Radar Cross Section Reduction: April 2013
Radar Cross Section Reduction: April 2013
Radar Cross Section Reduction: April 2013
10 9,007
1 author:
Hakan Ucar
Koc University
All content following this page was uploaded by Hakan Ucar on 08 January 2017.
Radar Cross Section Reduction
Hakan UÇAR
Upon the development of radar during World War II, radar cross section
(RCS) reduction has continued to be pursued as a passive technique for reducing
detectability. Since the budget of the governments are tight and the sensor based
missiles perceives the target signature, the significance of RCS reduction
increases. The advantages of RCS reduction (RCSR) are as follows;
Radar Cross Section Reduction
There are four basic techniques for reducing radar cross section:
1. Shaping;
2. Radar absorbing materials (RAM);
3. Passive cancellation;
4. Active cancellation.
Each method has advantages and disadvantages. The two most practical
and most often applied RCS reduction (RCSR) techniques are listed first,
shaping and radar absorbing materials. In current RCS designs, shaping
techniques are first employed to create a planform design with inherently low
RCS in the primary threat sectors. Radar absorbing materials are then used to
treat areas whose shape could not be optimized or to reduce the effects of
creeping waves or traveling waves on the signature. The combination of RAM
and shaping can often be exploited when neither can satisfy the objectives alone
2.1. Shaping
Hakan UÇAR
radar. The success of shaping depends on the existence of angular sectors over
which low radar cross section is less important than over others.
In the Figure 2, except for the sphere, whose RCS is shown by the
uppermost trace, all the objects have the same nose angle (40°), and of the six
shapes the ogive exhibits the lowest RCS. Thus, at least along the axes of these
particular bodies, the RCS can be minimized by selecting the appropriate
surface profile.
Radar Cross Section Reduction
Hakan UÇAR
Radar Cross Section Reduction
Hakan UÇAR
Figure 4. The Salisbury Screen and its transmission line equivalent. K is the
dielectric constant of the spacer between the resistive sheet and the metal plate.
Radar Cross Section Reduction
Hakan UÇAR
Carbon was the basic material used in the fabrication of early absorbers
because of its imperfect conductivity, and it continues to be important today.
These materials are not easily applied to operational weapons platforms. They
are usually too bulky and fragile in operational environments [5].
Magnetic absorbers are used more widely for operational systems. The
loss mechanism is primarily due to a magnetic dipole moment, and compounds
of iron are the basic ingredients. Magnetic materials offer the advantage of
compactness because they are typically a fraction of the thickness of dielectric
absorbers. However, magnetic absorbers are heavy because of their iron content
and are inherently more narrowband than their dielectric counterparts. So, iron
is not suitable for RCS applications.
The other material used for RCS application is the composite material.
A composite is a material which is designed to display a combination of the
best characteristics of each of the component materials [7]. These properties are
physical, mechanical, thermal, and electrical properties. Composite materials
have replaced metals in most applications. The use of composites has both
Radar Cross Section Reduction
Hakan UÇAR
Radar Cross Section Reduction
Hakan UÇAR
The system designers must consider all of them and not RCS reduction
exclusively. For a successful RCS reduction, the system designers require the
1. A precise knowledge of the signature to be expected
2. Good knowledge of effective measures for the reduction of
3. Examination of the effectiveness of RCS reduction
The system designers also consider the basic rules for a successful RCS
4. Design for specific threats when possible to minimize cost.
5. Orient large, flat surfaces away from high-priority quiet zones
6. Avoid round surfaces
7. Avoid 900 corners to prevent multiple reflections.
8. Avoid discontinuities in geometry and materials to minimize
diffraction and traveling wave radiation.
9. Use as few surfaces as possible with different slopes and directions.
10. Use lossy materials or coatings to reduce specular/traveling wave
11. Maintain tolerances on large surfaces and materials.
12. Treat trailing edges to avoid traveling wave lobes.
13. Avoid exposing cavity inlets; use a mesh cover, or locate the inlets
out of view of the radar.
14. Shield high-gain antennas from out-of-band threats
[1] “Radar Cross Section”, Electronic Warfare and Radar Systems Engineering
Handbook, Avionics Department of the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division, 2003.
[2] David C. Jenn, Radar and Laser Cross Section Engineering, Ohio: AIAA Education
Series, 1995.
Radar Cross Section Reduction
[3] Eugene F. Knott, “Radar Cross Section”, Radar Handbook, McGraw-Hill, 1990.
[4] J.W. Crispin, A.L. Maffett, “The Radar Cross Section of Surface Effect Ships,” Report
APL SES-001, Applied Physics Laboratory, John Hopkins University, December 1972.
[5] J.F. Shaeffer, M.T. Tuley, E.F. Knott, Radar Cross Section, SciTech Publishing, 2004.
[6] W.W. Salisbury, Absorbent Body for Electromagnetic Waves, US Patent 2, 599, 944,
June 1952.
[7] William D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering, New Jersey: John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., 2003.