Distillation-Research, Studies and Reviews On Modeling, Simulation and Combined Mode Separations
Distillation-Research, Studies and Reviews On Modeling, Simulation and Combined Mode Separations
Distillation-Research, Studies and Reviews On Modeling, Simulation and Combined Mode Separations
Review Paper
Distillation is one of the major separation operations used for separation of light compounds from the
solution or mixtures. This operation is energy intensive and energy requirements are quite high.
Efficient and effective use of the operation depends on efficiency and economy. Almost all the
separation processes have some advantages and disadvantages. In many cases it is possible to
combine more than one operation and minimize drawbacks and maximize the positive aspects.
Distillation can be coupled with membrane operations, extraction, and solar energy in order to make it
effective. Many investigators have carried out investigations on these aspects. Also modeling and
simulation for distillation column is widely discussed topic. Current review summarizes research and
studies on these aspects.
Distillation is one of the major Muyassaroh et.al. used distillation
separation operations used for separation of for Patchouli Alcohol of Patchouli Oil. [1]
light compounds from the solution or Their research was aimed at knowing how
mixtures. This operation is energy intensive to treat the material and find out the
and energy requirements are quite high. appropriate distillation pressure to generate
Efficient and effective use of the operation patchouli oil. They used leaves with three
depends on efficiency and economy. Almost treatments: fresh leaves, aerated leaves and
all the separation processes have some burned leaves in the oven. They suggested
advantages and disadvantages. In many that microwave distillation can be used to
cases it is possible to combine more than increase the yield within a shorter time than
one operation and minimize drawbacks and conventional method. Kalla et.al.
maximize the positive aspects. Distillation investigated separation of IPA-water
can be coupled with membrane operations, mixture by extractive distillation. [2] They
extraction, and solar energy in order to carried out simulation study for separation
make it effective. Many investigators have of isopropyl alcohol-water azeotrope
carried out investigations on these aspects. mixture using ethylene glycol as entrainer.
Also modeling and simulation for Their investigation indicated that top of the
distillation column is widely discussed column contains IPA of 99.974 mol %
topic. Current review summarizes research purity and bottom product contains water-
and studies on these aspects. ethylene glycol mixture. Sharmila and
Mangaiyarkarasi carried out investigation
on binary distillation column. [3] Their focus variables by carrying out degree of freedom
was on modeling and process control. These analysis. Their studies indicated that
two aspects become important as it is well continuous stirred tank model accurately
known that high amount of energy is represented the behavior of a theoretical
consumed in the distillation operation. It is tray. They felt need of model sensitivity
always envisaged to have a process which is analysis as the interactions between the
energy efficient. They used energy balance different parameters were very strong.
equations for a mathematical model and Ghaee et.al. carried out an investigation on
simulation for a binary distillation column. optimization of the benzene extractive
Mueanmas et.al. carried out an distillation unit. [10] They calculated the
investigation on reactive distillation column equilibrium and thermodynamic properties
for trans-esterification of palm oils. [4] They of the mixtures by using the non-random
found that the existing methods for trans- two-liquid model (short NRTL equation).
esterification need almost 100 percent Studies were carried out by Starkey
excess alcohol. This alcohol needs to be et.al. on distillation curves of waste
recovered after the process. The cost of the lubricant oils and resourced crude oil. [11]
process increases significantly due to this. Main objective of their work was waste
They explored the use of reactive distillation reduction and energy utilization. For this
column for reduction in cost. Huynh et.al. purpose, they put reprocessing steps on a
investigated extraction of essential oil from more fundamental and concrete footing. In
melaleuca alterfornia. In their their investigation, they presented
investigation they observed that at different measurements on four unused automotive
moisture and speed steam, the productivities crankcase oils and four samples of used oils.
were nearly equal. They carried out the They used advanced distillation curve for
research in two steps, steam distillation gaining information about valuable
(essential oil extraction) and vacuum information regarding the presence or
distillation (essential oil refinement). Idris absence of low-boiling contaminants in the
et.al. carried out investigation on advanced recycled automotive oil. Medugu and
distillation process using MOSAIC. [6] By Ndatuwong carried out studies on solar still
using MOSAIC, they developed an distillation. [12] Glass cover provided the
equation oriented modeling of advanced greenhouse effect. The solar radiations were
distillation process. Chorpita et.al. carried used to evaporate the water inside the solar
out investigation on distillation and steel. Their results indicated that there was
matching model. [7] Minh and Rani studied instantaneous increase in the efficiency with
modeling and control of distillation column increase in the solar radiation and feed
in a petroleum process. [8] In their studies water temperature. Gill et.al. carried out
they introduced a calculation procedure for investigation on the kinetics of mentha oil
modeling and control simulation of a extraction from mentha leaves. [13] They
condensate distillation column. They carried studied hydrodistillation process. Their
out modeling and simulation in three phases studies indicated that hydrodistillation
namely the basic nonlinear model of the process was time consuming and also the oil
plant, the full-order linearised model, and recovery by this method was less. They also
the reduced-order linear model. They used observed that, with respect to oil extracted
the physical laws from the process for the by differently pretreated mentha leaves,
calculation of the mathematical model there was not much variation in properties
building and the reduced order linear such as acid value, refractive index, specific
adaptive controller. Mustapha et.al. carried gravity, saponification values and solubility.
out an investigation on modeling and Bekiaris carried out studies on multiple
simulation of high pressure distillation. [9] steady states in distillation. [14] In their
They identified externally controlled work, they analyzed the simplest case of
ternary homogeneous azeotropic mixtures. one operation and minimize drawbacks and
In their work, they derived a necessary and maximize the positive aspects. Distillation
sufficient condition for the existence of the can be coupled with membrane operations,
multiple steady states. Further, they also extraction, and solar energy in order to
extended the homogeneous mixture results make it effective.
to ternary heterogeneous mixtures. In their
analysis they identified the entire mixture REFERENCES
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How to cite this article: Kulkarni S. Distillation-research, studies and reviews on modeling,
simulation and combined mode separations. International Journal of Research and Review. 2017;