Coding Packet

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Coding Packet

Antepartum, delivery, and postpartum care after previous C-section
Code (s) __59510_____
Surgical treatment of ectopic pregnancy, with salpingectomy, vaginal:
Code (s) ___ 59400_____
Cesarean delivery only:
Code (s) ___ 59510_____
Removal of carotid bay tumor
Code (s) ___60605 _____
Thyroidectomy, subtotal for malignancy with radical neck dissection:
Code (s) ___ 60254_____
Stereotactic stimulation of spinal cord, percutaneous:
Code (s) ___ 63610_____
Subdural hematoma drainage by burr hole technique:
Code (s) ___ 61154_____
Implant of intrathecal catheter with laminectomy:
Code (s) ___62351 _____
5.1 cm meningocele repair:
Code (s) ___ 63700_____
Cervical laminoplasty with decompression, two vertebral segments:
Code (s) ___63051 _____
Sciatic neuroplasty:
Code (s) ___ 64712_____
Eye and Ocular Adnexa
Nonperforated cornea laceration repair:
Code (s) ___ 65275 _____
Removal of embedded glass from right eyelid with simple skin repair, 1.0 cm:
Code (s) ___65210 _____
Removal of cataract of right eye, secondary:
Code (s) ___ 66984_____
Removal of foreign body from external auditory canal, without anesthesia:
Code (s) ___692000 _____
Code (s) ___ 47490_____
Saline infused sonohysterography with Doppler color flow:
Code (s) ___76831 _____
CT, soft tissue of neck without contract, followed by contract:
Code (s) ___ _____
DXA scan, axial skeleton:
Code (s) ___ 77085_____
Retrograde intravenous urography with KUB:
Code (s) ___ 74420_____
CXR, complete, 4 views
Code (s) ___ 71030_____
Bilateral mammogram, diagnostic:
Code (s) ___77066 _____
Swallowing function test with cineradiography:
Code (s) ___ 74230_____
Radiation treatment delivery, single area with simple blocking, 8 MeV:
Code (s) ___ 77402 _____
Radiation treatment, five treatments:
Code (s) ___ 77427_____
Single thyroid uptake study:
Code (s) ___ 78012_____
Total creatine kinase:
Code (s) ___82550 _____
ANA titer:
Code (s) ___86039 _____
Hepatitis panel:
Code (s) ___86803 _____
Aerobic stool culture for salmonella:
Code (s) ___86768 _____
Quantitative HCG:
Code (s) ___ 84702_____
Semen analysis:
Code (s) ___ 89300 - 89320_____
Western Blot with interpretation and report:
Code (s) ___84182 _____
ABO blood typing:
Code (s) ___ 3293F_____
Surgical pathology, needle biopsy of the prostate:
Code (s) ___88305 _____
Bone marrow smear with interpretation:
Code (s) ___85097 _____
CBC with differential:
Code (s) ___ 85025 or 85027 and 85004_____
ESR, automated:
Code (s) ___ 85651 _____
Quantitative Quinidine assay:
Code (s) ___ 80194_____
Pap smear screen, thin layer, automated:
Code (s) ___ 88142 – 88145_____
Cocaine screen and confirmation:
Code (s) ___ 80353 _____
Surgical pathology, uterus and tubes after prolapse:
Code (s) ___88307 _____
Family psychotherapy:
Code (s) ___ 90846 and 90847 _____
MMR vaccination for 2-year-old boy:
Code (s) ___ 90707_____
Hemodialysis for ESRD, full month for 69-year-old female with one face-to-face visit:
Code (s) ___ 4045F _____
Intranasal influenza immunization:
Code (s) ___90467 – 90468 _____
IV hydration infusion, four hours:
Code (s) ___ 96361_____
Telemedicine psychiatric diagnostic interview examination:
Code (s) ___ 90785 _____
Hepatitis A vaccination, adult:
Code (s) ___4155F _____
Ophthalmology examination, new patient, intermediate:
Code (s) ___ 92002_____
Fitting for spectacles, monofocal:
Code (s) ___92340 _____
Visual field exam:
Code (s) ___92083_____
Hearing aid check, left ear:
Code (s) ___ 92590 _____
Pure tone audiometry, air only:
Code (s) ___ 92552_____
Echocardiography with realtime 2-D imaging, M-mode with Doppler, complete:
Code (s) ___93306 _____
Elective atrial cardioversion:
Code (s) ___92960 _____
Telephonic pace analysis for dual chamber pacemaker:
Code (s) ___ 93293_____
Arterial and venous duplex, bilateral:
Code (s) ___ 93970_____
Pulse oximetry on exercise:
Code (s) ___94761 _____
Laser treatment for psoriasis, 190 sq. cm:
Code (s) ___ 96920_____
Allergy injection, two:
Code (s) ___95117 _____
Physical therapy evaluation, moderate complexity:
Code (s) ___97162 _____
Needle EMG of the arm, bilateral:
Code (s) ___95868 _____
Central nervous system chemotherapy administration with spinal puncture:
Code (s) ___ 96450_____
Chiropractic spinal manipulation treatment:
Code (s) ___98940 - 98942 _____
Home health visit for stoma care:
Code (s) ___99505 _____

2. Using the CPT manual, apply the appropriate modifier for the following procedures:
Liver transplantation with surgical team:
Code (s) ___47133-66 _____

Radical mastectomy, bilateral:

Code (s) ___ 19200 – 50, 19220 – 50, 19305 – 50, 19306 – 50, and 19307 - 50 _____

TURP, second stage:

Code (s) ___ 52601 - 58_____

Arthroscopy, knee, infected from surgery, with medial meniscus repair performed by two
Code (s) ___29882 – 62_____

Stopped, treadmill exercise stress test, myocardial perfusion imaging, multiple studies:
Code (s) ___ 78454 – 53 _____

Repeat bleeding time:

Code (s) ___85002 – 91 _____
Lead testing performed by outside lab:
Code (s) ___ 83655 - 90_____

Avulsion, vagus nerve, abdominal, surgical care only:

Code (s) ___ 64760 – 54 _____
Laparoscopic hysterectomy of uterus weighing 24 lb; was to be total, but was determined to
be partial removal at the time of surgery:
Code (s) ___ 58572 – 99 _____

Emergency endotracheal intubation on infant weighing 3.5 kg:

Code (s) ___31500 – 63 _____

Discontinued outpatient breast biopsy by fine needle due to patient reaction to regional
Code (s) ___19083 – 74 _____

3. Using the CPT and the ICD-10-CM manuals, code the following scenarios:
a. A patient is seen for a follow-up after cholecystotomy 2 weeks ago. Patient is
not having diarrhea. Review of the abdomen is unremarkable.
Code (s) ___ 97606 - S31.109A _____

b. A patient is seen for the first time by the allergist for asthma and allergic
rhinitis. A prick allergy test is administered for 15 allergens. Reaction is
present for grass pollen, dust mites, and dog dander. The patient was started
on Allegra-D and Singular, and Claritin was administered after the testing.
The patient is to return in 1 month to assess the advisability of allergy
Code (s) ___ 95117- 178.40XD_____

c. A new patient sees a family physician for missed menses of approximately 2

weeks. A urine pregnancy test is performed in the office, which is negative.
The patient referred to her gynecologist for further evaluation.
Code (s) ___ N92.6 - 90_____

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