How To Photograph Your Work For Art Classes
How To Photograph Your Work For Art Classes
How To Photograph Your Work For Art Classes
your work for
Art Classes
First, take a photo of your sketch,
assignment or art!
Using a camera: Using your phone:
• Take a photo of your work • Take a photo of your artwork
using the Camera app
using the camera
• You can edit your image,
crop out unwanted
• Upload your photo using a background, or rotate the
memory card reader or USB picture here
cable • Select “Upload” a file to add
a photo this way
What if Idon’t have a camera or
Using your laptop:
• Search ‘c amera’ in your • Set a five second timer at the top
search bar of the screen
• Click the shutter release button
• Taking a photo of your work with a
• Then hold your artwork up, facing
laptop can be tricky. Ihave found
the window, parallel to your
that the easiest way is to set your
laptop screen. Try your best to not
laptop with it’s back towards a get your fingertips in the photo.
Using your laptop continued…