Fire Protection

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The document discusses topics related to fire protection including products, systems, standards and case studies.

The document is an issue of International Fire Protection magazine which discusses topics related to passive and active fire protection.

The cover image features Fomtec announcing a product breakthrough with the first FM approved SFFF for use on hydrocarbon and polar solvent fuel fires.


Issue 87 • September 2021


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Issue 87 • September 2021


2 IFP Interview

6 NFPA Vision

8 News and Profiles


Cover image: Fomtec have announced a product
breakthrough with the first ever FM approved SFFF 16 Smoke control systems and the

for use with sprinklers on hydrocarbon and polar
solvent fuel fires. Image courtesy of Dafo Fomtec AB. application of smoke control products
Publishers to realise safe and efficient designs
David Staddon • [email protected]
Mark Seton • [email protected]
21 Proven fire protection from the lab
Group Editor
Duncan J. White • [email protected]
28 The reliability of fire protection
Advertising Enquiries
Dave Staddon • [email protected] features in high-rise buildings
Contributing Editors
James Antell, Ian Bartle, Sean Cutting, Mark Eggleston, 32 Putting in place fire-protection
John Gardner, Louis Gritzo, Derrick Hall, Amanda Hope,
Giorgio Koursaris, Graham Laws, Lainey Liotta, measures for lithium-ion battery
Jeff Nie, John Olav Ottesen, Jim Pauley, Dr Eliot
Sizeland, Paul White
energy storage systems
Design Manager
Richard Parsons • [email protected] 36 Confusion and catastrophes led
Web and IT Manager
to a time-tested consensus process

Neil Spinney • [email protected]

International Fire Protection 42 Flame detector selection

is published quarterly by:
MDM Publishing Ltd
Part 2 – design considerations
Office Suite 1, Brickfield Offices, Maperton,
Wincanton, Somerset. BA9 8EG. UK
Tel: +44 (0) 1935 426 428 46 Fire protection on the front line:
Email: [email protected]
the critical role of fire protection
in healthcare facilities
©All rights reserved

lSSN – 1468-3873
50 Meeting the challenges of fixed-head
DISCLAIMER: The views and opinions expressed in systems with fluorine-free foam
those of MDM Publishing Ltd. The magazine and
publishers are in no way responsible or legally liable
for any errors or anomalies made within the editorial by
55 Wireless detection
our authors. All articles are protected by copyright and
written permission must be sought from the publishers
for reprinting or any form of duplication of any of the 59 Water mist’s past and future
magazine’s content. Any queries should be addressed
(approaching top gear)

in writing to the publishers.

Reprints of articles are available on request. Prices on

application to the Publishers. 62 Fire retardant timber – getting
Designed, edited and printed in the UK.
your specification right

FREE Subscription
To subscribe to IFP Magazine and 66 Trust in your choice: how can
for unlimited access to our digital specifiers ensure accurate passive
resources, please register at fire product specification?

68 Wireless can help the fire sector

rise to new challenges

International Fire Protection is an Official 70 The benefits of passive fire protection

Media Partner to NFPA Conference & Expo®
72 Five reasons to choose CPVC for

light-hazard fire-sprinkler systems
Technical Partner to
MDM Publishing Ltd
76 Hydraulic design of automatic
fire sprinkler nozzles
The Professional
Publishers Association

IFE driving change to

illuminate a fire safe future
International Fire Protection (IFP) recently took the opportunity to speak with Steve
Hamm, Institution of Fire Engineers (IFE) CEO, to learn how the professional body is
adapting to help members deal with global and local changes to all roles in the sector.
From climate change to advances in technology, the launch of its new global strategy
will help members keep pace with a rapidly evolving fire safety landscape.
IFP: Why have you developed a new our members and continue to build on are bringing together the schedules,
strategy now? our role to create a fire safe future. We events and work of our special-interest
have had valuable input from members, groups to create a more transparent
SH: Across the board our roles and volunteers, staff and stakeholders in and accessible hub of information that
responsibilities are evolving, influenced shaping our new direction. will support competency. Our branches
by advances in technologies and around the world are engaged in
materials, external factors such as IFP: What does it involve? influencing new legislation, regulations
climate change and learnings from and guidance, as well as enabling the
major incidents such as Grenfell. These SH: We have undertaken a training to support these changes.
are all influencing new regulations and comprehensive review of our In fact, we have already reviewed
standards, new ways of working and communications and activities with our current qualifications, introducing a
highlighting the importance of knowledge the aim of reshaping our services to new suite of exams inspired by global
and information sharing to evolve our members and developing clear strategies industry needs and feedback from our
skills and capabilities worldwide. for activities under two core themes of members and examiners. Already, these
The reality is the fire safety landscape competency and sustainability. have been well received. We will build on
in which our members operate is changing By listening to our members, we have this success by bringing in at least two
at a faster pace than at any time since the come up with a strategy that ensures new qualifications for 2022. We will be
foundation of the institution in 1918. This is the IFE remains relevant to future needs, finalising our selections but are currently
both exciting and challenging and it is vital builds on the potential of digital learning exploring Urban Search and Rescue and
we remain highly relevant to the needs of and knowledge sharing initiated during Fire Risk Assessment.
lockdown, and influences best practice Our focus on competency will
around the world. be underpinned by a new learning
q Steve Hamm. resources facility as a member benefit
IFP: Why are you focussing on with accessible study support.
competency and sustainability? Also, we are reviewing and reinforcing
our training accreditation regimes.
SH: Competency has always been We are excited to be building closer
front and centre of our commitment to relationships with higher education and
professionalism and is more important university establishments to broaden
than ever as we update our skills and the depth and diversity of skills and
practices in line with new legislation competency across both technical
and regulations. and social disciplines. Our work will
As the international professional create clear competency frameworks
body for those in the fire sector, we and accessible career development
are a beacon of expertise; more than pathways for all.
that, we bring people together to inform Sustainability is a vast topic and for
innovation in practice and respond to the IFE, it goes beyond adapting to the
new and existing challenges in fire safety challenges driven by climate change. It
around the world. reflects how we can build resilience in
Training, CPD, qualifications and the profession for our members.
technical updates are at the heart of our On a global level, smart cities,
role in illuminating a fire safe world. We connectivity, big data, advances in



u Professionalism and expertise will help

members build trust and resilience in the
communities they serve.

building materials, fuels, transport,

energy storage, water and waste
management will all inform practice in
the future, alongside advances in the
technologies that we can use to predict,
manage, monitor and deal with fire risk
and fires.
Sustainability is an area where our
global community, our special-interest
groups and our strategic partners all
have a vital role to play in sharing and
advancing knowledge and ideas.
Around the world our branches are
already engaged in a wide range of topics
related to dealing with climate change,
developments in the built environment
and how standards and regulations are
changing to meet these challenges.
For example, we will continue our
work with members to influence the
development of new standards such as
the fire safety guide for waste recycling ensure they are at the forefront of best expertise to help maintain the high
facilities, work being led by our Industrial practice. This builds their own levels or standards that build confidence in our
Fire and Risk Special Interest Group expertise and in turn the confidence that professionalism and practice. In turn, they
(IF&R SIG). others have in their services, advice and benefit from the experience, knowledge
We will also be continuing our work assessments. sharing, influencing and leadership skills
looking at areas such as evolving that come with many of our volunteering
methods of construction, wildfires, the IFP: What impact do you think the roles, but we want to build on this.
adoption of new fuels in our heating and changes will have globally? As part of this exciting initiative, we
transport networks and how the industry are going to host a new Volunteer Hub on
is responding around the world. SH: We have enhanced our our website. The hub will recognise and
Sustainability is an area where we feel communications across the board support our existing volunteers, enabling
the true value of our global community and moved more of our activities them to share their experiences and
will come to the fore and we will be online, attracting a much more diverse showcase work they have been involved
looking at ways to expand our branch international audience than previously. in on our behalf.
network and share ideas and expertise We are focused on ensuring that It will also highlight the diverse range
that can inform best practice, spark what we do remains highly relevant to of voluntary roles available throughout
fresh research and deliver advances the future needs of the sector so are the IFE and make clear what each role
in our professional capabilities and increasingly looking to our branches to involves. The hub will also set out the
understanding. bring challenges to us from around the many benefits that volunteering for the
world so that we can work together to IFE can bring to both individuals and
IFP: What difference does that make resolve them, as well as expanding our employers.
to members? branch network into new territories. Alongside this, we are also
strengthening our career development
SH: Our members need to know that IFP: What are your priorities in offer with a new CPD hub on the website
by being part of the IFE they will have year one? as well as planning a comprehensive
access to the skills and expertise that programme of events that we aim to have
can help them develop as professionals SH: A key priority in 2021 is developing a up and running by the end of the year.
and meet the future needs of the sector strategy that recognises and rewards our The shift to virtual learning and events
and its stakeholders. valued cohort of volunteers. Volunteers during 2020 will continue. This will widen
Our research particularly highlighted are a driving force within the organisation. access to CPD and other events to our
the importance members place on the From reviewing applications and members around the world, increasing
global reach of our organisation, enabling examinations to sitting on committees, our ability to knowledge share and learn
them to learn from each other and they volunteer their knowledge and from each other.

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IFE: What are the Institution’s It is also needed for dealing with fires p Climate change is driving innovation
longer term goals? in the built or natural environment which and collaboration around the world as the
pose unique challenges. In fact, there are profession adapts to new challenges.
SH: Around the world, our branches are so many challenges such as those posed
engaged in activities designed to attract by new lithium-ion battery technology,
new people into the sector. Professional where specialist knowledge is being Now, more than ever, fire professionals
fire engineers will be crucial to making a developed on almost a daily basis. need to be willing to learn and adapt
rapidly changing world safe from fire in The truth is, there is still a lot we to new scenarios, come up with fresh
the future. don’t know about fire. We cannot be thinking for both new and old challenges
Today, the fire sector has evolved complacent, particularly when it comes and create sustainable opportunities to
into a complex and accomplished to emerging technologies. In fact, what learn and develop in our careers.
industry and now, within fire constitutes ‘state-of-the-art’ in a range of In a world that’s changing fast,
engineering, there is a whole spectrum scenarios is changing all the time. knowledge, expertise and accountability
of different specialisms that draw on a To respond effectively, we must will give all those working in the industry
diverse range of skills and knowledge. work in partnership, collaborate across the tools to make the right decisions and
Fire engineering expertise is needed specialisms and build our knowledge and continue to build long-term trust and
whether you are designing buildings, skills together. Each person working in confidence in the communities they serve.
fire protection systems, commissioning the fire industry today brings their own This will be a transformational year
and specifying fire safety systems, experience and valuable perspective to for the IFE, one in which we will build
signing off on procedures, carrying out solving the problems of the future. on feedback from members around the
inspections and audits, maintaining As a global organisation, it is truly world to strengthen our leadership, our
equipment, assessing risk, planning exciting that we have international communications, our responsiveness and
emergency responses, making peers we can learn from to discover our relevance to fast-changing global fire
decisions about tactical ventilation new technology and techniques to safety and competency needs to ensure
of buildings, investigating the causes address future challenges, whether that our members continue to thrive as trusted
of fires, creating new standards and is innovations in tackling wildfires or professionals.
codes of practice, training and drilling how AR/VR and drone technologies are
workforces or communities, or at the being used to build skills, knowledge and For more information, go to
front line tackling fires. understanding. 


The brightest solutions for
hazardous area signaling
D1xB2 Explosion proof UL, cUL, IECEx & ATEX signals

The solution for Class I/II Division 1 and 2 fire signaling

The E2S Warning Signals D1x and D2x families of signaling devices offers the most
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unparalleled performance and innovative features in robust, compact enclosures.
The D1x signals offer audible and combined audio-visual signaling for Class I and II
Division 1 environments. New to the family are UL1638 beacons in a range of light
output levels utilizing both Xenon strobe and LED technology.
The D2x family features innovative LED and Xenon signals with automatic
synchronization, suitable for public mode fire signaling. Available as a standalone
beacon or combined with the D2x alarm horn – the ultimate solution for Class I and II
Division 2 fire signaling. Find out more at [email protected]

Seminal research looks at US fire

experience since America Burning
related hazards is not merely a cliché, it is • States with higher fire death rates have
at the core of everything we do, everything larger percentages of people who
that the America Burning report touched have a disability; have incomes below
on back in the ’70s and ’80s, and served as the poverty line; live in rural areas; or
the impetus for a new seminal report from are populated by African Americans,
NFPA and the Fire Protection Research Blacks, Native Americans, or Alaskan
Foundation,2 our research affiliate. Natives. There is more work to do to
The Fire in the United States Since reach those at greatest risk.
1980, Through the Lens of the NFPA Fire • We must stem the trend of wildfire-
& Life Safety Ecosystem Report3 shows caused human and property losses.
the progress we have achieved in reducing Wildfire is becoming the dominant type
loss in certain structures; the strides we’ve of fire that causes catastrophic multiple
made with fire protection technologies deaths and property destruction in
such as smoke alarms and sprinklers; the our country. In fact, seven of the ten
success that we have achieved through costliest fires in the US were fires in the
Jim Pauley public education; and the positive effect that wildland/urban interface. We launched
NFPA President & CEO mandated codes and standards have played our new Outthink Wildfire8 policy
in altering the fire experience in America. campaign to advocate change around
Today, we rarely see people perish in where and how we build and to bring
he striking aspect of the Nation’s healthcare settings or hotels. Children together policy-makers, the fire service,
‘T fire problem is the indifference
with which Americans confront the
are less likely to die from playing with fire.
Fires in apartment buildings and high-rise
and the public to work with all elements
of the Ecosystem, so that we can
subject. Destructive fire takes a huge toll buildings have decreased. Our schools redraft history and change the narrative.
in lives, injuries, and property losses, yet and the children, educators, and staff that
there is no need to accept those losses occupy them are significantly safer. These ‘Each one of us must become aware
with resignation. There are many measures are all positives that, in many ways, point to – not for a single time, but for all the year
– often very simple precautions – that can be the components of the Ecosystem4 that we – of what he or she can do to prevent fires,’
taken to reduce those losses significantly.’ have been talking about for three years now. said US President Richard Nixon in 1972.
Nearly 50 years ago, these salient words Yes, at NFPA, we look at safety through the (The quote can be heard in the latest NFPA
were reflected in the opening pages of lens of the Ecosystem – not because we Learn Something New9 video about the
America Burning,1 the historic report developed this framework a few years back new research.)
written in 1973 and revisited in 1980. Over but because – after more than a century of I urge you to use the knowledge in this
the decades since the landmark account championing safety, two America Burning new report to power your fire prevention
was published, I have heard countless studies, and this new research from NFPA and protection steps so, together, we can
people cite America Burning findings, – it is abundantly clear that fire safety rewrite history.
point to the recommendations within, and requires a holistic, purposeful approach,
talk about what the findings did for fire and unwavering accountability. For more information, go to
protection, fire prevention, and responder That holistic, purposeful approach 
safety. I wholeheartedly agree that America and unwavering accountability is what it’s
Burning was a groundbreaking tool in our going to take for us to move the needle on This article originally appeared as a blog
arsenal and yet, today, in arguably the the most pressing fire safety issues of today, on
most advanced nation in the world – nearly not just in the US but in every corner of the
3,000 people still succumb to house fires, world. The new research reminds us:
not to mention in other occupancies.
On the same page of that report, • We need all the elements of the References
the authors wrote, ‘These statistics are Ecosystem working together on
impressive in their size, though perhaps Community Risk Reduction5 (CRR)
not scary enough to jar the average strategies so that we can decrease the
American from his confidence that number of elderly dying in home fires.
“It will never happen to me.”’ With roughly one of every three fatal
And therein lies the problem. home fire victims being 65 or older, Resources/Fire-Protection-Research-Foundation
Complacency. It’s a killer of people, of more research and resources are 3.
property, of perspective, and of progress. needed to protect our most vulnerable 4.
But as has often been said, knowledge citizens. That’s why our Data, Analytics 5.
is power. NFPA has spent the last 125 years and Research6 team and the Research
believing this tenet to be true and furthering Foundation work to inform our 
understanding in the interest of safety. Our Remembering When7 program 8.
vision of eliminating death, injury, property, which educates communities on 9.
and economic loss due to fire, electrical, and older adult fire and fall prevention.


Reliable Fire Protection Products

for the Toughest Challenges

DDV Diaphragm
Deluge Valve—
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for up to 400
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available with
Electroless Nickel
PTFE plating

Backed by over 100 years engineering, testing, and

manufacturing facility in
of manufacturing experience Liberty, South Carolina, USA.
Model F1-FTR
Reliable’s Product Technology group has developed Learn more about our Pilot Line Detector
a comprehensive portfolio of fire protection extensive portfolio of products
equipment supported by an international Technical and solutions including: remote resetting
Services team with over 350 years of combined epoxy-coated diaphragm deluge valves, corrosion
experience in fire protection. resistant nozzles and sprinklers, custom-designed
Reliable® delivers the industry’s highest quality and fabricated valve riser skids and weather-proof
fire protection equipment. Reliable® products are enclosed valve units.
designed and assembled in a state-of-the-art Visit us at

Manufacturer and Distributor of Fire Protection Equipment

New Explosion Proof Actuator meets UL
HazLoc, ATEX and IECEx requirements
TLX Technologies is excited to announce The patented Explosion Proof Actuator The actuator’s force output
that its Explosion Proof Actuator with with Supervision is uniquely designed can be modified to accommodate
Supervision has recently completed all as a top-mounted linear actuator, so it any system’s operating pressure
testing to meet the UL HazLoc, ATEX does not act as a pressure vessel on requirements. This allows the actuator
and IECEx requirements for use in fire the discharge valve. As a result, the to open the valve effectively and without
suppression systems in hazardous only potential leak point in the system is damage to the system.
locations (a certificate of conformity inside the top of the discharge valve at All linear actuators designed and
is available upon request). the discharge valve pin. This provides a produced by TLX Technologies meet
distinct advantage over systems that use NFPA 2001: Sec standards for
a combination of pneumatic and electric supervision. The integrated supervisory
valves, which result in multiple leak feature provides fully engaged
points due to the number of connections installation detection to indicate that
required to route discharge pressure the actuator has been correctly installed
through the system. or disconnected from the system.
Specific design features and material For over 20 years, TLX Technologies
grade selection were included to allow has been pioneering innovative
the actuator to also act as an enclosure, actuation solutions for fire suppression
eliminating the need for additional systems by designing new solenoid
components. If a spark were to ignite any valves and linear actuators for the fire
gas found within the actuator, external protection market.
flame propagation is prevented. All
potential flame paths are specifically For more information, go to
designed to stop flame egress. 

Advanced appoints Sales Manager for

Europe to support growth strategy
Global fire and life-safety systems new opportunities in countries throughout
leader, Advanced, has appointed the region.
Vladimir Zrnic as Sales Manager ‘Vladimir will assume his new
for Europe to support sales of its role as Sales Manager for Europe with
industry-leading fire systems, in a immediate effect, and I am confident that
drive to meet the UK manufacturer’s with his in-depth technical understanding
ambitious growth targets. and market knowledge he is the ideal
Widening his current role that person to lead our growth plans and
focuses on southern Europe, Turkey ensure our continued success in this
and Israel, Vladimir will use his wealth important market.’
of fire-industry experience, thorough Vladimir said: ‘I’m looking forward
understanding of customers’ to taking up this fantastic opportunity
fire-system needs and in-depth and helping to broaden understanding
knowledge of Advanced’s wide range amongst designers, consultants, installers
of products to support customers and end users about our extensive range
across the continent. of fire protection solutions proven to offer
Gary Craig, Sales and Marketing performance, quality and ease of use.’
Director at Advanced, said: ‘Mainland
Europe is a key market for Advanced, For more information, go to
with many long-term partners and 


OFR advises fire strategy
for historic Scottish castle

7 Image courtesy of Glenapp Castle

A team of fire engineering specialists from as a retrospective fire strategy for the
OFR Consultants have helped to deliver rest of the historic building, resulting in
a fairy-tale ending for a stunning heritage OFR delivering a full fire strategy for the
property in Ayrshire. Located in beautiful building which will support ongoing fire
rural Scotland, the new Endeavour safety management for the whole hotel.
Penthouse Apartment at the Category Providing support from initial concept that this beautiful listed, historic property
B listed five-star Glenapp Castle Hotel to detailed design and through the has achieved the required fire safety
was completed last month following an construction phase, including several requirements whilst also following the
extensive £2m refurbishment and is site inspections and associated reports, important Historic Environment Scotland
now open to guests. the team contributed significantly to fire safety guidance.
Upon appointment the team quickly the project. They were also involved in ‘By integrating innovative systems and
embedded itself in the scheme, checking and reviewing detailed design practices, including recommending a
understanding the client’s ambitions information such as suppression drawings compartment floor upgrade from above,
for the project and engaging early and design information, fire detection and a positive pressurisation system for one of
with Building Standards to ensure the alarm drawings, passive fire protection the main stairs and also active, dynamic
fire strategy proposals were clearly around historic cast-iron structural signage within the third-floor suite to
communicated. This enabled OFR to build elements and positive pressurisation direct people away from a stair depending
a good working relationship with both the system drawings. upon the location of a fire, we know that
Building Standards team and the local Stephen Dickson of OFR explained: the fire life safety of occupants within the
Fire and Rescue Service. ‘We’re proud to have been involved in the third-floor suite has been maximised.’
The project required an extensive exciting process of upgrading this really
and detailed fire safety strategy for the unique building – and that we were able For more information, go to
third-floor suite refurbishment as well to bring our technical expertise to ensure 

Grenfell grant buys life-saving smoke

curtains for Nottinghamshire FRS
Firefighters in Nottinghamshire Fire and which were introduced earlier this year,
Rescue Service, UK (NFRS) can now were successfully used for the first time
use smoke curtains to stop the spread in a Radford fire last month to rescue a
of smoke to an escape route and woman uninjured.
help them rescue people from fires, Group Manager Chris Emmott said:
particularly in high-rise buildings. ‘The smoke hoods have already proved
The curtains, which are designed their worth and we expect smoke
to hold back smoke while people curtains will be just as useful. This
escape, were recently introduced equipment could save many lives in
following the completion of the future. Purchasing special equipment to
necessary training. Smoke curtains tackle fires in high-rise buildings is just
are particularly useful in high-rise one of many ways we are meeting the
buildings due to the potentially recommendations of the Grenfell Tower
complex nature of these rescues. Inquiry Phase 1 report.’
The government has given NFRS More information about the Service’s
nearly £100,750 to buy smoke curtains response to the Inquiry can be found
and other equipment designed in a report to the Nottinghamshire and
specifically for tackling fires in high-rise City of Nottingham Fire and Rescue
buildings, following the Grenfell Tower Authority, which can be found on For more information, go to
Inquiry Phase 1 report. Smoke hoods, Nottingham City Council’s website. 

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Availability of Zettler
Profile Lite range extended
Johnson Controls, the global leader for Red are two-loop, networkable panels
smart, healthy and sustainable buildings, with shallow housing. They support two
has announced the release of the Zettler standard-power loops or one high-power
Profile Lite range of addressable fire loop with a maximum of 250 addresses.
alarm control panels to South Africa, The Pro415S Lite and Pro415S Lite
Czech Republic and Middle East Red are four-loop, networkable panels
markets. The two new addressable panel with shallow housing. They support four
models, Pro215 Lite and Pro415 Lite, standard-power loops or two high-power
have colour LCD screens with 32 zonal loops with a maximum of 500 addresses.
LEDs integrated into a simple interface The Pro415D Lite offers the same loop
that reduces operator errors. capacity as the Pro415S Lite but with
Both Profile Lite panel models feature deep housing for additional batteries.
red housing options, ideal for facilities The Zettler Profile Lite range of
that require the fire alarm control panel addressable panels is supported by a
to be easily and quickly noticeable by robust loop protocol that can operate in Zettler Profile Lite fire alarm control
first responders. The panels can be the harshest environments. To simplify panels are part of the Johnson Controls
easily localized, which helps the user system upgrades, existing cables can OpenBlue suite of connected solutions
perform correct actions. Features such be reused, which also significantly that support healthy people, healthy
as remote connectivity and backwards reduces the cost of replacing a system. places and a healthy planet.
compatibility make the panels a future- The panels provide ample loop power
proof fire and life safety solution for a to meet the increasing demand for For more information, go to
wide range of commercial buildings. visual alarms in addition to traditional 
The Pro215S Lite and Pro215S Lite audible alarms. fire-detection/control-panels

Global Tank Storage Awards

returns to Rotterdam
The fifth annual Global Tank Storage The judging panel is composed individual related to the bulk liquid
Awards returns to Rotterdam in 2022 of a cross section of experts taken storage market is eligible to enter the
with a new look, more opportunity to win from across the terminal industry and Global Tank Storage Awards.
and a hotly contested league table. The around the globe. Selected from a Entries for the competition opened
prestigious awards highlight those that wide mix of brands and co-operations, on 2 August 2021, and the 2022 Shortlist
excel in a range of different categories the awards have representatives from will be revealed on 10 January.
relating to terminal achievements, leading businesses such as Ineos,
equipment innovations, ports and Stolthaven Terminals, Kinder Morgan, For more information, go to
individual success. Navigator Terminals and more. 
Since launching in 2017, the awards Rikki Bhachu, Head of Marketing,
have been an opportunity to put an commented: ‘We continue to strive for
individual or company in the spotlight a diverse mix within our judging panel,
and reward those who excel in safety, ensuring we have representatives from
innovation and overall storage. different nationalities, ages, genders,
For 2022, the awards team have educations, skill sets, experiences and
listened to their community and evolved knowledge bases. Those selected are
the awards to include gold, silver and committed to looking at each entry
bronze winners. A new awards league will in detail and providing invaluable
rank the world’s most successful entrants, feedback on all winning entries.’
to acknowledge the best in the industry. Any technology, terminal or


Women in Fire Safety Awards
The first Women in Fire Safety Awards main goal: making communities safer.’
will take place in London on 4 November The event is in collaboration with the
2021. The ceremony will be a virtual IFSM but also has partners including the
carbon-zero online ceremony. Fire Protection Association (FPA) and
The Women in Fire Safety Awards the Association for Specialist Fire
were created to honour the outstanding Protection (ASFP).
achievements and contributions of women The team at MDM Publishing Ltd
within the fire-safety community. Women are global media partners to Women in
in Fire Safety (WIFS) strives to level out Fire Safety with their publications and
the historical gender imbalance in this websites – UK Fire, International Fire
male-dominated industry and pave the Protection, Gulf Fire, Asia Pacific Fire
way for progression. and Global Fire Events.
Judging the nominees are industry- MDM’s Group Editor Duncan J. White
leading experts including IFSM Chairman said: ‘I am delighted that we are able to
David White FIFSM (Life) MIFireE MIIRSM work with Kate, Chloe and the team behind
LCGI and John Briggs, Commercial Women in Fire Safety to get the message
Director at Fire Protection Association. out about the fantastic work they are
Chloe Vickery MIFSM, co-founder of doing and the launch of their exciting new
WIFS, said: ‘An exceptional woman to me awards. Watch out for further information For more information, go to
is somebody that is passionate about the and specialist feature articles from WIFS.’ 

WINT delivers a revolutionary

AI solution to detect water leaks
in fire suppression systems
WINT Water Intelligence, a leader in Sprinkler systems can release up to 24 technology and machine-learning
cutting-edge water management and gallons per minute, potentially unleashing capabilities provide intelligent monitoring
leak prevention solutions for construction, hundreds of gallons of water in just a few and alert in real time when the tiniest leaks
commercial and industrial applications, minutes if they’re accidentally activated. start so that corrective action can be taken
is announcing that their award-winning Similar to other plumbing systems, they before catastrophe strikes.
technology is now available and ready are also vulnerable to equipment, pipe and ‘We’re thrilled to add this new offering
to be directly integrated into fire fitting breakdown and deterioration, which to our portfolio of solutions,’ Dycian said.
sprinkler systems. can increase the risk of unwarranted leaks. ‘Now, we can help protect and maintain
The new solution helps owners and ‘Fire sprinkler systems are critical the reliability of this critical building safety
facilities managers prevent water damage for ensuring the safety of occupants, system and prevent it from unnecessarily
from the accidental discharge of water but those same systems can lead to causing massive damage to the facility.’
from fire suppression sprinkler systems. costly property damages if they fire off With WINT’s advanced water-flow
due to degradation of their pipe systems,’ analysis, owners and managers can
said Yaron Dycian, WINT’s chief product avoid costs associated with remediation,
and strategy officer. ‘When sprinkler pipes repair and increased insurance premiums.
age, they can develop weaknesses and Moreover, the WINT solution can cut
minor leaks, and eventually burst under ongoing water consumption and waste
the high pressure of the pressure pump. by 20–25% to reduce operational
The resulting damage is most often expenses and reduce facilities’
catastrophic.’ environmental footprint.
WINT’s devices are installed along
the sprinkler supply and can detect For more information, go to
exceptionally low drip rates. The AI 

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Pioneering new technologies and
offering high-quality alarms
ico, an Ei Company, are the professionals in domestic Fire Alarm education. This holistic approach to
A European market leader in
home life safety, pioneering new
specification and installation and is FIA
approved with many of the modules CPD
Corporate Social Responsibility reflects
how the initiative is embedded in the
technologies and offering high-quality accredited, enabling installers to earn company culture, enabling Aico to deliver
alarms, developed and manufactured in CPD time. Delivered by knowledgeable on their mission statement of creating
Ireland. All Aico alarms meet UK standards Regional Specification Managers, Expert safer communities.
and offer a variety of sensor types to Installer training provides professionals This year, Aico were selected as a
guarantee protection for every home, with updates on legislation, products and supplier on all categories of the West
the cornerstone of which is delivering technologies and facilitates the sharing of Midlands Fire Service Framework,
education, quality, service and innovation. best practice. This training also provides which will shortly be available to all
In 2020, Aico expanded their Connected all of the information that they require UK Fire & Rescue Services (subject to
Home offering with the acquisition of to select, site, install and maintain Aico contract). The West Midlands Fire Service
leading Internet of Things (IoT) solutions alarms to the highest quality. Framework facilitates the procurement of
provider, HomeLINK. HomeLINK leverages Recently, Aico have launched the fire and carbon monoxide (CO) alarms for
cutting-edge smart-home integration Aico Installer Community, a connected all UK Fire and Rescue Services (FRS),
and analytics technologies, providing online community built to support Expert in a move towards the standardisation of
a complementary platform to present Installers. This community provides a requirements as outlined in regulations.
a synergistic approach to IoT. platform for Electrical Contractors to As part of the supplier status, market-
Aico’s ethos of education, quality, discover opportunities, interact and leading Aico will provide smoke, heat and
service and innovation has provided engage with one another to share CO alarms, including their technologically
the foundation for continued growth; knowledge and earn rewards. The online advanced, award-winning multi-sensor
and also, in evolving their services to community also provides opportunities for alarms for total protection.
deliver safer homes, in a turbulent and Expert Installers to network and connect This opportunity comes in the wake
challenging environment. Aico offer with fellow professionals, participate in of a new campaign by Aico to increase
unparalleled support, from the 23 Regional discussions and expand their knowledge. support to the Fire and Rescue Service
Specification Managers covering the Members are able to access the across the UK. The campaign launched in
whole of the UK and the expert in- knowledge base within the community, September 2020 with the focus of offering
house technical support team to their view FAQs, how-to videos and new increased support to each of the 52 Fire
free-of-charge Fire Industry Association technical bulletins. Challenges facilitate and Rescue Brigades in the UK, through
accredited training scheme, Expert learning and development and enable the provision of Aico’s FIA-approved CPD
Installer. members to accumulate points to redeem training based on BS 5839-6:2019, use of
To date, Aico’s Expert Installer training rewards and be entered into monthly prize Aico’s Mobile Training and Demonstration
scheme has trained over 30,000 industry draws, including the chance to win an Units and access to office space at
all-expenses paid trip to watch the British their Centre of Excellence, as well as
Superbikes. homeowner and tenant safety packs.
Corporate Social Responsibility is a Aico are keen to support the sector,
key focus for Aico; in 2018 Aico launched taking a collaborative approach,
the ‘Aico in the Community’ initiative to facilitating discussions, sharing best
help schools, colleges, charities and practice, and engaging with communities
community organisations achieve their to drive long-term improvement and
goals to help create safer communities ultimately create safer homes. Aico
and build sustainable futures. Aico does strive to continue to be the market leader
this through the core areas of Education, in home life safety, pioneering new
Business Enterprise, Volunteering, Charity technologies to cater for advancements
and Environmental Impact. Initially formed in the connected home, promote best
to support the local community, due to practice and deliver safer communities.
its success Aico in the Community now
provides communities all over the UK For more information, go to
with support, guidance, wellbeing and 


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Supports specifiers with firestopping
updates and innovations
upporting the creation of A dedicated solution for parapet
S buildings which are as safe
as they are functional and
walls and upstands
To help specifiers and
comfortable, ROCKWOOL has continued contractors mitigate fire
investing in product development and risk in the fifth façade,
delivered a series of updates to its ROCKWOOL has
firestopping range, which make it easier expanded its flat
for fire protection stakeholders to respond roofing range with
to developments in the market and new HARDROCK
achieve Building Regulation compliance. UB34, a non-combustible
upstand board specially designed for
Firestopping for rainscreen parapet walls and upstands on flat roofs. p ROCKWOOL SP Firestop OSCB is easily
systems, simplified ROCKWOOL HARDROCK UB34 identifiable by its white (OSCB 25) or red
To streamline specification and installation is constructed of a 50mm slab of (OSCB 44) weatherproof polythene wrap.
of firestopping solutions in rainscreen ROCKWOOL stone wool insulation
systems, new and improved ROCKWOOL bonded to a rigid 6mm fibre cement
SP Firestop OSCB provides two clear board, which means the system is impact
options which are proven to deliver up to and weather resistant. With the insulation
120 minutes’ fire integrity and insulation component offering a thermal conductivity
when tested to ASFP TGD-19. of 0.034 W/mK, it is a thermally efficient
Designed for use in conjunction with upstand insulation board that is also
ROCKWOOL RAINSCREEN DUO SLAB*, non-combustible in case of fire.
SP Firestop OSCB is now available for The product’s proven thermal
cavity widths up to 600mm, inclusive of performance insulates upstands to
a 25mm open air space (OSCB 25), or reduce thermal bridging, cutting down
cavities up to 425mm with a 44mm air on overall heat loss from buildings to
space (OSCB 44). The variants are easily improve energy efficiency. HARDROCK
identifiable by their respective white and UB34 is suitable for installation in the
red weatherproof polythene wraps, and external walls of relevant buildings over p Made from stone, ROCKWOOL stone wool
are simple to store, handle and install. 18m as it is rated Euroclass A2-s1, d0 as insulation delivers more than just fire resilience.
SP Firestop OSCB is constructed of an required by Building Regulation 7(2)**.
intumescent strip fixed to non-combustible HARDROCK UB34 is compatible
stone wool insulation. When exposed with a wide range of flat roof systems, passive fire protection products for
to fire, the intumescent strip expands including single-ply and inverted. all applications, including flat roofs
to prevent the passage of smoke and On top of these new and improved and façades.
flames through the rainscreen cavity. solutions, specifiers and contractors To help fire protection stakeholders
can also harness the benefits of stone save time when working with the
wool insulation through the ROCKWOOL FIREPRO range, the ROCKWOOL
FIREPRO range. The FIREPRO range FIREPRO Resource Hub brings together
brings together a comprehensive product information, technical tools and
suite of firestopping and resources which support specification.

t ROCKWOOL For more information, go to

is designed
specifically for *SP Firestop OSCB is only compatible for use in

parapet walls conjunction with ROCKWOOL RAINSCREEN DUO SLAB.

and upstands **The ban on combustible cladding is applicable to relevant

on flat roofs. buildings over 18m as specified in Building Regulation 7 (2).



Smoke control systems and the

application of smoke control products
to realise safe and efficient designs
Smoke control design is an important concept in fire safety and is often misunderstood and
misapplied. It should be considered at the same level as a sprinkler system, but rather than simply
having to run pipes, builders work shafts or ducting of the correct size and proportion are required
and are needed in the right place and they must be fitted with the correct components and controls.
ome more thought may be situation a push/pull supply and extract

S needed at the fire strategy

development stage, rather
system might be better suited.
Some systems are only designed for
than simply pointing at using a specialist means of escape (1m/s through the open
subcontractor. If brought to the design stairwell door) and not for firefighting
table too late, the subcontractor will be (2m/s). As this really only means a slightly
forced to work with what they are given larger fan, then it would not seem to be
rather than what is needed for a safe overcautious in providing one to protect
system. This often leads to compromise those having to fight the fire.
and the application of fire engineering The stairwell is the main protected
techniques, which may not have been area, as people will leave all other floors
necessary, if definition had been given by this route if required and even if they
at the design stage. remain in place, they may not know
Paul White Sometimes, with extended travel that there is a fire and leave anyway.
CEng BEng MIMechE distances required, emphasis is placed Increasingly incidents occurring will spread
on clearing smoke from the corridor and and people will try and leave anyway.
the protection of the stairwell (30-50pa There are proposals for the use of a
across the stairwell door when closed and building wide alarm system for the fire
1-2m/s velocity through the stairwell door brigade to use. If this practice comes
when open) can be overlooked. In this into place then protected stairwells
with a controlled supply of fresh air,
preferably from the ground floor, will
q Natural smoke ventilators mounted prevent contamination from rising smoke.
to allow smoke to leave direct to outside. Thinking of firefighters too, it is bad

Paul White is a Director

at Ventilation Fire Smoke
Limited. He is a recognised
expert in the field of fire
dampers and smoke control
dampers, and this is allied
with work on smoke control
systems design and install.



to have an extraction shaft close to the motors to dampers, vents, windows or p Roof mounted smoke
stairwell door, as this, even if it does fans not tested as an assembly. extract fan arrangement.
clear the corridor eventually, still means If the product/assembly falls under the
that smoke is being drawn towards scope of the standard, it must fulfil the
them rather than away. Worse still is if requirements of that standard fully and the third-party certification body in this
the system has been designed to offset not be a hybrid of components or testing. respect. The scope of each standard must
extended travel distances. The duct and damper standards be clearly researched and if the product
In the European region, the EN12101 define single and multi-compartment comes under this scope then it must fulfil
series of standards provides key products and care should taken to select the requirements of the standard. If the
information for those designing smoke the correct one – unless the duct work product is sold under the scope of more
control systems and selecting or selling is horizontal and leading directly to the than one standard, it must fulfil the scope
associated products. We will not cover outside of the building, it is unlikely that of all the standards it fulfils and be third-
the design aspects here but will cover the ducts or associated dampers will be party certified for each. All the correct
components. These are closely allied single compartment, as compartment testing must be fulfilled before a company
with some ISO standards and where boundaries will be crossed. marks the product or prepares a DoP.
there is some equivalence, these are For the products test information is EN12101-1 (ISO 21927-1) addresses
shown. ISO standards are not constrained sometimes provided or, if not, there is smoke curtains which are characterised
in content as much as harmonised a reference to a full test standard. The by moveable screens for the control of
EN (hEN) standards are. standards require that you have a CE smoke and the creation of reservoirs.
Smoke control products are all about mark and this will continue into UKCA The standard defines the product and
assemblies. Each assembly achieves marking during the course of 2021. They gives all the test requirements and details.
the test, not the component parts. The also require third-party certification to EN12101-2 (ISO 21927-4) is for natural
relationship between each part is not do this. CE marking should generally be smoke ventilators. These are required
proven. So, a smoke control damper, seen as a commercial legal requirement in both natural and mechanical systems
a vent or a window vent includes its for putting the product on the market, but and are used for letting the smoke out
actuator and a smoke fan its motor. this may be more of a quality/safety mark of the building. They will be used on
Simply joining parts together that have under UKCA. And it is the responsibility of external boundaries (e.g. stairwell head
been tested with other parts is not the manufacturer to understand the rules vents, roof vents, windows). The testing
acceptable. Therefore, you cannot simply fully and test and mark accordingly along is described within the standard. There is
swap and use different actuators and with supplying a correct Declaration of an issue here that CE marking can only
motors. You should not fit actuators or Performance (DoP). They cannot rely on occur to the 2003 version due to EU rules,

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t Smoke control dampers allowing

smoke into the internal extract shaft.

smoke control dampers. The requirements

are described, and the test standard
referred to is EN1366-10. Dampers
associated with ducts should meet the
performance of the duct. Dampers fitted
into shaft walls, for instance in apartment
blocks should meet the performance of
the shaft wall that they are mounted into.
Although Approved Document B (ADB)
allows the use of fire doors with an Sa
classification, care should be taken as the
door and actuator have not been tested
together. Doors also often have lesser
seals at the floor section. Products tested
to EN12101-2 and then being presented
for an ad hoc fire door test should not
be placed on the market, as when used
in this application, they fall under the
scope of this standard and should meet
its requirements, which are different and
have associated pressure and cycling
performances. Importantly, smoke
control dampers are not fire dampers and
so-called ‘fire and smoke’ dampers are
simply fire dampers with reduced smoke
leakage – they have fusible links which
would cause dampers to close that need
to be open to let smoke out through a
protected duct or shaft. It is understood
that if working in other markets subject to
different rules (e.g. US), smoke dampers
but much more information is provided motors may have deteriorated due to over may be a different product. On the
in the 2017 version. They do not maintain or, indeed, massive under use. Systems electrical side, there was to have been a
compartmentation, as they simply have older than 10 years may not even have part 9 covering control panels, but this
to open at elevated temperature against smoke control fans fitted, so working at has been effectively put on hold due to EU
various loads where relevant. They are elevated temperatures may not even have development rules. Instead ISO 21927-9
not smoke control dampers that have a been tested. should be consulted. In addition, there
requirement to both open and close and EN12101-7 (ISO 21927-7) defines smoke may be other requirements under the
have maintenance of compartmentation control duct sections. This is an anomaly EMC and LVD directives. There is also
capabilities when closed and applied in because only sections leaving the factory EN12101-10 covering power supplies.
multi compartment applications. complete are, in theory, allowed to be There are many other subtle
EN12101-3 (ISO 21927-3) describes the CE marked. If work is done on site, to requirements for the products that cannot
requirements and testing for smoke control add say insulation to the outside of the be listed here, but please do further
fans. This is an assembly of the fan and section, then this may not be CE marked. research to understand the issues and do
the motor and may be split into families However, some notified bodies do seem not necessarily take for granted that all the
of similar ranges. Issues here can be the to allow this. For smoke control ducts, people talking to you are experts – those
application of variable speed control. Most the next recourse is to check that doing the selections and specifications
fans are only tested at full speed, not at the test standard, EN1366-8 has been will have the design responsibility and
reduced speeds, where there are some applied and passed. This requires that will have been expected to do more
reservations on the continuing operation the tests in EN1366-1 are done first and than superficial due diligence, should an
of the fan at elevated temperature when the test in EN1366-8. It is advisable to use incident occur.
running slower and at different frequencies a third-party certified installer, trained by
of supply. There are also some concerns the manufacturer to instal the ductwork. For more information, go to
on older systems presently in place that EN12101-8 (ISO 21927-8) identifies 


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Proven fire protection from the lab

How the FM Global Research Campus helps businesses manage risk in increasingly
complex times. In 2021, the risk landscape is becoming more complex and difficult to manage
with each day – a fact fire safety professionals across the globe are keenly aware of. Fire risk is
certainly not going away, as every year it is one of the most damaging risks commercial property
facilities face. Generally, the past year has shown us all that it is those companies that take
resilience seriously, making a significant investment in mitigating measures, that tend to fare best.
s one of the largest commercial (equivalent to 648 hectares or 1,600
A property insurers in the world,
every day we work closely
football pitches!), to develop solutions
that prevent or minimize damage from
with our clients to help them become fires, explosions, equipment failure and
more resilient. Preventing a risk and the natural hazards. Away from fire testing,
associated loss should always be the the Campus encompasses labs that
first line of defence, rather than relying on address natural hazards, electrical
insurance after experiencing a devastating hazards and gas detection – with highly
event – much better to prevent the specialised scientists, engineers and
devastation in the first place. technicians developing and validating
At the heart of this approach is the solutions to mitigate against physical risk
scientific research and product testing and business interruption. Each of these
we conduct at our state-of-the-art FM labs was designed with our clients’ needs
Louis Gritzo Global Research Campus in Rhode in mind, tailored to the specific risks their
Island, USA. We started conducting property and equipment may be facing.
full-scale fire testing there in the late The Campus is one of the most
1960s and as property risk increased established and innovative testing sites
for the businesses we insure, so did the of its kind in the world, representing the
size of the Campus. The work conducted largest investment in loss prevention any
at the Campus has effectively helped private company has ever made.
professionals in the fire protection
community understand how best to
prevent fires from impacting organisations q A panoramic view of the Fire Lab –
across the globe for generations. covering over 10,000 square meters, the
Today the Campus covers 1,600 acres facility is the largest of its type in the world.

Louis Gritzo is Vice President

– Research at FM Global.

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Managing fire risk

Much of the scientific research conducted
at the Campus addresses fire risk, as year
after year it is the most frequent cause
of commercial property loss globally and
when not properly addressed can have
tragic consequences. The 2017 Grenfell
tragedy brought this issue to mainstream
awareness in the UK, demonstrating to
society how vital it is that buildings are
designed to withstand a fire.
The lessons from the tragedy hold
firm for both residential and commercial
property management. The fire safety
community should continue to promote
cost-effective solutions to protect the
integrity of facilities and the staff and
equipment potentially housed inside.
The FM Global Research Campus
helps relevant executives across a wide
variety of industries with this process,
as our engineers leverage the research
conducted at the Campus to develop
tailored recommendations.

Fire Technology Laboratory

Covering over 10,000m2, the Fire
Technology Laboratory is at the
centre of FM Global’s Research controls the Campus has in place, as we p A corrugated board is tested under the
Campus. It is the largest facility of its utilise the most environmentally friendly 20-megawatt calorimeter – a specialist
type in the world. Due to the huge scale technology possible. heat measuring device.
of the facility, our scientists, engineers Our science-based approach also
and technicians are able to truly replicate helps FM Approvals, a business unit of the world on safety measures – some
many types of properties and the FM Global, test and certify fire protection solutions can be incredibly simple (e.g.
warehouse-size fires that can threaten products and materials at the Campus. storing empty pallets, which may pose a
them. The lab has two 24x24m movable Equipment and materials are tested significant fire threat, outside and away
ceilings that allow for the replication of to ensure they meet the most rigorous from a building).
multiple storage configurations as the property loss prevention standards and No matter the costs, the FM Global
ceilings are able to go as high as 18.3m. will perform as intended. For example, Research Campus can help those in the
This lab, and complementary numerical a new type of system will be tested to fire protection community guide their
fire models, allows researchers to measure if it works to control or supress organisations towards fire safety. Often
study the impact of a full-scale fire on a fire and minimize loss. business leaders struggle to envisage risk
equipment or stored goods to learn Both wet and dry labs also allow unless they have experienced an incident
what happens if, for instance, the right engineers to conduct different hydraulic, first-hand. The FM Global Research
type and layout of sprinklers, or any mechanical and environmental tests on fire Campus is just one way of countering
other fire protection system are or aren’t protection devices. The aim of these tests this thinking, enabling business leaders,
fitted. New and innovative systems are is often to verify fire protection products risk and facility managers, and even code
also being tested, with the goal of reducing meet the highest standards for quality, officials and fire protection agencies, to
the cost, and increasing the effectiveness technical integrity and performance. observe and ‘pre-experience’ a replicated
of fire protection. If organisations are going to potentially disaster in a controlled setting. When
This laboratory also houses an thrive in the post-pandemic world, they feel the heat and the force of a fire
advanced humidity control system senior executives should strive to form at our Research Campus, we find they
that ensures each test is consistent, a collaborative relationship with the fire are quickly converted to wanting to do all
circulating air and removing up to one ton safety professionals in their organisations. that’s within their control to mitigate risk
of water per hour prior to test time. The This can allow them to truly appreciate and prepare for the potential impact of
lab is also equipped with a closed-loop how potentially vulnerable their businesses a fire event.
water system to allow for continuous are to damaging fires and how critically
cleaning and recycling to take place. We’re important investing in resilience is in 2021. For more information, go to
extremely proud of the environmental This doesn’t necessarily mean spending 


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BS 8524-1 is an important standard for the fire and construction industry as it provides comprehensive fire curtain
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VTI Constant Flow Regulator (CFR)

Offers highest safety for use in stationary
non-liquefied inert gas extinguishing systems
igh and inconstant abrupt output
H of energy, extreme sound levels
during the extinguishing process,
enormous pressure load on the system,
limited options in installation – you will no
longer have to struggle with these.
As a specialist in engineering and
production of high-pressure gas cylinder
valves and regulators for a wide range of
applications, VTI Ventil Technik GmbH p VTI Constant Flow
(based in Menden, Germany) developed Regulator (CFR).
and recently launched a new product in
its business unit FIREcontrol. of discharging 80-litre cylinders in less than Moreover, the VTI CFR has been
Apart from four other product areas, 60 seconds. In doing so, it is additionally designed especially with its so-called
this area focuses on fire suppression vibration free and extremely quiet. back pressure safety feature, meaning
and extinguishing products for maximum that it withstands the full inlet pressure
protection of life and limb as well as Back pressure safe also at the outlet port, in order to prevent
buildings, vehicles, systems and other There have been several reports of such devastating impacts as mentioned
assets against damages caused by fire. incidents with burst regulators as a result above. Thus it also complies with the
The newly introduced Constant Flow of these being accidentally pressurized additional pressure resistance tests at
Regulator (CFR) comes with several by downstream units with the full cylinder the outlet port as per latest VdS testing
features for use in stationary non-liquefied pressure at their outlet port (which should specification.
inert gas extinguishing systems. usually only occur at the inlet port).
As part of VTI’s values, and true Wide system compatibility
Constant flow & outlet pressure to its guiding philosophy ‘designed to and flexible installation
The CFR provides high protection for last’, highest product quality, durability, What’s remarkably convenient is that,
the pipework, as it provides a constant performance and safety are at the centre due to its compatibility and easy fit,
gas flow during the entire extinguishing of all actions. Since the regulator has to there’s no need for you to change already
process by reducing the nominal working perform extreme pressure reductions, it existing systems – it even allows effortless
pressure (cylinder pressure) of 200/300 has been put to several thorough and tough upgrading from existing 200 to 300 bar
bar to a constant flow pressure of 45/60 tests, not only in VTIs in-house laboratory high-pressure systems. Also, the regulator
bar. Despite this, it does not have any during development but also during the can be installed directly between the
losses in its flow capacity – it is capable following VdS and UL approval processes. cylinder valve and the check valve, without
any additional components. Besides its
q VTI CFR installed in a compact dimensions (length 100mm,
non-liquefied inert gas height 80mm, diameter 52mm) and light
extingushing system. weight of only approx. 1.2kg, the CFR has
been constructed with a 360° rotatable
outlet connection, enabling an individual
and precise installation.

No need to hesitate
The Constant Flow Regulator is certified
by VdS and UL and serial production is
already in full swing. Convince yourself
first-hand by getting your CFR sample now!

For more information, go to



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Chang Sung Ace

Flame detectors – Compact
design and reliable quality
hang Sung Ace (CSA) The flame detector models are all IECEx, by the Dust Ignition Proof enclosure
C was established in 1989 by an
ex-Samsung CEO and is now
ATEX and Dust Ignition Proof approved.
P-series flame detectors are for
and the window can be air cleaned by
a customized Air Shield.
one of the most reliable fire protection industrial purposes with 36m (UV/IR) CSA is continuously developing family
system and device manufacturers and and 60m (IR3) detecting distances. products, including UV/IR Hydrogen Flame
a first-grade vendor for Samsung. P-series flame detectors are certified detector (completion in end 2021), Heavy
Chang Sung Ace (CSA) has been to FM and EN 54-10 (CPR) approvals Duty 4 channel (IR4) flame detector(2022),
manufacturing and supplying flame and are also tested by various flame Visual Image Flame Detector(2022),
detectors, temperature monitoring sources like Jet fuel (JP-4) and paper Combustible Gas Detector (end 2021)
systems, leak detectors and fire as well as normal fire sources like and Toxic Gas Detector (2022).
extinguishing systems for Samsung n-heptane, gasoline, diesel, etc. CSA is differentiated from others by
and other internationally well-known F-series flame detectors are for our ever-enhancing R&D environment
semiconductor, LCD display and equipment protection with 15m (UV/IR. of high technology. We are a technically
battery plants and equipment IR3) detecting distance and have FM3260 intensive company with highly experienced
manufacturers like SK Hynix, LG, approvals. F-series flame detectors are R&D people. We are always happy to hear
TEL, SCREEN, KOGAS and BOE. able to detect polypropylene flames, from our clients and update our product
CSA flame detector models are which are one of the typical flame range continuously to fit ever-changing
very compact to fit smaller installation sources in the semiconductor industry. market needs.
areas of equipment and clean room Both the F series and P series are We are here to serve you with our
facilities but still quite useful for heavy available with a choice of aluminium reliable products and consistent client-
industrial fields like chemical, oil and and stainless-steel enclosures according oriented business philosophy.
gas, and automobile industries, offering to site requirements.
the same highly reliable performance For tougher sites with continuous For more information, go to
and quality. dust existence, the body is protected 

flame detector.

p CS-TIE-C30P,
Triple IR flame detector.


Mixed-, cable- and pipe penetration sealings
Joint seals with movement capability



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The reliability of fire protection

features in high-rise buildings
One of the key components of fire safety in high-rise buildings is the reliability of the fire
protection systems and features. We tend to use the terms reliability, redundancy and resilience
interchangeably and in fact they are all aspects of our overall goal that the fire safety features
perform as intended under a broad range of emergent conditions. This article will look at reliability
of fire protection systems in high-rise buildings – why it is important and how it can be achieved.
t is important to understand Why is reliability important
I that to provide a safe building
environment active and passive
in high-rise fire safety?
There are several unique characteristics
features must function reliably in adverse of high-rise buildings that present a
conditions. This involves three aspects: challenge for fire safety.

a. Design – incorporating features that a. If allowed to spread beyond the area

improve reliability. of origin, an uncontrolled fire and its
b. Installation – installing and effects can impact a large building
commissioning fire systems to assure population
they perform as intended b. Occupants of tall buildings are far
c. Operation & maintenance – inspection, from exterior exits resulting in long
testing and maintenance of fire safety evacuation distances that can be
James Antell features throughout the life of the physically strenuous and may involve
building. travel through the fire floor to reach
This article will focus primarily on the c. Firefighting must occur from inside
design aspect of reliability. the building using highly specialized
firefighting techniques and equipment.

q At 88 stories, Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai, To address these unique characteristics,

China is 420.5m tall. a fire safety strategy for high-rise

James Antell is a Regional

Practice Leader for Telgian
Engineering & Consulting
and has 35+ years of fire
protection engineering
experience. He is a Registered
Architect (RA) and a
Professional Engineer (PE). He
is a member of the American
Institute of Architects (AIA),
the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) and the
Council on Tall Buildings and
Urban Habitat (CTBUH). Reach
Jim at [email protected]



buildings must include active and passive

building features that accomplish the
following goals:

a. Control fire and its effects to the

floor or area of origin.
b. Maintain tenable conditions for
occupants during fire – defend in place
c. Provide infrastructure to facilitate
firefighting inside the building.

The result of this fire safety strategy is

a highly complex arrangement of active
and passive fire protection features to
meet the demands of keeping a building
fire safe. For these features to operate as
intended in an emergency, they must be
highly reliable.

A review of building code

provisions related to reliability
Most building codes include prescriptive
requirements that are intended to increase
the reliability of fire protection systems.
The International Building Code (IBC) is
the predominant building code used in
the United States. Historically, this code
has evolved in response to a wide variety
of fire challenges. For high-rise building
design, the IBC has evolved over the
years to mandate structural fire
resistance, fire-separated exit paths
and active fire suppression, alarm and
smoke-management systems.
As a result of the events of 9/11, the
National Institute of Standards & Tests
(NIST) made several recommendations
to improve the reliability of fire protection
features of high-rise buildings. These of spray fireproofing on structural p The Burj Khalifa in Dubai stands 829.8m
recommendations were incorporated into steel elements during adverse fire high, making it the tallest building in the world.
the 2009 edition of the IBC, section 403 conditions.
for high-rise buildings greater than 420ft 4. Multiple risers to supply water to
(128m) in height. These new provisions of Sprinkler and standpipe systems and NFPA standard for fire pumps include
IBC include the following: redundant water supply sources to highly rigorous technical requirements
improve the reliability of these systems for fire pump design and operation that
1. Higher fire resistance for the building’s to fight fire. are designed to maximize reliability of
structural frame (3-hour fire resistive 5. An additional exit stair so that if one each individual fire pump during adverse
construction) and floor assemblies stair is being used for firefighting conditions. At the same time, there
(2-hour fire resistive construction) to operations, sufficient exits are still is no requirement in IBC or NFPA for
enhance survivability from a prolonged available for building occupants. redundant or backup fire pumps in case
fire event and allow occupant 6. Occupant Evacuation Elevators as of failure of the primary pump.
evacuation. an additional measure to facilitate full Other international codes use a
2. Structural integrity of exit stairs and building evacuation in the event this slightly different ‘+1’ approach. This
hoist ways to resist impact loads becomes necessary. approach assumes a single failure and
based on ASTM C 1629/C 1629M and builds in redundancy by requiring ‘+1’
increase their usability during a fire. It is important to understand that different above the minimum required to function.
3. Bond strength of sprayed fire- codes use different strategies to achieve For example, Duty plus standby fire
resistant materials (SFRM) increased reliability. An example of this is the design pumps to increase reliability of overall
to 1,000psf to improve the reliability of fire pumps. The IBC and its associated pumping system, or +1 exit stair so that

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features within this core providing the occupants are not able to evacuate from
highest level of protection from fire and tall buildings using the stairs. As a result,
other events to these critical elements. we have developed a strategy based on
This strategy was quickly adopted and defending occupants in place and only
it is now considered a best practice to moving them when necessary. In most
locate the exit stairs, firefighting elevator tall buildings defending in place includes
and lobby, as well as critical life safety some form of ‘safe areas’ or safe floors.
risers for fire suppression, fire alarm, Many codes in Asia and the middle east
emergency communication and power, mandate the use of Refuge Floors or
within the concrete core structure Refuge Areas. These are spaces within
whenever possible. the building designed to the same level
Fire protection water supply is one of protection as exit stairs but offering
of the critical elements for tall buildings a place where building occupants can
as the active suppression systems that be held to rest and, if necessary, can be
control fire growth rely heavily on the staged for further evacuation using exit
reliability of the water supply that gets stairs or evacuation elevators.
water on the fire effectively. In many In many locations where refuge floors
locations, public utilities may not be are not required, the sky lobbies that
sufficient or reliable to serve these connect shuttle elevators at various
buildings. In several cases, this has been points in the building often serve the
addressed by providing the fire protection same purpose of providing a safe area for
water supply within the building. An early occupants during evacuation. Sky lobbies
example of this is the Jin Mao building are used primarily for circulation of large
in Shanghai. The 88-storey mixed-use numbers of building occupants during
structure was developed in an area of normal operations, so they generally have
the city where there was not sufficient sufficient space to stage large portions
public infrastructure in the region to of the building’s occupants during
support it. As a result, the design solution evacuation.
was to provide dedicated fire protection One final feature is the use of
water tanks at each mechanical level. elevators for evacuation in tall buildings.
Each tank was sized to supply 1-hour of Recognized in the 2009 IBC as an
water to sprinkler systems. To improve alternative to providing an additional
the reliability of this system, all the tanks exit stair, evacuation elevators are well
p Located in Kuala Lumpur, the Merdeka were interconnected so that each could suited to facilitating the evacuation of
118 tower is over 600m in height. provide backup water to other tanks large building populations. Generally,
throughout the building. evacuation elevators are required to be
A third level of redundancy was provided with emergency power so they
if one stair is blocked, the exits are still provided by interconnecting the can be relied on in an emergency and
sufficient for evacuation of the buildings sprinkler system water supply to both provided with a means of communicating
occupants. the standpipe system tanks (separate to occupants during emergencies.
Both approaches are designed to network of tanks) and to the domestic
improve the reliability of the overall fire water tanks throughout the building. One Conclusions
protection systems in the building. additional measure to improve reliability It is recognized that tall buildings above
was to design the sprinkler systems so 420ft require increased reliability of critical
Some best practices and that to the extent possible, the sprinkler fire safety features. A number of these
solutions to address reliability systems are fed by gravity from the are prescribed by code based on a study
There are several design solutions for tall water supply tank located above. This of fires in tall buildings. Other strategies
buildings that have become best practices eliminates the failure of a fire pump as a to improve reliability have evolved as
and in some cases code requirements. potential impairment of the suppression buildings continue to increase in height.
As tall buildings are designed and the system. This approach has been used The key is to look at fire safety of tall
fire safety strategy is developed, each on several tall buildings including Burj buildings holistically recognizing that
building is benchmarked against other Khalifa and the Jeddah Tower in Jeddah, one size does not fit all and that code
similar buildings. In this way the strategies Saudi Arabia. minimums may not achieve the desired
continue to evolve and refine. One critical aspect of life safety in tall level of reliability that the building will
The structural design of tall buildings buildings is protecting building occupants perform as intended in a broad range of
has evolved to include the widespread during evacuation. In very tall buildings emergencies.
use of a poured-in-place concrete core (over 80 stories) this becomes more
structure. This creates an opportunity complex than simply providing exit stairs. For more information, email
to locate the building critical life safety For a variety of reasons, most building  [email protected]




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Putting in place fire-protection measures for

lithium-ion battery energy storage systems
Incidents involving lithium-ion batteries have hit the headlines in recent years – think spontaneously
exploding mobile phones and laptops on planes and electric vehicle fires after an impact or crash.
Adding to this volatile mix is a relatively new technology, Battery Energy Storage Systems (‘BESS’),
an asset key to the renewable energy transition, with all forecasts pointing to exponential growth.
BESS fires have already been reported worldwide, from South Korea to the US to the UK, with fire
regulations and standards seeing numerous revisions to keep pace with a rapidly evolving industry.
lthough an energy asset, Battery water potentially perpetuating the battery
A Energy Storage Systems are
not the preserve of traditional
fire by additional cell shorting. It also
goes without saying that water damage
power and utility companies accustomed and fire water run-off could result in the
to dealing with the specialised operational total loss of assets, which at scale have a
demands. BESS developers and end-use capital cost in the millions with attendant
customers are as likely to be financial insurance issues. As such, it is critical
investors, property developers, industrial to work with BESS owners, contractors,
parks, factories or councils with limited integrators and other stakeholders at the
understanding of the inherent risks initial design stage to fully understand
and dangers. all aspects of fire risk and associated
Furthermore, as BESS is a relatively hazards specific to the site.
nascent industry, many firefighters and
Ian Bartle other emergency services have little or
no experience of this type of hazard,
which presents risk of fire, explosion, high
voltage and fume toxicity, with the use of q Lithium-ion battery racks in a grid-scale BESS.

Ian Bartle is the Managing

Director of Nobel Fire Systems
Ltd, with over 30 years’
experience in the fire
industry from sales through
to senior management.



Regulations and standards

UL is the underlying standard on
which many international and national
organisations base their regulations
and fire codes. In addition, UL 9540A
was drawn up in November 2017 to
specifically address ‘Thermal Runaway
Fire Propagation in Battery Energy
Storage Systems’. Three further iterations
of the standard have been published in
the intervening period and the regulatory
environment is unlikely to stand still.
Furthermore, more recently the
National Fire Protection Association of
the US published its own standard for the surges, which can result in short circuits p Typical lithium-ion battery failure timeline
‘Installation of Stationary Energy Storage leading to internal battery heating, battery under test conditions.
Systems’, NFPA 855, which specifically explosions and fires.
references UL 9540A. The International Furthermore, battery management
Fire Code (IFC) has also published more control systems can be faulty or Fire-protection measures
robust ESS safety requirements in its fail, leading to an inability to monitor
most recent 2021 edition. the operating environment, such as Prevention
That being said, in the UK there temperature or cell voltage, with the A highly sensitive monitoring and detection
are no laws or mandatory regulations potential for overcharging. system such as Li-on Tamer is the ideal
governing BESS fire protection. For prevention solution. Li-on Tamer is
many BESS projects, the driving force Understanding lithium-ion designed specifically to detect the very
behind implementation of fire-protection battery failure beginnings of off-gassing in a faulty
measures that adhere to a recognised In terms of timeline there are four main lithium-ion battery of all chemistries, with
standard is likely to come from insurers, phases of lithium-ion battery failure: an ultra-rapid response time to provide an
who on the whole prefer a ‘belts-and- initial battery ‘abuse’, the cause of cell early warning to BESS system controls.
braces’ approach. damage being thermal, electrical or Conventional gas detection devices
mechanical, followed by so-called ‘off- are not sensitive enough or honed to
Lithium-ion batteries: the risks gassing’, in which minute quantities of this environment to create the speed of
The most dominant battery type installed gas (for example, hydrogen) and other response needed in such a dynamic and
in a BESS is lithium-ion, which brings cell vapours are generated, resulting in critical location. The primary course of
with it particular fire risks including heat release. If the battery temperature action is to send a signal to the battery
‘thermal runaway’. Thermal runaway is a continues to increase, the next phase management system to shut off power to
self-perpetuating chain reaction in which is a ‘smoke’ condition with the level of batteries, with the aim of preventing any
excessive heat keeps creating more heat, heat likely to result in ignition and thermal further increase in battery cell temperature;
potentially spreading from one battery runaway. Catastrophic failure is imminent, that is, lower than the point of thermal
cell to the next and causing widespread ultimately resulting in a ‘fire’ with the runaway. Also ventilation activation to
damage. During thermal runaway, potential for propagation and even an remove flammable gas accumulation,
oxygen is believed to be self-generated explosive event. if required.
during cathode consumption, plus there Given our understanding of lithium- UL 9540A recognizes and quantifies
are multiple internal sources of fuel in ion battery failure, there are two main off-gas events as precursors to thermal
a lithium-ion battery (metals, plastic, windows of opportunity to implement runaway, while independent testing by
electrical, flammable gases and liquids). fire-protection measures – a ‘prevention’ DNV-GL has concluded that Li-on Tamer
Also, lithium-ion battery fires are window and a ‘containment’ window. can prevent thermal runaway after a two-
‘deep-seated’ in nature, as the materials Off-gas generation in a lithium-ion battery year battery failure testing program.
involved in the ignition and propagation should be considered as the trigger to
of the fire are tightly integrated into a take action to prevent thermal runaway. Containment
cell, making firefighting a challenge. To Results from independent testing suggest In the event of off-gassing, there is no
add to this equation, lithium-ion battery an average of 11–12 minutes between guarantee a BESS battery management
fires are at risk of ‘re-flash’, hours or detection of off-gas and thermal runaway. system will shut down power to a battery
even days later having seemingly been However, if preventative measures are in time or that a damaged battery cell will
controlled and extinguished. Lithium-ion unsuccessful and a damaged lithium-ion not continue to increase in temperature to
batteries must be handled with care, battery ignites, measures must be put the point of thermal runaway. If it does and
in transport and during installation, as in place to contain the resulting fire and you end up past prevention point, you’re
they are sensitive to mechanical damage minimise the potential for propagation to then in containment mode. This phase
(such as crush or puncture) and electrical other battery cells. employs further automated systems, which

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BESS assets can be found at all scales,
from in-cabinet to container to in-
building. In addition to the principal
prevention, containment and cooling
measures outlined above, there is a
suite of additional solutions to consider
in monitoring, protecting and managing
BESS fire risk, including control panel
technology; other detection (heat,
smoke, gas, etc); ventilation control;
battery separation and containment;
interface with customer house alarm and
other systems; emergency procedures,
p Understanding lithium-ion battery failure. including warning signs, sounders and p Recommended fire protection solutions to
manual release facility; communication lithium-ion battery failure.
with local fire brigades and other
community stakeholders; maintenance,
take the form of active fire suppression. servicing and ongoing customer support; ‘Powerwall’. This brings the threat of
These elements contain agents such as and installation protocol. thermal runaway into the home and the
condensed aerosol or chemical gases. use of such appliances is set for mass
Nobel recommends Stat-X, a condensed Addendum – other types adoption over the coming years.
aerosol system, which is now the fire of storage involving Nobel has installed fire suppression
suppression system of choice of several lithium-ion batteries for a number of non-BESS projects
lithium-ion battery OEMs and leading A powered-up BESS linked to a involving lithium-ion batteries. For
global BESS integrators, having undergone renewable energy asset (such as a wind example, an EV manufacturing facility
rigorous private and commercial testing in turbine or solar array) or connected in the UK has a system in place to
line with UL and NFPA standards. directly to the grid might represent detect faulty lithium-ion batteries that
DNV-GL testing has concluded that the most challenging fire risk involving have the potential for a fire condition,
Stat-X can put out a lithium-ion battery fire, lithium-ion batteries; however, as part of resulting in robots removing such
that residual Stat-X airborne aerosol in the the energy transition there is a general batteries from the assembly line into
hazard will provide additional extended trend towards electrification, either a steel ‘quarantine’ bunker – rather
protection against a re-flash of the fire, directly or as back-up power. And this than let the batteries burn out in the
and that Stat-X can reduce oxygen in an means lithium-ion batteries are being case of fire, the bunker is equipped
enclosed environment during a battery fire. ‘stored’ in multiple industrial, commercial with a Stat-X fire-suppression system.
and even residential settings. Nobel has also installed Stat-X units
Cooling Examples include electric vehicle in charging pods for an electric scooter
Notwithstanding the implementation of (‘EV’) manufacturing facilities, robotic rental company, the pods being located
best-in-class prevention and containment assembly, mobile plant and the at various strategic locations within an
measures, the very nature of lithium-ion manufacture of many portable appliances urban area. The pods contain lithium-ion
batteries means there is a certain element such as laptops, tablets, mobile phones, batteries in the process of being charged.
of randomness to how any given battery medical devices, power tools, vacuum When the charge on a scooter gets low,
cell (or cells) reacts once damaged, be cleaners, lawnmowers and many more. the user is directed towards the nearest
it the nature or extent of off-gassing, In such cases, lithium-ion batteries are pod where they can swap out the battery.
temperature increase, fire condition, stored in varying degrees of charge Again, this brings the threat of lithium-ion
or propagation from cell to cell. There simply as stock, on the assembly line battery fires to the public at large.
is also the potential for explosion if left or as they are being transported. At any The implications of a BESS fire and
unchecked. As previously mentioned, point, there is the potential for a lithium- explosion are likely to be the most
lithium-ion battery fires are at risk of ‘re- ion battery to fail and begin to off-gas. profound for firefighters. Significant
flash’, minutes, hours or even days later In residential settings an electric or reference cases include incidents in
having seemingly been put out. As such, hybrid vehicle represents a potential Liverpool in the UK and Arizona in the
Nobel recommends a back-up Cooling fire risk, particularly if there is charging US, the latter involving catastrophic
option, specifically a watermist system infrastructure on the drive. The cost of injuries to firefighters. Lessons learned
with deluge misting nozzles located charge points has been driven down from these incidents from a ‘first
internally within the BESS. The system to the point of being very affordable, responder’ perspective will be the
can be linked directly to a water supply particularly with government subsidies. subject of a future article.
such as a dedicated tank, alternatively a It is also worth mentioning there are now
fire brigade pumping-in breech can be domestic BESS systems, typically linked For more information, go to
installed externally on the BESS container. to solar panels on a roof, such as Tesla’s 



E-Bulb: Positive contribution for TCO

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For further information about this and our other innovative fire protection solutions, please contact
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Confusion and catastrophes led to

a time-tested consensus process
The NFPA looks back on 125 years while working to
serve global stakeholders today and into the future.
his year marks 125 years since sometimes at the urging of labor groups
T the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA) was started
or policy makers, other times it was
professionals in a field seeking guidance,
back in 1896. Not too many organizations or due to public outcry after a catastrophe.
get to celebrate a milestone like this,
so we are certainly taking the time to From standards developer to
honor this landmark event in a myriad of safety subject matter expert
ways, including a year-long online 125th Over the last century, NFPA has responded
Anniversary Conference Series with with relevant benchmarks for building
targeted education tracks including one and life safety, electrical systems, fire
in November devoted to systems, storage protection systems, emergency response,
and suppression. And if you are a history new technologies, community risk
buff, be sure to visit for a reduction, and many other focus areas.
Jim Pauley 3D model with some of the most notable The arduous task of developing 325-plus
moments in fire, electrical, and life safety NFPA codes, standards, and handbooks
over the last 125 years. falls to volunteers from 42 countries who
One thing we know for certain is fill more than 9,000 technical committee
that we did not get to this momentous seats. We all owe these professionals and
occasion alone. Safety is a system, and practitioners a debt of gratitude.
we all play a role. So, I’d like to start this
piece by saying, ‘Thank you’.
Our Association took shape when a
solution was needed for the numerous q Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire in New York City
ways that sprinklers were being installed was one of the deadliest fires in US history, killing
in the new, industrialized world. Nine 146 workers who were thwarted by locked doors and
radically different standards for the exits. The tragedy led to the Buildings Exits Code,
size of piping and spacing of sprinklers which became the life safety code or NFPA 101 and
were being used within a 100-mile influenced worker safety guidance.
radius of Boston, creating chaos
and consternation. Getting to a
common standard resulted in
NFPA 13, Standard for the Installation
of Sprinkler Systems – the first
standard created by NFPA.
Around the same time, the
electrical community found itself
dealing with multiple standards too.
Five recognized US documents
addressed the safe use of electrical
equipment, creating similar
confusion and controversy. So, some
organizations came together and issued the ‘National Electrical Code
of 1897’. Today, the NEC is the most
used NFPA standard, applied in all
50 states, and considered the world’s
Jim Pauley is NFPA pre-eminent electrical guidance.
President & CEO. It became clear that standards
were needed in other areas –



The enduring and expanding trust over the last 18 months and consider all p The Cocoanut Grove Fire broke out in 1942 in
in the NFPA brand has brought us to the challenges, observations, stop-gap Boston, not far from NFPA headquarters. It remains
our current role as a global information solutions, and conversations centered the deadliest nightclub fire in US history. The
and knowledge leader. While being a around repurposing spaces, establishing tragic incident underscored building and life safety
standards development organization satellite sites, reconfiguring healthcare challenges and fire protection voids, and led to
(SDO) will likely be our legacy, we are settings, and putting inspection, improvements in burn survivor care.
increasingly known for the research, testing, and maintenance (ITM) on hold.
data, training, policy guidance, content, Chances are the pivoting that took place
and solutions that we offer to help others during the pandemic will influence future Using lessons from the
connect the dots on safety. editions of NFPA codes and standards, past to change outcomes
and our safety infrastructure will be History itself is also a valuable arbiter
Managing safety in better because of lessons learned during of areas where attention is needed.
an ever-evolving world a precarious time. Incidents like the Cocoanut Grove
In my role as CEO and President of NFPA, We are also witnessing a boom in Fire and Station Night Club prompted
I am often asked, ‘What’s next?’. The warehouse construction lately. The code changes and enforcement
simple answer is we want to meet our incredible uptick in ecommerce has improvements in entertainment venues.
audiences where they are so we can help spurred changes in product materials, And as our new seminal research report
them successfully and safely do their jobs. as well as packaging, and resulted ‘Fire Safety in the United States since
But, before I explain that a little, let’s look in non-traditional structures being 1980: Through the Lens of the NFPA Fire
back at some of the incidents and issues used for inventory. According to & Life Safety Ecosystem’ shows, we have
that have not only shaped NFPA but the Digital Commerce 360, higher storage seen fires in healthcare settings greatly
building and life safety world and fire arrangements in warehouse settings reduced due to lessons learned from
protection industry in general. and industrial spaces were needed catastrophic incidents at the Cleveland
After NFPA was formed, sprinklers to meet the 44% jump alone in the Clinic (1929), Mercy Hospital (1950),
evolved somewhat but the technology US for ecommerce during 2020. The St. Anthony Hospital (1949), and Hartford
remained relatively the same for 70 States experienced the highest annual Hospital (1961). Those deadly events
years. Then, in the 1970s we saw some ecommerce growth in at least two led to code changes that ultimately
changes with the emergence of fast- decades, nearly tripling the 15.1% jump helped the healthcare industry widely
response sprinklers, residential sprinklers, in 2019. This surge, as you can imagine, embrace NFPA 101, Life Safety Code
and quick-response sprinklers. Those called for more warehouses and in the 1960s.
innovations led to early suppression and different safety approaches. But to their credit, the healthcare
fast response (ESFR) sprinklers in the late Other new storage considerations industry in the US didn’t just leave it
1980s – innovations that allowed for better are, literally, stacking up. The Fire at that. We saw safety enhanced even
protection of storage arrangements from Protection Research Foundation, our further when The US Centers for Medicare
ceiling only protection. research affiliate, has researched and & Medicaid Services (CMS) published
These days, we don’t wait for 70 conducted popular webinars on the Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Fire
years to pass to make adjustments in recent trend of parking garages with Safety Requirements for Certain Health
safety. Innovation, it seems, comes in double or triple stacked cars – proving Care Facilities, which announced that
spurts and often comes about from yet again that evolving times warrant hospitals and other medical facilities were
circumstances. We need only look back evolving fire protection technology. to follow NFPA 101 as well as provisions

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t A blaze at The Station of industry standards, learners who prefer

nightclub in West fact sheets and at-a-glance content, fans
Warwick, Rhode Island of our technical blogs, and digital disciples
in February 2003 claimed looking for interactive solutions. The latter
100 lives. After the fire, has led our organization to revolutionize
NFPA enacted tough the delivery of codes and standards and
new code provisions to become more of a digitally and globally
for fire sprinklers and connected authority. Covid only enhanced
crowd management in our efforts to provide online solutions to
nightclub-type venues. stakeholders. By giving professionals and
Those provisions marked practitioners online access to insights
sweeping changes to and information, we are better positioned
the codes and standards to realize our vision of eliminating death,
governing safety in injury, property, and economic loss due to
assembly occupancies. fire, electrical and related hazards. This,
and because of our global mission, is why
within NFPA 99, Health Care Facilities started working on building exits code we are transforming from a code book
Code. CMS also deemed that facility ITM guidance after that tragic event to ensure publisher to a digital solutions provider.
must be in accordance with NFPA 110, that people can get out of a building, The centerpiece of this transformation
Standard for Emergency and Standby and NFPA 101 grew extensively. Today, is NFPA LiNK™, which we launched a
Power Systems, as well as specific NFPA 101 reminds us that we can have year ago. As I write this article, 85% of
editions of both NFPA 99 and NFPA 101. emergencies occur in a building that may our 325-plus codes are in LiNK. Soon,
This is a fine example of the government not necessarily be fire – an earthquake LiNK will feature all NFPA documents,
responsibility and investment in safety being one, for example. as well as enhanced situational content
that we point to in the NFPA Fire & Life Another moment in time that influenced and translated guidance. As new codes
Safety Ecosystem™. This is the level of NFPA fire protection codes and standards are released, they too will be added into
accountability that would benefit places was the Imperial Sugar dust explosion LiNK. It’s a one-stop digital solution that
like the Middle East, India, Russia, Asia, in 2008. That deadly dust explosion in is changing the face of safety – and the
and South America where oxygen-related the state of Georgia raised awareness trajectory of NFPA.
deaths and other tragedies occurred of the hazards associated with dust and NFPA training and certification
during Covid times. prompted new requirements for facilities offerings that are embraced the world
to perform dust hazards analysis. Soon, all over, are increasingly online too. Even
We can’t forget the workers NFPA dust standards will be consolidated NFPA Journal, our award-winning
And while fire protection systems play a into a single dust standard, and our membership publication, has gone digital
critical role in protecting properties and the training division is set to launch a new while still respecting there are some
public, let’s not forget the importance of online learning program in September who enjoy the feel of a magazine in their
keeping workers safe. Increasingly, NFPA – because although dust may seem hands. The Journal is not only printed
is seeing Fortune 500 businesses seeking insignificant, it can wreak havoc on a on a quarterly basis but there are also
online (and some classroom) training facility and those who work there. exclusive online articles, podcasts, and
centered around NFPA 70E Standard for ‘Learn Something New’ videos added
Electrical Safety in the Workplace. NFPA Transforming to serve on a regular basis so that trends, major
70E covers requirements for safe work today’s stakeholders incidents, and innovative ideas are
practices to protect personnel by reducing The great thing about celebrating an covered in a timely manner.
exposure to major electrical hazards. anniversary is it allows you to look back in
It was originally developed at the request time and recall the different touchpoints Not your grandparents’ NFPA, but
of the Occupational Safety and Health that not only shaped an organization but the mission remains the same
Administration (OSHA) to help companies the wider industry that is served. At NFPA, As I said at the outset, the goal of NFPA
and employees avoid workplace injuries we are mindful of the past but spend today and into the future is to meet
and fatalities due to shock, electrocution, most of our time focused on what the stakeholders where they are. Digital
arc flash, and arc blast. future means for our organization and the allows us to do more, for more people,
Workplace hazards don’t only pertain constituents that we serve so that there are and will help us to achieve new milestones
to electrical systems though, as history less missteps and so that our audiences during our next 125 years in business. I
has shown us. NFPA codes and standards are always improving safety outcomes. hope you will check out the more global,
reflect the heartbreaking lessons learned And we have learned that people learn connected version of NFPA. After all,
in the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire, which differently than they did 10 years ago, knowledge is power; and there’s a world
remains among the deadliest industrial let alone 10 decades ago. of information just a click away.
disasters in US history. In that horrible fire, Today, professionals access
exits, stairwells, and doors were locked, information in diverse ways. There are For more information, go to
and 146 workers paid the price. NFPA code aficionados who know every element 


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Condensed aerosol
irePro condensed aerosol The main components of a
F technology came into
prominence in the firefighting
condensed aerosol fire suppression
system are its pre-engineered generators
industry in 1996, following the ban which, when activated, release the fire
of ozone-depleting substances. suppression agent. Each generator is an
Thanks to the use of environmentally all-in-one container and is the equivalent
friendly potassium salts at its core, of the agent storage tank, piping and p Figure 2: FirePro Li-Ion ESS system design.
FirePro technology is listed by the US nozzles of a pressurized gas system.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The complete FirePro fire suppression
for use in normally occupied areas systems, including fire detection and and is derived from fire suppression
and as a Halon alternative under its electronic components, are installed tests as per protocols set out by relevant
Significant New Alternative Policy and maintained in compliance with standards such as UL2775 or EN15276,
(SNAP) programme. international standards by a network conducted by accredited bodies.
of suitably trained partners in more FirePro protects:
What is a condensed than 90 countries.
aerosol in fire industry The FirePro range of generators fall ■ Electrical panels and rooms
terms and how does it work? under three main categories: ■ Transformer rooms
Condensed aerosol is a two-phased ■ Power generator rooms
agent consisting of potassium-based ■ Standard series – Suitable for ■ Archives
solid particles – the active agent Class A, B and C fires, operating ■ Warehouses
– suspended in a carrier gas. Fire at temperatures between -54°C ■ Marine engine rooms
suppression is accomplished essentially and +100°C, certified for a 15-year ■ Li-ion Battery ESS
by interrupting the chemical chain lifespan.
reactions occurring in the flame, and ■ ATEX series – The EX-certified Regarding Li-Ion battery applications,
not by cooling and/or depleting oxygen. version of the standard series, FirePro has performed over the last
Some key benefits of the condensed designed to suppress fires in explosive five years more than 70 tests, aimed
aerosol fire suppression systems are: atmospheres of gas or dust mixtures at understanding the diversity of fire
(Zone 0, 1, 2 and Zone 20, 21, 22). behaviours of Li-Ion batteries. FirePro
■ Suitable for A, B and C classes of fire ■ HERO series – Manual generators technology has been tested and trialled
■ Non-Pressurized for first responders, a tool used by by accredited laboratories, for its
■ Minimal maintenance required trained emergency personnel such effectiveness and efficiency in controlling
■ Non-oxygen depleting as firefighters and safety officers. and suppressing fire induced by thermal
■ Space saving – free from piping The use of HERO generators buys runaway. FirePro is currently closely
■ Easy and quick to install the critical time necessary for cooperating with multinational battery and
full-scale firefighting operations. ESS manufacturers, protecting their clients
against fire hazard.
A FirePro suppression system can FirePro solutions are simple to design,
be configured to include single or without the need for complex hydraulic
multiple generators, depending on calculations, easy to transport and install
the physical and technical parameters due to their compact size and cost
of the protected area, such as the class effective due to their minimal maintenance
of fire, volume and height. The quantity requirements over their 15-year certified
and model of generators to be used life. Our dedication to sustainability and
are determined by the agent density quality is attested by the number of
required. The needed density differs international and local certificates, listings
from one manufacturer to another and approvals attained.

For more Information, go to

t Figure 1: FirePro Generators.


US Navy Info
“ We need to come up with fluorine-
free foam. But what’s available now
can’t meet (MIL-) specification.”
– John Farley, Director of Fire Test Operations
US Naval Research Laboratory (NRL)
C&EN “The price of fire safety” January 14, 2019

US Navy
NFPA RF Information
Report 2020
165 UL FIRE TESTS compare H-FFF and
AR-FFF with C6 AR-AFFF (control)
• Hydrocarbon and polar fuels
• Fresh and salt water
• High and low foam expansion Scan code for
full NFPA RF
• Gentle and forceful application Final Report

NFPA RF Report 2020 Executive Summary:

“The FFFs [F3 Agents] required between 2 – 4 times both the rates and the
densities of the AR-AFFF to produce similar results against the IPA fires
conducted with the Type II [Gentle application] test configuration.

During the Type III tests [Forceful application], the FFFs required
between 3 – 4 times the extinguishment density [gpm/ft2] of the AR-AFFF
for the tests conducted with MIL SPEC gasoline and between 6 – 7 times
the density of the AR-AFFF for the tests conducted with E10 gasoline.”

Flame detector selection

Part 2 – design considerations
Part One of our flame detection guide provided some pointers for the selection of flame
detectors based on the sensing technology employed. This second article sets out some design
considerations for your flame detection system. Broadly speaking, these considerations fall into
the following categories: the application, the detector and the installation design criteria.
Understanding the application should be available without the need for
Before selecting a detector type, it is scaffolding, although this is not always
important the designer understands the possible.
application. Things to consider include:
Area classification
Fire Risk Are the units to be installed in a hazardous
What is going to burn? What size fire area? If so, ensure the products are
needs to be detected, and how quickly? certified accordingly.

Presence of false alarm sources Diagnostics capabilities

Is there anything that may cause the Increasingly, flame detectors are being
detector to alarm without a genuine fire specified with additional communication
being present? The most obvious source capabilities such has HART. If the
Dr Eliot Sizeland of an unwanted alarm is a flare, but control system supports HART, check
engines or turbine exhausts should be to see if the flame detectors you wish to
considered too. specify provide information for planned
(preventative) maintenance, not just
Operating conditions indications of faults that have occurred.
What environmental issues may exist?
Rain, snow, salt spray, sand and dust Understanding detector response
storms, the list can go on. In this section we will cover field of view,
detection distance and the detection of
Maintenance and function testing different fuels.
Flame detectors require routine testing
and may need periodic maintenance
in atmospheres containing high levels
of contamination. If possible, access q Figure 1. Horizontal Field of View.

Dr Eliot Sizeland C.Eng

MInstMC is Vice President
of Business Development,
Fire & Gas Detection
Technologies, Inc.



Figure 2. Inverse Square Law.

What is the field of view of How far can your detector detect? is 30m and that typically this is called
an optical flame detector? This is a reasonable and straightforward ‘medium’ sensitivity.
As the name implies, the field of view question, but unfortunately numerous Once we have defined the detector
(FOV, sometimes called cone of vision) factors affect the detection distance of sensitivity, it is important to understand
of an optical flame detector defines the a flame detector and so a reproducible that the detection range is dynamic as
unobstructed area of coverage a flame means of testing detectors had to be it relates to fire size. A small fire close
detector has for a given fuel. established to ensure consistency from to the detector can trigger an alarm
The greatest sensitivity to a fire is product to product and in product just as easily as a large fire further
seen directly through the centre line to comparisons. away, because the energy reaching
the detector face, this is sometimes called Today FM 3260 and EN-54-102 the detector is the same.
on-axis sensitivity. The detection distance are international standards for the Detection distance is governed by
then rolls off the further you move away performance of optical flame detectors. the inverse square law, which in basic
from the centre line with the shape formed According to manufacturers’ data terms means if a detector responds to
by the field of view generally looking testing to these standards, triple IR a 1 square foot n-heptane fire at 30m,
like a teardrop. flame detectors generally tend to be it will also respond to a fire that is four
FM32601 defines the field of view by more sensitive (80m) than UV-IR flame times larger at double the distance
stating ‘the detector response shall be detectors (30m), to a one-foot square (60m). Unfortunately, this calculation
at least 50% of the on-axis sensitivity (0.1m2) n-heptane fire when used on the cannot be applied indefinitely as external
(measured in units of distance) in at least highest sensitivity setting the detector influences like water vapour, cold CO2
four directions (left, right, up, and down)’. can employ. and flame flicker also affect ‘detection’.
The horizontal field of view of a Having said this, the distance at Finally, it is important to know
detector is typically 90° but can vary which a flame detector can detector a that there are significant differences
due to the optomechanical construction fire is linked to many factors, including: in the detection distances between
of the detector and/or the fuel being different fuels. The designer must ask
burnt. The vertical field of view tends to ■ Detection technology the detector manufacturer about their
be smaller than the horizontal one due ■ Detector sensitivity setting expected detection distances based
to obstructions from the reflector plates ■ Fuel burning on the fuels in the application under
used by through-the-lens optical tests. ■ Fire size consideration. It would of course be
Some flame detectors have FOVs that preferable if this response data could
are greater than 90°. Whilst on paper Most flame detectors have an adjustable be validated by an independent
this may seem to offer an advantage in sensitivity setting to cater for the needs laboratory, such as Factory Mutual.
terms of coverage, there can be some of the environment in which the detector
unforeseen consequences for multi- is located. The fire protection engineer
spectrum flame detectors. It should should understand this and note that the
also be noted that practical installations default sensitivity of most IR3 detectors q Figure 3. Response to Different Fuels.
tend to favour placing detectors into the
corners of rooms or process modules
meaning there is little benefit to be
gained with detectors having a wider
FOV. Another point for consideration is
fire zoning; limiting the FOV to 90° makes
zoning easier and helps ensure flame
detectors from one area are not activated
by a fire in an adjacent zone.

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When doing this, look for solid structures

Figure 4. Partial flame detector coverage. to mount the detectors, that cover the
objects/area that need protection. Try to
experience what the detector ‘sees’ taking
into consideration the field of view of the
detector. The detectors should be mounted
looking down at an angle to prevent dirt,
dust and moisture from collecting on the
windows and avoid potential false alarm
sources in the cone of vision – such as
flares, engine or turbine exhausts. Finally,
particular care should be taken to eliminate
blind spots (shadows) cast by obstructions
in the field of view (see figure 4). This may
be achieved by either locating the device
Figure 5. Using another detector to cover the area of risk. in a more optimal location or by adding
additional devices (see Figure 5).
These elements are important, but we
also need to address another practical
aspect of the installation: accessibility for
maintenance purposes. This aspect should
not be overlooked as flame detectors are
usually mounted in elevated locations and
the long-term operational aspects of the
installation should be considered. This
does, however, present a challenge for
the designer as they are usually tasked
with producing an optimised design,
that essentially minimises the number of
Understanding false alarm sources using a CCTV video feed for confirmation detectors used without consideration to
It is rare to have a flame detector – to plant shutdown and suppression/ access. It is quite probable that a less
installation that doesn’t have potential deluge system discharge, where a voted optimised detector layout, that uses
false alarm stimuli present. Typical detector configuration is needed. Detector existing structure with good access,
sources include flare stacks, direct and voting uses a logic function, for example would benefit the facility owner/operator
reflected sunlight, hot process and engine ‘2 out of N’ (2ooN) to trigger, where N from a maintenance perspective and
exhausts, to name but a few. During represents the number of detectors in that this may potentially improve facility
maintenance work, detectors typically the fire zone. An alarm-only configuration uptime if it negated the need to construct
need to be isolated as additional sources would typically use a single detector, scaffolding towers, for example.
of false alarm can be introduced; these without voting, to initiate an action.
include X-raying, cutting, grinding and We also know that flame detectors Conclusion
arc welding. respond to flickering fires located within This paper has continued our learning
their field of view; we should also note about flame detection. We have broadly
And so, how many detectors are they do not respond to embers or discussed the application, the detector
needed to cover an installation? smouldering fire. And, as we have and the facility design criteria, to answer
The facility design criteria will have a seen in these articles there are several the question ‘How many detectors do
major impact on the number of detectors important factors to consider, such as: I need to cover an installation?’.
needed for any installation. In industry,
many End Users (for example, Shell or ■ What is going to burn? For more information, go to
bp) 3,4 define the actions that will be taken ■ What size fire do I need to detect? 
in the event of an alarm, and this largely ■ What false alarm sources are present?
depends on the criticality and escalation ■ What are the conditions on site? Hot, References
potential of an installation. The initiated cold, dusty, salt spray, snow, etc. 1. FM3260, Approval Standard for Radiant Energy-
Sensing Fire Detectors for Automatic Fire Alarm
action is normally automatic, except ■ Is the flame detection technology
where human action has been assessed suitable for all the above? 2. EN 54-10:2002 Fire detection and fire alarm
for the facility and hazard type and can systems. Flame detectors. Point detectors
be demonstrated as being an effective When proposing a design, it is a good 3. FIRE, GAS AND SMOKE DETECTION SYSTEMS
Shell DEP
part of the mitigation process. The actions idea to conduct a site survey for existing
4. Engineering Technical Practice (ETP) Group
typically range from alarm only, where plant, or to walk through a 3D model of Practice (GP) GP 30 85
human action is needed – perhaps by a new facility, if such a design exists.



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Fire protection on the front line: the critical

role of fire protection in healthcare facilities
In May 2021, sparks in a ventilator ignited a deadly blaze in the intensive care unit of a
Covid-19 treatment building at an Indian hospital. Investigations into the incident later
revealed a variety of gaps in the building’s fire-protection measures.
hile incidents of this severity Immediate and uninterrupted
W are thankfully relatively rare,
this tragic example serves to
notification of alarm
Hospitals are complex, often combining
remind us of the particular risks associated old and new buildings and spanning
with healthcare settings. The presence tens of thousands of square metres, with
of countless fire hazards, the difficulties numerous departments such as A&E,
of effectively maintaining fire protection critical care, specialist treatment centres,
across large and complex sites, combined operating theatres and wards. In these
with a high density of people – many settings networked fire systems deliver
of whom are very vulnerable – all serve the greatest benefits.
to underline how easily fire can bring Networked fire systems can be relied
essential services to a standstill, put upon to control evacuation procedures
lives at risk, and at worst lead to from a central location, or various
Amanda Hope needless loss of life. locations, and can be programmed
The standard of fire safety in healthcare to effectively reduce the number of
facilities is directly related to the quality false alarms. They work with third-
and effective implementation of the fire- party systems to control the release of
risk assessment as well as the adequate suppressants, operate smoke-control
provision of physical fire protection. At systems, manage the closure and release
the core of many of these physical fire- of fire doors, link to graphical control
protection measures is the fire-alarm systems and interact with building
control panel, with the most sophisticated
of these capable of addressing the day-to- q Wythenshawe Hospital is protected by a
day challenges encountered by hospitals, network of MxPro 5 fire panels and custom-built
clinics, care homes and their staff. AdSpecials panels from Advanced.

Amanda Hope is UK Fire

Business Development
Manager at Advanced and
has helped implement its
solutions across numerous
healthcare facilities.



u Hospitals are complex, often combining old and

new buildings and spanning tens of thousands of
square metres, with numerous departments.

management systems (BMS). To do all

of this effectively, the fire panels installed
on these sites must communicate
instantaneously with one another across
vast networks, with miles of cabling.
These systems need to work quickly and
reliably, and process large numbers of
changing signals in the event of a real
fire situation. On larger healthcare sites,
seconds count and fast systems are
highly valuable in maximising the time for
verification, escape and firefighting.
The MxPro 5 and Axis EN ranges of
fire-alarm control panels from global
fire systems manufacturer Advanced,
offer some of the industry’s most
comprehensive and state-of-the-art
networking capabilities. Advanced
networks can be configured to allow
the inter-connection of up to 200 panels
(nodes) in a fault-tolerant configuration, Advanced offers four types of disabilities. For example, in the UK,
relaying fire-alarm signals across a remote terminal to complement its fire premises are required to ensure that
complete 200 panel system in just 3.5 panels, each providing varying levels they are Disability Discrimination Act
seconds. Using EN54-13 approved panels of control and functionality depending (DDA) compliant.
gives peace of mind that the system is on requirements. TouchControl is a LifeLine is Advanced’s three-in-one
designed and tested to continuously low-profile, high-resolution 10-inch ESPA pager unit that delivers deaf and
monitor network activity and ensure touchscreen that lets users check the hearing-impaired alerts, detailed fire
each panel performs in a fire situation. status of the fire system using interactive paging for engineers as well as instant
site maps and zone plans. Ideal for use in staff paging. LifeLine provides clear
Practical solutions for sensitive public areas such as wards and hospital and instant transmission of fire-alarm
notification of alarm wings thanks to its low-profile design, alerts, information and emergency
the panel complements a wide range communications via personal pagers,
Nurse Workstations of interiors and has the added benefit it can be integrated into the fire system
In critical care areas such as intensive of being able to display notices and and is designed for compliance with
care units, patients are often immobile presentations when in standby mode. BS 5839-1 section 18.
and likely to be connected to medical The screen instantly reverts to fire
equipment. In a fire scenario, staff operation as soon as it is touched, Flashing beacons and strobes
responsible for high-dependency patients or a fire condition occurs. Flashing beacons or strobes provide
need to be able to monitor the situation another valuable way of discreetly
as it evolves, without causing panic and Staff paging and deaf alert notifying healthcare staff of a fire situation
distress for those in their care. For this Advanced is witnessing increasing in cases where an audible alarm may
reason, sounders and speakers aren’t demand from healthcare premises for cause issues. These visual warning
always required, and instead, fire-system discreet methods of alerting staff to devices are intended for use as part of
repeater panels can be used. fire-alarm communications, particularly the fire-alarm system, but it is important
Repeater panels, located in strategic when they are working in areas with to remember to choose those that have
locations such as nurse workstations, vulnerable patients. been independently certified to meet
provide early notification of any fire- A radio-based messaging pager the requirements of the EN 54-23
detection events as well as system can be used to both subtly alert staff, product standard.
monitoring. Discreet and early notification without causing panic to patients, and to Although full consideration must
affords staff time to prepare, and up-to- provide notification to the hard of hearing be given to any patients and staff who
the-minute system status information to the need to evacuate in emergency may be photo-sensitive or adversely
enables them to make educated decisions situations. This is particularly important affected by flashing lights, beacons
on when it’s best to remain in place, for healthcare facilities which are required and strobes can deliver effective warning
shelter or evacuate. to meet legal obligations pertaining to of a fire emergency.

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t Fire-protection requirements for healthcare

premises are wide-ranging, often demanding
meticulous planning and customisation.

damper control, sprinkler monitoring or

HVAC systems, offers the user a host
of advantages. By consolidating data
from HVAC, energy, security, CCTV and
life safety applications onto one system,
the user gains facility-wide insight
from a single workstation – benefiting
from improved reporting, information
management and decision making.
Against a backdrop of increasing
pressures to drive down costs
amongst healthcare operators without
compromising protection, operational
efficiencies can be gained through the
integration of the fire system and BMS,
thanks to the reduced requirement for
additional staffing, simplified training
and fewer false alarms.
Advanced’s BMS interface allows
any MxPro 5 or Axis EN system to
interconnect and communicate with
independent third-party building
False-alarm management differently to heat and smoke (with multi- management systems, as well as
False and unwanted fire alarms are sensors) and for programmable detector PC-based graphical control systems.
one of the biggest issues in fire safety sensitivities. Alarm verification times and This allows the fire system to be
and building management today. They investigation delays can be programmed to managed using existing fire or facilities
not only leave occupants confused operate at different times of day, allowing management systems. In larger sites,
and troubled but can also lead to strategies to be configured relevant to the such as hospitals, multiple BMS
complacency and a failure to take proper level of staff on duty or if the usage of an interfaces can be connected to an
action if/when a real fire occurs. They area changes. Systems can also include AdNet network allowing independent
are also increasingly subject to penalty dedicated input devices that are manually connections to a wide range of
charges from fire and rescue services operated when a false alarm is suspected control systems.
across the globe. to allow trained staff to extend an As we have seen, the fire-protection
A high-performance fire system investigation period, so that a local alarm requirements for healthcare premises
should offer the flexibility to signal can be verified before escalating. are wide-ranging. They require
accommodate the various evacuation To highlight some of the solutions meticulous planning and customisation
strategies required in healthcare settings. to the challenges faced in care homes, to accommodate an array of building
False-alarm management (FAM) Advanced has published AlarmCalm – uses, staff and patient needs. Ensuring
generally uses detection methods and Complete False Alarm Management for that the systems installed are completely
human verification of alarms to help Care Homes. The document outlines reliable and fully functioning at all times
reduce the incidence of false alarms. the features of Advanced’s AlarmCalm has to be given the highest priority
For example, algorithms in detection false-alarm management solution and its in these critical settings. Advanced
heads can increasingly differentiate key components, as well as providing an continues to gather feedback from
between false signals such as steam overview of the areas within care homes its many healthcare customers and
or burning toast and actual fires. where different false-alarm strategies innovates accordingly to help simplify
Panels can also allow detectors may be required, based on risk, building the complex task of keeping healthcare
to work smarter, using double knock design and resident needs. premises compliant and their occupants
(operation of two detectors) or safe from fire.
coincidence (both combined smoke and Integration with third-party systems
heat detection elements operating) to A high-performance fire system, capable For more information, go to
confirm a fire. The system can respond of interfacing with third-party BMS, smoke 


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Meeting the challenges of fixed-head

systems with fluorine-free foam
The move to transition away from PFAS-based foam agents has been gathering momentum
over the last decade as countries and regions of the world pass legislation that restricts or
even prohibits the use of AFFFs, FFFPs and their alcohol-resistant versions that we have
used for the last 50 years or more. R&D efforts by many manufacturers, even those who
publicly stated not so long ago ‘that fluorine-free foams just don’t work’ has seen a
growing number of synthetic fluorine-free foams (SFFF) being launched and sold.
uite rightly a lot of focus has SFFF agent, and that the system will
Q been on the differences in
performance and operational
provide them with the same level of
protection. As foam manufacturers we
challenges of deploying these new SFFF already know that SFFF agents don’t
agents in the emergency response perform the same as the PFAS-based
mission. For many industries that utilise agents, so Fomtec along with our
and store Class B, and to a lesser extent partners Viking embarked on our ‘Enviro
Class A, fuels fixed-head foam systems Programme’ with the goal of developing
are the primary defence against fire. high-performance SFFF agents and
These systems share in common the fact foam hardware combinations that can
that they have a finite availability of foam be deployed in new foam systems
concentrate and once this has been used or incorporated as part of a clients’
up the system will just be flowing water! transition away from PFAS foam use.
John Olav Ottesen The desire from all existing foam A few months ago Fomtec was able to
system users is to have a ‘drop-in’ announce the receipt of UL listings and
replacement. Notwithstanding the FM approvals for our Enviro USP and
cleaning and decontamination issues with Enviro ARK agents.
removing the PFAS foam concentrate
from the existing system, the wish is
that once the old foam is removed that q Dike protecion using medium
they can just fill the tank with a new expansion foam system.

John Olav Ottesen, Managing

Director and founder of Dafo
Fomtec AB, is a 53 year-old
Norwegian with 30 years’
experience in the foam
industry, spending 10 years at
Tyco in various positions from
the early 1990s until starting
up Fomtec in Sweden in
2001. He caught the foam
bug from day one and has
been a student of all aspects
of foam and foam systems
from that day.



Dafo Fomtec AB was founded in 2001 by
industry professionals with decades of
combined experience. Fomtec develops,
manufactures and distributes high-quality
firefighting foams and selected foam
equipment to the fire protection industry
globally. Fomtec is an independent and
privately owned company with a strong
customer focus. Fomtec is committed to
meeting and exceeding the standards we
set behind the company’s core values of
Performance – Trust – Sustainability.
During the past 20 years we have
established a strong product line
supported by international approvals
within all relevant sectors; industrial
(UL/FM), marine (IMO), aviation (ICAO),
military (US Mil Spec), emergency
response(EN/UL) and wildland (US
Forest service). Our aim is to stay
at the forefront of innovation and
always provide our customers with
documented performance.

The ‘Enviro Programme’ p Foam assisted

During the past decade our industry has standard upright
already gone through a transition from old sprinklers during
C8 chemistry to C6. Fomtec finished this fire testing.
transition in 2014 and was one of the first
companies to make a complete transition
to C6. The transition to C6 was a big
project that required hundreds of fire tests
to be conducted in order to document
and reapprove all our products. u High Expansion
The fairly new C6 versions of our UL/ system protecting
FM approved AFFF 3% S and ARC 3x3 warehouse with
S that have been a standard for high- inside air.
performance foam systems needed
SFFF alternatives as PFAS restrictions almost 1,000 fire tests in order to obtain within NFPA and other standard bodies
are being implemented. We began the the required test data to determine the to evaluate what changes are required to
development of these alternatives with operational limits of the equipment with allow for engineers to design equivalent
the internal project name of the ‘Enviro our SFFF agents. systems based on SFFF agents.
Programme’ as soon as our C6 project Within Europe the applicable standard
was completed. Foam system design standards covering foam systems is EN 13565-2
It is an undisputed fact that the By their very nature fixed-head foam Fixed firefighting systems – Foam systems
performance of SFFF products are more systems have to be ‘engineered’ and – Part 2, and the latest version was
reliant on a well expanded and longer require minimum available quantities of published in 2018.
draining foam. The lack of oleophobicity, water and foam concentrate to achieve The fundamental basis of the standard
combined with greater fuel and water suppression. Over the hazard area is the following formulation for application
type sensitivity strengthens the there will also be a minimum rate of rates:
requirement for test data. This can only application, which in the case of foam
be achieved through the marriage of foam systems is expressed as flow rate / area. q = qth x fc x fo x fh
concentrate with equipment into a holistic Established standards such as various
system. Over the past six years we have NFPA standards exist, but what is evident where:
been busy making sure our new SFFF today is for the most part these standards
products are tested with market-leading are based on our accumulated knowledge q = minimum application rate of foam
equipment from our partner Viking. Our of working with PFAS-based foam agents solution in litres per minute per
Enviro programme has (so far) resulted in over the past 50 years. Work is ongoing square metre (lpm/m2)

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t Full scale test of high expansion system.

Proving the Enviro Programme

Fomtec, from our experience with the C6
‘S’ products, determined that the way
forward with our SFFF agents for use in
foam systems was to follow the testing
requirements of UL and FM. Both approval
bodies require that topside fire tests are
done with foam qualities that match the
discharge devices, as well as having
dedicated test protocols for foam sprinklers.
Fomtec was able to announce in May
that it had received approvals for two new
fluorine-free products: the Fomtec Enviro
USP and the Fomtec Enviro ARK. Both
products are approved by UL and FM for
use in sprinklers and topside devices.
Fomtec Enviro ARK is a breakthrough
product as it is the first fluorine-free foam
that is approved for use with sprinklers on
polar solvent fuels. Tested and approved
by FM at 3% concentration with a variety
of non-aspirating sprinkler heads from
Viking Corporation.
Apart from the sprinklers the UL and
FM approvals cover proportioning devices
and other topside discharge devices such
as foam makers, foam chambers and
qth = nominal application rate of foam foam manufacturers for the selection of monitors. Foam qualities achieved in flow
solution = 4.0 lpm/m2 foam for non-aspirated use’. testing each of these discharge devices
fc = correction factor for the class of We are sure that the statement to has been replicated in the topside fire
foam concentrate used according consult the foam manufacturers was testing carried out to UL 162 and/or
to EN 1568 for spill or fuel in depth included with a positive intent, but does FM 5130 test standards.
fires. This is given in Tables 2 and it go far enough? For example, a foam Achieving these approvals allows
3 of the standard chamber is considered an aspirating-type Fomtec to provide our clients with
fo = correction factor for the kind of discharge device, but what if the system recommendations supported by data
object (Tables 4, 7, 8 and 10) has low pressure and the expansion ratio that is based on testing and approval
fh = correction factor for nozzle is only 5:1 compared to the 8:1 the foam by independent third parties.
distance in outdoor deluge concentrate achieved with the UNI 86
systems (explained on page 13 nozzle on the EN 1568 fire performance Solution-based products:
of standard) test? Of course, the question arises: in a SFFF agents are still relatively new
foam sprinkler system if the manufacturer technology and inevitably we can expect
An issue with the correction factors is that advises to use this foam at an application new innovations in the future. The current
they are based on the experience gained rate, what data is this information based UL listings and FM approvals that Fomtec
over the last 50 years with PFAS-based on? Going even further with the foam Enviro USP and ARK have achieved with
foam agents. Additionally fc is based on a sprinkler example, what does the the Viking hardware allow engineers to
topside fire test carried out with a UNI 86 EN 1568 test data tell us about the design and end users to install and operate
nozzle and the expansion ratio is typically dispersion of the foam when the sprinklers fixed-head foam systems with SFFF agents
in the range of 6:1 to 9:1 with an SFFF are located 6m above the hazard? with confidence that the recommendations
concentrate. It can be argued that the As a manufacturer we will only from Fomtec are based on independently
members of the Standards committee provide our recommendations in the tested performance and data.
already acknowledged that this foam consultation phase when we have At Fomtec R&D is a continuous process
quality might not be representative of independent third-party test data to a and our Enviro Programme continues…
the foam qualities achieved with foam recognised and appropriate international watch this space!
discharge devices in use in fixed system standard. Fomtec’s position is that
when they added wording throughout the recommendations without supporting For more information, email
Standard that directs users to ‘consult the data is just an opinion!  [email protected]


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Wireless detection
More than four years since the Grenfell tragedy, we are still very much in the midst of the ACM
cladding fiasco. While the government has committed to spend £600 million on the replacement
of unsafe cladding on both social housing and private leasehold high-rise buildings, the reality is
that it takes considerable time to commission and mobilise the significant works required
to remove and replace cladding from high-rise buildings – especially in such vast numbers.
he fire and property the relief fund in the most cost-efficient,
T management industries have,
therefore, looked to bridging
fast and effective way.
And more than six months on,
safety measures, the most common of there is still considerable scope to do so.
which is the waking-watch service. Here The ministry of Housing, Communities
residents are provided with 24/7 human- and Local Government (MHCLG) has
patrols, with personnel trained to provide released data that concludes as of 30 June,
an immediate response to fire safety applications to the fund total 292 buildings,
incidents. Unsurprisingly, these services of which 191 were successful, which
come at a considerable cost, and often amounts to just over half (£16.5 million)
a cost that again is falling to residents. of funding under the scheme.
With the cost of these services so Modern commercial fire safety
high, in December 2020 the government systems are extremely reliable at detecting
Derrick Hall committed £30 million to fund alarm fires and can be remotely monitored to
systems for the common areas of ensure critical infrastructure such as
buildings where waking-watch hospitals, transport hubs, data centres,
measures have been implemented. offices, schools, universities, etc. are
protected – without having to rely on
SMART alternatives waking-watch systems.
As an industry, it has been vital for us The challenge in installing these systems
to look to how we can best use SMART as a response to the current urgent need
technology and advanced fire safety (and within a pandemic climate) is speed
systems to address the monumental of installation. And the solution is clear.
challenges residents and building It is in wireless fire detection and alarm
owners are currently facing, and utilise systems, which can be commissioned
and installed in a matter of days or weeks
rather than weeks or months – as is the
case for wired systems that require
invasive building works. Wireless
systems can also be set up
off site prior to installation,
further reducing time
required on site. As a
life-safety controls system
manufacturer, the result is
an explosion in demand
for residential, high-rise
wireless fire detection
and alarm systems.

Derrick Hall is Director of t Kentec’s wireless detection

Sales at Kentec Electronics. system supporting easy-to-install
and highly-reliable fire safety systems.

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Wireless catchup
Whereas in the security industry 95% of Patrick Carnell, Managing Director of PJC Electrical, an installer on
new systems installed are now wireless, Kentec’s KIP scheme who has already installed a Kentec wireless system,
penetration of wireless systems in the says the range’s ‘self-healing’ mesh technology significantly increases its
fire industry is alarmingly low at only 5%. reliability and system performance:
The primary reason for this is that there ‘It means the system utilises additional transmission routes if one signal
is usually a wider breadth of security and is broken and adapts automatically to changing operating conditions.’
access control systems installed in a Commenting on its ease of use, he says: ‘We were able to program
building, often at different times, meaning the devices at our offices, so when we got on site it was just a matter of
for ease and convenience of installation fixing and turning them on. Spending less time on site benefits us, and
the industry had a greater need to go also provides peace of mind to the occupiers. I will definitely be using
wireless. Wireless systems’ reliance on and recommending Kentec’s wireless system for future projects.’
batteries has also been a challenge, with
storage and concerns over limited battery
life – and the frequency with which such
batteries needed to be replaced – being part of larger systems (utilising Kentec’s communication range of up to 1,200m,
particular issues. award winning Taktis panel) if the need approximately eight times further than
There have also been industry arises, therefore providing a future-proof typical wireless devices, and the use of
concerns over the potential for solution for any size of installation. 120 devices per expander.
wireless technology to lose radio signal It also has a ten-year battery life – twice Critically important in protecting
performance in the event of a fire incident. that of most manufacturers – and battery large numbers of the public, in addition
However, we now know the technology size has dramatically reduced so that to LPCB and EN-54 approval, Kentec’s
is robust enough to withstand extremely large, unsightly power supplies are a thing system is also the only wireless full-range
high temperatures – and if a fire was of the past. The technology is also fully fire detection system to have the radio
catastrophic enough to generate a expandable and configurable from anything equipment directive (RED) approval,
plasma effect – the detection devices from two to 2,000 devices so even the which sets essential requirements for
in the room would have also perished! largest, most disparate and complex safety and health, electromagnetic
sites can now be protected wirelessly. compatibility and the efficient use of
The advent of dynamic the radio spectrum.
mesh networks How it works
In moving to wireless technology, the A wireless translator module, which sits Training and manufacturer
security industry has deployed mesh at the centre of the Kentec system, is responsibility
networks. Using mesh networks in hard-wired to the fire alarm control panel It is our responsibility as manufacturers
fire safety systems was traditionally loop and communicates continuously to invest in the research and development
problematic, however, as they needed with the wireless devices. to ensure that systems meet the needs
extensive installer training and expertise Wireless sensors are supplied in three to the current market – however fast-
and the technology was not as reliable variants – optical, thermal and multi-criteria moving and urgent they might be. It is
as is required for life safety systems. – with the optical and multi-criteria sensors also our responsibility to ensure that
Whereas previously we were limited featuring adaptive signal processing and installers are fully trained in the systems
by expanders that meant systems did double dust traps to prevent false alarms. they are installing – to this end, our
not talk to each other at the required Thermal detectors can respond to a fixed wireless customers are automatically
speed, technology has advanced and is temperature threshold or detect a rate of signed up to the Kentec Installation
enabling our industry to adopt wireless rise in temperature. Wireless sounders, Partners (KIP) programme, providing them
fire detection systems with complete call points and testing kits are also complimentary access to a complete suite
confidence. Kentec’s new wireless available within the range. of training and resources on the wireless
detection system, for example, uses a Wireless expander modules are range and all our fire detection panels.
true dynamic mesh network – which used to extend the radio mesh network, Indeed, to meet demand, we are currently
makes it easy to use, install and increasing the reach and capacity of the running a weekly training course.
commission – and ultimately it provides overall system. It works by creating a self- While the reality is that our wireless
robust assurance that fire incidents are healing mesh network, which constantly system is very engineer friendly, and
detected and communicated immediately. relays field device signals back to the once trained can be installed in less than
It seamlessly integrates with Kentec’s translator module. Each wireless device an hour, we must be certain that when
globally proven Syncro addressable determines which expander has the embracing new technology at speed
fire control panel, which provides the strongest signal path and automatically we ensure that competency matches
programming power normally associated connects to it. The expander mesh network capability – a goal we are achieving
with much larger systems. As a multi- therefore guarantees an ‘always on’ through our KIP programme.
protocol panel, it enables complete connection between the wireless devices
flexibility in system design, and can be and the translator/fire control panel. For more information, go to
expanded and networked to become Further capabilities include a 


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Water mist’s past and future

(approaching top gear)
n the late 1970s, the two the credit they deserve. In actual fact, ‘There has been a lot of water under
I Swedish scientists Mats
Rosander and Krister Giselsson
they were at least ten years ahead of the
companies that we see in the market
the bridge since those days and today’s
water mist community looks back at
published a lecture book entitled The today.’ Now, six years later, scientists, nearly 30 years of struggle, abasement –
Fundamentals of Fire. In this book there researchers and manufacturers have especially during the first years – but also
is one sentence that clearly sticks out: made up leeway, but there is always at successes and some key moments
‘In future, a liquid, e.g. water, atomized to room for further development. This is a that brought with them the so vital
drops smaller than powder grains will be good approach because there is actually developments,’ says Bettina McDowell,
the most important extinguishing agent always room for improvement. And the general manager of IWMA. She adds:
against flames indoors, so-called fine fact is: the water mist sector is not the ‘And nowadays, there is also a deeper
mist.’ At that time, the idea to use a mist, place for a we-have-always-done-it-that- understanding of the technology among
fog or spray to fight fires had not been way attitude. those who were sceptical at first.’
new. So what these two men did was they Two events have paved the way One of the developments is the
brought something back to the surface for water mist technology: the adoption publication of EN 14972-1:2020 (Fixed
that had been neglected for a long time. of the Montreal Protocol on substances firefighting systems – Water mist systems
The problem then, in the late 1970s, that deplete the ozone layer, which – in – Part 1: Design, installation, inspection
was the timing. The French author the late 1980s – determined the phasing- and maintenance). This document was
Victor Hugo once said: ‘Nothing is more out of halon, and the fire on the passenger published on 23 December 2020. It was,
powerful than an idea whose time has ferry Scandinavian Star, which in April so to speak, a Christmas present for
come!’ But what if your timing is bad and 1990 killed 158 people, nearly half of everybody involved in the water mist
you are ahead of your peers? those on board. Straight after this industry. Indeed, the people who are
Back in 2015, during a seminar catastrophe the scientific findings on involved and the industry that will profit
organized by the International Water Mist water mist were highly sought after. from it are collectively over the moon. Alex
Association (IWMA), Magnus Arvidsson, Krister Giselsson founded the first water Palle, CEO at low-pressure manufacturer
fire protection engineer LTH and project mist company – Ultra Fog (which is still in VID Fire-Kill, says: ‘It is fantastic to now
leader at RISE in Sweden, said: ‘The business) and in 1992 the first Ultra Fog see the result of so many years of hard
pioneers of the high-pressure water mist system was installed in the ro-pax ferry work. Finally, we were able to get the
technology have not often been given MS Stena Danica. EN standard for water mist in place.’

q Magnus Arvidson (RISE). q Alex Palle. q Bettina McDowell.

7 Image courtesy of IWMA/Jan Kulke
7 Image courtesy of Marco ter Beek

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He adds: ‘It has taken more than 20 years the missing link between the technology
to get where we are now and that is a very and the exponential growth of the market
long time. On the other hand, a standard share? Could water mist systems actually
that covers fire protection utilising less take over the fire protection industry? In a
water than conventional solutions needs world that is concerned with ever growing
time to develop to be a good and solid safety concerns and at the same time
standard and I believe that this is exactly worried about the environmental impact
what EN 14972-1 is.’ of some of the suppression agents, water
The scope of this document is mist could well be the answer because
to specify requirements and give only a relatively small amount of the natural
recommendations for the design, resource, water, is needed. Water mist
installation, inspection and maintenance systems use less material and less space,
of all types of fixed land-based water are easy to install, retrofit and extend.
mist systems. It is intended to apply to The collateral damage is also relatively
water mist automatic nozzle systems and small. Another challenge is the disposal
water mist deluge systems supplied by of the residue after fire incidents in
stand-alone or pumped systems. It covers hazardous areas like the nuclear industry
applications and occupancies which are and in pharmaceutical and electronic
covered by the fire test protocols of manufacturing. When a fire breaks out in
the EN 14972 series. such areas this can result in the release of
The member countries have had until many different toxins and chemicals from

7 Image courtesy of SLRasch

30 June 2021 to implement its publication, the fuel of the fire and/or the gases. The
either by publication of an identical text firewater gathers these substances and
or by endorsement and to thus give it the has to be picked up and disposed of after
status of a national standard. At the same a fire, which is a difficult job that becomes
time, they had to withdraw the technical easier the less water there is.
specification CEN/TS 14972:2011 as well Water mist systems do not harm p Clock tower.
as any conflicting national standards. people, the cooling effect prevents
Standards are of course not re-ignition and another advantage is of
retrospective so anything in place (planned course the classes of fire that water mist So, the issue could well be that water
or contractual) before publication and can cover. Water mist ticks more boxes mist will grow into a position where
implementation in any specific country than other fire suppression systems, the the professional firefighting world will
may remain in place. And the EN 14972 only exception being Class D fires that look at it as equal to sprinkler systems,
series are voluntary standards so involve burning metals. And one day the technology could well
standards like NFPA 750 can still be used. Along the way, numerous experimental outperform traditional sprinkler systems.
With regards to national standards, the and scientific research programmes have The water mist community has long put
CEN rules say that the conflicting parts been carried out regarding water mist in the equivalency discussion aside to, for
of standards are obliged to be withdrawn various fire suppression applications. And example, focus on the standardization
when the EN series are published. Parts of the potential efficacy of water mist fire work. It is others that try to challenge
standards that are not covered can remain; suppression systems has been showcased the water mist community when in
management of this is up to the national in a wide range of applications all over reality there is neither a challenge nor a
standardization bodies. Two possibilities the world. Some of them are famous like contest. Because there is a bridge and
are writing a national foreword and/or the clock tower in Mecca and La Scala in this bridge is water. Any manufacturer
national annexes for each of the parts and Milan, while others are less spectacular involved in water-based fire suppression
keeping what is not conflicting. like, for example, data centres, train systems can use it easily and many have
Bettina McDowell explains: ‘The EN stations and hospitals. done it, although only in one direction
series consists of 17 parts, parts 2 to 17 One can argue that nowadays the from sprinkler systems to water mist
being acknowledged test protocols water technology stands on solid ground. Still, systems. Alex Palle, CEO at VID Fire-Kill,
mist manufacturers have to test their there is always the elephant in the room: says: ‘I guess now we can stop saying
systems against. Annex A in the standard traditional sprinkler systems, regarded that sprinklers are the conventional
provides a guideline for developing by many as superior because of a more technology because with water mist
representative fire test protocols for established method. Traditional sprinkler standardized this technology is as
how to undertake large-scale fire testing systems have been around for a century, conventional as sprinklers.’ So now
to prove ability to control, suppress or can be found in all sorts of building types, there is a realistic choice for those that
extinguish fires.’ are required by fire codes across the globe manufacture systems and those that
With part one of the EN 14972 series and everybody – even the broad public – order them.
published, water mist has been upgraded know what a sprinkler system is. But,
to the next level and the question is now: there have been few improvements since For more information, go to
Is the publication of part one of the series the early days.


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Fire retardant timber –

getting your specification right
When it comes to timber in construction, fit-for-purpose specification has never been more
important. And where fire retardancy treatment is concerned, it’s never been more complex.
imber is popular as a Making sense of
T construction material for
good reason. Aesthetically
Euro Class categories
The Euro Class system exists to grade
appealing, it’s cost-effective and combustible materials from A (not
flexible too, not to mention timber’s flammable at all) to E (combustible).
environmental credentials from trapping As untreated timber is combustible,
carbon and reforestation. Euro Class grading is used to specify
Yet, building safety depends on fire retardant timber. But what grade
correct specification. Should a fire should you specify?
break out, it’s crucial fire-retardant Fire-treated timber typically meets
timber performs as intended, protecting Euro B or Euro C standards. Given Euro
lives and building damage. A denotes non- flammable materials
I fear when it comes to fire-treated (concrete, for example), I believe it
Mark Eggleston timber many specifiers remain unclear would be impossible for timber to
what they’re asking for. This leads to achieve an A grade.
unintended (and unnecessary) risk. Official guidance on when to specify
This feature explains the main grading each grade is unclear. In the UK,
system, issues around documentation Document B in the building regulations
and appropriate specification. suggests specifying different grades
With more knowledge and knowing dependent on building height (above or
what to ask your timber supplier, you
can get the specification right and
ensure – should the worst happen – q Loading the timber ready for Burnblock fire
your timber will perform. retardant treatment.

Business owner and

Managing Director, Mark
Eggleston formed WJ Group
in 2007, initially constructing
timber roof trusses for the
leisure building sector. WJ
went on to develop a leading
presence in factory-controlled
timber treatment – the first
of three treatment plants
opening in 2009.



below 18m), proximity to the boundary and CE marking and document provision. p Entering timber details into the CPU to
building use. But how does a layman trading timber ensure correct treatment.
To me, this isn’t clear enough – there truly understand the specific fire-
are too many discrepancies. Given Euro B treatment process required?
is the best you can get, why wouldn’t you Fire treating significantly alters after every annual audit. Only then can
specify this grade anyway? Nobody wants the performance of timber. This is your supplier issue a species-specific
to leave their construction open to risk, manufacturing, surely? We therefore Declaration of Performance.
regardless of its height or end-use. maintain the EU’s stance and provide At WJ Group, we provide a species-
My advice is to remember that B is full treatment traceability. But not all specific Declaration of Performance for
best, where Euro Class is concerned. timber treaters do. every fire-treated product. We don’t have
This treatment impregnates the timber Therefore, to know your timber to do this, but we think it’s right.
with more chemical and provides greater has been effectively treated you The process is complex. And that’s
protection in the event of a fire. must understand how to interpret the why it’s vital to ask your fire-treated
documents your timber supplier gives you. timber supplier the right questions.
Who’s responsible for
correct fire treatment? Unpacking the testing process Species-specific treatment
Things get complex when unpacking Going back to the CPR, it states products The type of timber you specify
documentation that accompanies fire- in the ‘reaction to fire’ category must be determines the type of fire retardancy
treated timber. CE marked (For the UK, CE marking will treatment necessary.
Falling under The Construction become UKCA in 2022). This is determined by the chemical
Product Regulation (EU no. 305/2011), For example, to achieve CE marking supplier in their fire classification report.
the manufacturer or company placing the for timber cladding, BS EN14915/2013 Each report has been tested to EN 13501
product on the market must CE mark it. is the correct harmonised standard to and given a classification that confirms
As we fire-treat timber using Burnblock meet. This states the AVCP (Assessment the process achieves Euro B or Euro C
– a Danish product – we adhere to the and Verification of Constancy of standard.
EU’s interpretation of the CPR – the timber Performance) must be Class 1 for Smoke level is then classified as s1
treater is responsible for CE mark provision reaction to fire products. or s2 (s1 is best – the least smoke) and
(and the subsequent traceability). AVCP 1 requires continual auditing by burning droplets by a d measure (d0
The UK interprets the CPR differently. a notified body. confirms very few burning droplets).
They state the company placing the The notified body then provides a This results in a species-specific
treated timber for sale is responsible for Constancy of Performance, renewed classification like this: B-s1-d0

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t Removing treated timber after the 12-hour

cycle. It’s briefly air-dried ahead of kiln drying.

How to get this right

By asking your timber supplier the right
questions, you’ll understand the evidence
behind the documents they provide. Most
importantly, you’ll know your timber has
been fire-treated correctly and will perform
as intended should a fire break out.
I recommend you ask these three
key questions:

Question 1: Does your treater issue the CE

mark and Declaration of Performance?
This is rarely the case (aside from WJ).
So, how can your provider sufficiently
understand the testing and third-
Does your design risk fire These reports are for closed jointed party auditing required to create these
retardancy performance? systems. Fire-treated cladding, for documents? Ask them to explain this.
Many specifiers remain unaware that example, would be placed board against
a building’s design can affect the board, testing with air gaps back and front Question 2: Is the Declaration of
performance of timber, should the (to consider the risk of a chimney effect). Performance specific to the timber species?
building suffer a fire. Should your building design dictate an Reputable treaters have a Constancy
As we use Burnblock treatment, fire open jointed system or a ribbon effect, of Performance that summaries the fire
classification reports exist for many that could be considered a different classification report for each species.
thicknesses and species of timber. Each product. You cannot be sure how the Robust auditing will be in place by
must pass single burning item (SBI) tests different configuration will perform in the notified body that issued the fire
to confirm performance under BS EN a fire. For example, you might have classification report on behalf of the fire-
13501-1:2018, with sampling carried out increased the risk of a chimney effect. retardant chemical supplier. A generic
by a notified body. This is summarised in You should therefore test your new Declaration of Performance is, quite
our constancy of performance certificate, ‘product’ in its exact configuration. frankly, dangerous.
issued with every treatment. Only then can you be confident of the
expected performance. Question 3: If you’re supplied with
Many independent fire testers exist a Factory Production Control document,
q Dependent on species, treated timber is to help assess situations like this. My was it audited against the correct
kiln-dried for 1-6 weeks. This returns the concern is it’s left to organisations in harmonised standard?
moisture content to the required level. the building industry to engage them. For example, that would be EN14915/2013
for cladding. As the CPR doesn’t make
this clear it’s easy to have a disconnect
between an irrelevant standard and the
control document. Another risky situation.

Where to seek further advice

Fire retardant timber is a complex topic.
And yet, it is so crucial to specify correctly.
For that reason, I want to help.
As a specialist timber treatment
provider, you’re welcome to contact me
directly with your queries. I’m keen to
support the supply chain and deliver
fire-treated timber you can be 100%
confident in. You can email at mark.
[email protected]

For more information, go to



Bringing confidence to
deliver certified passive
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With decades of experience working

globally with hundreds of Contractors on
thousands of buildings, at Siderise we have
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With our Site Services team delivering

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Discover more at

Trust in your choice: how can

specifiers ensure accurate passive
fire product specification?
Devising a firestopping strategy that can help contain and control the spread of fire is
an essential part of most construction projects and one that can greatly benefit from
collaboration with specialist product manufacturers. In this feature we look at how
specifiers can take a more active approach to passive fire protection.
uilding safety relies on accurate requirements in place. However, it’s
B product information. Without
it, the risks of misguided
not easy to recognise and it takes
some knowledge of how these tests
specification or substitution, poor are carried out to understand where
installation, inadequate classification and the performance values have come
non-compliance are high. With no set from, and which ones are to be used.
rules on how products can be presented, This makes it increasingly difficult for
how can specifiers and engineers ensure specifiers to decipher performance
they are choosing the correct products claims accurately and understand
for their project? How can manufacturers how they apply to current and evolving
– especially manufacturers of fire safety regulations and standards.
solutions – better support them?
Product misinformation is a key Validating product information
Graham Laws challenge for specifiers of building Understanding how product
products. If performance claims have performance is measured and how a
been incorrectly stated or understood, product should work can make it easier
it can jeopardise the performance of to spot inconsistencies and ensure that
the building as a whole, making it more the correct test standards have been
likely to fall short of its aims, and may used. Attending product-specific talks
lead to non-compliance with Building or CPDs is one way to develop this
Regulations. At best, this will incur knowledge and keep up to date with
additional costs and time to rectify the any technical advancements. Any fire
issues. At worst, inappropriate product performance claims manufacturers
selection can severely compromise a make about products should also always
building’s safety and longevity, with be backed up with clear, up-to-date
potentially devastating consequences. testing data and third-party certification,
One example of how this can happen including details of involvement with any
is when manufacturers generalise product large-scale tests. This should be easy
approvals across entire categories or to find on their website or by request
ranges instead of defining exactly which from their technical team.
Graham Laws is Technical products have been successfully tested Product knowledge can also be
Manager at Siderise to the relevant standard. For example, supported by independent, area-specific
Group. He has worked in the case of rainscreen facade cavity consultants. They can be hired to help
in the business for over barriers, this could be specificity about check and confirm that any specification
21 years and his passion the minimum and maximum voids that details are as accurate and reliable as
for product compliance and can be protected by each product, and possible. These consultants will have
continuous improvement comparing and contrasting the products’ an in-depth knowledge of the product
is integral to Siderise’s integrity and insulation performance. families, their requirements and how
commitment to work with This is a common issue in countries they are tested – whether it’s related
‘integrity in all we do’. and regions where there are less stringent to fire, acoustics, or other key building
or consistent standards and testing performance areas. Many manufacturers



also offer technical design support and

should be able to provide clear and
honest guidance on which products
would meet the requirements for a
specific project.

Manufacturers’ role
Whilst there are steps specifiers can
take to verify claims, the onus is of
course on the people who produce
the products not to mislead. There is
a clear and urgent need for greater
transparency in the construction
product market. Whilst some have
been championing this approach for
decades, taking steps to ensure their
product data files are as comprehensive
and transparent as possible, there is
much more work to be done to ensure p Passive fire protection
this approach is replicated across is a vital consideration for
businesses and the industry globally. all kinds of projects, and it
One of the ways this is being driven is vital the products chosen
at scale in the UK is through the Code are suitable and tested for
for Construction Product Information their application.
(CCPI) that is due to launch later this
year. Developed by the Construction u Manufacturers committed
Product Association’s (CPA) Marketing to acting with integrity,
Integrity Group (MIG) following the fire at sharing clear product
Grenfell Tower, the Code will provide a information and test data,
benchmark for how product information and providing comprehensive
is created, presented and marketed by project support are a vital
construction product manufacturers. It resource for specifiers
comprises 11 key clauses which have looking to ensure safe,
been designed to ensure product data is compliant buildings.
clear, accurate, up-to-date, accessible
and unambiguous. This will allow the construction stage does not fall on their building. This will be a
everyone involved in specification and under a specifier’s remit, there are ways useful reference point for any future
procurement to start from a level playing product specification can also help to modifications to the project that may
field, confident that the products they support installers on site. affect the building envelope.
choose are not only suitable for the job Technical services teams not only
in hand but have been subject to the offer guidance on the best solutions A safer future together
appropriate tests and verifications. for a project or to overcome an issue at If we are going to ensure a safe,
Whilst this is a UK-focused the design stage but can also provide productive and beautiful global built
scheme, its principles and approaches valuable support to construction teams environment, it is vital that specifiers
are clearly replicable across the world. too. Manufacturers that offer site have access to high-quality products
All manufacturers, regardless of where services can help to ensure correct which have been thoroughly tested
they are selling their products, should installation through training, assessment and are supplied with clear and
not only be looking at the ways they and auditing. This support can reduce accurate information covering both
verify and present their product data the risk of contracting teams changing installation and performance. Working
but how they can explain this process to the specification to products they are with manufacturers who are evidently
specifiers, offering reassurance that their more familiar with but which may not committed to standing by your side,
products will support them in creating meet the project’s performance targets. sharing comprehensive product data
safe and compliant buildings. Proper auditing and reporting of and providing support at every stage
installations can also help to ensure of the construction process will help
Think one step ahead that the product information and any to ensure that projects are delivered
However, no matter how diligent the inspection reports are then passed accurately and are built to last.
specification process is, product on to the building owner or operator
performance can be severely at completion, providing an accurate For more information, go to
undermined by poor installation. Whilst record of what has been installed 

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Wireless can help the fire

sector rise to new challenges
With Covid continuing to dominate the news agenda and affecting the way we work,
it’s impact on the fire industry cannot be overstated. Even once we finally reach a new
normal, hopefully later this year, we will still need to adapt our working practices and limit
time spent on site, especially in residential buildings. That’s why, more than ever before,
wireless fire technology is the solution to many of the key challenges we face in 2021.
s modern buildings and safety Costs need to be controlled, whilst
A legislation require our industry to
deliver innovative and effective
time on site needs to be minimised and
person-to-person contact kept to an
fire systems faster and more efficiently absolute minimum, especially among
than ever before, with more definitive high-risk groups such as the elderly or
costs and minimum disturbance to those with underlying conditions. That’s
‘business as usual’, wireless is becoming why the fundamental advantages of
a default solution for many installers. wireless fire technology can now benefit
installers more than ever, as they allow
New demands on fire installers systems to be installed with less fuss,
In an industry that was already burdened minimal impact on the building’s fabric
with the demand to deliver ever more and less need for complex cabling,
rapid and effective solutions to clients in offering savings in both time and money.
Giorgio Koursaris all sectors, these new pressures are both Wireless technology is nothing
a challenge and an opportunity, but doing new, of course. In the past 20 years,
nothing is not an option. In the short to the concept of installing fire systems
medium term, we as an industry need to linked by radio technology has become
think smarter and plan more effectively mainstream across the fire industry, and
to ensure that contracts can continue
to be delivered on time and on budget,
especially where residential installations q For fire systems in heritage buildings, wireless
and upgrades are concerned. devices are now the first choice for most installers.

Giorgio Koursaris is General

Manager at Argus Security.



the key advantages it offers have not

changed. What we can now see is that,
in the transformed economy we are now
presented with, wireless solutions will
help installers to not only comply with
the standards but also deliver high-
performance systems safely, rapidly
and efficiently, while also offering peace
of mind for the end client.

Simpler to install
Let’s take a typical high-rise apartment,
with one sounder and three detectors,
as an example. With a wired system,
there would be a requirement to wire
each of these devices in place, potentially
requiring access to ceiling voids and other
inaccessible spaces, along with a need
to make good and redecorate once the
work is complete. This could take anything
from several hours to days, and it might
even force the occupants to move
out temporarily.
With wireless systems, all devices can
be pre-programmed offsite, then installed
and tested in minutes, resulting in minimal
contact between the installation team
and the occupant of the flat. This has
always been a benefit of wireless systems, and cost-effective alternative for many fire p Wireless fire devices are ideal for high-rise
offering savings in both time and the cost systems, eliminating the need for cable buildings, reducing impacts and installation times.
of making good, but with Covid-19 to and all of the problems it can bring.
consider, the advantages are multiplied. Some systems, such as Argus’s, can technology to help meet changing
Of course, not everything changes. offer the best of both worlds, functioning standards in the fire industry and it can
Projects generally follow the same process either in fully wireless modes, or in hybrid also help to address some of the other
of risk assessment, design and quote. configuration with wireless devices mixed challenges we are facing. With less time
Then, if won, they move onto installation, in any combination of wired loops. There needed to install or update each system,
commissioning and maintenance. are no surprises with a wireless system, it’s possible to deliver improvements
Professionals will be competing with the exact devices required are defined in quickly and efficiently, with short lead-in
largely the same technology, offering the initial survey, the system can be pre- times and less manpower.
systems that are largely identical except for programmed quickly and easily off site In terms of outlay, because there are
a few differences in cause and effect. The and installed in less time. no nasty surprises to be found during
difference is that wireless removes many Advances in battery technology and the installation of wiring loops, installers
uncertainties, such as wiring installation LED lighting mean wireless systems can and specifiers of wireless can guarantee
and unknown complications in the fabric run for many years without a battery installation costs, and radically reduce
of the building, so costs and timings are change, a period that’s likely to extend commissioning costs, making their
far easier to predict. further in the future. Battery choice, businesses stronger, offering certainty
lifetime and the cost of batteries becomes to the end client, and allowing jobs to
Wireless choice is growing a key differentiator in wireless systems. be scheduled more reliably.
Wireless devices have traditionally Some manufacturers use ‘off the shelf Unlike some new technologies, always
been used in sites where wires cannot batteries’ that can be bought in a waiting for widespread adoption and
go, such as historic buildings, because supermarket, others specialist batteries, acceptance in the industry, wireless fire
of their ability to cover large areas and and so more expensive, potentially locking systems are already mainstream and
the fact that they can be fitted with minimal in maintenance suppliers and costs. have been for many years. As wireless
disruption to the building’s fabric. They permeates most of the modern building
are now becoming mainstream, installed Wireless is the future infrastructure, it will surely become the
in all manner of locations from industrial of fire systems standard choice.
sites to schools. In fact, over the past Industry bodies such as the UK’s FIA
decade, rapid advances in technology and (Best Practice Guide to Fire Safety) have For more information, go to
manufacturing have made wireless a viable acknowledged the value of wireless 

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The benefits of
passive fire protection
Devising a firestopping strategy that can help contain and control the spread of fire is
an essential part of most construction projects and one that can greatly benefit from
collaboration with specialist product manufacturers. In this feature we look at how
specifiers can take a more active approach to passive fire protection.
hen you think about ways to high-rise buildings, transport infrastructure
W protect a building from fire,
chances are you may think of
such as airports, large-scale shopping
centres and industrial facilities.
smoke alarms, fire blankets, extinguishers, Most buildings like these are naturally
sprinkler systems – all extremely important interspersed with multiple utility and
pieces of equipment but all examples of network services such as cables, cable
what is known as active fire protection. trays, pipes and ventilation ducts, and
Put simply, these all require a degree of this results in countless penetrations
action or motion to work and are critical through which flames, smoke and heat
to alerting occupants to the outbreak of can quickly spread. To protect adjoining
a fire and helping to extinguish it. rooms and areas and to prevent further
An important part of passive fire propagation throughout the entire
fire protection is firestopping and building, it’s essential that measures are
John Gardner compartmentation. This can relate to taken to stop fire in its tracks. This is
a wide range of materials used within where specialist products such as silicone
a building, such a fire doors and fire- sealants, acrylic sealants, PU foams,
resistant walls and flooring but also fire boards, pipe collars, load-bearing
specialist products that help restore compounds, pipe wraps, and backer
the fire resistance of walls and floors rods should be considered.
disrupted by linear seals, cavity barriers
or penetration services. Such passive fire Where to start with
protection is designed to ‘activate’ once a firestopping systems
fire has already taken hold and is essential In terms of compartmentalising fire, the
for helping to contain and control it within potential ‘weak spots’ in a building fall into
defined compartments. Not only is passive three key categories: linear joint seals,
fire protection important in reducing the cavity barriers and penetration seals.
potential damage a fire can cause to a Linear joint seals can be found in
building but, above all, it can help save walls, floors and in so called ‘head of wall
lives by preventing fire spreading to applications’, which are the joints between
increase the time that people can be a wall and ceiling or a wall and floor.
safely evacuated. Linear joint seals are passive fire
protection systems designed to maintain
Contain and control the required building fire resistance across
Unlike active fire protection, some of the a separating element, whilst also being
most effective firestopping or passive able to accommodate a defined degree of
fire protection products are those that structural movement.
building occupants may not even be aware Cavity barriers are passive fire protection
of. However, just because they can’t be systems which are similar to linear seals
seen doesn’t mean that they aren’t an but are, in most cases, wider than standard
John Gardner is Specification integral part of the building fabric. In fact, joints. Typically, cavity barriers can be
Manager with leading passive fire protection is required in nearly found between floor slabs and curtain wall
speciality chemical all public use buildings across the hotel, facades or in wide gaps within a building.
manufacturer Sika Limited. leisure, healthcare and education sectors, Such cavity barriers are designed to avoid
as well as in residential and commercial the spread of fire from one floor to the



other, which is one of the major threats

when high-rise buildings catch fire.
Service penetration seals are passive
fire protection systems designed to
maintain the fire resistance of a building
element or section, either a wall or floor,
where services such as cables, cable
trays, pipes or ventilation ducts pass
through them. One of the key challenges of
sealing around penetrations is that certain
services (e.g. combustible pipes) will
melt in the event of a fire, which results in
even larger openings that must be closed
immediately. For this type of application,
expanding intumescent materials are
usually a very effective solution.

Fire reaction and resistance

As well as being aware of the areas p Sika can offer
within a building which can benefit from specification support
passive fire solutions, it’s important to for its passive fire
understand what level of protection is protection range.
required and what the different ratings
and standards mean. It’s also vital that u Sika’s comprehensive
specifiers and specialist passive fire range of passive fire
protection product manufacturers can protection solutions
work together to make sure that the can restore the fire
correct firestopping products are used in resistance of walls
the correct place, and in the correct way. and floors disrupted by
Fire testing is, quite rightly, a very building joints, linear
complex process that is difficult to seals, cavity barriers or
summarise but there are a number of penetration services.
frequently used terms that specifiers
should be familiar with. It’s particularly Fire resistance is tested in relation technical evaluations to assist with the
important to understand the difference to a building element’s level of integrity correct specification of passive fire
between ‘reaction to fire’ and ‘resistance (referred to in tests by the letter E) and protection products for linear joints and
to fire’. insulation (similarly, referred to by the seals, cavity barriers and penetration
‘Reaction to fire’ describes how a letter I). Integrity focuses on the building seals. Here we would consider factors
material contributes to the development element’s capability, when exposed to fire such as the building materials involved
and spread of a fire. Typically, reaction to on one side, to prevent the passage of (concrete, steel etc.), orientation (walls or
fire is determined for a single material or flames and hot gases to the unexposed floors), the thickness of the element, the
product such as a wall covering or joint side. Insulation looks at how well the joint dimensions (width and depth), the
sealant, and not for a system or section, building element can limit the amount of joint configuration (single seal exposed,
such as a wall including the linear joints heat transference when exposed to fire unexposed, double seal etc.) and
and any penetrations. Reaction to fire on one side. Fire resistance is therefore expected joint movement.
can be determined according to various based on the time it takes for either heat, We understand the importance
standards but EN 1366 is the most relevant smoke or fire to compromise the integrity of protecting all buildings from the
in Europe and can be considered as and insulation of a system and this is often devastating effects of fire and ensuring
the baseline. shown in minutes from 15 to 240. the safety of all building users, which is
‘Resistance to fire’ considers the exactly why our offering extends much
ability of a building element to prevent Technical support further than just our products. We have
the passage of heat and flames from one Many factors can influence the fire also invested heavily in the training of our
side to another. Typically, such building resistance and classification of a building technical team so that we are qualified to
elements are walls or floors including any element, and many buildings will require a advise and assist our clients in devising
joints and penetrations such as windows bespoke passive fire protection strategy. and implementing a robust passive fire
and doors. This means that it’s not only This is why supply chain collaboration is protection strategy.
a specific material or product but an so important so that specifiers can tap
entire system or building section that into the expertise of manufacturers. For more information, go to
has to be tested. At Sika, we can provide detailed 

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Five reasons to choose CPVC for

light-hazard fire-sprinkler systems
It’s a proven fact – fire sprinklers save lives and protect property by controlling fires. According
to a study by the US National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) the civilian death rate was 87%
lower in properties with sprinklers compared to those without fire-suppression systems. Equally
important, the average firefighter injury rate was 67% lower where fire sprinklers were in use.
n designing a fire-sprinkler system longevity and environmental impact.
I system for new construction or
a retrofit, planners must make
That’s why it is a popular choice for both
new construction and retrofits of offices,
an early decision on which type of pipe to schools, high rises, hospitals, nursing
use – a decision that usually comes down homes and many other applications. It is
to steel versus chlorinated polyvinyl listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL)
chloride (CPVC). Steel has been the for use in any light-hazard occupancy as
traditional choice since sprinkler systems defined by the NFPA.
were invented in the 19th century.
But today CPVC offers a variety of Facts about CPVC
advantages based on cost, performance, CPVC is different from other thermoplastics
– when installed per its listings, it resists
heat and fire and maintains its structure
Lainey Liotta q Installing CPVC sprinkler systems can when directly exposed to a flame. That’s
be quick, easy and safe when following the because the base PVC polymer is fortified
proper techniques and using the right tools. with extra chlorine molecules and additives

Lainey Liotta is Fire Protection

Market Manager at Lubrizol
Advanced Materials, which
includes BlazeMaster
CPVC piping systems and
freezemaster antifreeze for
fire-protection systems.



that enable the pipe to withstand intense

heat and pressure. In a UL test, a leading
brand of CPVC was exposed to a fire
plume between 698°F and 901°F (370°C
and 483°C) and continued to perform.
When CPVC is exposed to a fire, a
charring layer forms on the outside of the
pipe and fittings. This serves as a thermal
barrier that reduces heat conduction.
Water flowing through the pipe cools the
inside to further resist heat. When installed
per its listing, CPVC maintains its structure
to ensure delivery of water to extinguish a
fire. In addition, the molecular structure of
CPVC limits smoke generation.
As you consider options, here are five
advantages for CPVC over steel pipe:

1 CPVC is less expensive

CPVC offers advantages in both the
cost of material and labour. In fact, savings
can reach up to 30% depending on the
type and size of the project.
CPVC’s superior hydraulics is part of
the cost advantage. The smoothness of
a pipe’s surface has a direct impact on
ensuring enough water reaches a fire to
suppress it. The interior surface of CPVC
is smoother than steel pipe, creating less
friction to interfere with water flow. As a
result, planners may be able to specify
smaller-diameter pipe to reduce overall steel is difficult to manoeuvre through p CPVC is easy to install – a one-person
material costs. tight and hard-to-reach areas. Lightweight, job using basic hand tools.
flexible CPVC pipe is easy to fit into

2 CPVC installation is
faster and easier
CPVC also offers substantial savings
confined spaces commonly found in
retrofit projects.
For instance, a Sacramento-area corrosion issues after 25 years. Corrosion
on labour costs because it is easier to contractor started a 24,000sq. ft office eats away at the interior of the pipe to
install. Steel pipe is 84% heavier than retrofit with steel pipe, but quickly realized cause pinhole leaks and create friction
CPVC, which means crews need special CPVC installation would be less expensive. along the pipe surface, which slows water
equipment and additional workers just to In this case, the project required fitting flow if fire strikes. Steel pipes are also
move it around the site. Special rigging pipe between trusses, which was prone to mineral build-ups that attach to
may be needed on multi-story projects cumbersome using steel pipe. Using the pipe (scaling), often near fittings and
because steel may not fit in the elevator to CPVC instead of steel reduced labour corners. Over time, scaling can restrict or
be transported to upper levels. Parts of the by about 35% which saved about 100 even stop the flow of water.
system may need to be fabricated off-site, man-hours on the project. Overall, use of The roughness along a pipe is
which slows the installation process. CPVC saved the building owner $21,000. calculated through the Hazen-Williams C
By contrast, lightweight CPVC is Factor formula. The higher the number,
installed with a quick, simple joining
process that allows one person to cover
an area using basic hand tools along with
3 CPVC lowers
maintenance costs
Unlike steel, CPVC will not corrode, which
the smoother the pipe. For instance,
BlazeMaster CPVC has a C Factor of 150
– and that remains stable throughout its
a quick, one-step solvent cement welding eliminates costly repairs and reduces total life because it naturally resists corrosion
process. Fabrication can be completed on cost of ownership. and scaling. By comparison, new steel
the spot. It is also easier to accommodate With steel pipe, the combination of water, pipe has a C Factor of just 120, but
design alterations during construction. water treatment chemicals and oxygen performance declines over time as the
Changes that would require refabricating can cause corrosion to start quickly – surface corrodes.
a steel project can be readily made on-site. potentially in less than two years. A study In addition to slowing water flows,
CPVC’s easy installation is especially by a German fire-safety firm found that corrosion and scaling inevitably lead to
valuable in retrofits. Because it is rigid, 35% of wet systems have significant expensive repairs. By contrast, CPVC

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t Lightweight CPVC is easy to

move around the job site.

Ensuring a successful project

Once you decide to go with CPVC for
your project, it is important to carefully
evaluate brands, as not all orange
CPVC is the same. Key items to
consider include:

■ Broad approvals. Ensure the brand

you choose meets and exceeds global
performance and manufacturing
standards in addition to having the
proper local approvals.
■ Burst and impact resistance. Look
for independent testing that assesses
these critical metrics for ensuring
dependable long-term performance.
■ Partner manufacturers. Ensure
the CPVC you choose is made by
a manufacturer with a proven track
record of maintaining consistent
quality and strict standards.
■ Chemical compatibility
pipe naturally resists corrosion and Noisy threading machines are needed programme. Choose a brand that
scaling for the life of the system, even in to fabricate and connect the system. has a robust, extensive compatibility
challenging environments with salt air or As a result, tenants must typically be programme to ease the burden
with fluctuating pH balances in the water. relocated during a retrofit. associated with researching and
If repairs are needed, neither hot work nor CPVC installation is cleaner selecting accompanying construction
messy cutting oils are needed, minimizing and quieter, which creates minimal products. Look for a programme
the disruption to building occupants. disruption for building occupants. that offers extensive information on
For instance, if installers work in an compatible and incompatible brands

4 CPVC offers a greener solution

Green building is a top priority as
developers choose products that mitigate
office overnight, they can leave the site
cleaned up so the business can be
open as usual in the morning. With steel
and products and, most importantly,
requires suppliers to complete
third-party validation and audits
environmental impacts, and CPVC offers installation, there would be much more of manufacturing sites.
significant advantages over steel pipe. clean-up required and heavy equipment ■ Training and support. Rigorous
An ISO-compliant life-cycle assessment would need to be relocated. training for contractors ensures
found that a leading brand of CPVC is CPVC’s simpler, quieter installation your project will be completed
much less harmful to produce and has process can help meet challenging safely to a high standard. Be sure
half the climate change impact of steel deadlines. For instance, the University to choose a supplier that offers
pipe. CPVC outperformed steel in 12 of Texas was faced with the need to high-quality support to help resolve
out of 13 categories such as human retrofit the largest residence hall in technical issues and keep the project
toxicity, mineral and water depletion, North America. Because students were moving forward.
non-renewable energy use and others. living there, it wasn’t practical to close
the dorm, or even sections. With CPVC, Following these guidelines will allow you

5 For retrofits, CPVC

installation is less disruptive
for building occupants
the contractor was able to retrofit the
dorm rooms during daytime hours when
students were unlikely to be there. As a
to make the right choice for your next
project and ensure the fire-sprinkler
system works as designed to protect
Installing steel fire sprinkler systems is result, the contractor was able to install people and property.
a noisy process that creates unpleasant sprinklers over more than 1 million
odours. Open-flame torches require sq. ft in 11 months without relocating For more information, go to
special permits and create a fire hazard. students. 


Cable Transit Systems

• Tested
•Cable to
Tested BSENEN1366-3
•• ETA
Approved for single or
(ETA 14/0303)
• andTested marked
multiple tocables
BS EN 1366-3
•• Designed
Easy forsingle
to install
for single
and or
or multiple
alter cabling cables
•• Easy
Use install
oors andandwalls -
alter cabling
including drywall
•• Use
Use floorstand
floors andwalls
designwalls -
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h i g h p e r f o r m a n c e f i r e s t o p p r o d u c t s
Abesco Fire Ltd. Alma Place, Laurencekirk AB30 1AL. Scotland Tel: +44 (0)1561 377766 |

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Hydraulic design of automatic

fire sprinkler nozzles
For more than 100 years, automatic sprinkler systems have been considered an effective
method to control fires in enclosed areas and to provide property and life protection. An
automatic sprinkler is one of the most important components in the sprinkler system.
utomatic sprinklers must sprinklers with different nominal
A be well designed so that,
when flames appear, they
K-factor values are shown in Figure 1.
The nominal K-factor value is also used
can successfully detect the fire’s heat, to determine the sprinkler’s flow rate
activate the water flow and begin or pressure drop when calculating
suppression. In order to handle fire hydraulically designed systems.
hazards in a variety of applications, It is required by the listing agencies
different automatic fire sprinklers of that a variety of performance tests
various types and sizes are available. be passed before the developed
One way to categorize automatic fire automatic sprinkler can be approved
sprinklers is by discharge coefficient, or listed (for instance: FM Approvals,
also known as K-factor. K-factor of a fire 2018; UL, 2008; and others). One of
sprinkler is defined as: K= Q/√p, where these tests is the test of discharge
Sean Cutting Q is flow rate, and p is static pressure. coefficient (K-factor). For typical
For instance, several automatic automatic fire sprinklers, it is required

Figure 1. Automatic fire sprinklers with various K-factor values (Johnson Controls, 2021).

Jeff Nie

Figure 2. Schematic of test equipment for measuring nominal discharge coefficient.

Sean Cutting is a Director

of Engineering with
Johnson Controls.

Jeff Nie is a Mechanical

Engineering Analyst with
Johnson Controls.



that individual K-factor values at

Theoretical formulation
each pressure be within ±5% of the
calculated mean discharge coefficient
for the entire range of pressures that
are tested (FM Approvals, 2018; UL,
2008). Measurements of the K-factor
are performed in the test equipment as
specified by the authorization agencies.
A schematic drawing of the test
equipment for measuring an automatic
fire sprinkler’s K-factor is shown in
Figure 2.
Although fire sprinklers have been
in use for over 100 years, they are
developed mainly on the basis of
experimental testing. There has been
little progress toward developing
analytical or numerical methods of
calculating their effectiveness (Yao, 1997;
Wess and Fleming, 2020). Engineering
calculations are restricted within a limited
number of tasks, such as: hydraulic
calculations of water flow through piping
(Fleming, 2016). With rapid progress
in computer hardware and numerical
algorithms over the past decades,
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
has increasingly received attention.
Computer simulations allow designers
and engineers to design ever more
challenging structures, components and
processes with minimal use of expensive
experimental testing. CFD has been
widely used to determine flow field and
pressure distribution in nozzles, orifices,
valves and many others. In the present
work, the theoretical formulation for
sizing sprinkler orifices is first presented.
Then, CFD modeling of sprinkler nozzles
with different waterway profiles is shown
and discussed.

Figure 3. K-factor values as a

function of exit diameter

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Figure 4. Sprinkler nozzles with different waterway profiles. Figure 5. Sprinkler nozzle connected to the ‘Standard’
test equipment of discharge coefficient.

Numerical study contraction can be estimated based essentially a straight hole. Their
The theoretical K-factor value, which on empirical values. However, such cross-sectional views are shown
is calculated based on Equation (7), estimation would lead to relatively in Figure 4.
represents an ideal or the maximum high errors in comparison with the For improved accuracy, the
discharge coefficient for a given tolerance which is allowed by the ‘standard’ test geometry is selected
sprinkler nozzle exit diameter. This listing agencies for fire sprinklers. as the computational domain. Due to
also can be used to quickly estimate Alternately, such parametric study can symmetry, an axisymmetric domain
the minimum required nozzle size for be accomplished with verified and is used, as displayed in Figure 5. The
a specific nominal K-factor value. In validated CFD models. An example is shear-stress transport (SST) k-w model
practice, the actual K-factor value described in the present manuscript to is selected for modelling turbulent
of a sprinkler nozzle is affected by demonstrate the process. separated flow. Compared with the
many factors, such as: wall friction The studied sprinkler nozzle has standard k-w model, the SST k-w
loss, abrupt change in flow areas, an exit diameter of 0.404in (0.0103m), model includes the term accounting for
flow separation and recirculation, and and a length of 0.866in (0.022m). From the transport of the turbulence shear
so on. In some cases, the coefficient Equation (7), the theoretical K-factor stress in the definition of the turbulent
of velocity (cv) and the coefficient value of this nozzle (Kmax ) is 4.87 gpm/ viscosity ( µt ). This allows the SST k-w
of contraction (cc ) are utilized to psi0.5 (70.1 lpm/bar0.5). Two different model to achieve more accurate and
account for effects of flow separation waterway profiles are numerically reliable results for flows with adverse
and recirculation (Linder, 2008). studied: (a) sharp-edged, and (b) pressure gradient than the standard
The coefficients of velocity and/or linear. The sharp-edged profile is k-w model (Ansys Inc., 2018). The CFD

Figure 6. Computational mesh.



package, Fluent v19.3, is used for solving The computed K-factor value for requires about 15 to 30 minutes to
the flow and pressure fields. During the the sharp-edge waterway profile is complete one parametric modelling
numerical calculations, the convergence 3.86 gpm/psi0.5 (55.6 lpm/bar0.5). In on a standard multi-core desktop
criterion required that the maximum comparison, for the linear waterway computer, which provides a promising
relative mass residual based on the inlet profile, it is 4.74 gpm/psi0.5 (68.2 alternate for quick evaluations and
mass be smaller than 5 × 10-6. More lpm/bar0.5). To evaluate hydraulic conceptual designs.
details about the present CFD model and performance of the nozzle waterway
its validations can be found in (Nie and profiles, a K-factor efficiency is Conclusions
Cutting, 2020). Meshed computational introduced, which is defined as nk Different automatic fire sprinklers of
domains for the sharp-edge and the = K/Kmax. The K-factor efficiencies various types and sizes are available.
linear waterway profiles are displayed in for the sharp-edged and the linear The K-factor value is crucial to determine
Figure 6. Mesh refinement is employed waterway profiles are 0.793 and 0.973, the sprinkler’s flow rate or pressure drop
near solid walls or in the region where respectively. It can be observed that the when calculating hydraulically designed
velocity gradient is expected to be high. waterway profile directly impacts the systems. Two methods are included in
Pressure distributions in the nozzle K-factor value of the sprinkler nozzle. the present manuscript: (1) the quadratic
at 100psi (0.689MPa) are shown in Essentially, the K-factor efficiency (nk ) equation for estimating the theoretical
Figure 7. For the sharp-edged waterway is equivalent to the general discharge values; and (2) the CFD model with
profile, most of the pressure drop coefficient or factor for flow through detailed waterway profiles considered
is located at the entry of the nozzle. orifices or nozzles, as used in Heald for high-fidelity values.
Sudden change in the flow area leads (2010) and Fleming (2008). As stated by
to flow separation at the sharp edge the above authors, these coefficients For more information, email
and then a subsequent recirculation or factors are usually determined  [email protected]
region, where adverse pressure gradient by laboratory tests. Different design
exists. Separated flow is much alleviated iterations will require extensive time
with the linear waterway profile, where and cost to make prototypes, and Acknowledgements
pressure gradually drops along the to accomplish the laboratory tests. We gratefully thank Carson Coelho for his
nozzle’s length. By contrast, the present CFD model valuable discussions and suggestions.

Figure 7. Streamlines and pressure distributions in the nozzle. 1. Ansys Inc. (2018). Ansys Fluent Theory Guide
19.0, Canonsburg, PA.
2. Fleming, R. P. (2008). “Principles of automatic
sprinkler system performance,” In: A. E. Cote (ed.)
Fire Protection Handbook (Vols. I and II), Twentieth
Edition, Section 16, Chapter 1, National Fire
Protection Association, Quincy, MA.
3. Fleming, R. P. (2016). “Automatic sprinkler
system calculations,” In: M. J. Hurley, et al. (eds)
SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering,
Fifth Edition, pp. 1423-1449. Springer, New York,
NY, 2016.
4. Linder, K. W. (2008). “Hydraulics for fire
protection,” In: A. E. Cote (ed.) Fire Protection
Handbook (Vols. I and II), Twentieth Edition,
Section 16, Chapter 2, National Fire Protection
Association, Quincy, MA.
5. FM Approvals. (2018). “Approval Standard for
Quick Response Storage Sprinklers for Fire
Protection, Class Number 2008”, pp. 57.
6. Heald, C.C., (2010), Cameron Hydraulic Data,
19th Edition, Flowserve.
7. Johnson Controls. (2021). Technical Data Sheets.
8. Nie, J., and Cutting, S. (2020). “CFD modeling of
turbulent flow through fire sprinkler nozzle: effects
of inlet geometry,” International Fire Protection,
84, 36-38.
9. UL (Underwriters Laboratories). (2008). “UL
Standard for Safety for Residential Sprinklers for
Fire-Protection Service, UL 1626.” Fourth Edition,
pp. 41-43.
10. Wess, H. S., and Fleming, R. P. (2020) Sprinkler
Hydraulics, 3rd Edition, Springer.
11. Yao, C. (1997). “Overview of sprinkler technology
research,” Fire Safety Science, 5, 93-110.

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3FFF Ltd 19

Abesco Fire Ltd 75

Advanced Electronics Ltd 49

Aico UK Ltd IFC

Bavaria Brandschutz Industrie GmbH & Co. KG OBC

C-TEC (Computionics Limited) 58

Chang Sung Ace Co., Ltd. 27

Control Logic S.r.l 23

Coopers Fire Ltd 23

Dafo Fomtec AB 53

Dr Sthamer Hamburg GmbH 39

Dynax Corporation 41

E2S Warning Signals 5

EDS srl Electronic Detection Systems 80

Fire & Gas Detection Technologies Inc 45

FM Approvals Ltd 20

Global Fire Equipment SA. IBC

Independent Fire Inspections Ltd 57

International Water Mist Association 61

Job GmbH 35

Kentec Electronics Ltd 57

​Kunkook Engineering & Institute Inc. 58

Omniguard By Firefly 25

Optris GmbH 13

Patteron Pump Ireland 54

Reliable Fire Sprinkler (UK) Limited 7

Rockwool UK Limited 15

Safety Technology International Ltd 61

SIDERISE Insulation Ltd 65

Tema Sistemi S.p.A. 31

TLX Technologies 13

Zapp Zimmerman GmbH 27
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