South East Asian Institute of Technology, INC. National Highway, Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato
South East Asian Institute of Technology, INC. National Highway, Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato
South East Asian Institute of Technology, INC. National Highway, Crossing Rubber, Tupi, South Cotabato
TECHNOLOGY ___________________________________________________
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Computers are everywhere: at work, at school, and at home. Computers are a primary means of local and
global communications for billions of people. Through computers, society has instant access to information from
around the globe. This module presents the knowledge you need to be computer literate. The course acquaints
students to discover different and innovative ways of using various technology and learn how computing is
applied creatively to solve problems. Students will finish this course with a solid understanding of computers,
how to use computers, and how to access information on the Web.
General Objective
Understand the significance of different process to be assigned to the CPU.
Discuss the different processes of scheduling algorithms.
To learn how to calculate average waiting time of different process.
Understand the process of operating system scheduling algorithms.
Familiarize themselves with the use of scheduling algorithms to the computer world.
Each chapter in this module contains a major lesson involving the introduction to computers and learn
how computing is applied creatively to solve problems. The units are characterized by continuity, and are
arranged in such a manner that the present unit is related to the next unit. For this reason, you are advised to
read this module. After each unit, there are exercises to be given. Submission of task given will be submitted by
the agreed deadline.
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Operating System Scheduling Algorithms
P0 0 5 1 9
P1 1 3 2 6
P2 2 8 1 14
P3 3 6 3 0
P1 6-1=5
Step by Step Example:
Average Wait Time: (9+5+12+0)/4=6.5
∙ Consider following five processes P1 to P5. Each process has its unique priority, burst time, and
arrival time.
Process Priority Burst time Arrival time
P1 1 4 0
P2 2 3 0
P3 1 7 6
P4 3 4 11
P5 2 2 12
∙ Step0) At time=0, Process P1 and P2 arrive. P1 has higher priority than P2. The execution begins
with process P1, which has burst time 4.
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∙ Step 2) At time 2, no new process arrives, so you can continue with P1. P2 is in the waiting queue.
∙ Step
3) At time 3, no new process arrives so you can continue with P1. P2 process still in the waiting
∙ Step 4) At time 4, P1 has finished its execution. P2 starts execution.
∙ Step 5) At time= 5, no new process arrives, so we continue with P2.
∙ Step6) At time=6, P3 arrives. P3 is at higher priority (1) compared to P2 having priority (2). P2 is
preempted, and P3 begins its execution.
Process Priority Burst time Arrival time
P1 1 4 0
P2 2 1 out of 3 pending 0
P3 1 7 6
P4 3 4 11
P5 2 2 12
Step 7) At time 7, no-new process arrives, so we continue with P3. P2 is in the waiting queue.
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Step 10) At time interval 10, no new process comes, so we continue with P3
Step 11) At time=11, P4 arrives with priority 4. P3 has higher priority, so it continues its execution.
Process Priority Burst time Arrival time
P1 1 4 0
P2 2 1 out of 3 pending 0
P3 1 2 out of 7 pending 6
P4 3 4 11
P5 2 2 12
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Step 13) At time=13, P3 completes execution. We have P2,P4,P5 in ready queue. P2 and P5 have equal
priority. Arrival time of P2 is before P5. So P2 starts execution.
Process Priority Burst time Arrival time
P1 1 4 0
P2 2 1 out of 3 pending 0
P3 1 7 6
P4 3 4 11
P5 2 2 12
Step 14) At time =14, the P2 process has finished its execution. P4 and P5 are in the waiting state. P5
has the highest priority and starts execution.
Step 15) At time =15, P5 continues execution.
Step 16) At time= 16, P5 is finished with its execution. P4 is the only process left. It starts
Step 17) At time =20, P5 has completed execution and no process is left.
Step 18) Let's calculate the average waiting time for the above example.
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Waiting Time = start time - arrival time + wait time for next burst
P1 = o - o = o
P2 =4 - o + 7 =11
P3= 6-6=0
P4= 16-11=5
Average Waiting time = (0+11+0+5+2)/5 = 18/5= 3.6
∙ Ifthe system eventually crashes, all low priority processes get lost.
∙ Ifhigh priority processes take lots of CPU time, then the lower priority processes may starve and
will be postponed for an indefinite time.
∙ This scheduling algorithm may leave some low priority processes waiting indefinitely. ∙ A process
will be blocked when it is ready to run but has to wait for the CPU because some other process is
running currently.
∙ If a new higher priority process keeps on coming in the ready queue, then the process which is in
the waiting state may need to wait for a long duration of time.
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Round Robin Scheduling
∙ Round Robin is the preemptive process scheduling algorithm.
∙ Each process is provided a fix time to execute called quantum.
∙ Once a process is executed for given time period. Process is preempted and other process executes for
given time period.
∙ Context switching is used to save states of preempted processes.
P2 (6-2)+(14-9)+(20-17)=12
P3 (9-3)+(17-12)=11
P1 4
P2 3
P3 5
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∙ Step
1) The execution begins with process P1, which has burst time 4. Here, every process
executes for 2 seconds. P2 and P3 are still in the waiting queue.
∙ Step 2) At time =2, P1 is added to the end of the Queue and P2 starts executing ∙
∙ Step 3) At time=4 , P2 is preempted and add at the end of the queue. P3 starts executing.
∙ Step 4) At time=6 , P3 is preempted and add at the end of the queue. P1 starts executing.
∙ Step 5) At time=8 , P1 has a burst time of 4. It has completed execution. P2 starts execution ∙
IT 121: Introduction to Computing
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∙ Step 6) P2 has a burst time of 3. It has already executed for 2 interval. At time=9, P2 completes
execution. Then, P3 starts execution till it completes.
Step 7) Let's calculate the average waiting time for above example.
Wait time
P1= 0+ 4= 4
P2= 2+4= 6
P3= 4+3= 7
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Lab Activity
Consider the following set of processes, assumed to have arrived at time 0, in the order P1, P2, P3, P4, P5,
with the length of the CPU burst given in milliseconds:
Customer Burst Time Priority
J1 10 3
J2 1 1
J3 2 4
J4 1 5
J5 5 2
Using Priority Scheduling, give the Average Waiting Time of this process.
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