10 Functions of Literature
10 Functions of Literature
10 Functions of Literature
1. Knowledge sharing
-This is the most basic and important function of literature. We
can learn many new things about the world with its help; we can fill
ourselves with knowledge and become smarter.
2. Upbringing
-Literature affects the feelings and outlook of a person. Why do
we read fairy tales in childhood? Well, mostly because they clearly
distinguish between good and evil, which helps children to
understand what is good and what is bad from early age. Thanks
to artistic images, authors convey basic educational principles to
the child.
3. Сommunication
-First of all, it is the communication between the reader and the
author. Very often, we are impressed by some characters and do
not like others. We can agree with a point of view of the author and
we can disagree with it altogether. Also, a book can be a topic for
discussion with your friends and acquaintances.
4. Entertainment
-Even though we live in the digital age with all forms of
entertainment at our fingertips, a lot of people still enjoy reading
books to entertain themselves. After all, books can take you
anywhere without you even leaving your couch and they can
provide you with hours of fun. They don't even have to be fiction,
some folks get a kick out of reading construction manuals.
8. Pleasure
-We get pleasure every time from reading good verses or
beautiful work, or a book with a great plot, or other interesting facts
and scientific literature. People spend a lot of time looking for
something that really brings them pleasure, and literature is
something that gives joy.
10. Transformation
-Our world is full of information and not all of it is good and
beautiful, but with the help of literature, we can transform bad
memories into something beautiful.