D&D 3.5 Red Wizards Cheats Part 2

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Red Wizard Handbook

3 years ago :: Dec 31, 2008 - 3:52AM #11

bahamuthian_guard i found out a funny trick for a red wizard.

quite a lot of the reserve feats in complete mage use the lvl of a certain kind of spell to determine the power of the feats
Posts: 33 effect or the save required. now if you heighten that kind of spell to 20th lvl you suddenly deal 20d6 fire at will with fiery
Date Joined: 11/17/05 burst.

any idea wich of these feats works the best?

3 years ago :: Dec 31, 2008 - 6:20AM #12

About Blessed Books... there is no reason not to craft them at 5th level wizard (the prerequisites are Craft Wondrous
Item and Secret Page. A 5th level wizard is capable of meeting those prerequisites, regardless of the caster level

"SRD"]Caster Level

Posts: 531
Date Joined: 04/01/07 The next item in a notational entry gives the caster level of the item, indicating its relative power. The
caster level determines the item’ wrote:
SRD[/url]"]Caster Level

The next item in a notational entry gives the caster level of the item, indicating its relative power. The caster level
determines the item’s saving throw bonus, as well as range or other level-dependent aspects of the powers of the
item (if variable). It also determines the level that must be contended with should the item come under the effect of
a dispel magic spell or similar situation. This information is given in the form "CL x," where "CL" is an abbreviation
for caster level and "x" is an ordinal number representing the caster level itself.

For potions, scrolls, and wands, the creator can set the caster level of an item at any number high enough to cast
the stored spell and not higher than her own caster level. For other magic items, the caster level is determined
by the creator. The minimum caster level is that which is needed to meet the prerequisites given.

So, you can create the Blessed Book at 5th level, and you don't need to delay until 8th. Granted, your Blessed Book will
have a slightly lower set of saving throws and will be easier to affect with a dispel magic, but do you really care?

3 years ago :: Dec 31, 2008 - 11:06PM #13

Lormador Very true. Thank you for your diligence: I've edited the handbook as a result. It is technically possible for a 5th level
Lormador wizard to make a Blessed Book. How feasible this is, well... it depends on the game. I'm not accustomed to having
access to 6000 gold at 5th level, even if I have managed to somehow gain access to Simulacrum or whatever high level
Posts: 724 spells I expect to want later.
Date Joined: 02/21/06

Also, if I've taken Craft Wondrous at Wizard 5 with the intention of scribing this book and getting into Red Wizard, I won't
have the added help of Skill Focus (Spellcraft) from Master Specialist. Perhaps I invested an actual feat in it, but that
makes me feel.... like I've paid for it. Ick.

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For these reasons I don't feel it's practical to scribe a Blessed Book at 5th. The earliest I've seen it done in-game is 7th

2 years ago :: Apr 21, 2009 - 7:57AM #14

Lormador Is there anything stopping a Red Wizard with Arcane Manipulation (LEoF) from doing the following?
1. Get to Circle Magic and acquire some copies of self via Simulacra.
Posts: 724
Date Joined: 02/21/06 2. Get a Spell Engine going. Possibly use the Absorption / Energy Transformation setup to increase the speed of the

3. Initiate a Circle Magic, enough times to get three 1st level spells Heightened to 20th level.

4. Use Arcane Manipulation to change those 20th level spells into 20 1st level slots.

5. Don one.... two.... three Rings of Wizardry I, the third with that amulet whose name escapes me presently. We just
added 60 slots with Arcane Manipulation, so after these Rings are used we should have 240 1st level slots.

6. Use Circle Magic to Heighten those 1st level slots to, oh I don't know, 9th level spells for example?

7. Use the Spell Engine to trade all those Heightened 1sts for the goodies in our spellbook that we really want to cast.

If we use the Absorption trick in the handbook, and only have the basic Circle Magic ability, we can get 45 Circle bonus
levels per hour-long ritual. It would take 2 rituals to get the first three spells Heightened... and to cast our 240 9th level
spells requires another 48 hours.

Is this 13th level wizard casting 240+ 9th level spells at caster level 40 legitimate?

2 years ago :: Apr 21, 2009 - 9:04AM #15

Very nice thread. Instead of a Portable Hole/Permanent Mord's Mansion, I'd suggest just using a standard keep or
stronghold and a set of Ring Gates. I've never played a Red Wizard, but looking through this makes me want to try one!


Posts: 4,264
Date Joined: 09/21/02

2 years ago :: Apr 21, 2009 - 9:17AM #16

Wow, I totally missed this thread (why? Oh, yeah... defending the dis...).

Awesome! Really like that last trick w/ Spell Engine... Its going to get nerfed by a lot of DMs, but I'm playing with one
thats particularly lenient right now...

Posts: 2,508
Date Joined: 06/01/05

2 years ago :: Apr 21, 2009 - 9:49AM #17

Lormador wrote:
5. Don one.... two.... three Rings of Wizardry I, the third with that amulet whose name escapes me presently. We
just added 60 slots with Arcane Manipulation, so after these Rings are used we should have 240 1st level slots.


Hand of Glory is the amulet you're thinking of.

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Date Joined: 09/08/08
Rings of Wizardry do not work that way. They only double the BASE number of slots, not slots you get from
Specialization, High Stats, Themselves (multiple Rings of Wizardry), or other sources.

A wizard can only get 4 extra slots from a Ring of Wizardry 1, no matter what tricks he employs. A sorcerer/beguiler/et al
can only get 6, a Ultimate Magus or Duskblade can only get 10.

2 of 4 11/2/2021, 8:09 AM
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Very nice thread. Instead of a Portable Hole/Permanent Mord's Mansion, I'd suggest just using a standard keep or
stronghold and a set of Ring Gates. I've never played a Red Wizard, but looking through this makes me want to try

I'm too paranoid to use strongholds in most 'evil' campaigns. I feel like I have a lot more control over the magical
'doorknob' I keep in my backpack than I do over the tower that's half a world away. Considering that the doorknob isn't
that much more expensive than a well built tower to begin with (plus the ring gates) adds to this tendency.


2 years ago :: Apr 21, 2009 - 11:13AM #18

pithica wrote:
A wizard can only get 4 extra slots from a Ring of Wizardry 1, no matter what tricks he employs. A
sorcerer/beguiler/et al can only get 6, a Ultimate Magus or Duskblade can only get 10.


Maybe get a vigilante in there for 33 3rd level spells :D?

Posts: 2,508
Date Joined: 06/01/05

2 years ago :: Apr 21, 2009 - 11:27AM #19




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Date Joined: 09/08/08

2 years ago :: Apr 21, 2009 - 11:39AM #20

pithica wrote:
I'm too paranoid to use strongholds in most 'evil' campaigns. I feel like I have a lot more control over the magical
'doorknob' I keep in my backpack than I do over the tower that's half a world away. Considering that the doorknob
isn't that much more expensive than a well built tower to begin with (plus the ring gates) adds to this tendency.

Posts: 4,264
The landlord feat means your tower only costs a feat, plus with Ring Gates its only one spell away (Dimension Door,
Date Joined: 09/21/02
Gaseous Form, etc).

And isn't the Magnificent Mansion accessible via Plane Shift? Someone could pop in there and murderize all your
accomplices and you'd never even know. At least you'd hear their screams through the Ring Gates. :D

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