica and leucophyllite minerals containing crystalline silica
Cyanuric acid (CAS 108-80-5)
DMF (dimethylformamide) (CAS 68-12-2)

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Ethanol (CAS 64-17-5)
Food Allergens (EU Reg. 1169/2011)
Formaldehyde (CAS 50-00-0)
Glycol ethers:
- EGBE (ethylene glycol butyl ether) (CAS 111-76-2)
- EGME (ethylene glycol methyl ether) (CAS 109-86-4)
- EGEE (ethylene glycol ethyl ether) (CAS 110-80-5)
- EGMEA (ethylene glycol methyl ether acetate) (CAS 110-49-6)
- EGEEA (ethylene glycol ethyl ether acetate) (CAS 111-15-9)
- EGDME (ethylene glycol di-methyl ether) (CAS 110-71-4)
- DEGDME (di-ethylene glycol di-methyl ether) (CAS 111-96-6)
- DEGME (di-ethylene glycol methyl ether) (CAS 111-77-3)
- TEGDME (tri-ethylene glycol di-methyl ether) (CAS 112-49-2)
Halogenated hydro carbons (Group 1-9 according Regulation (EC) No 1005/2009 (substances that deplete
the ozone layer) – status September 2009)
Halogenated organic compounds
HAP (hazard air pollutant) according U.S. EPA Clean Air Act Section 112(b)(1)
(Heavy) metals and their compounds
- Aluminium
- Antimony
- Arsenic
- Barium
- Lead
- Cadmium
- Chromium (III)
- Chromium (VI)
- Mercury
- Selenium
- Boron
- Cobalt
- Copper
- Manganese
- Nickel
- Strontium
- Zinc
- Tin
- Tin organic
IPBC (3-Iodo-2-propynyl-butyl-carbamate) (CAS 55406-53-6)
Melamine (CAS 108-78-1)
Mineral oil
N-(3-aminopropyl)-N-dodecylpropane-1, 3-diamine (CAS 2372-82-9)
Natural rubber or dry rubber latex
NMP (N-methyl-2-pyrrolidone) (CAS 872-50-4)
Ozone-Depleting Substances according U.S. EPA list, Class I and Class II
PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)
PFAS (perfluorinated alkyl sulfonates)
PFCA (perfluorinated carboxylic acids)

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Phthalate compounds
- DEHP (di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate) (CAS 117-81-7)
- DBP (di-butyl phthalate) (CAS 84-74-2)
- BBP (benzyl-butyl phthalate) (CAS 85-68-7)
- DCHP (dicyclohexyl phthalate) (CAS 84-61-7)
- DMEP (Bis-(2-methoxyethyl) phthalate) (CAS 117-82-8)
- DIBP (Diisobutylphthalate) (CAS 84-69-5)
- DIDP (diisodecyl phthalate) (CAS 26761-40-0)
- DIHP (Di-C6-8-branched alkylphthalates)
- DINP (2-diisononyl phthalate) (CAS 28553-12-0)
- DHNUP (Di-C7-11-branched alkylphthalates)
- DHP (Di-n-hexylphthalate) (CAS 84-75-3)
- DNOP (di-n-octyl phthalate) (CAS 117-84-0)
- DPENP (di-n-pentyl phthalate) (CAS 131-18-0)
- Chlorinated naphthalenes
- Chlorinated paraffines (CAS 85535-85-9, 85535-84-8)
- Monocresyl phosphate (CAS 26444-49-5)
- Tricresyl phosphate (CAS 1330-78-5)
- Monocresyl diphenyl phosphate (CAS 26444-49-5)
PVC (Polyvinylchloride) (CAS 9062-86-2)
Radioactive substances
Rare earth metals
Tetrachloroethylene (CAS 127-18-4)
VAH (volatile aromatic hydrocarbon)
Zinc oxide (CAS 1314-13-2)



For the following Regulation detailed information are available on request.

- Conflict Minerals

Should you require any additional information regarding the regulatory status of SURFYNOL® AD01, please do not
hesitate to contact us!

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The information given above is based on and represents our current compositional knowledge (based on the knowledge of the
production process, supplier information for raw materials and analytical data where applicable).
Please note that Evonik Operations GmbH does not analyse whether the mentioned substances are contained, because the
content of such substances is not part of our product specification or formulation.
We use raw materials of technical purity, therefore negligible amounts on the level of natural / technical impurities cannot be
In case of provided values these are considered to be typical concentrations and are not part of the product specification.

All provided information is based on our present knowledge and experience and is true and complete to the best of our knowledge
and belief. However, no warranty, whether expressed or implied, or guarantee of product properties in the legal sense is intended
or implied.

In case of any questions concerning the provided information or if you need additional advice you are welcome to contact us:

Evonik Operations GmbH Please contact for region Europe, Middle East, Russia and Africa
Specialty Additives | Coating Additives [email protected]
Goldschmidtstraße 100
45127 Essen Please contact for region Americas
Germany [email protected] Please contact for region Asia, Australia and New Zealand
[email protected]

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